mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 19:31:23 +00:00
444 lines
14 KiB
444 lines
14 KiB
%token_prefix ZCC_
%token_type { ZCCToken }
%token_destructor {} // just to avoid a compiler warning
%name ZCCParse
%extra_argument { FScanner *sc }
FString unexpected, expecting;
int i;
int stateno = yypParser->yystack[yypParser->yyidx].stateno;
unexpected << "Unexpected " << ZCCTokenName(yymajor);
// Determine all the terminals that the parser would have accepted at this point
// (see yy_find_shift_action). This list can get quite long. Is it worthwhile to
// print it when not debugging the grammar, or would that be too confusing to
// the average user?
if (stateno < YY_SHIFT_MAX && (i = yy_shift_ofst[stateno])!=YY_SHIFT_USE_DFLT)
for (int j = 1; j < YYERRORSYMBOL; ++j)
int k = i + j;
if (k >= 0 && k < YY_SZ_ACTTAB && yy_lookahead[k] == j)
expecting << (expecting.IsEmpty() ? "Expecting " : " or ") << ZCCTokenName(j);
sc->ScriptMessage("%s\n%s\n", unexpected.GetChars(), expecting.GetChars());
%parse_accept { sc->ScriptMessage("input accepted\n"); }
%parse_failure { /**failed = true;*/ }
%left OROR.
%left ANDAND.
%left DOTDOT.
%left OR. /* Note that this is like the Ruby precedence for these */
%left XOR. /* three operators and not the C precedence, since */
%left AND. /* they are higher priority than the comparisons. */
%left LSH RSH.
%left SUB ADD.
%left POW.
%left SCOPE.
main ::= translation_unit. { sc->ScriptMessage("Parse complete\n"); }
translation_unit ::= .
translation_unit ::= translation_unit external_declaration.
translation_unit ::= translation_unit EOF.
translation_unit ::= error.
external_declaration ::= class_definition.
/* Optional bits. */
opt_semicolon ::= .
opt_semicolon ::= SEMICOLON.
opt_comma ::= .
opt_comma ::= COMMA.
opt_expr ::= .
opt_expr ::= expr.
/* A class definition. Can only occur at global scope. */
class_definition ::= CLASS id_or_string class_ancestry class_flags class_body.
id_or_string ::= IDENTIFIER.
id_or_string ::= string_constant.
class_ancestry ::= .
class_ancestry ::= COLON id_or_string.
class_flags ::= .
class_flags ::= class_flags ABSTRACT.
class_flags ::= class_flags NATIVE.
class_flags ::= class_flags REPLACES id_or_string.
class_body ::= SEMICOLON class_innards EOF.
class_body ::= LBRACE class_innards RBRACE.
class_innards ::= .
class_innards ::= class_innards class_member.
/* Classes can define variables, functions, enums, structs, states, constants, and defaults. */
class_member ::= declarator.
class_member ::= enum_def.
class_member ::= struct_def.
class_member ::= states_def.
class_member ::= default_def.
class_member ::= const_def.
/* Structs can define variables, enums, and structs. */
struct_def ::= STRUCT IDENTIFIER LBRACE struct_body RBRACE opt_semicolon.
struct_member ::= declarator_no_fun.
struct_member ::= enum_def.
/* Enumerators are lists of named integers. */
enum_def ::= ENUM IDENTIFIER enum_type LBRACE enum_list opt_comma RBRACE opt_semicolon.
enum_type ::= .
enum_type ::= COLON int_type.
enum_list ::= enumerator.
enum_list ::= enum_list COMMA enumerator.
enumerator ::= IDENTIFIER.
enumerator ::= IDENTIFIER EQ expr. /* Expression must be constant. */
/* States */
states_def ::= STATES scanner_mode LBRACE states_body RBRACE.
/* We use a special scanner mode to allow for sprite names and frame characters
* to not be quoted even if they contain special characters. The scanner_mode
* nonterminal is used to enter this mode. The scanner automatically leaves it
* upon pre-defined conditions. See the comments by FScanner::SetStateMode().
* Note that rules are reduced *after* one token of lookahead has been
* consumed, so this nonterminal must be placed one token before we want it to
* take effect. For example, in states_def above, the scanner mode will be
* set immediately after LBRACE is consumed, rather than immediately after
* STATES is consumed.
scanner_mode ::= . { sc->SetStateMode(true); }
states_body ::= .
states_body ::= error.
states_body ::= states_body LABELID.
states_body ::= states_body state_line.
states_body ::= states_body state_label.
states_body ::= states_body state_flow.
state_label ::= NWS COLON.
state_flow ::= state_flow_type scanner_mode SEMICOLON.
state_flow_type ::= STOP.
state_flow_type ::= WAIT.
state_flow_type ::= FAIL.
state_flow_type ::= LOOP.
state_flow_type ::= GOTO dotted_identifier state_goto_offset.
state_goto_offset ::= .
state_goto_offset ::= PLUS expr. /* Must evaluate to an integer constant. */
state_line ::= NWS NWS expr state_opts state_action.
state_opts ::= .
state_opts ::= state_opts BRIGHT.
state_opts ::= state_opts OFFSET LPAREN expr COMMA expr RPAREN.
state_opts ::= state_opts LIGHT LPAREN light_list RPAREN.
light_list ::= STRCONST.
light_list ::= light_list COMMA STRCONST.
