mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 10:11:02 +00:00
The return statement now accepts any expression as its return value
So something like 'return ++user_x;' is now possible Admittedly this needed quite a bit of refactoring mainly due to the fact that return types now have to be checked after resolving the function rather than before
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 327 additions and 221 deletions
@ -270,23 +270,28 @@ static void FinishThingdef()
for (i = 0; i < StateTempCalls.Size(); ++i)
FStateTempCall *tcall = StateTempCalls[i];
VMFunction *func;
VMFunction *func = nullptr;
assert(tcall->Code != NULL);
// Can we call this function directly without wrapping it in an
// anonymous function? e.g. Are we passing any parameters to it?
func = tcall->Code->GetDirectFunction();
if (func == NULL)
FCompileContext ctx(tcall->ActorClass);
tcall->Code = tcall->Code->Resolve(ctx);
// We don't know the return type in advance for anonymous functions.
FCompileContext ctx(tcall->ActorClass, nullptr);
tcall->Code = tcall->Code->Resolve(ctx);
tcall->Proto = ctx.ReturnProto;
// Make sure resolving it didn't obliterate it.
if (tcall->Code != NULL)
// Make sure resolving it didn't obliterate it.
if (tcall->Code != nullptr)
// Can we call this function directly without wrapping it in an
// anonymous function? e.g. Are we passing any parameters to it?
func = tcall->Code->GetDirectFunction();
if (func == nullptr)
VMFunctionBuilder buildit;
assert(tcall->Proto != nullptr);
// Allocate registers used to pass parameters in.
// self, stateowner, state (all are pointers)
@ -300,15 +305,7 @@ static void FinishThingdef()
// Generate prototype for this anonymous function
TArray<PType *> args(3);
SetImplicitArgs(&args, NULL, tcall->ActorClass, VARF_Method | VARF_Action);
if (tcall->Proto != NULL)
sfunc->Proto = NewPrototype(tcall->Proto->ReturnTypes, args);
TArray<PType *> norets(0);
sfunc->Proto = NewPrototype(norets, args);
sfunc->Proto = NewPrototype(tcall->Proto->ReturnTypes, args);
func = sfunc;
@ -321,11 +318,9 @@ static void FinishThingdef()
codesize += sfunc->CodeSize;
if (tcall->Code != NULL)
delete tcall->Code;
tcall->Code = NULL;
tcall->Code = nullptr;
for (int k = 0; k < tcall->NumStates; ++k)
tcall->ActorClass->OwnedStates[tcall->FirstState + k].SetAction(func);
@ -190,10 +190,9 @@ AFuncDesc *FindFunction(const char * string);
void ParseStates(FScanner &sc, PClassActor *actor, AActor *defaults, Baggage &bag);
void ParseFunctionParameters(FScanner &sc, PClassActor *cls, TArray<FxExpression *> &out_params,
PFunction *afd, FString statestring, FStateDefinitions *statedef);
FxExpression *ParseActions(FScanner &sc, FState state, FString statestring, Baggage &bag, PPrototype *&proto, bool &endswithret);
FxExpression *ParseActions(FScanner &sc, FState state, FString statestring, Baggage &bag, bool &endswithret);
class FxVMFunctionCall *ParseAction(FScanner &sc, FState state, FString statestring, Baggage &bag);
FName CheckCastKludges(FName in);
void AddImplicitReturn(class FxSequence *code, const PPrototype *proto, FScanner &sc);
void SetImplicitArgs(TArray<PType *> *args, TArray<DWORD> *argflags, PClassActor *cls, DWORD funcflags);
PFunction *FindGlobalActionFunction(const char *name);
@ -356,6 +355,7 @@ int MatchString (const char *in, const char **strings);
#define ACTION_RETURN_STATE(v) do { FState *state = v; if (numret > 0) { assert(ret != NULL); ret->SetPointer(state, ATAG_STATE); return 1; } return 0; } while(0)
#define ACTION_RETURN_FLOAT(v) do { double u = v; if (numret > 0) { assert(ret != nullptr); ret->SetFloat(u); return 1; } return 0; } while(0)
#define ACTION_RETURN_INT(v) do { int u = v; if (numret > 0) { assert(ret != NULL); ret->SetInt(u); return 1; } return 0; } while(0)
@ -62,14 +62,16 @@ class FxJumpStatement;
struct FCompileContext
TArray<FxJumpStatement *> Jumps;
PPrototype *ReturnProto;
PClassActor *Class;
FCompileContext(PClassActor *cls = nullptr);
FCompileContext(PClassActor *cls = nullptr, PPrototype *ret = nullptr);
PSymbol *FindInClass(FName identifier);
PSymbol *FindGlobal(FName identifier);
void HandleJumps(int token, FxExpression *handler);
void CheckReturn(PPrototype *proto, FScriptPosition &pos);
@ -170,14 +172,14 @@ struct ExpVal
struct ExpEmit
ExpEmit() : RegNum(0), RegType(REGT_NIL), Konst(false), Fixed(false) {}
