jekyllgrim 99c058d168
Added WorldHitscanFired and WorldHitscanPreFired (#2432)
* Added WorldHitscan events

* DVector3 → const DVector3&
2024-11-20 10:26:00 -05:00

565 lines
16 KiB

#pragma once
#include <variant>
#include "dobject.h"
#include "serializer.h"
#include "d_event.h"
#include "sbar.h"
#include "info.h"
#include "vm.h"
class DStaticEventHandler;
struct EventManager;
struct line_t;
struct sector_t;
struct FLevelLocals;
enum class EventHandlerType
enum ENetCmd
NET_INT8 = 1,
struct FNetworkCommand
size_t _index = 0;
TArray<uint8_t> _stream;
int Player;
FName Command;
FNetworkCommand(const int player, const FName& command, TArray<uint8_t>& stream) : Player(player), Command(command)
inline bool EndOfStream() const
return _index >= _stream.Size();
inline void Reset()
_index = 0;
int ReadInt8()
if (EndOfStream())
return 0;
return _stream[_index++];
// If a value has to cut off early, just treat the previous value as the full one.
int ReadInt16()
if (EndOfStream())
return 0;
int value = _stream[_index++];
if (!EndOfStream())
value = (value << 8) | _stream[_index++];
return value;
int ReadInt()
if (EndOfStream())
return 0;
int value = _stream[_index++];
if (!EndOfStream())
value = (value << 8) | _stream[_index++];
if (!EndOfStream())
value = (value << 8) | _stream[_index++];
if (!EndOfStream())
value = (value << 8) | _stream[_index++];
return value;
// Floats without their first bits are pretty meaningless so those are done first.
double ReadFloat()
if (EndOfStream())
return 0.0;
int value = _stream[_index++] << 24;
if (!EndOfStream())
value |= _stream[_index++] << 16;
if (!EndOfStream())
value |= _stream[_index++] << 8;
if (!EndOfStream())
value |= _stream[_index++];
int32_t i;
float f;
} floatCaster;
floatCaster.i = value;
return floatCaster.f;
double ReadDouble()
if (EndOfStream())
return 0.0;
int64_t value = int64_t(_stream[_index++]) << 56;
if (!EndOfStream())
value |= int64_t(_stream[_index++]) << 48;
if (!EndOfStream())
value |= int64_t(_stream[_index++]) << 40;
if (!EndOfStream())
value |= int64_t(_stream[_index++]) << 32;
if (!EndOfStream())
value |= int64_t(_stream[_index++]) << 24;
if (!EndOfStream())
value |= int64_t(_stream[_index++]) << 16;
if (!EndOfStream())
value |= int64_t(_stream[_index++]) << 8;
if (!EndOfStream())
value |= int64_t(_stream[_index++]);
int64_t i;
double f;
} floatCaster;
floatCaster.i = value;
return floatCaster.f;
const char* ReadString()
if (EndOfStream())
return nullptr;
const char* str = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&_stream[_index]);
_index += strlen(str) + 1;
return str;
class DNetworkBuffer final : public DObject
DECLARE_CLASS(DNetworkBuffer, DObject)
struct BufferValue
ENetCmd _type;
std::variant<int, double, FString> _message;
BufferValue(const ENetCmd type, const int message) : _type(type), _message(message) {}
BufferValue(const ENetCmd type, const double message) : _type(type), _message(message) {}
BufferValue(const ENetCmd type, const FString& message) : _type(type), _message(message) {}
inline ENetCmd GetType() const
return _type;
inline int GetInt() const
return std::get<int>(_message);
inline double GetDouble() const
return std::get<double>(_message);
inline const char* GetString() const
return std::get<FString>(_message).GetChars();
unsigned int _size = 0u;
TArray<BufferValue> _buffer = {};
inline unsigned int GetBytes() const
return _size;
inline unsigned int GetBufferSize() const
return _buffer.Size();
inline const BufferValue& GetValue(unsigned int i) const
return _buffer[i];
void AddInt8(int byte);
void AddInt16(int word);
void AddInt(int msg);
void AddFloat(double msg);
void AddDouble(double msg);
