
716 lines
19 KiB

// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*-
// $Id:$
// Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
// This source is available for distribution and/or modification
// only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as
// published by id Software. All rights reserved.
// The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// for more details.
// $Log:$
// Teleportation.
#include "templates.h"
#include "doomtype.h"
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "s_sound.h"
#include "p_local.h"
#include "p_terrain.h"
#include "r_state.h"
#include "gi.h"
#include "a_sharedglobal.h"
#include "m_random.h"
#include "i_system.h"
#include "doomstat.h"
static FRandom pr_teleport ("Teleport");
extern void P_CalcHeight (player_t *player);
void ATeleportFog::PostBeginPlay ()
Super::PostBeginPlay ();
S_Sound (this, CHAN_BODY, "misc/teleport", 1, ATTN_NORM);
switch (gameinfo.gametype)
case GAME_Hexen:
case GAME_Heretic:
case GAME_Strife:
// P_SpawnTeleportFog
// The beginning of customizable teleport fog
// (not active yet)
void P_SpawnTeleportFog(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, int spawnid)
const PClass *fog=NULL;
if (spawnid > 0 && spawnid < MAX_SPAWNABLES && SpawnableThings[spawnid] != NULL)
fog = SpawnableThings[spawnid];
if (fog == NULL)
AActor *mo = Spawn ("TeleportFog", x, y, z + TELEFOGHEIGHT, ALLOW_REPLACE);
AActor *mo = Spawn (fog, x, y, z, ALLOW_REPLACE);
if (mo != NULL) S_Sound(mo, CHAN_BODY, mo->SeeSound, 1.f, ATTN_NORM);
bool P_Teleport (AActor *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, angle_t angle,
bool useFog, bool sourceFog, bool keepOrientation, bool bHaltMomentum)
fixed_t oldx;
fixed_t oldy;
fixed_t oldz;
fixed_t aboveFloor;
player_t *player;
angle_t an;
sector_t *destsect;
bool resetpitch = false;
fixed_t floorheight, ceilingheight;
oldx = thing->x;
oldy = thing->y;
oldz = thing->z;
aboveFloor = thing->z - thing->floorz;
destsect = P_PointInSector (x, y);
// killough 5/12/98: exclude voodoo dolls:
player = thing->player;
if (player && player->mo != thing)
player = NULL;
floorheight = destsect->floorplane.ZatPoint (x, y);
ceilingheight = destsect->ceilingplane.ZatPoint (x, y);
if (z == ONFLOORZ)
if (player)
if (thing->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY && aboveFloor)
z = floorheight + aboveFloor;
if (z + thing->height > ceilingheight)
z = ceilingheight - thing->height;
z = floorheight;
if (!keepOrientation)
resetpitch = false;
else if (thing->flags & MF_MISSILE)
z = floorheight + aboveFloor;
if (z + thing->height > ceilingheight)
z = ceilingheight - thing->height;
z = floorheight;
if (!P_TeleportMove (thing, x, y, z, false))
return false;
if (player)
player->viewz = thing->z + player->viewheight;
if (resetpitch)
player->mo->pitch = 0;
if (!keepOrientation)
thing->angle = angle;
angle = thing->angle;
// Spawn teleport fog at source and destination
if (sourceFog)
fixed_t fogDelta = thing->flags & MF_MISSILE ? 0 : TELEFOGHEIGHT;
Spawn<ATeleportFog> (oldx, oldy, oldz + fogDelta, ALLOW_REPLACE);
if (useFog)
fixed_t fogDelta = thing->flags & MF_MISSILE ? 0 : TELEFOGHEIGHT;
Spawn<ATeleportFog> (x + 20*finecosine[an],
y + 20*finesine[an], thing->z + fogDelta, ALLOW_REPLACE);
if (thing->player)
// [RH] Zoom player's field of vision
// [BC] && bHaltMomentum.
if (telezoom && thing->player->mo == thing && bHaltMomentum)
thing->player->FOV = MIN (175.f, thing->player->DesiredFOV + 45.f);
// [BC] && bHaltMomentum.
if (thing->player && (useFog || !keepOrientation) && bHaltMomentum)
// Freeze player for about .5 sec
if (thing->Inventory == NULL || thing->Inventory->GetSpeedFactor() <= FRACUNIT)
thing->reactiontime = 18;
if (thing->flags & MF_MISSILE)
thing->momx = FixedMul (thing->Speed, finecosine[angle]);
thing->momy = FixedMul (thing->Speed, finesine[angle]);
// [BC] && bHaltMomentum.
else if (!keepOrientation && bHaltMomentum) // no fog doesn't alter the player's momentum
thing->momx = thing->momy = thing->momz = 0;
// killough 10/98: kill all bobbing momentum too
if (player)
player->momx = player->momy = 0;
return true;
static AActor *SelectTeleDest (int tid, int tag)
AActor *searcher;
// If tid is non-zero, select a destination from a matching actor at random.