ExpEmit(int reg, int type) : RegNum(reg), RegType(type), Konst(false), Fixed(false) {}
ExpEmit(int reg, int type, bool konst) : RegNum(reg), RegType(type), Konst(konst), Fixed(false) {}
ExpEmit() : RegNum(0), RegType(REGT_NIL), Konst(false), Fixed(false), Final(false) {}
ExpEmit(int reg, int type) : RegNum(reg), RegType(type), Konst(false), Fixed(false), Final(false) {}
ExpEmit(int reg, int type, bool konst) : RegNum(reg), RegType(type), Konst(konst), Fixed(false), Final(false) {}
ExpEmit(VMFunctionBuilder *build, int type);
void Free(VMFunctionBuilder *build);
void Reuse(VMFunctionBuilder *build);
BYTE RegNum, RegType, Konst:1, Fixed:1;
BYTE RegNum, RegType, Konst:1, Fixed:1, Final:1;
@ -202,6 +204,7 @@ public:
virtual bool isConstant() const;
virtual bool RequestAddress();
virtual PPrototype *ReturnProto();
virtual VMFunction *GetDirectFunction();
bool IsNumeric() const { return ValueType != TypeName && (ValueType->GetRegType() == REGT_INT || ValueType->GetRegType() == REGT_FLOAT); }
bool IsPointer() const { return ValueType->GetRegType() == REGT_POINTER; }
@ -748,6 +751,7 @@ public:
class FxRandom : public FxExpression
bool EmitTail;
FRandom *rng;
FxExpression *min, *max;
@ -756,7 +760,7 @@ public:
FxRandom(FRandom *, FxExpression *mi, FxExpression *ma, const FScriptPosition &pos);
FxExpression *Resolve(FCompileContext&);
PPrototype *ReturnProto();
ExpEmit Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build);
@ -802,6 +806,7 @@ public:
class FxRandom2 : public FxExpression
bool EmitTail;
FRandom * rng;
FxExpression *mask;
@ -810,7 +815,7 @@ public:
FxRandom2(FRandom *, FxExpression *m, const FScriptPosition &pos);
FxExpression *Resolve(FCompileContext&);
PPrototype *ReturnProto();
ExpEmit Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build);
@ -915,8 +920,9 @@ public:
class FxActionSpecialCall : public FxExpression
FxExpression *Self;
int Special;
bool EmitTail;
FxExpression *Self;
FArgumentList *ArgList;
@ -924,6 +930,7 @@ public:
FxActionSpecialCall(FxExpression *self, int special, FArgumentList *args, const FScriptPosition &pos);
FxExpression *Resolve(FCompileContext&);
PPrototype *ReturnProto();
ExpEmit Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build);
@ -954,6 +961,7 @@ public:
class FxVMFunctionCall : public FxExpression
bool EmitTail;
PFunction *Function;
FArgumentList *ArgList;
@ -961,13 +969,10 @@ public:
FxVMFunctionCall(PFunction *func, FArgumentList *args, const FScriptPosition &pos);
FxExpression *Resolve(FCompileContext&);
PPrototype *ReturnProto();
VMFunction *GetDirectFunction();
ExpEmit Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build);
ExpEmit Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build, bool tailcall);
bool CheckEmitCast(VMFunctionBuilder *build, bool returnit, ExpEmit ®);
unsigned GetArgCount() const { return ArgList == NULL ? 0 : ArgList->Size(); }
PFunction *GetFunction() const { return Function; }
VMFunction *GetVMFunction() const { return Function->Variants[0].Implementation; }
bool IsDirectFunction();
@ -1089,10 +1094,10 @@ public:
class FxReturnStatement : public FxExpression
FxVMFunctionCall *Call;
FxExpression *Value;
FxReturnStatement(FxVMFunctionCall *call, const FScriptPosition &pos);
FxReturnStatement(FxExpression *value, const FScriptPosition &pos);
FxExpression *Resolve(FCompileContext&);
ExpEmit Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build);
@ -1146,12 +1151,14 @@ public:
class FxRuntimeStateIndex : public FxExpression
bool EmitTail;
FxExpression *Index;
FxRuntimeStateIndex(FxExpression *index);
FxExpression *Resolve(FCompileContext&);
PPrototype *ReturnProto();
ExpEmit Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build);
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ static const FLOP FxFlops[] =
FCompileContext::FCompileContext(PClassActor *cls) : Class(cls)
FCompileContext::FCompileContext(PClassActor *cls, PPrototype *ret) : Class(cls), ReturnProto(ret)
@ -118,6 +118,50 @@ void FCompileContext::HandleJumps(int token, FxExpression *handler)
void FCompileContext::CheckReturn(PPrototype *proto, FScriptPosition &pos)
assert(proto != nullptr);
bool fail = false;
if (ReturnProto == nullptr)
ReturnProto = proto;
// A prototype that defines fewer return types can be compatible with
// one that defines more if the shorter one matches the initial types
// for the longer one.