void AddString(const FString& msg);
void OnDestroy() override;
void Serialize(FSerializer& arc) override;
// ==============================================
// EventHandler - base class
// ==============================================
class DStaticEventHandler : public DObject // make it a part of normal GC process
DECLARE_CLASS(DStaticEventHandler, DObject);
prev = 0;
next = 0;
Order = 0;
IsUiProcessor = false;
EventManager *owner;
DStaticEventHandler* prev;
DStaticEventHandler* next;
virtual bool IsStatic() { return true; }
int Order;
bool IsUiProcessor;
bool RequireMouse;
// serialization handler. let's keep it here so that I don't get lost in serialized/not serialized fields
void Serialize(FSerializer& arc) override
if (arc.isReading())
Printf("DStaticEventHandler::Serialize: reading object %s\n", GetClass()->TypeName.GetChars());
Printf("DStaticEventHandler::Serialize: store object %s\n", GetClass()->TypeName.GetChars());
arc("next", next);
arc("prev", prev);
arc("Order", Order);
arc("IsUiProcessor", IsUiProcessor);
arc("RequireMouse", RequireMouse);
// destroy handler. this unlinks EventHandler from the list automatically.
void OnDestroy() override;
void OnRegister(); // you can set order and IsUi here.
void OnUnregister();
void OnEngineInitialize();
void WorldLoaded();
void WorldUnloaded(const FString& nextmap);
void WorldThingSpawned(AActor* actor);
void WorldThingDied(AActor* actor, AActor* inflictor);
void WorldThingGround(AActor* actor, FState* st);
void WorldThingRevived(AActor* actor);
void WorldThingDamaged(AActor* actor, AActor* inflictor, AActor* source, int damage, FName mod, int flags, DAngle angle);
void WorldThingDestroyed(AActor* actor);
bool WorldHitscanPreFired(AActor* actor, DAngle angle, double distance, DAngle pitch, int damage, FName damageType, PClassActor *pufftype, int flags, double sz, double offsetforward, double offsetside);
void WorldHitscanFired(AActor* actor, const DVector3& AttackPos, const DVector3& DamagePosition, AActor* Inflictor, int flags);
void WorldLinePreActivated(line_t* line, AActor* actor, int activationType, bool* shouldactivate);
void WorldLineActivated(line_t* line, AActor* actor, int activationType);
int WorldSectorDamaged(sector_t* sector, AActor* source, int damage, FName damagetype, int part, DVector3 position, bool isradius);
int WorldLineDamaged(line_t* line, AActor* source, int damage, FName damagetype, int side, DVector3 position, bool isradius);
void WorldLightning();
void WorldTick();
void RenderFrame();
void RenderOverlay(EHudState state);
void RenderUnderlay(EHudState state);
void PlayerEntered(int num, bool fromhub);
void PlayerSpawned(int num);
void PlayerRespawned(int num);
void PlayerDied(int num);
void PlayerDisconnected(int num);
// return true if handled.
bool InputProcess(const event_t* ev);
bool UiProcess(const event_t* ev);
void UiTick();
void PostUiTick();
void ConsoleProcess(int player, FString name, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, bool manual, bool ui);
void NetCommandProcess(FNetworkCommand& cmd);
void CheckReplacement(PClassActor* replacee, PClassActor** replacement, bool* final);
void CheckReplacee(PClassActor** replacee, PClassActor* replacement, bool* final);
void NewGame();
class DEventHandler : public DStaticEventHandler
DECLARE_CLASS(DEventHandler, DStaticEventHandler) // TODO: make sure this does not horribly break anything
bool IsStatic() override { return false; }
struct FRenderEvent
// these are for all render events
DVector3 ViewPos;
DAngle ViewAngle;
DAngle ViewPitch;
DAngle ViewRoll;
double FracTic = 0; // 0..1 value that describes where we are inside the current gametic, render-wise.
