mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 17:30:53 +00:00
Merge branch 'master' into float
# Conflicts: # src/g_heretic/a_hereticweaps.cpp # src/p_map.cpp # src/p_mobj.cpp # src/p_things.cpp # src/portal.cpp
This commit is contained in:
104 changed files with 1219 additions and 1086 deletions
@ -167,6 +167,11 @@ else()
set( ALL_C_FLAGS "-ffp-contract=off" )
set( REL_C_FLAGS "" )
set( DEB_C_FLAGS "" )
# If we're compiling with a custom GCC on the Mac (which we know since g++-4.2 doesn't support C++11) statically link libgcc.
set( ALL_C_FLAGS "-static-libgcc" )
@ -193,7 +198,7 @@ option(FORCE_INTERNAL_GME "Use internal gme" ON)
# Fast math flags, required by some subprojects
set( ZD_FASTMATH_FLAG "-ffast-math" )
set( ZD_FASTMATH_FLAG "-ffast-math -ffp-contract=fast" )
elseif( MSVC )
set( ZD_FASTMATH_FLAG "/fp:fast" )
set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-Wno-unused-result ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}" )
set( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-Wno-unused-result ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" )
set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-missing-field-initializers ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}" )
set( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-missing-field-initializers ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" )
set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-missing-field-initializers -ffp-contract=off ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}" )
set( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-missing-field-initializers -ffp-contract=off ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" )
# Use the highest C++ standard available since VS2015 compiles with C++14
# but we only require C++11. The recommended way to do this in CMake is to
# probably to use target_compile_features, but I don't feel like maintaining
# a list of features we use.
if ( CAN_DO_CPP14 )
set ( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=c++14 ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" )
set ( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=gnu++14 ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" )
else ()
if ( CAN_DO_CPP1Y )
set ( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=c++1y ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" )
set ( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=gnu++1y ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" )
else ()
if ( CAN_DO_CPP11 )
set ( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=c++11 ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" )
set ( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=gnu++11 ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" )
else ()
if ( CAN_DO_CPP0X )
set ( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=c++0x ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" )
set ( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=gnu++0x ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" )
endif ()
endif ()
endif ()
@ -645,6 +645,7 @@ set( PLAT_COCOA_SOURCES
@ -681,6 +682,7 @@ elseif( APPLE )
set_source_files_properties( posix/osx/zdoom.icns PROPERTIES MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION Resources )
set_source_files_properties( "${FMOD_LIBRARY}" PROPERTIES MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION Frameworks )
set_source_files_properties( posix/osx/iwadpicker_cocoa.mm PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS -fobjc-exceptions )
set( SYSTEM_SOURCES_DIR posix posix/sdl )
@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@ public:
FTextureID ceilingpic; // contacted sec ceilingpic
fixed_t radius, height; // for movement checking
fixed_t projectilepassheight; // height for clipping projectile movement against this actor
fixed_t velx, vely, velz; // velocity
fixedvec3 vel;
SDWORD tics; // state tic counter
FState *state;
VMFunction *Damage; // For missiles and monster railgun
@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ CVAR (Color, am_thingcolor_monster, 0xfcfcfc, CVAR_ARCHIVE);
CVAR (Color, am_thingcolor_ncmonster, 0xfcfcfc, CVAR_ARCHIVE);
CVAR (Color, am_thingcolor_item, 0xfcfcfc, CVAR_ARCHIVE);
CVAR (Color, am_thingcolor_citem, 0xfcfcfc, CVAR_ARCHIVE);
CVAR (Color, am_portalcolor, 0x404040, CVAR_ARCHIVE);
CVAR (Color, am_ovyourcolor, 0xfce8d8, CVAR_ARCHIVE);
CVAR (Color, am_ovwallcolor, 0x00ff00, CVAR_ARCHIVE);
@ -141,6 +142,7 @@ CVAR (Color, am_ovthingcolor_monster, 0xe88800, CVAR_ARCHIVE);
CVAR (Color, am_ovthingcolor_ncmonster, 0xe88800, CVAR_ARCHIVE);
CVAR (Color, am_ovthingcolor_item, 0xe88800, CVAR_ARCHIVE);
CVAR (Color, am_ovthingcolor_citem, 0xe88800, CVAR_ARCHIVE);
CVAR (Color, am_ovportalcolor, 0x004022, CVAR_ARCHIVE);
@ -206,6 +208,7 @@ static const char *ColorNames[] = {
@ -236,6 +239,7 @@ struct AMColorset
@ -335,7 +339,8 @@ static FColorCVar *cv_standard[] = {
static FColorCVar *cv_overlay[] = {
@ -360,7 +365,8 @@ static FColorCVar *cv_overlay[] = {
@ -403,6 +409,7 @@ static unsigned char DoomColors[]= {
NOT_USED, // interteleport
NOT_USED, // secretsector
0x10,0x10,0x10, // almostbackground
0x40,0x40,0x40 // portal
static unsigned char StrifeColors[]= {
@ -429,6 +436,7 @@ static unsigned char StrifeColors[]= {
NOT_USED, // interteleport
NOT_USED, // secretsector
0x10,0x10,0x10, // almostbackground
0x40,0x40,0x40 // portal
static unsigned char RavenColors[]= {
@ -455,6 +463,7 @@ static unsigned char RavenColors[]= {
NOT_USED, // interteleport
NOT_USED, // secretsector
0x10,0x10,0x10, // almostbackground
0x50,0x50,0x50 // portal
#undef NOT_USED
@ -577,6 +586,7 @@ inline fixed_t MTOF(fixed_t x)
static int bigstate = 0;
static bool textured = 1; // internal toggle for texture mode
static int MapPortalGroup;
CUSTOM_CVAR(Bool, am_textured, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE)
@ -812,6 +822,7 @@ void AM_minOutWindowScale ();
CVAR(Bool, am_followplayer, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE)
CVAR(Bool, am_portaloverlay, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE)
@ -1925,6 +1936,12 @@ void AM_drawSubsectors()
if (am_portaloverlay && subsectors[i].render_sector->PortalGroup != MapPortalGroup && subsectors[i].render_sector->PortalGroup != 0)
// Fill the points array from the subsector.
for (DWORD j = 0; j < subsectors[i].numlines; ++j)
@ -2389,108 +2406,143 @@ void AM_drawWalls (bool allmap)
static mline_t l;
int lock, color;
for (i = 0; i < numlines; i++)
int numportalgroups = am_portaloverlay ? Displacements.size : 0;
for (int p = numportalgroups - 1; p >= -1; p--)
l.a.x = lines[i].v1->x >> FRACTOMAPBITS;
l.a.y = lines[i].v1->y >> FRACTOMAPBITS;
l.b.x = lines[i].v2->x >> FRACTOMAPBITS;
l.b.y = lines[i].v2->y >> FRACTOMAPBITS;
if (p == MapPortalGroup) continue;
if (am_rotate == 1 || (am_rotate == 2 && viewactive))
for (i = 0; i < numlines; i++)
AM_rotatePoint (&l.a.x, &l.a.y);
AM_rotatePoint (&l.b.x, &l.b.y);
if (am_cheat != 0 || (lines[i].flags & ML_MAPPED))
if ((lines[i].flags & ML_DONTDRAW) && (am_cheat == 0 || am_cheat >= 4))
int pg;
if (lines[i].sidedef[0]->Flags & WALLF_POLYOBJ)
if (!am_showallenabled || CheckCheatmode(false))
// For polyobjects we must test the surrounding sector to get the proper group.
pg = P_PointInSector(lines[i].v1->x + lines[i].dx / 2, lines[i].v1->y + lines[i].dy / 2)->PortalGroup;
pg = lines[i].frontsector->PortalGroup;
fixedvec2 offset;
bool portalmode = numportalgroups > 0 && pg != MapPortalGroup;
if (pg == p)
offset = Displacements.getOffset(pg, MapPortalGroup);
else if (p == -1 && (pg == MapPortalGroup || !am_portaloverlay))
offset = { 0, 0 };
else continue;
l.a.x = (lines[i].v1->x + offset.x) >> FRACTOMAPBITS;
l.a.y = (lines[i].v1->y + offset.y) >> FRACTOMAPBITS;
l.b.x = (lines[i].v2->x + offset.x) >> FRACTOMAPBITS;
l.b.y = (lines[i].v2->y + offset.y) >> FRACTOMAPBITS;
if (am_rotate == 1 || (am_rotate == 2 && viewactive))
AM_rotatePoint(&l.a.x, &l.a.y);
AM_rotatePoint(&l.b.x, &l.b.y);
if (am_cheat != 0 || (lines[i].flags & ML_MAPPED))
if ((lines[i].flags & ML_DONTDRAW) && (am_cheat == 0 || am_cheat >= 4))
if (!am_showallenabled || CheckCheatmode(false))
if (portalmode)
AM_drawMline(&l, AMColors.PortalColor);
else if (AM_CheckSecret(&lines[i]))
// map secret sectors like Boom
AM_drawMline(&l, AMColors.SecretSectorColor);
else if (lines[i].flags & ML_SECRET)
{ // secret door
if (am_cheat != 0 && lines[i].backsector != NULL)
AM_drawMline(&l, AMColors.SecretWallColor);
AM_drawMline(&l, AMColors.WallColor);
else if (AM_isTeleportBoundary(lines[i]) && AMColors.isValid(AMColors.IntraTeleportColor))
{ // intra-level teleporters
AM_drawMline(&l, AMColors.IntraTeleportColor);
else if (AM_isExitBoundary(lines[i]) && AMColors.isValid(AMColors.InterTeleportColor))
{ // inter-level/game-ending teleporters
AM_drawMline(&l, AMColors.InterTeleportColor);
else if (AM_isLockBoundary(lines[i], &lock))
if (AMColors.displayLocks)
color = P_GetMapColorForLock(lock);
AMColor c;
if (color >= 0) c.FromRGB(RPART(color), GPART(color), BPART(color));
else c = AMColors[AMColors.LockedColor];
AM_drawMline(&l, c);
AM_drawMline(&l, AMColors.LockedColor); // locked special
else if (am_showtriggerlines
&& AMColors.isValid(AMColors.SpecialWallColor)
&& AM_isTriggerBoundary(lines[i]))
AM_drawMline(&l, AMColors.SpecialWallColor); // wall with special non-door action the player can do
else if (lines[i].backsector == NULL)
AM_drawMline(&l, AMColors.WallColor); // one-sided wall
else if (lines[i].backsector->floorplane
!= lines[i].frontsector->floorplane)
AM_drawMline(&l, AMColors.FDWallColor); // floor level change
else if (lines[i].backsector->ceilingplane
!= lines[i].frontsector->ceilingplane)
AM_drawMline(&l, AMColors.CDWallColor); // ceiling level change
else if (AM_Check3DFloors(&lines[i]))
AM_drawMline(&l, AMColors.EFWallColor); // Extra floor border
else if (am_cheat > 0 && am_cheat < 4)
AM_drawMline(&l, AMColors.TSWallColor);
if (AM_CheckSecret(&lines[i]))
else if (allmap)
// map secret sectors like Boom
AM_drawMline(&l, AMColors.SecretSectorColor);
else if (lines[i].flags & ML_SECRET)
{ // secret door
if (am_cheat != 0 && lines[i].backsector != NULL)
AM_drawMline(&l, AMColors.SecretWallColor);
AM_drawMline(&l, AMColors.WallColor);
else if (AM_isTeleportBoundary(lines[i]) && AMColors.isValid(AMColors.IntraTeleportColor))
{ // intra-level teleporters
AM_drawMline(&l, AMColors.IntraTeleportColor);
else if (AM_isExitBoundary(lines[i]) && AMColors.isValid(AMColors.InterTeleportColor))
{ // inter-level/game-ending teleporters
AM_drawMline(&l, AMColors.InterTeleportColor);
else if (AM_isLockBoundary(lines[i], &lock))
if (AMColors.displayLocks)
if ((lines[i].flags & ML_DONTDRAW) && (am_cheat == 0 || am_cheat >= 4))
color = P_GetMapColorForLock(lock);
AMColor c;
if (color >= 0) c.FromRGB(RPART(color), GPART(color), BPART(color));
else c = AMColors[AMColors.LockedColor];
AM_drawMline (&l, c);
if (!am_showallenabled || CheckCheatmode(false))
AM_drawMline (&l, AMColors.LockedColor); // locked special
else if (am_showtriggerlines
&& AMColors.isValid(AMColors.SpecialWallColor)
&& AM_isTriggerBoundary(lines[i]))
AM_drawMline(&l, AMColors.SpecialWallColor); // wall with special non-door action the player can do
else if (lines[i].backsector == NULL)
AM_drawMline(&l, AMColors.WallColor); // one-sided wall
else if (lines[i].backsector->floorplane
!= lines[i].frontsector->floorplane)
AM_drawMline(&l, AMColors.FDWallColor); // floor level change
else if (lines[i].backsector->ceilingplane
!= lines[i].frontsector->ceilingplane)
AM_drawMline(&l, AMColors.CDWallColor); // ceiling level change
else if (AM_Check3DFloors(&lines[i]))
AM_drawMline(&l, AMColors.EFWallColor); // Extra floor border
else if (am_cheat > 0 && am_cheat < 4)
AM_drawMline(&l, AMColors.TSWallColor);
AM_drawMline(&l, AMColors.NotSeenColor);
else if (allmap)
if ((lines[i].flags & ML_DONTDRAW) && (am_cheat == 0 || am_cheat >= 4))
if (!am_showallenabled || CheckCheatmode(false))
AM_drawMline(&l, AMColors.NotSeenColor);
@ -2616,8 +2668,9 @@ void AM_drawPlayers ()
mline_t *arrow;
int numarrowlines;
pt.x = players[consoleplayer].camera->X() >> FRACTOMAPBITS;
pt.y = players[consoleplayer].camera->Y() >> FRACTOMAPBITS;
fixedvec2 pos = am_portaloverlay? players[consoleplayer].camera->GetPortalTransition(players[consoleplayer].viewheight) : (fixedvec2)players[consoleplayer].camera->Pos();
pt.x = pos.x >> FRACTOMAPBITS;
pt.y = pos.y >> FRACTOMAPBITS;
if (am_rotate == 1 || (am_rotate == 2 && viewactive))
angle = ANG90;
@ -2679,8 +2732,10 @@ void AM_drawPlayers ()
if (p->mo != NULL)
pt.x = p->mo->X() >> FRACTOMAPBITS;
pt.y = p->mo->Y() >> FRACTOMAPBITS;
fixedvec3 pos = p->mo->PosRelative(MapPortalGroup);
pt.x = pos.x >> FRACTOMAPBITS;
pt.y = pos.y >> FRACTOMAPBITS;
angle = p->mo->angle;
if (am_rotate == 1 || (am_rotate == 2 && viewactive))
@ -2711,8 +2766,10 @@ void AM_drawKeys ()
while ((key = it.Next()) != NULL)
p.x = key->X() >> FRACTOMAPBITS;
p.y = key->Y() >> FRACTOMAPBITS;
fixedvec3 pos = key->PosRelative(MapPortalGroup);
p.x = pos.x >> FRACTOMAPBITS;
p.y = pos.y >> FRACTOMAPBITS;
angle = key->angle;
if (am_rotate == 1 || (am_rotate == 2 && viewactive))
@ -2756,8 +2813,9 @@ void AM_drawThings ()
if (am_cheat > 0 || !(t->flags6 & MF6_NOTONAUTOMAP))
p.x = t->X() >> FRACTOMAPBITS;
p.y = t->Y() >> FRACTOMAPBITS;
fixedvec3 pos = t->PosRelative(MapPortalGroup);
p.x = pos.x >> FRACTOMAPBITS;
p.y = pos.y >> FRACTOMAPBITS;
if (am_showthingsprites > 0 && t->sprite > 0)
@ -3017,6 +3075,13 @@ void AM_Drawer ()
bool allmap = (level.flags2 & LEVEL2_ALLMAP) != 0;
bool allthings = allmap && players[consoleplayer].mo->FindInventory(RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerScanner), true) != NULL;
if (am_portaloverlay)
sector_t *sec;
players[consoleplayer].camera->GetPortalTransition(players[consoleplayer].viewheight, &sec);
MapPortalGroup = sec->PortalGroup;
else MapPortalGroup = 0;
AM_initColors (viewactive);
if (!viewactive)
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ bool DBot::Reachable (AActor *rtarget)
fixed_t estimated_dist = player->mo->AproxDistance(rtarget);
bool reachable = true;
FPathTraverse it(player->mo->X()+player->mo->velx, player->mo->Y()+player->mo->vely, rtarget->X(), rtarget->Y(), PT_ADDLINES|PT_ADDTHINGS);
FPathTraverse it(player->mo->X()+player->mo->vel.x, player->mo->Y()+player->mo->vel.y, rtarget->X(), rtarget->Y(), PT_ADDLINES|PT_ADDTHINGS);
intercept_t *in;
while ((in = it.Next()))
@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ bool DBot::Reachable (AActor *rtarget)
frac = in->frac - FixedDiv (4*FRACUNIT, MAX_TRAVERSE_DIST);
dist = FixedMul (frac, MAX_TRAVERSE_DIST);
hitx = it.Trace().x + FixedMul (player->mo->velx, frac);
hity = it.Trace().y + FixedMul (player->mo->vely, frac);
hitx = it.Trace().x + FixedMul (player->mo->vel.x, frac);
hity = it.Trace().y + FixedMul (player->mo->vel.y, frac);
if (in->isaline)
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ void DBot::Dofire (ticcmd_t *cmd)
no_fire = true;
//Distance to enemy.
dist = player->mo->AproxDistance(enemy, player->mo->velx - enemy->velx, player->mo->vely - enemy->vely);
dist = player->mo->AproxDistance(enemy, player->mo->vel.x - enemy->vel.x, player->mo->vel.y - enemy->vel.y);
//FIRE EACH TYPE OF WEAPON DIFFERENT: Here should all the different weapons go.
if (player->ReadyWeapon->WeaponFlags & WIF_MELEEWEAPON)
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ void DBot::Dofire (ticcmd_t *cmd)
dist = player->mo->AproxDistance (enemy);
m = dist / GetDefaultByType (player->ReadyWeapon->ProjectileType)->Speed;
bglobal.SetBodyAt (enemy->X() + enemy->velx*m*2, enemy->Y() + enemy->vely*m*2, enemy->Z(), 1);
bglobal.SetBodyAt (enemy->X() + enemy->vel.x*m*2, enemy->Y() + enemy->vel.y*m*2, enemy->Z(), 1);
angle = player->mo->AngleTo(bglobal.body1);
if (Check_LOS (enemy, SHOOTFOV))
no_fire = false;
@ -472,16 +472,16 @@ fixed_t FCajunMaster::FakeFire (AActor *source, AActor *dest, ticcmd_t *cmd)
fixedvec3 fixvel = source->Vec3To(dest);
DVector3 velocity(fixvel.x, fixvel.y, fixvel.z);
th->velx = FLOAT2FIXED(velocity[0] * speed);
th->vely = FLOAT2FIXED(velocity[1] * speed);
th->velz = FLOAT2FIXED(velocity[2] * speed);
th->vel.x = FLOAT2FIXED(velocity[0] * speed);
th->vel.y = FLOAT2FIXED(velocity[1] * speed);
th->vel.z = FLOAT2FIXED(velocity[2] * speed);
fixed_t dist = 0;
while (dist < SAFE_SELF_MISDIST)
dist += th->Speed;
th->Move(th->velx, th->vely, th->velz);
th->Move(th->vel.x, th->vel.y, th->vel.z);
if (!CleanAhead (th, th->X(), th->Y(), cmd))
@ -496,8 +496,8 @@ angle_t DBot::FireRox (AActor *enemy, ticcmd_t *cmd)
AActor *actor;
int m;
bglobal.SetBodyAt (player->mo->X() + FixedMul(player->mo->velx, 5*FRACUNIT),
player->mo->Y() + FixedMul(player->mo->vely, 5*FRACUNIT),
bglobal.SetBodyAt (player->mo->X() + FixedMul(player->mo->vel.x, 5*FRACUNIT),
player->mo->Y() + FixedMul(player->mo->vel.y, 5*FRACUNIT),
player->mo->Z() + (player->mo->height / 2), 2);
actor = bglobal.body2;
@ -508,8 +508,8 @@ angle_t DBot::FireRox (AActor *enemy, ticcmd_t *cmd)
m = (((dist+1)/FRACUNIT) / GetDefaultByName("Rocket")->Speed);
bglobal.SetBodyAt (enemy->X() + FixedMul(enemy->velx, (m+2*FRACUNIT)),
enemy->Y() + FixedMul(enemy->vely, (m+2*FRACUNIT)), ONFLOORZ, 1);
bglobal.SetBodyAt (enemy->X() + FixedMul(enemy->vel.x, (m+2*FRACUNIT)),
enemy->Y() + FixedMul(enemy->vel.y, (m+2*FRACUNIT)), ONFLOORZ, 1);
//try the predicted location
if (P_CheckSight (actor, bglobal.body1, SF_IGNOREVISIBILITY)) //See the predicted location, so give a test missile
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ void DBot::ThinkForMove (ticcmd_t *cmd)
dist = dest ? player->mo->AproxDistance(dest) : 0;
if (missile &&
((!missile->velx || !missile->vely) || !Check_LOS(missile, SHOOTFOV*3/2)))
((!missile->vel.x || !missile->vel.y) || !Check_LOS(missile, SHOOTFOV*3/2)))
sleft = !sleft;
missile = NULL; //Probably ended its travel.
@ -408,10 +408,10 @@ public:
fixed_t bob; // bounded/scaled total velocity
// killough 10/98: used for realistic bobbing (i.e. not simply overall speed)
// mo->velx and mo->vely represent true velocity experienced by player.
// mo->vel.x and mo->vel.y represent true velocity experienced by player.
// This only represents the thrust that the player applies himself.
// This avoids anomalies with such things as Boom ice and conveyors.
fixed_t velx, vely; // killough 10/98
fixedvec2 vel;
bool centering;
BYTE turnticks;
@ -122,6 +122,18 @@ typedef TMap<int, PClassActor *> FClassMap;
#if defined(__GNUC__)
// With versions of GCC newer than 4.2, it appears it was determined that the
// cost of an unaligned pointer on PPC was high enough to add padding to the
// end of packed structs. For whatever reason __packed__ and pragma pack are
// handled differently in this regard. Note that this only needs to be applied
// to types which are used in arrays or sizeof is needed. This also prevents
// code from taking references to the struct members.
#define FORCE_PACKED __attribute__((__packed__))
#include "basictypes.h"
extern bool batchrun;
@ -1335,11 +1335,11 @@ void FParser::SF_MobjMomx(void)
if(t_argc > 1)
mo->velx = fixedvalue(t_argv[1]);
mo->vel.x = fixedvalue(t_argv[1]);
t_return.type = svt_fixed;
t_return.value.f = mo ? mo->velx : 0;
t_return.value.f = mo ? mo->vel.x : 0;
@ -1359,11 +1359,11 @@ void FParser::SF_MobjMomy(void)
if(t_argc > 1)
mo->vely = fixedvalue(t_argv[1]);
mo->vel.y = fixedvalue(t_argv[1]);
t_return.type = svt_fixed;
t_return.value.f = mo ? mo->vely : 0;
t_return.value.f = mo ? mo->vel.y : 0;
@ -1383,11 +1383,11 @@ void FParser::SF_MobjMomz(void)
if(t_argc > 1)
mo->velz = fixedvalue(t_argv[1]);
mo->vel.z = fixedvalue(t_argv[1]);
t_return.type = svt_fixed;
t_return.value.f = mo ? mo->velz : 0;
t_return.value.f = mo ? mo->vel.z : 0;
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_VileAttack)
if (!(target->flags7 & MF7_DONTTHRUST))
target->velz = Scale(thrust, 1000, target->Mass);
target->vel.z = Scale(thrust, 1000, target->Mass);
return 0;
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ static void BrainishExplosion (fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z)
if (boom != NULL)
boom->DeathSound = "misc/brainexplode";
boom->velz = pr_brainscream() << 9;
boom->vel.z = pr_brainscream() << 9;
PClassActor *cls = PClass::FindActor("BossBrain");
if (cls != NULL)
@ -144,17 +144,17 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_BrainSpit)
spit->master = self;
// [RH] Do this correctly for any trajectory. Doom would divide by 0
// if the target had the same y coordinate as the spitter.
