mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 09:41:05 +00:00
- floatified P_AimLineAttack.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 86 additions and 91 deletions
@ -3287,13 +3287,13 @@ CVAR(Bool, aimdebug, false, 0)
struct AimTarget : public FTranslatedLineTarget
angle_t pitch;
fixed_t frac;
DAngle pitch;
double frac;
void Clear()
memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
frac = FIXED_MAX;
frac = FLT_MAX;
@ -3305,15 +3305,15 @@ struct aim_t
aim_down = 2
fixed_t aimpitch;
fixed_t attackrange;
fixed_t shootz; // Height if not aiming up or down
fixed_t limitz; // height limit for portals to avoid bad setups
DAngle aimpitch;
double attackrange;
double shootz; // Height if not aiming up or down
double limitz; // height limit for portals to avoid bad setups
AActor* shootthing;
AActor* friender; // actor to check friendliness again
AActor* aimtarget; // if we want to aim at precisely this target.
fixed_t toppitch, bottompitch;
DAngle toppitch, bottompitch;
AimTarget linetarget;
AimTarget thing_friend, thing_other;
@ -3323,9 +3323,9 @@ struct aim_t
secplane_t * lastceilingplane;
int aimdir;
fixedvec3 startpos;
fixedvec2 aimtrace;
fixed_t startfrac;
DVector3 startpos;
DVector2 aimtrace;
double startfrac;
bool crossedffloors;
bool unlinked;
@ -3347,24 +3347,19 @@ struct aim_t
return cloned;
// Crosing a line portal does not require a recursive call. We can just alter the current set of data
void CrossLinePortal(line_t *line)
// SetResult
void SetResult(AimTarget &res, fixed_t frac, AActor *th, fixed_t pitch)
void SetResult(AimTarget &res, double frac, AActor *th, DAngle pitch)
if (res.frac > frac)
res.linetarget = th;
res.pitch = pitch;
res.angleFromSource = VecToAngle(th->_f_X() - startpos.x, th->_f_Y() - startpos.y);
res.angleFromSource = (th->Pos() - startpos).Angle();
res.unlinked = unlinked;
res.frac = frac;
@ -3408,7 +3403,7 @@ struct aim_t
bool AimTraverse3DFloors(const fdivline_t &trace, intercept_t * in, int frontflag, int *planestocheck)
bool AimTraverse3DFloors(const divline_t &trace, intercept_t * in, int frontflag, int *planestocheck)
sector_t * nextsector;
secplane_t * nexttopplane, *nextbottomplane;
@ -3422,11 +3417,11 @@ struct aim_t
if (li->frontsector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size() || li->backsector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size())
F3DFloor* rover;
int highpitch, lowpitch;
DAngle highpitch, lowpitch;
fixed_t trX = trace.x + FixedMul(trace.dx, in->frac);
fixed_t trY = trace.y + FixedMul(trace.dy, in->frac);
fixed_t dist = FixedMul(attackrange, in->frac);
double trX = trace.x + trace.dx * in->Frac;
double trY = trace.y + trace.dy * in->Frac;
double dist = attackrange * in->Frac;
// 3D floor check. This is not 100% accurate but normally sufficient when
// combined with a final sight check
@ -3441,12 +3436,12 @@ struct aim_t
if ((rover->flags & FF_SHOOTTHROUGH) || !(rover->flags & FF_EXISTS)) continue;
fixed_t ff_bottom = rover->bottom.plane->ZatPoint(trX, trY);
fixed_t ff_top = rover->top.plane->ZatPoint(trX, trY);
double ff_bottom = rover->bottom.plane->ZatPoint(trX, trY);
double ff_top = rover->top.plane->ZatPoint(trX, trY);
highpitch = -(int)R_PointToAngle2(0, shootz, dist, ff_top);
lowpitch = -(int)R_PointToAngle2(0, shootz, dist, ff_bottom);
