mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 03:02:37 +00:00
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/rheit/zdoom
This commit is contained in:
18 changed files with 269 additions and 222 deletions
@ -369,14 +369,6 @@ bool FCajunMaster::DoAddBot (BYTE *info, botskill_t skill)
D_ReadUserInfoStrings (bnum, &info, false);
if (!deathmatch && playerstarts[bnum].type == 0)
Printf ("%s tried to join, but there was no player %d start\n",
players[bnum].userinfo.GetName(), bnum+1);
ClearPlayer (bnum, false); // Make the bot inactive again
return false;
multiplayer = true; //Prevents cheating and so on; emulates real netgame (almost).
players[bnum].Bot = new DBot;
players[bnum].Bot->player = &players[bnum];
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
static FRandom pr_pickteam ("PickRandomTeam");
CVAR (Float, autoaim, 5000.f, CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE);
CVAR (Float, autoaim, 35.f, CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE);
CVAR (String, name, "Player", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE);
CVAR (Color, color, 0x40cf00, CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE);
@ -518,9 +518,9 @@ void D_UserInfoChanged (FBaseCVar *cvar)
autoaim = 0.0f;
else if (autoaim > 5000.0f)
else if (autoaim > 35.0f)
autoaim = 5000.f;
autoaim = 35.f;
@ -492,6 +492,7 @@ public:
crouchdir = 0;
crouching = 0;
crouchviewdelta = 0;
viewheight = mo->ViewHeight;
bool CanCrouch() const
@ -1422,6 +1422,8 @@ bool G_CheckSpot (int playernum, FPlayerStart *mthing)
fixed_t z, oldz;
int i;
if (mthing->type == 0) return false;
x = mthing->x;
y = mthing->y;
z = mthing->z;
@ -1573,6 +1575,11 @@ void G_DeathMatchSpawnPlayer (int playernum)
FPlayerStart *G_PickPlayerStart(int playernum, int flags)
if (AllPlayerStarts.Size() == 0) // No starts to pick
return NULL;
if ((level.flags2 & LEVEL2_RANDOMPLAYERSTARTS) || (flags & PPS_FORCERANDOM) ||
playerstarts[playernum].type == 0)
@ -1624,6 +1631,18 @@ static void G_QueueBody (AActor *body)
const int skinidx = body->player->userinfo.GetSkin();
if (0 != skinidx && !(body->flags4 & MF4_NOSKIN))
// Apply skin's scale to actor's scale, it will be lost otherwise
const AActor *const defaultActor = body->GetDefault();
const FPlayerSkin &skin = skins[skinidx];
body->scaleX = Scale(body->scaleX, skin.ScaleX, defaultActor->scaleX);
body->scaleY = Scale(body->scaleY, skin.ScaleY, defaultActor->scaleY);
@ -2629,12 +2648,12 @@ bool G_ProcessIFFDemo (FString &mapname)
if (uncompSize > 0)
BYTE *uncompressed = new BYTE[uncompSize];
BYTE *uncompressed = (BYTE*)M_Malloc(uncompSize);
int r = uncompress (uncompressed, &uncompSize, demo_p, uLong(zdembodyend - demo_p));
if (r != Z_OK)
Printf ("Could not decompress demo! %s\n", M_ZLibError(r).GetChars());
delete[] uncompressed;
return true;
M_Free (demobuffer);
@ -1195,26 +1195,36 @@ void G_FinishTravel ()
TThinkerIterator<APlayerPawn> it (STAT_TRAVELLING);
APlayerPawn *pawn, *pawndup, *oldpawn, *next;
AInventory *inv;
FPlayerStart *start;
int pnum;
next = it.Next ();
while ( (pawn = next) != NULL)
next = it.Next ();
pnum = int(pawn->player - players);
pawn->ChangeStatNum (STAT_PLAYER);
pawndup = pawn->player->mo;
start = NULL;
assert (pawn != pawndup);
if (pawndup == NULL)
{ // Oh no! there was no start for this player!
pawn->Destroy ();
start = G_PickPlayerStart(pnum, PPS_FORCERANDOM);
if (start != NULL) pawndup = P_SpawnPlayer(start, pnum, (level.flags2 & LEVEL2_PRERAISEWEAPON) ? SPF_WEAPONFULLYUP : 0);
if (pawndup == NULL)
if (start == NULL) start = G_PickPlayerStart(pnum, 0);
oldpawn = pawndup;
// The player being spawned here is a short lived dummy and
// must not start any ENTER script or big problems will happen.