if ((spit->velx | spit->vely) == 0)
if ((spit->vel.x | spit->vel.y) == 0)
spit->special2 = 0;
else if (abs(spit->vely) > abs(spit->velx))
else if (abs(spit->vel.y) > abs(spit->vel.x))
spit->special2 = (targ->Y() - self->Y()) / spit->vely;
spit->special2 = (targ->Y() - self->Y()) / spit->vel.y;
spit->special2 = (targ->X() - self->X()) / spit->velx;
spit->special2 = (targ->X() - self->X()) / spit->vel.x;
// [GZ] Calculates when the projectile will have reached destination
spit->special2 += level.maptime;
@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_FatAttack1)
missile->angle += FATSPREAD;
an = missile->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
missile->velx = FixedMul (missile->Speed, finecosine[an]);
missile->vely = FixedMul (missile->Speed, finesine[an]);
missile->vel.x = FixedMul (missile->Speed, finecosine[an]);
missile->vel.y = FixedMul (missile->Speed, finesine[an]);
return 0;
@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_FatAttack2)
missile->angle -= FATSPREAD*2;
an = missile->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
missile->velx = FixedMul (missile->Speed, finecosine[an]);
missile->vely = FixedMul (missile->Speed, finesine[an]);
missile->vel.x = FixedMul (missile->Speed, finecosine[an]);
missile->vel.y = FixedMul (missile->Speed, finesine[an]);
return 0;
@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_FatAttack3)
missile->angle -= FATSPREAD/2;
an = missile->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
missile->velx = FixedMul (missile->Speed, finecosine[an]);
missile->vely = FixedMul (missile->Speed, finesine[an]);
missile->vel.x = FixedMul (missile->Speed, finecosine[an]);
missile->vel.y = FixedMul (missile->Speed, finesine[an]);
missile = P_SpawnMissile (self, self->target, spawntype);
@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_FatAttack3)
missile->angle += FATSPREAD/2;
an = missile->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
missile->velx = FixedMul (missile->Speed, finecosine[an]);
missile->vely = FixedMul (missile->Speed, finesine[an]);
missile->vel.x = FixedMul (missile->Speed, finecosine[an]);
missile->vel.y = FixedMul (missile->Speed, finesine[an]);
return 0;
@ -178,9 +178,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_Mushroom)
if (mo != NULL)
{ // Slow it down a bit
mo->velx = FixedMul(mo->velx, hrange);
mo->vely = FixedMul(mo->vely, hrange);
mo->velz = FixedMul(mo->velz, hrange);
mo->vel.x = FixedMul(mo->vel.x, hrange);
mo->vel.y = FixedMul(mo->vel.y, hrange);
mo->vel.z = FixedMul(mo->vel.z, hrange);
mo->flags &= ~MF_NOGRAVITY; // Make debris fall under gravity
@ -34,14 +34,14 @@ void A_SkullAttack(AActor *self, fixed_t speed)
S_Sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, self->AttackSound, 1, ATTN_NORM);
A_FaceTarget (self);
an = self->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
self->velx = FixedMul (speed, finecosine[an]);
self->vely = FixedMul (speed, finesine[an]);
self->vel.x = FixedMul (speed, finecosine[an]);
self->vel.y = FixedMul (speed, finesine[an]);
dist = self->AproxDistance (dest);
dist = dist / speed;
if (dist < 1)
dist = 1;
self->velz = (dest->Z() + (dest->height>>1) - self->Z()) / dist;
self->vel.z = (dest->Z() + (dest->height>>1) - self->Z()) / dist;
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ void A_PainShootSkull (AActor *self, angle_t angle, PClassActor *spawntype, int
if (self->flags & MF_FLOAT)
self->velz -= 2*FRACUNIT;
self->vel.z -= 2*FRACUNIT;
self->flags |= MF_INFLOAT;
self->flags4 |= MF4_VFRICTION;
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_SkelMissile)
if (missile != NULL)
missile->SetOrigin(missile->Vec3Offset(missile->velx, missile->vely, 0), false);
missile->SetOrigin(missile->Vec3Offset(missile->vel.x, missile->vel.y, 0), false);
missile->tracer = self->target;
return 0;
@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_Tracer)
// spawn a puff of smoke behind the rocket
P_SpawnPuff (self, PClass::FindActor(NAME_BulletPuff), self->Pos(), self->angle, self->angle, 3);
smoke = Spawn ("RevenantTracerSmoke", self->Vec3Offset(-self->velx, -self->vely, 0), ALLOW_REPLACE);
smoke = Spawn ("RevenantTracerSmoke", self->Vec3Offset(-self->vel.x, -self->vel.y, 0), ALLOW_REPLACE);
smoke->velz = FRACUNIT;
smoke->vel.z = FRACUNIT;
smoke->tics -= pr_tracer()&3;
if (smoke->tics < 1)
smoke->tics = 1;
@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_Tracer)
exact = self->angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
self->velx = FixedMul (self->Speed, finecosine[exact]);
self->vely = FixedMul (self->Speed, finesine[exact]);
self->vel.x = FixedMul (self->Speed, finecosine[exact]);
self->vel.y = FixedMul (self->Speed, finesine[exact]);
if (!(self->flags3 & (MF3_FLOORHUGGER|MF3_CEILINGHUGGER)))
@ -119,10 +119,10 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_Tracer)
slope = (dest->Z() + self->height*2/3 - self->Z()) / dist;
if (slope < self->velz)
self->velz -= FRACUNIT/8;
if (slope < self->vel.z)
self->vel.z -= FRACUNIT/8;
self->velz += FRACUNIT/8;
self->vel.z += FRACUNIT/8;
return 0;
@ -41,13 +41,13 @@ void AChickenPlayer::MorphPlayerThink ()
if (!(velx | vely) && pr_chickenplayerthink () < 160)
if (!(vel.x | vel.y) && pr_chickenplayerthink () < 160)
{ // Twitch view angle
angle += pr_chickenplayerthink.Random2 () << 19;
if ((Z() <= floorz) && (pr_chickenplayerthink() < 32))
{ // Jump and noise
velz += JumpZ;
vel.z += JumpZ;
FState * painstate = FindState(NAME_Pain);
if (painstate != NULL) SetState (painstate);
@ -107,9 +107,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_Feathers)
mo = Spawn("Feather", self->PosPlusZ(20*FRACUNIT), NO_REPLACE);
mo->target = self;
mo->velx = pr_feathers.Random2() << 8;
mo->vely = pr_feathers.Random2() << 8;
mo->velz = FRACUNIT + (pr_feathers() << 9);
mo->vel.x = pr_feathers.Random2() << 8;
mo->vel.y = pr_feathers.Random2() << 8;
mo->vel.z = FRACUNIT + (pr_feathers() << 9);
mo->SetState (mo->SpawnState + (pr_feathers()&7));
return 0;
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_Srcr1Attack)
AActor *mo;
fixed_t velz;
fixed_t vz;
angle_t angle;
if (!self->target)
@ -93,10 +93,10 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_Srcr1Attack)
mo = P_SpawnMissileZ (self, self->Z() + 48*FRACUNIT, self->target, fx);
if (mo != NULL)
velz = mo->velz;
vz = mo->vel.z;
angle = mo->angle;
P_SpawnMissileAngleZ (self, self->Z() + 48*FRACUNIT, fx, angle-ANGLE_1*3, velz);
P_SpawnMissileAngleZ (self, self->Z() + 48*FRACUNIT, fx, angle+ANGLE_1*3, velz);
P_SpawnMissileAngleZ (self, self->Z() + 48*FRACUNIT, fx, angle-ANGLE_1*3, vz);
P_SpawnMissileAngleZ (self, self->Z() + 48*FRACUNIT, fx, angle+ANGLE_1*3, vz);
if (self->health < self->SpawnHealth()/3)
{ // Maybe attack again
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ void P_DSparilTeleport (AActor *actor)
S_Sound (actor, CHAN_BODY, "misc/teleport", 1, ATTN_NORM);
actor->SetZ(actor->floorz, false);
actor->angle = spot->angle;
actor->velx = actor->vely = actor->velz = 0;
actor->vel.x = actor->vel.y = actor->vel.z = 0;
@ -257,9 +257,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_BlueSpark)
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
mo = Spawn("Sorcerer2FXSpark", self->Pos(), ALLOW_REPLACE);
mo->velx = pr_bluespark.Random2() << 9;
mo->vely = pr_bluespark.Random2() << 9;
mo->velz = FRACUNIT + (pr_bluespark()<<8);
mo->vel.x = pr_bluespark.Random2() << 9;
mo->vel.y = pr_bluespark.Random2() << 9;
mo->vel.z = FRACUNIT + (pr_bluespark()<<8);
return 0;
@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_GenWizard)
{ // [RH] Make the new wizards inherit D'Sparil's target
mo->CopyFriendliness (self->target, true);
self->velx = self->vely = self->velz = 0;
self->vel.x = self->vel.y = self->vel.z = 0;
self->SetState (self->FindState(NAME_Death));
self->flags &= ~MF_MISSILE;
mo->master = self->target;
@ -47,14 +47,14 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_ImpExplode)
self->flags &= ~MF_NOGRAVITY;
chunk = Spawn("HereticImpChunk1", self->Pos(), ALLOW_REPLACE);
chunk->velx = pr_imp.Random2 () << 10;
chunk->vely = pr_imp.Random2 () << 10;
chunk->velz = 9*FRACUNIT;
chunk->vel.x = pr_imp.Random2 () << 10;
chunk->vel.y = pr_imp.Random2 () << 10;
chunk->vel.z = 9*FRACUNIT;
chunk = Spawn("HereticImpChunk2", self->Pos(), ALLOW_REPLACE);
chunk->velx = pr_imp.Random2 () << 10;
chunk->vely = pr_imp.Random2 () << 10;
chunk->velz = 9*FRACUNIT;
chunk->vel.x = pr_imp.Random2 () << 10;
chunk->vel.y = pr_imp.Random2 () << 10;
chunk->vel.z = 9*FRACUNIT;
if (self->special1 == 666)
{ // Extreme death crash
self->SetState (self->FindState("XCrash"));
@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_PodPain)
goo = Spawn(gootype, self->PosPlusZ(48*FRACUNIT), ALLOW_REPLACE);
goo->target = self;
goo->velx = pr_podpain.Random2() << 9;
goo->vely = pr_podpain.Random2() << 9;
goo->velz = FRACUNIT/2 + (pr_podpain() << 9);
goo->vel.x = pr_podpain.Random2() << 9;
goo->vel.y = pr_podpain.Random2() << 9;
goo->vel.z = FRACUNIT/2 + (pr_podpain() << 9);
return 0;
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_AccTeleGlitter)
if (++self->health > 35)
self->velz += self->velz/2;
self->vel.z += self->vel.z/2;
return 0;
@ -182,9 +182,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_VolcanoBlast)
angle = pr_blast () << 24;
blast->angle = angle;
blast->velx = FixedMul (1*FRACUNIT, finecosine[angle]);
blast->vely = FixedMul (1*FRACUNIT, finesine[angle]);
blast->velz = (FRACUNIT*5/2) + (pr_blast() << 10);
blast->vel.x = FixedMul (1*FRACUNIT, finecosine[angle]);
blast->vel.y = FixedMul (1*FRACUNIT, finesine[angle]);
blast->vel.z = (FRACUNIT*5/2) + (pr_blast() << 10);
S_Sound (blast, CHAN_BODY, "world/volcano/shoot", 1, ATTN_NORM);
P_CheckMissileSpawn (blast, self->radius);
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_VolcBallImpact)
self->flags |= MF_NOGRAVITY;
self->gravity = FRACUNIT;
//self->velz = 3*FRACUNIT;
//self->vel.z = 3*FRACUNIT;
P_RadiusAttack (self, self->target, 25, 25, NAME_Fire, RADF_HURTSOURCE);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
@ -220,9 +220,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_VolcBallImpact)
angle = i*ANG90;
tiny->angle = angle;
tiny->velx = FixedMul (FRACUNIT*7/10, finecosine[angle]);
tiny->vely = FixedMul (FRACUNIT*7/10, finesine[angle]);
tiny->velz = FRACUNIT + (pr_volcimpact() << 9);
tiny->vel.x = FixedMul (FRACUNIT*7/10, finecosine[angle]);
tiny->vel.y = FixedMul (FRACUNIT*7/10, finesine[angle]);
tiny->vel.z = FRACUNIT + (pr_volcimpact() << 9);
P_CheckMissileSpawn (tiny, self->radius);
return 0;
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_FireGoldWandPL2)
int i;
angle_t angle;
int damage;
fixed_t velz;
fixed_t vz;
player_t *player;
if (NULL == (player = self->player))
@ -165,10 +165,10 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_FireGoldWandPL2)
return 0;
angle_t pitch = P_BulletSlope(self);
velz = FixedMul (GetDefaultByName("GoldWandFX2")->Speed,
vz = FixedMul (GetDefaultByName("GoldWandFX2")->Speed,
P_SpawnMissileAngle (self, PClass::FindActor("GoldWandFX2"), self->angle-(ANG45/8), velz);
P_SpawnMissileAngle (self, PClass::FindActor("GoldWandFX2"), self->angle+(ANG45/8), velz);
P_SpawnMissileAngle (self, PClass::FindActor("GoldWandFX2"), self->angle-(ANG45/8), vz);
P_SpawnMissileAngle (self, PClass::FindActor("GoldWandFX2"), self->angle+(ANG45/8), vz);
angle = self->angle-(ANG45/8);
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
@ -402,15 +402,15 @@ void FireMacePL1B (AActor *actor)
ball = Spawn("MaceFX2", actor->PosPlusZ(28*FRACUNIT - actor->floorclip), ALLOW_REPLACE);
ball->velz = 2*FRACUNIT+/*((player->lookdir)<<(FRACBITS-5))*/
ball->vel.z = 2*FRACUNIT+/*((player->lookdir)<<(FRACBITS-5))*/
angle = actor->angle;
ball->target = actor;
ball->angle = angle;
ball->velx = (actor->velx>>1) + FixedMul(ball->Speed, finecosine[angle]);
ball->vely = (actor->vely>>1) + FixedMul(ball->Speed, finesine[angle]);
ball->vel.x = (actor->vel.x>>1) + FixedMul(ball->Speed, finecosine[angle]);
ball->vel.y = (actor->vel.y>>1) + FixedMul(ball->Speed, finesine[angle]);
S_Sound (ball, CHAN_BODY, "weapons/maceshoot", 1, ATTN_NORM);
P_CheckMissileSpawn (ball, actor->radius);
@ -481,16 +481,16 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_MacePL1Check)
#if 0
// This is the original code, for reference.
angle_t angle = self->angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
self->velx = FixedMul(7*FRACUNIT, finecosine[angle]);
self->vely = FixedMul(7*FRACUNIT, finesine[angle]);
self->vel.x = FixedMul(7*FRACUNIT, finecosine[angle]);
self->vel.y = FixedMul(7*FRACUNIT, finesine[angle]);
double velscale = g_sqrt ((double)self->velx * (double)self->velx +
(double)self->vely * (double)self->vely);
double velscale = g_sqrt ((double)self->vel.x * (double)self->vel.x +
(double)self->vel.y * (double)self->vel.y);
velscale = 458752 / velscale;
self->velx = (int)(self->velx * velscale);
self->vely = (int)(self->vely * velscale);
self->vel.x = (int)(self->vel.x * velscale);
self->vel.y = (int)(self->vel.y * velscale);
self->velz -= self->velz >> 1;
self->vel.z -= self->vel.z >> 1;
return 0;
@ -507,14 +507,14 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_MaceBallImpact)
if ((self->health != MAGIC_JUNK) && (self->flags & MF_INBOUNCE))
{ // Bounce
self->health = MAGIC_JUNK;
self->velz = (self->velz * 192) >> 8;
self->vel.z = (self->vel.z * 192) >> 8;
self->BounceFlags = BOUNCE_None;
self->SetState (self->SpawnState);
S_Sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "weapons/macebounce", 1, ATTN_NORM);
{ // Explode
self->velx = self->vely = self->velz = 0;
self->vel.x = self->vel.y = self->vel.z = 0;
self->flags |= MF_NOGRAVITY;
self->gravity = FRACUNIT;
S_Sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "weapons/macehit", 1, ATTN_NORM);
@ -542,13 +542,13 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_MaceBallImpact2)
if (self->flags & MF_INBOUNCE)
if (self->velz < 2*FRACUNIT)
if (self->vel.z < 2*FRACUNIT)
goto boom;
// Bounce
self->velz = (self->velz * 192) >> 8;
self->vel.z = (self->vel.z * 192) >> 8;
self->SetState (self->SpawnState);
tiny = Spawn("MaceFX3", self->Pos(), ALLOW_REPLACE);
@ -556,9 +556,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_MaceBallImpact2)
tiny->target = self->target;
tiny->angle = angle;
tiny->velx = (self->velx>>1) + FixedMul(self->velz-FRACUNIT, finecosine[angle]);
tiny->vely = (self->vely>>1) + FixedMul(self->velz-FRACUNIT, finesine[angle]);
tiny->velz = self->velz;
tiny->vel.x = (self->vel.x>>1) + FixedMul(self->vel.z-FRACUNIT, finecosine[angle]);
tiny->vel.y = (self->vel.y>>1) + FixedMul(self->vel.z-FRACUNIT, finesine[angle]);
tiny->vel.z = self->vel.z;
P_CheckMissileSpawn (tiny, self->radius);
tiny = Spawn("MaceFX3", self->Pos(), ALLOW_REPLACE);
@ -566,15 +566,15 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_MaceBallImpact2)
tiny->target = self->target;
tiny->angle = angle;
tiny->velx = (self->velx>>1) + FixedMul(self->velz-FRACUNIT, finecosine[angle]);
tiny->vely = (self->vely>>1) + FixedMul(self->velz-FRACUNIT, finesine[angle]);
tiny->velz = self->velz;
tiny->vel.x = (self->vel.x>>1) + FixedMul(self->vel.z-FRACUNIT, finecosine[angle]);
tiny->vel.y = (self->vel.y>>1) + FixedMul(self->vel.z-FRACUNIT, finesine[angle]);
tiny->vel.z = self->vel.z;
P_CheckMissileSpawn (tiny, self->radius);
{ // Explode
self->velx = self->vely = self->velz = 0;
self->vel.x = self->vel.y = self->vel.z = 0;
self->flags |= MF_NOGRAVITY;
self->BounceFlags = BOUNCE_None;
self->gravity = FRACUNIT;
@ -610,9 +610,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_FireMacePL2)
mo = P_SpawnPlayerMissile (self, 0,0,0, RUNTIME_CLASS(AMaceFX4), self->angle, &t);
if (mo)
mo->velx += self->velx;
mo->vely += self->vely;
mo->velz = 2*FRACUNIT+
mo->vel.x += self->vel.x;
mo->vel.y += self->vel.y;
mo->vel.z = 2*FRACUNIT+
clamp<fixed_t>(finetangent[FINEANGLES/4-(self->pitch>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT)], -5*FRACUNIT, 5*FRACUNIT);
if (t.linetarget && !t.unlinked)
@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_DeathBallImpact)
if (self->flags & MF_INBOUNCE)
if (self->velz < 2*FRACUNIT)
if (self->vel.z < 2*FRACUNIT)
goto boom;
@ -686,8 +686,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_DeathBallImpact)
self->angle = angle;
self->velx = FixedMul (self->Speed, finecosine[angle]);
self->vely = FixedMul (self->Speed, finesine[angle]);
self->vel.x = FixedMul (self->Speed, finecosine[angle]);
self->vel.y = FixedMul (self->Speed, finesine[angle]);
self->SetState (self->SpawnState);
S_Sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "weapons/macestop", 1, ATTN_NORM);
@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_DeathBallImpact)
{ // Explode
self->velx = self->vely = self->velz = 0;
self->vel.x = self->vel.y = self->vel.z = 0;
self->flags |= MF_NOGRAVITY;
self->gravity = FRACUNIT;
S_Sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "weapons/maceexplode", 1, ATTN_NORM);
@ -826,8 +826,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_SpawnRippers)
ripper->target = self->target;
ripper->angle = angle;
ripper->velx = FixedMul (ripper->Speed, finecosine[angle]);
ripper->vely = FixedMul (ripper->Speed, finesine[angle]);
ripper->vel.x = FixedMul (ripper->Speed, finecosine[angle]);
ripper->vel.y = FixedMul (ripper->Speed, finesine[angle]);
P_CheckMissileSpawn (ripper, self->radius);
return 0;
@ -1094,8 +1094,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_SkullRodStorm)
mo->Translation = multiplayer ?
TRANSLATION(TRANSLATION_RainPillar,self->special2) : 0;
mo->target = self->target;
mo->velx = 1; // Force collision detection
mo->velz = -mo->Speed;
mo->vel.x = 1; // Force collision detection
mo->vel.z = -mo->Speed;
mo->special2 = self->special2; // Transfer player number
P_CheckMissileSpawn (mo, self->radius);
if (self->special1 != -1 && !S_IsActorPlayingSomething (self, CHAN_BODY, -1))
@ -1254,8 +1254,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_FirePhoenixPL1)
P_SpawnPlayerMissile (self, RUNTIME_CLASS(APhoenixFX1));
angle = self->angle + ANG180;
self->velx += FixedMul (4*FRACUNIT, finecosine[angle]);
self->vely += FixedMul (4*FRACUNIT, finesine[angle]);
self->vel.x += FixedMul (4*FRACUNIT, finecosine[angle]);
self->vel.y += FixedMul (4*FRACUNIT, finesine[angle]);
return 0;
@ -1277,15 +1277,15 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_PhoenixPuff)
puff = Spawn("PhoenixPuff", self->Pos(), ALLOW_REPLACE);
angle = self->angle + ANG90;
puff->velx = FixedMul (FRACUNIT*13/10, finecosine[angle]);
puff->vely = FixedMul (FRACUNIT*13/10, finesine[angle]);
puff->velz = 0;
puff->vel.x = FixedMul (FRACUNIT*13/10, finecosine[angle]);
puff->vel.y = FixedMul (FRACUNIT*13/10, finesine[angle]);
puff->vel.z = 0;
puff = Spawn("PhoenixPuff", self->Pos(), ALLOW_REPLACE);
angle = self->angle - ANG90;
puff->velx = FixedMul (FRACUNIT*13/10, finecosine[angle]);
puff->vely = FixedMul (FRACUNIT*13/10, finesine[angle]);
puff->velz = 0;
puff->vel.x = FixedMul (FRACUNIT*13/10, finecosine[angle]);
puff->vel.y = FixedMul (FRACUNIT*13/10, finesine[angle]);
puff->vel.z = 0;
return 0;
@ -1356,9 +1356,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_FirePhoenixPL2)
mo = Spawn("PhoenixFX2", pos, ALLOW_REPLACE);
mo->target = self;
mo->angle = angle;
mo->velx = self->velx + FixedMul (mo->Speed, finecosine[angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
mo->vely = self->vely + FixedMul (mo->Speed, finesine[angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
mo->velz = FixedMul (mo->Speed, slope);
mo->vel.x = self->vel.x + FixedMul (mo->Speed, finecosine[angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
mo->vel.y = self->vel.y + FixedMul (mo->Speed, finesine[angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
mo->vel.z = FixedMul (mo->Speed, slope);
if (!player->refire || !S_IsActorPlayingSomething (self, CHAN_WEAPON, -1))
S_Sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON|CHAN_LOOP, soundid, 1, ATTN_NORM);
@ -1403,7 +1403,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_FlameEnd)
self->velz += FRACUNIT*3/2;
self->vel.z += FRACUNIT*3/2;
return 0;
@ -1417,7 +1417,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_FloatPuff)
self->velz += FRACUNIT*18/10;
self->vel.z += FRACUNIT*18/10;
return 0;
@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ int AWhirlwind::DoSpecialDamage (AActor *target, int damage, FName damagetype)
if (!(target->flags7 & MF7_DONTTHRUST))
target->angle += pr_foo.Random2() << 20;
target->velx += pr_foo.Random2() << 10;
target->vely += pr_foo.Random2() << 10;
target->vel.x += pr_foo.Random2() << 10;
target->vel.y += pr_foo.Random2() << 10;
if ((level.time & 16) && !(target->flags2 & MF2_BOSS) && !(target->flags7 & MF7_DONTTHRUST))
@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ int AWhirlwind::DoSpecialDamage (AActor *target, int damage, FName damagetype)
randVal = 160;
target->velz += randVal << 11;
if (target->velz > 12*FRACUNIT)
target->vel.z += randVal << 11;
if (target->vel.z > 12*FRACUNIT)
target->velz = 12*FRACUNIT;
target->vel.z = 12*FRACUNIT;
if (!(level.time & 7))
@ -115,9 +115,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_LichAttack)
fire->target = baseFire->target;
fire->angle = baseFire->angle;
fire->velx = baseFire->velx;
fire->vely = baseFire->vely;
fire->velz = baseFire->velz;
fire->vel.x = baseFire->vel.x;
fire->vel.y = baseFire->vel.y;
fire->vel.z = baseFire->vel.z;
fire->Damage = NULL;
fire->health = (i+1) * 2;
P_CheckMissileSpawn (fire, self->radius);
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_WhirlwindSeek)
self->health -= 3;
if (self->health < 0)
self->velx = self->vely = self->velz = 0;
self->vel.x = self->vel.y = self->vel.z = 0;
self->SetState (self->FindState(NAME_Death));
self->flags &= ~MF_MISSILE;
return 0;
@ -190,9 +190,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_LichIceImpact)
shard->target = self->target;
shard->angle = angle;
shard->velx = FixedMul (shard->Speed, finecosine[angle]);
shard->vely = FixedMul (shard->Speed, finesine[angle]);
shard->velz = -FRACUNIT*6/10;
shard->vel.x = FixedMul (shard->Speed, finecosine[angle]);
shard->vel.y = FixedMul (shard->Speed, finesine[angle]);
shard->vel.z = -FRACUNIT*6/10;
P_CheckMissileSpawn (shard, self->radius);
return 0;
@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_DripBlood)
fixed_t xo = (pr_dripblood.Random2() << 11);
fixed_t yo = (pr_dripblood.Random2() << 11);
mo = Spawn ("Blood", self->Vec3Offset(xo, yo, 0), ALLOW_REPLACE);
mo->velx = pr_dripblood.Random2 () << 10;
mo->vely = pr_dripblood.Random2 () << 10;
mo->vel.x = pr_dripblood.Random2 () << 10;
mo->vel.y = pr_dripblood.Random2 () << 10;
mo->gravity = FRACUNIT/8;
return 0;
@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_WizAtk3)
mo = P_SpawnMissile (self, self->target, fx);
if (mo != NULL)
P_SpawnMissileAngle(self, fx, mo->angle-(ANG45/8), mo->velz);
P_SpawnMissileAngle(self, fx, mo->angle+(ANG45/8), mo->velz);
P_SpawnMissileAngle(self, fx, mo->angle-(ANG45/8), mo->vel.z);
P_SpawnMissileAngle(self, fx, mo->angle+(ANG45/8), mo->vel.z);
return 0;
@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_BatMove)
// Adjust velocity vector to new direction
self->velx = FixedMul (self->Speed, finecosine[newangle]);
self->vely = FixedMul (self->Speed, finesine[newangle]);
self->vel.x = FixedMul (self->Speed, finecosine[newangle]);
self->vel.y = FixedMul (self->Speed, finesine[newangle]);
if (pr_batmove()<15)
@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_BishopSpawnBlur)
if (!--self->special1)
self->velx = 0;
self->vely = 0;
self->vel.x = 0;
self->vel.y = 0;
if (pr_sblur() > 96)
self->SetState (self->SeeState);
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_BishopPuff)
mo = Spawn ("BishopPuff", self->PosPlusZ(40*FRACUNIT), ALLOW_REPLACE);
if (mo)
mo->velz = FRACUNIT/2;
mo->vel.z = FRACUNIT/2;
return 0;
@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ void BlastActor (AActor *victim, fixed_t strength, fixed_t speed, AActor *Owner,
angle = Owner->AngleTo(victim);
victim->velx = FixedMul (speed, finecosine[angle]);
victim->vely = FixedMul (speed, finesine[angle]);
victim->vel.x = FixedMul (speed, finecosine[angle]);
victim->vel.y = FixedMul (speed, finesine[angle]);
// Spawn blast puff
ang = victim->AngleTo(Owner);
@ -48,21 +48,21 @@ void BlastActor (AActor *victim, fixed_t strength, fixed_t speed, AActor *Owner,
mo = Spawn (blasteffect, pos, ALLOW_REPLACE);
if (mo)
mo->velx = victim->velx;
mo->vely = victim->vely;
mo->vel.x = victim->vel.x;
mo->vel.y = victim->vel.y;
if (victim->flags & MF_MISSILE)
// [RH] Floor and ceiling huggers should not be blasted vertically.
