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synced 2025-03-09 11:03:12 +00:00
883 lines
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883 lines
22 KiB
// Note that the status screen needs to run in 'play' scope!
class InterBackground native play version("2.5")
native static InterBackground Create(wbstartstruct wbst);
native virtual bool LoadBackground(bool isenterpic);
native virtual void updateAnimatedBack();
native virtual void drawBackground(int CurState, bool drawsplat, bool snl_pointeron);
// This is obsolete. Hopefully this was never used...
struct PatchInfo play version("2.5")
Font mFont;
deprecated("3.8") TextureID mPatch;
int mColor;
void Init(GIFont gifont)
// Replace with the VGA-Unicode font if needed.
// The default settings for this are marked with a *.
// If some mod changes this it is assumed that it doesn't provide any localization for the map name in a language not supported by the font.
String s = gifont.fontname;
if (s.Left(1) != "*")
mFont = Font.GetFont(gifont.fontname);
else if (generic_ui)
mFont = NewSmallFont;
s = s.Mid(1);
mFont = Font.GetFont(s);
mColor = Font.FindFontColor(gifont.color);
if (mFont == NULL)
mFont = BigFont;
// Will be made a class later, but for now needs to mirror the internal version.
class StatusScreen abstract play version("2.5")
enum EValues
SP_TIMEY = (200 - 32),
enum EState
NoState = -1,
// States for single-player
enum ESPState
SP_TIME = 8,
const SHOWNEXTLOCDELAY = 4; // in seconds
InterBackground bg;
int acceleratestage; // used to accelerate or skip a stage
bool playerready[MAXPLAYERS];
int me; // wbs.pnum
int bcnt;
int CurState; // specifies current CurState
wbstartstruct wbs; // contains information passed into intermission
wbplayerstruct Plrs[MAXPLAYERS]; // wbs.plyr[]
int cnt; // used for general timing
int cnt_kills[MAXPLAYERS];
int cnt_items[MAXPLAYERS];
int cnt_secret[MAXPLAYERS];
int cnt_frags[MAXPLAYERS];
int cnt_deaths[MAXPLAYERS];
int cnt_time;
int cnt_total_time;
int cnt_par;
int cnt_pause;
int total_frags;
int total_deaths;
bool noautostartmap;
int dofrags;
int ng_state;
float shadowalpha;
PatchInfo mapname;
PatchInfo finished;
PatchInfo entering;
PatchInfo content;
PatchInfo author;
TextureID p_secret;
TextureID kills;
TextureID secret;
TextureID items;
TextureID timepic;
TextureID par;
TextureID sucks;
TextureID finishedPatch;
TextureID enteringPatch;
// [RH] Info to dynamically generate the level name graphics
String lnametexts[2];
String authortexts[2];
bool snl_pointeron;
int player_deaths[MAXPLAYERS];
int sp_state;
// Draws a single character with a shadow
int DrawCharPatch(Font fnt, int charcode, int x, int y, int translation = Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED, bool nomove = false)
int width = fnt.GetCharWidth(charcode);
screen.DrawChar(fnt, translation, x, y, charcode, nomove ? DTA_CleanNoMove : DTA_Clean, true);
return x - width;
// Draws a level name with the big font
// x is no longer passed as a parameter because the text is now broken into several lines
// if it is too long
int DrawName(int y, TextureID tex, String levelname)
// draw <LevelName>
if (tex.isValid())
let size = TexMan.GetScaledSize(tex);
screen.DrawTexture(tex, true, (screen.GetWidth() - size.X * CleanXfac) /2, y, DTA_CleanNoMove, true);
if (size.Y > 50)
{ // Fix for Deus Vult II and similar wads that decide to make these hugely tall
// patches with vast amounts of empty space at the bottom.