if (ReturnProto->ReturnTypes.Size() < proto->ReturnTypes.Size())
{ // Make proto the shorter one to avoid code duplication below.
swapvalues(proto, ReturnProto);
// If one prototype returns nothing, they both must.
if (proto->ReturnTypes.Size() == 0)
if (ReturnProto->ReturnTypes.Size() != 0)
fail = true;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < proto->ReturnTypes.Size(); i++)
if (ReturnProto->ReturnTypes[i] != proto->ReturnTypes[i])
{ // Incompatible
fail = true;
if (fail)
pos.Message(MSG_ERROR, "All return expressions must deduce to the same type");
// ExpEmit
@ -125,7 +169,7 @@ void FCompileContext::HandleJumps(int token, FxExpression *handler)
ExpEmit::ExpEmit(VMFunctionBuilder *build, int type)
: RegNum(build->Registers[type].Get(1)), RegType(type), Konst(false), Fixed(false)
: RegNum(build->Registers[type].Get(1)), RegType(type), Konst(false), Fixed(false), Final(false)
@ -228,6 +272,26 @@ bool FxExpression::RequestAddress()
return false;
// Called by return statements.
PPrototype *FxExpression::ReturnProto()
assert(ValueType != nullptr);
TArray<PType *> ret(0);
TArray<PType *> none(0);
if (ValueType != TypeVoid)
return NewPrototype(ret, none);
@ -2651,6 +2715,7 @@ ExpEmit FxMinMax::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
FxRandom::FxRandom(FRandom * r, FxExpression *mi, FxExpression *ma, const FScriptPosition &pos)
: FxExpression(pos)
EmitTail = false;
if (mi != NULL && ma != NULL)
min = new FxIntCast(mi);
@ -2679,6 +2744,18 @@ FxRandom::~FxRandom()
PPrototype *FxRandom::ReturnProto()
EmitTail = true;
return FxExpression::ReturnProto();
FxExpression *FxRandom::Resolve(FCompileContext &ctx)
@ -2706,12 +2783,12 @@ int DecoRandom(VMFrameStack *stack, VMValue *param, int numparam, VMReturn *ret,
FRandom *rng = reinterpret_cast<FRandom *>(param[0].a);
if (numparam == 1)
else if (numparam == 2)
int maskval = param[1].i;
else if (numparam == 3)
@ -2720,9 +2797,11 @@ int DecoRandom(VMFrameStack *stack, VMValue *param, int numparam, VMReturn *ret,
swapvalues(max, min);
ret->SetInt((*rng)(max - min + 1) + min);
ACTION_RETURN_INT((*rng)(max - min + 1) + min);
return 1;
// Shouldn't happen
return 0;
ExpEmit FxRandom::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
@ -2735,17 +2814,27 @@ ExpEmit FxRandom::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
assert(((PSymbolVMFunction *)sym)->Function != NULL);
callfunc = ((PSymbolVMFunction *)sym)->Function;
int opcode = (EmitTail ? OP_TAIL_K : OP_CALL_K);
build->Emit(OP_PARAM, 0, REGT_POINTER | REGT_KONST, build->GetConstantAddress(rng, ATAG_RNG));
if (min != NULL && max != NULL)
EmitParameter(build, min, ScriptPosition);
EmitParameter(build, max, ScriptPosition);
build->Emit(OP_CALL_K, build->GetConstantAddress(callfunc, ATAG_OBJECT), 3, 1);
build->Emit(opcode, build->GetConstantAddress(callfunc, ATAG_OBJECT), 3, 1);
build->Emit(OP_CALL_K, build->GetConstantAddress(callfunc, ATAG_OBJECT), 1, 1);
build->Emit(opcode, build->GetConstantAddress(callfunc, ATAG_OBJECT), 1, 1);
if (EmitTail)
ExpEmit call;
call.Final = true;
return call;
ExpEmit out(build, REGT_INT);
build->Emit(OP_RESULT, 0, REGT_INT, out.RegNum);
return out;
@ -2952,13 +3041,12 @@ int DecoFRandom(VMFrameStack *stack, VMValue *param, int numparam, VMReturn *ret
swapvalues(max, min);
ret->SetFloat(frandom * (max - min) + min);
ACTION_RETURN_FLOAT(frandom * (max - min) + min);
return 1;
ExpEmit FxFRandom::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
