mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 05:42:49 +00:00
velocity, and now it's known as such. The actor variables momx/momy/momz are now known as velx/vely/velz, and the ACS functions GetActorMomX/Y/Z are now known as GetActorVelX/Y/Z. For compatibility, momx/momy/momz will continue to work as aliases from DECORATE. The ACS functions, however, require you to use the new name, since they never saw an official release yet. SVN r1689 (trunk)
520 lines
18 KiB
520 lines
18 KiB
// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*-
// $Id:$
// Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
// This source is available for distribution and/or modification
// only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as
// published by id Software. All rights reserved.
// The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// for more details.
// $Log:$
// Cheat code. See *_sbar.cpp for status bars.
#include "d_protocol.h"
#include "gstrings.h"
#include "c_cvars.h"
#include "c_dispatch.h"
#include "d_event.h"
#include "gi.h"
#include "d_net.h"
#include "doomstat.h"
#include "g_level.h"
EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, ticker);
EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, noisedebug);
EXTERN_CVAR (Int, am_cheat);
struct cheatseq_t
BYTE *Sequence;
BYTE *Pos;
BYTE DontCheck;
BYTE CurrentArg;
BYTE Args[2];
bool (*Handler)(cheatseq_t *);
static bool CheatCheckList (event_t *ev, cheatseq_t *cheats, int numcheats);
static bool CheatAddKey (cheatseq_t *cheat, BYTE key, bool *eat);
static bool Cht_Generic (cheatseq_t *);
static bool Cht_Music (cheatseq_t *);
static bool Cht_BeholdMenu (cheatseq_t *);
static bool Cht_PumpupMenu (cheatseq_t *);
static bool Cht_AutoMap (cheatseq_t *);
static bool Cht_ChangeLevel (cheatseq_t *);
static bool Cht_ChangeStartSpot (cheatseq_t *);
static bool Cht_WarpTransLevel (cheatseq_t *);
static bool Cht_MyPos (cheatseq_t *);
static bool Cht_Sound (cheatseq_t *);
static bool Cht_Ticker (cheatseq_t *);
BYTE CheatPowerup[7][10] =
{ 'i','d','b','e','h','o','l','d','v', 255 },
{ 'i','d','b','e','h','o','l','d','s', 255 },
{ 'i','d','b','e','h','o','l','d','i', 255 },
{ 'i','d','b','e','h','o','l','d','r', 255 },
{ 'i','d','b','e','h','o','l','d','a', 255 },
{ 'i','d','b','e','h','o','l','d','l', 255 },
{ 'i','d','b','e','h','o','l','d', 255 },
BYTE CheatPowerup1[11][7] =
{ 'g','i','m','m','e','a',255 },
{ 'g','i','m','m','e','b',255 },
{ 'g','i','m','m','e','c',255 },
{ 'g','i','m','m','e','d',255 },
{ 'g','i','m','m','e','e',255 },
{ 'g','i','m','m','e','f',255 },
{ 'g','i','m','m','e','g',255 },
{ 'g','i','m','m','e','h',255 },
{ 'g','i','m','m','e','i',255 },
{ 'g','i','m','m','e','j',255 },
{ 'g','i','m','m','e','z',255 },
BYTE CheatPowerup2[8][10] =
{ 'p','u','m','p','u','p','b',255 },
{ 'p','u','m','p','u','p','i',255 },
{ 'p','u','m','p','u','p','m',255 },
{ 'p','u','m','p','u','p','h',255 },
{ 'p','u','m','p','u','p','p',255 },
{ 'p','u','m','p','u','p','s',255 },
{ 'p','u','m','p','u','p','t',255 },
{ 'p','u','m','p','u','p',255 },
// Smashing Pumpkins Into Small Piles Of Putrid Debris.