highpitch = -VecToAngle(dist, ff_top - shootz);
lowpitch = -VecToAngle(dist, ff_bottom - shootz);
if (highpitch <= toppitch)
@ -3466,7 +3461,7 @@ struct aim_t
else if (lowpitch >= bottompitch)
// blocks lower edge of view
if (highpitch<bottompitch)
if (highpitch < bottompitch)
bottompitch = highpitch;
if (frontflag != i - 1)
@ -3511,22 +3506,22 @@ struct aim_t
void EnterSectorPortal(int position, fixed_t frac, sector_t *entersec, fixed_t newtoppitch, fixed_t newbottompitch)
void EnterSectorPortal(int position, double frac, sector_t *entersec, DAngle newtoppitch, DAngle newbottompitch)
AActor *portal = entersec->SkyBoxes[position];
if (position == sector_t::ceiling && FLOAT2FIXED(portal->specialf1) < limitz) return;
else if (position == sector_t::floor && FLOAT2FIXED(portal->specialf1) > limitz) return;
if (position == sector_t::ceiling && portal->specialf1 < limitz) return;
else if (position == sector_t::floor && portal->specialf1 > limitz) return;
aim_t newtrace = Clone();
newtrace.toppitch = newtoppitch;
newtrace.bottompitch = newbottompitch;
newtrace.aimdir = position == sector_t::ceiling? aim_t::aim_up : aim_t::aim_down;
newtrace.startpos = { startpos.x + FLOAT2FIXED(portal->Scale.X), startpos.y + FLOAT2FIXED(portal->Scale.Y), startpos.z };
newtrace.startfrac = frac + FixedDiv(FRACUNIT, attackrange); // this is to skip the transition line to the portal which would produce a bogus opening
newtrace.lastsector = P_PointInSector(newtrace.startpos.x + FixedMul(aimtrace.x, newtrace.startfrac) , newtrace.startpos.y + FixedMul(aimtrace.y, newtrace.startfrac));
newtrace.limitz = FLOAT2FIXED(portal->specialf1);
newtrace.startpos = startpos + portal->Scale;
newtrace.startfrac = frac + 1. / attackrange; // this is to skip the transition line to the portal which would produce a bogus opening
newtrace.lastsector = P_PointInSector(newtrace.startpos + aimtrace * newtrace.startfrac);
newtrace.limitz = portal->specialf1;
if (aimdebug)
Printf("-----Entering %s portal from sector %d to sector %d\n", position ? "ceiling" : "floor", lastsector->sectornum, newtrace.lastsector->sectornum);
@ -3544,7 +3539,7 @@ struct aim_t
void EnterLinePortal(line_t *li, fixed_t frac)
void EnterLinePortal(line_t *li, double frac)
aim_t newtrace = Clone();
@ -3557,16 +3552,15 @@ struct aim_t
newtrace.unlinked = (port->mType != PORTT_LINKED);
newtrace.startpos = startpos;
newtrace.aimtrace = aimtrace;
P_TranslatePortalXY(li, newtrace.startpos.x, newtrace.startpos.y);
P_TranslatePortalZ(li, newtrace.startpos.z);
P_TranslatePortalVXVY(li, newtrace.aimtrace.x, newtrace.aimtrace.y);
P_TranslatePortalXY(li, newtrace.startpos.X, newtrace.startpos.Y);
P_TranslatePortalZ(li, newtrace.startpos.Z);
P_TranslatePortalVXVY(li, newtrace.aimtrace.X, newtrace.aimtrace.Y);
newtrace.startfrac = frac + FixedDiv(FRACUNIT, attackrange); // this is to skip the transition line to the portal which would produce a bogus opening
newtrace.startfrac = frac + 1 / attackrange; // this is to skip the transition line to the portal which would produce a bogus opening
fixed_t x = newtrace.startpos.x + FixedMul(newtrace.aimtrace.x, newtrace.startfrac);
fixed_t y = newtrace.startpos.y + FixedMul(newtrace.aimtrace.y, newtrace.startfrac);
DVector2 pos = newtrace.startpos + newtrace.aimtrace * newtrace.startfrac;
newtrace.lastsector = P_PointInSector(x, y);