@ -2971,17 +3059,27 @@ ExpEmit FxFRandom::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
assert(((PSymbolVMFunction *)sym)->Function != NULL);
callfunc = ((PSymbolVMFunction *)sym)->Function;
int opcode = (EmitTail ? OP_TAIL_K : OP_CALL_K);
build->Emit(OP_PARAM, 0, REGT_POINTER | REGT_KONST, build->GetConstantAddress(rng, ATAG_RNG));
if (min != NULL && max != NULL)
EmitParameter(build, min, ScriptPosition);
EmitParameter(build, max, ScriptPosition);
build->Emit(OP_CALL_K, build->GetConstantAddress(callfunc, ATAG_OBJECT), 3, 1);
build->Emit(opcode, build->GetConstantAddress(callfunc, ATAG_OBJECT), 3, 1);
build->Emit(OP_CALL_K, build->GetConstantAddress(callfunc, ATAG_OBJECT), 1, 1);
build->Emit(opcode, build->GetConstantAddress(callfunc, ATAG_OBJECT), 1, 1);
if (EmitTail)
ExpEmit call;
call.Final = true;
return call;
ExpEmit out(build, REGT_FLOAT);
build->Emit(OP_RESULT, 0, REGT_FLOAT, out.RegNum);
return out;
@ -2996,6 +3094,7 @@ ExpEmit FxFRandom::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
FxRandom2::FxRandom2(FRandom *r, FxExpression *m, const FScriptPosition &pos)
: FxExpression(pos)
EmitTail = false;
rng = r;
if (m) mask = new FxIntCast(m);
else mask = new FxConstant(-1, pos);
@ -3019,6 +3118,18 @@ FxRandom2::~FxRandom2()
PPrototype *FxRandom2::ReturnProto()
EmitTail = true;
return FxExpression::ReturnProto();
FxExpression *FxRandom2::Resolve(FCompileContext &ctx)
@ -3042,9 +3153,19 @@ ExpEmit FxRandom2::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
assert(((PSymbolVMFunction *)sym)->Function != NULL);
callfunc = ((PSymbolVMFunction *)sym)->Function;
int opcode = (EmitTail ? OP_TAIL_K : OP_CALL_K);
build->Emit(OP_PARAM, 0, REGT_POINTER | REGT_KONST, build->GetConstantAddress(rng, ATAG_RNG));
EmitParameter(build, mask, ScriptPosition);
build->Emit(OP_CALL_K, build->GetConstantAddress(callfunc, ATAG_OBJECT), 2, 1);
build->Emit(opcode, build->GetConstantAddress(callfunc, ATAG_OBJECT), 2, 1);
if (EmitTail)
ExpEmit call;
call.Final = true;
return call;
ExpEmit out(build, REGT_INT);
build->Emit(OP_RESULT, 0, REGT_INT, out.RegNum);
return out;
@ -3623,6 +3744,7 @@ FxActionSpecialCall::FxActionSpecialCall(FxExpression *self, int special, FArgum
Self = self;
Special = special;
ArgList = args;
EmitTail = false;
@ -3643,6 +3765,18 @@ FxActionSpecialCall::~FxActionSpecialCall()
PPrototype *FxActionSpecialCall::ReturnProto()
EmitTail = true;
return FxExpression::ReturnProto();
FxExpression *FxActionSpecialCall::Resolve(FCompileContext& ctx)
@ -3695,7 +3829,6 @@ FxExpression *FxActionSpecialCall::Resolve(FCompileContext& ctx)
int DecoCallLineSpecial(VMFrameStack *stack, VMValue *param, int numparam, VMReturn *ret, int numret)
assert(numparam > 2 && numparam < 8);
assert(numret == 1);
assert(param[0].Type == REGT_INT);
assert(param[1].Type == REGT_POINTER);
int v[5] = { 0 };
@ -3704,8 +3837,7 @@ int DecoCallLineSpecial(VMFrameStack *stack, VMValue *param, int numparam, VMRet
v[i - 2] = param[i].i;
ret->SetInt(P_ExecuteSpecial(param[0].i, NULL, reinterpret_cast<AActor*>(param[1].a), false, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4]));
return 1;
ACTION_RETURN_INT(P_ExecuteSpecial(param[0].i, NULL, reinterpret_cast<AActor*>(param[1].a), false, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4]));
ExpEmit FxActionSpecialCall::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
@ -3750,6 +3882,14 @@ ExpEmit FxActionSpecialCall::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
assert(((PSymbolVMFunction *)sym)->Function != NULL);
