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synced 2024-12-04 01:41:42 +00:00
- added a new type 'NativeStruct'. This will be used for types that cannot be instantiated, and is also needed to cleanly handle many internal types that only can exist as reference.
156 lines
4.8 KiB
156 lines
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#include <memory>
struct Baggage;
struct FPropertyInfo;
class AActor;
class FxExpression;
typedef TDeletingArray<FxExpression*> FArgumentList;
struct ZCC_StructWork
PSymbolTable TreeNodes;
ZCC_Struct *strct;
ZCC_Class *OuterDef;
PClass *Outer;
PSymbolTreeNode *node;
TArray<ZCC_Enum *> Enums;
TArray<ZCC_ConstantDef *> Constants;
TArray<ZCC_VarDeclarator *> Fields;
TArray<ZCC_FuncDeclarator *> Functions;
ZCC_StructWork(ZCC_Struct * s, PSymbolTreeNode *n, ZCC_Class *outer)
strct = s;
node = n;
OuterDef = outer;
Outer = nullptr;
FName NodeName() const
return strct->NodeName;
PStruct *Type()
return strct->Type;
struct ZCC_ClassWork : public ZCC_StructWork
ZCC_Class *cls;
TArray<ZCC_Default *> Defaults;
TArray<ZCC_States *> States;
ZCC_ClassWork(ZCC_Class * s, PSymbolTreeNode *n)
strct = s;
cls = s;
node = n;
OuterDef = nullptr;
Outer = nullptr;
PClass *Type()
return static_cast<PClass *>(strct->Type);
struct ZCC_ConstantWork
ZCC_ConstantDef *node;
PSymbolTable *outputtable;
class ZCCCompiler
ZCCCompiler(ZCC_AST &tree, DObject *outer, PSymbolTable &symbols, PSymbolTable &outsymbols, int lumpnum);
int Compile();
void ProcessClass(ZCC_Class *node, PSymbolTreeNode *tnode);
void ProcessStruct(ZCC_Struct *node, PSymbolTreeNode *tnode, ZCC_Class *outer);
void CreateStructTypes();
void CreateClassTypes();
void CopyConstants(TArray<ZCC_ConstantWork> &dest, TArray<ZCC_ConstantDef*> &Constants, PSymbolTable *ot);
void CompileAllConstants();
void AddConstant(ZCC_ConstantWork &constant);
bool CompileConstant(ZCC_ConstantDef *def, PSymbolTable *Symbols);
void CompileAllFields();
bool CompileFields(PStruct *type, TArray<ZCC_VarDeclarator *> &Fields, PClass *Outer, PSymbolTable *TreeNodes, bool forstruct);
FString FlagsToString(uint32_t flags);
PType *DetermineType(PType *outertype, ZCC_TreeNode *field, FName name, ZCC_Type *ztype, bool allowarraytypes, bool formember);
PType *ResolveArraySize(PType *baseType, ZCC_Expression *arraysize, PSymbolTable *sym);
PType *ResolveUserType(ZCC_BasicType *type, PSymbolTable *sym);
void InitDefaults();
void ProcessDefaultFlag(PClassActor *cls, ZCC_FlagStmt *flg);
void ProcessDefaultProperty(PClassActor *cls, ZCC_PropertyStmt *flg, Baggage &bag);
void DispatchProperty(FPropertyInfo *prop, ZCC_PropertyStmt *pex, AActor *defaults, Baggage &bag);
int GetInt(ZCC_Expression *expr);
double GetDouble(ZCC_Expression *expr);
const char *GetString(ZCC_Expression *expr, bool silent = false);
void CompileFunction(ZCC_StructWork *c, ZCC_FuncDeclarator *f, bool forclass);
void InitFunctions();
void CompileStates();
FxExpression *SetupActionFunction(PClass *cls, ZCC_TreeNode *sl);
bool SimplifyingConstant;
TArray<ZCC_ConstantDef *> Constants;
TArray<ZCC_StructWork *> Structs;
TArray<ZCC_ClassWork *> Classes;
PSymbolTreeNode *AddTreeNode(FName name, ZCC_TreeNode *node, PSymbolTable *treenodes, bool searchparents = false);
ZCC_Expression *Simplify(ZCC_Expression *root, PSymbolTable *Symbols, bool wantconstant);
ZCC_Expression *DoSimplify(ZCC_Expression *root, PSymbolTable *Symbols);
ZCC_Expression *SimplifyUnary(ZCC_ExprUnary *unary, PSymbolTable *Symbols);
ZCC_Expression *SimplifyBinary(ZCC_ExprBinary *binary, PSymbolTable *Symbols);
ZCC_Expression *SimplifyMemberAccess(ZCC_ExprMemberAccess *dotop, PSymbolTable *Symbols);
ZCC_Expression *SimplifyFunctionCall(ZCC_ExprFuncCall *callop, PSymbolTable *Symbols);
ZCC_OpProto *PromoteUnary(EZCCExprType op, ZCC_Expression *&expr);
ZCC_OpProto *PromoteBinary(EZCCExprType op, ZCC_Expression *&left, ZCC_Expression *&right);
ZCC_Expression *ApplyConversion(ZCC_Expression *expr, const PType::Conversion **route, int routelen);
ZCC_Expression *AddCastNode(PType *type, ZCC_Expression *expr);
ZCC_Expression *IdentifyIdentifier(ZCC_ExprID *idnode, PSymbolTable *sym);
ZCC_Expression *NodeFromSymbol(PSymbol *sym, ZCC_Expression *source, PSymbolTable *table);
ZCC_ExprConstant *NodeFromSymbolConst(PSymbolConst *sym, ZCC_Expression *idnode);
ZCC_ExprTypeRef *NodeFromSymbolType(PSymbolType *sym, ZCC_Expression *idnode);
void Warn(ZCC_TreeNode *node, const char *msg, ...);
void Error(ZCC_TreeNode *node, const char *msg, ...);
void MessageV(ZCC_TreeNode *node, const char *txtcolor, const char *msg, va_list argptr);
FxExpression *ConvertAST(PStruct *cclass, ZCC_TreeNode *ast);
FxExpression *ConvertNode(ZCC_TreeNode *node);
FArgumentList &ConvertNodeList(FArgumentList &, ZCC_TreeNode *head);
DObject *Outer;
PStruct *ConvertClass; // class type to be used when resoving symbols while converting an AST
PSymbolTable *GlobalTreeNodes;
PSymbolTable *OutputSymbols;
int Lump;
void ZCC_InitConversions();