mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 06:42:03 +00:00
Make x86 asm aware of swtruecolor
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 256 additions and 63 deletions
@ -99,6 +99,11 @@ typedef TMap<int, PClassActor *> FClassMap;
// Only use SSE intrinsics on Intel architecture
#if !defined(_M_IX86) && !defined(__i386__) && !defined(_M_X64) && !defined(__amd64__)
#define NO_SSE
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#define NOVTABLE __declspec(novtable)
@ -1789,7 +1789,7 @@ void R_SetSpanSource(const BYTE *pixels)
ds_source = pixels;
#ifdef X86_ASM
if (ds_cursource != ds_source)
if (!r_swtruecolor && ds_cursource != ds_source)
@ -1809,7 +1809,7 @@ void R_SetSpanColormap(BYTE *colormap)
ds_colormap = colormap;
ds_light = 0;
#ifdef X86_ASM
if (ds_colormap != ds_curcolormap)
if (!r_swtruecolor && ds_colormap != ds_curcolormap)
R_SetSpanColormap_ASM (ds_colormap);
@ -1838,7 +1838,8 @@ void R_SetupSpanBits(FTexture *tex)
#ifdef X86_ASM
R_SetSpanSize_ASM (ds_xbits, ds_ybits);
if (!r_swtruecolor)
R_SetSpanSize_ASM (ds_xbits, ds_ybits);
@ -1954,7 +1955,80 @@ void R_DrawSpanP_RGBA_C()
// 64x64 is the most common case by far, so special case it.
// Current texture index in u,v.
spot = ((xfrac >> (32 - 6 - 6))&(63 * 64)) + (yfrac >> (32 - 6));
// Lookup pixel from flat texture tile,
// re-index using light/colormap.
*dest++ = shade_pal_index(colormap[source[spot]], light);
// Next step in u,v.
xfrac += xstep;
yfrac += ystep;
} while (--count);
BYTE yshift = 32 - ds_ybits;
BYTE xshift = yshift - ds_xbits;
int xmask = ((1 << ds_xbits) - 1) << ds_ybits;
// Current texture index in u,v.
spot = ((xfrac >> xshift) & xmask) + (yfrac >> yshift);
// Lookup pixel from flat texture tile,
// re-index using light/colormap.
*dest++ = shade_pal_index(colormap[source[spot]], light);
// Next step in u,v.
xfrac += xstep;
yfrac += ystep;
} while (--count);
#ifndef NO_SSE
void R_DrawSpanP_RGBA_SSE()
dsfixed_t xfrac;
dsfixed_t yfrac;
dsfixed_t xstep;
dsfixed_t ystep;
uint32_t* dest;
const BYTE* source = ds_source;
const BYTE* colormap = ds_colormap;
int count;
int spot;
if (ds_x2 < ds_x1 || ds_x1 < 0
|| ds_x2 >= screen->width || ds_y > screen->height)
I_Error("R_DrawSpan: %i to %i at %i", ds_x1, ds_x2, ds_y);
// dscount++;
xfrac = ds_xfrac;
yfrac = ds_yfrac;
dest = ylookup[ds_y] + ds_x1 + (uint32_t*)dc_destorg;
count = ds_x2 - ds_x1 + 1;
xstep = ds_xstep;
ystep = ds_ystep;
uint32_t light = calc_light_multiplier(ds_light);
if (ds_xbits == 6 && ds_ybits == 6)
// 64x64 is the most common case by far, so special case it.
