
595 lines
16 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*-
// $Id:$
// Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
// This source is available for distribution and/or modification
// only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as
// published by id Software. All rights reserved.
// The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// for more details.
// $Log:$
// Main program, simply calls D_DoomMain high level loop.
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500
#include <windows.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <commctrl.h>
//#include <wtsapi32.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include "m_alloc.h"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <eh.h>
#include <new.h>
#include <crtdbg.h>
#include "resource.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "doomerrors.h"
#include "hardware.h"
#include "doomtype.h"
#include "m_argv.h"
#include "d_main.h"
#include "i_system.h"
#include "c_console.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "i_video.h"
#include "i_sound.h"
#include "autosegs.h"
#include "w_wad.h"
#include "stats.h"
#include <assert.h>
void CreateCrashLog (char *custominfo, DWORD customsize);
extern void DisplayCrashLog ();
extern EXCEPTION_POINTERS CrashPointers;
// Will this work with something besides VC++?
// Answer: yes it will.
// Which brings up the question, what won't it work with?
//extern int __argc;
//extern char **__argv;
DArgs Args;
const char WinClassName[] = "ZDOOM WndClass";
const char ConClassName[] = "ZDOOM Logview";
HWND Window, ConWindow;
DWORD SessionID;
HANDLE MainThread;
DWORD MainThreadID;
HMODULE hwtsapi32; // handle to wtsapi32.dll
extern UINT TimerPeriod;
extern HCURSOR TheArrowCursor, TheInvisibleCursor;
#define MAX_TERMS 32
void (*TermFuncs[MAX_TERMS])(void);
static int NumTerms;
void atterm (void (*func)(void))
// Make sure this function wasn't already registered.
for (int i = 0; i < NumTerms; ++i)
if (TermFuncs[i] == func)
if (NumTerms == MAX_TERMS)
func ();
I_FatalError ("Too many exit functions registered.\nIncrease MAX_TERMS in i_main.cpp");
TermFuncs[NumTerms++] = func;
void popterm ()
if (NumTerms)
static void STACK_ARGS call_terms (void)
while (NumTerms > 0)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
static int STACK_ARGS NewFailure (size_t size)
I_FatalError ("Failed to allocate %d bytes from process heap", size);
return 0;
static void UnCOM (void)
CoUninitialize ();
static void UnWTS (void)
if (hwtsapi32 != 0)
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *ursn)(HWND);
ursn unreg = (ursn)GetProcAddress (hwtsapi32, "WTSUnRegisterSessionNotification");
if (unreg != 0)
unreg (Window);
FreeLibrary (hwtsapi32);
hwtsapi32 = 0;
HWND view;
switch (msg)
case WM_SIZE:
if (wParam != SIZE_MAXHIDE && wParam != SIZE_MAXSHOW)
MoveWindow ((HWND)(LONG_PTR)GetWindowLongPtr (hWnd, GWLP_USERDATA),
0, 0, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam), TRUE);
return 0;
minmax = (LPMINMAXINFO)lParam;
minmax->ptMinTrackSize.x *= 10;
minmax->ptMinTrackSize.y *= 8;
view = CreateWindow ("EDIT", NULL,
0, 0, 0, 0,
if (view == NULL)
return -1;
SetWindowLongPtr (hWnd, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)view);
SendMessage (view, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)GetStockObject (DEFAULT_GUI_FONT), FALSE);
SendMessage (view, EM_SETREADONLY, TRUE, 0);
return 0;
return DefWindowProc (hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
void DoMain (HINSTANCE hInstance)
LONG WinWidth, WinHeight;
int height, width;
RECT cRect;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
_set_new_handler (NewFailure);
Args.SetArgs (__argc, __argv);
// Under XP, get our session ID so we can know when the user changes/locks sessions.
// Since we need to remain binary compatible with older versions of Windows, we
// need to extract the ProcessIdToSessionId function from kernel32.dll manually.
HMODULE kernel = GetModuleHandle ("kernel32.dll");
// NASM does not support creating writeable code sections (even though this
// is a perfectly valid configuration for Microsoft's COFF format), so I
// need to make the self-modifying code writeable after it's already loaded.
