2006-02-24 04:48:15 +00:00
#include <assert.h>
#include "info.h"
#include "m_random.h"
#include "p_local.h"
#include "s_sound.h"
#include "gi.h"
#include "p_lnspec.h"
#include "a_hereticglobal.h"
#include "sbar.h"
#include "statnums.h"
#include "c_dispatch.h"
#include "gstrings.h"
#include "templates.h"
static FRandom pr_restore ("RestorePos");
PROP_Inventory_PickupSound ("misc/ammo_pkup")
// AAmmo :: Serialize
void AAmmo::Serialize (FArchive &arc)
Super::Serialize (arc);
2006-04-11 16:27:41 +00:00
arc << BackpackAmount << BackpackMaxAmount;
2006-02-24 04:48:15 +00:00
// AAmmo :: GetParentAmmo
// Returns the least-derived ammo type that this ammo is a descendant of.
// That is, if this ammo is an immediate subclass of Ammo, then this ammo's
// type is returned. If this ammo's superclass is not Ammo, then this
// function travels up the inheritance chain until it finds a type that is
// an immediate subclass of Ammo and returns that.
// The intent of this is that all unique ammo types will be immediate
// subclasses of Ammo. To make different pickups with different ammo amounts,
// you subclass the type of ammo you want a different amount for and edit
// that.
const TypeInfo *AAmmo::GetParentAmmo () const
const TypeInfo *type = GetClass ();
while (type->ParentType != RUNTIME_CLASS(AAmmo))
type = type->ParentType;
return type;
// AAmmo :: HandlePickup
bool AAmmo::HandlePickup (AInventory *item)
if (GetClass() == item->GetClass() ||
(item->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AAmmo)) && static_cast<AAmmo*>(item)->GetParentAmmo() == GetClass()))
if (Amount < MaxAmount)
2006-04-21 05:44:21 +00:00
int receiving = item->Amount;
// extra ammo in baby mode and nightmare mode
if (gameskill == sk_baby || (gameskill == sk_nightmare && gameinfo.gametype != GAME_Strife))
if (gameinfo.gametype & (GAME_Doom|GAME_Strife))
receiving <<= 1;
receiving += receiving >> 1;
2006-02-24 04:48:15 +00:00
int oldamount = Amount;
2006-04-21 05:44:21 +00:00
Amount += receiving;
2006-02-24 04:48:15 +00:00
if (Amount > MaxAmount)
Amount = MaxAmount;
item->ItemFlags |= IF_PICKUPGOOD;
// If the player previously had this ammo but ran out, possibly switch
// to a weapon that uses it, but only if the player doesn't already
// have a weapon pending.
assert (Owner != NULL);
if (oldamount == 0 && Owner != NULL && Owner->player != NULL &&
!Owner->player->userinfo.neverswitch &&
Owner->player->PendingWeapon == WP_NOCHANGE &&
(Owner->player->ReadyWeapon == NULL ||
(Owner->player->ReadyWeapon->WeaponFlags & WIF_WIMPY_WEAPON)))
AWeapon *best = static_cast<APlayerPawn *>(Owner)->BestWeapon (GetClass());
if (best != NULL && (Owner->player->ReadyWeapon == NULL ||
best->SelectionOrder < Owner->player->ReadyWeapon->SelectionOrder))
Owner->player->PendingWeapon = best;
return true;
if (Inventory != NULL)
return Inventory->HandlePickup (item);
return false;
// AAmmo :: CreateCopy
AInventory *AAmmo::CreateCopy (AActor *other)
AInventory *copy;
2006-04-21 05:44:21 +00:00
int amount = Amount;
// extra ammo in baby mode and nightmare mode
if (gameskill == sk_baby || (gameskill == sk_nightmare && gameinfo.gametype != GAME_Strife))
if (gameinfo.gametype & (GAME_Doom|GAME_Strife))
amount <<= 1;
amount += amount >> 1;
2006-02-24 04:48:15 +00:00
if (GetClass()->ParentType != RUNTIME_CLASS(AAmmo))
const TypeInfo *type = GetParentAmmo();
if (!GoAway ())
Destroy ();
copy = static_cast<AInventory *>(Spawn (type, 0, 0, 0));
2006-04-21 05:44:21 +00:00
copy->Amount = amount;
2006-02-24 04:48:15 +00:00
copy->BecomeItem ();
copy = Super::CreateCopy (other);
2006-04-21 05:44:21 +00:00
copy->Amount = amount;
2006-02-24 04:48:15 +00:00
if (copy->Amount > copy->MaxAmount)
{ // Don't pick up more ammo than you're supposed to be able to carry.
copy->Amount = copy->MaxAmount;
return copy;
/* Keys *******************************************************************/
// FUNC P_GiveBody
// Returns false if the body isn't needed at all.
bool P_GiveBody (AActor *actor, int num)
int max;
player_t *player = actor->player;
if (player != NULL)
2006-04-20 14:21:27 +00:00
max = ((compatflags&COMPATF_DEHHEALTH)? 100 : deh.MaxHealth) + player->stamina;
2006-02-24 04:48:15 +00:00
if (player->morphTics)
// [RH] For Strife: A negative body sets you up with a percentage
// of your full health.
