mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 03:41:22 +00:00
This is for rendering the sprite properly in all areas the actor touches. The original thinglist is not sufficient for this and Boom's touching thinglist has other purposes and collects too much data. This new list will only get filled in when the actor is actually crossing a portal plane, for the normal sector thinglist will still be used. This piggybacks on the msecnode_t code which has been extended to be able to handle more than one list by passing the sector's membert pointers as parameters.
3103 lines
77 KiB
3103 lines
77 KiB
// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*-
// $Id:$
// Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
// This source is available for distribution and/or modification
// only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as
// published by id Software. All rights reserved.
// The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// for more details.
// $Log:$
// Player related stuff.
// Bobbing POV/weapon, movement.
// Pending weapon.
#include "templates.h"
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "d_event.h"
#include "p_local.h"
#include "doomstat.h"
#include "s_sound.h"
#include "i_system.h"
#include "gi.h"
#include "m_random.h"
#include "p_pspr.h"
#include "p_enemy.h"
#include "s_sound.h"
#include "a_sharedglobal.h"
#include "a_keys.h"
#include "statnums.h"
#include "v_palette.h"
#include "v_video.h"
#include "w_wad.h"
#include "cmdlib.h"
#include "sbar.h"
#include "intermission/intermission.h"
#include "c_console.h"
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "c_dispatch.h"
#include "tarray.h"
#include "thingdef/thingdef.h"
#include "g_level.h"
#include "d_net.h"
#include "gstrings.h"
#include "farchive.h"
#include "r_renderer.h"
#include "d_player.h"
#include "r_utility.h"
#include "p_blockmap.h"
#include "a_morph.h"
#include "p_spec.h"
static FRandom pr_skullpop ("SkullPop");
// [RH] # of ticks to complete a turn180
#define TURN180_TICKS ((TICRATE / 4) + 1)
// Variables for prediction
CVAR (Bool, cl_noprediction, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG)
CVAR(Bool, cl_predict_specials, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG)
CUSTOM_CVAR(Float, cl_predict_lerpscale, 0.05f, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG)
CUSTOM_CVAR(Float, cl_predict_lerpthreshold, 2.00f, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG)
if (self < 0.1f)
self = 0.1f;
struct PredictPos
int gametic;
DVector3 pos;
DRotator angles;
} static PredictionLerpFrom, PredictionLerpResult, PredictionLast;
static int PredictionLerptics;
static player_t PredictionPlayerBackup;
static BYTE PredictionActorBackup[sizeof(APlayerPawn)];
static TArray<sector_t *> PredictionTouchingSectorsBackup;
static TArray<AActor *> PredictionSectorListBackup;
static TArray<msecnode_t *> PredictionSector_sprev_Backup;
// [GRB] Custom player classes
TArray<FPlayerClass> PlayerClasses;
FPlayerClass::FPlayerClass ()
Type = NULL;
Flags = 0;
FPlayerClass::FPlayerClass (const FPlayerClass &other)
Type = other.Type;
Flags = other.Flags;
Skins = other.Skins;
FPlayerClass::~FPlayerClass ()
bool FPlayerClass::CheckSkin (int skin)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Skins.Size (); i++)
if (Skins[i] == skin)
return true;
return false;
// GetDisplayName
FString GetPrintableDisplayName(PClassPlayerPawn *cls)
// Fixme; This needs a decent way to access the string table without creating a mess.
// [RH] ????
return cls->DisplayName;
bool ValidatePlayerClass(PClassActor *ti, const char *name)
if (ti == NULL)
Printf("Unknown player class '%s'\n", name);
return false;
else if (!ti->IsDescendantOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn)))
Printf("Invalid player class '%s'\n", name);
return false;
else if (static_cast<PClassPlayerPawn *>(ti)->DisplayName.IsEmpty())
Printf ("Missing displayname for player class '%s'\n", name);
return false;
return true;
void SetupPlayerClasses ()
FPlayerClass newclass;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < gameinfo.PlayerClasses.Size(); i++)
PClassActor *cls = PClass::FindActor(gameinfo.PlayerClasses[i]);
if (ValidatePlayerClass(cls, gameinfo.PlayerClasses[i]))
newclass.Flags = 0;
newclass.Type = static_cast<PClassPlayerPawn *>(cls);
if ((GetDefaultByType(cls)->flags6 & MF6_NOMENU))
newclass.Flags |= PCF_NOMENU;
CCMD (clearplayerclasses)
if (ParsingKeyConf)
PlayerClasses.Clear ();
CCMD (addplayerclass)
if (ParsingKeyConf && argv.argc () > 1)
PClassActor *ti = PClass::FindActor(argv[1]);
if (ValidatePlayerClass(ti, argv[1]))
FPlayerClass newclass;
newclass.Type = static_cast<PClassPlayerPawn *>(ti);
newclass.Flags = 0;
int arg = 2;
while (arg < argv.argc())
if (!stricmp (argv[arg], "nomenu"))
newclass.Flags |= PCF_NOMENU;
Printf ("Unknown flag '%s' for player class '%s'\n", argv[arg], argv[1]);
PlayerClasses.Push (newclass);
CCMD (playerclasses)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PlayerClasses.Size (); i++)
Printf ("%3d: Class = %s, Name = %s\n", i,
// Movement.
// 16 pixels of bob
#define MAXBOB 16.
FArchive &operator<< (FArchive &arc, player_t *&p)
return arc.SerializePointer (players, (BYTE **)&p, sizeof(*players));
// The player_t constructor. Since LogText is not a POD, we cannot just
// memset it all to 0.
: mo(0),
Vel(0, 0),
memset (&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
memset (frags, 0, sizeof(frags));
memset (psprites, 0, sizeof(psprites));
player_t &player_t::operator=(const player_t &p)
mo = p.mo;
playerstate = p.playerstate;
cmd = p.cmd;
original_cmd = p.original_cmd;
original_oldbuttons = p.original_oldbuttons;
// Intentionally not copying userinfo!
cls = p.cls;
DesiredFOV = p.DesiredFOV;
FOV = p.FOV;
viewz = p.viewz;
viewheight = p.viewheight;
deltaviewheight = p.deltaviewheight;
bob = p.bob;
Vel = p.Vel;
centering = p.centering;
turnticks = p.turnticks;
attackdown = p.attackdown;
usedown = p.usedown;
oldbuttons = p.oldbuttons;
health = p.health;
inventorytics = p.inventorytics;
CurrentPlayerClass = p.CurrentPlayerClass;
memcpy(frags, &p.frags, sizeof(frags));
fragcount = p.fragcount;
lastkilltime = p.lastkilltime;
multicount = p.multicount;
spreecount = p.spreecount;
WeaponState = p.WeaponState;
ReadyWeapon = p.ReadyWeapon;
PendingWeapon = p.PendingWeapon;
cheats = p.cheats;
timefreezer = p.timefreezer;
refire = p.refire;
inconsistant = p.inconsistant;
waiting = p.waiting;
killcount = p.killcount;
itemcount = p.itemcount;
secretcount = p.secretcount;
damagecount = p.damagecount;
bonuscount = p.bonuscount;
hazardcount = p.hazardcount;
hazardtype = p.hazardtype;
hazardinterval = p.hazardinterval;
poisoncount = p.poisoncount;
poisontype = p.poisontype;
poisonpaintype = p.poisonpaintype;
poisoner = p.poisoner;
attacker = p.attacker;
extralight = p.extralight;
fixedcolormap = p.fixedcolormap;
fixedlightlevel = p.fixedlightlevel;
memcpy(psprites, &p.psprites, sizeof(psprites));
morphTics = p.morphTics;
MorphedPlayerClass = p.MorphedPlayerClass;
MorphStyle = p.MorphStyle;
MorphExitFlash = p.MorphExitFlash;
PremorphWeapon = p.PremorphWeapon;
chickenPeck = p.chickenPeck;
jumpTics = p.jumpTics;
onground = p.onground;
respawn_time = p.respawn_time;
camera = p.camera;
air_finished = p.air_finished;
LastDamageType = p.LastDamageType;
Bot = p.Bot;
settings_controller = p.settings_controller;
BlendR = p.BlendR;
BlendG = p.BlendG;
BlendB = p.BlendB;
BlendA = p.BlendA;
LogText = p.LogText;
MinPitch = p.MinPitch;
MaxPitch = p.MaxPitch;
crouching = p.crouching;
crouchdir = p.crouchdir;
crouchfactor = p.crouchfactor;
crouchoffset = p.crouchoffset;
crouchviewdelta = p.crouchviewdelta;
weapons = p.weapons;
ConversationNPC = p.ConversationNPC;
ConversationPC = p.ConversationPC;
ConversationNPCAngle = p.ConversationNPCAngle;
ConversationFaceTalker = p.ConversationFaceTalker;
MUSINFOactor = p.MUSINFOactor;
MUSINFOtics = p.MUSINFOtics;
return *this;
// This function supplements the pointer cleanup in dobject.cpp, because
// player_t is not derived from DObject. (I tried it, and DestroyScan was
// unable to properly determine the player object's type--possibly
// because it gets staticly allocated in an array.)