AActor* Camera = nullptr;
int HudState;
struct FWorldEvent
// for loaded/unloaded
bool IsSaveGame = false;
bool IsReopen = false;
FString NextMap;
// for thingspawned, thingdied, thingdestroyed
AActor* Thing = nullptr; // for thingdied
AActor* Inflictor = nullptr; // can be null - for damagemobj
AActor* DamageSource = nullptr; // can be null
int Damage = 0; // thingdamaged, sector/line damaged
FName DamageType = NAME_None; // thingdamaged, sector/line damaged
int DamageFlags = 0; // thingdamaged
DAngle DamageAngle; // thingdamaged
// for line(pre)activated
line_t* ActivatedLine = nullptr;
int ActivationType = 0;
bool ShouldActivate = true;
// for line/sector damaged
int DamageSectorPart = 0;
line_t* DamageLine = nullptr;
sector_t* DamageSector = nullptr;
int DamageLineSide = -1;
DVector3 DamagePosition;
bool DamageIsRadius; // radius damage yes/no
int NewDamage = 0; // sector/line damaged. allows modifying damage
FState* CrushedState = nullptr; // custom crush state set in thingground
DVector3 AttackPos; //hitscan point of origin
DAngle AttackAngle;
DAngle AttackPitch;
double AttackDistance = 0;
double AttackOffsetForward = 0;
double AttackOffsetSide = 0;
double AttackZ = 0;
PClassActor* AttackPuffType = nullptr;
struct FPlayerEvent
// we currently have only one member: player index
// in ZScript, we have global players[] array from which we can
// get both the player itself and player's body,
// so no need to pass it here.
int PlayerNumber;
// we set this to true if level was reopened (RETURN scripts)
bool IsReturn;
struct FConsoleEvent
// player that activated this event. note that it's always -1 for non-playsim events (i.e. these not called with netevent)
int Player;
FString Name;
int Args[3];
bool IsManual;
struct FReplaceEvent
PClassActor* Replacee;
PClassActor* Replacement;
bool IsFinal;
struct FReplacedEvent
PClassActor* Replacee;
PClassActor* Replacement;
bool IsFinal;
struct EventManager
FLevelLocals *Level = nullptr;
DStaticEventHandler* FirstEventHandler = nullptr;
DStaticEventHandler* LastEventHandler = nullptr;
EventManager() = default;
EventManager(FLevelLocals *l) { Level = l; }
~EventManager() { Shutdown(); }
bool ShouldCallStatic(bool forplay);
// for use after loading a savegame. The old handler explicitly reinstalled all handlers instead of doing a list deserialization which resulted in OnRegister being called even when a save was loaded.
void CallOnRegister();
// register
bool RegisterHandler(DStaticEventHandler* handler);
// unregister
bool UnregisterHandler(DStaticEventHandler* handler);
// find
bool CheckHandler(DStaticEventHandler* handler);
// check type
bool IsStaticType(PClass* type);
// init static handlers
void InitStaticHandlers(FLevelLocals *l, bool map);
// shutdown handlers
void Shutdown();
// after the engine is done creating data
void OnEngineInitialize();
// called right after the map has loaded (approximately same time as OPEN ACS scripts)
void WorldLoaded();
// called when the map is about to unload (approximately same time as UNLOADING ACS scripts)
void WorldUnloaded(const FString& nextmap);
// called around PostBeginPlay of each actor.
void WorldThingSpawned(AActor* actor);
// called after AActor::Die of each actor.