if (!(victim->flags3 & (MF3_FLOORHUGGER|MF3_CEILINGHUGGER)))
victim->velz = 8*FRACUNIT;
mo->velz = victim->velz;
victim->vel.z = 8*FRACUNIT;
mo->vel.z = victim->vel.z;
victim->velz = (1000 / victim->Mass) << FRACBITS;
victim->vel.z = (1000 / victim->Mass) << FRACBITS;
if (victim->player)
@ -99,9 +99,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS (AActor, A_Blast)
PARAM_INT_OPT (blastflags) { blastflags = 0; }
PARAM_INT_OPT (strength) { strength = 255; }
PARAM_FIXED_OPT (strength) { strength = 255*FRACUNIT; }
PARAM_FIXED_OPT (radius) { radius = 255*FRACUNIT; }
PARAM_FIXED_OPT (speed) { speed = 20; }
PARAM_FIXED_OPT (speed) { speed = 20*FRACUNIT; }
PARAM_CLASS_OPT (blasteffect, AActor) { blasteffect = PClass::FindActor("BlastEffect"); }
PARAM_SOUND_OPT (blastsound) { blastsound = "BlastRadius"; }
@ -99,9 +99,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_CFlamePuff)
self->renderflags &= ~RF_INVISIBLE;
self->velx = 0;
self->vely = 0;
self->velz = 0;
self->vel.x = 0;
self->vel.y = 0;
self->vel.z = 0;
S_Sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "ClericFlameExplode", 1, ATTN_NORM);
return 0;
@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_CFlameMissile)
mo->angle = an<<ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
mo->target = self->target;
mo->velx = mo->special1 = FixedMul(FLAMESPEED, finecosine[an]);
mo->vely = mo->special2 = FixedMul(FLAMESPEED, finesine[an]);
mo->vel.x = mo->special1 = FixedMul(FLAMESPEED, finecosine[an]);
mo->vel.y = mo->special2 = FixedMul(FLAMESPEED, finesine[an]);
mo->tics -= pr_missile()&3;
mo = Spawn ("CircleFlame", BlockingMobj->Vec3Offset(
@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_CFlameMissile)
mo->angle = ANG180+(an<<ANGLETOFINESHIFT);
mo->target = self->target;
mo->velx = mo->special1 = FixedMul(-FLAMESPEED, finecosine[an]);
mo->vely = mo->special2 = FixedMul(-FLAMESPEED, finesine[an]);
mo->vel.x = mo->special1 = FixedMul(-FLAMESPEED, finecosine[an]);
mo->vel.y = mo->special2 = FixedMul(-FLAMESPEED, finesine[an]);
mo->tics -= pr_missile()&3;
@ -174,8 +174,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_CFlameRotate)
int an;
an = (self->angle+ANG90)>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
self->velx = self->special1+FixedMul(FLAMEROTSPEED, finecosine[an]);
self->vely = self->special2+FixedMul(FLAMEROTSPEED, finesine[an]);
self->vel.x = self->special1+FixedMul(FLAMEROTSPEED, finecosine[an]);
self->vel.y = self->special2+FixedMul(FLAMEROTSPEED, finesine[an]);
self->angle += ANG90/15;
return 0;
@ -419,8 +419,8 @@ static void CHolySeekerMissile (AActor *actor, angle_t thresh, angle_t turnMax)
actor->angle -= delta;
angle = actor->angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
actor->velx = FixedMul (actor->Speed, finecosine[angle]);
actor->vely = FixedMul (actor->Speed, finesine[angle]);
actor->vel.x = FixedMul (actor->Speed, finecosine[angle]);
actor->vel.y = FixedMul (actor->Speed, finesine[angle]);
if (!(level.time&15)
|| actor->Z() > target->Top()
|| actor->Top() < target->Z())
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ static void CHolySeekerMissile (AActor *actor, angle_t thresh, angle_t turnMax)
dist = 1;
actor->velz = deltaZ / dist;
actor->vel.z = deltaZ / dist;
@ -491,9 +491,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_CHolySeek)
if (self->health <= 0)
self->velx >>= 2;
self->vely >>= 2;
self->velz = 0;
self->vel.x >>= 2;
self->vel.y >>= 2;
self->vel.z = 0;
self->SetState (self->FindState(NAME_Death));
self->tics -= pr_holyseek()&3;
return 0;
@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ static void DragonSeek (AActor *actor, angle_t thresh, angle_t turnMax)
actor->angle -= delta;
angle = actor->angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
actor->velx = FixedMul (actor->Speed, finecosine[angle]);
actor->vely = FixedMul (actor->Speed, finesine[angle]);
actor->vel.x = FixedMul (actor->Speed, finecosine[angle]);
actor->vel.y = FixedMul (actor->Speed, finesine[angle]);
dist = actor->AproxDistance (target) / actor->Speed;
if (actor->Top() < target->Z() ||
target->Top() < actor->Z())
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ static void DragonSeek (AActor *actor, angle_t thresh, angle_t turnMax)
dist = 1;
actor->velz = (target->Z() - actor->Z())/dist;
actor->vel.z = (target->Z() - actor->Z())/dist;
if (target->flags&MF_SHOOTABLE && pr_dragonseek() < 64)
{ // attack the destination mobj if it's attackable
@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_DropWeaponPieces)
AActor *piece = Spawn (cls, self->Pos(), ALLOW_REPLACE);
if (piece != NULL)
piece->velx = self->velx + finecosine[fineang];
piece->vely = self->vely + finesine[fineang];
piece->velz = self->velz;
piece->vel.x = self->vel.x + finecosine[fineang];
piece->vel.y = self->vel.y + finesine[fineang];
piece->vel.z = self->vel.z;
piece->flags |= MF_DROPPED;
fineang += FINEANGLES/3;
j = (j == 0) ? (pr_quietusdrop() & 1) + 1 : 3-j;
@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ void A_FiredSpawnRock (AActor *actor)
if (mo)
mo->target = actor;
mo->velx = (pr_firedemonrock() - 128) <<10;
mo->vely = (pr_firedemonrock() - 128) <<10;
mo->velz = (pr_firedemonrock() << 10);
mo->vel.x = (pr_firedemonrock() - 128) <<10;
mo->vel.y = (pr_firedemonrock() - 128) <<10;
mo->vel.z = (pr_firedemonrock() << 10);
mo->special1 = 2; // Number bounces
@ -102,9 +102,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_SmBounce)
// give some more velocity (x,y,&z)
self->SetZ(self->floorz + FRACUNIT);
self->velz = (2*FRACUNIT) + (pr_smbounce() << 10);
self->velx = pr_smbounce()%3<<FRACBITS;
self->vely = pr_smbounce()%3<<FRACBITS;
self->vel.z = (2*FRACUNIT) + (pr_smbounce() << 10);
self->vel.x = pr_smbounce()%3<<FRACBITS;
self->vel.y = pr_smbounce()%3<<FRACBITS;
return 0;
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_FiredChase)
self->special2 = 0;
self->velx = self->vely = 0;
self->vel.x = self->vel.y = 0;
dist = self->AproxDistance (target);
@ -179,8 +179,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_FiredChase)
ang -= ANGLE_90;
self->velx = finecosine[ang] << 3; //FixedMul (8*FRACUNIT, finecosine[ang]);
self->vely = finesine[ang] << 3; //FixedMul (8*FRACUNIT, finesine[ang]);
self->vel.x = finecosine[ang] << 3; //FixedMul (8*FRACUNIT, finecosine[ang]);
self->vel.y = finesine[ang] << 3; //FixedMul (8*FRACUNIT, finesine[ang]);
self->special2 = 3; // strafe time
@ -235,16 +235,16 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_FiredSplotch)
mo = Spawn ("FireDemonSplotch1", self->Pos(), ALLOW_REPLACE);
if (mo)
mo->velx = (pr_firedemonsplotch() - 128) << 11;
mo->vely = (pr_firedemonsplotch() - 128) << 11;
mo->velz = (pr_firedemonsplotch() << 10) + FRACUNIT*3;
mo->vel.x = (pr_firedemonsplotch() - 128) << 11;
mo->vel.y = (pr_firedemonsplotch() - 128) << 11;
mo->vel.z = (pr_firedemonsplotch() << 10) + FRACUNIT*3;
mo = Spawn ("FireDemonSplotch2", self->Pos(), ALLOW_REPLACE);
if (mo)
mo->velx = (pr_firedemonsplotch() - 128) << 11;
mo->vely = (pr_firedemonsplotch() - 128) << 11;
mo->velz = (pr_firedemonsplotch() << 10) + FRACUNIT*3;
mo->vel.x = (pr_firedemonsplotch() - 128) << 11;
mo->vel.y = (pr_firedemonsplotch() - 128) << 11;
mo->vel.z = (pr_firedemonsplotch() << 10) + FRACUNIT*3;
return 0;
@ -120,9 +120,9 @@ bool AArtiPoisonBag3::Use (bool pickup)
fixed_t speed = fixed_t(g_sqrt((double)mo->Speed*mo->Speed + (4.0*65536*4*65536)));
fixed_t xyscale = FixedMul(speed, finecosine[modpitch]);
mo->velz = FixedMul(speed, finesine[modpitch]);
mo->velx = FixedMul(xyscale, finecosine[angle]) + (Owner->velx >> 1);
mo->vely = FixedMul(xyscale, finesine[angle]) + (Owner->vely >> 1);
mo->vel.z = FixedMul(speed, finesine[modpitch]);
mo->vel.x = FixedMul(xyscale, finecosine[angle]) + (Owner->vel.x >> 1);
mo->vel.y = FixedMul(xyscale, finesine[angle]) + (Owner->vel.y >> 1);
mo->AddZ(FixedMul(mo->Speed, finesine[orgpitch]));
mo->target = Owner;
@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ IMPLEMENT_CLASS (APoisonCloud)
void APoisonCloud::BeginPlay ()
velx = 1; // missile objects must move to impact other objects
vel.x = 1; // missile objects must move to impact other objects
special1 = 24+(pr_poisoncloud()&7);
special2 = 0;
@ -451,16 +451,16 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_CheckThrowBomb2)
// [RH] Check using actual velocity, although the velz < 2 check still stands
//if (abs(self->velx) < FRACUNIT*3/2 && abs(self->vely) < FRACUNIT*3/2
// && self->velz < 2*FRACUNIT)
if (self->velz < 2*FRACUNIT &&
TMulScale32 (self->velx, self->velx, self->vely, self->vely, self->velz, self->velz)
// [RH] Check using actual velocity, although the vel.z < 2 check still stands
//if (abs(self->vel.x) < FRACUNIT*3/2 && abs(self->vel.y) < FRACUNIT*3/2
// && self->vel.z < 2*FRACUNIT)
if (self->vel.z < 2*FRACUNIT &&
TMulScale32 (self->vel.x, self->vel.x, self->vel.y, self->vel.y, self->vel.z, self->vel.z)
< (3*3)/(2*2))
self->SetState (self->SpawnState + 6);
self->velz = 0;
self->vel.z = 0;
self->BounceFlags = BOUNCE_None;
self->flags &= ~MF_MISSILE;
@ -95,15 +95,15 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_FlyBuzz)
if (self->args[0] & 2)
self->velx += (pr_fly() - 128) << BOBTOFINESHIFT;
self->vely += (pr_fly() - 128) << BOBTOFINESHIFT;
self->vel.x += (pr_fly() - 128) << BOBTOFINESHIFT;
self->vel.y += (pr_fly() - 128) << BOBTOFINESHIFT;
int zrand = pr_fly();
if (targ->Z() + 5*FRACUNIT < self->Z() && zrand > 150)
zrand = -zrand;
self->velz = zrand << BOBTOFINESHIFT;
self->vel.z = zrand << BOBTOFINESHIFT;
if (pr_fly() < 40)
S_Sound(self, CHAN_VOICE, self->ActiveSound, 0.5f, ATTN_STATIC);
@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_FogMove)
angle = self->angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
self->velx = FixedMul(speed, finecosine[angle]);
self->vely = FixedMul(speed, finesine[angle]);
self->vel.x = FixedMul(speed, finecosine[angle]);
self->vel.y = FixedMul(speed, finesine[angle]);
return 0;
@ -176,11 +176,11 @@ class ASorcFX1 : public AActor
bool FloorBounceMissile (secplane_t &plane)
fixed_t orgvelz = velz;
fixed_t orgvelz = vel.z;
if (!Super::FloorBounceMissile (plane))
velz = -orgvelz; // no energy absorbed
vel.z = -orgvelz; // no energy absorbed
return false;
return true;
@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ void A_SorcOffense2(AActor *actor)
mo->special2 = 35*5/2; // 5 seconds
dist = mo->AproxDistance(dest) / mo->Speed;
if(dist < 1) dist = 1;
mo->velz = (dest->Z() - mo->Z()) / dist;
mo->vel.z = (dest->Z() - mo->Z()) / dist;
@ -722,9 +722,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_SpawnFizzle)
if (mo)
rangle = (self->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT) + ((pr_heresiarch()%5) << 1);
mo->velx = FixedMul(pr_heresiarch()%speed, finecosine[rangle]);
mo->vely = FixedMul(pr_heresiarch()%speed, finesine[rangle]);
mo->velz = FRACUNIT*2;
mo->vel.x = FixedMul(pr_heresiarch()%speed, finecosine[rangle]);
mo->vel.y = FixedMul(pr_heresiarch()%speed, finesine[rangle]);
mo->vel.z = FRACUNIT*2;
return 0;
@ -944,9 +944,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_SorcBallPop)
S_Sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "SorcererBallPop", 1, ATTN_NONE);
self->flags &= ~MF_NOGRAVITY;
self->gravity = FRACUNIT/8;
self->velx = ((pr_heresiarch()%10)-5) << FRACBITS;
self->vely = ((pr_heresiarch()%10)-5) << FRACBITS;
self->velz = (2+(pr_heresiarch()%3)) << FRACBITS;
self->vel.x = ((pr_heresiarch()%10)-5) << FRACBITS;
self->vel.y = ((pr_heresiarch()%10)-5) << FRACBITS;
self->vel.z = (2+(pr_heresiarch()%3)) << FRACBITS;
self->special2 = 4*FRACUNIT; // Initial bounce factor
self->args[4] = BOUNCE_TIME_UNIT; // Bounce time unit
self->args[3] = 5; // Bounce time in seconds
@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_PotteryExplode)
if (mo)
mo->SetState (mo->SpawnState + (pr_pottery()%5));
mo->velz = ((pr_pottery()&7)+5)*(3*FRACUNIT/4);
mo->velx = (pr_pottery.Random2())<<(FRACBITS-6);
mo->vely = (pr_pottery.Random2())<<(FRACBITS-6);
mo->vel.z = ((pr_pottery()&7)+5)*(3*FRACUNIT/4);
mo->vel.x = (pr_pottery.Random2())<<(FRACBITS-6);
mo->vel.y = (pr_pottery.Random2())<<(FRACBITS-6);
S_Sound (mo, CHAN_BODY, "PotteryExplode", 1, ATTN_NORM);
@ -180,9 +180,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_CorpseExplode)
if (mo)
mo->SetState (mo->SpawnState + (pr_foo()%3));
mo->velz = ((pr_foo()&7)+5)*(3*FRACUNIT/4);
mo->velx = pr_foo.Random2()<<(FRACBITS-6);
mo->vely = pr_foo.Random2()<<(FRACBITS-6);
mo->vel.z = ((pr_foo()&7)+5)*(3*FRACUNIT/4);
mo->vel.x = pr_foo.Random2()<<(FRACBITS-6);
mo->vel.y = pr_foo.Random2()<<(FRACBITS-6);
// Spawn a skull
@ -190,9 +190,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_CorpseExplode)
if (mo)
mo->SetState (mo->SpawnState + 3);
mo->velz = ((pr_foo()&7)+5)*(3*FRACUNIT/4);
mo->velx = pr_foo.Random2()<<(FRACBITS-6);
mo->vely = pr_foo.Random2()<<(FRACBITS-6);
mo->vel.z = ((pr_foo()&7)+5)*(3*FRACUNIT/4);
mo->vel.x = pr_foo.Random2()<<(FRACBITS-6);
mo->vel.y = pr_foo.Random2()<<(FRACBITS-6);
S_Sound (self, CHAN_BODY, self->DeathSound, 1, ATTN_IDLE);
self->Destroy ();
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_LeafThrust)
if (pr_leafthrust() <= 96)
self->velz += (pr_leafthrust()<<9)+FRACUNIT;
self->vel.z += (pr_leafthrust()<<9)+FRACUNIT;
return 0;
@ -266,14 +266,14 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_LeafCheck)
angle_t ang = self->target ? self->target->angle : self->angle;
if (pr_leafcheck() > 64)
if (!self->velx && !self->vely)
if (!self->vel.x && !self->vel.y)
P_ThrustMobj (self, ang, (pr_leafcheck()<<9)+FRACUNIT);
return 0;
self->SetState (self->SpawnState + 7);
self->velz = (pr_leafcheck()<<9)+FRACUNIT;
self->vel.z = (pr_leafcheck()<<9)+FRACUNIT;
P_ThrustMobj (self, ang, (pr_leafcheck()<<9)+2*FRACUNIT);
self->flags |= MF_MISSILE;
return 0;
@ -315,9 +315,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_SoAExplode)
if (mo)
mo->SetState (mo->SpawnState + i);
mo->velz = ((pr_soaexplode()&7)+5)*FRACUNIT;
mo->velx = pr_soaexplode.Random2()<<(FRACBITS-6);
mo->vely = pr_soaexplode.Random2()<<(FRACBITS-6);
mo->vel.z = ((pr_soaexplode()&7)+5)*FRACUNIT;
mo->vel.x = pr_soaexplode.Random2()<<(FRACBITS-6);
mo->vel.y = pr_soaexplode.Random2()<<(FRACBITS-6);
// Spawn an item?
@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_IceGuyChase)
if (mo)
mo->velx = self->velx;
mo->vely = self->vely;
mo->velz = self->velz;
mo->vel.x = self->vel.x;
mo->vel.y = self->vel.y;
mo->vel.z = self->vel.z;
mo->target = self;
@ -110,9 +110,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_IceGuyDie)
self->velx = 0;
self->vely = 0;
self->velz = 0;
self->vel.x = 0;
self->vel.y = 0;
self->vel.z = 0;
self->height = self->GetDefault()->height;
CALL_ACTION(A_FreezeDeathChunks, self);
return 0;
@ -387,8 +387,8 @@ void A_KSpiritSeeker (AActor *actor, angle_t thresh, angle_t turnMax)
actor->angle -= delta;
angle = actor->angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
actor->velx = FixedMul (actor->Speed, finecosine[angle]);
actor->vely = FixedMul (actor->Speed, finesine[angle]);
actor->vel.x = FixedMul (actor->Speed, finecosine[angle]);
actor->vel.y = FixedMul (actor->Speed, finesine[angle]);
if (!(level.time&15)
|| actor->Z() > target->Z()+(target->GetDefault()->height)
@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ void A_KSpiritSeeker (AActor *actor, angle_t thresh, angle_t turnMax)
dist = 1;
actor->velz = deltaZ/dist;
actor->vel.z = deltaZ/dist;
@ -520,13 +520,13 @@ AActor *P_SpawnKoraxMissile (fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z,
th->angle = an;
th->velx = FixedMul (th->Speed, finecosine[an]);
th->vely = FixedMul (th->Speed, finesine[an]);
th->vel.x = FixedMul (th->Speed, finecosine[an]);
th->vel.y = FixedMul (th->Speed, finesine[an]);
dist = dest->AproxDistance (th) / th->Speed;
if (dist < 1)
dist = 1;
th->velz = (dest->Z()-z+(30*FRACUNIT))/dist;
th->vel.z = (dest->Z()-z+(30*FRACUNIT))/dist;
return (P_CheckMissileSpawn(th, source->radius) ? th : NULL);
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_ShedShard)
mo->special1 = SHARDSPAWN_LEFT;
mo->special2 = spermcount;
mo->velz = self->velz;
mo->vel.z = self->vel.z;
mo->args[0] = (spermcount==3)?2:0;
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_ShedShard)
mo->special1 = SHARDSPAWN_RIGHT;
mo->special2 = spermcount;
mo->velz = self->velz;
mo->vel.z = self->vel.z;
mo->args[0] = (spermcount==3)?2:0;
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_ShedShard)
0, (15+2*spermcount)<<FRACBITS, self->target);
if (mo)
mo->velz = self->velz;
mo->vel.z = self->vel.z;
if (spermcount & 1) // Every other reproduction
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_ShedShard)
0, (15+2*spermcount)<<FRACBITS, self->target);
if (mo)
mo->velz = self->velz;
mo->vel.z = self->vel.z;
if (spermcount & 1) // Every other reproduction
@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ int ALightning::SpecialMissileHit (AActor *thing)
if (thing->Mass != INT_MAX)
thing->velx += velx>>4;
thing->vely += vely>>4;
thing->vel.x += vel.x>>4;
thing->vel.y += vel.y>>4;
if ((!thing->player && !(thing->flags2&MF2_BOSS))
|| !(level.time&1))
@ -196,8 +196,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_LightningClip)
self->angle = self->AngleTo(target);
self->velx = 0;
self->vely = 0;
self->vel.x = 0;
self->vel.y = 0;
P_ThrustMobj (self, self->angle, self->Speed>>1);
@ -247,16 +247,16 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_LightningZap)
if (mo)
mo->lastenemy = self;
mo->velx = self->velx;
mo->vely = self->vely;
mo->vel.x = self->vel.x;
mo->vel.y = self->vel.y;
mo->target = self->target;
if (self->flags3 & MF3_FLOORHUGGER)
mo->velz = 20*FRACUNIT;
mo->vel.z = 20*FRACUNIT;
mo->velz = -20*FRACUNIT;
mo->vel.z = -20*FRACUNIT;
if ((self->flags3 & MF3_FLOORHUGGER) && pr_zapf() < 160)
@ -328,8 +328,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_ZapMimic)
self->velx = mo->velx;
self->vely = mo->vely;
self->vel.x = mo->vel.x;
self->vel.y = mo->vel.y;
return 0;
@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_LastZap)
if (mo)
mo->SetState (mo->FindState (NAME_Death));
mo->velz = 40*FRACUNIT;
mo->vel.z = 40*FRACUNIT;
mo->Damage = NULL;
return 0;
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ void APigPlayer::MorphPlayerThink ()
if(!(velx | vely) && pr_pigplayerthink() < 64)
if(!(vel.x | vel.y) && pr_pigplayerthink() < 64)
{ // Snout sniff
if (player->ReadyWeapon != NULL)
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_PigPain)
CALL_ACTION(A_Pain, self);
if (self->Z() <= self->floorz)
self->velz = FRACUNIT*7/2;
self->vel.z = FRACUNIT*7/2;
return 0;
@ -236,8 +236,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_SerpentSpawnGibs)
if (mo)
mo->velx = (pr_serpentgibs()-128)<<6;
mo->vely = (pr_serpentgibs()-128)<<6;
mo->vel.x = (pr_serpentgibs()-128)<<6;
mo->vel.y = (pr_serpentgibs()-128)<<6;
mo->floorclip = 6*FRACUNIT;
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ bool AArtiDarkServant::Use (bool pickup)
mo->target = Owner;
mo->tracer = Owner;
mo->velz = 5*FRACUNIT;
mo->vel.z = 5*FRACUNIT;
return true;
@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ static void TeloSpawn (AActor *source, const char *type)
fx->special1 = TELEPORT_LIFE; // Lifetime countdown
fx->angle = source->angle;
fx->target = source->target;
fx->velx = source->velx >> 1;
fx->vely = source->vely >> 1;
fx->velz = source->velz >> 1;
fx->vel.x = source->vel.x >> 1;
fx->vel.y = source->vel.y >> 1;
fx->vel.z = source->vel.z >> 1;
@ -135,10 +135,10 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_WraithFX2)
angle = self->angle-(pr_wraithfx2()<<22);
mo->velz = 0;
mo->velx = FixedMul((pr_wraithfx2()<<7)+FRACUNIT,
mo->vel.z = 0;
mo->vel.x = FixedMul((pr_wraithfx2()<<7)+FRACUNIT,
mo->vely = FixedMul((pr_wraithfx2()<<7)+FRACUNIT,
mo->vel.y = FixedMul((pr_wraithfx2()<<7)+FRACUNIT,
mo->target = self;
mo->floorclip = 10*FRACUNIT;
@ -1244,9 +1244,9 @@ void G_FinishTravel ()
pawn->pitch = pawndup->pitch;
pawn->SetXYZ(pawndup->X(), pawndup->Y(), pawndup->Z());
pawn->velx = pawndup->velx;
pawn->vely = pawndup->vely;
pawn->velz = pawndup->velz;
pawn->vel.x = pawndup->vel.x;
pawn->vel.y = pawndup->vel.y;
pawn->vel.z = pawndup->vel.z;
pawn->Sector = pawndup->Sector;
pawn->floorz = pawndup->floorz;
pawn->ceilingz = pawndup->ceilingz;
@ -211,8 +211,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_MinotaurDecide)
A_FaceTarget (self);
angle = self->angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
self->velx = FixedMul (MNTR_CHARGE_SPEED, finecosine[angle]);
self->vely = FixedMul (MNTR_CHARGE_SPEED, finesine[angle]);
self->vel.x = FixedMul (MNTR_CHARGE_SPEED, finecosine[angle]);
self->vel.y = FixedMul (MNTR_CHARGE_SPEED, finesine[angle]);
self->special1 = TICRATE/2; // Charge duration
else if (target->Z() == target->floorz
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_MinotaurCharge)
type = PClass::FindActor("PunchPuff");
puff = Spawn (type, self->Pos(), ALLOW_REPLACE);
puff->velz = 2*FRACUNIT;
puff->vel.z = 2*FRACUNIT;
@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_MinotaurAtk2)
AActor *mo;
angle_t angle;
fixed_t velz;
fixed_t vz;
fixed_t z;
bool friendly = !!(self->flags5 & MF5_SUMMONEDMONSTER);
@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_MinotaurAtk2)
if (mo != NULL)
// S_Sound (mo, CHAN_WEAPON, "minotaur/attack2", 1, ATTN_NORM);
velz = mo->velz;
vz = mo->vel.z;
angle = mo->angle;
P_SpawnMissileAngleZ (self, z, fx, angle-(ANG45/8), velz);
P_SpawnMissileAngleZ (self, z, fx, angle+(ANG45/8), velz);
P_SpawnMissileAngleZ (self, z, fx, angle-(ANG45/16), velz);
P_SpawnMissileAngleZ (self, z, fx, angle+(ANG45/16), velz);
P_SpawnMissileAngleZ (self, z, fx, angle-(ANG45/8), vz);
P_SpawnMissileAngleZ (self, z, fx, angle+(ANG45/8), vz);
P_SpawnMissileAngleZ (self, z, fx, angle-(ANG45/16), vz);
P_SpawnMissileAngleZ (self, z, fx, angle+(ANG45/16), vz);
return 0;
@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_MntrFloorFire)
(pr_fire.Random2 () << 10));
mo = Spawn("MinotaurFX3", pos.x, pos.y, self->floorz, ALLOW_REPLACE);
mo->target = self->target;
mo->velx = 1; // Force block checking
mo->vel.x = 1; // Force block checking
P_CheckMissileSpawn (mo, self->radius);
return 0;
@ -418,8 +418,8 @@ void P_MinotaurSlam (AActor *source, AActor *target)
angle = source->AngleTo(target);
thrust = 16*FRACUNIT+(pr_minotaurslam()<<10);
target->velx += FixedMul (thrust, finecosine[angle]);
target->vely += FixedMul (thrust, finesine[angle]);
target->vel.x += FixedMul (thrust, finecosine[angle]);
target->vel.y += FixedMul (thrust, finesine[angle]);
damage = pr_minotaurslam.HitDice (static_cast<AMinotaur *>(source) ? 4 : 6);
int newdam = P_DamageMobj (target, NULL, NULL, damage, NAME_Melee);
P_TraceBleed (newdam > 0 ? newdam : damage, target, angle, 0);
@ -274,12 +274,12 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_FreezeDeathChunks)
int numChunks;
AActor *mo;
if ((self->velx || self->vely || self->velz) && !(self->flags6 & MF6_SHATTERING))
if ((self->vel.x || self->vel.y || self->vel.z) && !(self->flags6 & MF6_SHATTERING))
self->tics = 3*TICRATE;
return 0;
self->velx = self->vely = self->velz = 0;
self->vel.x = self->vel.y = self->vel.z = 0;
S_Sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "misc/icebreak", 1, ATTN_NORM);
// [RH] In Hexen, this creates a random number of shards (range [24,56])
@ -298,9 +298,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_FreezeDeathChunks)
if (mo)
mo->SetState (mo->SpawnState + (pr_freeze()%3));
mo->velz = FixedDiv(mo->Z() - self->Z(), self->height)<<2;
mo->velx = pr_freeze.Random2 () << (FRACBITS-7);
mo->vely = pr_freeze.Random2 () << (FRACBITS-7);
mo->vel.z = FixedDiv(mo->Z() - self->Z(), self->height)<<2;
mo->vel.x = pr_freeze.Random2 () << (FRACBITS-7);
mo->vel.y = pr_freeze.Random2 () << (FRACBITS-7);
CALL_ACTION(A_IceSetTics, mo); // set a random tic wait
mo->RenderStyle = self->RenderStyle;
mo->alpha = self->alpha;
@ -311,9 +311,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_FreezeDeathChunks)
AActor *head = Spawn("IceChunkHead", self->PosPlusZ(self->player->mo->ViewHeight), ALLOW_REPLACE);
if (head != NULL)
head->velz = FixedDiv(head->Z() - self->Z(), self->height)<<2;
head->velx = pr_freeze.Random2 () << (FRACBITS-7);
head->vely = pr_freeze.Random2 () << (FRACBITS-7);
head->vel.z = FixedDiv(head->Z() - self->Z(), self->height)<<2;
head->vel.x = pr_freeze.Random2 () << (FRACBITS-7);
head->vel.y = pr_freeze.Random2 () << (FRACBITS-7);
head->health = self->health;
head->angle = self->angle;
if (head->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn)))
@ -981,9 +981,9 @@ void APowerFlight::InitEffect ()
Owner->flags |= MF_NOGRAVITY;
if (Owner->Z() <= Owner->floorz)
Owner->velz = 4*FRACUNIT; // thrust the player in the air a bit
Owner->vel.z = 4*FRACUNIT; // thrust the player in the air a bit
if (Owner->velz <= -35*FRACUNIT)
if (Owner->vel.z <= -35*FRACUNIT)
{ // stop falling scream
S_StopSound (Owner, CHAN_VOICE);
@ -1261,7 +1261,7 @@ void APowerSpeed::DoEffect ()
if (P_AproxDistance (Owner->velx, Owner->vely) <= 12*FRACUNIT)
if (P_AproxDistance (Owner->vel.x, Owner->vel.y) <= 12*FRACUNIT)
AActor *speedMo = Spawn<APlayerSpeedTrail> (Owner->Pos(), NO_REPLACE);
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ public:
if (!Super::FloorBounceMissile (plane))
if (abs (velz) < (FRACUNIT/2))
if (abs (vel.z) < (FRACUNIT/2))
Destroy ();
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ void P_SpawnDirt (AActor *actor, fixed_t radius)
mo = Spawn (dtype, pos, ALLOW_REPLACE);
if (mo)
mo->velz = pr_dirt()<<10;
mo->vel.z = pr_dirt()<<10;
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ void AFastProjectile::Tick ()
int count = 8;
if (radius > 0)
while ( ((abs(velx) >> shift) > radius) || ((abs(vely) >> shift) > radius))
while ( ((abs(vel.x) >> shift) > radius) || ((abs(vel.y) >> shift) > radius))
// we need to take smaller steps.