// This function checks all the DObject pointers in a player_t and NULLs any
// that match the pointer passed in. If you add any pointers that point to
// DObject (or a subclass), add them here too.
size_t player_t::FixPointers (const DObject *old, DObject *rep)
APlayerPawn *replacement = static_cast<APlayerPawn *>(rep);
size_t changed = 0;
// The construct *& is used in several of these to avoid the read barriers
// that would turn the pointer we want to check to NULL if the old object
// is pending deletion.
if (mo == old) mo = replacement, changed++;
if (*&poisoner == old) poisoner = replacement, changed++;
if (*&attacker == old) attacker = replacement, changed++;
if (*&camera == old) camera = replacement, changed++;
if (*&Bot == old) Bot = static_cast<DBot *>(rep), changed++;
if (ReadyWeapon == old) ReadyWeapon = static_cast<AWeapon *>(rep), changed++;
if (PendingWeapon == old) PendingWeapon = static_cast<AWeapon *>(rep), changed++;
if (*&PremorphWeapon == old) PremorphWeapon = static_cast<AWeapon *>(rep), changed++;
if (*&ConversationNPC == old) ConversationNPC = replacement, changed++;
if (*&ConversationPC == old) ConversationPC = replacement, changed++;
if (*&MUSINFOactor == old) MUSINFOactor = replacement, changed++;
return changed;
size_t player_t::PropagateMark()
if (PendingWeapon != WP_NOCHANGE)
return sizeof(*this);
void player_t::SetLogNumber (int num)
char lumpname[16];
int lumpnum;
mysnprintf (lumpname, countof(lumpname), "LOG%d", num);
lumpnum = Wads.CheckNumForName (lumpname);
if (lumpnum == -1)
// Leave the log message alone if this one doesn't exist.
//SetLogText (lumpname);
int length=Wads.LumpLength(lumpnum);
char *data= new char[length+1];
Wads.ReadLump (lumpnum, data);
SetLogText (data);
delete[] data;
void player_t::SetLogText (const char *text)
LogText = text;
// Print log text to console
AddToConsole(-1, TEXTCOLOR_GOLD);
AddToConsole(-1, LogText);
AddToConsole(-1, "\n");
int player_t::GetSpawnClass()
const PClass * type = PlayerClasses[CurrentPlayerClass].Type;
return static_cast<APlayerPawn*>(GetDefaultByType(type))->SpawnMask;
// PClassPlayerPawn
for (size_t i = 0; i < countof(HexenArmor); ++i)
HexenArmor[i] = 0;
ColorRangeStart = 0;
ColorRangeEnd = 0;
void PClassPlayerPawn::DeriveData(PClass *newclass)
PClassPlayerPawn *newp = static_cast<PClassPlayerPawn *>(newclass);
size_t i;
newp->DisplayName = DisplayName;
newp->SoundClass = SoundClass;
newp->Face = Face;
newp->InvulMode = InvulMode;
newp->HealingRadiusType = HealingRadiusType;
newp->ColorRangeStart = ColorRangeStart;
newp->ColorRangeEnd = ColorRangeEnd;
newp->ColorSets = ColorSets;
for (i = 0; i < countof(HexenArmor); ++i)
newp->HexenArmor[i] = HexenArmor[i];
for (i = 0; i < countof(Slot); ++i)
newp->Slot[i] = Slot[i];
static int intcmp(const void *a, const void *b)
return *(const int *)a - *(const int *)b;
void PClassPlayerPawn::EnumColorSets(TArray<int> *out)
FPlayerColorSetMap::Iterator it(ColorSets);
FPlayerColorSetMap::Pair *pair;
while (it.NextPair(pair))
qsort(&(*out)[0], out->Size(), sizeof(int), intcmp);
bool PClassPlayerPawn::GetPainFlash(FName type, PalEntry *color) const
const PClassPlayerPawn *info = this;
while (info != NULL)
const PalEntry *flash = info->PainFlashes.CheckKey(type);
if (flash != NULL)
*color = *flash;
return true;
// Try parent class
info = dyn_cast<PClassPlayerPawn>(info->ParentClass);
return false;
void PClassPlayerPawn::ReplaceClassRef(PClass *oldclass, PClass *newclass)
Super::ReplaceClassRef(oldclass, newclass);
APlayerPawn *def = (APlayerPawn*)Defaults;
if (def != NULL)
if (def->FlechetteType == oldclass) def->FlechetteType = static_cast<PClassInventory *>(newclass);
// player_t :: SendPitchLimits
// Ask the local player's renderer what pitch restrictions should be imposed
// and let everybody know. Only sends data for the consoleplayer, since the
// local player is the only one our data is valid for.
void player_t::SendPitchLimits() const
if (this - players == consoleplayer)
Net_WriteByte(Renderer->GetMaxViewPitch(false)); // up
Net_WriteByte(Renderer->GetMaxViewPitch(true)); // down
// APlayerPawn
void APlayerPawn::Serialize (FArchive &arc)
Super::Serialize (arc);
arc << JumpZ
<< MaxHealth
<< RunHealth
<< SpawnMask
<< ForwardMove1
<< ForwardMove2
<< SideMove1
<< SideMove2
<< ScoreIcon
<< InvFirst
<< InvSel
<< MorphWeapon
<< DamageFade
<< PlayerFlags
<< FlechetteType;
arc << GruntSpeed << FallingScreamMinSpeed << FallingScreamMaxSpeed;
arc << UseRange;
arc << AirCapacity;
arc << ViewHeight;
// APlayerPawn :: MarkPrecacheSounds
void APlayerPawn::MarkPrecacheSounds() const
// APlayerPawn :: BeginPlay
void APlayerPawn::BeginPlay ()
Super::BeginPlay ();
ChangeStatNum (STAT_PLAYER);
// Check whether a PWADs normal sprite is to be combined with the base WADs
// crouch sprite. In such a case the sprites normally don't match and it is
// best to disable the crouch sprite.
if (crouchsprite > 0)
// This assumes that player sprites always exist in rotated form and
// that the front view is always a separate sprite. So far this is
// true for anything that exists.
FString normspritename = sprites[SpawnState->sprite].name;
FString crouchspritename = sprites[crouchsprite].name;
int spritenorm = Wads.CheckNumForName(normspritename + "A1", ns_sprites);
if (spritenorm==-1)
spritenorm = Wads.CheckNumForName(normspritename + "A0", ns_sprites);
int spritecrouch = Wads.CheckNumForName(crouchspritename + "A1", ns_sprites);
if (spritecrouch==-1)
spritecrouch = Wads.CheckNumForName(crouchspritename + "A0", ns_sprites);
if (spritenorm==-1 || spritecrouch ==-1)
// Sprites do not exist so it is best to disable the crouch sprite.
crouchsprite = 0;
int wadnorm = Wads.GetLumpFile(spritenorm);
int wadcrouch = Wads.GetLumpFile(spritenorm);
if (wadnorm > FWadCollection::IWAD_FILENUM && wadcrouch <= FWadCollection::IWAD_FILENUM)
// Question: Add an option / disable crouching or do what?
crouchsprite = 0;
// APlayerPawn :: Tick
void APlayerPawn::Tick()
if (player != NULL && player->mo == this && player->CanCrouch() && player->playerstate != PST_DEAD)
Height = GetDefault()->Height * player->crouchfactor;
if (health > 0) Height = GetDefault()->Height;
// APlayerPawn :: PostBeginPlay
void APlayerPawn::PostBeginPlay()
// Voodoo dolls: restore original floorz/ceilingz logic
if (player == NULL || player->mo != this)
P_FindFloorCeiling(this, FFCF_ONLYSPAWNPOS);
// APlayerPawn :: SetupWeaponSlots
// Sets up the default weapon slots for this player. If this is also the
// local player, determines local modifications and sends those across the
// network. Ignores voodoo dolls.
void APlayerPawn::SetupWeaponSlots()
if (player != NULL && player->mo == this)
// If we're the local player, then there's a bit more work to do.
// This also applies if we're a bot and this is the net arbitrator.
if (player - players == consoleplayer ||
(player->Bot != NULL && consoleplayer == Net_Arbitrator))
FWeaponSlots local_slots(player->weapons);
if (player->Bot != NULL)
{ // Bots only need weapons from KEYCONF, not INI modifications.
local_slots.SendDifferences(int(player - players), player->weapons);
// APlayerPawn :: AddInventory
void APlayerPawn::AddInventory (AInventory *item)
// Adding inventory to a voodoo doll should add it to the real player instead.
if (player != NULL && player->mo != this && player->mo != NULL)
player->mo->AddInventory (item);
Super::AddInventory (item);
// If nothing is selected, select this item.
if (InvSel == NULL && (item->ItemFlags & IF_INVBAR))
InvSel = item;
// APlayerPawn :: RemoveInventory
void APlayerPawn::RemoveInventory (AInventory *item)
bool pickWeap = false;
// Since voodoo dolls aren't supposed to have an inventory, there should be
// no need to redirect them to the real player here as there is with AddInventory.