pawndup = P_SpawnPlayer (&playerstarts[pawn->player - players], int(pawn->player - players), SPF_TEMPPLAYER);
pawndup = P_SpawnPlayer(start, pnum, SPF_TEMPPLAYER);
if (!(changeflags & CHANGELEVEL_KEEPFACING))
pawn->angle = pawndup->angle;
@ -1264,7 +1274,6 @@ void G_FinishTravel ()
FBehavior::StaticStartTypedScripts (SCRIPT_Return, pawn, true);
bglobal.FinishTravel ();
@ -1500,6 +1500,8 @@ void APowerTimeFreezer::InitEffect()
// Compensate for skipped tic, but beware of overflow.
if(EffectTics < INT_MAX)
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ void AFastProjectile::Tick ()
if (--ripcount <= 0)
tm.LastRipped = NULL; // [RH] Do rip damage each step, like Hexen
tm.LastRipped.Clear(); // [RH] Do rip damage each step, like Hexen
if (!P_TryMove (this, X() + xfrac,Y() + yfrac, true, NULL, tm))
@ -591,6 +591,9 @@ void DIntermissionScreenCast::Drawer ()
// draw the current frame in the middle of the screen
if (caststate != NULL)
double castscalex = FIXED2DBL(mDefaults->scaleX);
double castscaley = FIXED2DBL(mDefaults->scaleY);
int castsprite = caststate->sprite;
if (!(mDefaults->flags4 & MF4_NOSKIN) &&
@ -604,7 +607,15 @@ void DIntermissionScreenCast::Drawer ()
if (PlayerClasses[i].Type == mClass)
castsprite = skins[players[consoleplayer].userinfo.GetSkin()].sprite;
FPlayerSkin *skin = &skins[players[consoleplayer].userinfo.GetSkin()];
castsprite = skin->sprite;
if (!(mDefaults->flags4 & MF4_NOSKIN))
castscaley = FIXED2DBL(skin->ScaleY);
castscalex = FIXED2DBL(skin->ScaleX);
@ -615,6 +626,10 @@ void DIntermissionScreenCast::Drawer ()
screen->DrawTexture (pic, 160, 170,
DTA_320x200, true,
DTA_FlipX, sprframe->Flip & 1,
DTA_DestHeightF, pic->GetScaledHeightDouble() * castscaley,
DTA_DestWidthF, pic->GetScaledWidthDouble() * castscalex,
DTA_RenderStyle, mDefaults->RenderStyle,
DTA_Alpha, mDefaults->alpha,
DTA_Translation, casttranslation,
@ -479,7 +479,8 @@ void FSliderItem::Drawer(bool selected)
screen->DrawText(mFont, selected? OptionSettings.mFontColorSelection : mFontColor, mXpos, mYpos, text, DTA_Clean, true, TAG_DONE);
int x = SmallFont->StringWidth ("Green") + 8 + mXpos;
DrawSlider (x, mYpos);
int x2 = SmallFont->StringWidth (mText) + 8 + mXpos;
DrawSlider (MAX(x2, x), mYpos);
@ -630,14 +631,7 @@ void DPlayerMenu::Init(DMenu *parent, FListMenuDescriptor *desc)
li = GetItem(NAME_Autoaim);
if (li != NULL)
int sel =
autoaim == 0 ? 0 :
autoaim <= 0.25 ? 1 :
autoaim <= 0.5 ? 2 :
autoaim <= 1 ? 3 :
autoaim <= 2 ? 4 :
autoaim <= 3 ? 5:6;
li->SetValue(0, sel);
li->SetValue(0, (int)autoaim);
li = GetItem(NAME_Switch);
@ -966,13 +960,11 @@ void DPlayerMenu::SkinChanged (FListMenuItem *li)
void DPlayerMenu::AutoaimChanged (FListMenuItem *li)
static const float ranges[] = { 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5000 };
int sel;
if (li->GetValue(0, &sel))
autoaim = ranges[sel];
autoaim = (float)sel;
@ -132,7 +132,9 @@ CUSTOM_CVAR( Int, r_maxparticles, 4000, CVAR_ARCHIVE )
if ( self == 0 )
self = 4000;
else if ( self < 100 )
else if (self > 65535)
self = 65535;
else if (self < 100)
self = 100;
if ( gamestate != GS_STARTUP )
@ -445,13 +445,12 @@ struct FCheckPosition
// [RH] These are used by PIT_CheckThing and P_XYMovement to apply
// ripping damage once per tic instead of once per move.