@ -56,11 +56,11 @@ void AFastProjectile::Tick ()
// Handle movement
if (velx || vely || (Z() != floorz) || velz)
if (vel.x || vel.y || (Z() != floorz) || vel.z)
xfrac = velx >> shift;
yfrac = vely >> shift;
zfrac = velz >> shift;
xfrac = vel.x >> shift;
yfrac = vel.y >> shift;
zfrac = vel.z >> shift;
changexy = xfrac || yfrac;
int ripcount = count >> 3;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ bool P_MorphPlayer (player_t *activator, player_t *p, PClassPlayerPawn *spawntyp
p->MorphExitFlash = (exit_flash) ? exit_flash : RUNTIME_CLASS(ATeleportFog);
p->health = morphed->health;
p->mo = morphed;
p->velx = p->vely = 0;
p->vel.x = p->vel.y = 0;
morphed->ObtainInventory (actor);
// Remove all armor
for (item = morphed->Inventory; item != NULL; )
@ -227,11 +227,11 @@ bool P_UndoPlayerMorph (player_t *activator, player_t *player, int unmorphflag,
mo->player = player;
mo->reactiontime = 18;
mo->flags = ActorFlags::FromInt (pmo->special2) & ~MF_JUSTHIT;
mo->velx = 0;
mo->vely = 0;
player->velx = 0;
player->vely = 0;
mo->velz = pmo->velz;
mo->vel.x = 0;
mo->vel.y = 0;
player->vel.x = 0;
player->vel.y = 0;
mo->vel.z = pmo->vel.z;
if (!(pmo->special2 & MF_JUSTHIT))
mo->renderflags &= ~RF_INVISIBLE;
@ -461,9 +461,9 @@ bool P_UndoMonsterMorph (AMorphedMonster *beast, bool force)
if (!(beast->FlagsSave & MF_JUSTHIT))
actor->renderflags &= ~RF_INVISIBLE;
actor->health = actor->SpawnHealth();
actor->velx = beast->velx;
actor->vely = beast->vely;
actor->velz = beast->velz;
actor->vel.x = beast->vel.x;
actor->vel.y = beast->vel.y;
actor->vel.z = beast->vel.z;
actor->tid = beast->tid;
actor->special = beast->special;
actor->Score = beast->Score;
@ -150,8 +150,8 @@ void DEarthquake::Tick ()
// So this is actually completely wrong, but it ought to be good
// enough. Otherwise, I'd have to use tangents and square roots.
victim->velx += FixedMul(m_IntensityX << (FRACBITS-1), finecosine[an]);
victim->vely += FixedMul(m_IntensityY << (FRACBITS-1), finesine[an]);
victim->vel.x += FixedMul(m_IntensityX << (FRACBITS-1), finecosine[an]);
victim->vel.y += FixedMul(m_IntensityY << (FRACBITS-1), finesine[an]);
@ -175,9 +175,9 @@ class ARandomSpawner : public AActor
newmobj->SpawnFlags = SpawnFlags;
newmobj->tid = tid;
newmobj->velx = velx;
newmobj->vely = vely;
newmobj->velz = velz;
newmobj->vel.x = vel.x;
newmobj->vel.y = vel.y;
newmobj->vel.z = vel.z;
newmobj->master = master; // For things such as DamageMaster/DamageChildren, transfer mastery.
newmobj->target = target;
newmobj->tracer = tracer;
@ -29,12 +29,12 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_SpectreChunkSmall)
int t;
t = pr_spectrechunk() & 15;
foo->velx = (t - (pr_spectrechunk() & 7)) << FRACBITS;
foo->vel.x = (t - (pr_spectrechunk() & 7)) << FRACBITS;
t = pr_spectrechunk() & 15;
foo->vely = (t - (pr_spectrechunk() & 7)) << FRACBITS;
foo->vel.y = (t - (pr_spectrechunk() & 7)) << FRACBITS;
foo->velz = (pr_spectrechunk() & 15) << FRACBITS;
foo->vel.z = (pr_spectrechunk() & 15) << FRACBITS;
return 0;
@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_SpectreChunkLarge)
int t;
t = pr_spectrechunk() & 7;
foo->velx = (t - (pr_spectrechunk() & 15)) << FRACBITS;
foo->vel.x = (t - (pr_spectrechunk() & 15)) << FRACBITS;
t = pr_spectrechunk() & 7;
foo->vely = (t - (pr_spectrechunk() & 15)) << FRACBITS;
foo->vel.y = (t - (pr_spectrechunk() & 15)) << FRACBITS;
foo->velz = (pr_spectrechunk() & 7) << FRACBITS;
foo->vel.z = (pr_spectrechunk() & 7) << FRACBITS;
return 0;
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_Spectre3Attack)
AActor *foo = Spawn("SpectralLightningV2", self->PosPlusZ(32*FRACUNIT), ALLOW_REPLACE);
foo->velz = -12*FRACUNIT;
foo->vel.z = -12*FRACUNIT;
foo->target = self;
foo->FriendPlayer = 0;
foo->tracer = self->target;
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_CrusaderSweepLeft)
AActor *misl = P_SpawnMissileZAimed (self, self->Z() + 48*FRACUNIT, self->target, PClass::FindActor("FastFlameMissile"));
if (misl != NULL)
misl->velz += FRACUNIT;
misl->vel.z += FRACUNIT;
return 0;
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_CrusaderSweepRight)
AActor *misl = P_SpawnMissileZAimed (self, self->Z() + 48*FRACUNIT, self->target, PClass::FindActor("FastFlameMissile"));
if (misl != NULL)
misl->velz += FRACUNIT;
misl->vel.z += FRACUNIT;
return 0;
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_SpawnEntity)
entity->angle = self->angle;
entity->CopyFriendliness(self, true);
entity->velz = 5*FRACUNIT;
entity->vel.z = 5*FRACUNIT;
entity->tracer = self;
return 0;
@ -108,16 +108,16 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_EntityDeath)
//second->target = self->target;
A_FaceTarget (second);
an = second->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
second->velx += FixedMul (finecosine[an], 320000);
second->vely += FixedMul (finesine[an], 320000);
second->vel.x += FixedMul (finecosine[an], 320000);
second->vel.y += FixedMul (finesine[an], 320000);
pos = spot->Vec3Angle(secondRadius, self->angle + ANGLE_90, self->tracer? 70*FRACUNIT : 0);
an = (self->angle + ANGLE_90) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
second = Spawn("EntitySecond", pos, ALLOW_REPLACE);
second->CopyFriendliness(self, true);
//second->target = self->target;
second->velx = FixedMul (secondRadius, finecosine[an]) << 2;
second->vely = FixedMul (secondRadius, finesine[an]) << 2;
second->vel.x = FixedMul (secondRadius, finecosine[an]) << 2;
second->vel.y = FixedMul (secondRadius, finesine[an]) << 2;
A_FaceTarget (second);
pos = spot->Vec3Angle(secondRadius, self->angle - ANGLE_90, self->tracer? 70*FRACUNIT : 0);
@ -125,8 +125,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_EntityDeath)
second = Spawn("EntitySecond", pos, ALLOW_REPLACE);
second->CopyFriendliness(self, true);
//second->target = self->target;
second->velx = FixedMul (secondRadius, finecosine[an]) << 2;
second->vely = FixedMul (secondRadius, finesine[an]) << 2;
second->vel.x = FixedMul (secondRadius, finecosine[an]) << 2;
second->vel.y = FixedMul (secondRadius, finesine[an]) << 2;
A_FaceTarget (second);
return 0;
@ -66,13 +66,13 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_InquisitorAttack)
proj = P_SpawnMissileZAimed (self, self->Z(), self->target, PClass::FindActor("InquisitorShot"));
if (proj != NULL)
proj->velz += 9*FRACUNIT;
proj->vel.z += 9*FRACUNIT;
self->angle += ANGLE_45/16;
proj = P_SpawnMissileZAimed (self, self->Z(), self->target, PClass::FindActor("InquisitorShot"));
if (proj != NULL)
proj->velz += 16*FRACUNIT;
proj->vel.z += 16*FRACUNIT;
return 0;
@ -94,15 +94,15 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_InquisitorJump)
A_FaceTarget (self);
an = self->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
speed = self->Speed * 2/3;
self->velx += FixedMul (speed, finecosine[an]);
self->vely += FixedMul (speed, finesine[an]);
self->vel.x += FixedMul (speed, finecosine[an]);
self->vel.y += FixedMul (speed, finesine[an]);
dist = self->AproxDistance (self->target);
dist /= speed;
if (dist < 1)
dist = 1;
self->velz = (self->target->Z() - self->Z()) / dist;
self->vel.z = (self->target->Z() - self->Z()) / dist;
self->reactiontime = 60;
self->flags |= MF_NOGRAVITY;
return 0;
@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_InquisitorCheckLand)
if (self->reactiontime < 0 ||
self->velx == 0 ||
self->vely == 0 ||
self->vel.x == 0 ||
self->vel.y == 0 ||
self->Z() <= self->floorz)
self->SetState (self->SeeState);
@ -137,9 +137,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_TossArm)
AActor *foo = Spawn("InquisitorArm", self->PosPlusZ(24*FRACUNIT), ALLOW_REPLACE);
foo->angle = self->angle - ANGLE_90 + (pr_inq.Random2() << 22);
foo->velx = FixedMul (foo->Speed, finecosine[foo->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT]) >> 3;
foo->vely = FixedMul (foo->Speed, finesine[foo->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT]) >> 3;
foo->velz = pr_inq() << 10;
foo->vel.x = FixedMul (foo->Speed, finecosine[foo->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT]) >> 3;
foo->vel.y = FixedMul (foo->Speed, finesine[foo->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT]) >> 3;
foo->vel.z = pr_inq() << 10;
return 0;
@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ int ALoreShot::DoSpecialDamage (AActor *victim, int damage, FName damagetype)
thrust *= double((255*50*FRACUNIT) / (victim->Mass ? victim->Mass : 1));
victim->velx += fixed_t(thrust.X);
victim->vely += fixed_t(thrust.Y);
victim->velz += fixed_t(thrust.Z);
victim->vel.x += fixed_t(thrust.X);
victim->vel.y += fixed_t(thrust.Y);
victim->vel.z += fixed_t(thrust.Z);
return damage;
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_LoremasterChain)
S_Sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "loremaster/active", 1, ATTN_NORM);
Spawn("LoreShot2", self->Pos(), ALLOW_REPLACE);
Spawn("LoreShot2", self->Vec3Offset(-(self->velx >> 1), -(self->vely >> 1), -(self->velz >> 1)), ALLOW_REPLACE);
Spawn("LoreShot2", self->Vec3Offset(-self->velx, -self->vely, -self->velz), ALLOW_REPLACE);
Spawn("LoreShot2", self->Vec3Offset(-(self->vel.x >> 1), -(self->vel.y >> 1), -(self->vel.z >> 1)), ALLOW_REPLACE);
Spawn("LoreShot2", self->Vec3Offset(-self->vel.x, -self->vel.y, -self->vel.z), ALLOW_REPLACE);
return 0;
@ -134,9 +134,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_SpawnProgrammerBase)
if (foo != NULL)
foo->angle = self->angle + ANGLE_180 + (pr_prog.Random2() << 22);
foo->velx = FixedMul (foo->Speed, finecosine[foo->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
foo->vely = FixedMul (foo->Speed, finesine[foo->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
foo->velz = pr_prog() << 9;
foo->vel.x = FixedMul (foo->Speed, finecosine[foo->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
foo->vel.y = FixedMul (foo->Speed, finesine[foo->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
foo->vel.z = pr_prog() << 9;
return 0;
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_SentinelBob)
if (self->flags & MF_INFLOAT)
self->velz = 0;
self->vel.z = 0;
return 0;
if (self->threshold != 0)
@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_SentinelBob)
if (minz < self->Z())
self->velz -= FRACUNIT;
self->vel.z -= FRACUNIT;
self->velz += FRACUNIT;
self->vel.z += FRACUNIT;
self->reactiontime = (minz >= self->Z()) ? 4 : 0;
return 0;
@ -55,22 +55,22 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_SentinelAttack)
missile = P_SpawnMissileZAimed (self, self->Z() + 32*FRACUNIT, self->target, PClass::FindActor("SentinelFX2"));
if (missile != NULL && (missile->velx | missile->vely) != 0)
if (missile != NULL && (missile->vel.x | missile->vel.y) != 0)
for (int i = 8; i > 1; --i)
trail = Spawn("SentinelFX1",
self->Vec3Angle(missile->radius*i, missile->angle, (missile->velz / 4 * i)), ALLOW_REPLACE);
self->Vec3Angle(missile->radius*i, missile->angle, (missile->vel.z / 4 * i)), ALLOW_REPLACE);
if (trail != NULL)
trail->target = self;
trail->velx = missile->velx;
trail->vely = missile->vely;
trail->velz = missile->velz;
trail->vel.x = missile->vel.x;
trail->vel.y = missile->vel.y;
trail->vel.z = missile->vel.z;
P_CheckMissileSpawn (trail, self->radius);
missile->AddZ(missile->velz >> 2);
missile->AddZ(missile->vel.z >> 2);
return 0;
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_SpectralLightningTail)
AActor *foo = Spawn("SpectralLightningHTail", self->Vec3Offset(-self->velx, -self->vely, 0), ALLOW_REPLACE);
AActor *foo = Spawn("SpectralLightningHTail", self->Vec3Offset(-self->vel.x, -self->vel.y, 0), ALLOW_REPLACE);
foo->angle = self->angle;
foo->FriendPlayer = self->FriendPlayer;
@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_SpectralLightning)
if (self->threshold != 0)
self->velx += pr_zap5.Random2(3) << FRACBITS;
self->vely += pr_zap5.Random2(3) << FRACBITS;
self->vel.x += pr_zap5.Random2(3) << FRACBITS;
self->vel.y += pr_zap5.Random2(3) << FRACBITS;
fixedvec2 pos = self->Vec2Offset(
pr_zap5.Random2(3) * FRACUNIT * 50,
@ -74,13 +74,13 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_SpectralLightning)
PClass::FindActor(NAME_SpectralLightningV1), pos.x, pos.y, ONCEILINGZ, ALLOW_REPLACE);
flash->target = self->target;
flash->velz = -18*FRACUNIT;
flash->vel.z = -18*FRACUNIT;
flash->FriendPlayer = self->FriendPlayer;
flash = Spawn(NAME_SpectralLightningV2, self->X(), self->Y(), ONCEILINGZ, ALLOW_REPLACE);
flash->target = self->target;
flash->velz = -18*FRACUNIT;
flash->vel.z = -18*FRACUNIT;
flash->FriendPlayer = self->FriendPlayer;
return 0;
@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_Tracer2)
exact = self->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
self->velx = FixedMul (self->Speed, finecosine[exact]);
self->vely = FixedMul (self->Speed, finesine[exact]);
self->vel.x = FixedMul (self->Speed, finecosine[exact]);
self->vel.y = FixedMul (self->Speed, finesine[exact]);
if (!(self->flags3 & (MF3_FLOORHUGGER|MF3_CEILINGHUGGER)))
@ -143,13 +143,13 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_Tracer2)
slope = (dest->Z() + self->height*2/3 - self->Z()) / dist;
if (slope < self->velz)
if (slope < self->vel.z)
self->velz -= FRACUNIT/8;
self->vel.z -= FRACUNIT/8;
self->velz += FRACUNIT/8;
self->vel.z += FRACUNIT/8;
return 0;
@ -611,9 +611,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_TossGib)
an = pr_gibtosser() << 24;
gib->angle = an;
speed = pr_gibtosser() & 15;
gib->velx = speed * finecosine[an >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT];
gib->vely = speed * finesine[an >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT];
gib->velz = (pr_gibtosser() & 15) << FRACBITS;
gib->vel.x = speed * finecosine[an >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT];
gib->vel.y = speed * finesine[an >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT];
gib->vel.z = (pr_gibtosser() & 15) << FRACBITS;
return 0;
@ -671,8 +671,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_CheckTerrain)
fixed_t speed = (anglespeed % 10) << (FRACBITS - 4);
angle_t finean = (anglespeed / 10) << (32-3);
self->velx += FixedMul (speed, finecosine[finean]);
self->vely += FixedMul (speed, finesine[finean]);
self->vel.x += FixedMul (speed, finecosine[finean]);
self->vel.y += FixedMul (speed, finesine[finean]);
return 0;
@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_DropFire)
AActor *drop = Spawn("FireDroplet", self->PosPlusZ(24*FRACUNIT), ALLOW_REPLACE);
drop->velz = -FRACUNIT;
drop->vel.z = -FRACUNIT;
P_RadiusAttack (self, self, 64, 64, NAME_Fire, 0);
return 0;
@ -380,10 +380,10 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_RocketInFlight)
S_Sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "misc/missileinflight", 1, ATTN_NORM);
P_SpawnPuff (self, PClass::FindActor("MiniMissilePuff"), self->Pos(), self->angle - ANGLE_180, 2, PF_HITTHING);
trail = Spawn("RocketTrail", self->Vec3Offset(-self->velx, -self->vely, 0), ALLOW_REPLACE);
trail = Spawn("RocketTrail", self->Vec3Offset(-self->vel.x, -self->vel.y, 0), ALLOW_REPLACE);
if (trail != NULL)
trail->velz = FRACUNIT;
trail->vel.z = FRACUNIT;
return 0;
@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_FlameDie)
self->flags |= MF_NOGRAVITY;
self->velz = (pr_flamedie() & 3) << FRACBITS;
self->vel.z = (pr_flamedie() & 3) << FRACBITS;
return 0;
@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_FireFlamer)
self = P_SpawnPlayerMissile (self, PClass::FindActor("FlameMissile"));
if (self != NULL)
self->velz += 5*FRACUNIT;
self->vel.z += 5*FRACUNIT;
return 0;
@ -578,8 +578,8 @@ AActor *P_SpawnSubMissile (AActor *source, PClassActor *type, AActor *target)
other->target = target;
other->angle = source->angle;
other->velx = FixedMul (other->Speed, finecosine[source->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
other->vely = FixedMul (other->Speed, finesine[source->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
other->vel.x = FixedMul (other->Speed, finecosine[source->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
other->vel.y = FixedMul (other->Speed, finesine[source->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
if (other->flags4 & MF4_SPECTRAL)
@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ AActor *P_SpawnSubMissile (AActor *source, PClassActor *type, AActor *target)
if (P_CheckMissileSpawn (other, source->radius))
angle_t pitch = P_AimLineAttack (source, source->angle, 1024*FRACUNIT);
other->velz = FixedMul (-finesine[pitch>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT], other->Speed);
other->vel.z = FixedMul (-finesine[pitch>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT], other->Speed);
return other;
return NULL;
@ -632,9 +632,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_Burnination)
self->velz -= 8*FRACUNIT;
self->velx += (pr_phburn.Random2 (3)) << FRACBITS;
self->vely += (pr_phburn.Random2 (3)) << FRACBITS;
self->vel.z -= 8*FRACUNIT;
self->vel.x += (pr_phburn.Random2 (3)) << FRACBITS;
self->vel.y += (pr_phburn.Random2 (3)) << FRACBITS;
S_Sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "world/largefire", 1, ATTN_NORM);
// Only the main fire spawns more.
@ -675,9 +675,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_Burnination)
if (drop != NULL)
drop->velx = self->velx + ((pr_phburn.Random2 (7)) << FRACBITS);
drop->vely = self->vely + ((pr_phburn.Random2 (7)) << FRACBITS);
drop->velz = self->velz - FRACUNIT;
drop->vel.x = self->vel.x + ((pr_phburn.Random2 (7)) << FRACBITS);
drop->vel.y = self->vel.y + ((pr_phburn.Random2 (7)) << FRACBITS);
drop->vel.z = self->vel.z - FRACUNIT;
drop->reactiontime = (pr_phburn() & 3) + 2;
drop->flags |= MF_DROPPED;
@ -728,7 +728,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_FireGrenade)
S_Sound (grenade, CHAN_VOICE, grenade->SeeSound, 1, ATTN_NORM);
grenade->velz = FixedMul (finetangent[FINEANGLES/4-(self->pitch>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT)], grenade->Speed) + 8*FRACUNIT;
grenade->vel.z = FixedMul (finetangent[FINEANGLES/4-(self->pitch>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT)], grenade->Speed) + 8*FRACUNIT;
fixedvec2 offset;
@ -1000,8 +1000,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_FireSigil1)
spot = Spawn("SpectralLightningSpot", self->Pos(), ALLOW_REPLACE);
if (spot != NULL)
spot->velx += 28 * finecosine[self->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT];
spot->vely += 28 * finesine[self->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT];
spot->vel.x += 28 * finecosine[self->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT];
spot->vel.y += 28 * finesine[self->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT];
if (spot != NULL)
@ -1102,8 +1102,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_FireSigil4)
spot = P_SpawnPlayerMissile (self, PClass::FindActor("SpectralLightningBigV1"));
if (spot != NULL)
spot->velx += FixedMul (spot->Speed, finecosine[self->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
spot->vely += FixedMul (spot->Speed, finesine[self->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
spot->vel.x += FixedMul (spot->Speed, finecosine[self->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
spot->vel.y += FixedMul (spot->Speed, finesine[self->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
return 0;
@ -112,9 +112,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_LightGoesOut)
if (foo != NULL)
int t = pr_lightout() & 15;
foo->velx = (t - (pr_lightout() & 7)) << FRACBITS;
foo->vely = (pr_lightout.Random2() & 7) << FRACBITS;
foo->velz = (7 + (pr_lightout() & 3)) << FRACBITS;
foo->vel.x = (t - (pr_lightout() & 7)) << FRACBITS;
foo->vel.y = (pr_lightout.Random2() & 7) << FRACBITS;
foo->vel.z = (7 + (pr_lightout() & 3)) << FRACBITS;
return 0;
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ void cht_DoCheat (player_t *player, int cheat)
player->cheats &= ~CF_NOCLIP;
msg = GStrings("STSTR_NCOFF");
if (player->mo->velx == 0) player->mo->velx = 1; // force some lateral movement so that internal variables are up to date
if (player->mo->vel.x == 0) player->mo->vel.x = 1; // force some lateral movement so that internal variables are up to date
@ -4184,12 +4184,12 @@ bool DLevelScript::DoCheckActorTexture(int tid, AActor *activator, int string, b
if (floor)
actor->Sector->NextLowestFloorAt(actor, actor->Z(), 0, &resultsec, &resffloor);
actor->Sector->NextLowestFloorAt(actor->X(), actor->Y(), actor->Z(), 0, actor->MaxStepHeight, &resultsec, &resffloor);
secpic = resffloor ? *resffloor->top.texture : resultsec->planes[sector_t::floor].Texture;
actor->Sector->NextHighestCeilingAt(actor, actor->Top(), 0, &resultsec, &resffloor);
actor->Sector->NextHighestCeilingAt(actor->X(), actor->Y(), actor->Z(), actor->Top(), 0, &resultsec, &resffloor);
secpic = resffloor ? *resffloor->bottom.texture : resultsec->planes[sector_t::ceiling].Texture;
return tex == TexMan[secpic];
@ -4897,15 +4897,15 @@ int DLevelScript::CallFunction(int argCount, int funcIndex, SDWORD *args)
case ACSF_GetActorVelX:
actor = SingleActorFromTID(args[0], activator);
return actor != NULL? actor->velx : 0;
return actor != NULL? actor->vel.x : 0;
case ACSF_GetActorVelY:
actor = SingleActorFromTID(args[0], activator);
return actor != NULL? actor->vely : 0;
return actor != NULL? actor->vel.y : 0;
case ACSF_GetActorVelZ:
actor = SingleActorFromTID(args[0], activator);
return actor != NULL? actor->velz : 0;
return actor != NULL? actor->vel.z : 0;
case ACSF_SetPointer:
if (activator)
@ -5946,8 +5946,8 @@ doplaysound: if (funcIndex == ACSF_PlayActorSound)
reference = SingleActorFromTID(tid_dest, activator);
// If there is no actor to warp to, fail.
if (!reference)
// If there is no activator or actor to warp to, fail.
if (activator == NULL || !reference)
return false;
if (P_Thing_Warp(activator, reference, xofs, yofs, zofs, angle, flags, heightoffset, radiusoffset, pitch))
@ -1091,8 +1091,8 @@ void P_StartConversation (AActor *npc, AActor *pc, bool facetalker, bool saveang
pc->velx = pc->vely = 0; // Stop moving
pc->player->velx = pc->player->vely = 0;
pc->vel.x = pc->vel.y = 0; // Stop moving
pc->player->vel.x = pc->player->vel.y = 0;
static_cast<APlayerPawn*>(pc)->PlayIdle ();
pc->player->ConversationPC = pc;
@ -279,15 +279,15 @@ void P_ThinkParticles ()
fixedvec2 newxy = P_GetOffsetPosition(particle->x, particle->y, particle->velx, particle->vely);
fixedvec2 newxy = P_GetOffsetPosition(particle->x, particle->y, particle->vel.x, particle->vel.y);
particle->x = newxy.x;
particle->y = newxy.y;
//particle->x += particle->velx;
//particle->y += particle->vely;
particle->z += particle->velz;
particle->velx += particle->accx;
particle->vely += particle->accy;
particle->velz += particle->accz;
//particle->x += particle->vel.x;
//particle->y += particle->vel.y;
particle->z += particle->vel.z;
particle->vel.x += particle->accx;
particle->vel.y += particle->accy;
particle->vel.z += particle->accz;
particle->subsector = R_PointInSubsector(particle->x, particle->y);
if (!particle->subsector->sector->PortalBlocksMovement(sector_t::ceiling))
@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ void P_ThinkParticles ()
void P_SpawnParticle(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, fixed_t velx, fixed_t vely, fixed_t velz, PalEntry color, bool fullbright, BYTE startalpha, BYTE lifetime, WORD size, int fadestep, fixed_t accelx, fixed_t accely, fixed_t accelz)
void P_SpawnParticle(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, fixed_t vx, fixed_t vy, fixed_t vz, PalEntry color, bool fullbright, BYTE startalpha, BYTE lifetime, WORD size, int fadestep, fixed_t accelx, fixed_t accely, fixed_t accelz)
particle_t *particle = NewParticle();
@ -322,9 +322,9 @@ void P_SpawnParticle(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, fixed_t velx, fixed_t vely
particle->x = x;
particle->y = y;
particle->z = z;
particle->velx = velx;
particle->vely = vely;
particle->velz = velz;
particle->vel.x = vx;
particle->vel.y = vy;
particle->vel.z = vz;
particle->color = ParticleColor(color);
particle->trans = startalpha;
if (fadestep < 0) fadestep = FADEFROMTTL(lifetime);
@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ particle_t *JitterParticle (int ttl, double drift)
particle_t *particle = NewParticle ();
if (particle) {
fixed_t *val = &particle->velx;
fixed_t *val = &particle->vel.x;
int i;
// Set initial velocities
@ -415,9 +415,9 @@ static void MakeFountain (AActor *actor, int color1, int color2)
particle->y = pos.y;
particle->z = pos.z;
if (out < actor->radius/8)
particle->velz += FRACUNIT*10/3;
particle->vel.z += FRACUNIT*10/3;
particle->velz += FRACUNIT*3;
particle->vel.z += FRACUNIT*3;
particle->accz -= FRACUNIT/11;
if (M_Random() < 30) {
particle->size = 4;
@ -434,9 +434,9 @@ void P_RunEffect (AActor *actor, int effects)
angle_t moveangle;
// 512 is the limit below which R_PointToAngle2 does no longer returns usable values.
