
587 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

include "mapinfo/conversationids.txt"
CheatKey = "maparrows/key.txt"
EasyKey = "maparrows/ravenkey.txt"
0 = Unknown
1 = "$Player1Start"
2 = "$Player2Start"
3 = "$Player3Start"
4 = "$Player4Start"
11 = "$DeathmatchStart"
14 = TeleportDest
118 = ZBridge
888 = MBFHelperDog
1400 = "$SSeqOverride", 0
1401 = "$SSeqOverride", 1
1402 = "$SSeqOverride", 2
1403 = "$SSeqOverride", 3
1404 = "$SSeqOverride", 4
1405 = "$SSeqOverride", 5
1406 = "$SSeqOverride", 6
1407 = "$SSeqOverride", 7
1408 = "$SSeqOverride", 8
1409 = "$SSeqOverride", 9
1411 = "$SSeqOverride"
1500 = "$VavoomFloor"
1501 = "$VavoomCeiling"
1502 = VavoomLightWhite
1503 = VavoomLightColor
1504 = "$VertexFloorZ"
1505 = "$VertexCeilingZ"
5001 = PointPusher
5002 = PointPuller
5004 = FS_Mapspot
5061 = InvisibleBridge32
5064 = InvisibleBridge16
5065 = InvisibleBridge8
9001 = MapSpot
9013 = MapSpotGravity
9024 = PatrolPoint
9025 = SecurityCamera
9026 = Spark
9027 = RedParticleFountain
9028 = GreenParticleFountain
9029 = BlueParticleFountain
9030 = YellowParticleFountain
9031 = PurpleParticleFountain
9032 = BlackParticleFountain
9033 = WhiteParticleFountain
9037 = BetaSkull
9038 = ColorSetter
9039 = FadeSetter
9040 = MapMarker
9041 = SectorFlagSetter
9043 = TeleportDest3
9044 = TeleportDest2
9045 = Waterzone
9046 = SecretTrigger
9047 = PatrolSpecial
9048 = SoundEnvironment
9070 = InterpolationPoint
9071 = PathFollower
9072 = MovingCamera
9073 = AimingCamera
9074 = ActorMover
9075 = InterpolationSpecial
9076 = HateTarget
9077 = UpperStackLookOnly
9078 = LowerStackLookOnly
9080 = SkyViewpoint
9081 = SkyPicker
9082 = SectorSilencer
9083 = SkyCamCompat
9200 = Decal
9300 = "$PolyAnchor"
9301 = "$PolySpawn"
9302 = "$PolySpawnCrush"
9303 = "$PolySpawnHurt"
9500 = "$SlopeFloorPointLine"
9501 = "$SlopeCeilingPointLine"
9502 = "$SetFloorSlope"
9503 = "$SetCeilingSlope"
9510 = "$CopyFloorPlane"
9511 = "$CopyCeilingPlane"
9800 = PointLight
9801 = PointLightPulse
9802 = PointLightFlicker
9803 = SectorPointLight
9804 = PointLightFlickerRandom
9810 = PointLightAdditive
9811 = PointLightPulseAdditive
9812 = PointLightFlickerAdditive
9813 = SectorPointLightAdditive
9814 = PointLightFlickerRandomAdditive
9820 = PointLightSubtractive
9821 = PointLightPulseSubtractive
9822 = PointLightFlickerSubtractive
9823 = SectorPointLightSubtractive
9824 = PointLightFlickerRandomSubtractive
9825 = VavoomLight
9982 = SecActEyesAboveC
9983 = SecActEyesBelowC
9988 = CustomSprite
9989 = SecActHitFakeFloor
9990 = InvisibleBridge
9991 = CustomBridge
9992 = SecActEyesSurface
9993 = SecActEyesDive
9994 = SecActUseWall
9995 = SecActUse
9996 = SecActHitCeil
9997 = SecActExit
9998 = SecActEnter
9999 = SecActHitFloor
14001 = AmbientSound, 1
14002 = AmbientSound, 2
14003 = AmbientSound, 3
14004 = AmbientSound, 4
14005 = AmbientSound, 5
14006 = AmbientSound, 6
14007 = AmbientSound, 7
14008 = AmbientSound, 8
14009 = AmbientSound, 9
14010 = AmbientSound, 10
14011 = AmbientSound, 11
14012 = AmbientSound, 12
14013 = AmbientSound, 13
14014 = AmbientSound, 14
14015 = AmbientSound, 15
14016 = AmbientSound, 16
14017 = AmbientSound, 17
14018 = AmbientSound, 18
14019 = AmbientSound, 19
14020 = AmbientSound, 20
14021 = AmbientSound, 21
14022 = AmbientSound, 22
14023 = AmbientSound, 23
14024 = AmbientSound, 24
14025 = AmbientSound, 25
14026 = AmbientSound, 26