bool DoRipping;
AActor *LastRipped;
TMap<AActor*, bool> LastRipped;
int PushTime;
FCheckPosition(bool rip=false)
DoRipping = rip;
LastRipped = NULL;
PushTime = 0;
FromPMove = false;
@ -1286,9 +1286,10 @@ bool PIT_CheckThing(AActor *thing, FCheckPosition &tm)
if (!(tm.thing->flags6 & MF6_NOBOSSRIP) || !(thing->flags2 & MF2_BOSS))
if (tm.LastRipped != thing)
bool *check = tm.LastRipped.CheckKey(thing);
if (check == NULL || !*check)
tm.LastRipped = thing;
tm.LastRipped[thing] = true;
if (!(thing->flags & MF_NOBLOOD) &&
!(thing->flags2 & MF2_REFLECTIVE) &&
!(tm.thing->flags3 & MF3_BLOODLESSIMPACT) &&
@ -4431,6 +4431,7 @@ APlayerPawn *P_SpawnPlayer (FPlayerStart *mthing, int playernum, int flags)
( gameaction != ga_worlddone ) &&
( p->mo != NULL ) &&
( !(p->mo->Sector->Flags & SECF_NORESPAWN) ) &&
( NULL != p->attacker ) && // don't respawn on damaging floors
( p->mo->Sector->damageamount < TELEFRAG_DAMAGE )) // this really should be a bit smarter...
spawn_x = p->mo->X();
@ -283,6 +283,7 @@ void I_InitSound ()
if ((!GSnd || !GSnd->IsValid()) && IsOpenALPresent())
Printf (TEXTCOLOR_RED"FMod Ex Sound init failed. Trying OpenAL.\n");
GSnd = new OpenALSoundRenderer;
snd_backend = "openal";
@ -300,6 +301,7 @@ void I_InitSound ()
if ((!GSnd || !GSnd->IsValid()) && IsFModExPresent())
Printf (TEXTCOLOR_RED"OpenAL Sound init failed. Trying FMod Ex.\n");
GSnd = new FMODSoundRenderer;
snd_backend = "fmod";
@ -4975,6 +4975,133 @@ enum RadiusGiveFlags
RGF_EITHER = 1 << 17,
static bool DoRadiusGive(AActor *self, AActor *thing, const PClass *item, int amount, fixed_t distance, int flags, const PClass *filter, FName species, fixed_t mindist)
// [MC] We only want to make an exception for missiles here. Nothing else.
bool missilePass = !!((flags & RGF_MISSILES) && thing->isMissile());
if (thing == self)
if (!(flags & RGF_GIVESELF))
return false;
else if (thing->isMissile())
if (!missilePass)
return false;
//[MC] Check for a filter, species, and the related exfilter/expecies/either flag(s).
bool filterpass = DoCheckClass(thing, filter, !!(flags & RGF_EXFILTER)),
speciespass = DoCheckSpecies(thing, species, !!(flags & RGF_EXSPECIES));
if ((flags & RGF_EITHER) ? (!(filterpass || speciespass)) : (!(filterpass && speciespass)))
if (thing != self) //Don't let filter and species obstruct RGF_GIVESELF.
return false;
//Check for target, master, and tracer flagging.
bool targetPass = true;
bool masterPass = true;
bool tracerPass = true;
bool ptrPass = false;
if ((thing != self) && (flags & (RGF_NOTARGET | RGF_NOMASTER | RGF_NOTRACER)))
if ((thing == self->target) && (flags & RGF_NOTARGET))
targetPass = false;
if ((thing == self->master) && (flags & RGF_NOMASTER))
masterPass = false;
if ((thing == self->tracer) && (flags & RGF_NOTRACER))
tracerPass = false;
ptrPass = (flags & RGF_INCLUSIVE) ? (targetPass || masterPass || tracerPass) : (targetPass && masterPass && tracerPass);
//We should not care about what the actor is here. It's safe to abort this actor.
if (!ptrPass)
return false;
//Next, actor flag checking.