if (abs(actor->velx) > 512 || abs(actor->vely) > 512)
if (abs(actor->vel.x) > 512 || abs(actor->vel.y) > 512)
moveangle = R_PointToAngle2(0,0,actor->velx,actor->vely);
moveangle = R_PointToAngle2(0,0,actor->vel.x,actor->vel.y);
@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ void P_RunEffect (AActor *actor, int effects)
fixed_t backx = - FixedMul (finecosine[(moveangle)>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT], actor->radius*2);
fixed_t backy = - FixedMul (finesine[(moveangle)>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT], actor->radius*2);
fixed_t backz = - (actor->height>>3) * (actor->velz>>16) + (2*actor->height)/3;
fixed_t backz = - (actor->height>>3) * (actor->vel.z>>16) + (2*actor->height)/3;
angle_t an = (moveangle + ANG90) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
int speed;
@ -462,16 +462,16 @@ void P_RunEffect (AActor *actor, int effects)
if (particle) {
fixed_t pathdist = M_Random()<<8;
fixedvec3 pos = actor->Vec3Offset(
backx - FixedMul(actor->velx, pathdist),
backy - FixedMul(actor->vely, pathdist),
backz - FixedMul(actor->velz, pathdist));
backx - FixedMul(actor->vel.x, pathdist),
backy - FixedMul(actor->vel.y, pathdist),
backz - FixedMul(actor->vel.z, pathdist));
particle->x = pos.x;
particle->y = pos.y;
particle->z = pos.z;
speed = (M_Random () - 128) * (FRACUNIT/200);
particle->velx += FixedMul (speed, finecosine[an]);
particle->vely += FixedMul (speed, finesine[an]);
particle->velz -= FRACUNIT/36;
particle->vel.x += FixedMul (speed, finecosine[an]);
particle->vel.y += FixedMul (speed, finesine[an]);
particle->vel.z -= FRACUNIT/36;
particle->accz -= FRACUNIT/20;
particle->color = yellow;
particle->size = 2;
@ -481,16 +481,16 @@ void P_RunEffect (AActor *actor, int effects)
if (particle) {
fixed_t pathdist = M_Random()<<8;
fixedvec3 pos = actor->Vec3Offset(
backx - FixedMul(actor->velx, pathdist),
backy - FixedMul(actor->vely, pathdist),
backz - FixedMul(actor->velz, pathdist) + (M_Random() << 10));
backx - FixedMul(actor->vel.x, pathdist),
backy - FixedMul(actor->vel.y, pathdist),
backz - FixedMul(actor->vel.z, pathdist) + (M_Random() << 10));
particle->x = pos.x;
particle->y = pos.y;
particle->z = pos.z;
speed = (M_Random () - 128) * (FRACUNIT/200);
particle->velx += FixedMul (speed, finecosine[an]);
particle->vely += FixedMul (speed, finesine[an]);
particle->velz += FRACUNIT/80;
particle->vel.x += FixedMul (speed, finecosine[an]);
particle->vel.y += FixedMul (speed, finesine[an]);
particle->vel.z += FRACUNIT/80;
particle->accz += FRACUNIT/40;
if (M_Random () & 7)
particle->color = grey2;
@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ void P_RunEffect (AActor *actor, int effects)
// Grenade trail
fixedvec3 pos = actor->Vec3Angle(-actor->radius * 2, moveangle,
-(actor->height >> 3) * (actor->velz >> 16) + (2 * actor->height) / 3);
-(actor->height >> 3) * (actor->vel.z >> 16) + (2 * actor->height) / 3);
P_DrawSplash2 (6, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z,
moveangle + ANG180, 2, 2);
@ -545,13 +545,13 @@ void P_RunEffect (AActor *actor, int effects)
particle->y = pos.y;
particle->z = pos.z;
particle->color = *protectColors[M_Random() & 1];
particle->velz = FRACUNIT;
particle->vel.z = FRACUNIT;
particle->accz = M_Random () << 7;
particle->size = 1;
if (M_Random () < 128)
{ // make particle fall from top of actor
particle->z += actor->height;
particle->velz = -particle->velz;
particle->vel.z = -particle->vel.z;
particle->accz = -particle->accz;
@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ void P_DrawSplash (int count, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, angle_t angle, in
p->size = 2;
p->color = M_Random() & 0x80 ? color1 : color2;
p->velz -= M_Random () * 512;
p->vel.z -= M_Random () * 512;
p->accz -= FRACUNIT/8;
p->accx += (M_Random () - 128) * 8;
p->accy += (M_Random () - 128) * 8;
@ -635,14 +635,14 @@ void P_DrawSplash2 (int count, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, angle_t angle, i
p->trans = 255;
p->size = 4;
p->color = M_Random() & 0x80 ? color1 : color2;
p->velz = M_Random () * zvel;
p->vel.z = M_Random () * zvel;
p->accz = -FRACUNIT/22;
if (kind) {
an = (angle + ((M_Random() - 128) << 23)) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
p->velx = (M_Random () * finecosine[an]) >> 11;
p->vely = (M_Random () * finesine[an]) >> 11;
p->accx = p->velx >> 4;
p->accy = p->vely >> 4;
p->vel.x = (M_Random () * finecosine[an]) >> 11;
p->vel.y = (M_Random () * finesine[an]) >> 11;
p->accx = p->vel.x >> 4;
p->accy = p->vel.y >> 4;
p->z = z + (M_Random () + zadd - 128) * zspread;
an = (angle + ((M_Random() - 128) << 22)) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
@ -762,9 +762,9 @@ void P_DrawRailTrail(AActor *source, const DVector3 &start, const DVector3 &end,
p->bright = fullbright;
tempvec = DMatrix3x3(dir, deg) * extend;
p->velx = FLOAT2FIXED(tempvec.X * drift)>>4;
p->vely = FLOAT2FIXED(tempvec.Y * drift)>>4;
p->velz = FLOAT2FIXED(tempvec.Z * drift)>>4;
p->vel.x = FLOAT2FIXED(tempvec.X * drift)>>4;
p->vel.y = FLOAT2FIXED(tempvec.Y * drift)>>4;
p->vel.z = FLOAT2FIXED(tempvec.Z * drift)>>4;
tempvec += pos;
p->x = FLOAT2FIXED(tempvec.X);
p->y = FLOAT2FIXED(tempvec.Y);
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ struct subsector_t;
struct particle_t
fixed_t x,y,z;
fixed_t velx,vely,velz;
fixedvec3 vel;
fixed_t accx,accy,accz;
BYTE ttl;
BYTE trans;
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ particle_t *JitterParticle (int ttl);
particle_t *JitterParticle (int ttl, double drift);
void P_ThinkParticles (void);
void P_SpawnParticle(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, fixed_t velx, fixed_t vely, fixed_t velz, PalEntry color, bool fullbright, BYTE startalpha, BYTE lifetime, WORD size, int fadestep, fixed_t accelx, fixed_t accely, fixed_t accelz);
void P_SpawnParticle(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, fixed_t vx, fixed_t vy, fixed_t vz, PalEntry color, bool fullbright, BYTE startalpha, BYTE lifetime, WORD size, int fadestep, fixed_t accelx, fixed_t accely, fixed_t accelz);
void P_InitEffects (void);
void P_RunEffects (void);
@ -564,8 +564,8 @@ bool P_Move (AActor *actor)
actor->SetOrigin(origx, origy, actor->Z(), false);
actor->velx += FixedMul (deltax, movefactor);
actor->vely += FixedMul (deltay, movefactor);
actor->vel.x += FixedMul (deltax, movefactor);
actor->vel.y += FixedMul (deltay, movefactor);
// [RH] If a walking monster is no longer on the floor, move it down
@ -1733,7 +1733,7 @@ bool P_LookForPlayers (AActor *actor, INTBOOL allaround, FLookExParams *params)
player->mo->flags3 & MF3_GHOST)
if ((player->mo->AproxDistance (actor) > 2*MELEERANGE)
&& P_AproxDistance (player->mo->velx, player->mo->vely) < 5*FRACUNIT)
&& P_AproxDistance (player->mo->vel.x, player->mo->vel.y) < 5*FRACUNIT)
{ // Player is sneaking - can't detect
@ -2456,8 +2456,8 @@ void A_DoChase (VMFrameStack *stack, AActor *actor, bool fastchase, FState *mele
actor->FastChaseStrafeCount = 0;
actor->velx = 0;
actor->vely = 0;
actor->vel.x = 0;
actor->vel.y = 0;
fixed_t dist = actor->AproxDistance (actor->target);
@ -2466,8 +2466,8 @@ void A_DoChase (VMFrameStack *stack, AActor *actor, bool fastchase, FState *mele
angle_t ang = actor->AngleTo(actor->target);
if (pr_chase() < 128) ang += ANGLE_90;
else ang -= ANGLE_90;
actor->velx = 13 * finecosine[ang>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT];
actor->vely = 13 * finesine[ang>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT];
actor->vel.x = 13 * finecosine[ang>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT];
actor->vel.y = 13 * finesine[ang>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT];
actor->FastChaseStrafeCount = 3; // strafe time
@ -2650,7 +2650,7 @@ static bool P_CheckForResurrection(AActor *self, bool usevilestates)
corpsehit->velx = corpsehit->vely = 0;
corpsehit->vel.x = corpsehit->vel.y = 0;
// [RH] Check against real height and radius
fixed_t oldheight = corpsehit->height;
@ -3014,7 +3014,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_MonsterRail)
// Let the aim trail behind the player
self->angle = self->AngleTo(self->target, -self->target->velx * 3, -self->target->vely * 3);
self->angle = self->AngleTo(self->target, -self->target->vel.x * 3, -self->target->vel.y * 3);
if (self->target->flags & MF_SHADOW && !(self->flags6 & MF6_SEEINVISIBLE))
@ -3231,14 +3231,14 @@ void P_TossItem (AActor *item)
if (style==2)
item->velx += pr_dropitem.Random2(7) << FRACBITS;
item->vely += pr_dropitem.Random2(7) << FRACBITS;
item->vel.x += pr_dropitem.Random2(7) << FRACBITS;
item->vel.y += pr_dropitem.Random2(7) << FRACBITS;
item->velx = pr_dropitem.Random2() << 8;
item->vely = pr_dropitem.Random2() << 8;
item->velz = FRACUNIT*5 + (pr_dropitem() << 10);
item->vel.x = pr_dropitem.Random2() << 8;
item->vel.y = pr_dropitem.Random2() << 8;
item->vel.z = FRACUNIT*5 + (pr_dropitem() << 10);
@ -974,7 +974,7 @@ int P_DamageMobj (AActor *target, AActor *inflictor, AActor *source, int damage,
target->tics = 1;
target->flags6 |= MF6_SHATTERING;
target->velx = target->vely = target->velz = 0;
target->vel.x = target->vel.y = target->vel.z = 0;
return -1;
@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@ int P_DamageMobj (AActor *target, AActor *inflictor, AActor *source, int damage,
if (target->flags & MF_SKULLFLY)
target->velx = target->vely = target->velz = 0;
target->vel.x = target->vel.y = target->vel.z = 0;
player = target->player;
@ -1201,17 +1201,17 @@ int P_DamageMobj (AActor *target, AActor *inflictor, AActor *source, int damage,
(source->player->ReadyWeapon->WeaponFlags & WIF_STAFF2_KICKBACK))
// Staff power level 2
target->velx += FixedMul (10*FRACUNIT, finecosine[ang]);
target->vely += FixedMul (10*FRACUNIT, finesine[ang]);
target->vel.x += FixedMul (10*FRACUNIT, finecosine[ang]);
target->vel.y += FixedMul (10*FRACUNIT, finesine[ang]);
if (!(target->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY))
target->velz += 5*FRACUNIT;
target->vel.z += 5*FRACUNIT;
target->velx += FixedMul (thrust, finecosine[ang]);
target->vely += FixedMul (thrust, finesine[ang]);
target->vel.x += FixedMul (thrust, finecosine[ang]);
target->vel.y += FixedMul (thrust, finesine[ang]);
@ -1128,12 +1128,12 @@ FUNC(LS_ThrustThing)
static void ThrustThingHelper (AActor *it, angle_t angle, int force, INTBOOL nolimit)
it->velx += force * finecosine[angle];
it->vely += force * finesine[angle];
it->vel.x += force * finecosine[angle];
it->vel.y += force * finesine[angle];
if (!nolimit)
it->velx = clamp<fixed_t> (it->velx, -MAXMOVE, MAXMOVE);
it->vely = clamp<fixed_t> (it->vely, -MAXMOVE, MAXMOVE);
it->vel.x = clamp<fixed_t> (it->vel.x, -MAXMOVE, MAXMOVE);
it->vel.y = clamp<fixed_t> (it->vel.y, -MAXMOVE, MAXMOVE);
@ -1154,18 +1154,18 @@ FUNC(LS_ThrustThingZ) // [BC]
while ( (victim = iterator.Next ()) )
if (!arg3)
victim->velz = thrust;
victim->vel.z = thrust;
victim->velz += thrust;
victim->vel.z += thrust;
return true;
else if (it)
if (!arg3)
it->velz = thrust;
it->vel.z = thrust;
it->velz += thrust;
it->vel.z += thrust;
return true;
return false;
@ -1696,8 +1696,8 @@ FUNC(LS_Thing_Stop)
if (it != NULL)
it->velx = it->vely = it->velz = 0;
if (it->player != NULL) it->player->velx = it->player->vely = 0;
it->vel.x = it->vel.y = it->vel.z = 0;
if (it->player != NULL) it->player->vel.x = it->player->vel.y = 0;
ok = true;
@ -1707,8 +1707,8 @@ FUNC(LS_Thing_Stop)
while ( (target = iterator.Next ()) )
target->velx = target->vely = target->velz = 0;
if (target->player != NULL) target->player->velx = target->player->vely = 0;
target->vel.x = target->vel.y = target->vel.z = 0;
if (target->player != NULL) target->player->vel.x = target->player->vel.y = 0;
ok = true;
@ -3290,9 +3290,9 @@ FUNC(LS_GlassBreak)
glass->angle = an;
speed = pr_glass() & 3;
glass->velx = finecosine[an] * speed;
glass->vely = finesine[an] * speed;
glass->velz = (pr_glass() & 7) << FRACBITS;
glass->vel.x = finecosine[an] * speed;
glass->vel.y = finesine[an] * speed;
glass->vel.z = (pr_glass() & 7) << FRACBITS;
// [RH] Let the shards stick around longer than they did in Strife.
glass->tics += pr_glass();
@ -165,10 +165,10 @@ inline AActor *P_SpawnMissileXYZ(const fixedvec3 &pos, AActor *source, AActor *d
return P_SpawnMissileXYZ(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, source, dest, type, checkspawn, owner);
AActor *P_SpawnMissileAngle (AActor *source, PClassActor *type, angle_t angle, fixed_t velz);
AActor *P_SpawnMissileAngleSpeed (AActor *source, PClassActor *type, angle_t angle, fixed_t velz, fixed_t speed);
AActor *P_SpawnMissileAngleZ (AActor *source, fixed_t z, PClassActor *type, angle_t angle, fixed_t velz);
AActor *P_SpawnMissileAngleZSpeed (AActor *source, fixed_t z, PClassActor *type, angle_t angle, fixed_t velz, fixed_t speed, AActor *owner=NULL, bool checkspawn = true);
AActor *P_SpawnMissileAngle (AActor *source, PClassActor *type, angle_t angle, fixed_t vz);
AActor *P_SpawnMissileAngleSpeed (AActor *source, PClassActor *type, angle_t angle, fixed_t vz, fixed_t speed);
AActor *P_SpawnMissileAngleZ (AActor *source, fixed_t z, PClassActor *type, angle_t angle, fixed_t vz);
AActor *P_SpawnMissileAngleZSpeed (AActor *source, fixed_t z, PClassActor *type, angle_t angle, fixed_t vz, fixed_t speed, AActor *owner=NULL, bool checkspawn = true);
AActor *P_SpawnMissileZAimed (AActor *source, fixed_t z, AActor *dest, PClassActor *type);
AActor *P_SpawnPlayerMissile (AActor* source, PClassActor *type);
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ void P_GetFloorCeilingZ(FCheckPosition &tmf, int flags)
sector_t *sec = (!(flags & FFCF_SAMESECTOR) || tmf.thing->Sector == NULL)? P_PointInSector(tmf.x, tmf.y) : tmf.sector;
F3DFloor *ffc, *fff;
tmf.ceilingz = sec->NextHighestCeilingAt(tmf.x, tmf.y, tmf.z + tmf.thing->height, flags, &tmf.ceilingsector, &ffc);
tmf.ceilingz = sec->NextHighestCeilingAt(tmf.x, tmf.y, tmf.z, tmf.z + tmf.thing->height, flags, &tmf.ceilingsector, &ffc);
tmf.floorz = tmf.dropoffz = sec->NextLowestFloorAt(tmf.x, tmf.y, tmf.z, flags, tmf.thing->MaxStepHeight, &tmf.floorsector, &fff);
if (fff)
@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ int P_GetMoveFactor(const AActor *mo, int *frictionp)
// phares 3/11/98: you start off slowly, then increase as
// you get better footing
int velocity = P_AproxDistance(mo->velx, mo->vely);
int velocity = P_AproxDistance(mo->vel.x, mo->vel.y);
if (velocity > MORE_FRICTION_VELOCITY << 2)
movefactor <<= 3;
@ -998,7 +998,7 @@ bool PIT_CheckLine(FMultiBlockLinesIterator &mit, FMultiBlockLinesIterator::Chec
spec.oldrefpos = tm.thing->PosRelative(ld);
if (ld->portalindex != UINT_MAX)
if (ld->isLinePortal())
spec.line = ld;
spec.refpos = cres.position;
@ -1359,9 +1359,9 @@ bool PIT_CheckThing(FMultiBlockThingsIterator &it, FMultiBlockThingsIterator::Ch
if (!(thing->flags2 & MF2_BOSS) && (thing->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) && !(thing->flags3 & MF3_DONTBLAST))
// ideally this should take the mass factor into account
thing->velx += tm.thing->velx;
thing->vely += tm.thing->vely;
if ((thing->velx + thing->vely) > 3 * FRACUNIT)
thing->vel.x += tm.thing->vel.x;
thing->vel.y += tm.thing->vel.y;
if ((thing->vel.x + thing->vel.y) > 3 * FRACUNIT)
int newdam;
damage = (tm.thing->Mass / 100) + 1;
@ -1497,8 +1497,8 @@ bool PIT_CheckThing(FMultiBlockThingsIterator &it, FMultiBlockThingsIterator::Ch
{ // Push thing
if (thing->lastpush != tm.PushTime)
thing->velx += FixedMul(tm.thing->velx, thing->pushfactor);
thing->vely += FixedMul(tm.thing->vely, thing->pushfactor);
thing->vel.x += FixedMul(tm.thing->vel.x, thing->pushfactor);
thing->vel.y += FixedMul(tm.thing->vel.y, thing->pushfactor);
thing->lastpush = tm.PushTime;
@ -1556,8 +1556,8 @@ bool PIT_CheckThing(FMultiBlockThingsIterator &it, FMultiBlockThingsIterator::Ch
{ // Push thing
if (thing->lastpush != tm.PushTime)
thing->velx += FixedMul(tm.thing->velx, thing->pushfactor);
thing->vely += FixedMul(tm.thing->vely, thing->pushfactor);
thing->vel.x += FixedMul(tm.thing->vel.x, thing->pushfactor);
thing->vel.y += FixedMul(tm.thing->vel.y, thing->pushfactor);
thing->lastpush = tm.PushTime;
@ -1939,7 +1939,7 @@ void P_FakeZMovement(AActor *mo)
// adjust height
if ((mo->flags&MF_FLOAT) && mo->target)
{ // float down towards target if too close
if (!(mo->flags & MF_SKULLFLY) && !(mo->flags & MF_INFLOAT))
@ -2128,12 +2128,12 @@ bool P_TryMove(AActor *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y,
// is not blocked.
if (thing->Top() > tm.ceilingz)
thing->velz = -8 * FRACUNIT;
thing->vel.z = -8 * FRACUNIT;
goto pushline;
else if (thing->Z() < tm.floorz && tm.floorz - tm.dropoffz > thing->MaxDropOffHeight)
thing->velz = 8 * FRACUNIT;
thing->vel.z = 8 * FRACUNIT;
goto pushline;
@ -2163,7 +2163,7 @@ bool P_TryMove(AActor *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y,
// If moving down, cancel vertical component of the velocity
if (thing->velz < 0)
if (thing->vel.z < 0)
// If it's a bouncer, let it bounce off its new floor, too.
if (thing->BounceFlags & BOUNCE_Floors)
@ -2172,7 +2172,7 @@ bool P_TryMove(AActor *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y,
thing->velz = 0;
thing->vel.z = 0;
@ -2244,8 +2244,8 @@ bool P_TryMove(AActor *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y,
thing->player->Bot->prev = thing->player->Bot->dest;
thing->player->Bot->dest = NULL;
thing->velx = 0;
thing->vely = 0;
thing->vel.x = 0;
thing->vel.y = 0;
thing->flags6 &= ~MF6_INTRYMOVE;
return false;
@ -2288,9 +2288,12 @@ bool P_TryMove(AActor *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y,
fixed_t bestfrac = FIXED_MAX;
spechit_t besthit;
int besthitnum;
// find the portal nearest to the crossing actor
for (auto &spec : portalhit)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < portalhit.Size();i++)
auto &spec = portalhit[i];
line_t *ld = spec.line;
if (ld->frontsector->PortalGroup != thing->Sector->PortalGroup) continue; // must be in the same group to be considered valid.
@ -2306,12 +2309,14 @@ bool P_TryMove(AActor *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y,
besthit = spec;
bestfrac = frac;
besthitnum = i;
if (bestfrac < FIXED_MAX)
line_t *ld = besthit.line;
FLinePortal *port = ld->getPortal();
if (port->mType == PORTT_LINKED)
@ -2342,7 +2347,7 @@ bool P_TryMove(AActor *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y,
P_TranslatePortalVXVY(ld, thing->velx, thing->vely);
P_TranslatePortalVXVY(ld, thing->vel.x, thing->vel.y);
P_TranslatePortalAngle(ld, thing->angle);
@ -2371,7 +2376,10 @@ bool P_TryMove(AActor *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y,
if (port->mType == PORTT_LINKED) continue;
if (port->mType == PORTT_LINKED)
@ -2891,7 +2899,7 @@ void FSlide::SlideTraverse(fixed_t startx, fixed_t starty, fixed_t endx, fixed_t
// P_SlideMove
// The velx / vely move is bad, so try to slide along a wall.
// The vel.x / vel.y move is bad, so try to slide along a wall.
// Find the first line hit, move flush to it, and slide along it
@ -2972,14 +2980,14 @@ retry:
newy = FixedMul(tryy, bestslidefrac);
// [BL] We need to abandon this function if we end up going through a teleporter
const fixed_t startvelx = mo->velx;
const fixed_t startvely = mo->vely;
const fixed_t startvelx = mo->vel.x;
const fixed_t startvely = mo->vel.y;
// killough 3/15/98: Allow objects to drop off ledges
if (!P_TryMove(mo, mo->X() + newx, mo->Y() + newy, true))
goto stairstep;
if (mo->velx != startvelx || mo->vely != startvely)
if (mo->vel.x != startvelx || mo->vel.y != startvely)
@ -2995,16 +3003,16 @@ retry:
HitSlideLine(bestslideline); // clip the moves
mo->velx = tmxmove * numsteps;
mo->vely = tmymove * numsteps;
mo->vel.x = tmxmove * numsteps;
mo->vel.y = tmymove * numsteps;
// killough 10/98: affect the bobbing the same way (but not voodoo dolls)
if (mo->player && mo->player->mo == mo)
if (abs(mo->player->velx) > abs(mo->velx))
mo->player->velx = mo->velx;
if (abs(mo->player->vely) > abs(mo->vely))
mo->player->vely = mo->vely;
if (abs(mo->player->vel.x) > abs(mo->vel.x))
mo->player->vel.x = mo->vel.x;
if (abs(mo->player->vel.y) > abs(mo->vel.y))
mo->player->vel.y = mo->vel.y;
walkplane = P_CheckSlopeWalk(mo, tmxmove, tmymove);
@ -3130,8 +3138,8 @@ const secplane_t * P_CheckSlopeWalk(AActor *actor, fixed_t &xmove, fixed_t &ymov
if (dopush)
xmove = actor->velx = plane->a * 2;
ymove = actor->vely = plane->b * 2;
xmove = actor->vel.x = plane->a * 2;
ymove = actor->vel.y = plane->b * 2;
return (actor->floorsector == actor->Sector) ? plane : NULL;
@ -3246,7 +3254,7 @@ bool FSlide::BounceWall(AActor *mo)
// trace along the three leading corners
if (mo->velx > 0)
if (mo->vel.x > 0)
leadx = mo->X() + mo->radius;
@ -3254,7 +3262,7 @@ bool FSlide::BounceWall(AActor *mo)
leadx = mo->X() - mo->radius;
if (mo->vely > 0)
if (mo->vel.y > 0)
leady = mo->Y() + mo->radius;
@ -3264,7 +3272,7 @@ bool FSlide::BounceWall(AActor *mo)
bestslidefrac = FRACUNIT + 1;
bestslideline = mo->BlockingLine;
if (BounceTraverse(leadx, leady, leadx + mo->velx, leady + mo->vely) && mo->BlockingLine == NULL)
if (BounceTraverse(leadx, leady, leadx + mo->vel.x, leady + mo->vel.y) && mo->BlockingLine == NULL)
{ // Could not find a wall, so bounce off the floor/ceiling instead.
fixed_t floordist = mo->Z() - mo->floorz;
fixed_t ceildist = mo->ceilingz - mo->Z();
@ -3304,13 +3312,13 @@ bool FSlide::BounceWall(AActor *mo)
lineangle += ANG180;
moveangle = R_PointToAngle2(0, 0, mo->velx, mo->vely);
moveangle = R_PointToAngle2(0, 0, mo->vel.x, mo->vel.y);
deltaangle = (2 * lineangle) - moveangle;
mo->angle = deltaangle;
deltaangle >>= ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
movelen = fixed_t(g_sqrt(double(mo->velx)*mo->velx + double(mo->vely)*mo->vely));
movelen = fixed_t(g_sqrt(double(mo->vel.x)*mo->vel.x + double(mo->vel.y)*mo->vel.y));
movelen = FixedMul(movelen, mo->wallbouncefactor);
FBoundingBox box(mo->X(), mo->Y(), mo->radius);
@ -3326,8 +3334,8 @@ bool FSlide::BounceWall(AActor *mo)
movelen = 2 * FRACUNIT;
mo->velx = FixedMul(movelen, finecosine[deltaangle]);
mo->vely = FixedMul(movelen, finesine[deltaangle]);
mo->vel.x = FixedMul(movelen, finecosine[deltaangle]);
mo->vel.y = FixedMul(movelen, finesine[deltaangle]);
if (mo->BounceFlags & BOUNCE_UseBounceState)
FState *bouncestate = mo->FindState(NAME_Bounce, NAME_Wall);
@ -3372,12 +3380,12 @@ bool P_BounceActor(AActor *mo, AActor *BlockingMobj, bool ontop)
fixed_t speed;
angle_t angle = BlockingMobj->AngleTo(mo) + ANGLE_1*((pr_bounce() % 16) - 8);
speed = P_AproxDistance(mo->velx, mo->vely);
speed = P_AproxDistance(mo->vel.x, mo->vel.y);
speed = FixedMul(speed, mo->wallbouncefactor); // [GZ] was 0.75, using wallbouncefactor seems more consistent
mo->angle = angle;
mo->velx = FixedMul(speed, finecosine[angle]);
mo->vely = FixedMul(speed, finesine[angle]);
mo->vel.x = FixedMul(speed, finecosine[angle]);
mo->vel.y = FixedMul(speed, finesine[angle]);
if (mo->BounceFlags & BOUNCE_UseBounceState)
@ -3398,11 +3406,11 @@ bool P_BounceActor(AActor *mo, AActor *BlockingMobj, bool ontop)
fixed_t dot = mo->velz;
fixed_t dot = mo->vel.z;
if (mo->BounceFlags & (BOUNCE_HereticType | BOUNCE_MBF))
mo->velz -= MulScale15(FRACUNIT, dot);
mo->vel.z -= MulScale15(FRACUNIT, dot);
if (!(mo->BounceFlags & BOUNCE_MBF)) // Heretic projectiles die, MBF projectiles don't.
mo->flags |= MF_INBOUNCE;
@ -3412,24 +3420,24 @@ bool P_BounceActor(AActor *mo, AActor *BlockingMobj, bool ontop)
mo->velz = FixedMul(mo->velz, mo->bouncefactor);
mo->vel.z = FixedMul(mo->vel.z, mo->bouncefactor);
else // Don't run through this for MBF-style bounces
// The reflected velocity keeps only about 70% of its original speed
mo->velz = FixedMul(mo->velz - MulScale15(FRACUNIT, dot), mo->bouncefactor);
mo->vel.z = FixedMul(mo->vel.z - MulScale15(FRACUNIT, dot), mo->bouncefactor);
if (mo->BounceFlags & BOUNCE_MBF) // Bring it to rest below a certain speed
if (abs(mo->velz) < (fixed_t)(mo->Mass * mo->GetGravity() / 64))
mo->velz = 0;
if (abs(mo->vel.z) < (fixed_t)(mo->Mass * mo->GetGravity() / 64))
mo->vel.z = 0;
else if (mo->BounceFlags & (BOUNCE_AutoOff | BOUNCE_AutoOffFloorOnly))
if (!(mo->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY) && (mo->velz < 3 * FRACUNIT))
if (!(mo->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY) && (mo->vel.z < 3 * FRACUNIT))
mo->BounceFlags &= ~BOUNCE_TypeMask;
@ -3786,7 +3794,7 @@ struct aim_t
intercept_t *in;
if (aimdebug)
Printf("Start AimTraverse, start = %f,%f,%f, vect = %f,%f,%f\n",
Printf("Start AimTraverse, start = %f,%f,%f, vect = %f,%f\n",
startpos.x / 65536., startpos.y / 65536., startpos.z / 65536.,
aimtrace.x / 65536., aimtrace.y / 65536.);
@ -4586,11 +4594,11 @@ void P_TraceBleed(int damage, AActor *target, AActor *missile)
if (missile->velz != 0)
if (missile->vel.z != 0)
double aim;
aim = g_atan((double)missile->velz / (double)target->AproxDistance(missile));
aim = g_atan((double)missile->vel.z / (double)target->AproxDistance(missile));
pitch = -(int)(aim * ANGLE_180 / PI);
@ -5358,7 +5366,7 @@ void P_RadiusAttack(AActor *bombspot, AActor *bombsource, int bombdamage, int bo
// points and bombdamage should be the same sign
if (((points * bombdamage) > 0) && P_CheckSight(thing, bombspot, SF_IGNOREVISIBILITY | SF_IGNOREWATERBOUNDARY))
{ // OK to damage; target is in direct path
double velz;
double vz;
double thrust;
int damage = abs((int)points);
int newdam = damage;
@ -5385,20 +5393,20 @@ void P_RadiusAttack(AActor *bombspot, AActor *bombsource, int bombdamage, int bo
thrust *= selfthrustscale;
velz = (double)(thing->Z() + (thing->height >> 1) - bombspot->Z()) * thrust;
vz = (double)(thing->Z() + (thing->height >> 1) - bombspot->Z()) * thrust;
if (bombsource != thing)
velz *= 0.5f;
vz *= 0.5f;
velz *= 0.8f;
vz *= 0.8f;
angle_t ang = bombspot->AngleTo(thing) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
thing->velx += fixed_t(finecosine[ang] * thrust);
thing->vely += fixed_t(finesine[ang] * thrust);
thing->vel.x += fixed_t(finecosine[ang] * thrust);
thing->vel.y += fixed_t(finesine[ang] * thrust);
if (!(flags & RADF_NODAMAGE))
thing->velz += (fixed_t)velz; // this really doesn't work well
thing->vel.z += (fixed_t)vz; // this really doesn't work well
@ -5657,8 +5665,8 @@ void P_DoCrunch(AActor *thing, FChangePosition *cpos)
mo = Spawn(bloodcls, thing->PosPlusZ(thing->height / 2), ALLOW_REPLACE);
mo->velx = pr_crunch.Random2() << 12;
mo->vely = pr_crunch.Random2() << 12;
mo->vel.x = pr_crunch.Random2() << 12;
mo->vel.y = pr_crunch.Random2() << 12;
if (bloodcolor != 0 && !(mo->flags2 & MF2_DONTTRANSLATE))
mo->Translation = TRANSLATION(TRANSLATION_Blood, bloodcolor.a);
@ -5806,7 +5814,7 @@ void PIT_FloorDrop(AActor *thing, FChangePosition *cpos)
if (oldfloorz == thing->floorz) return;
if (thing->flags4 & MF4_ACTLIKEBRIDGE) return; // do not move bridge things
if (thing->velz == 0 &&
if (thing->vel.z == 0 &&
(!(thing->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY) ||
(thing->Z() == oldfloorz && !(thing->flags & MF_NOLIFTDROP))))
@ -833,6 +833,7 @@ bool FMultiBlockLinesIterator::Next(FMultiBlockLinesIterator::CheckResult *item)
if (onlast)
cursector = startsector;
// We reached the end of the list. Check if we still need to check up- and downwards.