// If the item removed is the selected one, select something else, either the next
// item, if there is one, or the previous item.
if (player != NULL)
if (InvSel == item)
InvSel = item->NextInv ();
if (InvSel == NULL)
InvSel = item->PrevInv ();
if (InvFirst == item)
InvFirst = item->NextInv ();
if (InvFirst == NULL)
InvFirst = item->PrevInv ();
if (item == player->PendingWeapon)
player->PendingWeapon = WP_NOCHANGE;
if (item == player->ReadyWeapon)
// If the current weapon is removed, clear the refire counter and pick a new one.
pickWeap = true;
player->ReadyWeapon = NULL;
player->refire = 0;
Super::RemoveInventory (item);
if (pickWeap && player->mo == this && player->PendingWeapon == WP_NOCHANGE)
PickNewWeapon (NULL);
// APlayerPawn :: UseInventory
bool APlayerPawn::UseInventory (AInventory *item)
const PClass *itemtype = item->GetClass();
if (player->cheats & CF_TOTALLYFROZEN)
{ // You can't use items if you're totally frozen
return false;
if ((level.flags2 & LEVEL2_FROZEN) && (player == NULL || player->timefreezer == 0))
// Time frozen
return false;
if (!Super::UseInventory (item))
// Heretic and Hexen advance the inventory cursor if the use failed.
// Should this behavior be retained?
return false;
if (player == &players[consoleplayer])
S_Sound (this, CHAN_ITEM, item->UseSound, 1, ATTN_NORM);
StatusBar->FlashItem (itemtype);
return true;
// APlayerPawn :: BestWeapon
// Returns the best weapon a player has, possibly restricted to a single
// type of ammo.
AWeapon *APlayerPawn::BestWeapon(PClassAmmo *ammotype)
AWeapon *bestMatch = NULL;
int bestOrder = INT_MAX;
AInventory *item;
AWeapon *weap;
bool tomed = NULL != FindInventory (RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerWeaponLevel2), true);
// Find the best weapon the player has.
for (item = Inventory; item != NULL; item = item->Inventory)
if (!item->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon)))
weap = static_cast<AWeapon *> (item);
// Don't select it if it's worse than what was already found.
if (weap->SelectionOrder > bestOrder)
// Don't select it if its primary fire doesn't use the desired ammo.
if (ammotype != NULL &&
(weap->Ammo1 == NULL ||
weap->Ammo1->GetClass() != ammotype))
// Don't select it if the Tome is active and this isn't the powered-up version.
if (tomed && weap->SisterWeapon != NULL && weap->SisterWeapon->WeaponFlags & WIF_POWERED_UP)
// Don't select it if it's powered-up and the Tome is not active.
if (!tomed && weap->WeaponFlags & WIF_POWERED_UP)
// Don't select it if there isn't enough ammo to use its primary fire.
if (!(weap->WeaponFlags & WIF_AMMO_OPTIONAL) &&
!weap->CheckAmmo (AWeapon::PrimaryFire, false))
// Don't select if if there isn't enough ammo as determined by the weapon's author.
if (weap->MinSelAmmo1 > 0 && (weap->Ammo1 == NULL || weap->Ammo1->Amount < weap->MinSelAmmo1))
if (weap->MinSelAmmo2 > 0 && (weap->Ammo2 == NULL || weap->Ammo2->Amount < weap->MinSelAmmo2))
// This weapon is usable!
bestOrder = weap->SelectionOrder;
bestMatch = weap;
return bestMatch;
// APlayerPawn :: PickNewWeapon
// Picks a new weapon for this player. Used mostly for running out of ammo,
// but it also works when an ACS script explicitly takes the ready weapon
// away or the player picks up some ammo they had previously run out of.
AWeapon *APlayerPawn::PickNewWeapon(PClassAmmo *ammotype)
AWeapon *best = BestWeapon (ammotype);
if (best != NULL)
player->PendingWeapon = best;
if (player->ReadyWeapon != NULL)
else if (player->PendingWeapon != WP_NOCHANGE)
P_BringUpWeapon (player);
return best;
// APlayerPawn :: CheckWeaponSwitch
// Checks if weapons should be changed after picking up ammo
void APlayerPawn::CheckWeaponSwitch(PClassAmmo *ammotype)
if (!player->userinfo.GetNeverSwitch() &&
player->PendingWeapon == WP_NOCHANGE &&
(player->ReadyWeapon == NULL ||
(player->ReadyWeapon->WeaponFlags & WIF_WIMPY_WEAPON)))
AWeapon *best = BestWeapon (ammotype);
if (best != NULL && (player->ReadyWeapon == NULL ||
best->SelectionOrder < player->ReadyWeapon->SelectionOrder))
player->PendingWeapon = best;
// APlayerPawn :: GiveDeathmatchInventory
// Gives players items they should have in addition to their default
// inventory when playing deathmatch. (i.e. all keys)
void APlayerPawn::GiveDeathmatchInventory()
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PClassActor::AllActorClasses.Size(); ++i)
if (PClassActor::AllActorClasses[i]->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AKey)))
AKey *key = (AKey *)GetDefaultByType (PClassActor::AllActorClasses[i]);
if (key->KeyNumber != 0)
key = static_cast<AKey *>(Spawn(static_cast<PClassActor *>(PClassActor::AllActorClasses[i])));
if (!key->CallTryPickup (this))
key->Destroy ();
// APlayerPawn :: FilterCoopRespawnInventory
// When respawning in coop, this function is called to walk through the dead
// player's inventory and modify it according to the current game flags so
// that it can be transferred to the new live player. This player currently
// has the default inventory, and the oldplayer has the inventory at the time
// of death.
void APlayerPawn::FilterCoopRespawnInventory (APlayerPawn *oldplayer)
AInventory *item, *next, *defitem;
// If we're losing everything, this is really simple.
if (dmflags & (DF_COOP_LOSE_KEYS |
// Walk through the old player's inventory and destroy or modify
// according to dmflags.
for (item = oldplayer->Inventory; item != NULL; item = next)
next = item->Inventory;
// If this item is part of the default inventory, we never want
// to destroy it, although we might want to copy the default
// inventory amount.
defitem = FindInventory (item->GetClass());
if ((dmflags & DF_COOP_LOSE_KEYS) &&
defitem == NULL &&
else if ((dmflags & DF_COOP_LOSE_WEAPONS) &&
defitem == NULL &&
else if ((dmflags & DF_COOP_LOSE_ARMOR) &&
if (defitem == NULL)
else if (item->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(ABasicArmor)))
static_cast<ABasicArmor*>(item)->SavePercent = static_cast<ABasicArmor*>(defitem)->SavePercent;
item->Amount = defitem->Amount;
else if (item->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(AHexenArmor)))
static_cast<AHexenArmor*>(item)->Slots[0] = static_cast<AHexenArmor*>(defitem)->Slots[0];
static_cast<AHexenArmor*>(item)->Slots[1] = static_cast<AHexenArmor*>(defitem)->Slots[1];
static_cast<AHexenArmor*>(item)->Slots[2] = static_cast<AHexenArmor*>(defitem)->Slots[2];
static_cast<AHexenArmor*>(item)->Slots[3] = static_cast<AHexenArmor*>(defitem)->Slots[3];
else if ((dmflags & DF_COOP_LOSE_POWERUPS) &&
defitem == NULL &&
else if ((dmflags & (DF_COOP_LOSE_AMMO | DF_COOP_HALVE_AMMO)) &&
if (defitem == NULL)
if (dmflags & DF_COOP_LOSE_AMMO)
// Do NOT destroy the ammo, because a weapon might reference it.
item->Amount = 0;
else if (item->Amount > 1)
item->Amount /= 2;
// When set to lose ammo, you get to keep all your starting ammo.
// When set to halve ammo, you won't be left with less than your starting amount.
if (dmflags & DF_COOP_LOSE_AMMO)
item->Amount = defitem->Amount;
else if (item->Amount > 1)
item->Amount = MAX(item->Amount / 2, defitem->Amount);
// Now destroy the default inventory this player is holding and move
// over the old player's remaining inventory.
ObtainInventory (oldplayer);
player->ReadyWeapon = NULL;
PickNewWeapon (NULL);
// APlayerPawn :: GetSoundClass
const char *APlayerPawn::GetSoundClass() const
if (player != NULL &&
(player->mo == NULL || !(player->mo->flags4 &MF4_NOSKIN)) &&
(unsigned int)player->userinfo.GetSkin() >= PlayerClasses.Size () &&
(size_t)player->userinfo.GetSkin() < numskins)
return skins[player->userinfo.GetSkin()].name;
// [GRB]
PClassPlayerPawn *pclass = GetClass();
return pclass->SoundClass.IsNotEmpty() ? pclass->SoundClass.GetChars() : "player";
// APlayerPawn :: GetMaxHealth
// only needed because Boom screwed up Dehacked.
int APlayerPawn::GetMaxHealth() const
return MaxHealth > 0? MaxHealth : ((i_compatflags&COMPATF_DEHHEALTH)? 100 : deh.MaxHealth);
// APlayerPawn :: UpdateWaterLevel
// Plays surfacing and diving sounds, as appropriate.
bool APlayerPawn::UpdateWaterLevel (bool splash)
int oldlevel = waterlevel;
bool retval = Super::UpdateWaterLevel (splash);
if (player != NULL)
if (oldlevel < 3 && waterlevel == 3)
{ // Our head just went under.
S_Sound (this, CHAN_VOICE, "*dive", 1, ATTN_NORM);
else if (oldlevel == 3 && waterlevel < 3)
{ // Our head just came up.
if (player->air_finished > level.time)
{ // We hadn't run out of air yet.