__m128i mlight = _mm_set_epi16(256, light, light, light, 256, light, light, light);
uint32_t *palette = (uint32_t*)GPalette.BaseColors;
@ -2000,7 +2074,6 @@ void R_DrawSpanP_RGBA_C()
if (count == 0)
@ -2037,6 +2110,7 @@ void R_DrawSpanP_RGBA_C()
} while (--count);
#ifndef X86_ASM
@ -2971,6 +3045,12 @@ void (*domvline4)() = mvlineasm4;
void setupvline (int fracbits)
if (r_swtruecolor)
vlinebits = fracbits;
#ifdef X86_ASM
if (CPU.Family <= 5)
@ -3075,23 +3155,43 @@ void vlinec4_RGBA()
uint32_t *dest = (uint32_t*)dc_dest;
int count = dc_count;
int bits = vlinebits;
DWORD place;
uint32_t light0 = calc_light_multiplier(palookuplight[0]);
uint32_t light1 = calc_light_multiplier(palookuplight[1]);
uint32_t light2 = calc_light_multiplier(palookuplight[2]);
uint32_t light3 = calc_light_multiplier(palookuplight[3]);
dest[0] = shade_pal_index(palookupoffse[0][bufplce[0][(place = vplce[0]) >> bits]], light0); vplce[0] = place + vince[0];
dest[1] = shade_pal_index(palookupoffse[1][bufplce[1][(place = vplce[1]) >> bits]], light1); vplce[1] = place + vince[1];
dest[2] = shade_pal_index(palookupoffse[2][bufplce[2][(place = vplce[2]) >> bits]], light2); vplce[2] = place + vince[2];
dest[3] = shade_pal_index(palookupoffse[3][bufplce[3][(place = vplce[3]) >> bits]], light3); vplce[3] = place + vince[3];
dest += dc_pitch;
} while (--count);
#ifndef NO_SSE
void vlinec4_RGBA_SSE()
uint32_t *dest = (uint32_t*)dc_dest;
int count = dc_count;
int bits = vlinebits;
uint32_t light0 = calc_light_multiplier(palookuplight[0]);
uint32_t light1 = calc_light_multiplier(palookuplight[1]);
uint32_t light2 = calc_light_multiplier(palookuplight[2]);
uint32_t light3 = calc_light_multiplier(palookuplight[3]);
__m128i mlight_hi = _mm_set_epi16(256, light1, light1, light1, 256, light0, light0, light0);
__m128i mlight_lo = _mm_set_epi16(256, light3, light3, light3, 256, light2, light2, light2);
uint32_t *palette = (uint32_t*)GPalette.BaseColors;
DWORD local_vplce[4] = { vplce[0], vplce[1], vplce[2], vplce[3] };
DWORD local_vince[4] = { vince[0], vince[1], vince[2], vince[3] };
#ifndef NO_SSE
DWORD place0 = local_vplce[0];
DWORD place1 = local_vplce[1];
DWORD place2 = local_vplce[2];
@ -3116,17 +3216,9 @@ void vlinec4_RGBA()
fg_lo = _mm_srli_epi16(fg_lo, 8);
fg = _mm_packus_epi16(fg_lo, fg_hi);
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)dest, fg);
dest[0] = shade_pal_index(palookupoffse[0][bufplce[0][(place = vplce[0]) >> bits]], light0); vplce[0] = place + vince[0];
dest[1] = shade_pal_index(palookupoffse[1][bufplce[1][(place = vplce[1]) >> bits]], light1); vplce[1] = place + vince[1];
dest[2] = shade_pal_index(palookupoffse[2][bufplce[2][(place = vplce[2]) >> bits]], light2); vplce[2] = place + vince[2];
dest[3] = shade_pal_index(palookupoffse[3][bufplce[3][(place = vplce[3]) >> bits]], light3); vplce[3] = place + vince[3];
dest += dc_pitch;
} while (--count);
#ifndef NO_SSE
// Is this needed? Global variables makes it tricky to know..