#ifdef USEASM
BYTE *module = (BYTE *)GetModuleHandle (NULL);
IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *ntHeaders = (IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *)(module + dosHeader->e_lfanew);
int i;
LPVOID *start = NULL;
SIZE_T size = 0;
DWORD oldprotect;
for (i = 0; i < ntHeaders->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; ++i)
if (memcmp (sections[i].Name, ".rtext\0", 8) == 0)
start = (LPVOID *)(sections[i].VirtualAddress + module);
size = sections[i].Misc.VirtualSize;
// I think these pages need to be mapped PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY (based on the
// description of PAGE_WRITECOPY), but PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE seems to work
// just as well; two instances of the program can be running with different
// resolutions at the same time either way. Perhaps the file mappings for
// executables are created with PAGE_WRITECOPY, so any attempts to give them
// write access are automatically transformed to copy-on-write?
// This used to be PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY until Timmie found out Win9x doesn't
// support it, although the MSDN does not indicate it.
if (!VirtualProtect (start, size, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldprotect))
I_FatalError ("The self-modifying code section code not be made writeable.");
// Set the timer to be as accurate as possible
if (timeGetDevCaps (&tc, sizeof(tc)) != TIMERR_NOERROR)
TimerPeriod = 1; // Assume minimum resolution of 1 ms
TimerPeriod = tc.wPeriodMin;
timeBeginPeriod (TimerPeriod);
killough 1/98:
This fixes some problems with exit handling
during abnormal situations.
The old code called I_Quit() to end program,
while now I_Quit() is installed as an exit
handler and exit() is called to exit, either
normally or abnormally.
atexit (call_terms);
atterm (I_Quit);
// Figure out what directory the program resides in.
GetModuleFileName (NULL, progdir, 1024);
*(strrchr (progdir, '\\') + 1) = 0;
FixPathSeperator (progdir);
height = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYFIXEDFRAME) * 2 +
GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYCAPTION) + 12 * 32;
width = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CXFIXEDFRAME) * 2 + 8 * 78;
TheInvisibleCursor = LoadCursor (hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_INVISIBLECURSOR));
TheArrowCursor = LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_ARROW);
WndClass.style = 0;
WndClass.lpfnWndProc = WndProc;
WndClass.cbClsExtra = 0;
WndClass.cbWndExtra = 0;
WndClass.hInstance = hInstance;
WndClass.hIcon = LoadIcon (hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON1));
WndClass.hCursor = TheArrowCursor;
WndClass.hbrBackground = NULL;
WndClass.lpszMenuName = NULL;
WndClass.lpszClassName = (LPCTSTR)WinClassName;
/* register this new class with Windows */
if (!RegisterClass((LPWNDCLASS)&WndClass))
I_FatalError ("Could not register window class");
/* create window */
Window = CreateWindow((LPCTSTR)WinClassName,
0/*CW_USEDEFAULT*/, 1/*CW_USEDEFAULT*/, width, height,
if (!Window)
I_FatalError ("Could not open window");
WndClass.lpfnWndProc = LConProc;
WndClass.lpszClassName = (LPCTSTR)ConClassName;
if (RegisterClass ((LPWNDCLASS)&WndClass))
ConWindow = CreateWindowEx (
(LPCTSTR) "ZDoom Startup Viewer",
512, 384,
Window, NULL, hInstance, NULL);
if (kernel != 0)
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *pts)(DWORD, DWORD *);
pts pidsid = (pts)GetProcAddress (kernel, "ProcessIdToSessionId");
if (pidsid != 0)
if (!pidsid (GetCurrentProcessId(), &SessionID))
SessionID = 0;
hwtsapi32 = LoadLibraryA ("wtsapi32.dll");
if (hwtsapi32 != 0)
FARPROC reg = GetProcAddress (hwtsapi32, "WTSRegisterSessionNotification");
if (reg == 0 || !((BOOL(WINAPI *)(HWND, DWORD))reg) (Window, NOTIFY_FOR_THIS_SESSION))
FreeLibrary (hwtsapi32);