S_Sound (this, CHAN_VOICE, "*surface", 1, ATTN_NORM);
// If we were running out of air, then ResetAirSupply() will play *gasp.
return retval;
// APlayerPawn :: ResetAirSupply
// Gives the player a full "tank" of air. If they had previously completely
// run out of air, also plays the *gasp sound. Returns true if the player
// was drowning.
bool APlayerPawn::ResetAirSupply (bool playgasp)
bool wasdrowning = (player->air_finished < level.time);
if (playgasp && wasdrowning)
S_Sound (this, CHAN_VOICE, "*gasp", 1, ATTN_NORM);
if (level.airsupply> 0 && player->mo->AirCapacity > 0) player->air_finished = level.time + int(level.airsupply * player->mo->AirCapacity);
else player->air_finished = INT_MAX;
return wasdrowning;
// Animations
void APlayerPawn::PlayIdle ()
if (InStateSequence(state, SeeState))
SetState (SpawnState);
void APlayerPawn::PlayRunning ()
if (InStateSequence(state, SpawnState) && SeeState != NULL)
SetState (SeeState);
void APlayerPawn::PlayAttacking ()
if (MissileState != NULL) SetState (MissileState);
void APlayerPawn::PlayAttacking2 ()
if (MeleeState != NULL) SetState (MeleeState);
void APlayerPawn::ThrowPoisonBag ()
// APlayerPawn :: GiveDefaultInventory
void APlayerPawn::GiveDefaultInventory ()
if (player == NULL) return;
// HexenArmor must always be the first item in the inventory because
// it provides player class based protection that should not affect
// any other protection item.
PClassPlayerPawn *myclass = GetClass();
AHexenArmor *harmor = FindInventory<AHexenArmor>();
harmor->Slots[4] = myclass->HexenArmor[0];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
harmor->SlotsIncrement[i] = myclass->HexenArmor[i + 1];
// BasicArmor must come right after that. It should not affect any
// other protection item as well but needs to process the damage
// before the HexenArmor does.
ABasicArmor *barmor = Spawn<ABasicArmor> ();
barmor->BecomeItem ();
barmor->SavePercent = 0;
barmor->Amount = 0;
AddInventory (barmor);
// Now add the items from the DECORATE definition
DDropItem *di = GetDropItems();
while (di)
PClassActor *ti = PClass::FindActor (di->Name);
if (ti)
AInventory *item = FindInventory (ti);
if (item != NULL)
item->Amount = clamp<int>(
item->Amount + (di->Amount ? di->Amount : ((AInventory *)item->GetDefault ())->Amount),
0, item->MaxAmount);
item = static_cast<AInventory *>(Spawn (ti));
item->ItemFlags |= IF_IGNORESKILL; // no skill multiplicators here
item->Amount = di->Amount;
if (item->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS (AWeapon)))
// To allow better control any weapon is emptied of
// ammo before being given to the player.
static_cast<AWeapon*>(item)->AmmoGive1 =
static_cast<AWeapon*>(item)->AmmoGive2 = 0;
AActor *check;
if (!item->CallTryPickup(this, &check))
if (check != this)
// Player was morphed. This is illegal at game start.
// This problem is only detectable when it's too late to do something about it...
I_Error("Cannot give morph items when starting a game");
item->Destroy ();
item = NULL;
if (item != NULL && item->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS (AWeapon)) &&
static_cast<AWeapon*>(item)->CheckAmmo(AWeapon::EitherFire, false))
player->ReadyWeapon = player->PendingWeapon = static_cast<AWeapon *> (item);
di = di->Next;
void APlayerPawn::MorphPlayerThink ()
void APlayerPawn::ActivateMorphWeapon ()
PClassActor *morphweapon = PClass::FindActor (MorphWeapon);
player->PendingWeapon = WP_NOCHANGE;
player->psprites[ps_weapon].sy = WEAPONTOP;
if (morphweapon == NULL || !morphweapon->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon)))
{ // No weapon at all while morphed!
player->ReadyWeapon = NULL;
P_SetPsprite (player, ps_weapon, NULL);
player->ReadyWeapon = static_cast<AWeapon *>(player->mo->FindInventory (morphweapon));
if (player->ReadyWeapon == NULL)
player->ReadyWeapon = static_cast<AWeapon *>(player->mo->GiveInventoryType (morphweapon));
if (player->ReadyWeapon != NULL)
player->ReadyWeapon->GivenAsMorphWeapon = true; // flag is used only by new beastweap semantics in P_UndoPlayerMorph
if (player->ReadyWeapon != NULL)
P_SetPsprite (player, ps_weapon, player->ReadyWeapon->GetReadyState());
P_SetPsprite (player, ps_weapon, NULL);
P_SetPsprite (player, ps_flash, NULL);
player->PendingWeapon = WP_NOCHANGE;
// APlayerPawn :: Die
void APlayerPawn::Die (AActor *source, AActor *inflictor, int dmgflags)
Super::Die (source, inflictor, dmgflags);
if (player != NULL && player->mo == this) player->bonuscount = 0;
if (player != NULL && player->mo != this)
{ // Make the real player die, too
player->mo->Die (source, inflictor, dmgflags);
if (player != NULL && (dmflags2 & DF2_YES_WEAPONDROP))
{ // Voodoo dolls don't drop weapons
AWeapon *weap = player->ReadyWeapon;
if (weap != NULL)
AInventory *item;
// kgDROP - start - modified copy from a_action.cpp
DDropItem *di = weap->GetDropItems();
if (di != NULL)
while (di != NULL)
if (di->Name != NAME_None)
PClassActor *ti = PClass::FindActor(di->Name);
if (ti) P_DropItem (player->mo, ti, di->Amount, di->Probability);
di = di->Next;
} else
// kgDROP - end
if (weap->SpawnState != NULL &&
weap->SpawnState != ::GetDefault<AActor>()->SpawnState)
item = P_DropItem (this, weap->GetClass(), -1, 256);
if (item != NULL && item->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon)))
if (weap->AmmoGive1 && weap->Ammo1)
static_cast<AWeapon *>(item)->AmmoGive1 = weap->Ammo1->Amount;
if (weap->AmmoGive2 && weap->Ammo2)
static_cast<AWeapon *>(item)->AmmoGive2 = weap->Ammo2->Amount;
item->ItemFlags |= IF_IGNORESKILL;
item = P_DropItem (this, weap->AmmoType1, -1, 256);
if (item != NULL)
item->Amount = weap->Ammo1->Amount;
item->ItemFlags |= IF_IGNORESKILL;
item = P_DropItem (this, weap->AmmoType2, -1, 256);
if (item != NULL)
item->Amount = weap->Ammo2->Amount;
item->ItemFlags |= IF_IGNORESKILL;
if (!multiplayer && level.info->deathsequence != NAME_None)
F_StartIntermission(level.info->deathsequence, FSTATE_EndingGame);
// APlayerPawn :: TweakSpeeds
void APlayerPawn::TweakSpeeds (double &forward, double &side)
// Strife's player can't run when its health is below 10
if (health <= RunHealth)
forward = clamp<double>(forward, -0x1900, 0x1900);
side = clamp<double>(side, -0x1800, 0x1800);
// [GRB]
if (fabs(forward) < 0x3200)
forward *= ForwardMove1;
forward *= ForwardMove2;
if (fabs(side) < 0x2800)
side *= SideMove1;
side *= SideMove2;
if (!player->morphTics && Inventory != NULL)
double factor = Inventory->GetSpeedFactor ();
forward *= factor;
side *= factor;
// A_PlayerScream
// try to find the appropriate death sound and use suitable
// replacements if necessary
int sound = 0;
int chan = CHAN_VOICE;
if (self->player == NULL || self->DeathSound != 0)
if (self->DeathSound != 0)
S_Sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, self->DeathSound, 1, ATTN_NORM);
S_Sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "*death", 1, ATTN_NORM);
return 0;
// Handle the different player death screams
if ((((level.flags >> 15) | (dmflags)) &
self->Vel.Z <= -39)
sound = S_FindSkinnedSound (self, "*splat");
chan = CHAN_BODY;
if (!sound && self->special1<10)
{ // Wimpy death sound
sound = S_FindSkinnedSoundEx (self, "*wimpydeath", self->player->LastDamageType);
if (!sound && self->health <= -50)
if (self->health > -100)
{ // Crazy death sound
sound = S_FindSkinnedSoundEx (self, "*crazydeath", self->player->LastDamageType);
if (!sound)
{ // Extreme death sound
sound = S_FindSkinnedSoundEx (self, "*xdeath", self->player->LastDamageType);
if (!sound)
sound = S_FindSkinnedSoundEx (self, "*gibbed", self->player->LastDamageType);
chan = CHAN_BODY;
if (!sound)
{ // Normal death sound
sound = S_FindSkinnedSoundEx (self, "*death", self->player->LastDamageType);
if (chan != CHAN_VOICE)
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
{ // Stop most playing sounds from this player.