vplce[0] = local_vplce[0];
vplce[1] = local_vplce[1];
@ -3136,18 +3228,25 @@ void vlinec4_RGBA()
vince[1] = local_vince[1];
vince[2] = local_vince[2];
vince[3] = local_vince[3];
void setupmvline (int fracbits)
if (!r_swtruecolor)
#if defined(X86_ASM)
setupmvlineasm (fracbits);
domvline1 = mvlineasm1;
domvline4 = mvlineasm4;
domvline1 = mvlineasm1;
domvline4 = mvlineasm4;
mvlinebits = fracbits;
mvlinebits = fracbits;
mvlinebits = fracbits;
#if !defined(X86_ASM)
@ -3247,6 +3346,73 @@ void mvlinec4_RGBA()
} while (--count);
#ifndef NO_SSE
void mvlinec4_RGBA_SSE()
uint32_t *dest = (uint32_t*)dc_dest;
int count = dc_count;
int bits = vlinebits;
uint32_t light0 = calc_light_multiplier(palookuplight[0]);
uint32_t light1 = calc_light_multiplier(palookuplight[1]);
uint32_t light2 = calc_light_multiplier(palookuplight[2]);
uint32_t light3 = calc_light_multiplier(palookuplight[3]);
__m128i mlight_hi = _mm_set_epi16(256, light1, light1, light1, 256, light0, light0, light0);
__m128i mlight_lo = _mm_set_epi16(256, light3, light3, light3, 256, light2, light2, light2);
uint32_t *palette = (uint32_t*)GPalette.BaseColors;
DWORD local_vplce[4] = { vplce[0], vplce[1], vplce[2], vplce[3] };
DWORD local_vince[4] = { vince[0], vince[1], vince[2], vince[3] };
DWORD place0 = local_vplce[0];
DWORD place1 = local_vplce[1];
DWORD place2 = local_vplce[2];
DWORD place3 = local_vplce[3];
BYTE pix0 = bufplce[0][place0 >> bits];
BYTE pix1 = bufplce[1][place1 >> bits];
BYTE pix2 = bufplce[2][place2 >> bits];
BYTE pix3 = bufplce[3][place3 >> bits];
// movemask = !(pix == 0)
__m128i movemask = _mm_xor_si128(_mm_cmpeq_epi32(_mm_set_epi32(pix3, pix2, pix1, pix0), _mm_setzero_si128()), _mm_cmpeq_epi32(_mm_setzero_si128(), _mm_setzero_si128()));
BYTE p0 = palookupoffse[0][pix0];
BYTE p1 = palookupoffse[1][pix1];
BYTE p2 = palookupoffse[2][pix2];
BYTE p3 = palookupoffse[3][pix3];
local_vplce[0] = place0 + local_vince[0];
local_vplce[1] = place1 + local_vince[1];
local_vplce[2] = place2 + local_vince[2];
local_vplce[3] = place3 + local_vince[3];
__m128i fg = _mm_set_epi32(palette[p3], palette[p2], palette[p1], palette[p0]);
__m128i fg_hi = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(fg, _mm_setzero_si128());
__m128i fg_lo = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(fg, _mm_setzero_si128());
fg_hi = _mm_mullo_epi16(fg_hi, mlight_hi);
fg_hi = _mm_srli_epi16(fg_hi, 8);
fg_lo = _mm_mullo_epi16(fg_lo, mlight_lo);
fg_lo = _mm_srli_epi16(fg_lo, 8);
fg = _mm_packus_epi16(fg_lo, fg_hi);
_mm_maskmoveu_si128(fg, movemask, (char*)dest);
dest += dc_pitch;
} while (--count);
// Is this needed? Global variables makes it tricky to know..
