Christoph Oelckers 523fd0bf3a Revert "AsmJit update"
This reverts commit 747b3dfcfe.

# Conflicts:
#	libraries/asmjit/asmjit/core/compiler.h

This had to be reverted because it breaks exception handling which is a critical problem.
With the updated code any exception thrown inside code that had a JITed call stack would crash.
2019-10-07 20:34:55 +02:00

1077 lines
28 KiB

// [AsmJit]
// Complete x86/x64 JIT and Remote Assembler for C++.
// [License]
// Zlib - See LICENSE.md file in the package.
// [Export]
// [Dependencies]
#include "../base/osutils.h"
#include "../base/utils.h"
#include "../base/vmem.h"
// [Api-Begin]
#include "../asmjit_apibegin.h"
// This file contains implementation of virtual memory management for AsmJit
// library. There are several goals I decided to write implementation myself:
// - Granularity of allocated blocks is different than granularity for a typical
// C malloc. It is at least 64-bytes so CodeEmitter can guarantee the alignment
// up to 64 bytes, which is the size of a cache-line and it's also required by
// AVX-512 aligned loads and stores. Alignment requirements can grow in the future,
// but at the moment 64 bytes is safe (we may jump to 128 bytes if necessary or
// make it configurable).
// - Keep memory manager information outside of the allocated virtual memory
// pages, because these pages allow machine code execution and there should
// be not data required to keep track of these blocks. Another reason is that
// some environments (i.e. iOS) allow to generate and run JIT code, but this
// code has to be set to [Executable, but not Writable].
// - Keep implementation simple and easy to follow.
// Implementation is based on bit arrays and binary trees. Bit arrays contain
// information related to allocated and unused blocks of memory. The size of
// a block is described by `MemNode::density`. Count of blocks is stored in
// `MemNode::blocks`. For example if density is 64 and count of blocks is 20,
// memory node contains 64*20 bytes of memory and the smallest possible allocation
// (and also alignment) is 64 bytes. So density is also related to memory
// alignment. Binary trees (RB) are used to enable fast lookup into all addresses
// allocated by memory manager instance. This is used mainly by `VMemPrivate::release()`.
// Bit array looks like this (empty = unused, X = used) - Size of block 64:
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// | |X|X| | | | | |X|X|X|X|X|X| | | | | | | | | | | | |X| | | | |X|X|X| | |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// (Maximum continuous block)
// These bits show that there are 12 allocated blocks (X) of 64 bytes, so total
// size allocated is 768 bytes. Maximum count of continuous memory is 12 * 64.
namespace asmjit {
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::VMemMgr - BitOps]
// ============================================================================
#define M_DIV(x, y) ((x) / (y))
#define M_MOD(x, y) ((x) % (y))
//! \internal
enum { kBitsPerEntity = (sizeof(size_t) * 8) };
//! \internal
//! Set `len` bits in `buf` starting at `index` bit index.
static void _SetBits(size_t* buf, size_t index, size_t len) noexcept {
if (len == 0)
size_t i = index / kBitsPerEntity; // size_t[]
size_t j = index % kBitsPerEntity; // size_t[][] bit index
// How many bytes process in the first group.
size_t c = kBitsPerEntity - j;
if (c > len)
c = len;
// Offset.
buf += i;
*buf++ |= ((~(size_t)0) >> (kBitsPerEntity - c)) << j;
len -= c;
while (len >= kBitsPerEntity) {
*buf++ = ~(size_t)0;
len -= kBitsPerEntity;
if (len)
*buf |= ((~(size_t)0) >> (kBitsPerEntity - len));
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::VMemMgr::TypeDefs]
// ============================================================================
typedef VMemMgr::RbNode RbNode;
typedef VMemMgr::MemNode MemNode;
typedef VMemMgr::PermanentNode PermanentNode;
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::VMemMgr::RbNode]
// ============================================================================
//! \internal
//! Base red-black tree node.
struct VMemMgr::RbNode {
// Implementation is based on article by Julienne Walker (Public Domain),
// including C code and original comments. Thanks for the excellent article.