bool selfPass = !!((flags & RGF_GIVESELF) && thing == self);
bool corpsePass = !!((flags & RGF_CORPSES) && thing->flags & MF_CORPSE);
bool killedPass = !!((flags & RGF_KILLED) && thing->flags6 & MF6_KILLED);
bool monsterPass = !!((flags & RGF_MONSTERS) && thing->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER);
bool objectPass = !!((flags & RGF_OBJECTS) && (thing->player == NULL) && (!(thing->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER))
&& ((thing->flags & MF_SHOOTABLE) || (thing->flags6 & MF6_VULNERABLE)));
bool playerPass = !!((flags & RGF_PLAYERS) && (thing->player != NULL) && (thing->player->mo == thing));
bool voodooPass = !!((flags & RGF_VOODOO) && (thing->player != NULL) && (thing->player->mo != thing));
//Self calls priority over the rest of this.
if (!selfPass)
//If it's specifically a monster/object/player/voodoo... Can be either or...
if (monsterPass || objectPass || playerPass || voodooPass)
//...and is dead, without desire to give to the dead...
if (((thing->health <= 0) && !(corpsePass || killedPass)))
return false;
bool itemPass = !!((flags & RGF_ITEMS) && thing->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(AInventory)));
if (selfPass || monsterPass || corpsePass || killedPass || itemPass || objectPass || missilePass || playerPass || voodooPass)
fixedvec3 diff = self->Vec3To(thing);
diff.z += (thing->height - self->height) / 2;
if (flags & RGF_CUBE)
{ // check if inside a cube
double dx = fabs((double)(diff.x));
double dy = fabs((double)(diff.y));
double dz = fabs((double)(diff.z));
double dist = (double)distance;
double min = (double)mindist;
if ((dx > dist || dy > dist || dz > dist) || (min && (dx < min && dy < min && dz < min)))
return false;
{ // check if inside a sphere
double distsquared = double(distance) * double(distance);
double minsquared = double(mindist) * double(mindist);
double lengthsquared = TVector3<double>(diff.x, diff.y, diff.z).LengthSquared();
if (lengthsquared > distsquared || (minsquared && (lengthsquared < minsquared)))
return false;
{ // OK to give; target is in direct path, or the monster doesn't care about it being in line of sight.
AInventory *gift = static_cast<AInventory *>(Spawn(item, 0, 0, 0, NO_REPLACE));
if (gift->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(AHealth)))
gift->Amount *= amount;
gift->Amount = amount;
gift->flags |= MF_DROPPED;
if (!gift->CallTryPickup(thing))
return false;
return true;
return false;
@ -4997,126 +5124,22 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_RadiusGive)
amount = 1;
FBlockThingsIterator it(FBoundingBox(self->X(), self->Y(), distance));
AActor *thing;
bool given = false;
if (flags & RGF_MISSILES)
TThinkerIterator<AActor> it;
while ((thing = it.Next()))
//[MC] Check for a filter, species, and the related exfilter/expecies/either flag(s).
bool filterpass = DoCheckClass(thing, filter, !!(flags & RGF_EXFILTER)),
speciespass = DoCheckSpecies(thing, species, !!(flags & RGF_EXSPECIES));
if ((flags & RGF_EITHER) ? (!(filterpass || speciespass)) : (!(filterpass && speciespass)))
if (thing != self) //Don't let filter and species obstruct RGF_GIVESELF.
if (thing == self)
if (!(flags & RGF_GIVESELF))
//Check for target, master, and tracer flagging.
bool targetPass = true;
bool masterPass = true;
bool tracerPass = true;
bool ptrPass = false;
if ((thing != self) && (flags & (RGF_NOTARGET | RGF_NOMASTER | RGF_NOTRACER)))
if ((thing == self->target) && (flags & RGF_NOTARGET))
targetPass = false;
if ((thing == self->master) && (flags & RGF_NOMASTER))
masterPass = false;
if ((thing == self->tracer) && (flags & RGF_NOTRACER))
tracerPass = false;
ptrPass = (flags & RGF_INCLUSIVE) ? (targetPass || masterPass || tracerPass) : (targetPass && masterPass && tracerPass);
//We should not care about what the actor is here. It's safe to abort this actor.
if (!ptrPass)
//Next, actor flag checking.
bool selfPass = !!((flags & RGF_GIVESELF) && thing == self);
bool corpsePass = !!((flags & RGF_CORPSES) && thing->flags & MF_CORPSE);
bool killedPass = !!((flags & RGF_KILLED) && thing->flags6 & MF6_KILLED);
bool monsterPass = !!((flags & RGF_MONSTERS) && thing->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER);
bool objectPass = !!((flags & RGF_OBJECTS) && (thing->player == NULL) && (!(thing->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER))
&& ((thing->flags & MF_SHOOTABLE) || (thing->flags6 & MF6_VULNERABLE)));
bool playerPass = !!((flags & RGF_PLAYERS) && (thing->player != NULL) && (thing->player->mo == thing));
bool voodooPass = !!((flags & RGF_VOODOO) && (thing->player != NULL) && (thing->player->mo != thing));
//Self calls priority over the rest of this.