if (num < 0)
num = max * -num / 100;
if (player->health < num)
player->health = num;
actor->health = num;
return true;
if (player->health < max)
player->health += num;
if (player->health > max)
player->health = max;
actor->health = player->health;
return true;
max = actor->GetDefault()->health;
if (num < 0)
num = max * -num / 100;
if (actor->health < num)
actor->health = num;
return true;
else if (actor->health < max)
actor->health += num;
if (actor->health > max)
actor->health = max;
return true;
return false;
// PROC A_RestoreSpecialThing1
// Make a special thing visible again.
void A_RestoreSpecialThing1 (AActor *thing)
thing->renderflags &= ~RF_INVISIBLE;
if (static_cast<AInventory *>(thing)->DoRespawn ())
S_Sound (thing, CHAN_VOICE, "misc/spawn", 1, ATTN_IDLE);
// PROC A_RestoreSpecialThing2
void A_RestoreSpecialThing2 (AActor *thing)
thing->flags |= MF_SPECIAL;
if (!(thing->GetDefault()->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY))
thing->flags &= ~MF_NOGRAVITY;
thing->SetState (thing->SpawnState);
/* AItemFog, shown for respawning Doom and Strife items */
class AItemFog : public AActor
FState AItemFog::States[] =
S_BRIGHT (IFOG, 'A', 6, NULL , &States[1]),
S_BRIGHT (IFOG, 'B', 6, NULL , &States[2]),
S_BRIGHT (IFOG, 'A', 6, NULL , &States[3]),
S_BRIGHT (IFOG, 'B', 6, NULL , &States[4]),
S_BRIGHT (IFOG, 'C', 6, NULL , &States[5]),
S_BRIGHT (IFOG, 'D', 6, NULL , &States[6]),
IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (AItemFog, Doom, -1, 0)
PROP_SpawnState (0)
// PROC A_RestoreSpecialDoomThing
void A_RestoreSpecialDoomThing (AActor *self)
self->renderflags &= ~RF_INVISIBLE;
self->flags |= MF_SPECIAL;
if (!(self->GetDefault()->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY))
self->flags &= ~MF_NOGRAVITY;
if (static_cast<AInventory *>(self)->DoRespawn ())
self->SetState (self->SpawnState);
S_Sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "misc/spawn", 1, ATTN_IDLE);
Spawn<AItemFog> (self->x, self->y, self->z);
// PROP A_RestoreSpecialPosition
void A_RestoreSpecialPosition (AActor *self)
// Move item back to its original location
fixed_t _x, _y;
sector_t *sec;
_x = self->SpawnPoint[0] << FRACBITS;
_y = self->SpawnPoint[1] << FRACBITS;
sec = R_PointInSubsector (_x, _y)->sector;
self->SetOrigin (_x, _y, sec->floorplane.ZatPoint (_x, _y));
P_CheckPosition (self, _x, _y);
if (self->flags & MF_SPAWNCEILING)
self->z = self->ceilingz - self->height - (self->SpawnPoint[2] << FRACBITS);
else if (self->flags2 & MF2_SPAWNFLOAT)
fixed_t space = self->ceilingz - self->height - self->floorz;
if (space > 48*FRACUNIT)
space -= 40*FRACUNIT;
self->z = ((space * pr_restore())>>8) + self->floorz + 40*FRACUNIT;
self->z = self->floorz;
self->z = (self->SpawnPoint[2] << FRACBITS) + self->floorz;
if (self->flags2 & MF2_FLOATBOB)
self->z += FloatBobOffsets[(self->FloatBobPhase + level.maptime) & 63];
// Pickup flash -------------------------------------------------------------
class APickupFlash : public AActor
DECLARE_ACTOR (APickupFlash, AActor)
FState APickupFlash::States[] =
S_NORMAL (ACLO, 'D', 3, NULL , &States[1]),
S_NORMAL (ACLO, 'C', 3, NULL , &States[2]),
S_NORMAL (ACLO, 'D', 3, NULL , &States[3]),
S_NORMAL (ACLO, 'C', 3, NULL , &States[4]),
S_NORMAL (ACLO, 'B', 3, NULL , &States[5]),
S_NORMAL (ACLO, 'C', 3, NULL , &States[6]),
S_NORMAL (ACLO, 'B', 3, NULL , &States[7]),
S_NORMAL (ACLO, 'A', 3, NULL , &States[8]),
S_NORMAL (ACLO, 'B', 3, NULL , &States[9]),
IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (APickupFlash, Raven, -1, 0)
PROP_SpawnState (0)
/* AInventory implementation */
FState AInventory::States[] =
S_NORMAL (TNT1, 'A', 1050, NULL , &States[S_HIDEDOOMISH+1]),
S_NORMAL (TNT1, 'A', 0, A_RestoreSpecialPosition , &States[S_HIDEDOOMISH+2]),
S_NORMAL (TNT1, 'A', 1, A_RestoreSpecialDoomThing , NULL),
S_NORMAL (ACLO, 'E', 1400, NULL , &States[S_HIDESPECIAL+1]),
S_NORMAL (ACLO, 'A', 0, A_RestoreSpecialPosition , &States[S_HIDESPECIAL+2]),
S_NORMAL (ACLO, 'A', 4, A_RestoreSpecialThing1 , &States[S_HIDESPECIAL+3]),
S_NORMAL (ACLO, 'D', 4, NULL , &States[S_HIDESPECIAL+10]),
S_NORMAL (ACLO, 'C', 4, NULL , &States[S_HIDESPECIAL+11]),
S_NORMAL (ACLO, 'D', 4, A_RestoreSpecialThing2 , NULL),
S_NORMAL (TNT1, 'A', -1, NULL , NULL),
int AInventory::StaticLastMessageTic;
const char *AInventory::StaticLastMessage;
BEGIN_DEFAULTS (AInventory, Any, -1, 0)
PROP_Inventory_Amount (1)
PROP_Inventory_MaxAmount (1)
PROP_UseSound ("misc/invuse")
PROP_Inventory_PickupSound ("misc/i_pkup")
// AInventory :: Tick
void AInventory::Tick ()
Super::Tick ();
if (DropTime)
if (--DropTime == 0)
flags |= GetDefault()->flags & (MF_SPECIAL|MF_SOLID);
// AInventory :: Serialize
void AInventory::Serialize (FArchive &arc)
Super::Serialize (arc);
arc << Owner << Amount << MaxAmount << RespawnTics << ItemFlags;
if (arc.IsStoring ())
TexMan.WriteTexture (arc, Icon);
Icon = TexMan.ReadTexture (arc);
2006-04-11 16:27:41 +00:00
arc << AR_SOUNDW(PickupSound);
2006-02-24 04:48:15 +00:00
// AInventory :: SpecialDropAction
// Called by P_DropItem. Return true to prevent the standard drop tossing.