void WorldThingDied(AActor* actor, AActor* inflictor);
// called when a hitscan attack is fired (can be overridden to block it)
bool WorldHitscanPreFired(AActor* actor, DAngle angle, double distance, DAngle pitch, int damage, FName damageType, PClassActor *pufftype, int flags, double sz, double offsetforward, double offsetside);
// called when a hitscan attack has been fired
void WorldHitscanFired(AActor* actor, const DVector3& AttackPos, const DVector3& DamagePosition, AActor* Inflictor, int flags);
// called inside AActor::Grind just before the corpse is destroyed
void WorldThingGround(AActor* actor, FState* st);
// called after AActor::Revive.
void WorldThingRevived(AActor* actor);
// called before P_DamageMobj and before AActor::DamageMobj virtuals.
void WorldThingDamaged(AActor* actor, AActor* inflictor, AActor* source, int damage, FName mod, int flags, DAngle angle);
// called before AActor::Destroy of each actor.
void WorldThingDestroyed(AActor* actor);
// called in P_ActivateLine before executing special, set shouldactivate to false to prevent activation.
void WorldLinePreActivated(line_t* line, AActor* actor, int activationType, bool* shouldactivate);
// called in P_ActivateLine after successful special execution.
void WorldLineActivated(line_t* line, AActor* actor, int activationType);
// called in P_DamageSector and P_DamageLinedef before receiving damage to the sector. returns actual damage
int WorldSectorDamaged(sector_t* sector, AActor* source, int damage, FName damagetype, int part, DVector3 position, bool isradius);
// called in P_DamageLinedef before receiving damage to the linedef. returns actual damage
int WorldLineDamaged(line_t* line, AActor* source, int damage, FName damagetype, int side, DVector3 position, bool isradius);
// same as ACS SCRIPT_Lightning
void WorldLightning();
// this executes on every tick, before everything, only when in valid level and not paused
void WorldTick();
// this executes on every tick on UI side, always
void UiTick();
// this executes on every tick on UI side, always AND immediately after everything else
void PostUiTick();
// called on each render frame once.
void RenderFrame();
// called after everything's been rendered, but before console/menus
void RenderOverlay(EHudState state);
// called after everything's been rendered, but before console/menus/huds
void RenderUnderlay(EHudState state);
// this executes when a player enters the level (once). PlayerEnter+inhub = RETURN
void PlayerEntered(int num, bool fromhub);
// this executes at the same time as ENTER scripts
void PlayerSpawned(int num);
// this executes when a player respawns. includes resurrect cheat.
void PlayerRespawned(int num);
// this executes when a player dies (partially duplicating worldthingdied, but whatever)
void PlayerDied(int num);
// this executes when a player leaves the game
void PlayerDisconnected(int num);
// this executes on events.
bool Responder(const event_t* ev); // splits events into InputProcess and UiProcess
// this executes on console/net events.
void Console(int player, FString name, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, bool manual, bool ui);
// This reads from ZScript network commands.
void NetCommand(FNetworkCommand& cmd);
// called when looking up the replacement for an actor class
bool CheckReplacement(PClassActor* replacee, PClassActor** replacement);
// called when looking up the replaced for an actor class
bool CheckReplacee(PClassActor** replacee, PClassActor* replacement);
// called on new game
void NewGame();
// send networked event. unified function.
bool SendNetworkEvent(FString name, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, bool manual);
// Send a custom network command from ZScript.
bool SendNetworkCommand(const FName& cmd, VMVa_List& args);
// Send a pre-built command buffer over.
bool SendNetworkBuffer(const FName& cmd, const DNetworkBuffer* buffer);
// check if there is anything that should receive GUI events
bool CheckUiProcessors();
// check if we need native mouse due to UiProcessors
bool CheckRequireMouse();
void InitHandler(PClass* type);
FWorldEvent SetupWorldEvent();
FRenderEvent SetupRenderEvent();
void SetOwnerForHandlers()
for (DStaticEventHandler* existinghandler = FirstEventHandler; existinghandler; existinghandler = existinghandler->next)
existinghandler->owner = this;
extern EventManager staticEventManager;