// This is mainly to stop *land from messing up *splat.
if (i != CHAN_WEAPON && i != CHAN_VOICE)
S_StopSound (self, i);
S_Sound (self, chan, sound, 1, ATTN_NORM);
return 0;
// PROC A_SkullPop
PARAM_CLASS_OPT(spawntype, APlayerChunk) { spawntype = NULL; }
APlayerPawn *mo;
player_t *player;
// [GRB] Parameterized version
if (spawntype == NULL || !spawntype->IsDescendantOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerChunk)))
spawntype = dyn_cast<PClassPlayerPawn>(PClass::FindClass("BloodySkull"));
if (spawntype == NULL)
return 0;
self->flags &= ~MF_SOLID;
mo = (APlayerPawn *)Spawn (spawntype, self->PosPlusZ(48.), NO_REPLACE);
//mo->target = self;
mo->Vel.X = pr_skullpop.Random2() / 128.;
mo->Vel.Y = pr_skullpop.Random2() / 128.;
mo->Vel.Z = 2. + (pr_skullpop() / 1024.);
// Attach player mobj to bloody skull
player = self->player;
self->player = NULL;
mo->ObtainInventory (self);
mo->player = player;
mo->health = self->health;
mo->Angles.Yaw = self->Angles.Yaw;
if (player != NULL)
player->mo = mo;
player->damagecount = 32;
for (int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i)
if (playeringame[i] && players[i].camera == self)
players[i].camera = mo;
return 0;
// PROC A_CheckSkullDone
if (self->player == NULL)
return 0;
// P_CheckPlayerSprites
// Here's the place where crouching sprites are handled.
// R_ProjectSprite() calls this for any players.
void P_CheckPlayerSprite(AActor *actor, int &spritenum, DVector2 &scale)
player_t *player = actor->player;
int crouchspriteno;
if (player->userinfo.GetSkin() != 0 && !(actor->flags4 & MF4_NOSKIN))
// Convert from default scale to skin scale.
DVector2 defscale = actor->GetDefault()->Scale;
scale.X *= skins[player->userinfo.GetSkin()].Scale.X / defscale.X;
scale.Y *= skins[player->userinfo.GetSkin()].Scale.Y / defscale.Y;
// Set the crouch sprite?
if (player->crouchfactor < 0.75)
if (spritenum == actor->SpawnState->sprite || spritenum == player->mo->crouchsprite)
crouchspriteno = player->mo->crouchsprite;
else if (!(actor->flags4 & MF4_NOSKIN) &&
(spritenum == skins[player->userinfo.GetSkin()].sprite ||
spritenum == skins[player->userinfo.GetSkin()].crouchsprite))
crouchspriteno = skins[player->userinfo.GetSkin()].crouchsprite;
{ // no sprite -> squash the existing one
crouchspriteno = -1;
if (crouchspriteno > 0)
spritenum = crouchspriteno;
else if (player->playerstate != PST_DEAD && player->crouchfactor < 0.75)
scale.Y *= 0.5;
= P_Thrust
= moves the given origin along a given angle
void P_SideThrust (player_t *player, DAngle angle, double move)
player->mo->Thrust(angle-90, move);
void P_ForwardThrust (player_t *player, DAngle angle, double move)
if ((player->mo->waterlevel || (player->mo->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY))
&& player->mo->Angles.Pitch != 0)
double zpush = move * player->mo->Angles.Pitch.Sin();
if (player->mo->waterlevel && player->mo->waterlevel < 2 && zpush < 0)
zpush = 0;
player->mo->Vel.Z -= zpush;
move *= player->mo->Angles.Pitch.Cos();
player->mo->Thrust(angle, move);
// P_Bob
// Same as P_Thrust, but only affects bobbing.
// killough 10/98: We apply thrust separately between the real physical player
// and the part which affects bobbing. This way, bobbing only comes from player
// motion, nothing external, avoiding many problems, e.g. bobbing should not
// occur on conveyors, unless the player walks on one, and bobbing should be
// reduced at a regular rate, even on ice (where the player coasts).
void P_Bob (player_t *player, DAngle angle, double move, bool forward)
if (forward
&& (player->mo->waterlevel || (player->mo->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY))
&& player->mo->Angles.Pitch != 0)
move *= player->mo->Angles.Pitch.Cos();
player->Vel += angle.ToVector(move);
= P_CalcHeight
Calculate the walking / running height adjustment
void P_CalcHeight (player_t *player)
DAngle angle;
double bob;
bool still = false;
// Regular movement bobbing
// (needs to be calculated for gun swing even if not on ground)
// killough 10/98: Make bobbing depend only on player-applied motion.
// Note: don't reduce bobbing here if on ice: if you reduce bobbing here,
// it causes bobbing jerkiness when the player moves from ice to non-ice,
// and vice-versa.
if (player->cheats & CF_NOCLIP2)
player->bob = 0;
else if ((player->mo->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY) && !player->onground)
player->bob = 0.5;
player->bob = player->Vel.LengthSquared();
if (player->bob == 0)
still = true;
player->bob *= player->userinfo.GetMoveBob();
if (player->bob > MAXBOB)
player->bob = MAXBOB;
double defaultviewheight = player->mo->ViewHeight + player->crouchviewdelta;
if (player->cheats & CF_NOVELOCITY)
player->viewz = player->mo->Z() + defaultviewheight;
if (player->viewz > player->mo->ceilingz-4)
player->viewz = player->mo->ceilingz-4;
if (still)
if (player->health > 0)
angle = level.time / (120 * TICRATE / 35.) * 360.;
bob = player->userinfo.GetStillBob() * angle.Sin();
bob = 0;
angle = level.time / (20 * TICRATE / 35.) * 360.;
bob = player->bob * angle.Sin() * (player->mo->waterlevel > 1 ? 0.25f : 0.5f);
// move viewheight
if (player->playerstate == PST_LIVE)
player->viewheight += player->deltaviewheight;
if (player->viewheight > defaultviewheight)
player->viewheight = defaultviewheight;
player->deltaviewheight = 0;
else if (player->viewheight < (defaultviewheight/2))
player->viewheight = defaultviewheight/2;
if (player->deltaviewheight <= 0)
player->deltaviewheight = 1 / 65536.;
if (player->deltaviewheight)
player->deltaviewheight += 0.25;
if (!player->deltaviewheight)
player->deltaviewheight = 1/65536.;
if (player->morphTics)
bob = 0;
player->viewz = player->mo->Z() + player->viewheight + bob;
if (player->mo->Floorclip && player->playerstate != PST_DEAD
&& player->mo->Z() <= player->mo->floorz)
player->viewz -= player->mo->Floorclip;
if (player->viewz > player->mo->ceilingz - 4)
player->viewz = player->mo->ceilingz - 4;
if (player->viewz < player->mo->floorz + 4)
player->viewz = player->mo->floorz + 4;
= P_MovePlayer
CUSTOM_CVAR (Float, sv_aircontrol, 0.00390625f, CVAR_SERVERINFO|CVAR_NOSAVE)
level.aircontrol = self;
G_AirControlChanged ();
void P_MovePlayer (player_t *player)
ticcmd_t *cmd = &player->cmd;
APlayerPawn *mo = player->mo;
// [RH] 180-degree turn overrides all other yaws
if (player->turnticks)
mo->Angles.Yaw += (180. / TURN180_TICKS);
mo->Angles.Yaw += cmd->ucmd.yaw * (360./65536.);
player->onground = (mo->Z() <= mo->floorz) || (mo->flags2 & MF2_ONMOBJ) || (mo->BounceFlags & BOUNCE_MBF) || (player->cheats & CF_NOCLIP2);
// killough 10/98:
// We must apply thrust to the player and bobbing separately, to avoid
// anomalies. The thrust applied to bobbing is always the same strength on
// ice, because the player still "works just as hard" to move, while the
// thrust applied to the movement varies with 'movefactor'.
if (cmd->ucmd.forwardmove | cmd->ucmd.sidemove)
double forwardmove, sidemove;
double bobfactor;
double friction, movefactor;
double fm, sm;
movefactor = P_GetMoveFactor (mo, &friction);
bobfactor = friction < ORIG_FRICTION ? movefactor : ORIG_FRICTION_FACTOR;
if (!player->onground && !(player->mo->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY) && !player->mo->waterlevel)
// [RH] allow very limited movement if not on ground.
movefactor *= level.aircontrol;
bobfactor*= level.aircontrol;
fm = cmd->ucmd.forwardmove;
sm = cmd->ucmd.sidemove;
mo->TweakSpeeds (fm, sm);
fm *= player->mo->Speed / 256;
sm *= player->mo->Speed / 256;
// When crouching, speed and bobbing have to be reduced
if (player->CanCrouch() && player->crouchfactor != 1)
fm *= player->crouchfactor;
sm *= player->crouchfactor;
bobfactor *= player->crouchfactor;
forwardmove = fm * movefactor * (35 / TICRATE);
sidemove = sm * movefactor * (35 / TICRATE);
if (forwardmove)
P_Bob(player, mo->Angles.Yaw, cmd->ucmd.forwardmove * bobfactor / 256., true);
P_ForwardThrust(player, mo->Angles.Yaw, forwardmove);
if (sidemove)
P_Bob(player, mo->Angles.Yaw - 90, cmd->ucmd.sidemove * bobfactor / 256., false);
P_SideThrust(player, mo->Angles.Yaw, sidemove);
if (debugfile)
fprintf (debugfile, "move player for pl %d%c: (%f,%f,%f) (%f,%f) %f %f w%d [", int(player-players),
player->cheats&CF_PREDICTING?'p':' ',
player->mo->X(), player->mo->Y(), player->mo->Z(),forwardmove, sidemove, movefactor, friction, player->mo->waterlevel);
msecnode_t *n = player->mo->touching_sectorlist;
while (n != NULL)
fprintf (debugfile, "%td ", n->m_sector-sectors);
n = n->m_tnext;
fprintf (debugfile, "]\n");
if (!(player->cheats & CF_PREDICTING) && (forwardmove != 0 || sidemove != 0))
player->mo->PlayRunning ();
if (player->cheats & CF_REVERTPLEASE)
player->cheats &= ~CF_REVERTPLEASE;
player->camera = player->mo;
// P_FallingDamage
void P_FallingDamage (AActor *actor)
int damagestyle;
int damage;
double vel;
damagestyle = ((level.flags >> 15) | (dmflags)) &
if (damagestyle == 0)
if (actor->floorsector->Flags & SECF_NOFALLINGDAMAGE)
vel = fabs(actor->Vel.Z);
// Since Hexen falling damage is stronger than ZDoom's, it takes
// precedence. ZDoom falling damage may not be as strong, but it
// gets felt sooner.
