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// [AsmJit]
// Complete x86/x64 JIT and Remote Assembler for C++.
// [License]
// Zlib - See LICENSE.md file in the package.
// [Guard]
#include "../asmjit_build.h"
// [Dependencies]
#include "../base/assembler.h"
#include "../base/codeholder.h"
#include "../base/constpool.h"
#include "../base/inst.h"
#include "../base/operand.h"
#include "../base/utils.h"
#include "../base/zone.h"
// [Api-Begin]
#include "../asmjit_apibegin.h"
namespace asmjit {
// ============================================================================
// [Forward Declarations]
// ============================================================================
class CBNode;
class CBPass;
class CBAlign;
class CBComment;
class CBConstPool;
class CBData;
class CBInst;
class CBJump;
class CBLabel;
class CBLabelData;
class CBSentinel;
//! \addtogroup asmjit_base
//! \{
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::CodeBuilder]
// ============================================================================
class ASMJIT_VIRTAPI CodeBuilder : public CodeEmitter {
typedef CodeEmitter Base;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Construction / Destruction]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Create a new `CodeBuilder` instance.
ASMJIT_API CodeBuilder() noexcept;
//! Destroy the `CodeBuilder` instance.
ASMJIT_API virtual ~CodeBuilder() noexcept;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Events]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASMJIT_API virtual Error onAttach(CodeHolder* code) noexcept override;
ASMJIT_API virtual Error onDetach(CodeHolder* code) noexcept override;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Accessors]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Get a vector of CBPass objects that will be executed by `process()`.
ASMJIT_INLINE const ZoneVector<CBPass*>& getPasses() const noexcept { return _cbPasses; }
//! Get a vector of CBLabel nodes.
//! NOTE: If a label of some index is not associated with `CodeBuilder` it
//! would be null, so always check for nulls if you iterate over the vector.
ASMJIT_INLINE const ZoneVector<CBLabel*>& getLabels() const noexcept { return _cbLabels; }
//! Get the first node.
ASMJIT_INLINE CBNode* getFirstNode() const noexcept { return _firstNode; }
//! Get the last node.
ASMJIT_INLINE CBNode* getLastNode() const noexcept { return _lastNode; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Node-Management]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! \internal
template<typename T>
ASMJIT_INLINE T* newNodeT() noexcept { return new(_cbHeap.alloc(sizeof(T))) T(this); }
//! \internal
template<typename T, typename P0>
ASMJIT_INLINE T* newNodeT(P0 p0) noexcept { return new(_cbHeap.alloc(sizeof(T))) T(this, p0); }
//! \internal
template<typename T, typename P0, typename P1>
ASMJIT_INLINE T* newNodeT(P0 p0, P1 p1) noexcept { return new(_cbHeap.alloc(sizeof(T))) T(this, p0, p1); }
//! \internal
template<typename T, typename P0, typename P1, typename P2>
ASMJIT_INLINE T* newNodeT(P0 p0, P1 p1, P2 p2) noexcept { return new(_cbHeap.alloc(sizeof(T))) T(this, p0, p1, p2); }
ASMJIT_API Error registerLabelNode(CBLabel* node) noexcept;
//! Get `CBLabel` by `id`.
ASMJIT_API Error getCBLabel(CBLabel** pOut, uint32_t id) noexcept;
//! Get `CBLabel` by `label`.
ASMJIT_INLINE Error getCBLabel(CBLabel** pOut, const Label& label) noexcept { return getCBLabel(pOut, label.getId()); }
//! Create a new \ref CBLabel node.
ASMJIT_API CBLabel* newLabelNode() noexcept;
//! Create a new \ref CBAlign node.
ASMJIT_API CBAlign* newAlignNode(uint32_t mode, uint32_t alignment) noexcept;
//! Create a new \ref CBData node.
ASMJIT_API CBData* newDataNode(const void* data, uint32_t size) noexcept;
//! Create a new \ref CBConstPool node.
ASMJIT_API CBConstPool* newConstPool() noexcept;
//! Create a new \ref CBComment node.
ASMJIT_API CBComment* newCommentNode(const char* s, size_t len) noexcept;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Code-Emitter]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASMJIT_API virtual Label newLabel() override;
ASMJIT_API virtual Label newNamedLabel(const char* name, size_t nameLength = Globals::kInvalidIndex, uint32_t type = Label::kTypeGlobal, uint32_t parentId = kInvalidValue) override;
ASMJIT_API virtual Error bind(const Label& label) override;
ASMJIT_API virtual Error align(uint32_t mode, uint32_t alignment) override;
ASMJIT_API virtual Error embed(const void* data, uint32_t size) override;
ASMJIT_API virtual Error embedLabel(const Label& label) override;
ASMJIT_API virtual Error embedConstPool(const Label& label, const ConstPool& pool) override;
ASMJIT_API virtual Error comment(const char* s, size_t len = Globals::kInvalidIndex) override;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Node-Management]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Add `node` after the current and set current to `node`.
ASMJIT_API CBNode* addNode(CBNode* node) noexcept;
//! Insert `node` after `ref`.