static BYTE CheatNoclip[] = { 'i','d','s','p','i','s','p','o','p','d',255 };
static BYTE CheatNoclip2[] = { 'i','d','c','l','i','p',255 };
static BYTE CheatMus[] = { 'i','d','m','u','s',0,0,255 };
static BYTE CheatChoppers[] = { 'i','d','c','h','o','p','p','e','r','s',255 };
static BYTE CheatGod[] = { 'i','d','d','q','d',255 };
static BYTE CheatAmmo[] = { 'i','d','k','f','a',255 };
static BYTE CheatAmmoNoKey[] = { 'i','d','f','a',255 };
static BYTE CheatClev[] = { 'i','d','c','l','e','v',0,0,255 };
static BYTE CheatMypos[] = { 'i','d','m','y','p','o','s',255 };
static BYTE CheatAmap[] = { 'i','d','d','t',255 };
static BYTE CheatQuicken[] = { 'q','u','i','c','k','e','n',255 };
static BYTE CheatKitty[] = { 'k','i','t','t','y',255 };
static BYTE CheatRambo[] = { 'r','a','m','b','o',255 };
static BYTE CheatShazam[] = { 's','h','a','z','a','m',255 };
static BYTE CheatPonce[] = { 'p','o','n','c','e',255 };
static BYTE CheatSkel[] = { 's','k','e','l',255 };
static BYTE CheatNoise[] = { 'n','o','i','s','e',255 };
static BYTE CheatTicker[] = { 't','i','c','k','e','r',255 };
static BYTE CheatEngage[] = { 'e','n','g','a','g','e',0,0,255 };
static BYTE CheatChicken[] = { 'c','o','c','k','a','d','o','o','d','l','e','d','o','o',255 };
static BYTE CheatMassacre[] = { 'm','a','s','s','a','c','r','e',255 };
static BYTE CheatRavMap[] = { 'r','a','v','m','a','p',255 };
static BYTE CheatSatan[] = { 's','a','t','a','n',255 };
static BYTE CheatCasper[] = { 'c','a','s','p','e','r',255 };
static BYTE CheatNRA[] = { 'n','r','a',255 };
static BYTE CheatClubMed[] = { 'c','l','u','b','m','e','d',255 };
static BYTE CheatLocksmith[] = { 'l','o','c','k','s','m','i','t','h',255 };
static BYTE CheatIndiana[] = { 'i','n','d','i','a','n','a',255 };
static BYTE CheatSherlock[] = { 's','h','e','r','l','o','c','k',255 };
static BYTE CheatVisit[] = { 'v','i','s','i','t',0,0,255 };
static BYTE CheatPig[] = { 'd','e','l','i','v','e','r','a','n','c','e',255 };
static BYTE CheatButcher[] = { 'b','u','t','c','h','e','r',255 };
static BYTE CheatConan[] = { 'c','o','n','a','n',255 };
static BYTE CheatMapsco[] = { 'm','a','p','s','c','o',255 };
static BYTE CheatWhere[] = { 'w','h','e','r','e',255 };
#if 0
static BYTE CheatClass1[] = { 's','h','a','d','o','w','c','a','s','t','e','r',255 };
static BYTE CheatClass2[] = { 's','h','a','d','o','w','c','a','s','t','e','r',0,255 };
static BYTE CheatInit[] = { 'i','n','i','t',255 };
static BYTE CheatScript1[] = { 'p','u','k','e',255 };
static BYTE CheatScript2[] = { 'p','u','k','e',0,255 };
static BYTE CheatScript3[] = { 'p','u','k','e',0,0,255 };
static BYTE CheatSpin[] = { 's','p','i','n',0,0,255 };
static BYTE CheatRift[] = { 'r','i','f','t',0,0,255 };
static BYTE CheatGPS[] = { 'g','p','s',255 };
static BYTE CheatGripper[] = { 'g','r','i','p','p','e','r',255 };
static BYTE CheatLego[] = { 'l','e','g','o',255 };
static BYTE CheatDots[] = { 'd','o','t','s',255 };
static BYTE CheatScoot[] = { 's','c','o','o','t',0,255 };
static BYTE CheatDonnyTrump[] = { 'd','o','n','n','y','t','r','u','m','p',255 };
static BYTE CheatOmnipotent[] = { 'o','m','n','i','p','o','t','e','n','t',255 };
static BYTE CheatJimmy[] = { 'j','i','m','m','y',255 };
static BYTE CheatBoomstix[] = { 'b','o','o','m','s','t','i','x',255 };
static BYTE CheatStoneCold[] = { 's','t','o','n','e','c','o','l','d',255 };
static BYTE CheatElvis[] = { 'e','l','v','i','s',255 };
static BYTE CheatTopo[] = { 't','o','p','o',255 };
//[BL] Graf will probably get rid of this
static BYTE CheatJoelKoenigs[] = { 'j','o','e','l','k','o','e','n','i','g','s',255 };
static BYTE CheatDavidBrus[] = { 'd','a','v','i','d','b','r','u','s',255 };
static BYTE CheatScottHolman[] = { 's','c','o','t','t','h','o','l','m','a','n',255 };
static BYTE CheatMikeKoenigs[] = { 'm','i','k','e','k','o','e','n','i','g','s',255 };
static BYTE CheatCharlesJacobi[] = { 'c','h','a','r','l','e','s','j','a','c','o','b','i',255 };
static BYTE CheatAndrewBenson[] = { 'a','n','d','r','e','w','b','e','n','s','o','n',255 };
static BYTE CheatDeanHyers[] = { 'd','e','a','n','h','y','e','r','s',255 };
static BYTE CheatMaryBregi[] = { 'm','a','r','y','b','r','e','g','i',255 };
static BYTE CheatAllen[] = { 'a','l','l','e','n',255 };
static BYTE CheatDigitalCafe[] = { 'd','i','g','i','t','a','l','c','a','f','e',255 };
static BYTE CheatJoshuaStorms[] = { 'j','o','s','h','u','a','s','t','o','r','m','s',255 };
static BYTE CheatLeeSnyder[] = { 'l','e','e','s','n','y','d','e','r',0,0,255 };
static BYTE CheatKimHyers[] = { 'k','i','m','h','y','e','r','s',255 };
static BYTE CheatShrrill[] = { 's','h','r','r','i','l','l',255 };