// A few Strife items that are meant to trigger actions rather than be
// picked up use this. Normal items shouldn't need it.
bool AInventory::SpecialDropAction (AActor *dropper)
return false;
// AInventory :: ShouldRespawn
// Returns true if the item should hide itself and reappear later when picked
// up.
bool AInventory::ShouldRespawn ()
return !!(dmflags & DF_ITEMS_RESPAWN);
// AInventory :: BeginPlay
void AInventory::BeginPlay ()
Super::BeginPlay ();
flags |= MF_DROPPED; // [RH] Items are dropped by default
// AInventory :: Travelled
// Called when an item in somebody's inventory is carried over to another
// map, in case it needs to do special reinitialization.
void AInventory::Travelled ()
// AInventory :: HandlePickup
// Returns true if the pickup was handled (or should not happen at all),
// false if not.
bool AInventory::HandlePickup (AInventory *item)
if (item->GetClass() == GetClass())
if (Amount < MaxAmount)
Amount += item->Amount;
if (Amount > MaxAmount)
Amount = MaxAmount;
item->ItemFlags |= IF_PICKUPGOOD;
return true;
if (Inventory != NULL)
return Inventory->HandlePickup (item);
return false;
// AInventory :: GoAway
// Returns true if you must create a copy of this item to give to the player
// or false if you can use this one instead.
bool AInventory::GoAway ()
// Dropped items never stick around
if (flags & MF_DROPPED)
if (ItemFlags & IF_PICKUPFLASH)
Spawn<APickupFlash> (x, y, z);
return false;
if (!ShouldStay ())
if (ItemFlags & IF_PICKUPFLASH)
Spawn<APickupFlash> (x, y, z);
Hide ();
if (ShouldRespawn ())
return true;
return false;
return true;
// AInventory :: GoAwayAndDie
// Like GoAway but used by items that don't insert themselves into the
// inventory. If they won't be respawning, then they can destroy themselves.
void AInventory::GoAwayAndDie ()
if (!GoAway ())
flags &= ~MF_SPECIAL;
SetState (&States[S_HOLDANDDESTROY]);
// AInventory :: CreateCopy
// Returns an actor suitable for placing in an inventory, either itself or
// a copy based on whether it needs to respawn or not. Returning NULL
// indicates the item should not be picked up.
AInventory *AInventory::CreateCopy (AActor *other)
AInventory *copy;
if (GoAway ())
copy = static_cast<AInventory *>(Spawn (GetClass(), 0, 0, 0));
copy->Amount = Amount;
copy->MaxAmount = MaxAmount;
copy = this;
return copy;
// AInventory::CreateTossable
// Creates a copy of the item suitable for dropping. If this actor embodies
// only one item, then it is tossed out itself. Otherwise, the count drops
// by one and a new item with an amount of 1 is spawned.
AInventory *AInventory::CreateTossable ()
AInventory *copy;
// If this actor lacks a SpawnState, don't drop it. (e.g. A base weapon
// like the fist can't be dropped because you'll never see it.)
if (SpawnState == &AActor::States[AActor::S_NULL] ||
SpawnState == NULL)
return NULL;
if ((ItemFlags & IF_UNDROPPABLE) || Owner == NULL || Amount <= 0)
return NULL;
if (Amount == 1 && !IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AAmmo)))
BecomePickup ();
DropTime = 30;
flags &= ~(MF_SPECIAL|MF_SOLID);
return this;
copy = static_cast<AInventory *>(Spawn (GetClass(), Owner->x,
Owner->y, Owner->z));
if (copy != NULL)
copy->MaxAmount = MaxAmount;
copy->Amount = 1;
copy->DropTime = 30;
copy->flags &= ~(MF_SPECIAL|MF_SOLID);
return copy;
// AInventory :: BecomeItem
// Lets this actor know that it's about to be placed in an inventory.
void AInventory::BecomeItem ()
UnlinkFromWorld ();
if (sector_list)
P_DelSeclist (sector_list);
sector_list = NULL;
LinkToWorld ();
RemoveFromHash ();
flags &= ~MF_SPECIAL;
SetState (&States[S_HELD]);
// AInventory :: BecomePickup
// Lets this actor know it should wait to be picked up.