ASMJIT_API CBNode* addAfter(CBNode* node, CBNode* ref) noexcept;
//! Insert `node` before `ref`.
ASMJIT_API CBNode* addBefore(CBNode* node, CBNode* ref) noexcept;
//! Remove `node`.
ASMJIT_API CBNode* removeNode(CBNode* node) noexcept;
//! Remove multiple nodes.
ASMJIT_API void removeNodes(CBNode* first, CBNode* last) noexcept;
//! Get current node.
//! \note If this method returns null it means that nothing has been
//! emitted yet.
ASMJIT_INLINE CBNode* getCursor() const noexcept { return _cursor; }
//! Set the current node without returning the previous node.
ASMJIT_INLINE void _setCursor(CBNode* node) noexcept { _cursor = node; }
//! Set the current node to `node` and return the previous one.
ASMJIT_API CBNode* setCursor(CBNode* node) noexcept;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Passes]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
template<typename T>
ASMJIT_INLINE T* newPassT() noexcept { return new(_cbBaseZone.alloc(sizeof(T))) T(); }
template<typename T, typename P0>
ASMJIT_INLINE T* newPassT(P0 p0) noexcept { return new(_cbBaseZone.alloc(sizeof(T))) T(p0); }
template<typename T, typename P0, typename P1>
ASMJIT_INLINE T* newPassT(P0 p0, P1 p1) noexcept { return new(_cbBaseZone.alloc(sizeof(T))) T(p0, p1); }
template<typename T>
ASMJIT_INLINE Error addPassT() noexcept { return addPass(newPassT<T>()); }
template<typename T, typename P0>
ASMJIT_INLINE Error addPassT(P0 p0) noexcept { return addPass(newPassT<P0>(p0)); }
template<typename T, typename P0, typename P1>
ASMJIT_INLINE Error addPassT(P0 p0, P1 p1) noexcept { return addPass(newPassT<P0, P1>(p0, p1)); }
//! Get a `CBPass` by name.
ASMJIT_API CBPass* getPassByName(const char* name) const noexcept;
//! Add `pass` to the list of passes.
ASMJIT_API Error addPass(CBPass* pass) noexcept;
//! Remove `pass` from the list of passes and delete it.
ASMJIT_API Error deletePass(CBPass* pass) noexcept;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Serialization]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASMJIT_API virtual Error serialize(CodeEmitter* dst);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Members]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Zone _cbBaseZone; //!< Base zone used to allocate nodes and `CBPass`.
Zone _cbDataZone; //!< Data zone used to allocate data and names.
Zone _cbPassZone; //!< Zone passed to `CBPass::process()`.
ZoneHeap _cbHeap; //!< ZoneHeap that uses `_cbBaseZone`.
ZoneVector<CBPass*> _cbPasses; //!< Array of `CBPass` objects.
ZoneVector<CBLabel*> _cbLabels; //!< Maps label indexes to `CBLabel` nodes.
CBNode* _firstNode; //!< First node of the current section.
CBNode* _lastNode; //!< Last node of the current section.
CBNode* _cursor; //!< Current node (cursor).
uint32_t _position; //!< Flow-id assigned to each new node.
uint32_t _nodeFlags; //!< Flags assigned to each new node.
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::CBPass]
// ============================================================================
//! `CodeBuilder` pass used to code transformations, analysis, and lowering.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Construction / Destruction]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASMJIT_API CBPass(const char* name) noexcept;
ASMJIT_API virtual ~CBPass() noexcept;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Interface]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Process the code stored in CodeBuffer `cb`.
//! This is the only function that is called by the `CodeBuilder` to process
//! the code. It passes the CodeBuilder itself (`cb`) and also a zone memory
//! allocator `zone`, which will be reset after the `process()` returns. The
//! allocator should be used for all allocations as it's fast and everything
//! it allocates will be released at once when `process()` returns.
virtual Error process(Zone* zone) noexcept = 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Accessors]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASMJIT_INLINE const CodeBuilder* cb() const noexcept { return _cb; }
ASMJIT_INLINE const char* getName() const noexcept { return _name; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Members]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CodeBuilder* _cb; //!< CodeBuilder this pass is assigned to.
const char* _name; //!< Name of the pass.
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::CBNode]
// ============================================================================
//! Node (CodeBuilder).
//! Every node represents a building-block used by \ref CodeBuilder. It can be
//! instruction, data, label, comment, directive, or any other high-level
//! representation that can be transformed to the building blocks mentioned.
//! Every class that inherits \ref CodeBuilder can define its own nodes that it
//! can lower to basic nodes.
class CBNode {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Type]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Type of \ref CBNode.
kNodeNone = 0, //!< Invalid node (internal, don't use).
// [CodeBuilder]
kNodeInst = 1, //!< Node is \ref CBInst or \ref CBJump.
kNodeData = 2, //!< Node is \ref CBData.
kNodeAlign = 3, //!< Node is \ref CBAlign.
kNodeLabel = 4, //!< Node is \ref CBLabel.
kNodeLabelData = 5, //!< Node is \ref CBLabelData.
kNodeConstPool = 6, //!< Node is \ref CBConstPool.
kNodeComment = 7, //!< Node is \ref CBComment.
kNodeSentinel = 8, //!< Node is \ref CBSentinel.
