mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 14:30:49 +00:00
Draw things
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 255 additions and 2 deletions
@ -149,13 +149,13 @@ void RenderPolyBsp::RenderSubsector(subsector_t *sub)
if (ceiltex->UseType != FTexture::TEX_Null)
if (ceiltex->UseType != FTexture::TEX_Null)
TriangleDrawer::draw(worldToClip, ceilVertices, sub->numlines, TriangleDrawMode::Fan, true, 0, viewwidth, cliptop, clipbottom, ceiltex);
TriangleDrawer::draw(worldToClip, ceilVertices, sub->numlines, TriangleDrawMode::Fan, true, 0, viewwidth, cliptop, clipbottom, ceiltex);
/*for (AActor *thing = sub->sector->thinglist; thing != nullptr; thing = thing->snext)
for (AActor *thing = sub->sector->thinglist; thing != nullptr; thing = thing->snext)
if ((thing->renderflags & RF_SPRITETYPEMASK) == RF_WALLSPRITE)
if ((thing->renderflags & RF_SPRITETYPEMASK) == RF_WALLSPRITE)
void RenderPolyBsp::AddLine(seg_t *line, sector_t *frontsector)
void RenderPolyBsp::AddLine(seg_t *line, sector_t *frontsector)
@ -250,6 +250,253 @@ void RenderPolyBsp::AddLine(seg_t *line, sector_t *frontsector)
bool RenderPolyBsp::IsThingCulled(AActor *thing)
FIntCVar *cvar = thing->GetClass()->distancecheck;
if (cvar != nullptr && *cvar >= 0)
double dist = (thing->Pos() - ViewPos).LengthSquared();
double check = (double)**cvar;
if (dist >= check * check)
return true;
// Don't waste time projecting sprites that are definitely not visible.
if (thing == nullptr ||
(thing->renderflags & RF_INVISIBLE) ||
!thing->RenderStyle.IsVisible(thing->Alpha) ||
return true;
return false;
void RenderPolyBsp::AddSprite(AActor *thing)
if (IsThingCulled(thing))
DVector3 pos = thing->InterpolatedPosition(r_TicFracF);
pos.Z += thing->GetBobOffset(r_TicFracF);
bool flipTextureX = false;
FTexture *tex = GetSpriteTexture(thing, flipTextureX);
if (tex == nullptr)
DVector2 spriteScale = thing->Scale;
double thingxscalemul = spriteScale.X / tex->Scale.X;
double thingyscalemul = spriteScale.Y / tex->Scale.Y;
if (flipTextureX)
pos.X -= (tex->GetWidth() - tex->LeftOffset) * thingxscalemul;
pos.X -= tex->LeftOffset * thingxscalemul;
//pos.Z -= tex->TopOffset * thingyscalemul;
pos.Z -= (tex->GetHeight() - tex->TopOffset) * thingyscalemul + thing->Floorclip;
double spriteHalfWidth = thingxscalemul * tex->GetWidth() * 0.5;
double spriteHeight = thingyscalemul * tex->GetHeight();
pos.X += spriteHalfWidth;
DVector2 points[2] =
{ pos.X - ViewSin * spriteHalfWidth, pos.Y + ViewCos * spriteHalfWidth },
{ pos.X + ViewSin * spriteHalfWidth, pos.Y - ViewCos * spriteHalfWidth }
//double depth = 1.0;
//visstyle_t visstyle = GetSpriteVisStyle(thing, depth);
// Rumor has it that AlterWeaponSprite needs to be called with visstyle passed in somewhere around here..
//R_SetColorMapLight(visstyle.BaseColormap, 0, visstyle.ColormapNum << FRACBITS);
TriVertex *vertices = PolyVertexBuffer::GetVertices(4);
if (!vertices)
bool foggy = false;
int actualextralight = foggy ? 0 : extralight << 4;
std::pair<float, float> offsets[4] =
{ 0.0f, 1.0f },
{ 1.0f, 1.0f },
{ 1.0f, 0.0f },
{ 0.0f, 0.0f },
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
auto &p = (i == 0 || i == 3) ? points[0] : points[1];
vertices[i].x = (float)p.X;
vertices[i].y = (float)p.Y;
vertices[i].z = (float)(pos.Z + spriteHeight * offsets[i].second);
vertices[i].w = 1.0f;
vertices[i].varying[0] = (float)(offsets[i].first * tex->Scale.X);
vertices[i].varying[1] = (float)((1.0f - offsets[i].second) * tex->Scale.Y);
if (flipTextureX)
vertices[i].varying[0] = 1.0f - vertices[i].varying[0];
vertices[i].varying[2] = (thing->Sector->lightlevel + actualextralight) / 255.0f;
TriangleDrawer::draw(worldToClip, vertices, 4, TriangleDrawMode::Fan, true, 0, viewwidth, cliptop, clipbottom, tex);
TriangleDrawer::draw(worldToClip, vertices, 4, TriangleDrawMode::Fan, false, 0, viewwidth, cliptop, clipbottom, tex);
void RenderPolyBsp::AddWallSprite(AActor *thing)
if (IsThingCulled(thing))
visstyle_t RenderPolyBsp::GetSpriteVisStyle(AActor *thing, double z)
visstyle_t visstyle;
bool foggy = false;
int actualextralight = foggy ? 0 : extralight << 4;
int spriteshade = LIGHT2SHADE(thing->Sector->lightlevel + actualextralight);
visstyle.RenderStyle = thing->RenderStyle;
visstyle.Alpha = float(thing->Alpha);
visstyle.ColormapNum = 0;
// The software renderer cannot invert the source without inverting the overlay
// too. That means if the source is inverted, we need to do the reverse of what
// the invert overlay flag says to do.