hwtsapi32 = 0;
atterm (UnWTS);
GetClientRect (Window, &cRect);
WinWidth = cRect.right;
WinHeight = cRect.bottom;
CoInitialize (NULL);
atterm (UnCOM);
C_InitConsole (((WinWidth / 8) + 2) * 8, (WinHeight / 12) * 8, false);
I_DetectOS ();
D_DoomMain ();
catch (class CDoomError &error)
I_ShutdownHardware ();
SetWindowPos (Window, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_HIDEWINDOW);
if (ConWindow != NULL)
ShowWindow (ConWindow, SW_SHOW);
if (error.GetMessage ())
MessageBox (Window, error.GetMessage(),
exit (-1);
void DoomSpecificInfo (char *buffer)
const char *arg;
int i;
buffer += wsprintf (buffer, "ZDoom version " DOTVERSIONSTR " (" __DATE__ ")\r\n");
buffer += wsprintf (buffer, "\r\nCommand line: %s\r\n", GetCommandLine());
for (i = 0; (arg = Wads.GetWadName (i)) != NULL; ++i)
buffer += wsprintf (buffer, "\r\nWad %d: %s", i, arg);
if (gamestate != GS_LEVEL && gamestate != GS_TITLELEVEL)
buffer += wsprintf (buffer, "\r\n\r\nNot in a level.");
char name[9];
strncpy (name, level.mapname, 8);
name[8] = 0;
buffer += wsprintf (buffer, "\r\n\r\nCurrent map: %s", name);
if (!viewactive)
buffer += wsprintf (buffer, "\r\n\r\nView not active.");
buffer += wsprintf (buffer, "\r\n\r\nviewx = %d", viewx);
buffer += wsprintf (buffer, "\r\nviewy = %d", viewy);
buffer += wsprintf (buffer, "\r\nviewz = %d", viewz);
buffer += wsprintf (buffer, "\r\nviewangle = %x", viewangle);
*buffer++ = '\r';
*buffer++ = '\n';
*buffer++ = '\0';
extern FILE *Logfile;
// Here is how the error logging system works.
// To catch exceptions that occur in secondary threads, CatchAllExceptions is
// set as the UnhandledExceptionFilter for this process. It records the state
// of the thread at the time of the crash using CreateCrashLog and then queues
// an APC on the primary thread. When the APC executes, it raises a software
// exception that gets caught by the __try/__except block in WinMain.
// I_GetEvent calls SleepEx to put the primary thread in a waitable state
// periodically so that the APC has a chance to execute.
// Exceptions on the primary thread are caught by the __try/__except block in
// WinMain. Not only does it record the crash information, it also shuts
// everything down and displays a dialog with the information present. If a
// console log is being produced, the information will also be appended to it.
// If a debugger is running, CatchAllExceptions never executes, so secondary
// thread exceptions will always be caught by the debugger. For the primary
// thread, IsDebuggerPresent is called to determine if a debugger is present.
// Note that this function is not present on Windows 95, so we cannot
// statically link to it.
// To make this work with MinGW, you will need to use inline assembly
// because GCC offers no native support for Windows' SEH.
void SleepForever ()
// An exception occurred while exiting, so don't do any
// standard processing. Just die.
ExitProcess (1000);
void CALLBACK ExitFatally (ULONG_PTR dummy)
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter (ExitMessedUp);
I_ShutdownHardware ();
SetWindowPos (Window, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_HIDEWINDOW);
DisplayCrashLog ();
exit (-1);
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (info->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode == EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT)
static bool caughtsomething = false;
if (caughtsomething) return EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER;
caughtsomething = true;
char *custominfo = (char *)HeapAlloc (GetProcessHeap(), 0, 16384);
CrashPointers = *info;
DoomSpecificInfo (custominfo);
CreateCrashLog (custominfo, (DWORD)strlen(custominfo));
// If the main thread crashed, then make it clean up after itself.
// Otherwise, put the crashing thread to sleep and signal the main thread to clean up.