RbNode* node[2]; //!< Left[0] and right[1] nodes.
uint8_t* mem; //!< Virtual memory address.
uint32_t red; //!< Node color (red vs. black).
//! \internal
//! Get if the node is red (nullptr or node with red flag).
static ASMJIT_INLINE bool rbIsRed(RbNode* node) noexcept {
return node && node->red;
//! \internal
//! Check whether the RB tree is valid.
static int rbAssert(RbNode* root) noexcept {
if (!root) return 1;
RbNode* ln = root->node[0];
RbNode* rn = root->node[1];
// Red violation.
ASMJIT_ASSERT(!(rbIsRed(root) && (rbIsRed(ln) || rbIsRed(rn))));
int lh = rbAssert(ln);
int rh = rbAssert(rn);
// Invalid btree.
ASMJIT_ASSERT(ln == nullptr || ln->mem < root->mem);
ASMJIT_ASSERT(rn == nullptr || rn->mem > root->mem);
// Black violation.
ASMJIT_ASSERT(!(lh != 0 && rh != 0 && lh != rh));
// Only count black links.
if (lh != 0 && rh != 0)
return rbIsRed(root) ? lh : lh + 1;
return 0;
//! \internal
//! Single rotation.
static ASMJIT_INLINE RbNode* rbRotateSingle(RbNode* root, int dir) noexcept {
RbNode* save = root->node[!dir];
root->node[!dir] = save->node[dir];
save->node[dir] = root;
root->red = 1;
save->red = 0;
return save;
//! \internal
//! Double rotation.
static ASMJIT_INLINE RbNode* rbRotateDouble(RbNode* root, int dir) noexcept {
root->node[!dir] = rbRotateSingle(root->node[!dir], !dir);
return rbRotateSingle(root, dir);
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::VMemMgr::MemNode]
// ============================================================================
struct VMemMgr::MemNode : public RbNode {
ASMJIT_INLINE void init(MemNode* other) noexcept {
mem = other->mem;
size = other->size;
used = other->used;
blocks = other->blocks;
density = other->density;
largestBlock = other->largestBlock;
baUsed = other->baUsed;
baCont = other->baCont;
// Get available space.
ASMJIT_INLINE size_t getAvailable() const noexcept { return size - used; }
MemNode* prev; // Prev node in list.
MemNode* next; // Next node in list.
size_t size; // How many bytes contain this node.
size_t used; // How many bytes are used in this node.
size_t blocks; // How many blocks are here.
size_t density; // Minimum count of allocated bytes in this node (also alignment).
size_t largestBlock; // Contains largest block that can be allocated.
size_t* baUsed; // Contains bits about used blocks (0 = unused, 1 = used).
size_t* baCont; // Contains bits about continuous blocks (0 = stop , 1 = continue).
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::VMemMgr::PermanentNode]
// ============================================================================
//! \internal
//! Permanent node.
struct VMemMgr::PermanentNode {
//! Get available space.
ASMJIT_INLINE size_t getAvailable() const noexcept { return size - used; }
PermanentNode* prev; // Pointer to prev chunk or nullptr.
uint8_t* mem; // Base pointer (virtual memory address).
size_t size; // Count of bytes allocated.
size_t used; // Count of bytes used.
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::VMemMgr - Private]
// ============================================================================
//! \internal
//! Helper to avoid `#ifdef`s in the code.
ASMJIT_INLINE uint8_t* vMemMgrAllocVMem(VMemMgr* self, size_t size, size_t* vSize) noexcept {
uint32_t flags = OSUtils::kVMWritable | OSUtils::kVMExecutable;
return static_cast<uint8_t*>(OSUtils::allocVirtualMemory(size, vSize, flags));
return static_cast<uint8_t*>(OSUtils::allocProcessMemory(self->_hProcess, size, vSize, flags));
//! \internal
//! Helper to avoid `#ifdef`s in the code.