static BYTE CheatTNTem[] = { 't','n','t','e','m',255 };
static cheatseq_t DoomCheats[] =
{ CheatMus, 0, 1, 0, {0,0}, Cht_Music },
{ CheatPowerup[6], 0, 1, 0, {0,0}, Cht_BeholdMenu },
{ CheatMypos, 0, 1, 0, {0,0}, Cht_MyPos },
{ CheatAmap, 0, 0, 0, {0,0}, Cht_AutoMap },
{ CheatGod, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_IDDQD,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatAmmo, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_IDKFA,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatAmmoNoKey, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_IDFA,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatNoclip, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_NOCLIP,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatNoclip2, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_NOCLIP,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatPowerup[0], 0, 0, 0, {CHT_BEHOLDV,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatPowerup[1], 0, 0, 0, {CHT_BEHOLDS,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatPowerup[2], 0, 0, 0, {CHT_BEHOLDI,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatPowerup[3], 0, 0, 0, {CHT_BEHOLDR,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatPowerup[4], 0, 0, 0, {CHT_BEHOLDA,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatPowerup[5], 0, 0, 0, {CHT_BEHOLDL,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatChoppers, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_CHAINSAW,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatClev, 0, 0, 0, {0,0}, Cht_ChangeLevel }
static cheatseq_t HereticCheats[] =
{ CheatNoise, 0, 1, 0, {0,0}, Cht_Sound },
{ CheatTicker, 0, 1, 0, {0,0}, Cht_Ticker },
{ CheatRavMap, 0, 0, 0, {0,0}, Cht_AutoMap },
{ CheatQuicken, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_GOD,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatKitty, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_NOCLIP,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatRambo, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_IDFA,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatShazam, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_POWER,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatPonce, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_HEALTH,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatSkel, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_KEYS,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatChicken, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_MORPH,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatAmmo, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_TAKEWEAPS,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatGod, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_NOWUDIE,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatMassacre, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_MASSACRE,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatEngage, 0, 0, 0, {0,0}, Cht_ChangeLevel },
{ CheatPowerup1[0], 0, 0, 0, {CHT_GIMMIEA,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatPowerup1[1], 0, 0, 0, {CHT_GIMMIEB,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatPowerup1[2], 0, 0, 0, {CHT_GIMMIEC,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatPowerup1[3], 0, 0, 0, {CHT_GIMMIED,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatPowerup1[4], 0, 0, 0, {CHT_GIMMIEE,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatPowerup1[5], 0, 0, 0, {CHT_GIMMIEF,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatPowerup1[6], 0, 0, 0, {CHT_GIMMIEG,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatPowerup1[7], 0, 0, 0, {CHT_GIMMIEH,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatPowerup1[8], 0, 0, 0, {CHT_GIMMIEI,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatPowerup1[9], 0, 0, 0, {CHT_GIMMIEJ,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatPowerup1[10], 0, 0, 0, {CHT_GIMMIEZ,0}, Cht_Generic },
static cheatseq_t HexenCheats[] =
{ CheatSatan, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_GOD,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatCasper, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_NOCLIP,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatNRA, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_IDFA,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatClubMed, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_HEALTH,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatLocksmith, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_KEYS,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatIndiana, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_ALLARTI,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatSherlock, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_PUZZLE,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatVisit, 0, 0, 0, {0,0}, Cht_WarpTransLevel },
