Christoph Oelckers 629d329f22 - removed OP_TAIL.
The amount of support code for this minor optimization was quite large and this stood in the way of streamlining the VM's calling convention, so it was preferable to remove it before moving on.
2018-11-18 07:43:03 +01:00

301 lines
9.8 KiB

#include "jit.h"
#include "i_system.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "stats.h"
// To do: get cmake to define these..
#include <asmjit/asmjit.h>
#include <asmjit/x86.h>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
extern cycle_t VMCycles[10];
extern int VMCalls[10];
#define A (pc[0].a)
#define B (pc[0].b)
#define C (pc[0].c)
#define Cs (pc[0].cs)
#define BC (pc[0].i16u)
#define BCs (pc[0].i16)
#define ABCs (pc[0].i24)
#define JMPOFS(x) ((x)->i24)
class JitCompiler
JitCompiler(asmjit::CodeHolder *code, VMScriptFunction *sfunc) : cc(code), sfunc(sfunc) { }
asmjit::CCFunc *Codegen();
// Declare EmitXX functions for the opcodes:
#define xx(op, name, mode, alt, kreg, ktype) void Emit##op();
#include "vmops.h"
#undef xx
//static asmjit::FuncSignature CreateFuncSignature(VMScriptFunction *sfunc);
//static asmjit::CCFunc *CodegenThunk(asmjit::X86Compiler &cc, VMScriptFunction *sfunc, void *nativefunc);
//void SetupNative();
void Setup();
void CreateRegisters();
void IncrementVMCalls();
void SetupFrame();
void SetupSimpleFrame();
void SetupFullVMFrame();
void BindLabels();
void EmitOpcode();
void EmitPopFrame();
void EmitDoCall(asmjit::X86Gp ptr);
void EmitScriptCall(asmjit::X86Gp vmfunc, asmjit::X86Gp paramsptr);
void StoreInOuts(int b);
void LoadInOuts(int b);
void LoadReturns(const VMOP *retval, int numret);
void FillReturns(const VMOP *retval, int numret);
void LoadCallResult(int type, int regnum, bool addrof);
template <typename Func>
void EmitComparisonOpcode(Func jmpFunc)
using namespace asmjit;
int i = (int)(ptrdiff_t)(pc - sfunc->Code);
auto successLabel = cc.newLabel();
auto failLabel = GetLabel(i + 2 + JMPOFS(pc + 1));
jmpFunc(static_cast<bool>(A & CMP_CHECK), failLabel, successLabel);
pc++; // This instruction uses two instruction slots - skip the next one
template<int N>
void EmitVectorComparison(bool check, asmjit::Label& fail, asmjit::Label& success)
bool approx = static_cast<bool>(A & CMP_APPROX);
if (!approx)
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
cc.ucomisd(regF[B + i], regF[C + i]);
if (check)
if (i == (N - 1))
auto tmp = newTempXmmSd();
const int64_t absMaskInt = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
auto absMask = cc.newDoubleConst(asmjit::kConstScopeLocal, reinterpret_cast<const double&>(absMaskInt));
auto absMaskXmm = newTempXmmPd();
auto epsilon = cc.newDoubleConst(asmjit::kConstScopeLocal, VM_EPSILON);
auto epsilonXmm = newTempXmmSd();
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
cc.movsd(tmp, regF[B + i]);
cc.subsd(tmp, regF[C + i]);
cc.movsd(absMaskXmm, absMask);
cc.andpd(tmp, absMaskXmm);
cc.movsd(epsilonXmm, epsilon);
cc.ucomisd(epsilonXmm, tmp);
if (check) cc.ja(fail);
else cc.jna(fail);
static uint64_t ToMemAddress(const void *d)
return (uint64_t)(ptrdiff_t)d;
void CallSqrt(const asmjit::X86Xmm &a, const asmjit::X86Xmm &b);
static void CallAssignString(FString* to, FString* from) {
*to = *from;
template<typename RetType, typename P1>