ASMJIT_INLINE Error vMemMgrReleaseVMem(VMemMgr* self, void* p, size_t vSize) noexcept {
return OSUtils::releaseVirtualMemory(p, vSize);
return OSUtils::releaseProcessMemory(self->_hProcess, p, vSize);
//! \internal
//! Check whether the Red-Black tree is valid.
static bool vMemMgrCheckTree(VMemMgr* self) noexcept {
return rbAssert(self->_root) > 0;
//! \internal
//! Alloc virtual memory including a heap memory needed for `MemNode` data.
//! Returns set-up `MemNode*` or nullptr if allocation failed.
static MemNode* vMemMgrCreateNode(VMemMgr* self, size_t size, size_t density) noexcept {
size_t vSize;
uint8_t* vmem = vMemMgrAllocVMem(self, size, &vSize);
if (!vmem) return nullptr;
size_t blocks = (vSize / density);
size_t bsize = (((blocks + 7) >> 3) + sizeof(size_t) - 1) & ~(size_t)(sizeof(size_t) - 1);
MemNode* node = static_cast<MemNode*>(Internal::allocMemory(sizeof(MemNode)));
uint8_t* data = static_cast<uint8_t*>(Internal::allocMemory(bsize * 2));
// Out of memory.
if (!node || !data) {
vMemMgrReleaseVMem(self, vmem, vSize);
if (node) Internal::releaseMemory(node);
if (data) Internal::releaseMemory(data);
return nullptr;
// Initialize RbNode data.
node->node[0] = nullptr;
node->node[1] = nullptr;
node->mem = vmem;
node->red = 1;
// Initialize MemNode data.
node->prev = nullptr;
node->next = nullptr;
node->size = vSize;
node->used = 0;
node->blocks = blocks;
node->density = density;
node->largestBlock = vSize;
::memset(data, 0, bsize * 2);
node->baUsed = reinterpret_cast<size_t*>(data);
node->baCont = reinterpret_cast<size_t*>(data + bsize);
return node;
static void vMemMgrInsertNode(VMemMgr* self, MemNode* node) noexcept {
if (!self->_root) {
// Empty tree case.
self->_root = node;
else {
// False tree root.
RbNode head = { { nullptr, nullptr }, 0, 0 };
// Grandparent & parent.
RbNode* g = nullptr;
RbNode* t = &head;
// Iterator & parent.
RbNode* p = nullptr;
RbNode* q = t->node[1] = self->_root;
int dir = 0;
int last = 0; // Not needed to initialize, but makes some tools happy.
// Search down the tree.
for (;;) {
if (!q) {
// Insert new node at the bottom.
q = node;
p->node[dir] = node;
else if (rbIsRed(q->node[0]) && rbIsRed(q->node[1])) {
// Color flip.
q->red = 1;
q->node[0]->red = 0;
q->node[1]->red = 0;
// Fix red violation.
if (rbIsRed(q) && rbIsRed(p)) {
int dir2 = t->node[1] == g;
t->node[dir2] = q == p->node[last] ? rbRotateSingle(g, !last) : rbRotateDouble(g, !last);
// Stop if found.
if (q == node)
last = dir;
dir = q->mem < node->mem;
// Update helpers.
if (g) t = g;
g = p;
p = q;
q = q->node[dir];
// Update root.
self->_root = static_cast<MemNode*>(head.node[1]);
// Make root black.
self->_root->red = 0;
// Link with others.
node->prev = self->_last;
if (!self->_first) {
self->_first = node;
self->_last = node;
self->_optimal = node;
else {
node->prev = self->_last;
self->_last->next = node;
self->_last = node;
//! \internal
//! Remove node from Red-Black tree.
//! Returns node that should be freed, but it doesn't have to be necessarily
//! the `node` passed.
static MemNode* vMemMgrRemoveNode(VMemMgr* self, MemNode* node) noexcept {
// False tree root.
RbNode head = { { nullptr, nullptr }, 0, 0 };
// Helpers.
RbNode* q = &head;
RbNode* p = nullptr;
RbNode* g = nullptr;
// Found item.