vplce[0] = local_vplce[0];
vplce[1] = local_vplce[1];
vplce[2] = local_vplce[2];
vplce[3] = local_vplce[3];
vince[0] = local_vince[0];
vince[1] = local_vince[1];
vince[2] = local_vince[2];
vince[3] = local_vince[3];
extern "C" short spanend[MAXHEIGHT];
extern float rw_light;
@ -4138,14 +4304,28 @@ void R_InitColumnDrawers ()
if (r_swtruecolor)
if (!pointers_saved)
pointers_saved = true;
dovline1_saved = dovline1;
doprevline1_saved = doprevline1;
domvline1_saved = domvline1;
dovline4_saved = dovline4;
domvline4_saved = domvline4;
R_DrawColumnHoriz = R_DrawColumnHorizP_RGBA_C;
R_DrawColumn = R_DrawColumnP_RGBA_C;
R_DrawFuzzColumn = R_DrawFuzzColumnP_RGBA_C;
R_DrawTranslatedColumn = R_DrawTranslatedColumnP_RGBA_C;
R_DrawShadedColumn = R_DrawShadedColumnP_RGBA_C;
R_DrawSpan = R_DrawSpanP_RGBA_C;
R_DrawSpanMasked = R_DrawSpanMaskedP_RGBA_C;
rt_map4cols = rt_map4cols_RGBA_c;
#ifndef NO_SSE
R_DrawSpan = R_DrawSpanP_RGBA_SSE;
R_DrawSpan = R_DrawSpanP_RGBA_C;
R_DrawSpanTranslucent = R_DrawSpanTranslucentP_RGBA_C;
R_DrawSpanMaskedTranslucent = R_DrawSpanMaskedTranslucentP_RGBA_C;
@ -4208,21 +4388,18 @@ void R_InitColumnDrawers ()
rt_tlaterevsubclamp4cols = rt_tlaterevsubclamp4cols_RGBA_c;
rt_initcols = rt_initcols_rgba;
if (!pointers_saved)
pointers_saved = true;
dovline1_saved = dovline1;
doprevline1_saved = doprevline1;
domvline1_saved = domvline1;
dovline4_saved = dovline4;
domvline4_saved = domvline4;
dovline1 = vlinec1_RGBA;
doprevline1 = vlinec1_RGBA;
dovline4 = vlinec4_RGBA;
domvline1 = mvlinec1_RGBA;
domvline4 = mvlinec4_RGBA;
#ifndef NO_SSE
dovline4 = vlinec4_RGBA_SSE;
domvline4 = mvlinec4_RGBA_SSE;
dovline4 = vlinec4_RGBA;
domvline4 = mvlinec4_RGBA;
@ -269,6 +269,7 @@ void R_DrawFuzzColumnP_RGBA_C (void);
void R_DrawTranslatedColumnP_RGBA_C (void);
void R_DrawShadedColumnP_RGBA_C (void);
void R_DrawSpanP_RGBA_C (void);
void R_DrawSpanP_RGBA_SSE (void);
void R_DrawSpanMaskedP_RGBA_C (void);
@ -860,18 +860,21 @@ void rt_draw4cols (int sx)
#ifdef X86_ASM
// Setup assembly routines for changed colormaps or other parameters.
if (hcolfunc_post4 == rt_shaded4cols)
if (!r_swtruecolor)
else if (hcolfunc_post4 == rt_addclamp4cols || hcolfunc_post4 == rt_tlateaddclamp4cols)
else if (hcolfunc_post4 == rt_add4cols || hcolfunc_post4 == rt_tlateadd4cols)
// Setup assembly routines for changed colormaps or other parameters.
if (hcolfunc_post4 == rt_shaded4cols)
else if (hcolfunc_post4 == rt_addclamp4cols || hcolfunc_post4 == rt_tlateaddclamp4cols)
else if (hcolfunc_post4 == rt_add4cols || hcolfunc_post4 == rt_tlateadd4cols)
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ void R_MapPlane (int y, int x1)
#ifdef X86_ASM
if (ds_colormap != ds_curcolormap)
if (!r_swtruecolor && ds_colormap != ds_curcolormap)
R_SetSpanColormap_ASM (ds_colormap);
@ -1620,7 +1620,7 @@ void R_DrawSkyPlane (visplane_t *pl)
void R_DrawNormalPlane (visplane_t *pl, double _xscale, double _yscale, fixed_t alpha, bool additive, bool masked)
#ifdef X86_ASM
if (ds_source != ds_cursource)
if (!r_swtruecolor && ds_source != ds_cursource)
R_SetSpanSource_ASM (ds_source);
@ -1747,7 +1747,7 @@ void R_DrawNormalPlane (visplane_t *pl, double _xscale, double _yscale, fixed_t
void R_DrawTiltedPlane (visplane_t *pl, double _xscale, double _yscale, fixed_t alpha, bool additive, bool masked)
void R_DrawTiltedPlane(visplane_t *pl, double _xscale, double _yscale, fixed_t alpha, bool additive, bool masked)
static const float ifloatpow2[16] =
@ -1782,7 +1782,7 @@ void R_DrawTiltedPlane (visplane_t *pl, double _xscale, double _yscale, fixed_t
// p is the texture origin in view space
// Don't add in the offsets at this stage, because doing so can result in
// errors if the flat is rotated.