// If tag is also non-zero, the selection is restricted to actors in sectors
// with a matching tag. If tid is zero and tag is non-zero, then the old Doom
// behavior is used instead (return the first teleport dest found in a tagged
// sector).
if (tid != 0)
NActorIterator iterator (NAME_TeleportDest, tid);
int count = 0;
while ( (searcher = iterator.Next ()) )
if (tag == 0 || searcher->Sector->tag == tag)
// If teleport dests were not found, the sector tag is ignored for the
// following compatibility searches.
// Do this only when tag is 0 because this is the only case that was defined in Hexen.
if (count == 0)
if (tag == 0)
// Try to find a matching map spot (fixes Hexen MAP10)
NActorIterator it2 (NAME_MapSpot, tid);
searcher = it2.Next ();
if (searcher == NULL)
// Try to find a matching non-blocking spot of any type (fixes Caldera MAP13)
FActorIterator it3 (tid);
searcher = it3.Next ();
while (searcher != NULL && (searcher->flags & MF_SOLID))
searcher = it3.Next ();
return searcher;
if (count != 1)
count = 1 + (pr_teleport() % count);
searcher = NULL;
while (count > 0)
searcher = iterator.Next ();
if (tag == 0 || searcher->Sector->tag == tag)
return searcher;
if (tag != 0)
int secnum = -1;
while ((secnum = P_FindSectorFromTag (tag, secnum)) >= 0)
// Scanning the snext links of things in the sector will not work, because
// TeleportDests have MF_NOSECTOR set. So you have to search *everything*.
// If there is more than one sector with a matching tag, then the destination
// in the lowest-numbered sector is returned, rather than the earliest placed
// teleport destination. This means if 50 sectors have a matching tag and
// only the last one has a destination, *every* actor is scanned at least 49
// times. Yuck.
TThinkerIterator<AActor> it2(NAME_TeleportDest);
while ((searcher = it2.Next()) != NULL)
if (searcher->Sector == sectors + secnum)
return searcher;
return NULL;
bool EV_Teleport (int tid, int tag, line_t *line, int side, AActor *thing, bool fog,
bool sourceFog, bool keepOrientation, bool haltMomentum)
AActor *searcher;
fixed_t z;
angle_t angle = 0;
fixed_t s = 0, c = 0;
fixed_t momx = 0, momy = 0;
if (thing == NULL)
{ // Teleport function called with an invalid actor
return false;
if (thing->flags2 & MF2_NOTELEPORT)
return false;
if (side != 0)
{ // Don't teleport if hit back of line, so you can get out of teleporter.
return 0;
searcher = SelectTeleDest (tid, tag);
if (searcher == NULL)
return false;
// [RH] Lee Killough's changes for silent teleporters from BOOM
if (keepOrientation && line)
// Get the angle between the exit thing and source linedef.
// Rotate 90 degrees, so that walking perpendicularly across
// teleporter linedef causes thing to exit in the direction
// indicated by the exit thing.
angle = R_PointToAngle2 (0, 0, line->dx, line->dy) - searcher->angle + ANG90;
// Sine, cosine of angle adjustment
s = finesine[angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT];
c = finecosine[angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT];
// Momentum of thing crossing teleporter linedef
momx = thing->momx;
momy = thing->momy;
z = searcher->z;
else if (searcher->IsKindOf (PClass::FindClass(NAME_TeleportDest2)))
z = searcher->z;
if (P_Teleport (thing, searcher->x, searcher->y, z, searcher->angle, fog, sourceFog, keepOrientation, haltMomentum))
// [RH] Lee Killough's changes for silent teleporters from BOOM
if (!fog && line && keepOrientation)
// Rotate thing according to difference in angles
thing->angle += angle;
// Rotate thing's momentum to come out of exit just like it entered
thing->momx = FixedMul(momx, c) - FixedMul(momy, s);
thing->momy = FixedMul(momy, c) + FixedMul(momx, s);
if ((momx | momy) == 0 && thing->player != NULL && thing->player->mo == thing)
thing->player->mo->PlayIdle ();
return true;
return false;
// Silent linedef-based TELEPORTATION, by Lee Killough
// Primarily for rooms-over-rooms etc.