void AInventory::BecomePickup ()
if (Owner != NULL)
Owner->RemoveInventory (this);
UnlinkFromWorld ();
LinkToWorld ();
P_FindFloorCeiling (this);
flags = GetDefault()->flags | MF_DROPPED;
renderflags &= ~RF_INVISIBLE;
SetState (SpawnState);
// AInventory :: AbsorbDamage
// Allows inventory items (primarily armor) to reduce the amount of damage
// taken. Damage is the amount of damage that would be done without armor,
// and newdamage is the amount that should be done after the armor absorbs
// it.
void AInventory::AbsorbDamage (int damage, int damageType, int &newdamage)
if (Inventory != NULL)
Inventory->AbsorbDamage (damage, damageType, newdamage);
// AInventory :: AlterWeaponSprite
// Allows inventory items to alter a player's weapon sprite just before it
// is drawn.
void AInventory::AlterWeaponSprite (vissprite_t *vis)
if (Inventory != NULL)
Inventory->AlterWeaponSprite (vis);
// AInventory :: Use
bool AInventory::Use (bool pickup)
return false;
// AInventory :: Hide
// Hides this actor until it's time to respawn again.
void AInventory::Hide ()
flags = (flags & ~MF_SPECIAL) | MF_NOGRAVITY;
renderflags |= RF_INVISIBLE;
if (gameinfo.gametype & GAME_Raven)
SetState (&States[S_HIDESPECIAL]);
tics = 1400;
SetState (&States[S_HIDEDOOMISH]);
tics = 1050;
if (RespawnTics != 0)
tics = RespawnTics;
2006-04-30 21:49:18 +00:00
static void PrintPickupMessage (const char *str)
if (str != NULL)
string temp;
if (strchr (str, '$'))
// The message or part of it is from the LANGUAGE lump
string name;
size_t part1 = strcspn (str, "$");
temp = string(str, part1);
size_t part2 = strcspn (str + part1 + 1, "$");
name = string(str + part1 + 1, part2);
temp += GStrings(name.GetChars());
if (str[part1 + 1 + part2] == '$')
temp += str + part1 + part2 + 2;
str = temp.GetChars();
Printf (PRINT_LOW, "%s\n", str);
2006-02-24 04:48:15 +00:00
// AInventory :: Touch
// Handles collisions from another actor, possible adding itself to the
// collider's inventory.
void AInventory::Touch (AActor *toucher)
// If a voodoo doll touches something, pretend the real player touched it instead.
if (toucher->player != NULL)
toucher = toucher->player->mo;
if (!TryPickup (toucher))
if (!(ItemFlags & IF_QUIET))
const char *message = GetClass()->Meta.GetMetaString (AIMETA_PickupMessage);
if (message == NULL)
message = PickupMessage ();
if (toucher->CheckLocalView (consoleplayer)
&& (StaticLastMessageTic != gametic || StaticLastMessage != message))
StaticLastMessageTic = gametic;
StaticLastMessage = message;
2006-04-30 21:49:18 +00:00
PrintPickupMessage (message);
2006-02-24 04:48:15 +00:00
StatusBar->FlashCrosshair ();
// Special check so voodoo dolls picking up items cause the
// real player to make noise.
if (toucher->player != NULL)
PlayPickupSound (toucher->player->mo);
toucher->player->bonuscount = BONUSADD;
PlayPickupSound (toucher);
2006-04-30 21:49:18 +00:00
2006-02-24 04:48:15 +00:00
// [RH] Execute an attached special (if any)
DoPickupSpecial (toucher);
if (flags & MF_COUNTITEM)
if (toucher->player != NULL)
//Added by MC: Check if item taken was the roam destination of any bot
for (int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
if (playeringame[i] && this == players[i].dest)
players[i].dest = NULL;
// AInventory :: DoPickupSpecial
// Executes this actor's special when it is picked up.
void AInventory::DoPickupSpecial (AActor *toucher)
if (special)
LineSpecials[special] (NULL, toucher, false,
args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]);
special = 0;
// AInventory :: PickupMessage
// Returns the message to print when this actor is picked up.
const char *AInventory::PickupMessage ()
return "You got a pickup";
// AInventory :: PlayPickupSound
void AInventory::PlayPickupSound (AActor *toucher)
S_SoundID (toucher, CHAN_PICKUP, PickupSound, 1,
(toucher == NULL || toucher->CheckLocalView (consoleplayer))
// AInventory :: ShouldStay
// Returns true if the item should not disappear, even temporarily.
bool AInventory::ShouldStay ()
return false;
// AInventory :: Destroy
void AInventory::Destroy ()
if (Owner != NULL)
Owner->RemoveInventory (this);
Inventory = NULL;
Super::Destroy ();
// AInventory :: GetBlend
// Returns a color to blend to the player's view as long as they possess this
// item.
PalEntry AInventory::GetBlend ()
return 0;
// AInventory :: PrevItem
// Returns the previous item.
AInventory *AInventory::PrevItem () const
AInventory *item = Owner->Inventory;
while (item != NULL && item->Inventory != this)
item = item->Inventory;
return item;
// AInventory :: PrevInv
// Returns the previous item with IF_INVBAR set.
AInventory *AInventory::PrevInv () const
AInventory *lastgood = NULL;
AInventory *item = Owner->Inventory;
while (item != NULL && item != this)
if (item->ItemFlags & IF_INVBAR)
lastgood = item;
item = item->Inventory;
return lastgood;
// AInventory :: NextInv
// Returns the next item with IF_INVBAR set.