if (!selfPass)
//If it's specifically a monster/object/player/voodoo... Can be either or...
if (monsterPass || objectPass || playerPass || voodooPass)
//...and is dead, without desire to give to the dead...
if (((thing->health <= 0) && !(corpsePass || killedPass)))
bool itemPass = !!((flags & RGF_ITEMS) && thing->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(AInventory)));
bool missilePass = !!((flags & RGF_MISSILES) && thing->flags & MF_MISSILE);
if (selfPass || monsterPass || corpsePass || killedPass || itemPass || objectPass || missilePass || playerPass || voodooPass)
fixedvec3 diff = self->Vec3To(thing);
diff.z += (thing->height - self->height) / 2;
if (flags & RGF_CUBE)
{ // check if inside a cube
double dx = fabs((double)(diff.x));
double dy = fabs((double)(diff.y));
double dz = fabs((double)(diff.z));
double dist = (double)distance;
double min = (double)mindist;
if ((dx > dist || dy > dist || dz > dist) || (min && (dx < min && dy < min && dz < min)))
if (DoRadiusGive(self, thing, item, amount, distance, flags, filter, species, mindist)) given = true;
{ // check if inside a sphere
double distsquared = double(distance) * double(distance);
double minsquared = double(mindist) * double(mindist);
double lengthsquared = TVector3<double>(diff.x, diff.y, diff.z).LengthSquared();
if (lengthsquared > distsquared || (minsquared && (lengthsquared < minsquared)))
{ // OK to give; target is in direct path, or the monster doesn't care about it being in line of sight.
AInventory *gift = static_cast<AInventory *>(Spawn(item, 0, 0, 0, NO_REPLACE));
if (gift->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(AHealth)))
FBlockThingsIterator it(FBoundingBox(self->X(), self->Y(), distance));
while ((thing = it.Next()))
gift->Amount *= amount;
gift->Amount = amount;
gift->flags |= MF_DROPPED;
if (!gift->CallTryPickup(thing))
given = true;
if (DoRadiusGive(self, thing, item, amount, distance, flags, filter, species, mindist)) given = true;
@ -1424,13 +1424,11 @@ void V_CalcCleanFacs (int designwidth, int designheight, int realwidth, int real
*cleany = cy2;
if (*cleanx > 1 && *cleany > 1 && *cleanx != *cleany)
if (*cleanx < *cleany)
*cleany = *cleanx;
*cleanx = *cleany;
if (_cx1 != NULL) *_cx1 = cx1;
if (_cx2 != NULL) *_cx2 = cx2;
@ -525,6 +525,7 @@ LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc (HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
if (SpawnEAXWindow)
SpawnEAXWindow = false;
@ -364,18 +364,6 @@ OptionValue "Gender"
2, "Other"
OptionValue "Autoaim"
0, "Never"
1, "Very low"
2, "Low"
3, "Medium"
4, "High"
5, "Very high"
6, "Always"
ListMenu "PlayerMenu"
StaticTextCentered 160, 6, "$MNU_PLAYERSETUP"
@ -414,7 +402,7 @@ ListMenu "PlayerMenu"
ValueText "Class", "Class"
ValueText "Skin", "Skin"
ValueText "Gender", "Gender", "Gender"
ValueText "Autoaim", "Autoaim", "Autoaim"
Slider "Autoaim", "Autoaim", 0, 35, 1
ValueText "Switch on pickup", "Switch", "OffOn"
ValueText "Always Run", "AlwaysRun", "OnOff"
Class "PlayerMenu"
@ -710,6 +698,8 @@ OptionMenu "VideoOptions"
Option "Teleporter zoom", "telezoom", "OnOff"
Slider "Earthquake shake intensity", "r_quakeintensity", 0.0, 1.0, 0.05, 2
Option "Interpolate monster movement", "nomonsterinterpolation", "NoYes"
Slider "Menu dim", "dimamount", 0, 1.0, 0.05, 2
ColorPicker "Dim color", "dimcolor"
Reference in a new issue