switch (damagestyle)
case DF_FORCE_FALLINGHX: // Hexen falling damage
if (vel <= 23)
{ // Not fast enough to hurt
if (vel >= 63)
{ // automatic death
damage = 1000000;
vel *= (16. / 23);
damage = int((vel * vel) / 10 - 24);
if (actor->Vel.Z > -39 && damage > actor->health
&& actor->health != 1)
{ // No-death threshold
damage = actor->health-1;
case DF_FORCE_FALLINGZD: // ZDoom falling damage
if (vel <= 19)
{ // Not fast enough to hurt
if (vel >= 84)
{ // automatic death
damage = 1000000;
damage = int((vel*vel*(11 / 128.) - 30) / 2);
if (damage < 1)
damage = 1;
case DF_FORCE_FALLINGST: // Strife falling damage
if (vel <= 20)
{ // Not fast enough to hurt
// The minimum amount of damage you take from falling in Strife
// is 52. Ouch!
damage = int(vel / (25000./65536.));
if (actor->player)
S_Sound (actor, CHAN_AUTO, "*land", 1, ATTN_NORM);
P_NoiseAlert (actor, actor, true);
if (damage == 1000000 && (actor->player->cheats & (CF_GODMODE | CF_BUDDHA)))
damage = 999;
P_DamageMobj (actor, NULL, NULL, damage, NAME_Falling);
// P_DeathThink
void P_DeathThink (player_t *player)
int dir;
DAngle delta;
P_MovePsprites (player);
player->onground = (player->mo->Z() <= player->mo->floorz);
if (player->mo->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerChunk)))
{ // Flying bloody skull or flying ice chunk
player->viewheight = 6;
player->deltaviewheight = 0;
if (player->onground)
if (player->mo->Angles.Pitch > -19.)
DAngle lookDelta = (-19. - player->mo->Angles.Pitch) / 8;
player->mo->Angles.Pitch += lookDelta;
else if (!(player->mo->flags & MF_ICECORPSE))
{ // Fall to ground (if not frozen)
player->deltaviewheight = 0;
if (player->viewheight > 6)
player->viewheight -= 1;
if (player->viewheight < 6)
player->viewheight = 6;
if (player->mo->Angles.Pitch < 0)
player->mo->Angles.Pitch += 3;
else if (player->mo->Angles.Pitch > 0)
player->mo->Angles.Pitch -= 3;
if (fabs(player->mo->Angles.Pitch) < 3)
player->mo->Angles.Pitch = 0.;
P_CalcHeight (player);
if (player->attacker && player->attacker != player->mo)
{ // Watch killer
dir = P_FaceMobj (player->mo, player->attacker, &delta);
if (delta < 10)
{ // Looking at killer, so fade damage and poison counters
if (player->damagecount)
if (player->poisoncount)
delta /= 8;
if (delta > 5.)
delta = 5.;
if (dir)
{ // Turn clockwise
player->mo->Angles.Yaw += delta;
{ // Turn counter clockwise
player->mo->Angles.Yaw -= delta;
if (player->damagecount)
if (player->poisoncount)
if ((player->cmd.ucmd.buttons & BT_USE ||
((multiplayer || alwaysapplydmflags) && (dmflags & DF_FORCE_RESPAWN))) && !(dmflags2 & DF2_NO_RESPAWN))
if (level.time >= player->respawn_time || ((player->cmd.ucmd.buttons & BT_USE) && player->Bot == NULL))
player->cls = NULL; // Force a new class if the player is using a random class
player->playerstate = (multiplayer || (level.flags2 & LEVEL2_ALLOWRESPAWN)) ? PST_REBORN : PST_ENTER;
if (player->mo->special1 > 2)
player->mo->special1 = 0;
// PROC P_CrouchMove
void P_CrouchMove(player_t * player, int direction)
double defaultheight = player->mo->GetDefault()->Height;
double savedheight = player->mo->Height;
double crouchspeed = direction * CROUCHSPEED;
double oldheight = player->viewheight;
player->crouchdir = (signed char) direction;
player->crouchfactor += crouchspeed;
// check whether the move is ok
player->mo->Height = defaultheight * player->crouchfactor;
if (!P_TryMove(player->mo, player->mo->Pos(), false, NULL))
player->mo->Height = savedheight;
if (direction > 0)
// doesn't fit
player->crouchfactor -= crouchspeed;
player->mo->Height = savedheight;
player->crouchfactor = clamp(player->crouchfactor, 0.5, 1.);
player->viewheight = player->mo->ViewHeight * player->crouchfactor;
player->crouchviewdelta = player->viewheight - player->mo->ViewHeight;
// Check for eyes going above/below fake floor due to crouching motion.
P_CheckFakeFloorTriggers(player->mo, player->mo->Z() + oldheight, true);
// PROC P_PlayerThink
void P_PlayerThink (player_t *player)
ticcmd_t *cmd;
if (player->mo == NULL)
I_Error ("No player %td start\n", player - players + 1);
if (debugfile && !(player->cheats & CF_PREDICTING))
fprintf (debugfile, "tic %d for pl %d: (%f, %f, %f, %f) b:%02x p:%d y:%d f:%d s:%d u:%d\n",
gametic, (int)(player-players), player->mo->X(), player->mo->Y(), player->mo->Z(),
player->mo->Angles.Yaw.Degrees, player->cmd.ucmd.buttons,
player->cmd.ucmd.pitch, player->cmd.ucmd.yaw, player->cmd.ucmd.forwardmove,
player->cmd.ucmd.sidemove, player->cmd.ucmd.upmove);
// [RH] Zoom the player's FOV
float desired = player->DesiredFOV;
// Adjust FOV using on the currently held weapon.
if (player->playerstate != PST_DEAD && // No adjustment while dead.
player->ReadyWeapon != NULL && // No adjustment if no weapon.
player->ReadyWeapon->FOVScale != 0) // No adjustment if the adjustment is zero.
// A negative scale is used to prevent G_AddViewAngle/G_AddViewPitch
// from scaling with the FOV scale.
desired *= fabsf(player->ReadyWeapon->FOVScale);
if (player->FOV != desired)
if (fabsf (player->FOV - desired) < 7.f)
player->FOV = desired;
float zoom = MAX(7.f, fabsf(player->FOV - desired) * 0.025f);
if (player->FOV > desired)
player->FOV = player->FOV - zoom;
player->FOV = player->FOV + zoom;
if (player->inventorytics)
// Don't interpolate the view for more than one tic
player->cheats &= ~CF_INTERPVIEW;
// No-clip cheat
if ((player->cheats & (CF_NOCLIP | CF_NOCLIP2)) == CF_NOCLIP2)
{ // No noclip2 without noclip
player->cheats &= ~CF_NOCLIP2;
if (player->cheats & (CF_NOCLIP | CF_NOCLIP2) || (player->mo->GetDefault()->flags & MF_NOCLIP))
player->mo->flags |= MF_NOCLIP;
player->mo->flags &= ~MF_NOCLIP;
if (player->cheats & CF_NOCLIP2)
player->mo->flags |= MF_NOGRAVITY;
else if (!(player->mo->flags2 & MF2_FLY) && !(player->mo->GetDefault()->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY))
player->mo->flags &= ~MF_NOGRAVITY;
cmd = &player->cmd;
// Make unmodified copies for ACS's GetPlayerInput.
player->original_oldbuttons = player->original_cmd.buttons;
player->original_cmd = cmd->ucmd;
if (player->mo->flags & MF_JUSTATTACKED)
{ // Chainsaw/Gauntlets attack auto forward motion
cmd->ucmd.yaw = 0;
cmd->ucmd.forwardmove = 0xc800/2;
cmd->ucmd.sidemove = 0;
player->mo->flags &= ~MF_JUSTATTACKED;
bool totallyfrozen = P_IsPlayerTotallyFrozen(player);
// [RH] Being totally frozen zeros out most input parameters.