AInventory *AInventory::NextInv () const
AInventory *item = Inventory;
while (item != NULL && !(item->ItemFlags & IF_INVBAR))
item = item->Inventory;
return item;
// AInventory :: DrawPowerup
// Gives this item a chance to draw a special status indicator on the screen.
// Returns false if it didn't draw anything.
bool AInventory::DrawPowerup (int x, int y)
return false;
/* AArtifact implementation */
PROP_Inventory_RespawnTics (30+1400)
PROP_Inventory_PickupSound ("misc/p_pkup")
// AInventory :: DoRespawn
bool AInventory::DoRespawn ()
return true;
// AInventory :: TryPickup
bool AInventory::TryPickup (AActor *toucher)
// If HandlePickup() returns true, it will set the IF_PICKUPGOOD flag
// to indicate that this item has been picked up. If the item cannot be
// picked up, then it leaves the flag cleared.
ItemFlags &= ~IF_PICKUPGOOD;
if (toucher->Inventory != NULL && toucher->Inventory->HandlePickup (this))
// Let something else the player is holding intercept the pickup.
if (!(ItemFlags & IF_PICKUPGOOD))
return false;
ItemFlags &= ~IF_PICKUPGOOD;
GoAwayAndDie ();
else if (MaxAmount == 0)
// Special case: If an item's MaxAmount is 0, you can still pick it
// up if it is autoactivate-able.
if (!(ItemFlags & IF_AUTOACTIVATE))
return false;
// The item is placed in the inventory just long enough to be used.
toucher->AddInventory (this);
bool usegood = Use (true);
toucher->RemoveInventory (this);
if (usegood || (ItemFlags & IF_ALWAYSPICKUP))
GoAwayAndDie ();
return false;
// Add the item to the inventory. It is not already there, or HandlePickup
// would have already taken care of it.
AInventory *copy = CreateCopy (toucher);
if (copy == NULL)
return false;
copy->AttachToOwner (toucher);
if (ItemFlags & IF_AUTOACTIVATE)
if (copy->Use (true))
if (--copy->Amount <= 0)
2006-04-17 16:04:27 +00:00
copy->flags &= ~MF_SPECIAL;
copy->SetState (&States[S_HOLDANDDESTROY]);
2006-02-24 04:48:15 +00:00
return true;
// CCMD printinv
// Prints the console player's current inventory.
CCMD (printinv)
AInventory *item;
2006-04-13 03:13:07 +00:00
if (players[consoleplayer].mo == NULL)
2006-02-24 04:48:15 +00:00
for (item = players[consoleplayer].mo->Inventory; item != NULL; item = item->Inventory)
Printf ("%s #%lu (%d/%d)\n", item->GetClass()->Name+1, item->InventoryID, item->Amount, item->MaxAmount);
// AInventory :: AttachToOwner
void AInventory::AttachToOwner (AActor *other)
BecomeItem ();
other->AddInventory (this);
// AInventory :: DetachFromOwner
// Performs any special work needed when the item leaves an inventory,
// either through destruction or becoming a pickup.
void AInventory::DetachFromOwner ()
IMPLEMENT_STATELESS_ACTOR (ACustomInventory, Any, -1, 0)
// ACustomInventory :: Serialize
void ACustomInventory::Serialize (FArchive &arc)
Super::Serialize (arc);
arc << UseState << PickupState << DropState;
// ACustomInventory :: SpecialDropAction
bool ACustomInventory::SpecialDropAction (AActor *dropper)
return CallStateChain (dropper, DropState);
// ACustomInventory :: Use
bool ACustomInventory::Use (bool pickup)
return CallStateChain (Owner, UseState);
// ACustomInventory :: TryPickup
bool ACustomInventory::TryPickup (AActor *toucher)
bool useok = CallStateChain (toucher, PickupState);
if ((useok || PickupState == NULL) && UseState != NULL)
useok = Super::TryPickup (toucher);
2006-04-09 20:03:55 +00:00
else if (useok || ItemFlags & IF_ALWAYSPICKUP)
2006-02-24 04:48:15 +00:00
return useok;
PROP_Inventory_PickupSound ("misc/armor_pkup")
PROP_SpawnState (S_HELD)
IMPLEMENT_STATELESS_ACTOR (ABasicArmorPickup, Any, -1, 0)
PROP_Inventory_MaxAmount (0)
IMPLEMENT_STATELESS_ACTOR (ABasicArmorBonus, Any, -1, 0)
PROP_Inventory_MaxAmount (0)
PROP_BasicArmorBonus_SavePercent (FRACUNIT/3)
PROP_Inventory_FlagsSet (IF_UNDROPPABLE)
// ABasicArmorPickup :: Serialize
void ABasicArmorPickup::Serialize (FArchive &arc)
Super::Serialize (arc);
arc << SavePercent << SaveAmount;
2006-04-11 16:27:41 +00:00
arc << DropTime;
2006-02-24 04:48:15 +00:00
// ABasicArmorPickup :: CreateCopy
AInventory *ABasicArmorPickup::CreateCopy (AActor *other)
ABasicArmorPickup *copy = static_cast<ABasicArmorPickup *> (Super::CreateCopy (other));
copy->SavePercent = SavePercent;
copy->SaveAmount = SaveAmount;
return copy;
// ABasicArmorPickup :: Use
// Either gives you new armor or replaces the armor you already have (if
// the SaveAmount is greater than the amount of armor you own). When the
// item is auto-activated, it will only be activated if its max amount is 0
// or if you have no armor active already.