// This is the complete player-preserving kind of teleporter.
// It has advantages over the teleporter with thing exits.
// [RH] Modified to support different source and destination ids.
// [RH] Modified some more to be accurate.
bool EV_SilentLineTeleport (line_t *line, int side, AActor *thing, int id, INTBOOL reverse)
int i;
line_t *l;
if (side || thing->flags2 & MF2_NOTELEPORT || !line || line->sidenum[1] == NO_SIDE)
return false;
for (i = -1; (i = P_FindLineFromID (id, i)) >= 0; )
if (line-lines == i)
if ((l=lines+i) != line && l->backsector)
// Get the thing's position along the source linedef
SDWORD pos; // 30.2 fixed
fixed_t nposx, nposy; // offsets from line
den = (SQWORD)line->dx*line->dx + (SQWORD)line->dy*line->dy;
if (den == 0)
pos = 0;
nposx = 0;
nposy = 0;
SQWORD num = (SQWORD)(thing->x-line->v1->x)*line->dx +
if (num <= 0)
pos = 0;
else if (num >= den)
pos = 1<<30;
pos = (SDWORD)(num / (den>>30));
nposx = thing->x - line->v1->x - MulScale30 (line->dx, pos);
nposy = thing->y - line->v1->y - MulScale30 (line->dy, pos);
// Get the angle between the two linedefs, for rotating
// orientation and momentum. Rotate 180 degrees, and flip
// the position across the exit linedef, if reversed.
angle_t angle =
R_PointToAngle2(0, 0, l->dx, l->dy) -
R_PointToAngle2(0, 0, line->dx, line->dy);
if (!reverse)
angle += ANGLE_180;
pos = (1<<30) - pos;
// Sine, cosine of angle adjustment
fixed_t s = finesine[angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT];
fixed_t c = finecosine[angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT];
fixed_t x, y;
// Rotate position along normal to match exit linedef
x = DMulScale16 (nposx, c, -nposy, s);
y = DMulScale16 (nposy, c, nposx, s);
// Interpolate position across the exit linedef
x += l->v1->x + MulScale30 (pos, l->dx);
y += l->v1->y + MulScale30 (pos, l->dy);
// Whether this is a player, and if so, a pointer to its player_t.
// Voodoo dolls are excluded by making sure thing->player->mo==thing.
player_t *player = thing->player && thing->player->mo == thing ?
thing->player : NULL;
// Height of thing above ground
fixed_t z;
z = thing->z - sides[line->sidenum[1]].sector->floorplane.ZatPoint (thing->x, thing->y)
+ sides[l->sidenum[0]].sector->floorplane.ZatPoint (x, y);
// Attempt to teleport, aborting if blocked
// Adjust z position to be same height above ground as before.
// Ground level at the exit is measured as the higher of the
// two floor heights at the exit linedef.
if (!P_TeleportMove (thing, x, y, z, false))
return false;
if (thing == players[consoleplayer].camera)
R_ResetViewInterpolation ();
// Rotate thing's orientation according to difference in linedef angles
thing->angle += angle;
// Momentum of thing crossing teleporter linedef
x = thing->momx;
y = thing->momy;
// Rotate thing's momentum to come out of exit just like it entered
thing->momx = DMulScale16 (x, c, -y, s);
thing->momy = DMulScale16 (y, c, x, s);
// Adjust a player's view, in case there has been a height change
if (player && player->mo == thing)
// Adjust player's local copy of momentum
x = player->momx;
y = player->momy;
player->momx = DMulScale16 (x, c, -y, s);
player->momy = DMulScale16 (y, c, x, s);
// Save the current deltaviewheight, used in stepping
fixed_t deltaviewheight = player->deltaviewheight;
// Clear deltaviewheight, since we don't want any changes now
player->deltaviewheight = 0;
// Set player's view according to the newly set parameters
// Reset the delta to have the same dynamics as before
player->deltaviewheight = deltaviewheight;
return true;
return false;
// [RH] Teleport anything matching other_tid to dest_tid
bool EV_TeleportOther (int other_tid, int dest_tid, bool fog)
bool didSomething = false;
if (other_tid != 0 && dest_tid != 0)
AActor *victim;
FActorIterator iterator (other_tid);
while ( (victim = iterator.Next ()) )
didSomething |= EV_Teleport (dest_tid, 0, NULL, 0, victim, fog, fog, !fog);
return didSomething;
static bool DoGroupForOne (AActor *victim, AActor *source, AActor *dest, bool floorz, bool fog)
int an = (dest->angle - source->angle) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
fixed_t offX = victim->x - source->x;
fixed_t offY = victim->y - source->y;
angle_t offAngle = victim->angle - source->angle;
fixed_t newX = DMulScale16 (offX, finecosine[an], -offY, finesine[an]);
fixed_t newY = DMulScale16 (offX, finesine[an], offY, finecosine[an]);
bool res =
P_Teleport (victim, dest->x + newX,
dest->y + newY,
floorz ? ONFLOORZ : dest->z + victim->z - source->z,
0, fog, fog, !fog);
// P_Teleport only changes angle if fog is true
victim->angle = dest->angle + offAngle;
return res;
#if 0
static void MoveTheDecal (DBaseDecal *decal, fixed_t z, AActor *source, AActor *dest)
int an = (dest->angle - source->angle) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
fixed_t offX = decal->x - source->x;
fixed_t offY = decal->y - source->y;
fixed_t newX = DMulScale16 (offX, finecosine[an], -offY, finesine[an]);
fixed_t newY = DMulScale16 (offX, finesine[an], offY, finecosine[an]);
decal->Relocate (dest->x + newX, dest->y + newY, dest->z + z - source->z);
// [RH] Teleport a group of actors centered around source_tid so
// that they become centered around dest_tid instead.