/* A state action can be either a compound statement or a single action function call. */
state_action ::= LBRACE statement_list scanner_mode RBRACE.
state_action ::= LBRACE error scanner_mode RBRACE.
state_action ::= state_call scanner_mode SEMICOLON.
state_call ::= .
state_call ::= IDENTIFIER state_call_parms.
state_call_parms ::= .
state_call_parms ::= LPAREN opt_expr_list RPAREN.
state_call_parms ::= LPAREN error RPAREN.
dotted_identifier ::= IDENTIFIER.
dotted_identifier ::= dotted_identifier DOT IDENTIFIER.
/* Definition of a default class instance. */
default_def ::= DEFAULT compound_statement.
/* Type names */
int_type ::= SBYTE.
int_type ::= BYTE.
int_type ::= SHORT.
int_type ::= USHORT.
int_type ::= INT.
int_type ::= UINT.
type_name ::= BOOL.
type_name ::= int_type.
type_name ::= FLOAT.
type_name ::= DOUBLE.
type_name ::= STRING.
type_name ::= VECTOR vector_size.
type_name ::= NAME.
type_name ::= IDENTIFIER. /* User-defined type (struct, enum, or class) */
vector_size ::= .
vector_size ::= LT INTCONST GT.
/* Type names can also be used as identifiers in contexts where type names
* are not normally allowed. */
%fallback IDENTIFIER
/* Aggregate types */
aggregate_type ::= MAP LT type array_size COMMA type array_size GT. /* Hash table */
aggregate_type ::= ARRAY LT type array_size GT. /* TArray<type> */
aggregate_type ::= CLASS class_restrictor. /* class<type> */
class_restrictor ::= .
class_restrictor ::= LT IDENTIFIER GT.
type ::= type_name.
type ::= aggregate_type.
type_list ::= type array_size. /* A comma-separated list of types */
type_list ::= type_list COMMA type array_size.
type_list_or_void ::= VOID.
type_list_or_void ::= type_list.
array_size ::= .
array_size ::= array_size LBRACKET opt_expr RBRACKET.
declarator ::= decl_flags type_list_or_void variables_or_function. /* Multiple type names are only valid for functions. */
declarator_no_fun ::= decl_flags type variable_list.
variables_or_function ::= IDENTIFIER LPAREN func_params RPAREN func_const opt_func_body. /* Function */
variables_or_function ::= variable_list SEMICOLON.
variables_or_function ::= error SEMICOLON.
variable_list ::= IDENTIFIER array_size.
variable_list ::= variable_list COMMA IDENTIFIER array_size.
decl_flags ::= .
decl_flags ::= decl_flags NATIVE.
decl_flags ::= decl_flags STATIC.
decl_flags ::= decl_flags PRIVATE.
decl_flags ::= decl_flags PROTECTED.
decl_flags ::= decl_flags LATENT.
decl_flags ::= decl_flags FINAL.
decl_flags ::= decl_flags META.
decl_flags ::= decl_flags ACTION.
decl_flags ::= decl_flags DEPRECATED LPAREN string_constant RPAREN.
func_const ::= .
func_const ::= CONST.
opt_func_body ::= SEMICOLON.
opt_func_body ::= function_body.
func_params ::= . /* empty */
func_params ::= VOID.
func_params ::= func_param_list.
func_param_list ::= func_param.
func_param_list ::= func_param COMMA func_param_list.
func_param ::= func_param_flags type IDENTIFIER array_size.
func_param_flags ::= .
func_param_flags ::= func_param_flags IN.
func_param_flags ::= func_param_flags OUT.
func_param_flags ::= func_param_flags OPTIONAL.
struct_body ::= struct_member.
struct_body ::= struct_member struct_body.
/* Like UnrealScript, a constant's type is implied by its value's type. */
/* Expressions */
/* We use default to access a class's default instance. */
%fallback IDENTIFIER
primary ::= IDENTIFIER.
primary ::= SUPER.
primary ::= constant.
primary ::= SELF.
primary ::= LPAREN expr RPAREN.
primary ::= LPAREN error RPAREN.
primary ::= primary LPAREN func_expr_list RPAREN. [DOT] // Function call
primary ::= primary LBRACKET expr RBRACKET. [DOT] // Array access
primary ::= primary DOT IDENTIFIER. // Member access
primary ::= primary ADDADD. /* postfix++ */
primary ::= primary SUBSUB. /* postfix-- */
primary ::= SCOPE primary.
unary_expr ::= primary.
unary_expr ::= SUB unary_expr. [UNARY]
unary_expr ::= ADD unary_expr. [UNARY]
unary_expr ::= SUBSUB unary_expr. [UNARY]
unary_expr ::= ADDADD unary_expr. [UNARY]
unary_expr ::= TILDE unary_expr. [UNARY]
unary_expr ::= BANG unary_expr. [UNARY]
unary_expr ::= SIZEOF unary_expr. [UNARY]
unary_expr ::= ALIGNOF unary_expr. [UNARY]
/* Due to parsing conflicts, C-style casting is not supported. You
* must use C++ function call-style casting instead.