bool ABasicArmorPickup::Use (bool pickup)
ABasicArmor *armor = Owner->FindInventory<ABasicArmor> ();
if (armor == NULL)
armor = Spawn<ABasicArmor> (0,0,0);
armor->BecomeItem ();
armor->SavePercent = SavePercent;
armor->Amount = armor->MaxAmount = SaveAmount;
armor->Icon = Icon;
Owner->AddInventory (armor);
return true;
// If you already have more armor than this item gives you, you can't
// use it.
if (armor->Amount >= SaveAmount)
return false;
// Don't use it if you're picking it up and already have some.
if (pickup && armor->Amount > 0 && MaxAmount > 0)
return false;
armor->SavePercent = SavePercent;
armor->Amount = armor->MaxAmount = SaveAmount;
armor->Icon = Icon;
return true;
// ABasicArmorBonus :: Serialize
void ABasicArmorBonus::Serialize (FArchive &arc)
Super::Serialize (arc);
arc << SavePercent << SaveAmount << MaxSaveAmount;
// ABasicArmorBonus :: CreateCopy
AInventory *ABasicArmorBonus::CreateCopy (AActor *other)
ABasicArmorBonus *copy = static_cast<ABasicArmorBonus *> (Super::CreateCopy (other));
copy->SavePercent = SavePercent;
copy->SaveAmount = SaveAmount;
copy->MaxSaveAmount = MaxSaveAmount;
return copy;
// ABasicArmorBonus :: Use
// Tries to add to the amount of BasicArmor a player has.
bool ABasicArmorBonus::Use (bool pickup)
ABasicArmor *armor = Owner->FindInventory<ABasicArmor> ();
int saveAmount = MIN (SaveAmount, MaxSaveAmount);
if (saveAmount <= 0)
{ // If it can't give you anything, it's as good as used.
return true;
if (armor == NULL)
armor = Spawn<ABasicArmor> (0,0,0);
armor->BecomeItem ();
armor->SavePercent = SavePercent;
armor->Amount = saveAmount;
armor->MaxAmount = MaxSaveAmount;
armor->Icon = Icon;
Owner->AddInventory (armor);
return true;
// If you already have more armor than this item can give you, you can't
// use it.
if (armor->Amount >= MaxSaveAmount)
return false;
if (armor->Amount <= 0)
{ // Should never be less than 0, but might as well check anyway
armor->Amount = 0;
armor->Icon = Icon;
armor->SavePercent = SavePercent;
armor->Amount += saveAmount;
armor->MaxAmount = MAX (armor->MaxAmount, MaxSaveAmount);
return true;
// ABasicArmor :: Serialize
void ABasicArmor::Serialize (FArchive &arc)
Super::Serialize (arc);
arc << SavePercent;
// ABasicArmor :: Tick
// If BasicArmor is given to the player by means other than a
// BasicArmorPickup, then it may not have an icon set. Fix that here.
void ABasicArmor::Tick ()
Super::Tick ();
if (Icon == 0)
switch (gameinfo.gametype)
case GAME_Doom:
Icon = TexMan.CheckForTexture (SavePercent == FRACUNIT/3 ? "ARM1A0" : "ARM2A0", FTexture::TEX_Any);
case GAME_Heretic:
Icon = TexMan.CheckForTexture (SavePercent == FRACUNIT/2 ? "SHLDA0" : "SHD2A0", FTexture::TEX_Any);
case GAME_Strife:
Icon = TexMan.CheckForTexture (SavePercent == FRACUNIT/3 ? "I_ARM2" : "I_ARM1", FTexture::TEX_Any);
// ABasicArmor :: CreateCopy
AInventory *ABasicArmor::CreateCopy (AActor *other)
// BasicArmor that is in use is stored in the inventory as BasicArmor.
// BasicArmor that is in reserve is not.
ABasicArmor *copy = Spawn<ABasicArmor> (0, 0, 0);
copy->SavePercent = SavePercent != 0 ? SavePercent : FRACUNIT/3;
copy->Amount = Amount;
copy->MaxAmount = MaxAmount;
copy->Icon = Icon;
GoAwayAndDie ();
return copy;
// ABasicArmor :: HandlePickup
bool ABasicArmor::HandlePickup (AInventory *item)
if (item->GetClass() == RUNTIME_CLASS(ABasicArmor))
// You shouldn't be picking up BasicArmor anyway.
return true;
if (Inventory != NULL)
return Inventory->HandlePickup (item);
return false;
// ABasicArmor :: AbsorbDamage
void ABasicArmor::AbsorbDamage (int damage, int damageType, int &newdamage)
if (damageType != MOD_WATER)
int saved = FixedMul (damage, SavePercent);
if (Amount < saved)
saved = Amount;
newdamage -= saved;
Amount -= saved;
if (Amount == 0)
// The armor has become useless
SavePercent = 0;
// Now see if the player has some more armor in their inventory
// and use it if so. As in Strife, the best armor is used up first.