asmjit::CCFuncCall *CreateCall(RetType(*func)(P1 p1)) { return cc.call(asmjit::imm_ptr(reinterpret_cast<void*>(static_cast<RetType(*)(P1)>(func))), asmjit::FuncSignature1<RetType, P1>()); }
template<typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2>
asmjit::CCFuncCall *CreateCall(RetType(*func)(P1 p1, P2 p2)) { return cc.call(asmjit::imm_ptr(reinterpret_cast<void*>(static_cast<RetType(*)(P1, P2)>(func))), asmjit::FuncSignature2<RetType, P1, P2>()); }
template<typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3>
asmjit::CCFuncCall *CreateCall(RetType(*func)(P1 p1, P2 p2, P3 p3)) { return cc.call(asmjit::imm_ptr(reinterpret_cast<void*>(static_cast<RetType(*)(P1, P2, P3)>(func))), asmjit::FuncSignature3<RetType, P1, P2, P3>()); }
template<typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename P4>
asmjit::CCFuncCall *CreateCall(RetType(*func)(P1 p1, P2 p2, P3 p3, P4 p4)) { return cc.call(asmjit::imm_ptr(reinterpret_cast<void*>(static_cast<RetType(*)(P1, P2, P3, P4)>(func))), asmjit::FuncSignature4<RetType, P1, P2, P3, P4>()); }
template<typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename P4, typename P5>
asmjit::CCFuncCall *CreateCall(RetType(*func)(P1 p1, P2 p2, P3 p3, P4 p4, P5 p5)) { return cc.call(asmjit::imm_ptr(reinterpret_cast<void*>(static_cast<RetType(*)(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5)>(func))), asmjit::FuncSignature5<RetType, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5>()); }
template<typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename P4, typename P5, typename P6>
asmjit::CCFuncCall *CreateCall(RetType(*func)(P1 p1, P2 p2, P3 p3, P4 p4, P5 p5, P6 p6)) { return cc.call(asmjit::imm_ptr(reinterpret_cast<void*>(static_cast<RetType(*)(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6)>(func))), asmjit::FuncSignature6<RetType, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6>()); }
template<typename RetType, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3, typename P4, typename P5, typename P6, typename P7>
asmjit::CCFuncCall *CreateCall(RetType(*func)(P1 p1, P2 p2, P3 p3, P4 p4, P5 p5, P6 p6, P7 p7)) { return cc.call(asmjit::imm_ptr(reinterpret_cast<void*>(static_cast<RetType(*)(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7)>(func))), asmjit::FuncSignature7<RetType, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7>()); }
FString regname;
size_t tmpPosInt32, tmpPosInt64, tmpPosIntPtr, tmpPosXmmSd, tmpPosXmmSs, tmpPosXmmPd, resultPosInt32, resultPosIntPtr, resultPosXmmSd;
std::vector<asmjit::X86Gp> regTmpInt32, regTmpInt64, regTmpIntPtr, regResultInt32, regResultIntPtr;
std::vector<asmjit::X86Xmm> regTmpXmmSd, regTmpXmmSs, regTmpXmmPd, regResultXmmSd;
void ResetTemp()
tmpPosInt32 = 0;
tmpPosInt64 = 0;
tmpPosIntPtr = 0;
tmpPosXmmSd = 0;
tmpPosXmmSs = 0;
tmpPosXmmPd = 0;
resultPosInt32 = 0;
resultPosIntPtr = 0;
resultPosXmmSd = 0;
template<typename T, typename NewFunc>
T newTempRegister(std::vector<T> &tmpVector, size_t &tmpPos, const char *name, NewFunc newCallback)
if (tmpPos == tmpVector.size())
regname.Format("%s%d", name, (int)tmpVector.size());
return tmpVector[tmpPos++];
asmjit::X86Gp newTempInt32() { return newTempRegister(regTmpInt32, tmpPosInt32, "tmpDword", [&](const char *name) { return cc.newInt32(name); }); }