callfunc = ((PSymbolVMFunction *)sym)->Function;
if (EmitTail)
build->Emit(OP_TAIL_K, build->GetConstantAddress(callfunc, ATAG_OBJECT), 2 + i, 0);
ExpEmit call;
call.Final = true;
return call;
ExpEmit dest(build, REGT_INT);
build->Emit(OP_CALL_K, build->GetConstantAddress(callfunc, ATAG_OBJECT), 2 + i, 1);
build->Emit(OP_RESULT, 0, REGT_INT, dest.RegNum);
@ -3767,6 +3907,7 @@ FxVMFunctionCall::FxVMFunctionCall(PFunction *func, FArgumentList *args, const F
Function = func;
ArgList = args;
EmitTail = false;
@ -3780,6 +3921,38 @@ FxVMFunctionCall::~FxVMFunctionCall()
PPrototype *FxVMFunctionCall::ReturnProto()
EmitTail = true;
return Function->Variants[0].Implementation->Proto;
VMFunction *FxVMFunctionCall::GetDirectFunction()
// If this return statement calls a function with no arguments,
// then it can be a "direct" function. That is, the DECORATE
// definition can call that function directly without wrapping
// it inside VM code.
if (EmitTail && (ArgList ? ArgList->Size() : 0) == 0 && (Function->Flags & VARF_Action))
return Function->Variants[0].Implementation;
return nullptr;
// FxVMFunctionCall :: Resolve
@ -3809,6 +3982,11 @@ FxExpression *FxVMFunctionCall::Resolve(FCompileContext& ctx)
ValueType = rets[0];
ValueType = TypeVoid;
return this;
@ -3821,19 +3999,14 @@ FxExpression *FxVMFunctionCall::Resolve(FCompileContext& ctx)
ExpEmit FxVMFunctionCall::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
return Emit(build, false);
ExpEmit FxVMFunctionCall::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build, bool tailcall)
assert(build->Registers[REGT_POINTER].GetMostUsed() >= 3);
int count = GetArgCount();
int count = (ArgList ? ArgList->Size() : 0);
if (count == 1)
ExpEmit reg;
if (CheckEmitCast(build, tailcall, reg))
if (CheckEmitCast(build, EmitTail, reg))
return reg;
@ -3862,10 +4035,12 @@ ExpEmit FxVMFunctionCall::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build, bool tailcall)
VMFunction *vmfunc = Function->Variants[0].Implementation;
int funcaddr = build->GetConstantAddress(vmfunc, ATAG_OBJECT);
// Emit the call
if (tailcall)
if (EmitTail)
{ // Tail call
build->Emit(OP_TAIL_K, funcaddr, count, 0);
return ExpEmit();
ExpEmit call;
call.Final = true;
return call;
else if (vmfunc->Proto->ReturnTypes.Size() > 0)
{ // Call, expecting one result
@ -3913,6 +4088,7 @@ bool FxVMFunctionCall::CheckEmitCast(VMFunctionBuilder *build, bool returnit, Ex
reg = ExpEmit();
reg.Final = true;
@ -4540,54 +4716,77 @@ ExpEmit FxJumpStatement::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
FxReturnStatement::FxReturnStatement(FxVMFunctionCall *call, const FScriptPosition &pos)
: FxExpression(pos), Call(call)
FxReturnStatement::FxReturnStatement(FxExpression *value, const FScriptPosition &pos)
: FxExpression(pos), Value(value)
ValueType = TypeVoid;
FxExpression *FxReturnStatement::Resolve(FCompileContext &ctx)
if (Call != NULL)
PPrototype *retproto;
if (Value == nullptr)
Call = static_cast<FxVMFunctionCall *>(Call->Resolve(ctx));
TArray<PType *> none(0);
retproto = NewPrototype(none, none);
retproto = Value->ReturnProto();
ctx.CheckReturn(retproto, ScriptPosition);
return this;
ExpEmit FxReturnStatement::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
// If we return nothing, use a regular RET opcode. If we return
// something, use TAIL to call the function. Our return type
// should be compatible with the called function's return type.
if (Call == NULL)
// If we return nothing, use a regular RET opcode.