if (GetCurrentThreadId() == MainThreadID)
info->ContextRecord->Eip = (DWORD_PTR)ExitFatally;
info->ContextRecord->Eip = (DWORD_PTR)SleepForever;
QueueUserAPC (ExitFatally, MainThread, 0);
- Added some hackery at the start of MouseRead_Win32() that prevents it from yanking the mouse around if they keys haven't been read yet to combat the same situation that causes the keyboard to return DIERR_NOTACQUIRED in KeyRead(): The window is sort of in focus and sort of not. User.dll considers it to be focused and it's drawn as such, but another focused window is on top of it, and DirectInput doesn't see it as focused. - Fixed: KeyRead() should handle DIERR_NOTACQUIRED errors the same way it handles DIERR_INPUTLOST errors. This can happen if our window had the focus stolen away from it before we tried to acquire the keyboard in DI_Init2(). Strangely, MouseRead_DI() already did this. - When a stack overflow occurs, report.txt now only includes the first and last 16KB of the stack to make it more manageable. - Limited StreamEditBinary() to the first 64KB of the file to keep it from taking too long on large dumps. - And now I know why gathering crash information in the same process that crashed can be bad: Stack overflows. You get one spare page to play with when the stack overflows. MiniDumpWriteDump() needs more than that and causes an access violation when it runs out of leftover stack, silently terminating the application. Windows XP x64 offers SetThreadStackGuarantee() to increase this, but that isn't available on anything older, including 32-bit XP. To get around this, a new thread is created to write the mini dump when the stack overflows. - Changed A_Burnination() to be closer to Strife's. - Fixed: When playing back demos, DoAddBot() can be called without an associated call to SpawnBot(). So if the bot can't spawn, botnum can go negative, which will cause problems later in DCajunMaster::Main() when it sees that wanted_botnum (0) is higher than botnum (-1). - Fixed: Stopping demo recording in multiplayer games should not abruptly drop the recorder out of the game without notifying the other players. In fact, there's no reason why it should drop them out of multiplayer at all. - Fixed: Earthquakes were unreliable in multiplayer games because P_PredictPlayer() did not preserve the player's xviewshift. - Fixed: PlayerIsGone() needs to stop any scripts that belong to the player who left, in addition to executing disconnect scripts. - Fixed: APlayerPawn::AddInventory() should also check for a NULL player->mo in case the player left but somebody still has a reference to their actor. - Fixed: DDrawFB::PaintToWindow() should simulate proper unlocking behavior and set Buffer to NULL. - Improved feedback for network game initialization with the console ticker. - Moved i_net.cpp and i_net.h out of sdl/ and win32/ and into the main source directory. They are identical, so keeping two copies of them is bad. - Fixed: (At least with Creative's driver's,) EAX settings are global and not per-application. So if you play a multiplayer ZDoom game on one computer (or even another EAX-using application), ZDoom needs to restore the environment when it regains focus. - Maybe fixed: (See http://forum.zdoom.org/potato.php?t=10689) Apparently, PacketGet can receive ECONNRESET from nodes that aren't in the game. It should be safe to just ignore these packets. - Fixed: PlayerIsGone() should set the gone player's camera to NULL in case the player who left was player 0. This is because if a remaining player receives a "recoverable" error, they will become player 0. Once that happens, they game will try to update sounds through their camera and crash in FMODSoundRenderer::UpdateListener() because the zones array is now NULL. G_NewInit() should also clear all the player structures. SVN r233 (trunk)
2006-06-30 02:13:26 +00:00
static void infiniterecursion(int foo)
if (foo)
int WINAPI WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE nothing, LPSTR cmdline, int nCmdShow)
g_hInst = hInstance;
InitCommonControls (); // Be pretty under XP
#if !defined(__GNUC__) && defined(_DEBUG)
if (__argc == 2 && strcmp (__argv[1], "TestCrash") == 0)
*(int *)0 = 0;
__except(CrashPointers = *GetExceptionInformation(),
CreateCrashLog (__argv[1], 9), EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER)
DisplayCrashLog ();
exit (0);