asmjit::X86Gp newTempInt64() { return newTempRegister(regTmpInt64, tmpPosInt64, "tmpQword", [&](const char *name) { return cc.newInt64(name); }); }
asmjit::X86Gp newTempIntPtr() { return newTempRegister(regTmpIntPtr, tmpPosIntPtr, "tmpPtr", [&](const char *name) { return cc.newIntPtr(name); }); }
asmjit::X86Xmm newTempXmmSd() { return newTempRegister(regTmpXmmSd, tmpPosXmmSd, "tmpXmmSd", [&](const char *name) { return cc.newXmmSd(name); }); }
asmjit::X86Xmm newTempXmmSs() { return newTempRegister(regTmpXmmSs, tmpPosXmmSs, "tmpXmmSs", [&](const char *name) { return cc.newXmmSs(name); }); }
asmjit::X86Xmm newTempXmmPd() { return newTempRegister(regTmpXmmPd, tmpPosXmmPd, "tmpXmmPd", [&](const char *name) { return cc.newXmmPd(name); }); }
asmjit::X86Gp newResultInt32() { return newTempRegister(regResultInt32, resultPosInt32, "resultDword", [&](const char *name) { return cc.newInt32(name); }); }
asmjit::X86Gp newResultIntPtr() { return newTempRegister(regResultIntPtr, resultPosIntPtr, "resultPtr", [&](const char *name) { return cc.newIntPtr(name); }); }
asmjit::X86Xmm newResultXmmSd() { return newTempRegister(regResultXmmSd, resultPosXmmSd, "resultXmmSd", [&](const char *name) { return cc.newXmmSd(name); }); }
void EmitReadBarrier();
void EmitNullPointerThrow(int index, EVMAbortException reason);
void EmitThrowException(EVMAbortException reason);
asmjit::Label EmitThrowExceptionLabel(EVMAbortException reason);
static void ThrowArrayOutOfBounds(VMScriptFunction *func, VMOP *line, int index, int size);
static void ThrowException(VMScriptFunction *func, VMOP *line, int reason);
asmjit::X86Gp CheckRegD(int r0, int r1);
asmjit::X86Xmm CheckRegF(int r0, int r1);
asmjit::X86Xmm CheckRegF(int r0, int r1, int r2);
asmjit::X86Xmm CheckRegF(int r0, int r1, int r2, int r3);
asmjit::X86Gp CheckRegS(int r0, int r1);
asmjit::X86Gp CheckRegA(int r0, int r1);
asmjit::X86Compiler cc;
VMScriptFunction *sfunc;
asmjit::CCFunc *func = nullptr;
asmjit::X86Gp args;
asmjit::X86Gp numargs;
asmjit::X86Gp ret;
asmjit::X86Gp numret;
asmjit::X86Gp stack;
int offsetParams;
int offsetF;
int offsetS;
int offsetA;
int offsetD;
int offsetExtra;
asmjit::X86Gp vmframe;
int NumParam = 0; // Actually part of vmframe (f->NumParam), but nobody seems to read that?
TArray<const VMOP *> ParamOpcodes;
asmjit::X86Gp callReturns;
const int *konstd;
const double *konstf;
const FString *konsts;
const FVoidObj *konsta;
TArray<asmjit::X86Gp> regD;
TArray<asmjit::X86Xmm> regF;
TArray<asmjit::X86Gp> regA;
TArray<asmjit::X86Gp> regS;
struct OpcodeLabel
asmjit::CBNode *cursor = nullptr;
asmjit::Label label;
bool inUse = false;
asmjit::Label GetLabel(size_t pos)
auto &label = labels[pos];
if (!label.inUse)
label.label = cc.newLabel();
label.inUse = true;
return label.label;
TArray<OpcodeLabel> labels;
const VMOP *pc;
class AsmJitException : public std::exception
AsmJitException(asmjit::Error error, const char *message) noexcept : error(error), message(message)
const char* what() const noexcept override
return message.GetChars();
asmjit::Error error;
FString message;
class ThrowingErrorHandler : public asmjit::ErrorHandler
bool handleError(asmjit::Error err, const char *message, asmjit::CodeEmitter *origin) override
throw AsmJitException(err, message);