Magnus Norddahl 9416d436fe Move software renderer into its own namespace to isolate its globals and make
any access explicit. This reveals the places in the code where they are being
accessed where they shouldn't and prevents accidental usage.
2016-12-01 02:38:32 +01:00

299 lines
8.6 KiB

** Handling drawing a player sprite
** Copyright (c) 2016 Magnus Norddahl
** This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
** warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
** arising from the use of this software.
** Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
** including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
** freely, subject to the following restrictions:
** 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
** claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
** in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
** appreciated but is not required.
** 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
** misrepresented as being the original software.
** 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "templates.h"
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "sbar.h"
#include "r_data/r_translate.h"
#include "r_poly_playersprite.h"
#include "r_poly.h"
#include "r_things.h" // for pspritexscale
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, r_drawplayersprites)
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, r_deathcamera)
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, st_scale)
void RenderPolyPlayerSprites::Render()
// In theory, everything in this function could be moved to RenderRemainingSprites.
// Just in case there's some hack elsewhere that relies on this happening as part
// of the main rendering we do it exactly as the old software renderer did.
if (!r_drawplayersprites ||
!camera ||
!camera->player ||
(players[consoleplayer].cheats & CF_CHASECAM) ||
(r_deathcamera && camera->health <= 0))
float bobx, boby;
P_BobWeapon(camera->player, &bobx, &boby, r_TicFracF);
// Interpolate the main weapon layer once so as to be able to add it to other layers.
double wx, wy;
DPSprite *weapon = camera->player->FindPSprite(PSP_WEAPON);
if (weapon)
if (weapon->firstTic)
wx = weapon->x;
wy = weapon->y;
wx = weapon->oldx + (weapon->x - weapon->oldx) * r_TicFracF;
wy = weapon->oldy + (weapon->y - weapon->oldy) * r_TicFracF;
wx = 0;
wy = 0;
for (DPSprite *sprite = camera->player->psprites; sprite != nullptr; sprite = sprite->GetNext())
// [RH] Don't draw the targeter's crosshair if the player already has a crosshair set.
// It's possible this psprite's caller is now null but the layer itself hasn't been destroyed
// because it didn't tick yet (if we typed 'take all' while in the console for example).
// In this case let's simply not draw it to avoid crashing.
if ((sprite->GetID() != PSP_TARGETCENTER || CrosshairImage == nullptr) && sprite->GetCaller() != nullptr)
RenderSprite(sprite, camera, bobx, boby, wx, wy, r_TicFracF);
void RenderPolyPlayerSprites::RenderRemainingSprites()
for (auto &sprite : ScreenSprites)
void RenderPolyPlayerSprites::RenderSprite(DPSprite *sprite, AActor *owner, float bobx, float boby, double wx, double wy, double ticfrac)
// decide which patch to use
if ((unsigned)sprite->GetSprite() >= (unsigned)sprites.Size())
DPrintf(DMSG_ERROR, "RenderPlayerSprite: invalid sprite number %i\n", sprite->GetSprite());
spritedef_t *def = &sprites[sprite->GetSprite()];
if (sprite->GetFrame() >= def->numframes)
DPrintf(DMSG_ERROR, "RenderPlayerSprite: invalid sprite frame %i : %i\n", sprite->GetSprite(), sprite->GetFrame());
spriteframe_t *frame = &SpriteFrames[def->spriteframes + sprite->GetFrame()];
FTextureID picnum = frame->Texture[0];
bool flip = (frame->Flip & 1) != 0;
FTexture *tex = TexMan(picnum);
if (tex->UseType == FTexture::TEX_Null)
// Can't interpolate the first tic.
if (sprite->firstTic)
sprite->firstTic = false;
sprite->oldx = sprite->x;
sprite->oldy = sprite->y;
double sx = sprite->oldx + (sprite->x - sprite->oldx) * ticfrac;
double sy = sprite->oldy + (sprite->y - sprite->oldy) * ticfrac;
if (sprite->Flags & PSPF_ADDBOB)
sx += bobx;
sy += boby;
if (sprite->Flags & PSPF_ADDWEAPON && sprite->GetID() != PSP_WEAPON)
sx += wx;
sy += wy;
// calculate edges of the shape
double tx = sx - BaseXCenter;
tx -= tex->GetScaledLeftOffset();
int x1 = xs_RoundToInt(swrenderer::CenterX + tx * swrenderer::pspritexscale);
// off the right side
if (x1 > viewwidth)
tx += tex->GetScaledWidth();
int x2 = xs_RoundToInt(swrenderer::CenterX + tx * swrenderer::pspritexscale);
// off the left side
if (x2 <= 0)
double texturemid = (BaseYCenter - sy) * tex->Scale.Y + tex->TopOffset;
// Adjust PSprite for fullscreen views
if (camera->player && (RenderTarget != screen || viewheight == RenderTarget->GetHeight() || (RenderTarget->GetWidth() > (BaseXCenter * 2) && !st_scale)))
AWeapon *weapon = dyn_cast<AWeapon>(sprite->GetCaller());
if (weapon != nullptr && weapon->YAdjust != 0)
if (RenderTarget != screen || viewheight == RenderTarget->GetHeight())
texturemid -= weapon->YAdjust;
texturemid -= StatusBar->GetDisplacement() * weapon->YAdjust;
// Move the weapon down for 1280x1024.