RbNode* f = nullptr;
int dir = 1;
// Set up.
q->node[1] = self->_root;
// Search and push a red down.
while (q->node[dir]) {
int last = dir;
// Update helpers.
g = p;
p = q;
q = q->node[dir];
dir = q->mem < node->mem;
// Save found node.
if (q == node)
f = q;
// Push the red node down.
if (!rbIsRed(q) && !rbIsRed(q->node[dir])) {
if (rbIsRed(q->node[!dir])) {
p = p->node[last] = rbRotateSingle(q, dir);
else if (!rbIsRed(q->node[!dir])) {
RbNode* s = p->node[!last];
if (s) {
if (!rbIsRed(s->node[!last]) && !rbIsRed(s->node[last])) {
// Color flip.
p->red = 0;
s->red = 1;
q->red = 1;
else {
int dir2 = g->node[1] == p;
if (rbIsRed(s->node[last]))
g->node[dir2] = rbRotateDouble(p, last);
else if (rbIsRed(s->node[!last]))
g->node[dir2] = rbRotateSingle(p, last);
// Ensure correct coloring.
q->red = g->node[dir2]->red = 1;
g->node[dir2]->node[0]->red = 0;
g->node[dir2]->node[1]->red = 0;
// Replace and remove.
ASMJIT_ASSERT(f != nullptr);
ASMJIT_ASSERT(f != &head);
ASMJIT_ASSERT(q != &head);
if (f != q) {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(f != &head);
p->node[p->node[1] == q] = q->node[q->node[0] == nullptr];
// Update root and make it black.
self->_root = static_cast<MemNode*>(head.node[1]);
if (self->_root) self->_root->red = 0;
// Unlink.
MemNode* next = static_cast<MemNode*>(q)->next;
MemNode* prev = static_cast<MemNode*>(q)->prev;
if (prev)
prev->next = next;
self->_first = next;
if (next)
next->prev = prev;
self->_last = prev;
if (self->_optimal == q)
self->_optimal = prev ? prev : next;
return static_cast<MemNode*>(q);
static MemNode* vMemMgrFindNodeByPtr(VMemMgr* self, uint8_t* mem) noexcept {
MemNode* node = self->_root;
while (node) {
uint8_t* nodeMem = node->mem;
// Go left.
if (mem < nodeMem) {
node = static_cast<MemNode*>(node->node[0]);
// Go right.
uint8_t* nodeEnd = nodeMem + node->size;
if (mem >= nodeEnd) {
node = static_cast<MemNode*>(node->node[1]);
// Match.
return node;
static void* vMemMgrAllocPermanent(VMemMgr* self, size_t vSize) noexcept {
static const size_t permanentAlignment = 32;
static const size_t permanentNodeSize = 32768;
vSize = Utils::alignTo<size_t>(vSize, permanentAlignment);
AutoLock locked(self->_lock);
PermanentNode* node = self->_permanent;
// Try to find space in allocated chunks.
while (node && vSize > node->getAvailable())
node = node->prev;
// Or allocate new node.
if (!node) {
size_t nodeSize = permanentNodeSize;
if (nodeSize < vSize) nodeSize = vSize;
node = static_cast<PermanentNode*>(Internal::allocMemory(sizeof(PermanentNode)));
if (!node) return nullptr;
node->mem = vMemMgrAllocVMem(self, nodeSize, &node->size);
if (!node->mem) {
return nullptr;
node->used = 0;
node->prev = self->_permanent;
self->_permanent = node;
// Finally, copy function code to our space we reserved for.
uint8_t* result = node->mem + node->used;
// Update Statistics.
node->used += vSize;
self->_usedBytes += vSize;
// Code can be null to only reserve space for code.
return static_cast<void*>(result);
static void* vMemMgrAllocFreeable(VMemMgr* self, size_t vSize) noexcept {
// Current index.
size_t i;
// How many we need to be freed.
size_t need;
size_t minVSize;
// Align to 32 bytes by default.
vSize = Utils::alignTo<size_t>(vSize, 32);
if (vSize == 0)
return nullptr;
AutoLock locked(self->_lock);
MemNode* node = self->_optimal;
minVSize = self->_blockSize;
// Try to find memory block in existing nodes.