// Otherwise just return the value we're given.
if (Value == nullptr)
build->Emit(OP_RET, RET_FINAL, REGT_NIL, 0);
Call->Emit(build, true);
ExpEmit ret = Value->Emit(build);
// Check if it is a function call that simplified itself
// into a tail call in which case we don't emit anything.
if (!ret.Final)
if (Value->ValueType == TypeVoid)
{ // Nothing is returned.
build->Emit(OP_RET, RET_FINAL, REGT_NIL, 0);
build->Emit(OP_RET, RET_FINAL, ret.RegType | (ret.Konst ? REGT_KONST : 0), ret.RegNum);
return ExpEmit();
ExpEmit out;
out.Final = true;
return out;
VMFunction *FxReturnStatement::GetDirectFunction()
// If this return statement calls a function with no arguments,
// then it can be a "direct" function. That is, the DECORATE
// definition can call that function directly without wrapping
// it inside VM code.
if (Call != NULL && Call->GetArgCount() == 0 && (Call->GetFunction()->Flags & VARF_Action))
if (Value != nullptr)
return Call->GetVMFunction();
return Value->GetDirectFunction();
return NULL;
return nullptr;
@ -4754,6 +4953,7 @@ FxExpression *FxStateByIndex::Resolve(FCompileContext &ctx)
FxRuntimeStateIndex::FxRuntimeStateIndex(FxExpression *index)
: FxExpression(index->ScriptPosition), Index(index)
EmitTail = false;
ValueType = TypeState;
@ -4762,6 +4962,12 @@ FxRuntimeStateIndex::~FxRuntimeStateIndex()
PPrototype *FxRuntimeStateIndex::ReturnProto()
EmitTail = true;
return FxExpression::ReturnProto();
FxExpression *FxRuntimeStateIndex::Resolve(FCompileContext &ctx)
@ -4794,14 +5000,12 @@ static int DecoHandleRuntimeState(VMFrameStack *stack, VMValue *param, int numpa
// Null is returned if the location was invalid which means that no jump will be performed
// if used as return value
// 0 always meant the same thing so we handle it here for compatibility
ret->SetPointer(nullptr, ATAG_STATE);
ret->SetPointer(stateinfo->mCallingState + index, ATAG_STATE);
ACTION_RETURN_STATE(stateinfo->mCallingState + index);
return 1;
ExpEmit FxRuntimeStateIndex::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
@ -4823,8 +5027,16 @@ ExpEmit FxRuntimeStateIndex::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
assert(((PSymbolVMFunction *)sym)->Function != nullptr);
callfunc = ((PSymbolVMFunction *)sym)->Function;
build->Emit(OP_CALL_K, build->GetConstantAddress(callfunc, ATAG_OBJECT), 3, 1);
build->Emit(OP_RESULT, 0, REGT_POINTER, out.RegNum);
if (EmitTail)
build->Emit(OP_TAIL_K, build->GetConstantAddress(callfunc, ATAG_OBJECT), 3, 1);
out.Final = true;
build->Emit(OP_CALL_K, build->GetConstantAddress(callfunc, ATAG_OBJECT), 3, 1);
build->Emit(OP_RESULT, 0, REGT_POINTER, out.RegNum);
return out;
@ -315,10 +315,10 @@ do_stop:
bool hasfinalret;
tcall->Code = ParseActions(sc, state, statestring, bag, tcall->Proto, hasfinalret);
if (!hasfinalret)
tcall->Code = ParseActions(sc, state, statestring, bag, hasfinalret);
if (!hasfinalret && tcall->Code != nullptr)
AddImplicitReturn(static_cast<FxSequence*>(tcall->Code), tcall->Proto, sc);
static_cast<FxSequence *>(tcall->Code)->Add(new FxReturnStatement(nullptr, sc));
goto endofstate;
@ -351,125 +351,37 @@ endofstate:
sc.SetEscape(true); // re-enable escape sequences
// AddImplicitReturn
// Adds an implied return; statement to the end of a code sequence.