size.Y = TexMan.CheckRealHeight(tex);
return y + int(Size.Y) * CleanYfac;
else if (levelname.Length() > 0)
int h = 0;
int lumph = mapname.mFont.GetHeight() * CleanYfac;
BrokenLines lines = mapname.mFont.BreakLines(levelname, screen.GetWidth() / CleanXfac);
int count = lines.Count();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
screen.DrawText(mapname.mFont, mapname.mColor, (screen.GetWidth() - lines.StringWidth(i) * CleanXfac) / 2, y + h, lines.StringAt(i), DTA_CleanNoMove, true);
h += lumph;
return y + h;
return 0;
// Draws a level author's name with the big font
int DrawAuthor(int y, String levelname)
if (levelname.Length() > 0)
int h = 0;
int lumph = author.mFont.GetHeight() * CleanYfac;
BrokenLines lines = author.mFont.BreakLines(levelname, screen.GetWidth() / CleanXfac);
int count = lines.Count();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
screen.DrawText(author.mFont, author.mColor, (screen.GetWidth() - lines.StringWidth(i) * CleanXfac) / 2, y + h, lines.StringAt(i), DTA_CleanNoMove, true);
h += lumph;
return y + h;
return y;
// Only kept so that mods that were accessing it continue to compile
deprecated("3.8") int DrawPatchText(int y, PatchInfo pinfo, String stringname)
String string = Stringtable.Localize(stringname);
int midx = screen.GetWidth() / 2;
screen.DrawText(pinfo.mFont, pinfo.mColor, midx - pinfo.mFont.StringWidth(string) * CleanXfac/2, y, string, DTA_CleanNoMove, true);
return y + pinfo.mFont.GetHeight() * CleanYfac;
// Draws a text, either as patch or as string from the string table
int DrawPatchOrText(int y, PatchInfo pinfo, TextureID patch, String stringname)
String string = Stringtable.Localize(stringname);
int midx = screen.GetWidth() / 2;
if (TexMan.OkForLocalization(patch, stringname))
let size = TexMan.GetScaledSize(patch);
screen.DrawTexture(patch, true, midx - size.X * CleanXfac/2, y, DTA_CleanNoMove, true);
return y + int(size.Y * CleanYfac);
screen.DrawText(pinfo.mFont, pinfo.mColor, midx - pinfo.mFont.StringWidth(string) * CleanXfac/2, y, string, DTA_CleanNoMove, true);
return y + pinfo.mFont.GetHeight() * CleanYfac;
// Draws "<Levelname> Finished!"
// Either uses the specified patch or the big font
// A level name patch can be specified for all games now, not just Doom.
virtual int drawLF ()
bool ispatch = wbs.LName0.isValid();
int oldy = TITLEY * CleanYfac;
int h;
if (!ispatch)
let asc = mapname.mFont.GetMaxAscender(lnametexts[1]);
if (asc > TITLEY - 2)
oldy = (asc+2) * CleanYfac;
int y = DrawName(oldy, wbs.LName0, lnametexts[0]);
// If the displayed info is made of patches we need some additional offsetting here.
if (ispatch)
int disp = 0;
// The offset getting applied here must at least be as tall as the largest ascender in the following text to avoid overlaps.
if (authortexts[0].length() == 0)
int h1 = BigFont.GetHeight() - BigFont.GetDisplacement();
int h2 = (y - oldy) / CleanYfac / 4;
disp = min(h1, h2);
if (!TexMan.OkForLocalization(finishedPatch, "$WI_FINISHED"))
disp += finished.mFont.GetMaxAscender("$WI_FINISHED");
disp += author.mFont.GetMaxAscender(authortexts[0]);
y += disp * CleanYfac;
y = DrawAuthor(y, authortexts[0]);
// draw "Finished!"
int statsy = multiplayer? NG_STATSY : SP_STATSY * CleanYFac;
if (y < (statsy - finished.mFont.GetHeight()*3/4) * CleanYfac)
// don't draw 'finished' if the level name is too tall
y = DrawPatchOrText(y, finished, finishedPatch, "$WI_FINISHED");
return y;
// Draws "Entering <LevelName>"
// Either uses the specified patch or the big font
// A level name patch can be specified for all games now, not just Doom.
virtual void drawEL ()
bool ispatch = TexMan.OkForLocalization(enteringPatch, "$WI_ENTERING");
int oldy = TITLEY * CleanYfac;
if (!ispatch)
let asc = entering.mFont.GetMaxAscender("$WI_ENTERING");
if (asc > TITLEY - 2)
oldy = (asc+2) * CleanYfac;
int y = DrawPatchOrText(oldy, entering, enteringPatch, "$WI_ENTERING");
// If the displayed info is made of patches we need some additional offsetting here.
if (ispatch)
int h1 = BigFont.GetHeight() - BigFont.GetDisplacement();
let size = TexMan.GetScaledSize(enteringPatch);
int h2 = int(size.Y);
let disp = min(h1, h2) / 4;
// The offset getting applied here must at least be as tall as the largest ascender in the following text to avoid overlaps.
if (!wbs.LName1.isValid())
disp += mapname.mFont.GetMaxAscender(lnametexts[1]);
y += disp * CleanYfac;
y = DrawName(y, wbs.LName1, lnametexts[1]);
if (wbs.LName1.isValid() && authortexts[1].length() > 0)
// Consdider the ascender height of the following text.
y += author.mFont.GetMaxAscender(authortexts[1]) * CleanYfac;
DrawAuthor(y, authortexts[1]);
// Draws a number.
