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synced 2025-03-20 01:43:31 +00:00
- Fixed: Although TypeInfos are now deleted at exit, their FlatPointers or ActorInfo data was not freed. I chose not to use a destructor to handle this, because then it would no longer be a POD type that can be statically initialized. - Fixed: Aliases were not deleted at exit. - Fixed: FWadCollection did not free its hash tables, lump info, full names, or the list of open files when destroyed. SVN r85 (trunk)
226 lines
4.5 KiB
226 lines
4.5 KiB
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "globals.h"
#include "substr.h"
#include "dfa.h"
inline char octCh(uint c){
return '0' + c%8;
void prtCh(std::ostream &o, uchar c){
uchar oc = talx[c];
case '\'': o << "\\'"; break;
case '\n': o << "\\n"; break;
case '\t': o << "\\t"; break;
case '\v': o << "\\v"; break;
case '\b': o << "\\b"; break;
case '\r': o << "\\r"; break;
case '\f': o << "\\f"; break;
case '\a': o << "\\a"; break;
case '\\': o << "\\\\"; break;
o << (char) oc;
o << '\\' << octCh(c/64) << octCh(c/8) << octCh(c);
void printSpan(std::ostream &o, uint lb, uint ub){
if(lb > ub)
o << "*";
o << "[";
if((ub - lb) == 1){
prtCh(o, lb);
} else {
prtCh(o, lb);
o << "-";
prtCh(o, ub-1);
o << "]";
uint Span::show(std::ostream &o, uint lb){
printSpan(o, lb, ub);
o << " " << to->label << "; ";
return ub;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &o, const State &s){
o << "state " << s.label;
o << " accepts " << s.rule->accept;
o << "\n";
uint lb = 0;
for(uint i = 0; i < s.go.nSpans; ++i)
lb = s.go.span[i].show(o, lb);
return o;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &o, const DFA &dfa){
for(State *s = dfa.head; s; s = s->next)
o << s << "\n\n";
return o;
State::State() : rule(NULL), link(NULL), kCount(0), kernel(NULL), action(NULL) {
go.nSpans = 0;
go.span = NULL;
delete [] kernel;
delete [] go.span;
static Ins **closure(Ins **cP, Ins *i){
*(cP++) = i;
if(i->i.tag == FORK){
cP = closure(cP, i + 1);
i = (Ins*) i->i.link;
} else if(i->i.tag == GOTO){
i = (Ins*) i->i.link;
} else
return cP;
struct GoTo {
Char ch;
void *to;
DFA::DFA(Ins *ins, uint ni, uint lb, uint ub, Char *rep)
: lbChar(lb), ubChar(ub) {
Ins **work = new Ins*[ni+1];
uint nc = ub - lb;
GoTo *goTo = new GoTo[nc];
Span *span = new Span[nc];
memset((char*) goTo, 0, nc*sizeof(GoTo));
tail = &head;
head = NULL;
nStates = 0;
toDo = NULL;
findState(work, closure(work, &ins[0]) - work);
State *s = toDo;
toDo = s->link;
Ins **cP, **iP, *i;
uint nGoTos = 0;
uint j;
s->rule = NULL;
for(iP = s->kernel; (i = *iP); ++iP){
if(i->i.tag == CHAR){
for(Ins *j = i + 1; j < (Ins*) i->i.link; ++j){
if(!(j->c.link = goTo[j->c.value - lb].to))
goTo[nGoTos++].ch = (Char)j->c.value;
goTo[j->c.value - lb].to = j;
} else if(i->i.tag == TERM){
if(!s->rule || ((RuleOp*) i->i.link)->accept < s->rule->accept)
s->rule = (RuleOp*) i->i.link;
for(j = 0; j < nGoTos; ++j){
GoTo *go = &goTo[goTo[j].ch - lb];
i = (Ins*) go->to;
for(cP = work; i; i = (Ins*) i->c.link)
cP = closure(cP, i + i->c.bump);
go->to = findState(work, cP - work);
s->go.nSpans = 0;
for(j = 0; j < nc;){
State *to = (State*) goTo[rep[j]].to;
while(++j < nc && goTo[rep[j]].to == to);
span[s->go.nSpans].ub = lb + j;
span[s->go.nSpans].to = to;
for(j = nGoTos; j-- > 0;)
goTo[goTo[j].ch - lb].to = NULL;
s->go.span = new Span[s->go.nSpans];
memcpy((char*) s->go.span, (char*) span, s->go.nSpans*sizeof(Span));
(void) new Match(s);
delete [] work;
delete [] goTo;
delete [] span;
State *s;
while((s = head)){
head = s->next;
delete s;
void DFA::addState(State **a, State *s){
s->label = nStates++;
s->next = *a;
*a = s;
if(a == tail)
tail = &s->next;
State *DFA::findState(Ins **kernel, uint kCount){
Ins **cP, **iP, *i;
State *s;
kernel[kCount] = NULL;
cP = kernel;
for(iP = kernel; (i = *iP); ++iP){
if(i->i.tag == CHAR || i->i.tag == TERM){
*cP++ = i;
} else {
kCount = cP - kernel;
kernel[kCount] = NULL;
for(s = head; s; s = s->next){
if(s->kCount == kCount){
for(iP = s->kernel; (i = *iP); ++iP)
goto nextState;
goto unmarkAll;
s = new State;
addState(tail, s);
s->kCount = kCount;
s->kernel = new Ins*[kCount+1];
memcpy(s->kernel, kernel, (kCount+1)*sizeof(Ins*));
s->link = toDo;
toDo = s;
for(iP = kernel; (i = *iP); ++iP)
return s;