void AddImplicitReturn(FxSequence *code, const PPrototype *proto, FScanner &sc)
if (code == NULL)
if (proto == NULL || proto->ReturnTypes.Size() == 0)
{ // Returns nothing. Good. We can safely add an implied return.
code->Add(new FxReturnStatement(NULL, sc));
{ // Something was returned earlier in the sequence. Make it an error
// instead of adding an implicit one.
sc.ScriptError("Not all paths return a value");
// ReturnCheck
// If proto1 is NULL, returns proto2. If proto2 is NULL, returns proto1.
// If neither is null, checks if both prototypes define the same return
// types. If not, an error is flagged.
static PPrototype *ReturnCheck(PPrototype *proto1, PPrototype *proto2, FScanner &sc)
if (proto1 == NULL)
return proto2;
if (proto2 == NULL)
return proto1;
// A prototype that defines fewer return types can be compatible with
// one that defines more if the shorter one matches the initial types
// for the longer one.
if (proto2->ReturnTypes.Size() < proto1->ReturnTypes.Size())
{ // Make proto1 the shorter one to avoid code duplication below.
swapvalues(proto1, proto2);
// If one prototype returns nothing, they both must.
if (proto1->ReturnTypes.Size() == 0)
if (proto2->ReturnTypes.Size() == 0)
return proto1;
proto1 = NULL;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < proto1->ReturnTypes.Size(); ++i)
if (proto1->ReturnTypes[i] != proto2->ReturnTypes[i])
{ // Incompatible
proto1 = NULL;
if (proto1 == NULL)
sc.ScriptError("Return types are incompatible");
return proto1;
// ParseActions
// If this action block contains any return statements, the prototype for
// one of them will be returned. This is used for deducing the return type
// of anonymous functions. All called functions passed to return must have
// matching return types.
static FxExpression *ParseIf(FScanner &sc, FState state, FString statestring, Baggage &bag,
PPrototype *&retproto, bool &lastwasret)
static FxExpression *ParseIf(FScanner &sc, FState state, FString statestring, Baggage &bag, bool &lastwasret)
FxExpression *add, *cond;
FxExpression *true_part, *false_part = NULL;
PPrototype *true_proto, *false_proto = NULL;
FxExpression *true_part, *false_part = nullptr;
bool true_ret, false_ret = false;
cond = ParseExpression(sc, bag.Info);
sc.MustGetStringName("{"); // braces are mandatory
true_part = ParseActions(sc, state, statestring, bag, true_proto, true_ret);
true_part = ParseActions(sc, state, statestring, bag, true_ret);
if (sc.Compare("else"))
if (sc.CheckString("if"))
false_part = ParseIf(sc, state, statestring, bag, false_proto, false_ret);
false_part = ParseIf(sc, state, statestring, bag, false_ret);
sc.MustGetStringName("{"); // braces are still mandatory
false_part = ParseActions(sc, state, statestring, bag, false_proto, false_ret);
false_part = ParseActions(sc, state, statestring, bag, false_ret);
add = new FxIfStatement(cond, true_part, false_part, sc);
retproto = ReturnCheck(retproto, true_proto, sc);
retproto = ReturnCheck(retproto, false_proto, sc);
// If one side does not end with a return, we don't consider the if statement
// to end with a return. If the else case is missing, it can never be considered
// as ending with a return.
@ -480,11 +392,9 @@ static FxExpression *ParseIf(FScanner &sc, FState state, FString statestring, Ba
return add;
static FxExpression *ParseWhile(FScanner &sc, FState state, FString statestring, Baggage &bag,
PPrototype *&retproto, bool &lastwasret)
static FxExpression *ParseWhile(FScanner &sc, FState state, FString statestring, Baggage &bag, bool &lastwasret)
FxExpression *cond, *code;
PPrototype *proto;
bool ret;
@ -492,24 +402,21 @@ static FxExpression *ParseWhile(FScanner &sc, FState state, FString statestring,
sc.MustGetStringName("{"); // Enforce braces like for if statements.
code = ParseActions(sc, state, statestring, bag, proto, ret);
code = ParseActions(sc, state, statestring, bag, ret);
retproto = ReturnCheck(retproto, proto, sc);
lastwasret = false; // A while loop always jumps back.