ang = M_PI*3/2 - ViewAngle.Radians();
ang = M_PI * 3 / 2 - ViewAngle.Radians();
cosine = cos(ang), sine = sin(ang);
p[0] = ViewPos.X * cosine - ViewPos.Y * sine;
p[2] = ViewPos.X * sine + ViewPos.Y * cosine;
@ -1793,25 +1793,25 @@ void R_DrawTiltedPlane (visplane_t *pl, double _xscale, double _yscale, fixed_t
cosine = cos(ang), sine = sin(ang);
m[0] = yscale * cosine;
m[2] = yscale * sine;
// m[1] = pl->height.ZatPointF (0, iyscale) - pl->height.ZatPointF (0,0));
// VectorScale2 (m, 64.f/VectorLength(m));
// m[1] = pl->height.ZatPointF (0, iyscale) - pl->height.ZatPointF (0,0));
// VectorScale2 (m, 64.f/VectorLength(m));
// n is the u direction vector in view space
// n is the u direction vector in view space
#if 0
//let's use the sin/cosine we already know instead of computing new ones
ang += M_PI/2
n[0] = -xscale * cos(ang);
ang += M_PI / 2
n[0] = -xscale * cos(ang);
n[2] = -xscale * sin(ang);
n[0] = xscale * sine;
n[2] = -xscale * cosine;
// n[1] = pl->height.ZatPointF (ixscale, 0) - pl->height.ZatPointF (0,0));
// VectorScale2 (n, 64.f/VectorLength(n));
// n[1] = pl->height.ZatPointF (ixscale, 0) - pl->height.ZatPointF (0,0));
// VectorScale2 (n, 64.f/VectorLength(n));
// This code keeps the texture coordinates constant across the x,y plane no matter
// how much you slope the surface. Use the commented-out code above instead to keep
// the textures a constant size across the surface's plane instead.
// This code keeps the texture coordinates constant across the x,y plane no matter
// how much you slope the surface. Use the commented-out code above instead to keep
// the textures a constant size across the surface's plane instead.
cosine = cos(planeang), sine = sin(planeang);
m[1] = pl->height.ZatPoint(ViewPos.X + yscale * sine, ViewPos.Y + yscale * cosine) - zeroheight;
n[1] = pl->height.ZatPoint(ViewPos.X - xscale * cosine, ViewPos.Y + xscale * sine) - zeroheight;
@ -1861,9 +1861,16 @@ void R_DrawTiltedPlane (visplane_t *pl, double _xscale, double _yscale, fixed_t
#if defined(X86_ASM)
if (ds_source != ds_curtiltedsource)
R_SetTiltedSpanSource_ASM (ds_source);
R_MapVisPlane (pl, R_DrawTiltedPlane_ASM);
if (!r_swtruecolor)
if (ds_source != ds_curtiltedsource)
R_MapVisPlane(pl, R_DrawTiltedPlane_ASM);
R_MapVisPlane(pl, R_MapTiltedPlane);
R_MapVisPlane (pl, R_MapTiltedPlane);
@ -229,8 +229,8 @@ bool Win32Video::InitD3D9 ()
AddMode(800, 600, 8, 600, 0);
AddMode(1024, 768, 8, 768, 0);
AddMode(1920, 1080, 8, 1440, 0); // 1080p
AddMode(1920*2, 1080*2, 8, 1440, 0); // 4k
AddMode(1920, 1080, 8, 1080, 0); // 1080p
AddMode(1920*2, 1080*2, 8, 1080*2, 0); // 4k
AddMode(2560, 1440, 8, 1440, 0); // 27" classic
AddMode(2560*2, 1440*2, 8, 1440*2, 0); // 5k
Reference in a new issue