ABasicArmorPickup *best = NULL;
AInventory *probe = Owner->Inventory;
while (probe != NULL)
if (probe->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(ABasicArmorPickup)))
ABasicArmorPickup *inInv = static_cast<ABasicArmorPickup*>(probe);
if (best == NULL || best->SavePercent < inInv->SavePercent)
best = inInv;
probe = probe->Inventory;
if (best != NULL)
Owner->UseInventory (best);
if (Inventory != NULL)
Inventory->AbsorbDamage (damage, damageType, newdamage);
// AHexenArmor :: Serialize
void AHexenArmor::Serialize (FArchive &arc)
Super::Serialize (arc);
2006-04-11 16:27:41 +00:00
arc << Slots[0] << Slots[1] << Slots[2] << Slots[3]
<< Slots[4]
<< SlotsIncrement[0] << SlotsIncrement[1] << SlotsIncrement[2]
<< SlotsIncrement[3];
2006-02-24 04:48:15 +00:00
// AHexenArmor :: CreateCopy
AInventory *AHexenArmor::CreateCopy (AActor *other)
// Like BasicArmor, HexenArmor is used in the inventory but not the map.
// health is the slot this armor occupies.
// Amount is the quantity to give (0 = normal max).
AHexenArmor *copy = Spawn<AHexenArmor> (0, 0, 0);
copy->AddArmorToSlot (other, health, Amount);
GoAwayAndDie ();
return copy;
// AHexenArmor :: CreateTossable
// Since this isn't really a single item, you can't drop it. Ever.
AInventory *AHexenArmor::CreateTossable ()
return NULL;
// AHexenArmor :: HandlePickup
bool AHexenArmor::HandlePickup (AInventory *item)
if (item->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AHexenArmor)))
if (AddArmorToSlot (Owner, item->health, item->Amount))
item->ItemFlags |= IF_PICKUPGOOD;
return true;
else if (Inventory != NULL)
return Inventory->HandlePickup (item);
return false;
// AHexenArmor :: AddArmorToSlot
bool AHexenArmor::AddArmorToSlot (AActor *actor, int slot, int amount)
APlayerPawn *ppawn;
int hits;
if (actor->player != NULL)
ppawn = static_cast<APlayerPawn *>(actor);
ppawn = NULL;
if (slot < 0 || slot > 3)
return false;
if (amount <= 0)
hits = SlotsIncrement[slot];
if (Slots[slot] < hits)
Slots[slot] = hits;
return true;
hits = amount * 5 * FRACUNIT;
fixed_t total = Slots[0]+Slots[1]+Slots[2]+Slots[3]+Slots[4];
fixed_t max = SlotsIncrement[0]+SlotsIncrement[1]+SlotsIncrement[2]+SlotsIncrement[3]+Slots[4]+4*5*FRACUNIT;
if (total < max)
Slots[slot] += hits;
return true;
return false;
// AHexenArmor :: AbsorbDamage
void AHexenArmor::AbsorbDamage (int damage, int damageType, int &newdamage)
if (damageType != MOD_WATER)
fixed_t savedPercent = Slots[0] + Slots[1] + Slots[2] + Slots[3] + Slots[4];
APlayerPawn *ppawn = Owner->player != NULL ? Owner->player->mo : NULL;
if (savedPercent)
{ // armor absorbed some damage
if (savedPercent > 100*FRACUNIT)
savedPercent = 100*FRACUNIT;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (Slots[i])
// 300 damage always wipes out the armor unless some was added
// with the dragon skin bracers.
if (damage < 10000)
Slots[i] -= Scale (damage, SlotsIncrement[i], 300);
if (Slots[i] < 2*FRACUNIT)
Slots[i] = 0;
Slots[i] = 0;
int saved = Scale (damage, savedPercent, 100*FRACUNIT);
if (saved > savedPercent >> (FRACBITS-1))
saved = savedPercent >> (FRACBITS-1);
newdamage -= saved;
if (Inventory != NULL)
Inventory->AbsorbDamage (damage, damageType, newdamage);
PROP_Inventory_MaxAmount (0)
PROP_Inventory_PickupSound ("misc/health_pkup")
// AHealth :: TryPickup
bool AHealth::TryPickup (AActor *other)
player_t *player = other->player;
int max = MaxAmount;
2006-04-20 14:21:27 +00:00
if (player != NULL)
2006-02-24 04:48:15 +00:00
2006-04-20 14:21:27 +00:00
if (max == 0)
2006-02-24 04:48:15 +00:00
2006-04-20 14:21:27 +00:00
max = ((compatflags&COMPATF_DEHHEALTH)? 100 : deh.MaxHealth) + player->stamina;
if (player->morphTics)
if (player->health >= max)
// You should be able to pick up the Doom health bonus even if
// you are already full on health.
if (ItemFlags & IF_ALWAYSPICKUP)
GoAwayAndDie ();
return true;
return false;
player->health += Amount;
if (player->health > max)
player->health = max;
2006-02-24 04:48:15 +00:00
2006-04-20 14:21:27 +00:00
player->mo->health = player->health;
2006-02-24 04:48:15 +00:00
2006-04-20 14:21:27 +00:00
2006-02-24 04:48:15 +00:00
2006-04-20 14:21:27 +00:00
if (P_GiveBody(other, Amount) || ItemFlags & IF_ALWAYSPICKUP)
2006-02-24 04:48:15 +00:00
GoAwayAndDie ();
return true;
return false;
GoAwayAndDie ();
return true;
PROP_Inventory_FlagsSet (IF_INVBAR)
// AHealthPickup :: CreateCopy
AInventory *AHealthPickup::CreateCopy (AActor *other)
AInventory *copy = Super::CreateCopy (other);
copy->health = health;
return copy;
// AHealthPickup :: CreateTossable
AInventory *AHealthPickup::CreateTossable ()
AInventory *copy = Super::CreateTossable ();
if (copy != NULL)
copy->health = health;
return copy;
// AHealthPickup :: HandlePickup
bool AHealthPickup::HandlePickup (AInventory *item)
// HealthPickups that are the same type but have different health amounts
// do not count as the same item.