- Added some hackery at the start of MouseRead_Win32() that prevents it from yanking the mouse around if they keys haven't been read yet to combat the same situation that causes the keyboard to return DIERR_NOTACQUIRED in KeyRead(): The window is sort of in focus and sort of not. User.dll considers it to be focused and it's drawn as such, but another focused window is on top of it, and DirectInput doesn't see it as focused. - Fixed: KeyRead() should handle DIERR_NOTACQUIRED errors the same way it handles DIERR_INPUTLOST errors. This can happen if our window had the focus stolen away from it before we tried to acquire the keyboard in DI_Init2(). Strangely, MouseRead_DI() already did this. - When a stack overflow occurs, report.txt now only includes the first and last 16KB of the stack to make it more manageable. - Limited StreamEditBinary() to the first 64KB of the file to keep it from taking too long on large dumps. - And now I know why gathering crash information in the same process that crashed can be bad: Stack overflows. You get one spare page to play with when the stack overflows. MiniDumpWriteDump() needs more than that and causes an access violation when it runs out of leftover stack, silently terminating the application. Windows XP x64 offers SetThreadStackGuarantee() to increase this, but that isn't available on anything older, including 32-bit XP. To get around this, a new thread is created to write the mini dump when the stack overflows. - Changed A_Burnination() to be closer to Strife's. - Fixed: When playing back demos, DoAddBot() can be called without an associated call to SpawnBot(). So if the bot can't spawn, botnum can go negative, which will cause problems later in DCajunMaster::Main() when it sees that wanted_botnum (0) is higher than botnum (-1). - Fixed: Stopping demo recording in multiplayer games should not abruptly drop the recorder out of the game without notifying the other players. In fact, there's no reason why it should drop them out of multiplayer at all. - Fixed: Earthquakes were unreliable in multiplayer games because P_PredictPlayer() did not preserve the player's xviewshift. - Fixed: PlayerIsGone() needs to stop any scripts that belong to the player who left, in addition to executing disconnect scripts. - Fixed: APlayerPawn::AddInventory() should also check for a NULL player->mo in case the player left but somebody still has a reference to their actor. - Fixed: DDrawFB::PaintToWindow() should simulate proper unlocking behavior and set Buffer to NULL. - Improved feedback for network game initialization with the console ticker. - Moved i_net.cpp and i_net.h out of sdl/ and win32/ and into the main source directory. They are identical, so keeping two copies of them is bad. - Fixed: (At least with Creative's driver's,) EAX settings are global and not per-application. So if you play a multiplayer ZDoom game on one computer (or even another EAX-using application), ZDoom needs to restore the environment when it regains focus. - Maybe fixed: (See http://forum.zdoom.org/potato.php?t=10689) Apparently, PacketGet can receive ECONNRESET from nodes that aren't in the game. It should be safe to just ignore these packets. - Fixed: PlayerIsGone() should set the gone player's camera to NULL in case the player who left was player 0. This is because if a remaining player receives a "recoverable" error, they will become player 0. Once that happens, they game will try to update sounds through their camera and crash in FMODSoundRenderer::UpdateListener() because the zones array is now NULL. G_NewInit() should also clear all the player structures. SVN r233 (trunk)
2006-06-30 02:13:26 +00:00
if (__argc == 2 && strcmp (__argv[1], "TestStackCrash") == 0)
__except(CrashPointers = *GetExceptionInformation(),
CreateCrashLog (__argv[1], 14), EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER)
DisplayCrashLog ();
exit (0);
InitAutoSegMarkers ();
DuplicateHandle (GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentThread(), GetCurrentProcess(), &MainThread,
MainThreadID = GetCurrentThreadId();
- Added some hackery at the start of MouseRead_Win32() that prevents it from yanking the mouse around if they keys haven't been read yet to combat the same situation that causes the keyboard to return DIERR_NOTACQUIRED in KeyRead(): The window is sort of in focus and sort of not. User.dll considers it to be focused and it's drawn as such, but another focused window is on top of it, and DirectInput doesn't see it as focused. - Fixed: KeyRead() should handle DIERR_NOTACQUIRED errors the same way it handles DIERR_INPUTLOST errors. This can happen if our window had the focus stolen away from it before we tried to acquire the keyboard in DI_Init2(). Strangely, MouseRead_DI() already did this. - When a stack overflow occurs, report.txt now only includes the first and last 16KB of the stack to make it more manageable. - Limited StreamEditBinary() to the first 64KB of the file to keep it from taking too long on large dumps. - And now I know why gathering crash information in the same process that crashed can be bad: Stack overflows. You get one spare page to play with when the stack overflows. MiniDumpWriteDump() needs more than that and causes an access violation when it runs out of leftover stack, silently terminating the application. Windows XP x64 offers SetThreadStackGuarantee() to increase this, but that isn't available on anything older, including 32-bit XP. To get around this, a new thread is created to write the mini dump when the stack overflows. - Changed A_Burnination() to be closer to Strife's. - Fixed: When playing back