bool invertcolormap = (visstyle.RenderStyle.Flags & STYLEF_InvertOverlay) != 0;
if (visstyle.RenderStyle.Flags & STYLEF_InvertSource)
invertcolormap = !invertcolormap;
FDynamicColormap *mybasecolormap = thing->Sector->ColorMap;
// Sprites that are added to the scene must fade to black.
if (visstyle.RenderStyle == LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Add] && mybasecolormap->Fade != 0)
mybasecolormap = GetSpecialLights(mybasecolormap->Color, 0, mybasecolormap->Desaturate);
if (visstyle.RenderStyle.Flags & STYLEF_FadeToBlack)
if (invertcolormap)
{ // Fade to white
mybasecolormap = GetSpecialLights(mybasecolormap->Color, MAKERGB(255, 255, 255), mybasecolormap->Desaturate);
invertcolormap = false;
{ // Fade to black
mybasecolormap = GetSpecialLights(mybasecolormap->Color, MAKERGB(0, 0, 0), mybasecolormap->Desaturate);
// get light level
if (fixedcolormap != NULL)
{ // fixed map
visstyle.BaseColormap = fixedcolormap;
visstyle.ColormapNum = 0;
if (invertcolormap)
mybasecolormap = GetSpecialLights(mybasecolormap->Color, mybasecolormap->Fade.InverseColor(), mybasecolormap->Desaturate);
if (fixedlightlev >= 0)
visstyle.BaseColormap = mybasecolormap;
visstyle.ColormapNum = fixedlightlev >> COLORMAPSHIFT;
else if (!foggy && ((thing->renderflags & RF_FULLBRIGHT) || (thing->flags5 & MF5_BRIGHT)))
{ // full bright
visstyle.BaseColormap = mybasecolormap;
visstyle.ColormapNum = 0;
{ // diminished light
double minz = double((2048 * 4) / double(1 << 20));
visstyle.ColormapNum = GETPALOOKUP(r_SpriteVisibility / MAX(z, minz), spriteshade);
visstyle.BaseColormap = mybasecolormap;
return visstyle;
FTexture *RenderPolyBsp::GetSpriteTexture(AActor *thing, /*out*/ bool &flipX)
flipX = false;
if (thing->picnum.isValid())
FTexture *tex = TexMan(thing->picnum);
if (tex->UseType == FTexture::TEX_Null)
return nullptr;
if (tex->Rotations != 0xFFFF)
// choose a different rotation based on player view
spriteframe_t *sprframe = &SpriteFrames[tex->Rotations];
DVector3 pos = thing->InterpolatedPosition(r_TicFracF);
pos.Z += thing->GetBobOffset(r_TicFracF);
DAngle ang = (pos - ViewPos).Angle();
angle_t rot;
if (sprframe->Texture[0] == sprframe->Texture[1])
rot = (ang - thing->Angles.Yaw + 45.0 / 2 * 9).BAMs() >> 28;
rot = (ang - thing->Angles.Yaw + (45.0 / 2 * 9 - 180.0 / 16)).BAMs() >> 28;
flipX = (sprframe->Flip & (1 << rot)) != 0;
tex = TexMan[sprframe->Texture[rot]]; // Do not animate the rotation
return tex;
// decide which texture to use for the sprite
int spritenum = thing->sprite;
if (spritenum >= (signed)sprites.Size() || spritenum < 0)
return nullptr;
spritedef_t *sprdef = &sprites[spritenum];
if (thing->frame >= sprdef->numframes)
// If there are no frames at all for this sprite, don't draw it.
return nullptr;
//picnum = SpriteFrames[sprdef->spriteframes + thing->frame].Texture[0];
// choose a different rotation based on player view
spriteframe_t *sprframe = &SpriteFrames[sprdef->spriteframes + thing->frame];
DVector3 pos = thing->InterpolatedPosition(r_TicFracF);
pos.Z += thing->GetBobOffset(r_TicFracF);
DAngle ang = (pos - ViewPos).Angle();
angle_t rot;
if (sprframe->Texture[0] == sprframe->Texture[1])
rot = (ang - thing->Angles.Yaw + 45.0 / 2 * 9).BAMs() >> 28;
rot = (ang - thing->Angles.Yaw + (45.0 / 2 * 9 - 180.0 / 16)).BAMs() >> 28;
flipX = (sprframe->Flip & (1 << rot)) != 0;
return TexMan[sprframe->Texture[rot]]; // Do not animate the rotation
void RenderPolyBsp::RenderNode(void *node)
void RenderPolyBsp::RenderNode(void *node)
while (!((size_t)node & 1)) // Keep going until found a subsector
while (!((size_t)node & 1)) // Keep going until found a subsector
@ -62,6 +62,12 @@ private:
void AddLine(seg_t *line, sector_t *frontsector);
void AddLine(seg_t *line, sector_t *frontsector);
TriVertex PlaneVertex(vertex_t *v1, sector_t *sector, const secplane_t &plane);
TriVertex PlaneVertex(vertex_t *v1, sector_t *sector, const secplane_t &plane);
void AddSprite(AActor *thing);
void AddWallSprite(AActor *thing);
bool IsThingCulled(AActor *thing);
visstyle_t GetSpriteVisStyle(AActor *thing, double z);
FTexture *GetSpriteTexture(AActor *thing, /*out*/ bool &flipX);
void RenderPlayerSprites();
void RenderPlayerSprites();
void RenderPlayerSprite(DPSprite *sprite, AActor *owner, float bobx, float boby, double wx, double wy, double ticfrac);
void RenderPlayerSprite(DPSprite *sprite, AActor *owner, float bobx, float boby, double wx, double wy, double ticfrac);
Reference in a new issue