{ CheatPig, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_MORPH,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatButcher, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_MASSACRE,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatConan, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_TAKEWEAPS,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatWhere, 0, 1, 0, {0,0}, Cht_MyPos },
{ CheatMapsco, 0, 0, 0, {0,0}, Cht_AutoMap }
static cheatseq_t StrifeCheats[] =
{ CheatSpin, 0, 1, 0, {0,0}, Cht_Music },
{ CheatGPS, 0, 1, 0, {0,0}, Cht_MyPos },
{ CheatTopo, 0, 0, 0, {0,0}, Cht_AutoMap },
{ CheatDots, 0, 1, 0, {0,0}, Cht_Ticker },
{ CheatOmnipotent, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_IDDQD,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatGripper, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_NOVELOCITY,0},Cht_Generic },
{ CheatJimmy, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_KEYS,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatBoomstix, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_IDFA,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatElvis, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_NOCLIP,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatStoneCold, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_MASSACRE,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatPowerup2[7], 0, 1, 0, {0,0}, Cht_PumpupMenu },
{ CheatPowerup2[0], 0, 0, 0, {CHT_BEHOLDS,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatPowerup2[1], 0, 0, 0, {CHT_PUMPUPI,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatPowerup2[2], 0, 0, 0, {CHT_PUMPUPM,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatPowerup2[3], 0, 0, 0, {CHT_PUMPUPH,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatPowerup2[4], 0, 0, 0, {CHT_PUMPUPP,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatPowerup2[5], 0, 0, 0, {CHT_PUMPUPS,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatPowerup2[6], 0, 0, 0, {CHT_PUMPUPT,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatRift, 0, 0, 0, {0,0}, Cht_ChangeLevel },
{ CheatDonnyTrump, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_DONNYTRUMP,0},Cht_Generic },
{ CheatScoot, 0, 0, 0, {0,0}, Cht_ChangeStartSpot },
{ CheatLego, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_LEGO,0}, Cht_Generic },
static cheatseq_t ChexCheats[] =
{ CheatMus, 0, 1, 0, {0,0}, Cht_Music },
{ CheatKimHyers, 0, 1, 0, {0,0}, Cht_MyPos },
{ CheatShrrill, 0, 0, 0, {0,0}, Cht_AutoMap },
{ CheatDavidBrus, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_IDDQD,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatMikeKoenigs, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_IDKFA,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatScottHolman, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_IDFA,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatCharlesJacobi, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_NOCLIP,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatAndrewBenson, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_BEHOLDV,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatDeanHyers, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_BEHOLDS,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatMaryBregi, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_BEHOLDI,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatAllen, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_BEHOLDR,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatDigitalCafe, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_BEHOLDA,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatJoshuaStorms, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_BEHOLDL,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatJoelKoenigs, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_CHAINSAW,0}, Cht_Generic },
{ CheatLeeSnyder, 0, 0, 0, {0,0}, Cht_ChangeLevel }
static cheatseq_t SpecialCheats[] =
{ CheatTNTem, 0, 0, 0, {CHT_MASSACRE,0}, Cht_Generic }
extern bool CheckCheatmode ();
CVAR(Bool, allcheats, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE)
// Respond to keyboard input events, intercept cheats.