if (GoUp(checkpoint.x, checkpoint.y) ||
GoDown(checkpoint.x, checkpoint.y))
@ -1979,6 +1980,10 @@ int P_VanillaPointOnDivlineSide(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, const divline_t* line)
sector_t *P_PointInSectorBuggy(fixed_t x, fixed_t y)
// single subsector is a special case
if (numgamenodes == 0)
return gamesubsectors->sector;
node_t *node = gamenodes + numgamenodes - 1;
@ -263,9 +263,9 @@ void AActor::Serialize (FArchive &arc)
<< radius
<< height
<< projectilepassheight
<< velx
<< vely
<< velz
<< vel.x
<< vel.y
<< vel.z
<< tics
<< state;
if (arc.IsStoring())
@ -842,9 +842,9 @@ AInventory *AActor::DropInventory (AInventory *item)
drop->SetOrigin(PosPlusZ(10*FRACUNIT), false);
drop->angle = angle;
drop->velx = velx + 5 * finecosine[an];
drop->vely = vely + 5 * finesine[an];
drop->velz = velz + FRACUNIT;
drop->vel.x = vel.x + 5 * finecosine[an];
drop->vel.y = vel.y + 5 * finesine[an];
drop->vel.z = vel.z + FRACUNIT;
drop->flags &= ~MF_NOGRAVITY; // Don't float
drop->ClearCounters(); // do not count for statistics again
return drop;
@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ bool AActor::Grind(bool items)
if (flags & MF_ICECORPSE)
tics = 1;
velx = vely = velz = 0;
vel.x = vel.y = vel.z = 0;
else if (player)
@ -1362,7 +1362,7 @@ void P_ExplodeMissile (AActor *mo, line_t *line, AActor *target)
mo->velx = mo->vely = mo->velz = 0;
mo->vel.x = mo->vel.y = mo->vel.z = 0;
mo->effects = 0; // [RH]
mo->flags &= ~MF_SHOOTABLE;
@ -1569,14 +1569,14 @@ bool AActor::FloorBounceMissile (secplane_t &plane)
return true;
fixed_t dot = TMulScale16 (velx, plane.a, vely, plane.b, velz, plane.c);
fixed_t dot = TMulScale16 (vel.x, plane.a, vel.y, plane.b, vel.z, plane.c);
if (BounceFlags & (BOUNCE_HereticType | BOUNCE_MBF))
velx -= MulScale15 (plane.a, dot);
vely -= MulScale15 (plane.b, dot);
velz -= MulScale15 (plane.c, dot);
angle = R_PointToAngle2 (0, 0, velx, vely);
vel.x -= MulScale15 (plane.a, dot);
vel.y -= MulScale15 (plane.b, dot);
vel.z -= MulScale15 (plane.c, dot);
angle = R_PointToAngle2 (0, 0, vel.x, vel.y);
if (!(BounceFlags & BOUNCE_MBF)) // Heretic projectiles die, MBF projectiles don't.
flags |= MF_INBOUNCE;
@ -1584,15 +1584,15 @@ bool AActor::FloorBounceMissile (secplane_t &plane)
flags &= ~MF_INBOUNCE;
return false;
else velz = FixedMul(velz, bouncefactor);
else vel.z = FixedMul(vel.z, bouncefactor);
else // Don't run through this for MBF-style bounces
// The reflected velocity keeps only about 70% of its original speed
velx = FixedMul (velx - MulScale15 (plane.a, dot), bouncefactor);
vely = FixedMul (vely - MulScale15 (plane.b, dot), bouncefactor);
velz = FixedMul (velz - MulScale15 (plane.c, dot), bouncefactor);
angle = R_PointToAngle2 (0, 0, velx, vely);
vel.x = FixedMul (vel.x - MulScale15 (plane.a, dot), bouncefactor);
vel.y = FixedMul (vel.y - MulScale15 (plane.b, dot), bouncefactor);
vel.z = FixedMul (vel.z - MulScale15 (plane.c, dot), bouncefactor);
angle = R_PointToAngle2 (0, 0, vel.x, vel.y);
@ -1614,15 +1614,15 @@ bool AActor::FloorBounceMissile (secplane_t &plane)
if (BounceFlags & BOUNCE_MBF) // Bring it to rest below a certain speed
if (abs(velz) < (fixed_t)(Mass * GetGravity() / 64))
velz = 0;
if (abs(vel.z) < (fixed_t)(Mass * GetGravity() / 64))
vel.z = 0;
else if (BounceFlags & (BOUNCE_AutoOff|BOUNCE_AutoOffFloorOnly))
if (plane.c > 0 || (BounceFlags & BOUNCE_AutoOff))
// AutoOff only works when bouncing off a floor, not a ceiling (or in compatibility mode.)
if (!(flags & MF_NOGRAVITY) && (velz < 3*FRACUNIT))
if (!(flags & MF_NOGRAVITY) && (vel.z < 3*FRACUNIT))
BounceFlags &= ~BOUNCE_TypeMask;
@ -1638,8 +1638,8 @@ bool AActor::FloorBounceMissile (secplane_t &plane)
void P_ThrustMobj (AActor *mo, angle_t angle, fixed_t move)
mo->velx += FixedMul (move, finecosine[angle]);
mo->vely += FixedMul (move, finesine[angle]);
mo->vel.x += FixedMul (move, finecosine[angle]);
mo->vel.y += FixedMul (move, finesine[angle]);
@ -1728,7 +1728,7 @@ bool P_SeekerMissile (AActor *actor, angle_t thresh, angle_t turnMax, bool preci
AActor *target;
fixed_t speed;
speed = !usecurspeed ? actor->Speed : xs_CRoundToInt(DVector3(actor->velx, actor->vely, actor->velz).Length());
speed = !usecurspeed ? actor->Speed : xs_CRoundToInt(DVector3(actor->vel.x, actor->vel.y, actor->vel.z).Length());
target = actor->tracer;
if (target == NULL || !actor->CanSeek(target))
@ -1764,8 +1764,8 @@ bool P_SeekerMissile (AActor *actor, angle_t thresh, angle_t turnMax, bool preci
if (!precise)
actor->velx = FixedMul (speed, finecosine[angle]);
actor->vely = FixedMul (speed, finesine[angle]);
actor->vel.x = FixedMul (speed, finecosine[angle]);
actor->vel.y = FixedMul (speed, finesine[angle]);
if (!(actor->flags3 & (MF3_FLOORHUGGER|MF3_CEILINGHUGGER)))
@ -1777,7 +1777,7 @@ bool P_SeekerMissile (AActor *actor, angle_t thresh, angle_t turnMax, bool preci
dist = 1;
actor->velz = ((target->Z() + target->height / 2) - (actor->Z() + actor->height / 2)) / dist;
actor->vel.z = ((target->Z() + target->height / 2) - (actor->Z() + actor->height / 2)) / dist;
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@ bool P_SeekerMissile (AActor *actor, angle_t thresh, angle_t turnMax, bool preci
fixed_t xyscale = FixedMul(speed, finecosine[pitch]);
actor->velz = FixedMul(speed, finesine[pitch]);
actor->velx = FixedMul(xyscale, finecosine[angle]);
actor->vely = FixedMul(xyscale, finesine[angle]);
actor->vel.z = FixedMul(speed, finesine[pitch]);
actor->vel.x = FixedMul(xyscale, finecosine[angle]);
actor->vel.y = FixedMul(xyscale, finesine[angle]);
return true;
@ -1862,20 +1862,20 @@ fixed_t P_XYMovement (AActor *mo, fixed_t scrollx, fixed_t scrolly)
(mo->player != NULL && mo->player->crouchfactor < FRACUNIT*3/4))
// preserve the direction instead of clamping x and y independently.
xmove = clamp (mo->velx, -maxmove, maxmove);
ymove = clamp (mo->vely, -maxmove, maxmove);
xmove = clamp (mo->vel.x, -maxmove, maxmove);
ymove = clamp (mo->vel.y, -maxmove, maxmove);
fixed_t xfac = FixedDiv(xmove, mo->velx);
fixed_t yfac = FixedDiv(ymove, mo->vely);
fixed_t xfac = FixedDiv(xmove, mo->vel.x);
fixed_t yfac = FixedDiv(ymove, mo->vel.y);
fixed_t fac = MIN(xfac, yfac);
xmove = mo->velx = FixedMul(mo->velx, fac);
ymove = mo->vely = FixedMul(mo->vely, fac);
xmove = mo->vel.x = FixedMul(mo->vel.x, fac);
ymove = mo->vel.y = FixedMul(mo->vel.y, fac);
xmove = mo->velx;
ymove = mo->vely;
xmove = mo->vel.x;
ymove = mo->vel.y;
// [RH] Carrying sectors didn't work with low speeds in BOOM. This is
// because BOOM relied on the speed being fast enough to accumulate
@ -1885,13 +1885,13 @@ fixed_t P_XYMovement (AActor *mo, fixed_t scrollx, fixed_t scrolly)
if (abs(scrollx) > CARRYSTOPSPEED)
scrollx = FixedMul (scrollx, CARRYFACTOR);
mo->velx += scrollx;
mo->vel.x += scrollx;
mo->flags4 |= MF4_SCROLLMOVE;
if (abs(scrolly) > CARRYSTOPSPEED)
scrolly = FixedMul (scrolly, CARRYFACTOR);
mo->vely += scrolly;
mo->vel.y += scrolly;
mo->flags4 |= MF4_SCROLLMOVE;
xmove += scrollx;
@ -1903,7 +1903,7 @@ fixed_t P_XYMovement (AActor *mo, fixed_t scrollx, fixed_t scrolly)
// the skull slammed into something
mo->flags &= ~MF_SKULLFLY;
mo->velx = mo->vely = mo->velz = 0;
mo->vel.x = mo->vel.y = mo->vel.z = 0;
if (!(mo->flags2 & MF2_DORMANT))
if (mo->SeeState != NULL) mo->SetState (mo->SeeState);
@ -1997,7 +1997,7 @@ fixed_t P_XYMovement (AActor *mo, fixed_t scrollx, fixed_t scrolly)
// [RH] If walking on a slope, stay on the slope
// killough 3/15/98: Allow objects to drop off
fixed_t startvelx = mo->velx, startvely = mo->vely;
fixed_t startvelx = mo->vel.x, startvely = mo->vel.y;
if (!P_TryMove (mo, ptryx, ptryy, true, walkplane, tm))
@ -2020,11 +2020,11 @@ fixed_t P_XYMovement (AActor *mo, fixed_t scrollx, fixed_t scrolly)
(mo->player->cmd.ucmd.forwardmove | mo->player->cmd.ucmd.sidemove) &&
mo->BlockingLine->sidedef[1] != NULL)
mo->velz = WATER_JUMP_SPEED;
mo->vel.z = WATER_JUMP_SPEED;
// If the blocked move executed any push specials that changed the
// actor's velocity, do not attempt to slide.
if (mo->velx == startvelx && mo->vely == startvely)
if (mo->vel.x == startvelx && mo->vel.y == startvely)
if (player && (i_compatflags & COMPATF_WALLRUN))
@ -2032,13 +2032,13 @@ fixed_t P_XYMovement (AActor *mo, fixed_t scrollx, fixed_t scrolly)
// If the move is done a second time (because it was too fast for one move), it
// is still clipped against the wall at its full speed, so you effectively
// execute two moves in one tic.
P_SlideMove (mo, mo->velx, mo->vely, 1);
P_SlideMove (mo, mo->vel.x, mo->vel.y, 1);
P_SlideMove (mo, onestepx, onestepy, totalsteps);
if ((mo->velx | mo->vely) == 0)
if ((mo->vel.x | mo->vel.y) == 0)
steps = 0;
@ -2046,8 +2046,8 @@ fixed_t P_XYMovement (AActor *mo, fixed_t scrollx, fixed_t scrolly)
if (!player || !(i_compatflags & COMPATF_WALLRUN))
xmove = mo->velx;
ymove = mo->vely;
xmove = mo->vel.x;
ymove = mo->vel.y;
onestepx = xmove / steps;
onestepy = ymove / steps;
P_CheckSlopeWalk (mo, xmove, ymove);
@ -2068,7 +2068,7 @@ fixed_t P_XYMovement (AActor *mo, fixed_t scrollx, fixed_t scrolly)
walkplane = P_CheckSlopeWalk (mo, tx, ty);
if (P_TryMove (mo, mo->X() + tx, mo->Y() + ty, true, walkplane, tm))
mo->velx = 0;
mo->vel.x = 0;
@ -2076,19 +2076,19 @@ fixed_t P_XYMovement (AActor *mo, fixed_t scrollx, fixed_t scrolly)
walkplane = P_CheckSlopeWalk (mo, tx, ty);
if (P_TryMove (mo, mo->X() + tx, mo->Y() + ty, true, walkplane, tm))
mo->vely = 0;
mo->vel.y = 0;
mo->velx = mo->vely = 0;
mo->vel.x = mo->vel.y = 0;
if (player && player->mo == mo)
if (mo->velx == 0)
player->velx = 0;
if (mo->vely == 0)
player->vely = 0;
if (mo->vel.x == 0)
player->vel.x = 0;
if (mo->vel.y == 0)
player->vel.y = 0;
steps = 0;
@ -2141,26 +2141,26 @@ fixed_t P_XYMovement (AActor *mo, fixed_t scrollx, fixed_t scrolly)
vect.z += origin->height / 2;
DVector3 velocity(vect.x, vect.y, vect.z);
mo->velx = (fixed_t)(velocity.X);
mo->vely = (fixed_t)(velocity.Y);
mo->velz = (fixed_t)(velocity.Z);
mo->vel.x = (fixed_t)(velocity.X);
mo->vel.y = (fixed_t)(velocity.Y);
mo->vel.z = (fixed_t)(velocity.Z);
if ((BlockingMobj->flags7 & MF7_MIRRORREFLECT) && (tg | blockingtg))
mo->angle += ANGLE_180;
mo->velx = -mo->velx / 2;
mo->vely = -mo->vely / 2;
mo->velz = -mo->velz / 2;
mo->vel.x = -mo->vel.x / 2;
mo->vel.y = -mo->vel.y / 2;
mo->vel.z = -mo->vel.z / 2;
mo->angle = angle;
mo->velx = FixedMul(mo->Speed >> 1, finecosine[angle]);
mo->vely = FixedMul(mo->Speed >> 1, finesine[angle]);
mo->velz = -mo->velz / 2;
mo->vel.x = FixedMul(mo->Speed >> 1, finecosine[angle]);
mo->vel.y = FixedMul(mo->Speed >> 1, finesine[angle]);
mo->vel.z = -mo->vel.z / 2;
@ -2202,7 +2202,7 @@ explode:
mo->velx = mo->vely = 0;
mo->vel.x = mo->vel.y = 0;
steps = 0;
@ -2214,7 +2214,7 @@ explode:
// must have gone through a teleporter, so stop moving right now if it
// was a regular teleporter. If it was a line-to-line or fogless teleporter,
// the move should continue, but startx, starty and xmove, ymove need to change.
if (mo->velx == 0 && mo->vely == 0)
if (mo->vel.x == 0 && mo->vel.y == 0)
step = steps;
@ -2243,8 +2243,8 @@ explode:
if (player && player->mo == mo && player->cheats & CF_NOVELOCITY)
{ // debug option for no sliding at all
mo->velx = mo->vely = 0;
player->velx = player->vely = 0;
mo->vel.x = mo->vel.y = 0;
player->vel.x = player->vel.y = 0;
return oldfloorz;
@ -2260,13 +2260,13 @@ explode:
{ // [RH] Friction when falling is available for larger aircontrols
if (player != NULL && level.airfriction != FRACUNIT)
mo->velx = FixedMul (mo->velx, level.airfriction);
mo->vely = FixedMul (mo->vely, level.airfriction);
mo->vel.x = FixedMul (mo->vel.x, level.airfriction);
mo->vel.y = FixedMul (mo->vel.y, level.airfriction);
if (player->mo == mo) // Not voodoo dolls
player->velx = FixedMul (player->velx, level.airfriction);
player->vely = FixedMul (player->vely, level.airfriction);
player->vel.x = FixedMul (player->vel.x, level.airfriction);
player->vel.y = FixedMul (player->vel.y, level.airfriction);
return oldfloorz;
@ -2277,7 +2277,7 @@ explode:
// killough 11/98: only include bouncers hanging off ledges
if ((mo->flags & MF_CORPSE) || (mo->BounceFlags & BOUNCE_MBF && mo->Z() > mo->dropoffz) || (mo->flags6 & MF6_FALLING))
{ // Don't stop sliding if halfway off a step with some velocity
if (mo->velx > FRACUNIT/4 || mo->velx < -FRACUNIT/4 || mo->vely > FRACUNIT/4 || mo->vely < -FRACUNIT/4)
if (mo->vel.x > FRACUNIT/4 || mo->vel.x < -FRACUNIT/4 || mo->vel.y > FRACUNIT/4 || mo->vel.y < -FRACUNIT/4)
if (mo->floorz > mo->Sector->floorplane.ZatPoint(mo))
@ -2302,8 +2302,8 @@ explode:
// killough 11/98:
// Stop voodoo dolls that have come to rest, despite any
// moving corresponding player:
if (mo->velx > -STOPSPEED && mo->velx < STOPSPEED
&& mo->vely > -STOPSPEED && mo->vely < STOPSPEED
if (mo->vel.x > -STOPSPEED && mo->vel.x < STOPSPEED
&& mo->vel.y > -STOPSPEED && mo->vel.y < STOPSPEED
&& (!player || (player->mo != mo)
|| !(player->cmd.ucmd.forwardmove | player->cmd.ucmd.sidemove)))
@ -2315,12 +2315,12 @@ explode:
player->mo->PlayIdle ();
mo->velx = mo->vely = 0;
mo->vel.x = mo->vel.y = 0;
mo->flags4 &= ~MF4_SCROLLMOVE;
// killough 10/98: kill any bobbing velocity too (except in voodoo dolls)
if (player && player->mo == mo)
player->velx = player->vely = 0;
player->vel.x = player->vel.y = 0;
@ -2339,8 +2339,8 @@ explode:
fixed_t friction = P_GetFriction (mo, NULL);
mo->velx = FixedMul (mo->velx, friction);
mo->vely = FixedMul (mo->vely, friction);
mo->vel.x = FixedMul (mo->vel.x, friction);
mo->vel.y = FixedMul (mo->vel.y, friction);
// killough 10/98: Always decrease player bobbing by ORIG_FRICTION.
// This prevents problems with bobbing on ice, where it was not being
@ -2348,8 +2348,8 @@ explode:
if (player && player->mo == mo) // Not voodoo dolls
player->velx = FixedMul (player->velx, ORIG_FRICTION);
player->vely = FixedMul (player->vely, ORIG_FRICTION);
player->vel.x = FixedMul (player->vel.x, ORIG_FRICTION);
player->vel.y = FixedMul (player->vel.y, ORIG_FRICTION);
return oldfloorz;
@ -2366,7 +2366,7 @@ void P_MonsterFallingDamage (AActor *mo)
if (mo->floorsector->Flags & SECF_NOFALLINGDAMAGE)
vel = abs(mo->velz);
vel = abs(mo->vel.z);
if (vel > 35*FRACUNIT)
{ // automatic death
@ -2399,27 +2399,27 @@ void P_ZMovement (AActor *mo, fixed_t oldfloorz)
mo->player->deltaviewheight = mo->player->GetDeltaViewHeight();
// apply gravity
if (mo->Z() > mo->floorz && !(mo->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY))
fixed_t startvelz = mo->velz;
fixed_t startvelz = mo->vel.z;
if (mo->waterlevel == 0 || (mo->player &&
!(mo->player->cmd.ucmd.forwardmove | mo->player->cmd.ucmd.sidemove)))
// [RH] Double gravity only if running off a ledge. Coming down from
// an upward thrust (e.g. a jump) should not double it.
if (mo->velz == 0 && oldfloorz > mo->floorz && mo->Z() == oldfloorz)
if (mo->vel.z == 0 && oldfloorz > mo->floorz && mo->Z() == oldfloorz)
mo->velz -= grav + grav;
mo->vel.z -= grav + grav;
mo->velz -= grav;
mo->vel.z -= grav;
if (mo->player == NULL)
@ -2443,20 +2443,20 @@ void P_ZMovement (AActor *mo, fixed_t oldfloorz)
sinkspeed = Scale(sinkspeed, clamp(mo->Mass, 1, 4000), 100);
if (mo->velz < sinkspeed)
if (mo->vel.z < sinkspeed)
{ // Dropping too fast, so slow down toward sinkspeed.
mo->velz -= MAX(sinkspeed*2, -FRACUNIT*8);
if (mo->velz > sinkspeed)
mo->vel.z -= MAX(sinkspeed*2, -FRACUNIT*8);
if (mo->vel.z > sinkspeed)
mo->velz = sinkspeed;
mo->vel.z = sinkspeed;
else if (mo->velz > sinkspeed)
else if (mo->vel.z > sinkspeed)
{ // Dropping too slow/going up, so trend toward sinkspeed.
mo->velz = startvelz + MAX(sinkspeed/3, -FRACUNIT*8);
if (mo->velz < sinkspeed)
mo->vel.z = startvelz + MAX(sinkspeed/3, -FRACUNIT*8);
if (mo->vel.z < sinkspeed)
mo->velz = sinkspeed;
mo->vel.z = sinkspeed;
@ -2467,13 +2467,13 @@ void P_ZMovement (AActor *mo, fixed_t oldfloorz)
fixed_t sinkspeed = -WATER_SINK_SPEED;
if (mo->velz < sinkspeed)
if (mo->vel.z < sinkspeed)
mo->velz = (startvelz < sinkspeed) ? startvelz : sinkspeed;
mo->vel.z = (startvelz < sinkspeed) ? startvelz : sinkspeed;
mo->velz = startvelz + ((mo->velz - startvelz) >>
mo->vel.z = startvelz + ((mo->vel.z - startvelz) >>
@ -2511,11 +2511,11 @@ void P_ZMovement (AActor *mo, fixed_t oldfloorz)
mo->velz = FixedMul (mo->velz, FRICTION_FLY);
mo->vel.z = FixedMul (mo->vel.z, FRICTION_FLY);
if (mo->waterlevel && !(mo->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY))
mo->velz = FixedMul (mo->velz, mo->Sector->friction);
mo->vel.z = FixedMul (mo->vel.z, mo->Sector->friction);
@ -2545,7 +2545,7 @@ void P_ZMovement (AActor *mo, fixed_t oldfloorz)
else if (mo->flags3 & MF3_NOEXPLODEFLOOR)
P_HitFloor (mo);
mo->velz = 0;
mo->vel.z = 0;
else if (mo->flags3 & MF3_FLOORHUGGER)
@ -2566,41 +2566,41 @@ void P_ZMovement (AActor *mo, fixed_t oldfloorz)
else if (mo->BounceFlags & BOUNCE_MBF && mo->velz) // check for MBF-like bounce on non-missiles
else if (mo->BounceFlags & BOUNCE_MBF && mo->vel.z) // check for MBF-like bounce on non-missiles
if (mo->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) // Blasted mobj falling
if (mo->velz < -(23*FRACUNIT))
if (mo->vel.z < -(23*FRACUNIT))
P_MonsterFallingDamage (mo);
if (mo->velz < 0)
if (mo->vel.z < 0)
const fixed_t minvel = -8*FRACUNIT; // landing speed from a jump with normal gravity
// Spawn splashes, etc.
P_HitFloor (mo);
if (mo->DamageType == NAME_Ice && mo->velz < minvel)
if (mo->DamageType == NAME_Ice && mo->vel.z < minvel)
mo->tics = 1;
mo->velx = 0;
mo->vely = 0;
mo->velz = 0;
mo->vel.x = 0;
mo->vel.y = 0;
mo->vel.z = 0;
// Let the actor do something special for hitting the floor
mo->HitFloor ();
if (mo->player)
if (mo->player->jumpTics < 0 || mo->velz < minvel)
if (mo->player->jumpTics < 0 || mo->vel.z < minvel)
{ // delay any jumping for a short while
mo->player->jumpTics = 7;
if (mo->velz < minvel && !(mo->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY))
if (mo->vel.z < minvel && !(mo->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY))
// Squat down.
// Decrease viewheight for a moment after hitting the ground (hard),
@ -2608,11 +2608,11 @@ void P_ZMovement (AActor *mo, fixed_t oldfloorz)
PlayerLandedOnThing (mo, NULL);
mo->velz = 0;
mo->vel.z = 0;
if (mo->flags & MF_SKULLFLY)
{ // The skull slammed into something
mo->velz = -mo->velz;
mo->vel.z = -mo->vel.z;
@ -2644,10 +2644,10 @@ void P_ZMovement (AActor *mo, fixed_t oldfloorz)
if (mo->flags & MF_SKULLFLY)
{ // the skull slammed into something
mo->velz = -mo->velz;
mo->vel.z = -mo->vel.z;
if (mo->velz > 0)
mo->velz = 0;
if (mo->vel.z > 0)
mo->vel.z = 0;
if ((mo->flags & MF_MISSILE) && !(mo->flags & MF_NOCLIP))
if (mo->flags3 & MF3_CEILINGHUGGER)
@ -2745,7 +2745,7 @@ static void PlayerLandedOnThing (AActor *mo, AActor *onmobj)
if (mo->player->mo == mo)
mo->player->deltaviewheight = mo->velz >> 3;
mo->player->deltaviewheight = mo->vel.z >> 3;
if (mo->player->cheats & CF_PREDICTING)
@ -2758,7 +2758,7 @@ static void PlayerLandedOnThing (AActor *mo, AActor *onmobj)
grunted = false;
// Why should this number vary by gravity?
if (mo->health > 0 && mo->velz < -mo->player->mo->GruntSpeed)
if (mo->health > 0 && mo->vel.z < -mo->player->mo->GruntSpeed)
S_Sound (mo, CHAN_VOICE, "*grunt", 1, ATTN_NORM);
grunted = true;
@ -3085,7 +3085,7 @@ void AActor::HitFloor ()
bool AActor::Slam (AActor *thing)
flags &= ~MF_SKULLFLY;
velx = vely = velz = 0;
vel.x = vel.y = vel.z = 0;
if (health > 0)
if (!(flags2 & MF2_DORMANT))
@ -3440,7 +3440,7 @@ void AActor::Tick ()
UnlinkFromWorld ();
SetXYZ(Vec3Offset(velx, vely, velz));
SetXYZ(Vec3Offset(vel.x, vel.y, vel.z));
LinkToWorld ();
@ -3488,7 +3488,7 @@ void AActor::Tick ()
// add some smoke behind the rocket
smokecounter = 0;
AActor *th = Spawn("RocketSmokeTrail", Vec3Offset(-velx, -vely, -velz), ALLOW_REPLACE);
AActor *th = Spawn("RocketSmokeTrail", Vec3Offset(-vel.x, -vel.y, -vel.z), ALLOW_REPLACE);
if (th)
th->tics -= pr_rockettrail()&3;
@ -3502,10 +3502,10 @@ void AActor::Tick ()
if (++smokecounter == 8)
smokecounter = 0;
angle_t moveangle = R_PointToAngle2(0,0,velx,vely);
angle_t moveangle = R_PointToAngle2(0,0,vel.x,vel.y);
fixed_t xo = -FixedMul(finecosine[(moveangle) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT], radius * 2) + (pr_rockettrail() << 10);
fixed_t yo = -FixedMul(finesine[(moveangle) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT], radius * 2) + (pr_rockettrail() << 10);
AActor * th = Spawn("GrenadeSmokeTrail", Vec3Offset(xo, yo, - (height>>3) * (velz>>16) + (2*height)/3), ALLOW_REPLACE);
AActor * th = Spawn("GrenadeSmokeTrail", Vec3Offset(xo, yo, - (height>>3) * (vel.z>>16) + (2*height)/3), ALLOW_REPLACE);
if (th)
th->tics -= pr_rockettrail()&3;
@ -3524,14 +3524,14 @@ void AActor::Tick ()
if (health >0)
if (abs (velz) < FRACUNIT/4)
if (abs (vel.z) < FRACUNIT/4)
velz = 0;
vel.z = 0;
flags4 &= ~MF4_VFRICTION;
velz = FixedMul (velz, 0xe800);
vel.z = FixedMul (vel.z, 0xe800);
@ -3768,7 +3768,7 @@ void AActor::Tick ()
// [RH] If standing on a steep slope, fall down it
if ((flags & MF_SOLID) && !(flags & (MF_NOCLIP|MF_NOGRAVITY)) &&
!(flags & MF_NOBLOCKMAP) &&
velz <= 0 &&
vel.z <= 0 &&
floorz == Z())
secplane_t floorplane;
@ -3799,8 +3799,8 @@ void AActor::Tick ()
if (dopush)
velx += floorplane.a;
vely += floorplane.b;
vel.x += floorplane.a;
vel.y += floorplane.b;
@ -3810,9 +3810,9 @@ void AActor::Tick ()
// still have missiles that go straight up and down through actors without
// damaging anything.