return new FxWhileLoop(cond, code, sc);
static FxExpression *ParseDoWhile(FScanner &sc, FState state, FString statestring, Baggage &bag,
PPrototype *&retproto, bool &lastwasret)
static FxExpression *ParseDoWhile(FScanner &sc, FState state, FString statestring, Baggage &bag, bool &lastwasret)
FxExpression *cond, *code;
PPrototype *proto;
bool ret;
sc.MustGetStringName("{"); // Enforce braces like for if statements.
code = ParseActions(sc, state, statestring, bag, proto, ret);
code = ParseActions(sc, state, statestring, bag, ret);
@ -518,20 +425,17 @@ static FxExpression *ParseDoWhile(FScanner &sc, FState state, FString statestrin
retproto = ReturnCheck(retproto, proto, sc);
lastwasret = false;
return new FxDoWhileLoop(cond, code, sc);
static FxExpression *ParseFor(FScanner &sc, FState state, FString statestring, Baggage &bag,
PPrototype *&retproto, bool &lastwasret)
static FxExpression *ParseFor(FScanner &sc, FState state, FString statestring, Baggage &bag, bool &lastwasret)
FxExpression *init = nullptr;
FxExpression *cond = nullptr;
FxExpression *iter = nullptr;
FxExpression *code = nullptr;
PPrototype *proto;
bool ret;
// Parse the statements.
@ -560,24 +464,21 @@ static FxExpression *ParseFor(FScanner &sc, FState state, FString statestring, B
// Now parse the loop's content.
sc.MustGetStringName("{"); // Enforce braces like for if statements.
code = ParseActions(sc, state, statestring, bag, proto, ret);
code = ParseActions(sc, state, statestring, bag, ret);
retproto = ReturnCheck(retproto, proto, sc);
lastwasret = false;
return new FxForLoop(init, cond, iter, code, sc);
FxExpression *ParseActions(FScanner &sc, FState state, FString statestring, Baggage &bag,
PPrototype *&retproto, bool &endswithret)
FxExpression *ParseActions(FScanner &sc, FState state, FString statestring, Baggage &bag, bool &endswithret)
// If it's not a '{', then it should be a single action.
// Otherwise, it's a sequence of actions.
if (!sc.Compare("{"))
FxVMFunctionCall *call = ParseAction(sc, state, statestring, bag);
retproto = call->GetVMFunction()->Proto;
endswithret = true;
return new FxReturnStatement(call, sc);
@ -585,7 +486,6 @@ FxExpression *ParseActions(FScanner &sc, FState state, FString statestring, Bagg
const FScriptPosition pos(sc);
FxSequence *seq = NULL;
PPrototype *proto = NULL;
bool lastwasret = false;
@ -595,38 +495,31 @@ FxExpression *ParseActions(FScanner &sc, FState state, FString statestring, Bagg
lastwasret = false;
if (sc.Compare("if"))
{ // Handle an if statement
add = ParseIf(sc, state, statestring, bag, proto, lastwasret);
add = ParseIf(sc, state, statestring, bag, lastwasret);
else if (sc.Compare("while"))
{ // Handle a while loop
add = ParseWhile(sc, state, statestring, bag, proto, lastwasret);
add = ParseWhile(sc, state, statestring, bag, lastwasret);
else if (sc.Compare("do"))
{ // Handle a do-while loop
add = ParseDoWhile(sc, state, statestring, bag, proto, lastwasret);
add = ParseDoWhile(sc, state, statestring, bag, lastwasret);
else if (sc.Compare("for"))
{ // Handle a for loop
add = ParseFor(sc, state, statestring, bag, proto, lastwasret);
add = ParseFor(sc, state, statestring, bag, lastwasret);
else if (sc.Compare("return"))
{ // Handle a return statement
lastwasret = true;
FxVMFunctionCall *retexp = NULL;
PPrototype *retproto;
FxExpression *retexp = nullptr;
if (!sc.Compare(";"))
retexp = ParseAction(sc, state, statestring, bag);
retexp = ParseExpression(sc, bag.Info);
retproto = retexp->GetVMFunction()->Proto;
{ // Returning nothing; we still need a prototype for that.
TArray<PType *> notypes(0);
retproto = NewPrototype(notypes, notypes);
proto = ReturnCheck(proto, retproto, sc);
add = new FxReturnStatement(retexp, sc);
@ -660,7 +553,6 @@ FxExpression *ParseActions(FScanner &sc, FState state, FString statestring, Bagg
endswithret = lastwasret;
retproto = proto;
return seq;
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