newtrace.lastsector = P_PointInSector(pos);
P_TranslatePortalZ(li, limitz);
if (aimdebug)
Printf("-----Entering line portal from sector %d to sector %d\n", lastsector->sectornum, newtrace.lastsector->sectornum);
@ -3601,9 +3595,9 @@ struct aim_t
if ((rover->flags & FF_SHOOTTHROUGH) || !(rover->flags & FF_EXISTS)) continue;
fixed_t bottomz = rover->bottom.plane->ZatPoint(startpos);
double bottomz = rover->bottom.plane->ZatPoint(startpos);
if (bottomz >= startpos.z + shootthing->_f_height())
if (bottomz >= startpos.Z + shootthing->Height)
lastceilingplane = rover->bottom.plane;
// no ceiling portal if below a 3D floor
@ -3611,47 +3605,47 @@ struct aim_t
bottomz = rover->top.plane->ZatPoint(startpos);
if (bottomz <= startpos.z)
if (bottomz <= startpos.Z)
lastfloorplane = rover->top.plane;
// no floor portal if above a 3D floor
floorportalstate = false;
if (ceilingportalstate) EnterSectorPortal(sector_t::ceiling, 0, lastsector, toppitch, MIN(0, bottompitch));
if (floorportalstate) EnterSectorPortal(sector_t::floor, 0, lastsector, MAX(0, toppitch), bottompitch);
if (ceilingportalstate) EnterSectorPortal(sector_t::ceiling, 0, lastsector, toppitch, MIN<DAngle>(0., bottompitch));
if (floorportalstate) EnterSectorPortal(sector_t::floor, 0, lastsector, MAX<DAngle>(0., toppitch), bottompitch);
FPathTraverse it(startpos.x, startpos.y, aimtrace.x, aimtrace.y, PT_ADDLINES | PT_ADDTHINGS | PT_COMPATIBLE | PT_DELTA, startfrac);
FPathTraverse it(startpos.X, startpos.Y, aimtrace.X, aimtrace.Y, PT_ADDLINES | PT_ADDTHINGS | PT_COMPATIBLE | PT_DELTA, startfrac);
intercept_t *in;
if (aimdebug)
Printf("Start AimTraverse, start = %f,%f,%f, vect = %f,%f\n",
startpos.x / 65536., startpos.y / 65536., startpos.z / 65536.,
aimtrace.x / 65536., aimtrace.y / 65536.);
startpos.X / 65536., startpos.Y / 65536., startpos.Z / 65536.,
aimtrace.X / 65536., aimtrace.Y / 65536.);
while ((in = it.Next()))
line_t* li;
AActor* th;
fixed_t pitch;
fixed_t thingtoppitch;
fixed_t thingbottompitch;
fixed_t dist;
int thingpitch;
DAngle pitch;
DAngle thingtoppitch;
DAngle thingbottompitch;
double dist;
DAngle thingpitch;
if (linetarget.linetarget != NULL && in->frac > linetarget.frac) return; // we already found something better in another portal section.
if (linetarget.linetarget != NULL && in->Frac > linetarget.frac) return; // we already found something better in another portal section.
if (in->isaline)
li = in->d.line;
int frontflag = P_PointOnLineSidePrecise(startpos.x, startpos.y, li);
int frontflag = P_PointOnLineSidePrecise(startpos, li);
if (aimdebug)
Printf("Found line %d: toppitch = %f, bottompitch = %f\n", int(li - lines), ANGLE2DBL(toppitch), ANGLE2DBL(bottompitch));
Printf("Found line %d: ___toppitch = %f, ___bottompitch = %f\n", int(li - lines), toppitch.Degrees, bottompitch.Degrees);
if (li->isLinePortal() && frontflag == 0)
EnterLinePortal(li, in->frac);
EnterLinePortal(li, in->Frac);
@ -3662,24 +3656,24 @@ struct aim_t
// Crosses a two sided line.
// A two sided line will restrict the possible target ranges.
FLineOpening open;
P_LineOpening(open, NULL, li, it._f_InterceptPoint(in), FIXED_MIN, 0, FFCF_NODROPOFF);
P_LineOpening(open, NULL, li, it.InterceptPoint(in), (DVector2*)nullptr, FFCF_NODROPOFF);
// The following code assumes that portals on the front of the line have already been processed.