14027 = AmbientSound, 27
14028 = AmbientSound, 28
14029 = AmbientSound, 29
14030 = AmbientSound, 30
14031 = AmbientSound, 31
14032 = AmbientSound, 32
14033 = AmbientSound, 33
14034 = AmbientSound, 34
14035 = AmbientSound, 35
14036 = AmbientSound, 36
14037 = AmbientSound, 37
14038 = AmbientSound, 38
14039 = AmbientSound, 39
14040 = AmbientSound, 40
14041 = AmbientSound, 41
14042 = AmbientSound, 42
14043 = AmbientSound, 43
14044 = AmbientSound, 44
14045 = AmbientSound, 45
14046 = AmbientSound, 46
14047 = AmbientSound, 47
14048 = AmbientSound, 48
14049 = AmbientSound, 49
14050 = AmbientSound, 50
14051 = AmbientSound, 51
14052 = AmbientSound, 52
14053 = AmbientSound, 53
14054 = AmbientSound, 54
14055 = AmbientSound, 55
14056 = AmbientSound, 56
14057 = AmbientSound, 57
14058 = AmbientSound, 58
14059 = AmbientSound, 59
14060 = AmbientSound, 60
14061 = AmbientSound, 61
14062 = AmbientSound, 62
14063 = AmbientSound, 63
14064 = AmbientSound, 64
14065 = AmbientSound
14066 = SoundSequence
14067 = AmbientSoundNoGravity
14101 = MusicChanger, 1
14102 = MusicChanger, 2
14103 = MusicChanger, 3
14104 = MusicChanger, 4
14105 = MusicChanger, 5
14106 = MusicChanger, 6
14107 = MusicChanger, 7
14108 = MusicChanger, 8
14109 = MusicChanger, 9
14110 = MusicChanger, 10
14111 = MusicChanger, 11
14112 = MusicChanger, 12
14113 = MusicChanger, 13
14114 = MusicChanger, 14
14115 = MusicChanger, 15
14116 = MusicChanger, 16
14117 = MusicChanger, 17
14118 = MusicChanger, 18
14119 = MusicChanger, 19
14120 = MusicChanger, 20
14121 = MusicChanger, 21
14122 = MusicChanger, 22
14123 = MusicChanger, 23
14124 = MusicChanger, 24
14125 = MusicChanger, 25
14126 = MusicChanger, 26
14127 = MusicChanger, 27
14128 = MusicChanger, 28
14129 = MusicChanger, 29
14130 = MusicChanger, 30
14131 = MusicChanger, 31
14132 = MusicChanger, 32
14133 = MusicChanger, 33
14134 = MusicChanger, 34
14135 = MusicChanger, 35
14136 = MusicChanger, 36
14137 = MusicChanger, 37
14138 = MusicChanger, 38
14139 = MusicChanger, 39
14140 = MusicChanger, 40
14141 = MusicChanger, 41
14142 = MusicChanger, 42
14143 = MusicChanger, 43
14144 = MusicChanger, 44
14145 = MusicChanger, 45
14146 = MusicChanger, 46
14147 = MusicChanger, 47
14148 = MusicChanger, 48
14149 = MusicChanger, 49
14150 = MusicChanger, 50
14151 = MusicChanger, 51
14152 = MusicChanger, 52
14153 = MusicChanger, 53
14154 = MusicChanger, 54
14155 = MusicChanger, 55
14156 = MusicChanger, 56
14157 = MusicChanger, 57
14158 = MusicChanger, 58
14159 = MusicChanger, 59
14160 = MusicChanger, 60
14161 = MusicChanger, 61
14162 = MusicChanger, 62
14163 = MusicChanger, 63
14164 = MusicChanger, 64
14165 = MusicChanger
32000 = DoomBuilderCamera
41 = Rock1
42 = Rock2
43 = Rock3
44 = Dirt1
45 = Dirt2
46 = Dirt3
47 = Dirt4
48 = Dirt5
49 = Dirt6
54 = SGShard1
55 = SGShard2
56 = SGShard3
57 = SGShard4
58 = SGShard5
59 = SGShard6
60 = SGShard7
61 = SGShard8
62 = SGShard9
63 = SGShard0
130 = Blood
Intermission Inter_Titlescreen
Intermission Inter_Pic1
Background = "@1" // index into finalepic FadeIn gameinfo block
Intermission Inter_Pic2
Background = "@2"
Intermission Inter_Pic3
Background = "@3"
Intermission Inter_Bunny
ScrollDirection = Left
Background = "PFUB1"
Background2 = "PFUB2"
Music = "$MUSIC_BUNNY"
InitialDelay = -230
Scrolltime = -640
Time = -1130
Link = TheEnd
Intermission TheEnd
// no backgrounds are set here so this will reuse the previous one.