demos, DoAddBot() can be called without an associated call to SpawnBot(). So if the bot can't spawn, botnum can go negative, which will cause problems later in DCajunMaster::Main() when it sees that wanted_botnum (0) is higher than botnum (-1). - Fixed: Stopping demo recording in multiplayer games should not abruptly drop the recorder out of the game without notifying the other players. In fact, there's no reason why it should drop them out of multiplayer at all. - Fixed: Earthquakes were unreliable in multiplayer games because P_PredictPlayer() did not preserve the player's xviewshift. - Fixed: PlayerIsGone() needs to stop any scripts that belong to the player who left, in addition to executing disconnect scripts. - Fixed: APlayerPawn::AddInventory() should also check for a NULL player->mo in case the player left but somebody still has a reference to their actor. - Fixed: DDrawFB::PaintToWindow() should simulate proper unlocking behavior and set Buffer to NULL. - Improved feedback for network game initialization with the console ticker. - Moved i_net.cpp and i_net.h out of sdl/ and win32/ and into the main source directory. They are identical, so keeping two copies of them is bad. - Fixed: (At least with Creative's driver's,) EAX settings are global and not per-application. So if you play a multiplayer ZDoom game on one computer (or even another EAX-using application), ZDoom needs to restore the environment when it regains focus. - Maybe fixed: (See http://forum.zdoom.org/potato.php?t=10689) Apparently, PacketGet can receive ECONNRESET from nodes that aren't in the game. It should be safe to just ignore these packets. - Fixed: PlayerIsGone() should set the gone player's camera to NULL in case the player who left was player 0. This is because if a remaining player receives a "recoverable" error, they will become player 0. Once that happens, they game will try to update sounds through their camera and crash in FMODSoundRenderer::UpdateListener() because the zones array is now NULL. G_NewInit() should also clear all the player structures. SVN r233 (trunk)
2006-06-30 02:13:26 +00:00
#ifndef _DEBUG
- Added some hackery at the start of MouseRead_Win32() that prevents it from yanking the mouse around if they keys haven't been read yet to combat the same situation that causes the keyboard to return DIERR_NOTACQUIRED in KeyRead(): The window is sort of in focus and sort of not. User.dll considers it to be focused and it's drawn as such, but another focused window is on top of it, and DirectInput doesn't see it as focused. - Fixed: KeyRead() should handle DIERR_NOTACQUIRED errors the same way it handles DIERR_INPUTLOST errors. This can happen if our window had the focus stolen away from it before we tried to acquire the keyboard in DI_Init2(). Strangely, MouseRead_DI() already did this. - When a stack overflow occurs, report.txt now only includes the first and last 16KB of the stack to make it more manageable. - Limited StreamEditBinary() to the first 64KB of the file to keep it from taking too long on large dumps. - And now I know why gathering crash information in the same process that crashed can be bad: Stack overflows. You get one spare page to play with when the stack overflows. MiniDumpWriteDump() needs more than that and causes an access violation when it runs out of leftover stack, silently terminating the application. Windows XP x64 offers SetThreadStackGuarantee() to increase this, but that isn't available on anything older, including 32-bit XP. To get around this, a new thread is created to write the mini dump when the stack overflows. - Changed A_Burnination() to be closer to Strife's. - Fixed: When playing back demos, DoAddBot() can be called without an associated call to SpawnBot(). So if the bot can't spawn, botnum can go negative, which will cause problems later in DCajunMaster::Main() when it sees that wanted_botnum (0) is higher than botnum (-1). - Fixed: Stopping demo recording in multiplayer games should not abruptly drop the recorder out of the game without notifying the other players. In fact, there's no reason why it should drop them out of multiplayer at all. - Fixed: Earthquakes were unreliable in multiplayer games because P_PredictPlayer() did not preserve the player's xviewshift. - Fixed: PlayerIsGone() needs to stop any scripts that belong to the player who left, in addition to executing disconnect scripts. - Fixed: APlayerPawn::AddInventory() should also check for a NULL player->mo in case the player left but somebody still has a reference to their actor. - Fixed: DDrawFB::PaintToWindow() should simulate proper unlocking behavior and set Buffer to NULL. - Improved feedback for network game initialization with the console ticker. - Moved i_net.cpp and i_net.h out of sdl/ and win32/ and into the main source directory. They are identical, so keeping two copies of them is bad. - Fixed: (At least with Creative's driver's,) EAX settings are global and not per-application. So if you play a