// If digits > 0, then use that many digits minimum,
// otherwise only use as many as necessary.
// x is the right edge of the number.
// Returns new x position, that is, the left edge of the number.
int drawNum (Font fnt, int x, int y, int n, int digits, bool leadingzeros = true, int translation = Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED, bool nomove = false)
int fntwidth = fnt.StringWidth("3");
String text;
int len;
if (nomove)
fntwidth *= CleanXfac;
text = String.Format("%d", n);
len = text.Length();
if (leadingzeros)
int filldigits = digits - len;
for(int i = 0; i < filldigits; i++)
text = "0" .. text;
len = text.Length();
for(int text_p = len-1; text_p >= 0; text_p--)
// Digits are centered in a box the width of the '3' character.
// Other characters (specifically, '-') are right-aligned in their cell.
int c = text.ByteAt(text_p);
if (c >= "0" && c <= "9")
x -= fntwidth;
DrawCharPatch(fnt, c, x + (fntwidth - fnt.GetCharWidth(c)) / 2, y, translation, nomove);
DrawCharPatch(fnt, c, x - fnt.GetCharWidth(c), y, translation, nomove);
x -= fntwidth;
if (len < digits)
x -= fntwidth * (digits - len);
return x;
void drawPercent (Font fnt, int x, int y, int p, int b, bool show_total = true, int color = Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED, bool nomove = false)
if (p < 0)
if (wi_percents)
if (nomove)
x -= fnt.StringWidth("%") * CleanXfac;
x -= fnt.StringWidth("%");
screen.DrawText(fnt, color, x, y, "%", nomove? DTA_CleanNoMove : DTA_Clean, true);
if (nomove)
x -= 2*CleanXfac;
drawNum(fnt, x, y, b == 0 ? 100 : p * 100 / b, -1, false, color);
if (show_total)
x = drawNum(fnt, x, y, b, 2, false, color);
x -= fnt.StringWidth("/");
screen.DrawText (fnt, color, x, y, "/", nomove? DTA_CleanNoMove : DTA_Clean, true);
drawNum (fnt, x, y, p, -1, false, color);
void drawTextScaled (Font fnt, double x, double y, String text, double scale, int translation = Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED)
screen.DrawText(fnt, translation, x / scale, y / scale, text, DTA_VirtualWidthF, screen.GetWidth() / scale, DTA_VirtualHeightF, screen.GetHeight() / scale);
void drawNumScaled (Font fnt, int x, int y, double scale, int n, int digits, int translation = Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED)
String s = String.Format("%d", n);
drawTextScaled(fnt, x - fnt.StringWidth(s) * scale, y, s, scale, translation);
void drawPercentScaled (Font fnt, int x, int y, int p, int b, double scale, bool show_total = true, int color = Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED)
if (p < 0) return;
String s;
if (wi_percents)
s = String.Format("%d%%", b == 0 ? 100 : p * 100 / b);
else if (show_total)
s = String.Format("%d/%3d", p, b);
s = String.Format("%d", p);
drawTextScaled(fnt, x - fnt.StringWidth(s) * scale, y, s, scale, color);
// Display level completion time and par, or "sucks" message if overflow.
void drawTimeFont (Font printFont, int x, int y, int t, int color)
bool sucky;
if (t < 0)
int hours = t / 3600;
t -= hours * 3600;
int minutes = t / 60;
t -= minutes * 60;
int seconds = t;
// Why were these offsets hard coded? Half the WADs with custom patches
// I tested screwed up miserably in this function!
int num_spacing = printFont.GetCharWidth("3");
int colon_spacing = printFont.GetCharWidth(":");
x = drawNum (printFont, x, y, seconds, 2, true, color) - 1;
DrawCharPatch (printFont, ":", x -= colon_spacing, y, color);
x = drawNum (printFont, x, y, minutes, 2, hours!=0, color);
if (hours)
DrawCharPatch (printFont, ":", x -= colon_spacing, y, color);
drawNum (printFont, x, y, hours, 2, false, color);
void drawTime (int x, int y, int t, bool no_sucks=false)
drawTimeFont(IntermissionFont, x, y, t, Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED);
virtual void End ()
CurState = LeavingIntermission;
bool autoSkip()
return wi_autoadvance > 0 && bcnt > (wi_autoadvance * Thinker.TICRATE);
protected virtual void initNoState ()
CurState = NoState;
acceleratestage = 0;
cnt = 10;
protected virtual void updateNoState ()
if (acceleratestage)
cnt = 0;
bool noauto = noautostartmap;
for (int i = 0; !noauto && i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i)
if (playeringame[i])
noauto |= players[i].GetNoAutostartMap();
if (!noauto || autoSkip())
if (cnt == 0)
protected virtual void initShowNextLoc ()
if (wbs.next == "")
// Last map in episode - there is no next location!