if (totallyfrozen)
if (gamestate == GS_TITLELEVEL)
cmd->ucmd.buttons = 0;
cmd->ucmd.buttons &= BT_USE;
cmd->ucmd.pitch = 0;
cmd->ucmd.yaw = 0;
cmd->ucmd.roll = 0;
cmd->ucmd.forwardmove = 0;
cmd->ucmd.sidemove = 0;
cmd->ucmd.upmove = 0;
player->turnticks = 0;
else if (player->cheats & CF_FROZEN)
cmd->ucmd.forwardmove = 0;
cmd->ucmd.sidemove = 0;
cmd->ucmd.upmove = 0;
// Handle crouching
if (player->cmd.ucmd.buttons & BT_JUMP)
player->cmd.ucmd.buttons &= ~BT_CROUCH;
if (player->CanCrouch() && player->health > 0 && level.IsCrouchingAllowed())
if (!totallyfrozen)
int crouchdir = player->crouching;
if (crouchdir == 0)
crouchdir = (player->cmd.ucmd.buttons & BT_CROUCH) ? -1 : 1;
else if (player->cmd.ucmd.buttons & BT_CROUCH)
player->crouching = 0;
if (crouchdir == 1 && player->crouchfactor < 1 &&
player->mo->Top() < player->mo->ceilingz)
P_CrouchMove(player, 1);
else if (crouchdir == -1 && player->crouchfactor > 0.5)
P_CrouchMove(player, -1);
player->crouchoffset = -(player->mo->ViewHeight) * (1 - player->crouchfactor);
// MUSINFO stuff
if (player->MUSINFOtics >= 0 && player->MUSINFOactor != NULL)
if (--player->MUSINFOtics < 0)
if (player - players == consoleplayer)
if (player->MUSINFOactor->args[0] != 0)
FName *music = level.info->MusicMap.CheckKey(player->MUSINFOactor->args[0]);
if (music != NULL)
S_ChangeMusic(music->GetChars(), player->MUSINFOactor->args[1]);
DPrintf("MUSINFO change for player %d to %d\n", (int)(player - players), player->MUSINFOactor->args[0]);
if (player->playerstate == PST_DEAD)
P_DeathThink (player);
if (player->jumpTics != 0)
if (player->onground && player->jumpTics < -18)
player->jumpTics = 0;
if (player->morphTics && !(player->cheats & CF_PREDICTING))
player->mo->MorphPlayerThink ();
// [RH] Look up/down stuff
if (!level.IsFreelookAllowed())
player->mo->Angles.Pitch = 0.;
// The player's view pitch is clamped between -32 and +56 degrees,
// which translates to about half a screen height up and (more than)
// one full screen height down from straight ahead when view panning
// is used.
int clook = cmd->ucmd.pitch;
if (clook != 0)
if (clook == -32768)
{ // center view
player->centering = true;
else if (!player->centering)
// no more overflows with floating point. Yay! :)
player->mo->Angles.Pitch = clamp(player->mo->Angles.Pitch - clook * (360. / 65536.), player->MinPitch, player->MaxPitch);
if (player->centering)
if (fabs(player->mo->Angles.Pitch) > 2.)
player->mo->Angles.Pitch *= (2. / 3.);
player->mo->Angles.Pitch = 0.;
player->centering = false;
if (player - players == consoleplayer)
LocalViewPitch = 0;
// [RH] Check for fast turn around
if (cmd->ucmd.buttons & BT_TURN180 && !(player->oldbuttons & BT_TURN180))
player->turnticks = TURN180_TICKS;
// Handle movement
if (player->mo->reactiontime)
{ // Player is frozen
P_MovePlayer (player);
// [RH] check for jump
if (cmd->ucmd.buttons & BT_JUMP)
if (player->crouchoffset != 0)
// Jumping while crouching will force an un-crouch but not jump
player->crouching = 1;
else if (player->mo->waterlevel >= 2)
player->mo->Vel.Z = 4 * player->mo->Speed;
else if (player->mo->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY)
player->mo->Vel.Z = 3.;
else if (level.IsJumpingAllowed() && player->onground && player->jumpTics == 0)
double jumpvelz = player->mo->JumpZ * 35 / TICRATE;
// [BC] If the player has the high jump power, double his jump velocity.
if ( player->cheats & CF_HIGHJUMP ) jumpvelz *= 2;
player->mo->Vel.Z += jumpvelz;
player->mo->flags2 &= ~MF2_ONMOBJ;
player->jumpTics = -1;
if (!(player->cheats & CF_PREDICTING))
S_Sound(player->mo, CHAN_BODY, "*jump", 1, ATTN_NORM);
if (cmd->ucmd.upmove == -32768)
{ // Only land if in the air
if ((player->mo->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY) && player->mo->waterlevel < 2)
//player->mo->flags2 &= ~MF2_FLY;
player->mo->flags &= ~MF_NOGRAVITY;
else if (cmd->ucmd.upmove != 0)
// Clamp the speed to some reasonable maximum.
int magnitude = abs (cmd->ucmd.upmove);
if (magnitude > 0x300)
cmd->ucmd.upmove = ksgn (cmd->ucmd.upmove) * 0x300;
if (player->mo->waterlevel >= 2 || (player->mo->flags2 & MF2_FLY) || (player->cheats & CF_NOCLIP2))
player->mo->Vel.Z = player->mo->Speed * cmd->ucmd.upmove / 128.;
if (player->mo->waterlevel < 2 && !(player->mo->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY))
player->mo->flags2 |= MF2_FLY;
player->mo->flags |= MF_NOGRAVITY;
if ((player->mo->Vel.Z <= -39) && !(player->cheats & CF_PREDICTING))
{ // Stop falling scream
S_StopSound (player->mo, CHAN_VOICE);
else if (cmd->ucmd.upmove > 0 && !(player->cheats & CF_PREDICTING))
AInventory *fly = player->mo->FindInventory (NAME_ArtiFly);
if (fly != NULL)
player->mo->UseInventory (fly);
P_CalcHeight (player);
if (!(player->cheats & CF_PREDICTING))
P_PlayerOnSpecial3DFloor (player);
P_PlayerInSpecialSector (player);
if (!player->mo->isAbove(player->mo->Sector->floorplane.ZatPoint(player->mo)) ||
// Player must be touching the floor
P_PlayerOnSpecialFlat(player, P_GetThingFloorType(player->mo));
if (player->mo->Vel.Z <= -player->mo->FallingScreamMinSpeed &&
player->mo->Vel.Z >= -player->mo->FallingScreamMaxSpeed && !player->morphTics &&
player->mo->waterlevel == 0)
int id = S_FindSkinnedSound (player->mo, "*falling");
if (id != 0 && !S_IsActorPlayingSomething (player->mo, CHAN_VOICE, id))
S_Sound (player->mo, CHAN_VOICE, id, 1, ATTN_NORM);
// check for use
if (cmd->ucmd.buttons & BT_USE)
if (!player->usedown)
player->usedown = true;
if (!P_TalkFacing(player->mo))
player->usedown = false;
// Morph counter
if (player->morphTics)
if (player->chickenPeck)
{ // Chicken attack counter
player->chickenPeck -= 3;
if (!--player->morphTics)
{ // Attempt to undo the chicken/pig
P_UndoPlayerMorph (player, player, MORPH_UNDOBYTIMEOUT);
// Cycle psprites
P_MovePsprites (player);
// Other Counters
if (player->damagecount)
if (player->bonuscount)
if (player->hazardcount)
if (!(level.time % player->hazardinterval) && player->hazardcount > 16*TICRATE)
P_DamageMobj (player->mo, NULL, NULL, 5, player->hazardtype);
if (player->poisoncount && !(level.time & 15))
player->poisoncount -= 5;
if (player->poisoncount < 0)
player->poisoncount = 0;
P_PoisonDamage (player, player->poisoner, 1, true);
// Apply degeneration.
if (dmflags2 & DF2_YES_DEGENERATION)
if ((level.time % TICRATE) == 0 && player->health > deh.MaxHealth)
if (player->health - 5 < deh.MaxHealth)
player->health = deh.MaxHealth;
player->mo->health = player->health;
// Handle air supply
//if (level.airsupply > 0)
if (player->mo->waterlevel < 3 ||
(player->mo->flags2 & MF2_INVULNERABLE) ||
(player->cheats & (CF_GODMODE | CF_NOCLIP2)) ||
(player->cheats & CF_GODMODE2))
player->mo->ResetAirSupply ();
else if (player->air_finished <= level.time && !(level.time & 31))
P_DamageMobj (player->mo, NULL, NULL, 2 + ((level.time-player->air_finished)/TICRATE), NAME_Drowning);
void P_PredictionLerpReset()
PredictionLerptics = PredictionLast.gametic = PredictionLerpFrom.gametic = PredictionLerpResult.gametic = 0;
bool P_LerpCalculate(AActor *pmo, PredictPos from, PredictPos to, PredictPos &result, float scale)
//DVector2 pfrom = Displacements.getOffset(from.portalgroup, to.portalgroup);
DVector3 vecFrom = from.pos;
DVector3 vecTo = to.pos;
DVector3 vecResult;
vecResult = vecTo - vecFrom;
vecResult *= scale;
vecResult = vecResult + vecFrom;
DVector3 delta = vecResult - vecTo;
result.pos = pmo->Vec3Offset(vecResult - to.pos);
//result.portalgroup = P_PointInSector(result.pos.x, result.pos.y)->PortalGroup;
// As a fail safe, assume extrapolation is the threshold.
return (delta.LengthSquared() > cl_predict_lerpthreshold && scale <= 1.00f);
void P_PredictPlayer (player_t *player)
int maxtic;
if (cl_noprediction ||
singletics ||
demoplayback ||
player->mo == NULL ||
player != &players[consoleplayer] ||
player->playerstate != PST_LIVE ||
!netgame ||
/*player->morphTics ||*/
(player->cheats & CF_PREDICTING))
maxtic = maketic;
if (gametic == maxtic)
// Save original values for restoration later
PredictionPlayerBackup = *player;
APlayerPawn *act = player->mo;
memcpy(PredictionActorBackup, &act->snext, sizeof(APlayerPawn) - ((BYTE *)&act->snext - (BYTE *)act));
act->flags &= ~MF_PICKUP;
act->flags2 &= ~MF2_PUSHWALL;
player->cheats |= CF_PREDICTING;
// The ordering of the touching_sectorlist needs to remain unchanged
// Also store a copy of all previous sector_thinglist nodes
msecnode_t *mnode = act->touching_sectorlist;
msecnode_t *snode;
PredictionTouchingSectorsBackup.Clear ();
while (mnode != NULL)
PredictionTouchingSectorsBackup.Push (mnode->m_sector);
for (snode = mnode->m_sector->touching_thinglist; snode; snode = snode->m_snext)
if (snode->m_thing == act)
mnode = mnode->m_tnext;
// Keep an ordered list off all actors in the linked sector.
if (!(act->flags & MF_NOSECTOR))
AActor *link = act->Sector->thinglist;
while (link != NULL)
link = link->snext;
// Blockmap ordering also needs to stay the same, so unlink the block nodes
// without releasing them. (They will be used again in P_UnpredictPlayer).