while (node) {
// Skip this node?
if ((node->getAvailable() < vSize) || (node->largestBlock < vSize && node->largestBlock != 0)) {
MemNode* next = node->next;
if (node->getAvailable() < minVSize && node == self->_optimal && next)
self->_optimal = next;
node = next;
size_t* up = node->baUsed; // Current ubits address.
size_t ubits; // Current ubits[0] value.
size_t bit; // Current bit mask.
size_t blocks = node->blocks; // Count of blocks in node.
size_t cont = 0; // How many bits are currently freed in find loop.
size_t maxCont = 0; // Largest continuous block (bits count).
size_t j;
need = M_DIV((vSize + node->density - 1), node->density);
i = 0;
// Try to find node that is large enough.
while (i < blocks) {
ubits = *up++;
// Fast skip used blocks.
if (ubits == ~(size_t)0) {
if (cont > maxCont)
maxCont = cont;
cont = 0;
i += kBitsPerEntity;
size_t max = kBitsPerEntity;
if (i + max > blocks)
max = blocks - i;
for (j = 0, bit = 1; j < max; bit <<= 1) {
if ((ubits & bit) == 0) {
if (++cont == need) {
i += j;
i -= cont;
goto L_Found;
if (cont > maxCont) maxCont = cont;
cont = 0;
i += kBitsPerEntity;
// Because we traversed the entire node, we can set largest node size that
// will be used to cache next traversing.
node->largestBlock = maxCont * node->density;
node = node->next;
// If we are here, we failed to find existing memory block and we must
// allocate a new one.
size_t blockSize = self->_blockSize;
if (blockSize < vSize) blockSize = vSize;
node = vMemMgrCreateNode(self, blockSize, self->_blockDensity);
if (!node) return nullptr;
// Update binary tree.
vMemMgrInsertNode(self, node);
// Alloc first node at start.
i = 0;
need = (vSize + node->density - 1) / node->density;
// Update statistics.
self->_allocatedBytes += node->size;
// Update bits.
_SetBits(node->baUsed, i, need);
_SetBits(node->baCont, i, need - 1);
// Update statistics.
size_t u = need * node->density;
node->used += u;
node->largestBlock = 0;
self->_usedBytes += u;
// And return pointer to allocated memory.
uint8_t* result = node->mem + i * node->density;
ASMJIT_ASSERT(result >= node->mem && result <= node->mem + node->size - vSize);
return result;
//! \internal
//! Reset the whole `VMemMgr` instance, freeing all heap memory allocated an
//! virtual memory allocated unless `keepVirtualMemory` is true (and this is
//! only used when writing data to a remote process).
static void vMemMgrReset(VMemMgr* self, bool keepVirtualMemory) noexcept {
MemNode* node = self->_first;
while (node) {
MemNode* next = node->next;
if (!keepVirtualMemory)
vMemMgrReleaseVMem(self, node->mem, node->size);
node = next;
self->_allocatedBytes = 0;
self->_usedBytes = 0;
self->_root = nullptr;
self->_first = nullptr;
self->_last = nullptr;
self->_optimal = nullptr;
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::VMemMgr - Construction / Destruction]
// ============================================================================
VMemMgr::VMemMgr() noexcept {
VMemMgr::VMemMgr(HANDLE hProcess) noexcept {
VMemInfo vm = OSUtils::getVirtualMemoryInfo();
_hProcess = hProcess ? hProcess : vm.hCurrentProcess;
_blockSize = vm.pageGranularity;
_blockDensity = 64;
_allocatedBytes = 0;
_usedBytes = 0;
_root = nullptr;
_first = nullptr;
_last = nullptr;
_optimal = nullptr;
_permanent = nullptr;
_keepVirtualMemory = false;
VMemMgr::~VMemMgr() noexcept {
// Freeable memory cleanup - Also frees the virtual memory if configured to.
vMemMgrReset(this, _keepVirtualMemory);
// Permanent memory cleanup - Never frees the virtual memory.
