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class Weapon : StateProvider native
enum EFireMode
native uint WeaponFlags;
native class<Ammo> AmmoType1, AmmoType2; // Types of ammo used by this weapon
native int AmmoGive1, AmmoGive2; // Amount of each ammo to get when picking up weapon
native int MinAmmo1, MinAmmo2; // Minimum ammo needed to switch to this weapon
native int AmmoUse1, AmmoUse2; // How much ammo to use with each shot
native int Kickback;
native float YAdjust; // For viewing the weapon fullscreen (visual only so no need to be a double)
native sound UpSound, ReadySound; // Sounds when coming up and idle
native class<Weapon> SisterWeaponType; // Another weapon to pick up with this one
native class<Actor> ProjectileType; // Projectile used by primary attack
native class<Actor> AltProjectileType; // Projectile used by alternate attack
native int SelectionOrder; // Lower-numbered weapons get picked first
native int MinSelAmmo1, MinSelAmmo2; // Ignore in BestWeapon() if inadequate ammo
native double MoveCombatDist; // Used by bots, but do they *really* need it?
native int ReloadCounter; // For A_CheckForReload
native int BobStyle; // [XA] Bobbing style. Defines type of bobbing (e.g. Normal, Alpha) (visual only so no need to be a double)
native float BobSpeed; // [XA] Bobbing speed. Defines how quickly a weapon bobs.
native float BobRangeX, BobRangeY; // [XA] Bobbing range. Defines how far a weapon bobs in either direction.
native Ammo Ammo1, Ammo2; // In-inventory instance variables
native Weapon SisterWeapon;
native float FOVScale;
native int Crosshair; // 0 to use player's crosshair
native bool GivenAsMorphWeapon;
native bool bAltFire; // Set when this weapon's alternate fire is used.
native readonly bool bDehAmmo;
Inventory.PickupSound "misc/w_pkup";
Weapon.BobSpeed 1.0;
Weapon.BobRangeX 1.0;
Weapon.BobRangeY 1.0;
SHTG E 0 A_Light0;
native bool CheckAmmo(int fireMode, bool autoSwitch, bool requireAmmo = false, int ammocount = -1);
native bool DepleteAmmo(bool altFire, bool checkEnough = true, int ammouse = -1);
native virtual void EndPowerup();
virtual State GetReadyState ()
return FindState('Ready');
virtual State GetUpState ()
return FindState('Select');
virtual State GetDownState ()
return FindState('Deselect');
virtual State GetAtkState (bool hold)
State s = null;
if (hold) s = FindState('Hold');
if (s == null) s = FindState('Fire');
return s;
virtual State GetAltAtkState (bool hold)
State s = null;
if (hold) s = FindState('AltHold');
if (s == null) s = FindState('AltFire');
return s;
native action void A_ZoomFactor(double scale = 1, int flags = 0);
native action void A_SetCrosshair(int xhair);
const ZOOM_INSTANT = 1;
class WeaponGiver : Weapon native
native double DropAmmoFactor;
Weapon.AmmoGive1 -1;
Weapon.AmmoGive2 -1;
class WeaponHolder : Inventory native
native int PieceMask;
native Class<Actor> PieceWeapon;
class WeaponPiece : Inventory native
class Ammo : Inventory native
native int BackpackAmount;
native int BackpackMaxAmount;
Inventory.PickupSound "misc/ammo_pkup";
class BackpackItem : Inventory native
native bool bDepleted;