expr ::= unary_expr.
expr ::= expr ADD expr. /* a + b */
expr ::= expr SUB expr. /* a - b */
expr ::= expr MUL expr. /* a * b */
expr ::= expr DIV expr. /* a / b */
expr ::= expr MOD expr. /* a % b */
expr ::= expr POW expr. /* a ** b */
expr ::= expr CROSSPROD expr. /* a cross b */
expr ::= expr DOTPROD expr. /* a dot b */
expr ::= expr LSH expr. /* a << b */
expr ::= expr RSH expr. /* a >> b */
expr ::= expr DOTDOT expr. /* a .. b */
expr ::= expr LT expr. /* a < b */
expr ::= expr GT expr. /* a > b */
expr ::= expr LTEQ expr. /* a <= b */
expr ::= expr GTEQ expr. /* a >= b */
expr ::= expr LTGTEQ expr. /* a <>= b */
expr ::= expr IS expr. /* a is b */
expr ::= expr EQEQ expr. /* a == b */
expr ::= expr NEQ expr. /* a != b */
expr ::= expr APPROXEQ expr. /* a ~== b */
expr ::= expr AND expr. /* a & b */
expr ::= expr XOR expr. /* a ^ b */
expr ::= expr OR expr. /* a | b */
expr ::= expr ANDAND expr. /* a && b */
expr ::= expr OROR expr. /* a || b */
expr ::= expr SCOPE expr.
expr ::= expr QUESTION expr COLON expr.
opt_expr_list ::= .
opt_expr_list ::= expr_list.
expr_list ::= expr.
expr_list ::= expr_list COMMA expr.
/* A function expression list can also specify a parameter's name,
* but once you do that, all remaining parameters must also be named. */
func_expr_list ::= .
func_expr_list ::= expr_list.
func_expr_list ::= expr_list COMMA named_expr_list.
func_expr_list ::= named_expr_list.
named_expr_list ::= named_expr.
named_expr_list ::= named_expr_list COMMA named_expr.
named_expr ::= IDENTIFIER COLON expr.
/* Allow C-like concatenation of adjacent string constants. */
string_constant ::= STRCONST.
string_constant ::= string_constant STRCONST.
constant ::= string_constant.
constant ::= INTCONST.
constant ::= FLOATCONST.
function_body ::= compound_statement.
statement ::= labeled_statement.
statement ::= compound_statement.
statement ::= expression_statement.
statement ::= selection_statement.
statement ::= iteration_statement.
statement ::= jump_statement.
statement ::= assign_statement.
statement ::= local_var.
statement ::= error SEMICOLON.
jump_statement ::= CONTINUE SEMICOLON.
jump_statement ::= BREAK SEMICOLON.
jump_statement ::= RETURN SEMICOLON.
jump_statement ::= RETURN expr_list SEMICOLON.
compound_statement ::= LBRACE RBRACE.
compound_statement ::= LBRACE statement_list RBRACE.
compound_statement ::= LBRACE error RBRACE.
statement_list ::= statement.
statement_list ::= statement_list statement.
expression_statement ::= SEMICOLON.
expression_statement ::= expr SEMICOLON.
iteration_statement ::= while_or_until LPAREN expr RPAREN statement.
iteration_statement ::= DO statement while_or_until LPAREN expr RPAREN.
iteration_statement ::= FOR LPAREN for_init_expr SEMICOLON opt_expr SEMICOLON for_bump_expr RPAREN statement.
while_or_until ::= WHILE.
while_or_until ::= UNTIL.
for_init_expr ::= .
for_init_expr ::= expr.
for_init_expr ::= type variable_list EQ expr_list.
for_init_expr ::= assign_expr.
for_bump_expr ::= .
for_bump_expr ::= expr.
for_bump_expr ::= assign_expr.
/* Resolve the shift-reduce conflict here in favor of the shift.
* This is the default behavior, but using precedence symbols
* lets us do it without warnings.
%left IF.
%left ELSE.
selection_statement ::= if_front. [IF]
selection_statement ::= if_front ELSE statement. [ELSE]
selection_statement ::= SWITCH LPAREN expr RPAREN statement.
if_front ::= IF LPAREN expr RPAREN statement.
labeled_statement ::= CASE expr COLON.
labeled_statement ::= DEFAULT COLON.
assign_statement ::= assign_expr SEMICOLON. [EQ]
assign_expr ::= expr_list assign_op expr_list.
assign_op ::= EQ.
assign_op ::= MULEQ.
assign_op ::= DIVEQ.
assign_op ::= MODEQ.
assign_op ::= ADDEQ.
assign_op ::= SUBEQ.
assign_op ::= LSHEQ.
assign_op ::= RSHEQ.
assign_op ::= ANDEQ.
assign_op ::= OREQ.
assign_op ::= XOREQ.
local_var ::= type variable_list var_init SEMICOLON.
var_init ::= .
var_init ::= EQ expr_list.