// (for backwards compatibility this must check for lack of damage function, not for zero damage!)
if ((flags & MF_MISSILE) && (velx|vely) == 0 && Damage != NULL)
if ((flags & MF_MISSILE) && (vel.x|vel.y) == 0 && Damage != NULL)
velx = 1;
vel.x = 1;
// Handle X and Y velocities
@ -3822,7 +3822,7 @@ void AActor::Tick ()
{ // actor was destroyed
if ((velx | vely) == 0) // Actors at rest
if ((vel.x | vel.y) == 0) // Actors at rest
if (flags2 & MF2_BLASTED)
{ // Reset to not blasted when velocities are gone
@ -3834,7 +3834,7 @@ void AActor::Tick ()
if (velz || BlockingMobj || Z() != floorz)
if (vel.z || BlockingMobj || Z() != floorz)
{ // Handle Z velocity and gravity
if (((flags2 & MF2_PASSMOBJ) || (flags & MF_SPECIAL)) && !(i_compatflags & COMPATF_NO_PASSMOBJ))
@ -3847,7 +3847,7 @@ void AActor::Tick ()
if (player)
if (velz < (fixed_t)(level.gravity * Sector->gravity * -655.36f)
if (vel.z < (fixed_t)(level.gravity * Sector->gravity * -655.36f)
&& !(flags&MF_NOGRAVITY))
PlayerLandedOnThing (this, onmo);
@ -3883,14 +3883,14 @@ void AActor::Tick ()
onmo->lastbump = level.maptime + TICRATE;
if (velz != 0 && (BounceFlags & BOUNCE_Actors))
if (vel.z != 0 && (BounceFlags & BOUNCE_Actors))
P_BounceActor(this, onmo, true);
flags2 |= MF2_ONMOBJ;
velz = 0;
vel.z = 0;
@ -4777,7 +4777,7 @@ APlayerPawn *P_SpawnPlayer (FPlayerStart *mthing, int playernum, int flags)
p->MUSINFOactor = NULL;
p->MUSINFOtics = -1;
p->velx = p->vely = 0; // killough 10/98: initialize bobbing to 0.
p->vel.x = p->vel.y = 0; // killough 10/98: initialize bobbing to 0.
for (int ii = 0; ii < MAXPLAYERS; ++ii)
@ -5360,7 +5360,7 @@ void P_SpawnBlood (fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, angle_t dir, int damage, AAc
z += pr_spawnblood.Random2 () << 10;
th = Spawn (bloodcls, x, y, z, NO_REPLACE); // GetBloodType already performed the replacement
th->velz = FRACUNIT*2;
th->vel.z = FRACUNIT*2;
th->angle = dir;
// [NG] Applying PUFFGETSOWNER to the blood will make it target the owner
if (th->flags5 & MF5_PUFFGETSOWNER) th->target = originator;
@ -5456,9 +5456,9 @@ void P_BloodSplatter (fixedvec3 pos, AActor *originator)
mo = Spawn(bloodcls, pos, NO_REPLACE); // GetBloodType already performed the replacement
mo->target = originator;
mo->velx = pr_splatter.Random2 () << 10;
mo->vely = pr_splatter.Random2 () << 10;
mo->velz = 3*FRACUNIT;
mo->vel.x = pr_splatter.Random2 () << 10;
mo->vel.y = pr_splatter.Random2 () << 10;
mo->vel.z = 3*FRACUNIT;
// colorize the blood!
if (bloodcolor!=0 && !(mo->flags2 & MF2_DONTTRANSLATE))
@ -5543,8 +5543,8 @@ void P_RipperBlood (AActor *mo, AActor *bleeder)
if (th->flags5 & MF5_PUFFGETSOWNER) th->target = bleeder;
if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Heretic)
th->flags |= MF_NOGRAVITY;
th->velx = mo->velx >> 1;
th->vely = mo->vely >> 1;
th->vel.x = mo->vel.x >> 1;
th->vel.y = mo->vel.y >> 1;
th->tics += pr_ripperblood () & 3;
// colorize the blood!
@ -5609,7 +5609,7 @@ bool P_HitWater (AActor * thing, sector_t * sec, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z
// Missiles are typically small and fast, so they might
// end up submerged by the move that calls P_HitWater.
if (thing->flags & MF_MISSILE)
compare_z -= thing->velz;
compare_z -= thing->vel.z;
if (z > compare_z)
return false;
@ -5673,7 +5673,7 @@ foundone:
// Don't splash for living things with small vertical velocities.
// There are levels where the constant splashing from the monsters gets extremely annoying
if (((thing->flags3&MF3_ISMONSTER || thing->player) && thing->velz >= -6*FRACUNIT) && !force)
if (((thing->flags3&MF3_ISMONSTER || thing->player) && thing->vel.z >= -6*FRACUNIT) && !force)
return Terrains[terrainnum].IsLiquid;
splash = &Splashes[splashnum];
@ -5695,13 +5695,13 @@ foundone:
mo->target = thing;
if (splash->ChunkXVelShift != 255)
mo->velx = pr_chunk.Random2() << splash->ChunkXVelShift;
mo->vel.x = pr_chunk.Random2() << splash->ChunkXVelShift;
if (splash->ChunkYVelShift != 255)
mo->vely = pr_chunk.Random2() << splash->ChunkYVelShift;
mo->vel.y = pr_chunk.Random2() << splash->ChunkYVelShift;
mo->velz = splash->ChunkBaseZVel + (pr_chunk() << splash->ChunkZVelShift);
mo->vel.z = splash->ChunkBaseZVel + (pr_chunk() << splash->ChunkZVelShift);
if (splash->SplashBase)
@ -5742,7 +5742,7 @@ bool P_HitFloor (AActor *thing)
// killough 11/98: touchy objects explode on impact
// Allow very short drops to be safe, so that a touchy can be summoned without exploding.
if (thing->flags6 & MF6_TOUCHY && ((thing->flags6 & MF6_ARMED) || thing->IsSentient()) && ((thing->velz) < (-5 * FRACUNIT)))
if (thing->flags6 & MF6_TOUCHY && ((thing->flags6 & MF6_ARMED) || thing->IsSentient()) && ((thing->vel.z) < (-5 * FRACUNIT)))
thing->flags6 &= ~MF6_ARMED; // Disarm
P_DamageMobj (thing, NULL, NULL, thing->health, NAME_Crush, DMG_FORCED); // kill object
@ -5796,7 +5796,7 @@ void P_CheckSplash(AActor *self, fixed_t distance)
sector_t *floorsec;
self->Sector->LowestFloorAt(self, &floorsec);
if (self->Z() <= self->floorz + (distance<<FRACBITS) && self->floorsector == floorsec && self->Sector->GetHeightSec() == NULL && floorsec->heightsec == NULL)
if (self->Z() <= self->floorz + distance && self->floorsector == floorsec && self->Sector->GetHeightSec() == NULL && floorsec->heightsec == NULL)
// Explosion splashes never alert monsters. This is because A_Explode has
// a separate parameter for that so this would get in the way of proper
@ -5828,7 +5828,7 @@ bool P_CheckMissileSpawn (AActor* th, fixed_t maxdist)
if (maxdist > 0)
// move a little forward so an angle can be computed if it immediately explodes
DVector3 advance(FIXED2DBL(th->velx), FIXED2DBL(th->vely), FIXED2DBL(th->velz));
DVector3 advance(FIXED2DBL(th->vel.x), FIXED2DBL(th->vel.y), FIXED2DBL(th->vel.z));
double maxsquared = FIXED2DBL(maxdist);
maxsquared *= maxsquared;
@ -6012,9 +6012,9 @@ AActor *P_SpawnMissileXYZ (fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z,
velocity.Z += (dest->height - z + source->Z());
velocity.Resize (speed);
th->velx = xs_CRoundToInt(velocity.X);
th->vely = xs_CRoundToInt(velocity.Y);
th->velz = xs_CRoundToInt(velocity.Z);
th->vel.x = xs_CRoundToInt(velocity.X);
th->vel.y = xs_CRoundToInt(velocity.Y);
th->vel.z = xs_CRoundToInt(velocity.Z);
// invisible target: rotate velocity vector in 2D
// [RC] Now monsters can aim at invisible player as if they were fully visible.
@ -6023,13 +6023,13 @@ AActor *P_SpawnMissileXYZ (fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z,
angle_t an = pr_spawnmissile.Random2 () << 20;
fixed_t newx = DMulScale16 (th->velx, finecosine[an], -th->vely, finesine[an]);
fixed_t newy = DMulScale16 (th->velx, finesine[an], th->vely, finecosine[an]);
th->velx = newx;
th->vely = newy;
fixed_t newx = DMulScale16 (th->vel.x, finecosine[an], -th->vel.y, finesine[an]);
fixed_t newy = DMulScale16 (th->vel.x, finesine[an], th->vel.y, finecosine[an]);
th->vel.x = newx;
th->vel.y = newy;
th->angle = R_PointToAngle2 (0, 0, th->velx, th->vely);
th->angle = R_PointToAngle2 (0, 0, th->vel.x, th->vel.y);
if (th->flags4 & MF4_SPECTRAL)
@ -6054,8 +6054,8 @@ AActor *P_OldSpawnMissile(AActor *source, AActor *owner, AActor *dest, PClassAct
th->angle = an = source->AngleTo(dest);
th->velx = FixedMul (th->Speed, finecosine[an]);
th->vely = FixedMul (th->Speed, finesine[an]);
th->vel.x = FixedMul (th->Speed, finecosine[an]);
th->vel.y = FixedMul (th->Speed, finesine[an]);
dist = source->AproxDistance (dest);
if (th->Speed) dist = dist / th->Speed;
@ -6063,7 +6063,7 @@ AActor *P_OldSpawnMissile(AActor *source, AActor *owner, AActor *dest, PClassAct
if (dist < 1)
dist = 1;
th->velz = (dest->Z() - source->Z()) / dist;
th->vel.z = (dest->Z() - source->Z()) / dist;
if (th->flags4 & MF4_SPECTRAL)
@ -6084,20 +6084,20 @@ AActor *P_OldSpawnMissile(AActor *source, AActor *owner, AActor *dest, PClassAct
AActor *P_SpawnMissileAngle (AActor *source, PClassActor *type,
angle_t angle, fixed_t velz)
angle_t angle, fixed_t vz)
if (source == NULL)
return NULL;
return P_SpawnMissileAngleZSpeed (source, source->Z() + 32*FRACUNIT + source->GetBobOffset(),
type, angle, velz, GetDefaultSpeed (type));
type, angle, vz, GetDefaultSpeed (type));
AActor *P_SpawnMissileAngleZ (AActor *source, fixed_t z,
PClassActor *type, angle_t angle, fixed_t velz)
PClassActor *type, angle_t angle, fixed_t vz)
return P_SpawnMissileAngleZSpeed (source, z, type, angle, velz,
return P_SpawnMissileAngleZSpeed (source, z, type, angle, vz,
GetDefaultSpeed (type));
@ -6110,7 +6110,7 @@ AActor *P_SpawnMissileZAimed (AActor *source, fixed_t z, AActor *dest, PClassAct
angle_t an;
fixed_t dist;
fixed_t speed;
fixed_t velz;
fixed_t vz;
an = source->angle;
@ -6121,8 +6121,8 @@ AActor *P_SpawnMissileZAimed (AActor *source, fixed_t z, AActor *dest, PClassAct
dist = source->AproxDistance (dest);
speed = GetDefaultSpeed (type);
dist /= speed;
velz = dist != 0 ? (dest->Z() - source->Z())/dist : speed;
return P_SpawnMissileAngleZSpeed (source, z, type, an, velz, speed);
vz = dist != 0 ? (dest->Z() - source->Z())/dist : speed;
return P_SpawnMissileAngleZSpeed (source, z, type, an, vz, speed);
@ -6135,18 +6135,18 @@ AActor *P_SpawnMissileZAimed (AActor *source, fixed_t z, AActor *dest, PClassAct
AActor *P_SpawnMissileAngleSpeed (AActor *source, PClassActor *type,
angle_t angle, fixed_t velz, fixed_t speed)
angle_t angle, fixed_t vz, fixed_t speed)
if (source == NULL)
return NULL;
return P_SpawnMissileAngleZSpeed (source, source->Z() + 32*FRACUNIT + source->GetBobOffset(),
type, angle, velz, speed);
type, angle, vz, speed);
AActor *P_SpawnMissileAngleZSpeed (AActor *source, fixed_t z,
PClassActor *type, angle_t angle, fixed_t velz, fixed_t speed, AActor *owner, bool checkspawn)
PClassActor *type, angle_t angle, fixed_t vz, fixed_t speed, AActor *owner, bool checkspawn)
if (source == NULL)
@ -6166,9 +6166,9 @@ AActor *P_SpawnMissileAngleZSpeed (AActor *source, fixed_t z,
mo->target = owner;
mo->angle = angle;
mo->velx = FixedMul (speed, finecosine[angle]);
mo->vely = FixedMul (speed, finesine[angle]);
mo->velz = velz;
mo->vel.x = FixedMul (speed, finecosine[angle]);
mo->vel.y = FixedMul (speed, finesine[angle]);
mo->vel.z = vz;
if (mo->flags4 & MF4_SPECTRAL)
@ -6295,9 +6295,9 @@ AActor *P_SpawnPlayerMissile (AActor *source, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z,
vec.Z = 0;
MissileActor->velx = xs_CRoundToInt(vec.X);
MissileActor->vely = xs_CRoundToInt(vec.Y);
MissileActor->velz = xs_CRoundToInt(vec.Z);
MissileActor->vel.x = xs_CRoundToInt(vec.X);
MissileActor->vel.y = xs_CRoundToInt(vec.Y);
MissileActor->vel.z = xs_CRoundToInt(vec.Z);
if (MissileActor->flags4 & MF4_SPECTRAL)
@ -6774,7 +6774,7 @@ void PrintMiscActorInfo(AActor *query)
FIXED2DBL(query->X()), FIXED2DBL(query->Y()), FIXED2DBL(query->Z()),
FIXED2DBL(query->floorz), FIXED2DBL(query->ceilingz));
Printf("\nSpeed= %f, velocity= x:%f, y:%f, z:%f, combined:%f.\n",
FIXED2DBL(query->Speed), FIXED2DBL(query->velx), FIXED2DBL(query->vely), FIXED2DBL(query->velz),
g_sqrt(pow(FIXED2DBL(query->velx), 2) + pow(FIXED2DBL(query->vely), 2) + pow(FIXED2DBL(query->velz), 2)));
FIXED2DBL(query->Speed), FIXED2DBL(query->vel.x), FIXED2DBL(query->vel.y), FIXED2DBL(query->vel.z),
g_sqrt(pow(FIXED2DBL(query->vel.x), 2) + pow(FIXED2DBL(query->vel.y), 2) + pow(FIXED2DBL(query->vel.z), 2)));
@ -932,7 +932,7 @@ fixed_t sector_t::LowestFloorAt(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, sector_t **resultsec)
fixed_t sector_t::NextHighestCeilingAt(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, int flags, sector_t **resultsec, F3DFloor **resultffloor)
fixed_t sector_t::NextHighestCeilingAt(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t bottomz, fixed_t topz, int flags, sector_t **resultsec, F3DFloor **resultffloor)
sector_t *sec = this;
fixed_t planeheight = FIXED_MIN;
@ -943,14 +943,20 @@ fixed_t sector_t::NextHighestCeilingAt(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, int flag
fixed_t realceil = sec->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(x, y);
for (int i = sec->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
F3DFloor *ff = sec->e->XFloor.ffloors[i];
F3DFloor *rover = sec->e->XFloor.ffloors[i];
if (!(rover->flags & FF_SOLID) || !(rover->flags & FF_EXISTS)) continue;
fixed_t ffz = ff->bottom.plane->ZatPoint(x, y);
if (ffz < realceil && ((ff->flags & (FF_EXISTS | FF_SOLID)) == (FF_EXISTS | FF_SOLID) && z <= ffz))
{ // This floor is above our eyes.
fixed_t ff_bottom = rover->bottom.plane->ZatPoint(x, y);
fixed_t ff_top = rover->top.plane->ZatPoint(x, y);
fixed_t delta1 = bottomz - (ff_bottom + ((ff_top - ff_bottom) / 2));
fixed_t delta2 = topz - (ff_bottom + ((ff_top - ff_bottom) / 2));
if (ff_bottom < realceil && abs(delta1) >= abs(delta2))
if (resultsec) *resultsec = sec;
if (resultffloor) *resultffloor = ff;
return ffz;
if (resultffloor) *resultffloor = rover;
return ff_bottom;
if ((flags & FFCF_NOPORTALS) || sec->PortalBlocksMovement(ceiling) || planeheight >= sec->SkyBoxes[ceiling]->threshold)
@ -2283,8 +2283,8 @@ void DPusher::Tick ()
if (m_Source->GetClass()->TypeName == NAME_PointPusher)
pushangle += ANG180; // away
thing->velx += FixedMul (speed, finecosine[pushangle]);
thing->vely += FixedMul (speed, finesine[pushangle]);
thing->vel.x += FixedMul (speed, finecosine[pushangle]);
thing->vel.y += FixedMul (speed, finesine[pushangle]);
@ -2358,8 +2358,8 @@ void DPusher::Tick ()
yspeed = m_Ymag;
thing->velx += xspeed<<(FRACBITS-PUSH_FACTOR);
thing->vely += yspeed<<(FRACBITS-PUSH_FACTOR);
thing->vel.x += xspeed<<(FRACBITS-PUSH_FACTOR);
thing->vel.y += yspeed<<(FRACBITS-PUSH_FACTOR);
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ bool P_Teleport (AActor *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, angle_t angle,
ceilingheight = destsect->ceilingplane.ZatPoint (x, y);
if (thing->flags & MF_MISSILE)
{ // We don't measure z velocity, because it doesn't change.
missilespeed = xs_CRoundToInt(DVector2(thing->velx, thing->vely).Length());
missilespeed = xs_CRoundToInt(DVector2(thing->vel.x, thing->vel.y).Length());
if (flags & TELF_KEEPHEIGHT)
@ -215,16 +215,16 @@ bool P_Teleport (AActor *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, angle_t angle,
if (thing->flags & MF_MISSILE)
thing->velx = FixedMul (missilespeed, finecosine[angle]);
thing->vely = FixedMul (missilespeed, finesine[angle]);
thing->vel.x = FixedMul (missilespeed, finecosine[angle]);
thing->vel.y = FixedMul (missilespeed, finesine[angle]);
// [BC] && bHaltVelocity.
else if (!(flags & TELF_KEEPORIENTATION) && !(flags & TELF_KEEPVELOCITY))
{ // no fog doesn't alter the player's momentum
thing->velx = thing->vely = thing->velz = 0;
thing->vel.x = thing->vel.y = thing->vel.z = 0;
// killough 10/98: kill all bobbing velocity too
if (player)
player->velx = player->vely = 0;
player->vel.x = player->vel.y = 0;
return true;
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ bool EV_Teleport (int tid, int tag, line_t *line, int side, AActor *thing, int f
fixed_t z;
angle_t angle = 0;
fixed_t s = 0, c = 0;
fixed_t velx = 0, vely = 0;
fixed_t vx = 0, vy = 0;
angle_t badangle = 0;
if (thing == NULL)
@ -365,8 +365,8 @@ bool EV_Teleport (int tid, int tag, line_t *line, int side, AActor *thing, int f
c = finecosine[angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT];
// Velocity of thing crossing teleporter linedef
velx = thing->velx;
vely = thing->vely;
vx = thing->vel.x;
vy = thing->vel.y;
z = searcher->Z();
@ -391,10 +391,10 @@ bool EV_Teleport (int tid, int tag, line_t *line, int side, AActor *thing, int f
thing->angle += angle;
// Rotate thing's velocity to come out of exit just like it entered
thing->velx = FixedMul(velx, c) - FixedMul(vely, s);
thing->vely = FixedMul(vely, c) + FixedMul(velx, s);
thing->vel.x = FixedMul(vx, c) - FixedMul(vy, s);
thing->vel.y = FixedMul(vy, c) + FixedMul(vx, s);
if ((velx | vely) == 0 && thing->player != NULL && thing->player->mo == thing && !predicting)
if ((vx | vy) == 0 && thing->player != NULL && thing->player->mo == thing && !predicting)
thing->player->mo->PlayIdle ();
@ -554,21 +554,21 @@ bool EV_SilentLineTeleport (line_t *line, int side, AActor *thing, int id, INTBO
thing->angle += angle;
// Velocity of thing crossing teleporter linedef
x = thing->velx;
y = thing->vely;
x = thing->vel.x;
y = thing->vel.y;
// Rotate thing's velocity to come out of exit just like it entered
thing->velx = DMulScale16 (x, c, -y, s);
thing->vely = DMulScale16 (y, c, x, s);
thing->vel.x = DMulScale16 (x, c, -y, s);
thing->vel.y = DMulScale16 (y, c, x, s);
// Adjust a player's view, in case there has been a height change
if (player && player->mo == thing)
// Adjust player's local copy of velocity
x = player->velx;
y = player->vely;
player->velx = DMulScale16 (x, c, -y, s);
player->vely = DMulScale16 (y, c, x, s);
x = player->vel.x;
y = player->vel.y;
player->vel.x = DMulScale16 (x, c, -y, s);
player->vel.y = DMulScale16 (y, c, x, s);
// Save the current deltaviewheight, used in stepping
fixed_t deltaviewheight = player->deltaviewheight;
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ bool P_Thing_Projectile (int tid, AActor *source, int type, const char *type_nam
vect.z += targ->height / 2;
DVector3 aim(vect.x, vect.y, vect.z);
if (leadTarget && speed > 0 && (targ->velx | targ->vely | targ->velz))
if (leadTarget && speed > 0 && (targ->vel.x | targ->vel.y | targ->vel.z))
// Aiming at the target's position some time in the future
// is basically just an application of the law of sines:
@ -269,14 +269,14 @@ bool P_Thing_Projectile (int tid, AActor *source, int type, const char *type_nam
// with the math. I don't think I would have thought of using
// trig alone had I been left to solve it by myself.
DVector3 tvel(targ->velx, targ->vely, targ->velz);
DVector3 tvel(targ->vel.x, targ->vel.y, targ->vel.z);
if (!(targ->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY) && targ->waterlevel < 3)
{ // If the target is subject to gravity and not underwater,
// assume that it isn't moving vertically. Thanks to gravity,
// even if we did consider the vertical component of the target's
// velocity, we would still miss more often than not.
tvel.Z = 0.0;
if ((targ->velx | targ->vely) == 0)
if ((targ->vel.x | targ->vel.y) == 0)
goto nolead;
@ -300,19 +300,19 @@ bool P_Thing_Projectile (int tid, AActor *source, int type, const char *type_nam
DVector3 aimvec = rm * aim;
// And make the projectile follow that vector at the desired speed.
double aimscale = fspeed / dist;
mobj->velx = fixed_t (aimvec[0] * aimscale);
mobj->vely = fixed_t (aimvec[1] * aimscale);
mobj->velz = fixed_t (aimvec[2] * aimscale);
mobj->angle = R_PointToAngle2 (0, 0, mobj->velx, mobj->vely);
mobj->vel.x = fixed_t (aimvec[0] * aimscale);
mobj->vel.y = fixed_t (aimvec[1] * aimscale);
mobj->vel.z = fixed_t (aimvec[2] * aimscale);
mobj->angle = R_PointToAngle2 (0, 0, mobj->vel.x, mobj->vel.y);
mobj->angle = mobj->AngleTo(targ);
aim.Resize (fspeed);
mobj->velx = fixed_t(aim[0]);
mobj->vely = fixed_t(aim[1]);
mobj->velz = fixed_t(aim[2]);
mobj->vel.x = fixed_t(aim[0]);
mobj->vel.y = fixed_t(aim[1]);
mobj->vel.z = fixed_t(aim[2]);
if (mobj->flags2 & MF2_SEEKERMISSILE)
@ -322,19 +322,19 @@ nolead:
mobj->angle = angle;
mobj->velx = FixedMul (speed, finecosine[angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
mobj->vely = FixedMul (speed, finesine[angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
mobj->velz = vspeed;
mobj->vel.x = FixedMul (speed, finecosine[angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
mobj->vel.y = FixedMul (speed, finesine[angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
mobj->vel.z = vspeed;
// Set the missile's speed to reflect the speed it was spawned at.
if (mobj->flags & MF_MISSILE)
mobj->Speed = fixed_t (g_sqrt (double(mobj->velx)*mobj->velx + double(mobj->vely)*mobj->vely + double(mobj->velz)*mobj->velz));
mobj->Speed = fixed_t (g_sqrt (double(mobj->vel.x)*mobj->vel.x + double(mobj->vel.y)*mobj->vel.y + double(mobj->vel.z)*mobj->vel.z));
// Hugger missiles don't have any vertical velocity
mobj->velz = 0;
mobj->vel.z = 0;
if (mobj->flags & MF_SPECIAL)
@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ bool P_Thing_Raise(AActor *thing, AActor *raiser)
AActor *info = thing->GetDefault ();
thing->velx = thing->vely = 0;
thing->vel.x = thing->vel.y = 0;
// [RH] Check against real height and radius
fixed_t oldheight = thing->height;
@ -501,16 +501,16 @@ void P_Thing_SetVelocity(AActor *actor, fixed_t vx, fixed_t vy, fixed_t vz, bool
if (!add)
actor->velx = actor->vely = actor->velz = 0;
if (actor->player != NULL) actor->player->velx = actor->player->vely = 0;
actor->vel.x = actor->vel.y = actor->vel.z = 0;
if (actor->player != NULL) actor->player->vel.x = actor->player->vel.y = 0;
actor->velx += vx;
actor->vely += vy;
actor->velz += vz;
actor->vel.x += vx;
actor->vel.y += vy;
actor->vel.z += vz;
if (setbob && actor->player != NULL)
actor->player->velx += vx;
actor->player->vely += vy;
actor->player->vel.x += vx;
actor->player->vel.y += vy;
@ -772,15 +772,15 @@ int P_Thing_Warp(AActor *caller, AActor *reference, fixed_t xofs, fixed_t yofs,
caller->velx = reference->velx;
caller->vely = reference->vely;
caller->velz = reference->velz;
caller->vel.x = reference->vel.x;
caller->vel.y = reference->vel.y;
caller->vel.z = reference->vel.z;
if (flags & WARPF_STOP)
caller->velx = 0;
caller->vely = 0;
caller->velz = 0;
caller->vel.x = 0;
caller->vel.y = 0;
caller->vel.z = 0;
// this is no fun with line portals
@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ void FTraceInfo::Setup3DFloors()
CurSector->floorplane = *rover->top.plane;
CurSector->SetTexture(sector_t::floor, *rover->top.texture, false);
CurSector->SkyBoxes[sector_t::floor] == NULL;
CurSector->SkyBoxes[sector_t::floor] = nullptr;
bf = ff_top;
@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ void FTraceInfo::Setup3DFloors()
CurSector->ceilingplane = *rover->bottom.plane;
CurSector->SetTexture(sector_t::ceiling, *rover->bottom.texture, false);
bc = ff_bottom;
CurSector->SkyBoxes[sector_t::ceiling] == NULL;
CurSector->SkyBoxes[sector_t::ceiling] = nullptr;
@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ void FTraceInfo::Setup3DFloors()
CurSector->floorplane = *rover->bottom.plane;
CurSector->SetTexture(sector_t::floor, *rover->bottom.texture, false);
CurSector->SkyBoxes[sector_t::floor] == NULL;
CurSector->SkyBoxes[sector_t::floor] = nullptr;
bf = ff_bottom;
@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ void FTraceInfo::Setup3DFloors()
CurSector->ceilingplane = *rover->top.plane;
CurSector->SetTexture(sector_t::ceiling, *rover->top.texture, false);
CurSector->SkyBoxes[sector_t::ceiling] == NULL;
CurSector->SkyBoxes[sector_t::ceiling] = nullptr;
bc = ff_top;
inshootthrough = false;
@ -257,8 +257,7 @@ player_t::player_t()
vel({ 0,0 }),
@ -337,8 +336,8 @@ player_t &player_t::operator=(const player_t &p)
viewheight = p.viewheight;
deltaviewheight = p.deltaviewheight;
bob = p.bob;
velx = p.velx;
vely = p.vely;
vel.x = p.vel.x;
vel.y = p.vel.y;
centering = p.centering;
turnticks = p.turnticks;
attackdown = p.attackdown;
@ -1580,7 +1579,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_PlayerScream)
// Handle the different player death screams
if ((((level.flags >> 15) | (dmflags)) &
self->velz <= -39*FRACUNIT)
self->vel.z <= -39*FRACUNIT)
sound = S_FindSkinnedSound (self, "*splat");
chan = CHAN_BODY;
@ -1652,9 +1651,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_SkullPop)
self->flags &= ~MF_SOLID;
mo = (APlayerPawn *)Spawn (spawntype, self->PosPlusZ(48*FRACUNIT), NO_REPLACE);
//mo->target = self;
mo->velx = pr_skullpop.Random2() << 9;
mo->vely = pr_skullpop.Random2() << 9;
mo->velz = 2*FRACUNIT + (pr_skullpop() << 6);
mo->vel.x = pr_skullpop.Random2() << 9;
mo->vel.y = pr_skullpop.Random2() << 9;
mo->vel.z = 2*FRACUNIT + (pr_skullpop() << 6);
// Attach player mobj to bloody skull
player = self->player;
self->player = NULL;
@ -1760,8 +1759,8 @@ void P_SideThrust (player_t *player, angle_t angle, fixed_t move)
angle = (angle - ANGLE_90) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
player->mo->velx += FixedMul (move, finecosine[angle]);
player->mo->vely += FixedMul (move, finesine[angle]);
player->mo->vel.x += FixedMul (move, finecosine[angle]);
player->mo->vel.y += FixedMul (move, finesine[angle]);
void P_ForwardThrust (player_t *player, angle_t angle, fixed_t move)
@ -1775,11 +1774,11 @@ void P_ForwardThrust (player_t *player, angle_t angle, fixed_t move)
fixed_t zpush = FixedMul (move, finesine[pitch]);
if (player->mo->waterlevel && player->mo->waterlevel < 2 && zpush < 0)
zpush = 0;
player->mo->velz -= zpush;
player->mo->vel.z -= zpush;
move = FixedMul (move, finecosine[pitch]);
player->mo->velx += FixedMul (move, finecosine[angle]);
player->mo->vely += FixedMul (move, finesine[angle]);
player->mo->vel.x += FixedMul (move, finecosine[angle]);
player->mo->vel.y += FixedMul (move, finesine[angle]);
@ -1805,8 +1804,8 @@ void P_Bob (player_t *player, angle_t angle, fixed_t move, bool forward)
player->velx += FixedMul(move, finecosine[angle]);
player->vely += FixedMul(move, finesine[angle]);
player->vel.x += FixedMul(move, finecosine[angle]);
player->vel.y += FixedMul(move, finesine[angle]);
@ -1845,7 +1844,7 @@ void P_CalcHeight (player_t *player)
player->bob = DMulScale16 (player->velx, player->velx, player->vely, player->vely);
player->bob = DMulScale16 (player->vel.x, player->vel.x, player->vel.y, player->vel.y);
if (player->bob == 0)
still = true;
@ -2065,7 +2064,7 @@ void P_FallingDamage (AActor *actor)
if (actor->floorsector->Flags & SECF_NOFALLINGDAMAGE)
vel = abs(actor->velz);
vel = abs(actor->vel.z);
// Since Hexen falling damage is stronger than ZDoom's, it takes
// precedence. ZDoom falling damage may not be as strong, but it
@ -2086,7 +2085,7 @@ void P_FallingDamage (AActor *actor)
vel = FixedMul (vel, 16*FRACUNIT/23);
damage = ((FixedMul (vel, vel) / 10) >> FRACBITS) - 24;
if (actor->velz > -39*FRACUNIT && damage > actor->health
if (actor->vel.z > -39*FRACUNIT && damage > actor->health
&& actor->health != 1)
{ // No-death threshold
damage = actor->health-1;
@ -2575,11 +2574,11 @@ void P_PlayerThink (player_t *player)
else if (player->mo->waterlevel >= 2)
player->mo->velz = FixedMul(4*FRACUNIT, player->mo->Speed);
player->mo->vel.z = FixedMul(4*FRACUNIT, player->mo->Speed);
else if (player->mo->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY)
player->mo->velz = 3*FRACUNIT;
player->mo->vel.z = 3*FRACUNIT;
else if (level.IsJumpingAllowed() && player->onground && player->jumpTics == 0)
@ -2588,7 +2587,7 @@ void P_PlayerThink (player_t *player)
// [BC] If the player has the high jump power, double his jump velocity.