multiplayer ZDoom game on one computer (or even another EAX-using application), ZDoom needs to restore the environment when it regains focus. - Maybe fixed: (See http://forum.zdoom.org/potato.php?t=10689) Apparently, PacketGet can receive ECONNRESET from nodes that aren't in the game. It should be safe to just ignore these packets. - Fixed: PlayerIsGone() should set the gone player's camera to NULL in case the player who left was player 0. This is because if a remaining player receives a "recoverable" error, they will become player 0. Once that happens, they game will try to update sounds through their camera and crash in FMODSoundRenderer::UpdateListener() because the zones array is now NULL. G_NewInit() should also clear all the player structures. SVN r233 (trunk)
2006-06-30 02:13:26 +00:00
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter (CatchAllExceptions);
- Added some hackery at the start of MouseRead_Win32() that prevents it from yanking the mouse around if they keys haven't been read yet to combat the same situation that causes the keyboard to return DIERR_NOTACQUIRED in KeyRead(): The window is sort of in focus and sort of not. User.dll considers it to be focused and it's drawn as such, but another focused window is on top of it, and DirectInput doesn't see it as focused. - Fixed: KeyRead() should handle DIERR_NOTACQUIRED errors the same way it handles DIERR_INPUTLOST errors. This can happen if our window had the focus stolen away from it before we tried to acquire the keyboard in DI_Init2(). Strangely, MouseRead_DI() already did this. - When a stack overflow occurs, report.txt now only includes the first and last 16KB of the stack to make it more manageable. - Limited StreamEditBinary() to the first 64KB of the file to keep it from taking too long on large dumps. - And now I know why gathering crash information in the same process that crashed can be bad: Stack overflows. You get one spare page to play with when the stack overflows. MiniDumpWriteDump() needs more than that and causes an access violation when it runs out of leftover stack, silently terminating the application. Windows XP x64 offers SetThreadStackGuarantee() to increase this, but that isn't available on anything older, including 32-bit XP. To get around this, a new thread is created to write the mini dump when the stack overflows. - Changed A_Burnination() to be closer to Strife's. - Fixed: When playing back demos, DoAddBot() can be called without an associated call to SpawnBot(). So if the bot can't spawn, botnum can go negative, which will cause problems later in DCajunMaster::Main() when it sees that wanted_botnum (0) is higher than botnum (-1). - Fixed: Stopping demo recording in multiplayer games should not abruptly drop the recorder out of the game without notifying the other players. In fact, there's no reason why it should drop them out of multiplayer at all. - Fixed: Earthquakes were unreliable in multiplayer games because P_PredictPlayer() did not preserve the player's xviewshift. - Fixed: PlayerIsGone() needs to stop any scripts that belong to the player who left, in addition to executing disconnect scripts. - Fixed: APlayerPawn::AddInventory() should also check for a NULL player->mo in case the player left but somebody still has a reference to their actor. - Fixed: DDrawFB::PaintToWindow() should simulate proper unlocking behavior and set Buffer to NULL. - Improved feedback for network game initialization with the console ticker. - Moved i_net.cpp and i_net.h out of sdl/ and win32/ and into the main source directory. They are identical, so keeping two copies of them is bad. - Fixed: (At least with Creative's driver's,) EAX settings are global and not per-application. So if you play a multiplayer ZDoom game on one computer (or even another EAX-using application), ZDoom needs to restore the environment when it regains focus. - Maybe fixed: (See http://forum.zdoom.org/potato.php?t=10689) Apparently, PacketGet can receive ECONNRESET from nodes that aren't in the game. It should be safe to just ignore these packets. - Fixed: PlayerIsGone() should set the gone player's camera to NULL in case the player who left was player 0. This is because if a remaining player receives a "recoverable" error, they will become player 0. Once that happens, they game will try to update sounds through their camera and crash in FMODSoundRenderer::UpdateListener() because the zones array is now NULL. G_NewInit() should also clear all the player structures. SVN r233 (trunk)
2006-06-30 02:13:26 +00:00
#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_MSC_VER)
// Uncomment this line to make the Visual C++ CRT check the heap before
// every allocation and deallocation. This will be slow, but it can be a
// great help in finding problem areas.
_CrtSetDbgFlag (_CrtSetDbgFlag(0) | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF);
DoMain (hInstance);
CloseHandle (MainThread);
return 0;
#include "c_dispatch.h"
CCMD (crashout)
*(int *)0 = 0;