PermanentNode* node = _permanent;
while (node) {
PermanentNode* prev = node->prev;
node = prev;
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::VMemMgr - Reset]
// ============================================================================
void VMemMgr::reset() noexcept {
vMemMgrReset(this, false);
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::VMemMgr - Alloc / Release]
// ============================================================================
void* VMemMgr::alloc(size_t size, uint32_t type) noexcept {
if (type == kAllocPermanent)
return vMemMgrAllocPermanent(this, size);
return vMemMgrAllocFreeable(this, size);
Error VMemMgr::release(void* p) noexcept {
if (!p) return kErrorOk;
AutoLock locked(_lock);
MemNode* node = vMemMgrFindNodeByPtr(this, static_cast<uint8_t*>(p));
if (!node) return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidArgument);
size_t offset = (size_t)((uint8_t*)p - (uint8_t*)node->mem);
size_t bitpos = M_DIV(offset, node->density);
size_t i = (bitpos / kBitsPerEntity);
size_t* up = node->baUsed + i; // Current ubits address.
size_t* cp = node->baCont + i; // Current cbits address.
size_t ubits = *up; // Current ubits[0] value.
size_t cbits = *cp; // Current cbits[0] value.
size_t bit = (size_t)1 << (bitpos % kBitsPerEntity);
size_t cont = 0;
bool stop;
for (;;) {
stop = (cbits & bit) == 0;
ubits &= ~bit;
cbits &= ~bit;
bit <<= 1;
if (stop || bit == 0) {
*up = ubits;
*cp = cbits;
if (stop)
ubits = *++up;
cbits = *++cp;
bit = 1;
// If the freed block is fully allocated node then it's needed to
// update 'optimal' pointer in memory manager.
if (node->used == node->size) {
MemNode* cur = _optimal;
do {
cur = cur->prev;
if (cur == node) {
_optimal = node;
} while (cur);
// Statistics.
cont *= node->density;
if (node->largestBlock < cont)
node->largestBlock = cont;
node->used -= cont;
_usedBytes -= cont;
// If page is empty, we can free it.
if (node->used == 0) {
// Free memory associated with node (this memory is not accessed
// anymore so it's safe).
vMemMgrReleaseVMem(this, node->mem, node->size);
node->baUsed = nullptr;
node->baCont = nullptr;
// Statistics.
_allocatedBytes -= node->size;
// Remove node. This function can return different node than
// passed into, but data is copied into previous node if needed.
Internal::releaseMemory(vMemMgrRemoveNode(this, node));
return kErrorOk;
Error VMemMgr::shrink(void* p, size_t used) noexcept {
if (!p) return kErrorOk;
if (used == 0)
return release(p);
AutoLock locked(_lock);
MemNode* node = vMemMgrFindNodeByPtr(this, (uint8_t*)p);
if (!node) return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidArgument);
size_t offset = (size_t)((uint8_t*)p - (uint8_t*)node->mem);
size_t bitpos = M_DIV(offset, node->density);
size_t i = (bitpos / kBitsPerEntity);
size_t* up = node->baUsed + i; // Current ubits address.
size_t* cp = node->baCont + i; // Current cbits address.
size_t ubits = *up; // Current ubits[0] value.
size_t cbits = *cp; // Current cbits[0] value.
size_t bit = (size_t)1 << (bitpos % kBitsPerEntity);
size_t cont = 0;
size_t usedBlocks = (used + node->density - 1) / node->density;
bool stop;
// Find the first block we can mark as free.
for (;;) {
stop = (cbits & bit) == 0;
if (stop)
return kErrorOk;
if (++cont == usedBlocks)
bit <<= 1;
if (bit == 0) {
ubits = *++up;
cbits = *++cp;
bit = 1;
// Free the tail blocks.
cont = ~(size_t)0;
goto _EnterFreeLoop;
for (;;) {
stop = (cbits & bit) == 0;
ubits &= ~bit;
cbits &= ~bit;
bit <<= 1;
if (stop || bit == 0) {
*up = ubits;
*cp = cbits;
if (stop)
ubits = *++up;
cbits = *++cp;
bit = 1;
// Statistics.