FBlockNode *block = act->BlockNode;
while (block != NULL)
if (block->NextActor != NULL)
block->NextActor->PrevActor = block->PrevActor;
*(block->PrevActor) = block->NextActor;
block = block->NextBlock;
act->BlockNode = NULL;
// Values too small to be usable for lerping can be considered "off".
bool CanLerp = (!(cl_predict_lerpscale < 0.01f) && (ticdup == 1)), DoLerp = false, NoInterpolateOld = R_GetViewInterpolationStatus();
for (int i = gametic; i < maxtic; ++i)
if (!NoInterpolateOld)
player->cmd = localcmds[i % LOCALCMDTICS];
P_PlayerThink (player);
player->mo->Tick ();
if (CanLerp && PredictionLast.gametic > 0 && i == PredictionLast.gametic && !NoInterpolateOld)
// Z is not compared as lifts will alter this with no apparent change
// Make lerping less picky by only testing whole units
DoLerp = (int)PredictionLast.pos.X != (int)player->mo->X() || (int)PredictionLast.pos.Y != (int)player->mo->Y();
// Aditional Debug information
if (developer && DoLerp)
DPrintf("Lerp! Ltic (%d) && Ptic (%d) | Lx (%f) && Px (%f) | Ly (%f) && Py (%f)\n",
PredictionLast.gametic, i,
(PredictionLast.pos.X), (player->mo->X()),
(PredictionLast.pos.Y), (player->mo->Y()));
if (CanLerp)
if (NoInterpolateOld)
else if (DoLerp)
// If lerping is already in effect, use the previous camera postion so the view doesn't suddenly snap
PredictionLerpFrom = (PredictionLerptics == 0) ? PredictionLast : PredictionLerpResult;
PredictionLerptics = 1;
PredictionLast.gametic = maxtic - 1;
PredictionLast.pos = player->mo->Pos();
//PredictionLast.portalgroup = player->mo->Sector->PortalGroup;
if (PredictionLerptics > 0)
if (PredictionLerpFrom.gametic > 0 &&
P_LerpCalculate(player->mo, PredictionLerpFrom, PredictionLast, PredictionLerpResult, (float)PredictionLerptics * cl_predict_lerpscale))
PredictionLerptics = 0;
void P_UnPredictPlayer ()
player_t *player = &players[consoleplayer];
if (player->cheats & CF_PREDICTING)
unsigned int i;
APlayerPawn *act = player->mo;
AActor *savedcamera = player->camera;
TObjPtr<AInventory> InvSel = act->InvSel;
int inventorytics = player->inventorytics;
*player = PredictionPlayerBackup;
// Restore the camera instead of using the backup's copy, because spynext/prev
// could cause it to change during prediction.
player->camera = savedcamera;
memcpy(&act->snext, PredictionActorBackup, sizeof(APlayerPawn) - ((BYTE *)&act->snext - (BYTE *)act));
// The blockmap ordering needs to remain unchanged, too.
// Restore sector links and refrences.
// [ED850] This is somewhat of a duplicate of LinkToWorld(), but we need to keep every thing the same,
// otherwise we end up fixing bugs in blockmap logic (i.e undefined behaviour with polyobject collisions),
// which we really don't want to do here.
if (!(act->flags & MF_NOSECTOR))
sector_t *sec = act->Sector;
AActor *me, *next;
AActor **link;// , **prev;
// The thinglist is just a pointer chain. We are restoring the exact same things, so we can NULL the head safely
sec->thinglist = NULL;
for (i = PredictionSectorListBackup.Size(); i-- > 0;)
me = PredictionSectorListBackup[i];
link = &sec->thinglist;
next = *link;
if ((me->snext = next))
next->sprev = &me->snext;
me->sprev = link;
*link = me;
// Destroy old refrences
msecnode_t *node = sector_list;
while (node)
node->m_thing = NULL;
node = node->m_tnext;
// Make the sector_list match the player's touching_sectorlist before it got predicted.
sector_list = NULL;
for (i = PredictionTouchingSectorsBackup.Size(); i-- > 0;)
sector_list = P_AddSecnode(PredictionTouchingSectorsBackup[i], act, sector_list, PredictionTouchingSectorsBackup[i]->touching_thinglist);
act->touching_sectorlist = sector_list; // Attach to thing
sector_list = NULL; // clear for next time
node = sector_list;
while (node)
if (node->m_thing == NULL)
if (node == sector_list)
sector_list = node->m_tnext;
node = P_DelSecnode(node, §or_t::touching_thinglist);
node = node->m_tnext;
msecnode_t *snode;
// Restore sector thinglist order
for (i = PredictionTouchingSectorsBackup.Size(); i-- > 0;)
// If we were already the head node, then nothing needs to change
if (PredictionSector_sprev_Backup[i] == NULL)
for (snode = PredictionTouchingSectorsBackup[i]->touching_thinglist; snode; snode = snode->m_snext)
if (snode->m_thing == act)
if (snode->m_sprev)
snode->m_sprev->m_snext = snode->m_snext;
snode->m_sector->touching_thinglist = snode->m_snext;
if (snode->m_snext)
snode->m_snext->m_sprev = snode->m_sprev;
snode->m_sprev = PredictionSector_sprev_Backup[i];
// At the moment, we don't exist in the list anymore, but we do know what our previous node is, so we set its current m_snext->m_sprev to us.
if (snode->m_sprev->m_snext)
snode->m_sprev->m_snext->m_sprev = snode;
snode->m_snext = snode->m_sprev->m_snext;
snode->m_sprev->m_snext = snode;
// Now fix the pointers in the blocknode chain
FBlockNode *block = act->BlockNode;
while (block != NULL)
*(block->PrevActor) = block;
if (block->NextActor != NULL)
block->NextActor->PrevActor = &block->NextActor;
block = block->NextBlock;
act->InvSel = InvSel;
player->inventorytics = inventorytics;
void player_t::Serialize (FArchive &arc)
int i;
FString skinname;
arc << cls
<< mo
<< camera
<< playerstate
<< cmd;
if (arc.IsLoading())
ReadUserInfo(arc, userinfo, skinname);
WriteUserInfo(arc, userinfo);
arc << DesiredFOV << FOV
<< viewz
<< viewheight
<< deltaviewheight
<< bob
<< Vel
<< centering
<< health
<< inventorytics;
arc << fragcount
<< spreecount
<< multicount
<< lastkilltime
<< ReadyWeapon << PendingWeapon
<< cheats
<< refire
<< inconsistant
<< killcount
<< itemcount
<< secretcount
<< damagecount
<< bonuscount
<< hazardcount
<< poisoncount
<< poisoner
<< attacker
<< extralight
<< fixedcolormap << fixedlightlevel
<< morphTics
<< MorphedPlayerClass
<< MorphStyle
<< MorphExitFlash
<< PremorphWeapon
<< chickenPeck
<< jumpTics
<< respawn_time
<< air_finished
<< turnticks
<< oldbuttons;
arc << hazardtype
<< hazardinterval;
arc << Bot;
arc << BlendR
<< BlendG
<< BlendB
<< BlendA;
arc << WeaponState;
arc << LogText
<< ConversationNPC
<< ConversationPC
<< ConversationNPCAngle.Degrees
<< ConversationFaceTalker;
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
arc << frags[i];
for (i = 0; i < NUMPSPRITES; i++)
arc << psprites[i];
arc << CurrentPlayerClass;
arc << crouchfactor
<< crouching
<< crouchdir
<< crouchviewdelta
<< original_cmd
<< original_oldbuttons;
arc << poisontype << poisonpaintype;
arc << timefreezer;
arc << settings_controller;
arc << onground;
if (arc.IsLoading ())
// If the player reloaded because they pressed +use after dying, we
// don't want +use to still be down after the game is loaded.
oldbuttons = ~0;
original_oldbuttons = ~0;
if (skinname.IsNotEmpty())
userinfo.SkinChanged(skinname, CurrentPlayerClass);
arc << MUSINFOactor << MUSINFOtics;
bool P_IsPlayerTotallyFrozen(const player_t *player)
gamestate == GS_TITLELEVEL ||
player->cheats & CF_TOTALLYFROZEN ||
((level.flags2 & LEVEL2_FROZEN) && player->timefreezer == 0);