if ( player->cheats & CF_HIGHJUMP ) jumpvelz *= 2;
player->mo->velz += jumpvelz;
player->mo->vel.z += jumpvelz;
player->mo->flags2 &= ~MF2_ONMOBJ;
player->jumpTics = -1;
if (!(player->cheats & CF_PREDICTING))
@ -2614,12 +2613,12 @@ void P_PlayerThink (player_t *player)
if (player->mo->waterlevel >= 2 || (player->mo->flags2 & MF2_FLY) || (player->cheats & CF_NOCLIP2))
player->mo->velz = FixedMul(player->mo->Speed, cmd->ucmd.upmove << 9);
player->mo->vel.z = FixedMul(player->mo->Speed, cmd->ucmd.upmove << 9);
if (player->mo->waterlevel < 2 && !(player->mo->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY))
player->mo->flags2 |= MF2_FLY;
player->mo->flags |= MF_NOGRAVITY;
if ((player->mo->velz <= -39 * FRACUNIT) && !(player->cheats & CF_PREDICTING))
if ((player->mo->vel.z <= -39 * FRACUNIT) && !(player->cheats & CF_PREDICTING))
{ // Stop falling scream
S_StopSound (player->mo, CHAN_VOICE);
@ -2649,8 +2648,8 @@ void P_PlayerThink (player_t *player)
// Player must be touching the floor
P_PlayerOnSpecialFlat(player, P_GetThingFloorType(player->mo));
if (player->mo->velz <= -player->mo->FallingScreamMinSpeed &&
player->mo->velz >= -player->mo->FallingScreamMaxSpeed && !player->morphTics &&
if (player->mo->vel.z <= -player->mo->FallingScreamMinSpeed &&
player->mo->vel.z >= -player->mo->FallingScreamMaxSpeed && !player->morphTics &&
player->mo->waterlevel == 0)
int id = S_FindSkinnedSound (player->mo, "*falling");
@ -3072,8 +3071,8 @@ void player_t::Serialize (FArchive &arc)
<< viewheight
<< deltaviewheight
<< bob
<< velx
<< vely
<< vel.x
<< vel.y
<< centering
<< health
<< inventorytics;
@ -900,8 +900,8 @@ void FPolyObj::ThrustMobj (AActor *actor, side_t *side)
thrustX = FixedMul (force, finecosine[thrustAngle]);
thrustY = FixedMul (force, finesine[thrustAngle]);
actor->velx += thrustX;
actor->vely += thrustY;
actor->vel.x += thrustX;
actor->vel.y += thrustY;
if (crush)
fixedvec2 pos = actor->Vec2Offset(thrustX, thrustY);
@ -246,12 +246,15 @@ static line_t *FindDestination(line_t *src, int tag)
static void SetRotation(FLinePortal *port)
if (port != NULL && port->mDestination != NULL)
line_t *dst = port->mDestination;
line_t *line = port->mOrigin;
double angle = g_atan2(dst->dy, dst->dx) - g_atan2(line->dy, line->dx) + M_PI;
port->mSinRot = FLOAT2FIXED(g_sin(angle));
port->mCosRot = FLOAT2FIXED(g_cos(angle));
port->mAngleDiff = RAD2ANGLE(angle);
@ -934,7 +937,7 @@ void P_CreateLinkedPortals()
TThinkerIterator<AStackPoint> it;
AStackPoint *mo;
TArray<AStackPoint *> orgs;
int id = 0;
int id = 1;
bool bogus = false;
while ((mo = it.Next()))
@ -953,12 +956,9 @@ void P_CreateLinkedPortals()
if (orgs.Size() == 0)
id = 1;
if (orgs.Size() != 0)
// Create the 0->0 translation which is always needed.
for (int i = 0; i < numsectors; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
@ -971,19 +971,19 @@ void P_CreateLinkedPortals()
// The engine cannot deal with portals on a sloped plane.
sectors[i].SkyBoxes[j] = NULL;
Printf("Portal on %s of sector %d is sloped and will be disabled\n", j==0? "floor":"ceiling", i);
Printf("Portal on %s of sector %d is sloped and will be disabled\n", j == 0 ? "floor" : "ceiling", i);
// Group all sectors, starting at each portal origin.
id = 1;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < orgs.Size(); i++)
if (CollectSectors(id, orgs[i]->Sector)) id++;
if (CollectSectors(id, orgs[i]->Mate->Sector)) id++;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < linePortals.Size(); i++)
if (linePortals[i].mType == PORTT_LINKED)
@ -149,6 +149,8 @@ static const NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute NSOpenGLPFAAllowOfflineRenderers = NSO
- (void)setCollectionBehavior:(NSUInteger)collectionBehavior;
typedef NSUInteger NSWindowCollectionBehavior;
#endif // prior to 10.5
@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, fullscreen )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -78,6 +77,9 @@ void (*TermFuncs[MAX_TERMS])();
const char *TermNames[MAX_TERMS];
size_t NumTerms;
} // unnamed namespace
// Expose this for i_main_except.cpp
void call_terms()
while (NumTerms > 0)
@ -86,8 +88,6 @@ void call_terms()
} // unnamed namespace
void addterm(void (*func)(), const char *name)
@ -133,6 +133,41 @@ void Mac_I_FatalError(const char* const message)
DArgs* Args; // command line arguments
// Newer versions of GCC than 4.2 have a bug with C++ exceptions in Objective-C++ code.
// To work around we'll implement the try and catch in standard C++.
// https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=61759
void OriginalMainExcept(int argc, char** argv);
void OriginalMainTry(int argc, char** argv)
Args = new DArgs(argc, argv);
killough 1/98:
This fixes some problems with exit handling
during abnormal situations.
The old code called I_Quit() to end program,
while now I_Quit() is installed as an exit
handler and exit() is called to exit, either
normally or abnormally. Seg faults are caught
and the error handler is used, to prevent
being left in graphics mode or having very
loud SFX noise because the sound card is
left in an unstable state.
NSString* exePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] executablePath];
progdir = [[exePath stringByDeletingLastPathComponent] UTF8String];
progdir += "/";
C_InitConsole(80 * 8, 25 * 8, false);
@ -151,7 +186,6 @@ void NewFailure()
I_FatalError("Failed to allocate memory from system heap");
int OriginalMain(int argc, char** argv)
printf(GAMENAME" %s - %s - Cocoa version\nCompiled on %s\n\n",
@ -174,53 +208,7 @@ int OriginalMain(int argc, char** argv)
vid_vsync = true;
fullscreen = true;
Args = new DArgs(argc, argv);
killough 1/98:
This fixes some problems with exit handling
during abnormal situations.
The old code called I_Quit() to end program,
while now I_Quit() is installed as an exit
handler and exit() is called to exit, either
normally or abnormally. Seg faults are caught
and the error handler is used, to prevent
being left in graphics mode or having very
loud SFX noise because the sound card is
left in an unstable state.
NSString* exePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] executablePath];
progdir = [[exePath stringByDeletingLastPathComponent] UTF8String];
progdir += "/";
C_InitConsole(80 * 8, 25 * 8, false);
catch(const CDoomError& error)
const char* const message = error.GetMessage();
if (NULL != message)
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", message);
OriginalMainExcept(argc, argv);
return 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
// Workaround for GCC Objective-C++ with C++ exceptions bug.
#include "doomerrors.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
// Import some functions from i_main.mm
void call_terms();
void Mac_I_FatalError(const char* const message);
void OriginalMainTry(int argc, char** argv);
void OriginalMainExcept(int argc, char** argv)
OriginalMainTry(argc, argv);
catch(const CDoomError& error)
const char* const message = error.GetMessage();
if (NULL != message)
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", message);
@ -820,19 +820,9 @@ struct sector_t
return LowestFloorAt(a->X(), a->Y(), resultsec);
fixed_t NextHighestCeilingAt(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, int flags = 0, sector_t **resultsec = NULL, F3DFloor **resultffloor = NULL);
fixed_t NextHighestCeilingAt(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t bottomz, fixed_t topz, int flags = 0, sector_t **resultsec = NULL, F3DFloor **resultffloor = NULL);
fixed_t NextLowestFloorAt(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, int flags = 0, fixed_t steph = 0, sector_t **resultsec = NULL, F3DFloor **resultffloor = NULL);
fixed_t NextHighestCeilingAt(AActor *a, fixed_t z, int flags = 0, sector_t **resultsec = NULL, F3DFloor **resultffloor = NULL)
return NextHighestCeilingAt(a->X(), a->Y(), z, flags, resultsec, resultffloor);
fixed_t NextLowestFloorAt(AActor *a, fixed_t z, int flags, sector_t **resultsec = NULL, F3DFloor **resultffloor = NULL)
return NextLowestFloorAt(a->X(), a->Y(), z, flags, a->MaxStepHeight, resultsec, resultffloor);
// Member variables
fixed_t CenterFloor () const { return floorplane.ZatPoint (centerspot); }
fixed_t CenterCeiling () const { return ceilingplane.ZatPoint (centerspot); }
@ -736,9 +736,9 @@ static void CalcPosVel(int type, const AActor *actor, const sector_t *sector,
// Only actors maintain velocity information.
if (type == SOURCE_Actor && actor != NULL)
vel->X = FIXED2FLOAT(actor->velx) * TICRATE;
vel->Y = FIXED2FLOAT(actor->velz) * TICRATE;
vel->Z = FIXED2FLOAT(actor->vely) * TICRATE;
vel->X = FIXED2FLOAT(actor->vel.x) * TICRATE;
vel->Y = FIXED2FLOAT(actor->vel.z) * TICRATE;
vel->Z = FIXED2FLOAT(actor->vel.y) * TICRATE;
@ -1952,9 +1952,9 @@ static void S_SetListener(SoundListener &listener, AActor *listenactor)
listener.angle = ANGLE2RADF(listenactor->angle);
listener.velocity.X = listenactor->velx * (TICRATE/65536.f);
listener.velocity.Y = listenactor->velz * (TICRATE/65536.f);
listener.velocity.Z = listenactor->vely * (TICRATE/65536.f);
listener.velocity.X = listenactor->vel.x * (TICRATE/65536.f);
listener.velocity.Y = listenactor->vel.z * (TICRATE/65536.f);
listener.velocity.Z = listenactor->vel.y * (TICRATE/65536.f);
listener.position.X = FIXED2FLOAT(listenactor->SoundX());
@ -100,14 +100,14 @@ typedef struct tagITFILEHEADER
DWORD reserved2;
BYTE chnpan[64];
BYTE chnvol[64];
typedef struct MODMIDICFG
char szMidiGlb[9*32]; // changed from CHAR
char szMidiSFXExt[16*32]; // changed from CHAR
char szMidiZXXExt[128*32]; // changed from CHAR
#pragma pack()
@ -1023,7 +1023,7 @@ void FMultiPatchTexture::ParsePatch(FScanner &sc, TexPart & part, bool silent, i
if (part.Texture == NULL)
if (!silent) Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED "Unknown patch '%s' in texture '%s'\n", sc.String, Name.GetChars());
if (!silent) sc.ScriptMessage(TEXTCOLOR_RED "Unknown patch '%s' in texture '%s'\n", sc.String, Name.GetChars());
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ struct PCXHeader
BYTE padding[54];
#pragma pack()
@ -1261,16 +1261,16 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_CustomMissile)
if (CMF_OFFSETPITCH & flags)
DVector2 velocity (missile->velx, missile->vely);
pitch += R_PointToAngle2(0,0, xs_CRoundToInt(velocity.Length()), missile->velz);
DVector2 velocity (missile->vel.x, missile->vel.y);
pitch += R_PointToAngle2(0,0, xs_CRoundToInt(velocity.Length()), missile->vel.z);
ang = pitch >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
missilespeed = abs(FixedMul(finecosine[ang], missile->Speed));
missile->velz = FixedMul(finesine[ang], missile->Speed);
missile->vel.z = FixedMul(finesine[ang], missile->Speed);
DVector2 velocity (missile->velx, missile->vely);
DVector2 velocity (missile->vel.x, missile->vel.y);
missilespeed = xs_CRoundToInt(velocity.Length());
@ -1285,8 +1285,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_CustomMissile)
missile->angle = (CMF_ABSOLUTEANGLE & flags) ? angle : missile->angle + angle ;
ang = missile->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
missile->velx = FixedMul(missilespeed, finecosine[ang]);
missile->vely = FixedMul(missilespeed, finesine[ang]);
missile->vel.x = FixedMul(missilespeed, finecosine[ang]);
missile->vel.y = FixedMul(missilespeed, finesine[ang]);
// handle projectile shooting projectiles - track the
// links back to a real owner
@ -1678,12 +1678,12 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_FireCustomMissile)
// This original implementation is to aim straight ahead and then offset
// the angle from the resulting direction.
DVector3 velocity(misl->velx, misl->vely, 0);
DVector3 velocity(misl->vel.x, misl->vel.y, 0);
fixed_t missilespeed = xs_CRoundToInt(velocity.Length());
misl->angle += angle;
angle_t an = misl->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
misl->velx = FixedMul (missilespeed, finecosine[an]);
misl->vely = FixedMul (missilespeed, finesine[an]);
misl->vel.x = FixedMul (missilespeed, finecosine[an]);
misl->vel.y = FixedMul (missilespeed, finesine[an]);
@ -1941,7 +1941,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_CustomRailgun)
// Let the aim trail behind the player
if (aim)
saved_angle = self->angle = self->AngleTo(self->target, -self->target->velx * 3, -self->target->vely * 3);
saved_angle = self->angle = self->AngleTo(self->target, -self->target->vel.x * 3, -self->target->vel.y * 3);
if (aim == CRF_AIMDIRECT)
@ -1951,7 +1951,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_CustomRailgun)
spawnofs_xy * finecosine[self->angle],
spawnofs_xy * finesine[self->angle]));
spawnofs_xy = 0;
self->angle = self->AngleTo(self->target,- self->target->velx * 3, -self->target->vely * 3);
self->angle = self->AngleTo(self->target,- self->target->vel.x * 3, -self->target->vel.y * 3);
if (self->target->flags & MF_SHADOW)
@ -2519,15 +2519,15 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_SpawnItemEx)
mo->velx = FixedMul(xvel, mo->Speed);
mo->vely = FixedMul(yvel, mo->Speed);
mo->velz = FixedMul(zvel, mo->Speed);
mo->vel.x = FixedMul(xvel, mo->Speed);
mo->vel.y = FixedMul(yvel, mo->Speed);
mo->vel.z = FixedMul(zvel, mo->Speed);
mo->velx = xvel;
mo->vely = yvel;
mo->velz = zvel;
mo->vel.x = xvel;
mo->vel.y = yvel;
mo->vel.z = zvel;
mo->angle = angle;
@ -2599,9 +2599,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_ThrowGrenade)
fixed_t z_velx = FixedMul(z_xyscale, finecosine[angle]);
fixed_t z_vely = FixedMul(z_xyscale, finesine[angle]);
bo->velx = xy_velx + z_velx + (self->velx >> 1);
bo->vely = xy_vely + z_vely + (self->vely >> 1);
bo->velz = xy_velz + z_velz;
bo->vel.x = xy_velx + z_velx + (self->vel.x >> 1);
bo->vel.y = xy_vely + z_vely + (self->vel.y >> 1);
bo->vel.z = xy_velz + z_velz;
bo->target = self;
P_CheckMissileSpawn (bo, self->radius);
@ -2626,8 +2626,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_Recoil)
angle_t angle = self->angle + ANG180;
self->velx += FixedMul(xyvel, finecosine[angle]);
self->vely += FixedMul(xyvel, finesine[angle]);
self->vel.x += FixedMul(xyvel, finecosine[angle]);
self->vel.y += FixedMul(xyvel, finesine[angle]);
return 0;
@ -2986,9 +2986,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_SpawnDebris)
mo->SetState (mo->GetClass()->OwnedStates + i);
mo->velz = FixedMul(mult_v, ((pr_spawndebris()&7)+5)*FRACUNIT);
mo->velx = FixedMul(mult_h, pr_spawndebris.Random2()<<(FRACBITS-6));
mo->vely = FixedMul(mult_h, pr_spawndebris.Random2()<<(FRACBITS-6));
mo->vel.z = FixedMul(mult_v, ((pr_spawndebris()&7)+5)*FRACUNIT);
mo->vel.x = FixedMul(mult_h, pr_spawndebris.Random2()<<(FRACBITS-6));
mo->vel.y = FixedMul(mult_h, pr_spawndebris.Random2()<<(FRACBITS-6));
return 0;
@ -3345,7 +3345,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_Burst)
return 0;
self->velx = self->vely = self->velz = 0;
self->vel.x = self->vel.y = self->vel.z = 0;
self->height = self->GetDefault()->height;
// [RH] In Hexen, this creates a random number of shards (range [24,56])
@ -3364,9 +3364,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_Burst)
if (mo)
mo->velz = FixedDiv(mo->Z() - self->Z(), self->height)<<2;
mo->velx = pr_burst.Random2 () << (FRACBITS-7);
mo->vely = pr_burst.Random2 () << (FRACBITS-7);
mo->vel.z = FixedDiv(mo->Z() - self->Z(), self->height)<<2;
mo->vel.x = pr_burst.Random2 () << (FRACBITS-7);
mo->vel.y = pr_burst.Random2 () << (FRACBITS-7);
mo->RenderStyle = self->RenderStyle;
mo->alpha = self->alpha;
mo->CopyFriendliness(self, true);
@ -3430,11 +3430,11 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_CheckCeiling)
self->velx = self->vely = self->velz = 0;
self->vel.x = self->vel.y = self->vel.z = 0;
if (self->player && self->player->mo == self && !(self->player->cheats & CF_PREDICTING))
self->player->velx = self->player->vely = 0;
self->player->vel.x = self->player->vel.y = 0;
return 0;
@ -3444,10 +3444,10 @@ static void CheckStopped(AActor *self)
if (self->player != NULL &&
self->player->mo == self &&
!(self->player->cheats & CF_PREDICTING) &&
!(self->velx | self->vely | self->velz))
!(self->vel.x | self->vel.y | self->vel.z))
self->player->velx = self->player->vely = 0;
self->player->vel.x = self->player->vel.y = 0;
@ -4563,11 +4563,11 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_ScaleVelocity)
return 0;
INTBOOL was_moving = ref->velx | ref->vely | ref->velz;
INTBOOL was_moving = ref->vel.x | ref->vel.y | ref->vel.z;
ref->velx = FixedMul(ref->velx, scale);
ref->vely = FixedMul(ref->vely, scale);
ref->velz = FixedMul(ref->velz, scale);
ref->vel.x = FixedMul(ref->vel.x, scale);
ref->vel.y = FixedMul(ref->vel.y, scale);
ref->vel.z = FixedMul(ref->vel.z, scale);
// If the actor was previously moving but now is not, and is a player,
// update its player variables. (See A_Stop.)
@ -4600,7 +4600,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_ChangeVelocity)
return 0;
INTBOOL was_moving = ref->velx | ref->vely | ref->velz;
INTBOOL was_moving = ref->vel.x | ref->vel.y | ref->vel.z;
fixed_t vx = x, vy = y, vz = z;
fixed_t sina = finesine[ref->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT];
@ -4613,15 +4613,15 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_ChangeVelocity)
if (flags & 2) // discard old velocity - replace old velocity with new velocity
ref->velx = vx;
ref->vely = vy;
ref->velz = vz;
ref->vel.x = vx;
ref->vel.y = vy;
ref->vel.z = vz;
else // add new velocity to old velocity
ref->velx += vx;
ref->vely += vy;
ref->velz += vz;
ref->vel.x += vx;
ref->vel.y += vy;
ref->vel.z += vz;
if (was_moving)
@ -4904,7 +4904,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_Teleport)
ref->angle = spot->angle;
if (!(flags & TF_KEEPVELOCITY))
ref->velx = ref->vely = ref->velz = 0;
ref->vel.x = ref->vel.y = ref->vel.z = 0;
if (!(flags & TF_NOJUMP)) //The state jump should only happen with the calling actor.
@ -5140,9 +5140,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_WolfAttack)
dist /= blocksize;
// Now for the speed accuracy thingie
fixed_t speed = FixedMul(self->target->velx, self->target->velx)
+ FixedMul(self->target->vely, self->target->vely)
+ FixedMul(self->target->velz, self->target->velz);
fixed_t speed = FixedMul(self->target->vel.x, self->target->vel.x)
+ FixedMul(self->target->vel.y, self->target->vel.y)
+ FixedMul(self->target->vel.z, self->target->vel.z);
int hitchance = speed < runspeed ? 256 : 160;
// Distance accuracy (factoring dodge)
@ -6777,10 +6777,10 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_FaceMovementDirection)
//Don't bother calculating this if we don't have any horizontal movement.
if (!(flags & FMDF_NOANGLE) && (mobj->velx != 0 || mobj->vely != 0))
if (!(flags & FMDF_NOANGLE) && (mobj->vel.x != 0 || mobj->vel.y != 0))
angle_t current = mobj->angle;
const angle_t angle = R_PointToAngle2(0, 0, mobj->velx, mobj->vely);
const angle_t angle = R_PointToAngle2(0, 0, mobj->vel.x, mobj->vel.y);
//Done because using anglelimit directly causes a signed/unsigned mismatch.
const angle_t limit = anglelimit;
@ -6815,8 +6815,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_FaceMovementDirection)
if (!(flags & FMDF_NOPITCH))
fixed_t current = mobj->pitch;
const DVector2 velocity(mobj->velx, mobj->vely);
const fixed_t pitch = R_PointToAngle2(0, 0, xs_CRoundToInt(velocity.Length()), -mobj->velz);
const DVector2 velocity(mobj->vel.x, mobj->vel.y);
const fixed_t pitch = R_PointToAngle2(0, 0, xs_CRoundToInt(velocity.Length()), -mobj->vel.z);
if (pitchlimit > 0)
// [MC] angle_t for pitchlimit was required because otherwise
@ -635,12 +635,12 @@ void InitThingdef()
symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_X, TypeFixed, VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,__pos.x))); // must remain read-only!
symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_Y, TypeFixed, VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,__pos.y))); // must remain read-only!
symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_Z, TypeFixed, VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,__pos.z))); // must remain read-only!
symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_VelX, TypeFixed, VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,velx)));
symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_VelY, TypeFixed, VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,vely)));
symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_VelZ, TypeFixed, VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,velz)));
symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_MomX, TypeFixed, VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,velx)));
symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_MomY, TypeFixed, VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,vely)));
symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_MomZ, TypeFixed, VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,velz)));
symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_VelX, TypeFixed, VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,vel.x)));
symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_VelY, TypeFixed, VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,vel.y)));
symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_VelZ, TypeFixed, VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,vel.z)));
symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_MomX, TypeFixed, VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,vel.x)));
symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_MomY, TypeFixed, VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,vel.y)));
symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_MomZ, TypeFixed, VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,vel.z)));
symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_ScaleX, TypeFixed, VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,scaleX)));
symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_ScaleY, TypeFixed, VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,scaleY)));
symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_Score, TypeSInt32, VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,Score)));
@ -1331,7 +1331,7 @@ DEFINE_PROPERTY(cameraheight, F, Actor)
DEFINE_PROPERTY(vspeed, F, Actor)
defaults->velz = i;
defaults->vel.z = i;
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ struct FZipEndOfCentralDirectory
DWORD DirectorySize;
DWORD DirectoryOffset;
WORD ZipCommentLength;
// FZipFileInfo
struct FZipCentralDirectoryInfo
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ struct FZipCentralDirectoryInfo
DWORD ExternalAttributes;
DWORD LocalHeaderOffset;
// file name and other variable length info follows
// FZipLocalHeader
struct FZipLocalFileHeader
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ struct FZipLocalFileHeader
WORD NameLength;
WORD ExtraLength;
// file name and other variable length info follows
#pragma pack()
@ -262,6 +262,7 @@ struct_body(X) ::= struct_member(A) struct_body(B). { X = A; A->AppendSibling(B
struct_member(X) ::= declarator_no_fun(A). { X = A; }
struct_member(X) ::= enum_def(A). { X = A; }
struct_member(X) ::= const_def(A). { X = A; }
/*----- Constant Definition ------*/
/* Like UnrealScript, a constant's type is implied by its value's type. */
@ -60,6 +60,17 @@
#define __cdecl
#ifdef __GNUC__
// With versions of GCC newer than 4.2, it appears it was determined that the
// cost of an unaligned pointer on PPC was high enough to add padding to the
// end of packed structs. For whatever reason __packed__ and pragma pack are
// handled differently in this regard. Note that this only needs to be applied
// to types which are used in arrays.
#define FORCE_PACKED __attribute__((__packed__))
#ifndef __BIG_ENDIAN__
#define MAKE_ID(a,b,c,d) ((a)|((b)<<8)|((c)<<16)|((d)<<24))
#define LittleShort(x) (x)
@ -150,7 +161,7 @@ typedef struct
UINT32 UncompressedSize; // 22
WORD NameLength; // 26
WORD ExtraLength; // 28
} LocalFileHeader;
} FORCE_PACKED LocalFileHeader;
typedef struct
@ -171,7 +182,7 @@ typedef struct
WORD InternalAttributes;
UINT32 ExternalAttributes;
UINT32 LocalHeaderOffset;
} CentralDirectoryEntry;
} FORCE_PACKED CentralDirectoryEntry;
typedef struct
@ -183,7 +194,7 @@ typedef struct
UINT32 DirectorySize;
UINT32 DirectoryOffset;
WORD ZipCommentLength;
} EndOfCentralDirectory;
} FORCE_PACKED EndOfCentralDirectory;
//#pragma pack(pop)
// EXTERNAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES --------------------------------------------
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ ACTOR Actor native //: Thinker
action native A_CustomMeleeAttack(int damage = 0, sound meleesound = "", sound misssound = "", name damagetype = "none", bool bleed = true);
action native A_CustomComboAttack(class<Actor> missiletype, float spawnheight, int damage, sound meleesound = "", name damagetype = "none", bool bleed = true);
action native A_Burst(class<Actor> chunktype);
action native A_Blast(int flags = 0, int strength = 255, float radius = 255, float speed = 20, class<Actor> blasteffect = "BlastEffect", sound blastsound = "BlastRadius");
action native A_Blast(int flags = 0, float strength = 255, float radius = 255, float speed = 20, class<Actor> blasteffect = "BlastEffect", sound blastsound = "BlastRadius");
action native A_RadiusThrust(int force = 128, int distance = -1, int flags = RTF_AFFECTSOURCE, int fullthrustdistance = 0);
action native A_Explode(int damage = -1, int distance = -1, int flags = XF_HURTSOURCE, bool alert = false, int fulldamagedistance = 0, int nails = 0, int naildamage = 10, class<Actor> pufftype = "BulletPuff");
action native A_Stop();
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