cont *= node->density;
if (node->largestBlock < cont)
node->largestBlock = cont;
node->used -= cont;
_usedBytes -= cont;
return kErrorOk;
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::VMem - Test]
// ============================================================================
#if defined(ASMJIT_TEST)
static void VMemTest_fill(void* a, void* b, int i) noexcept {
int pattern = rand() % 256;
*(int *)a = i;
*(int *)b = i;
::memset((char*)a + sizeof(int), pattern, i - sizeof(int));
::memset((char*)b + sizeof(int), pattern, i - sizeof(int));
static void VMemTest_verify(void* a, void* b) noexcept {
int ai = *(int*)a;
int bi = *(int*)b;
EXPECT(ai == bi,
"The length of 'a' (%d) and 'b' (%d) should be same", ai, bi);
EXPECT(::memcmp(a, b, ai) == 0,
"Pattern (%p) doesn't match", a);
static void VMemTest_stats(VMemMgr& memmgr) noexcept {
INFO("Used : %u", static_cast<unsigned int>(memmgr.getUsedBytes()));
INFO("Allocated: %u", static_cast<unsigned int>(memmgr.getAllocatedBytes()));
static void VMemTest_shuffle(void** a, void** b, size_t count) noexcept {
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
size_t si = (size_t)rand() % count;
void* ta = a[i];
void* tb = b[i];
a[i] = a[si];
b[i] = b[si];
a[si] = ta;
b[si] = tb;
UNIT(base_vmem) {
VMemMgr memmgr;
// Should be predictible.
int i;
int kCount = 200000;
INFO("Memory alloc/free test - %d allocations", static_cast<int>(kCount));
void** a = (void**)Internal::allocMemory(sizeof(void*) * kCount);
void** b = (void**)Internal::allocMemory(sizeof(void*) * kCount);
EXPECT(a != nullptr && b != nullptr,
"Couldn't allocate %u bytes on heap", kCount * 2);
INFO("Allocating virtual memory...");
for (i = 0; i < kCount; i++) {
int r = (rand() % 1000) + 4;
a[i] = memmgr.alloc(r);
EXPECT(a[i] != nullptr,
"Couldn't allocate %d bytes of virtual memory", r);
::memset(a[i], 0, r);
INFO("Freeing virtual memory...");
for (i = 0; i < kCount; i++) {
EXPECT(memmgr.release(a[i]) == kErrorOk,
"Failed to free %p", b[i]);
INFO("Verified alloc/free test - %d allocations", static_cast<int>(kCount));
for (i = 0; i < kCount; i++) {
int r = (rand() % 1000) + 4;
a[i] = memmgr.alloc(r);
EXPECT(a[i] != nullptr,
"Couldn't allocate %d bytes of virtual memory", r);
b[i] = Internal::allocMemory(r);
EXPECT(b[i] != nullptr,
"Couldn't allocate %d bytes on heap", r);
VMemTest_fill(a[i], b[i], r);
VMemTest_shuffle(a, b, kCount);
INFO("Verify and free...");
for (i = 0; i < kCount / 2; i++) {
VMemTest_verify(a[i], b[i]);
EXPECT(memmgr.release(a[i]) == kErrorOk,
"Failed to free %p", a[i]);
INFO("Alloc again");
for (i = 0; i < kCount / 2; i++) {
int r = (rand() % 1000) + 4;
a[i] = memmgr.alloc(r);
EXPECT(a[i] != nullptr,
"Couldn't allocate %d bytes of virtual memory", r);
b[i] = Internal::allocMemory(r);
EXPECT(b[i] != nullptr,
"Couldn't allocate %d bytes on heap");
VMemTest_fill(a[i], b[i], r);
INFO("Verify and free...");
for (i = 0; i < kCount; i++) {
VMemTest_verify(a[i], b[i]);
EXPECT(memmgr.release(a[i]) == kErrorOk,
"Failed to free %p", a[i]);
#endif // ASMJIT_TEST
} // asmjit namespace