// [RH] Cheats eat the last keypress used to trigger them
bool ST_Responder (event_t *ev)
bool eat = false;
if (!allcheats)
cheatseq_t *cheats;
int numcheats;
switch (gameinfo.gametype)
case GAME_Doom:
cheats = DoomCheats;
numcheats = countof(DoomCheats);
case GAME_Heretic:
cheats = HereticCheats;
numcheats = countof(HereticCheats);
case GAME_Hexen:
cheats = HexenCheats;
numcheats = countof(HexenCheats);
case GAME_Strife:
cheats = StrifeCheats;
numcheats = countof(StrifeCheats);
case GAME_Chex:
cheats = ChexCheats;
numcheats = countof(ChexCheats);
return false;
return CheatCheckList(ev, cheats, numcheats);
static cheatseq_t *cheatlists[] = { DoomCheats, HereticCheats, HexenCheats, StrifeCheats, ChexCheats, SpecialCheats };
static int counts[] = { countof(DoomCheats), countof(HereticCheats), countof(HexenCheats),
countof(StrifeCheats), countof(ChexCheats), countof(SpecialCheats) };
for (size_t i=0; i<countof(cheatlists); i++)
if (CheatCheckList(ev, cheatlists[i], counts[i])) return true;
return false;
static bool CheatCheckList (event_t *ev, cheatseq_t *cheats, int numcheats)
bool eat = false;
if (ev->type == EV_KeyDown)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < numcheats; i++, cheats++)
if (CheatAddKey (cheats, (BYTE)ev->data2, &eat))
if (cheats->DontCheck || !CheckCheatmode ())
eat |= cheats->Handler (cheats);
else if (cheats->Pos - cheats->Sequence > 2)
{ // If more than two characters into the sequence,
// eat the keypress, just so that the Hexen cheats
// with T in them will work without unbinding T.
eat = true;
return eat;
// FUNC CheatAddkey
// Returns true if the added key completed the cheat, false otherwise.
static bool CheatAddKey (cheatseq_t *cheat, BYTE key, bool *eat)
if (cheat->Pos == NULL)
cheat->Pos = cheat->Sequence;
cheat->CurrentArg = 0;
if (*cheat->Pos == 0)
*eat = true;
cheat->Args[cheat->CurrentArg++] = key;
else if (key == *cheat->Pos)
cheat->Pos = cheat->Sequence;
cheat->CurrentArg = 0;
if (*cheat->Pos == 0xff)
cheat->Pos = cheat->Sequence;
cheat->CurrentArg = 0;
return true;
return false;
static bool Cht_Generic (cheatseq_t *cheat)
Net_WriteByte (cheat->Args[0]);
return true;
static bool Cht_Music (cheatseq_t *cheat)
char buf[9] = "idmus xx";
buf[6] = cheat->Args[0];
buf[7] = cheat->Args[1];
C_DoCommand (buf);
return true;
static bool Cht_BeholdMenu (cheatseq_t *cheat)
Printf ("%s\n", GStrings("STSTR_BEHOLD"));
return false;
static bool Cht_PumpupMenu (cheatseq_t *cheat)
// How many people knew about the PUMPUPT cheat, since
// it isn't printed in the list?
Printf ("Bzrk, Inviso, Mask, Health, Pack, Stats\n");
return false;
static bool Cht_AutoMap (cheatseq_t *cheat)
if (automapactive)
am_cheat = (am_cheat + 1) % 3;
return true;
return false;
static bool Cht_ChangeLevel (cheatseq_t *cheat)
char cmd[10] = "idclev xx";
cmd[7] = cheat->Args[0];
cmd[8] = cheat->Args[1];
C_DoCommand (cmd);
return true;
static bool Cht_ChangeStartSpot (cheatseq_t *cheat)
char cmd[64];
mysnprintf (cmd, countof(cmd), "changemap %s %c", level.mapname, cheat->Args[0]);
C_DoCommand (cmd);
return true;
static bool Cht_WarpTransLevel (cheatseq_t *cheat)
char cmd[11] = "hxvisit xx";
cmd[8] = cheat->Args[0];
cmd[9] = cheat->Args[1];
C_DoCommand (cmd);
return true;
static bool Cht_MyPos (cheatseq_t *cheat)
C_DoCommand ("toggle idmypos");
return true;
static bool Cht_Ticker (cheatseq_t *cheat)
ticker = !ticker;
Printf ("%s\n", GStrings(ticker ? "TXT_CHEATTICKERON" : "TXT_CHEATTICKEROFF"));
return true;
static bool Cht_Sound (cheatseq_t *cheat)
noisedebug = !noisedebug;
Printf ("%s\n", GStrings(noisedebug ? "TXT_CHEATSOUNDON" : "TXT_CHEATSOUNDOFF"));
return true;