if (open.range <= 0 || open.bottom >= open.top)
dist = FixedMul(attackrange, in->frac);
dist = attackrange * in->Frac;
if (open.bottom != LINEOPEN_MIN)
pitch = -(int)R_PointToAngle2(0, shootz, dist, FLOAT2FIXED(open.bottom));
pitch = -VecToAngle(dist, open.bottom - shootz);
if (pitch < bottompitch) bottompitch = pitch;
if (open.top != LINEOPEN_MAX)
pitch = -(int)R_PointToAngle2(0, shootz, dist, FLOAT2FIXED(open.top));
pitch = -VecToAngle(dist, open.top - shootz);
if (pitch > toppitch) toppitch = pitch;
@ -3687,11 +3681,11 @@ struct aim_t
int planestocheck;
if (!AimTraverse3DFloors(it._f_Trace(), in, frontflag, &planestocheck))
if (!AimTraverse3DFloors(it.Trace(), in, frontflag, &planestocheck))
if (aimdebug)
Printf("After line %d: toppitch = %f, bottompitch = %f, planestocheck = %d\n", int(li - lines), ANGLE2DBL(toppitch), ANGLE2DBL(bottompitch), planestocheck);
Printf("After line %d: toppitch = %f, bottompitch = %f, planestocheck = %d\n", int(li - lines), toppitch.Degrees, bottompitch.Degrees, planestocheck);
sector_t *entersec = frontflag ? li->frontsector : li->backsector;
sector_t *exitsec = frontflag ? li->backsector : li->frontsector;
@ -3699,11 +3693,11 @@ struct aim_t
// check portal in backsector when aiming up/downward is possible, the line doesn't have portals on both sides and there's actually a portal in the backsector
if ((planestocheck & aim_up) && toppitch < 0 && open.top != LINEOPEN_MAX && !entersec->PortalBlocksMovement(sector_t::ceiling))
EnterSectorPortal(sector_t::ceiling, in->frac, entersec, toppitch, MIN(0, bottompitch));
EnterSectorPortal(sector_t::ceiling, in->Frac, entersec, toppitch, MIN<DAngle>(0., bottompitch));
if ((planestocheck & aim_down) && bottompitch > 0 && open.bottom != LINEOPEN_MIN && !entersec->PortalBlocksMovement(sector_t::floor))
EnterSectorPortal(sector_t::floor, in->frac, entersec, MAX(0, toppitch), bottompitch);
EnterSectorPortal(sector_t::floor, in->Frac, entersec, MAX<DAngle>(0., toppitch), bottompitch);
continue; // shot continues
@ -3735,7 +3729,7 @@ struct aim_t
dist = FixedMul(attackrange, in->frac);
dist = attackrange * in->Frac;
// Don't autoaim certain special actors
if (!cl_doautoaim && th->flags6 & MF6_NOTAUTOAIMED)
@ -3748,8 +3742,8 @@ struct aim_t
if (lastceilingplane)
fixed_t ff_top = lastceilingplane->ZatPoint(th);
fixed_t pitch = -(int)R_PointToAngle2(0, shootz, dist, ff_top);
double ff_top = lastceilingplane->ZatPointF(th);
DAngle pitch = -VecToAngle(dist, ff_top - shootz);
// upper slope intersects with this 3d-floor
if (pitch > toppitch)
@ -3758,8 +3752,8 @@ struct aim_t
if (lastfloorplane)
fixed_t ff_bottom = lastfloorplane->ZatPoint(th);
fixed_t pitch = -(int)R_PointToAngle2(0, shootz, dist, ff_bottom);
double ff_bottom = lastfloorplane->ZatPointF(th);
DAngle pitch = -VecToAngle(dist, ff_bottom - shootz);
// lower slope intersects with this 3d-floor
if (pitch < bottompitch)
@ -3770,12 +3764,12 @@ struct aim_t
// check angles to see if the thing can be aimed at
thingtoppitch = -(int)R_PointToAngle2(0, shootz, dist, th->_f_Z() + th->_f_height());
thingtoppitch = -VecToAngle(dist, th->Top() - shootz);
if (thingtoppitch > bottompitch)
continue; // shot over the thing
thingbottompitch = -(int)R_PointToAngle2(0, shootz, dist, th->_f_Z());
thingbottompitch = -VecToAngle(dist, th->Z() - shootz);
if (thingbottompitch < toppitch)
continue; // shot under the thing
@ -3814,10 +3808,11 @@ struct aim_t
