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synced 2025-03-13 14:31:59 +00:00
Mainly for use with doubles as ZScript can now take advantage of it. Enforced sizing on ints passed to and read from net functions.
213 lines
7.6 KiB
213 lines
7.6 KiB
enum ENetCmd
NET_INT8 = 1,
struct NetworkCommand native play version("4.12")
native readonly int Player;
native readonly Name Command;
native int ReadInt8();
native int ReadInt16();
native int ReadInt();
native double ReadFloat();
native double ReadDouble();
native string ReadString();
// Wrappers
native Name ReadName();
native double ReadMapUnit(); // 16.16 long -> double
native double ReadAngle(); // BAM long -> double
native Vector2 ReadVector2();
native Vector3 ReadVector3();
native Vector4 ReadVector4();
native Quat ReadQuat();
native void ReadIntArray(out Array<int> values, ENetCmd intSize = NET_INT);
native void ReadDoubleArray(out Array<double> values, bool doublePrecision = true);
native void ReadStringArray(out Array<string> values, bool skipEmpty = false);
class NetworkBuffer native version("4.12")
native void AddInt8(int value);
native void AddInt16(int value);
native void AddInt(int value);
native void AddFloat(double value);
native void AddDouble(double value);
native void AddString(string value);
// Wrappers
native void AddName(Name value);
native void AddMapUnit(double value); // double -> 16.16 long
native void AddAngle(double value); // double -> BAM long
native void AddVector2(Vector2 value);
native void AddVector3(Vector3 value);
native void AddVector4(Vector4 value);
native void AddQuat(Quat value);
native void AddIntArray(Array<int> values, ENetCmd intSize = NET_INT);
native void AddDoubleArray(Array<double> values, bool doublePrecision = true);
native void AddStringArray(Array<string> values);
struct RenderEvent native ui version("2.4")
native readonly Vector3 ViewPos;
native readonly double ViewAngle;
native readonly double ViewPitch;
native readonly double ViewRoll;
native readonly double FracTic;
native readonly Actor Camera;
struct WorldEvent native play version("2.4")
// for loaded/unloaded
native readonly bool IsSaveGame;
// this will be true if we are re-entering the hub level.
native readonly bool IsReopen;
// for unloaded, name of next map (if any)
native readonly String NextMap;
// for thingspawned/thingdied/thingdestroyed/thingground
native readonly Actor Thing;
// for thingdied. can be null
native readonly Actor Inflictor;
// for thingdamaged, line/sector damaged
native readonly int Damage;
native readonly Actor DamageSource;
native readonly Name DamageType;
native readonly EDmgFlags DamageFlags;
native readonly double DamageAngle;
// for line(pre)activated
native readonly Line ActivatedLine;
native readonly int ActivationType;
native bool ShouldActivate;
// for line/sector damaged
native readonly SectorPart DamageSectorPart;
native readonly Line DamageLine;
native readonly Sector DamageSector;
native readonly int DamageLineSide;
native readonly vector3 DamagePosition;
native readonly bool DamageIsRadius;
native int NewDamage;
native readonly State CrushedState;
struct PlayerEvent native play version("2.4")
// this is the player number that caused the event.
// note: you can get player struct from this by using players[e.PlayerNumber]
native readonly int PlayerNumber;
// this will be true if we are re-entering the hub level.
native readonly bool IsReturn;
struct ConsoleEvent native version("2.4")
// for net events, this will be the activator.
// for UI events, this is always -1, and you need to check if level is loaded and use players[consoleplayer].
native readonly int Player;
// this is the name and args as specified in SendNetworkEvent or event/netevent CCMDs
native readonly String Name;
native readonly int Args[3];
// this will be true if the event is fired from the console by event/netevent CCMD
native readonly bool IsManual;
struct ReplaceEvent native version("2.4")
native readonly Class<Actor> Replacee;
native Class<Actor> Replacement;
native bool IsFinal;
struct ReplacedEvent native version("3.7")
native Class<Actor> Replacee;
native readonly Class<Actor> Replacement;
native bool IsFinal;
class StaticEventHandler : Object native play version("2.4")
// static event handlers CAN register other static event handlers.
// unlike EventHandler.Create that will not create them.
clearscope static native StaticEventHandler Find(Class<StaticEventHandler> type); // just for convenience. who knows.
// these are called when the handler gets registered or unregistered
// you can set Order/IsUiProcessor here.
virtual void OnRegister() {}
virtual void OnUnregister() {}
// actual handlers are here
virtual void OnEngineInitialize() {}
virtual void WorldLoaded(WorldEvent e) {}
virtual void WorldUnloaded(WorldEvent e) {}
virtual void WorldThingSpawned(WorldEvent e) {}
virtual void WorldThingDied(WorldEvent e) {}
virtual void WorldThingGround(WorldEvent e) {}
virtual void WorldThingRevived(WorldEvent e) {}
virtual void WorldThingDamaged(WorldEvent e) {}
virtual void WorldThingDestroyed(WorldEvent e) {}
virtual void WorldLinePreActivated(WorldEvent e) {}
virtual void WorldLineActivated(WorldEvent e) {}
virtual void WorldSectorDamaged(WorldEvent e) {}
virtual void WorldLineDamaged(WorldEvent e) {}
virtual void WorldLightning(WorldEvent e) {} // for the sake of completeness.
virtual void WorldTick() {}
//virtual ui void RenderFrame(RenderEvent e) {}
virtual ui void RenderOverlay(RenderEvent e) {}
virtual ui void RenderUnderlay(RenderEvent e) {}
virtual void PlayerEntered(PlayerEvent e) {}
virtual void PlayerSpawned(PlayerEvent e) {}
virtual void PlayerRespawned(PlayerEvent e) {}
virtual void PlayerDied(PlayerEvent e) {}
virtual void PlayerDisconnected(PlayerEvent e) {}
virtual ui bool UiProcess(UiEvent e) { return false; }
virtual ui bool InputProcess(InputEvent e) { return false; }
virtual ui void UiTick() {}
virtual ui void PostUiTick() {}
virtual ui void ConsoleProcess(ConsoleEvent e) {}
virtual ui void InterfaceProcess(ConsoleEvent e) {}
virtual void NetworkProcess(ConsoleEvent e) {}
version("4.12") virtual void NetworkCommandProcess(NetworkCommand cmd) {}
virtual void CheckReplacement(ReplaceEvent e) {}
virtual void CheckReplacee(ReplacedEvent e) {}
virtual void NewGame() {}
// this value will be queried on Register() to decide the relative order of this handler to every other.
// this is most useful in UI systems.
// default is 0.
native readonly int Order;
native void SetOrder(int order);
// this value will be queried on user input to decide whether to send UiProcess to this handler.
native bool IsUiProcessor;
// this value determines whether mouse input is required.
native bool RequireMouse;
class EventHandler : StaticEventHandler native version("2.4")
clearscope static native StaticEventHandler Find(class<StaticEventHandler> type);
clearscope static native void SendNetworkEvent(String name, int arg1 = 0, int arg2 = 0, int arg3 = 0);
version("4.12") clearscope static native vararg bool SendNetworkCommand(Name cmd, ...);
version("4.12") clearscope static native bool SendNetworkBuffer(Name cmd, NetworkBuffer buffer);
clearscope static native void SendInterfaceEvent(int playerNum, string name, int arg1 = 0, int arg2 = 0, int arg3 = 0);