Draw = "END0", 108, 68
Time = -50
Draw = "END1", 108, 68
Time = -5
Sound = "weapons/pistol"
Draw = "END2", 108, 68
Time = -5
Sound = "weapons/pistol"
Draw = "END3", 108, 68
Time = -5
Sound = "weapons/pistol"
Draw = "END4", 108, 68
Time = -5
Sound = "weapons/pistol"
Draw = "END5", 108, 68
Time = -5
Sound = "weapons/pistol"
Draw = "END6", 108, 68
Time = -5
Sound = "weapons/pistol"
Intermission Inter_Underwater
Background = "E2END", 0, "E2PAL"
Intermission Inter_Demonscroll
ScrollDirection = Up
Background = "FINAL1"
Background2 = "FINAL2"
InitialDelay = 2
Scrolltime = -600
Intermission Inter_BuyStrife
ScrollDirection = Left
Background = "CREDIT"
Background2 = "VELLOGO"
InitialDelay = -230
Scrolltime = -640
Intermission Inter_Cast
// This is only here to initialize the background and the music
Background = "$bgcastcall"
Time = -1
Music = "$MUSIC_EVIL"
Link = Doom2Cast
Intermission Doom2Cast
CastClass = "Zombieman"
CastName = "$CC_ZOMBIE"
AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "grunt/attack"
CastClass = "ShotgunGuy"
CastName = "$CC_SHOTGUN"
AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "shotguy/attack"
CastClass = "ChaingunGuy"
CastName = "$CC_HEAVY"
AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "chainguy/attack"
AttackSound = "Missile", 2, "chainguy/attack"
AttackSound = "Missile", 3, "chainguy/attack"
CastClass = "DoomImp"
CastName = "$CC_IMP"
AttackSound = "Missile", 2, "imp/attack"
CastClass = "Demon"
CastName = "$CC_DEMON"
AttackSound = "Melee", 1, "demon/melee"
CastClass = "LostSoul"
CastName = "$CC_LOST"
AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "skull/melee"
CastClass = "Cacodemon"
CastName = "$CC_CACO"
AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "caco/attack"
CastClass = "HellKnight"
CastName = "$CC_HELL"
AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "baron/attack"
CastClass = "BaronOfHell"
CastName = "$CC_BARON"
AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "baron/attack"
CastClass = "Arachnotron"
CastName = "$CC_ARACH"
AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "baby/attack"
CastClass = "PainElemental"
CastName = "$CC_PAIN"
AttackSound = "Missile", 2, "skull/melee"
CastClass = "Revenant"
CastName = "$CC_REVEN"
AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "skeleton/attack"
AttackSound = "Melee", 1, "skeleton/swing"
AttackSound = "Melee", 3, "skeleton/melee"
CastClass = "Fatso"
CastName = "$CC_MANCU"
AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "fatso/attack"
AttackSound = "Missile", 4, "fatso/attack"
AttackSound = "Missile", 7, "fatso/attack"
CastClass = "Archvile"
CastName = "$CC_ARCH"
AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "vile/start"
CastClass = "SpiderMastermind"
CastName = "$CC_SPIDER"
AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "spider/attack"
AttackSound = "Missile", 2, "spider/attack"
CastClass = "Cyberdemon"
CastName = "$CC_CYBER"
AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "weapons/rocklf"
AttackSound = "Missile", 3, "weapons/rocklf"
AttackSound = "Missile", 5, "weapons/rocklf"
CastClass = "DoomPlayer"
CastName = "$CC_HERO"
AttackSound = "Missile", 0, "weapons/sshotf"
Link = Doom2Cast // restart cast call
Intermission Inter_Chess
Music = "Hall"
Background = "FINALE1"
Time = 2
FadeType = FadeIn
Background = "FINALE1"
TextSpeed = 3
TextLump = "win1msg"
Time = -250
Music = "Orb"
Background = "FINALE2"
TextSpeed = 3
TextLump = "win2msg"
Time = -250
Background = "FINALE2"
Time = 2
FadeType = FadeOut
Music = "Chess"
Background = "FINALE3"
DrawConditional = "Multiplayer", "CHESSALL", 20, 0
DrawConditional = "ClericPlayer", "CHESSC", 60, 0
DrawConditional = "MagePlayer", "CHESSM", 60, 0
Time = 2
FadeType = FadeIn
Background = "FINALE3"
DrawConditional = "Multiplayer", "CHESSALL", 20, 0
DrawConditional = "ClericPlayer", "CHESSC", 60, 0
DrawConditional = "MagePlayer", "CHESSM", 60, 0
TextSpeed = 3
TextLump = "win3msg"
Position = 5, 135