CurState = ShowNextLoc;
acceleratestage = 0;
noautostartmap = bg.LoadBackground(true);
protected virtual void updateShowNextLoc ()
if (!--cnt || acceleratestage)
snl_pointeron = (cnt & 31) < 20;
protected virtual void drawShowNextLoc(void)
bg.drawBackground(CurState, true, snl_pointeron);
// draws which level you are entering..
drawEL ();
protected virtual void drawNoState ()
snl_pointeron = true;
protected int fragSum (int playernum)
int i;
int frags = 0;
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
if (playeringame[i]
&& i!=playernum)
frags += Plrs[playernum].frags[i];
// JDC hack - negative frags.
frags -= Plrs[playernum].frags[playernum];
return frags;
static void PlaySound(Sound snd)
// ====================================================================
// checkForAccelerate
// Purpose: See if the player has hit either the attack or use key
// or mouse button. If so we set acceleratestage to 1 and
// all those display routines above jump right to the end.
// Args: none
// Returns: void
// ====================================================================
protected void checkForAccelerate(void)
int i;
// check for button presses to skip delays
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
PlayerInfo player = players[i];
if (playeringame[i])
if ((player.cmd.buttons ^ player.oldbuttons) &&
((player.cmd.buttons & player.oldbuttons) == player.oldbuttons) && player.Bot == NULL)
acceleratestage = 1;
playerready[i] = true;
player.oldbuttons = player.buttons;
// ====================================================================
// Ticker
// Purpose: Do various updates every gametic, for stats, animation,
// checking that intermission music is running, etc.
// Args: none
// Returns: void
// ====================================================================
virtual void StartMusic()
virtual void Ticker(void)
// counter for general background animation
if (bcnt == 1)
switch (CurState)
case StatCount:
case ShowNextLoc:
case NoState:
case LeavingIntermission:
// Hush, GCC.
virtual void Drawer (void)
switch (CurState)
case StatCount:
// draw animated background
bg.drawBackground(CurState, false, false);
case ShowNextLoc:
case LeavingIntermission:
virtual void Start (wbstartstruct wbstartstruct)
wbs = wbstartstruct;
acceleratestage = 0;
cnt = bcnt = 0;
me = wbs.pnum;
for (int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) Plrs[i] = wbs.plyr[i];
Kills = TexMan.CheckForTexture("WIOSTK", TexMan.Type_MiscPatch); // "kills"
Secret = TexMan.CheckForTexture("WIOSTS", TexMan.Type_MiscPatch); // "scrt", not used
P_secret = TexMan.CheckForTexture("WISCRT2", TexMan.Type_MiscPatch); // "secret"
Items = TexMan.CheckForTexture("WIOSTI", TexMan.Type_MiscPatch); // "items"
Timepic = TexMan.CheckForTexture("WITIME", TexMan.Type_MiscPatch); // "time"
Sucks = TexMan.CheckForTexture("WISUCKS", TexMan.Type_MiscPatch); // "sucks"
Par = TexMan.CheckForTexture("WIPAR", TexMan.Type_MiscPatch); // "par"
enteringPatch = TexMan.CheckForTexture("WIENTER", TexMan.Type_MiscPatch); // "entering"
finishedPatch = TexMan.CheckForTexture("WIF", TexMan.Type_MiscPatch); // "finished"
lnametexts[0] = StringTable.Localize(wbstartstruct.thisname);
lnametexts[1] = StringTable.Localize(wbstartstruct.nextname);
authortexts[0] = StringTable.Localize(wbstartstruct.thisauthor);
authortexts[1] = StringTable.Localize(wbstartstruct.nextauthor);
bg = InterBackground.Create(wbs);
noautostartmap = bg.LoadBackground(false);
protected virtual void initStats() {}
protected virtual void updateStats() {}
protected virtual void drawStats() {}
native static int, int, int GetPlayerWidths();
native static Color GetRowColor(PlayerInfo player, bool highlight);
native static void GetSortedPlayers(in out Array<int> sorted, bool teamplay);