if (item->health == health)
return Super::HandlePickup (item);
if (Inventory != NULL)
return Inventory->HandlePickup (item);
return false;
// AHealthPickup :: Use
bool AHealthPickup::Use (bool pickup)
return P_GiveBody (Owner, health);
// Backpack -----------------------------------------------------------------
// ABackpack :: Serialize
void ABackpack::Serialize (FArchive &arc)
Super::Serialize (arc);
2006-04-11 16:27:41 +00:00
arc << bDepleted;
2006-02-24 04:48:15 +00:00
// ABackpack :: CreateCopy
// A backpack is being added to a player who doesn't yet have one. Give them
// every kind of ammo, and increase their max amounts.
AInventory *ABackpack::CreateCopy (AActor *other)
// Find every unique type of ammo. Give it to the player if
// he doesn't have it already, and double it's maximum capacity.
for (int i = 0; i < TypeInfo::m_NumTypes; ++i)
const TypeInfo *type = TypeInfo::m_Types[i];
if (type->ParentType == RUNTIME_CLASS(AAmmo) &&
((AAmmo *)GetDefaultByType (type))->BackpackAmount > 0)
AAmmo *ammo = static_cast<AAmmo *>(other->FindInventory (type));
if (ammo == NULL)
{ // The player did not have the ammo. Add it.
ammo = static_cast<AAmmo *>(Spawn (type, 0, 0, 0));
ammo->Amount = bDepleted ? 0 : ammo->BackpackAmount;
ammo->MaxAmount = ammo->BackpackMaxAmount;
ammo->AttachToOwner (other);
{ // The player had the ammo. Give some more.
if (ammo->MaxAmount < ammo->BackpackMaxAmount)
ammo->MaxAmount = ammo->BackpackMaxAmount;
if (!bDepleted && ammo->Amount < ammo->MaxAmount)
ammo->Amount += static_cast<AAmmo*>(ammo->GetDefault())->BackpackAmount;
if (ammo->Amount > ammo->MaxAmount)
ammo->Amount = ammo->MaxAmount;
return Super::CreateCopy (other);
// ABackpack :: HandlePickup
// When the player picks up another backpack, just give them more ammo.
bool ABackpack::HandlePickup (AInventory *item)
// Since you already have a backpack, that means you already have every
// kind of ammo in your inventory, so we don't need to look at the
// entire TypeInfo list to discover what kinds of ammo exist, and we don't
// have to alter the MaxAmount either.
if (item->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(ABackpack)))
for (AInventory *probe = Owner->Inventory; probe != NULL; probe = probe->Inventory)
if (probe->GetClass()->ParentType == RUNTIME_CLASS(AAmmo))
if (probe->Amount < probe->MaxAmount)
probe->Amount += static_cast<AAmmo*>(probe->GetDefault())->BackpackAmount;
if (probe->Amount > probe->MaxAmount)
probe->Amount = probe->MaxAmount;
// The pickup always succeeds, even if you didn't get anything
item->ItemFlags |= IF_PICKUPGOOD;
return true;
else if (Inventory != NULL)
return Inventory->HandlePickup (item);
return false;
// ABackpack :: CreateTossable
// The tossed backpack must not give out any more ammo, otherwise a player
// could cheat by dropping their backpack and picking it up for more ammo.
AInventory *ABackpack::CreateTossable ()
ABackpack *pack = static_cast<ABackpack *>(Super::CreateTossable());
pack->bDepleted = true;
return pack;
// ABackpack :: DetachFromOwner
void ABackpack::DetachFromOwner ()
// When removing a backpack, drop the player's ammo maximums to normal
AInventory *item;
for (item = Owner->Inventory; item != NULL; item = item->Inventory)
if (item->GetClass()->ParentType == RUNTIME_CLASS(AAmmo) &&
item->MaxAmount == static_cast<AAmmo*>(item)->BackpackMaxAmount)
item->MaxAmount = static_cast<AInventory*>(item->GetDefault())->MaxAmount;
if (item->Amount > item->MaxAmount)
item->Amount = item->MaxAmount;
// ABackpack :: PickupMessage
const char *ABackpack::PickupMessage ()
return GStrings("GOTBACKPACK");
FState ABackpack::States[] =
IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (ABackpack, Doom, 8, 144)
PROP_HeightFixed (26)
PROP_SpawnState (0)
// AMapRevealer :: TryPickup
// The MapRevealer doesn't actually go in your inventory. Instead, it sets
// a flag on the level.
bool AMapRevealer::TryPickup (AActor *toucher)
level.flags |= LEVEL_ALLMAP;
GoAwayAndDie ();
return true;
FState ACommunicator::States[] =
IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (ACommunicator, Strife, 206, 0)
PROP_SpawnState (0)
PROP_StrifeType (176)
PROP_StrifeTeaserType (168)
PROP_StrifeTeaserType2 (172)
PROP_Inventory_Icon ("I_COMM")
PROP_Tag ("Communicator")
PROP_Inventory_PickupSound ("misc/p_pkup")
// ACommunicator :: PickupMessage
const char *ACommunicator::PickupMessage ()
return "You picked up the Communicator";