// combination with P_LineAttack. P_LineAttack uses 3D distance but FPathTraverse
// only 2D. This causes some problems with Hexen's weapons that use different
// attack modes based on distance to target
fixed_t cosine = finecosine[thingpitch >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT];
double cosine = thingpitch.Cos();
if (cosine != 0)
fixed_t d3 = FixedDiv(FixedMul(P_AproxDistance(it._f_Trace().dx, it._f_Trace().dy), in->frac), cosine);
double tracelen = DVector2(it.Trace().dx, it.Trace().dy).Length();
double d3 = tracelen * in->Frac / cosine;
if (d3 > attackrange)
@ -3840,7 +3835,7 @@ struct aim_t
// friends don't aim at friends (except players), at least not first
if (aimdebug)
Printf("Hit friend %s at %f,%f,%f\n", th->GetClass()->TypeName.GetChars(), th->X(), th->Y(), th->Z());
SetResult(thing_friend, in->frac, th, thingpitch);
SetResult(thing_friend, in->Frac, th, thingpitch);
else if (!(th->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) && th->player == NULL)
@ -3850,14 +3845,14 @@ struct aim_t
// don't autoaim at barrels and other shootable stuff unless no monsters have been found
if (aimdebug)
Printf("Hit other %s at %f,%f,%f\n", th->GetClass()->TypeName.GetChars(), th->X(), th->Y(), th->Z());
SetResult(thing_other, in->frac, th, thingpitch);
SetResult(thing_other, in->Frac, th, thingpitch);
if (aimdebug)
Printf("Hit target %s at %f,%f,%f\n", th->GetClass()->TypeName.GetChars(), th->X(), th->Y(), th->Z());
SetResult(linetarget, in->frac, th, thingpitch);
SetResult(linetarget, in->Frac, th, thingpitch);
@ -3865,7 +3860,7 @@ struct aim_t
if (aimdebug)
Printf("Hit target %s at %f,%f,%f\n", th->GetClass()->TypeName.GetChars(), th->X(), th->Y(), th->Z());
SetResult(linetarget, in->frac, th, thingpitch);
SetResult(linetarget, in->Frac, th, thingpitch);
@ -3881,14 +3876,14 @@ struct aim_t
DAngle P_AimLineAttack(AActor *t1, DAngle angle, double distance, FTranslatedLineTarget *pLineTarget, DAngle vrange,
int flags, AActor *target, AActor *friender)
fixed_t shootz = t1->_f_Z() + (t1->_f_height() >> 1) - t1->_f_floorclip();
double shootz = t1->Center() - t1->Floorclip;
if (t1->player != NULL)
shootz += FLOAT2FIXED(t1->player->mo->AttackZOffset * t1->player->crouchfactor);
shootz += t1->player->mo->AttackZOffset * t1->player->crouchfactor;
shootz += 8 * FRACUNIT;
shootz += 8;
// can't shoot outside view angles
@ -3923,13 +3918,13 @@ DAngle P_AimLineAttack(AActor *t1, DAngle angle, double distance, FTranslatedLin
aim.shootthing = t1;
aim.friender = (friender == NULL) ? t1 : friender;
aim.aimdir = aim_t::aim_up | aim_t::aim_down;
aim.startpos = t1->_f_Pos();
aim.aimtrace = Vec2Angle(FLOAT2FIXED(distance), angle);
aim.startpos = t1->Pos();
aim.aimtrace = angle.ToVector(distance);
aim.limitz = aim.shootz = shootz;
aim.toppitch = (t1->Angles.Pitch - vrange).BAMs();
aim.bottompitch = (t1->Angles.Pitch + vrange).BAMs();
aim.attackrange = FLOAT2FIXED(distance);
aim.aimpitch = t1->_f_pitch();
aim.toppitch = t1->Angles.Pitch - vrange;
aim.bottompitch = t1->Angles.Pitch + vrange;
aim.attackrange = distance;
aim.aimpitch = t1->Angles.Pitch;
aim.lastsector = t1->Sector;
aim.startfrac = 0;
aim.unlinked = false;
@ -3943,7 +3938,7 @@ DAngle P_AimLineAttack(AActor *t1, DAngle angle, double distance, FTranslatedLin
*pLineTarget = *result;
return result->linetarget ? DAngle(ANGLE2DBL(result->pitch)) : t1->Angles.Pitch;
return result->linetarget ? result->pitch : t1->Angles.Pitch;
Reference in a new issue