if (sprite->GetID() < PSP_TARGETCENTER)
texturemid -= AspectPspriteOffset(WidescreenRatio);
int clipped_x1 = MAX(x1, 0);
int clipped_x2 = MIN(x2, viewwidth);
double xscale = swrenderer::pspritexscale / tex->Scale.X;
double yscale = swrenderer::pspriteyscale / tex->Scale.Y;
uint32_t translation = 0; // [RH] Use default colors
double xiscale, startfrac;
if (flip)
xiscale = -swrenderer::pspritexiscale * tex->Scale.X;
startfrac = 1;
xiscale = swrenderer::pspritexiscale * tex->Scale.X;
startfrac = 0;
if (clipped_x1 > x1)
startfrac += xiscale * (clipped_x1 - x1);
bool noaccel = false;
FDynamicColormap *basecolormap = viewsector->ColorMap;
FDynamicColormap *colormap_to_use = basecolormap;
visstyle_t visstyle;
visstyle.ColormapNum = 0;
visstyle.BaseColormap = basecolormap;
visstyle.Alpha = 0;
visstyle.RenderStyle = STYLE_Normal;
bool foggy = false;
int actualextralight = foggy ? 0 : extralight << 4;
int spriteshade = LIGHT2SHADE(owner->Sector->lightlevel + actualextralight);
double minz = double((2048 * 4) / double(1 << 20));
visstyle.ColormapNum = GETPALOOKUP(swrenderer::r_SpriteVisibility / minz, spriteshade);
if (sprite->GetID() < PSP_TARGETCENTER)
// Lots of complicated style and noaccel stuff
// Check for hardware-assisted 2D. If it's available, and this sprite is not
// fuzzy, don't draw it until after the switch to 2D mode.
if (!noaccel && RenderTarget == screen && (DFrameBuffer *)screen->Accel2D)
FRenderStyle style = visstyle.RenderStyle;
if (style.BlendOp != STYLEOP_Fuzz)
PolyScreenSprite screenSprite;
screenSprite.Pic = tex;
screenSprite.X1 = viewwindowx + x1;
screenSprite.Y1 = viewwindowy + viewheight / 2 - texturemid * yscale - 0.5;
screenSprite.Width = tex->GetWidth() * xscale;
screenSprite.Height = tex->GetHeight() * yscale;
screenSprite.Translation = TranslationToTable(translation);
screenSprite.Flip = xiscale < 0;
screenSprite.visstyle = visstyle;
screenSprite.Colormap = colormap_to_use;
void PolyScreenSprite::Render()
FSpecialColormap *special = nullptr;
FColormapStyle colormapstyle;
PalEntry overlay = 0;
bool usecolormapstyle = false;
if (visstyle.BaseColormap >= &SpecialColormaps[0] &&
visstyle.BaseColormap < &SpecialColormaps[SpecialColormaps.Size()])
special = static_cast<FSpecialColormap*>(visstyle.BaseColormap);
else if (Colormap->Color == PalEntry(255, 255, 255) &&
Colormap->Desaturate == 0)
overlay = Colormap->Fade;
overlay.a = BYTE(visstyle.ColormapNum * 255 / NUMCOLORMAPS);
usecolormapstyle = true;
colormapstyle.Color = Colormap->Color;
colormapstyle.Fade = Colormap->Fade;
colormapstyle.Desaturate = Colormap->Desaturate;
colormapstyle.FadeLevel = visstyle.ColormapNum / float(NUMCOLORMAPS);
DTA_DestWidthF, Width,
DTA_DestHeightF, Height,
DTA_Translation, Translation,
DTA_FlipX, Flip,
DTA_TopOffset, 0,
DTA_LeftOffset, 0,
DTA_ClipLeft, viewwindowx,
DTA_ClipTop, viewwindowy,
DTA_ClipRight, viewwindowx + viewwidth,
DTA_ClipBottom, viewwindowy + viewheight,
DTA_AlphaF, visstyle.Alpha,
DTA_RenderStyle, visstyle.RenderStyle,
DTA_FillColor, FillColor,
DTA_SpecialColormap, special,
DTA_ColorOverlay, overlay.d,
DTA_ColormapStyle, usecolormapstyle ? &colormapstyle : nullptr,