bool EV_TeleportGroup (int group_tid, AActor *victim, int source_tid, int dest_tid, bool moveSource, bool fog)
AActor *sourceOrigin, *destOrigin;
FActorIterator iterator (source_tid);
sourceOrigin = iterator.Next ();
if (sourceOrigin == NULL)
{ // If there is no source origin, behave like TeleportOther
return EV_TeleportOther (group_tid, dest_tid, fog);
NActorIterator iterator (NAME_TeleportDest, dest_tid);
destOrigin = iterator.Next ();
if (destOrigin == NULL)
return false;
bool didSomething = false;
bool floorz = !destOrigin->IsKindOf (PClass::FindClass("TeleportDest2"));
// Use the passed victim if group_tid is 0
if (group_tid == 0 && victim != NULL)
didSomething = DoGroupForOne (victim, sourceOrigin, destOrigin, floorz, fog);
FActorIterator iterator (group_tid);
// For each actor with tid matching arg0, move it to the same
// position relative to destOrigin as it is relative to sourceOrigin
// before the teleport.
while ( (victim = iterator.Next ()) )
didSomething |= DoGroupForOne (victim, sourceOrigin, destOrigin, floorz, fog);
if (moveSource && didSomething)
didSomething |=
P_Teleport (sourceOrigin, destOrigin->x, destOrigin->y,
floorz ? ONFLOORZ : destOrigin->z, 0, false, false, true);
sourceOrigin->angle = destOrigin->angle;
return didSomething;
// [RH] Teleport a group of actors in a sector. Source_tid is used as a
// reference point so that they end up in the same position relative to
// dest_tid. Group_tid can be used to not teleport all actors in the sector.
bool EV_TeleportSector (int tag, int source_tid, int dest_tid, bool fog, int group_tid)
AActor *sourceOrigin, *destOrigin;
FActorIterator iterator (source_tid);
sourceOrigin = iterator.Next ();
if (sourceOrigin == NULL)
return false;
NActorIterator iterator (NAME_TeleportDest, dest_tid);
destOrigin = iterator.Next ();
if (destOrigin == NULL)
return false;
bool didSomething = false;
bool floorz = !destOrigin->IsKindOf (PClass::FindClass("TeleportDest2"));
int secnum;
secnum = -1;
while ((secnum = P_FindSectorFromTag (tag, secnum)) >= 0)
msecnode_t *node;
const sector_t * const sec = &sectors[secnum];
for (node = sec->touching_thinglist; node; )
AActor *actor = node->m_thing;
msecnode_t *next = node->m_snext;
// possibly limit actors by group
if (actor != NULL && (group_tid == 0 || actor->tid == group_tid))
didSomething |= DoGroupForOne (actor, sourceOrigin, destOrigin, floorz, fog);
node = next;
#if 0
if (group_tid == 0 && !fog)
int lineindex;
for (lineindex = sec->linecount-1; lineindex >= 0; --lineindex)
line_t *line = sec->lines[lineindex];
int wallnum;
wallnum = line->sidenum[(line->backsector == sec)];
if (wallnum != -1)
side_t *wall = &sides[wallnum];
ADecal *decal = wall->BoundActors;
while (decal != NULL)
ADecal *next = (ADecal *)decal->snext;
MoveTheDecal (decal, decal->GetRealZ (wall), sourceOrigin, destOrigin);
decal = next;
return didSomething;