// [CodeCompiler]
kNodeFunc = 16, //!< Node is \ref CCFunc (considered as \ref CBLabel by \ref CodeBuilder).
kNodeFuncExit = 17, //!< Node is \ref CCFuncRet.
kNodeFuncCall = 18, //!< Node is \ref CCFuncCall.
kNodePushArg = 19, //!< Node is \ref CCPushArg.
kNodeHint = 20, //!< Node is \ref CCHint.
// [UserDefined]
kNodeUser = 32 //!< First id of a user-defined node.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Flags]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! The node has been translated by the CodeCompiler.
kFlagIsTranslated = 0x0001,
//! If the node can be safely removed (has no effect).
kFlagIsRemovable = 0x0004,
//! If the node is informative only and can be safely removed.
kFlagIsInformative = 0x0008,
//! If the `CBInst` is a jump.
kFlagIsJmp = 0x0010,
//! If the `CBInst` is a conditional jump.
kFlagIsJcc = 0x0020,
//! If the `CBInst` is an unconditional jump or conditional jump that is
//! likely to be taken.
kFlagIsTaken = 0x0040,
//! If the `CBNode` will return from a function.
//! This flag is used by both `CBSentinel` and `CCFuncRet`.
kFlagIsRet = 0x0080,
//! Whether the instruction is special.
kFlagIsSpecial = 0x0100,
//! Whether the instruction is an FPU instruction.
kFlagIsFp = 0x0200
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Construction / Destruction]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Create a new \ref CBNode - always use \ref CodeBuilder to allocate nodes.
ASMJIT_INLINE CBNode(CodeBuilder* cb, uint32_t type) noexcept {
_prev = nullptr;
_next = nullptr;
_type = static_cast<uint8_t>(type);
_opCount = 0;
_flags = static_cast<uint16_t>(cb->_nodeFlags);
_position = cb->_position;
_inlineComment = nullptr;
_passData = nullptr;
//! Destroy the `CBNode` instance (NEVER CALLED).
ASMJIT_INLINE ~CBNode() noexcept {}
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Accessors]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
template<typename T>
ASMJIT_INLINE T* as() noexcept { return static_cast<T*>(this); }
template<typename T>
ASMJIT_INLINE const T* as() const noexcept { return static_cast<const T*>(this); }
//! Get previous node in the compiler stream.
ASMJIT_INLINE CBNode* getPrev() const noexcept { return _prev; }
//! Get next node in the compiler stream.
ASMJIT_INLINE CBNode* getNext() const noexcept { return _next; }
//! Get the node type, see \ref Type.
ASMJIT_INLINE uint32_t getType() const noexcept { return _type; }
//! Get the node flags.
ASMJIT_INLINE uint32_t getFlags() const noexcept { return _flags; }
//! Get whether the instruction has flag `flag`.
ASMJIT_INLINE bool hasFlag(uint32_t flag) const noexcept { return (static_cast<uint32_t>(_flags) & flag) != 0; }
//! Set node flags to `flags`.
ASMJIT_INLINE void setFlags(uint32_t flags) noexcept { _flags = static_cast<uint16_t>(flags); }
//! Add instruction `flags`.
ASMJIT_INLINE void orFlags(uint32_t flags) noexcept { _flags |= static_cast<uint16_t>(flags); }
//! And instruction `flags`.
ASMJIT_INLINE void andFlags(uint32_t flags) noexcept { _flags &= static_cast<uint16_t>(flags); }
//! Clear instruction `flags`.
ASMJIT_INLINE void andNotFlags(uint32_t flags) noexcept { _flags &= ~static_cast<uint16_t>(flags); }
//! Get whether the node has been translated.
ASMJIT_INLINE bool isTranslated() const noexcept { return hasFlag(kFlagIsTranslated); }
//! Get whether the node is removable if it's in unreachable code block.
ASMJIT_INLINE bool isRemovable() const noexcept { return hasFlag(kFlagIsRemovable); }
//! Get whether the node is informative only (comment, hint).
ASMJIT_INLINE bool isInformative() const noexcept { return hasFlag(kFlagIsInformative); }
//! Whether the node is `CBLabel`.
ASMJIT_INLINE bool isLabel() const noexcept { return _type == kNodeLabel; }
//! Whether the `CBInst` node is an unconditional jump.
ASMJIT_INLINE bool isJmp() const noexcept { return hasFlag(kFlagIsJmp); }
//! Whether the `CBInst` node is a conditional jump.
ASMJIT_INLINE bool isJcc() const noexcept { return hasFlag(kFlagIsJcc); }
//! Whether the `CBInst` node is a conditional/unconditional jump.
ASMJIT_INLINE bool isJmpOrJcc() const noexcept { return hasFlag(kFlagIsJmp | kFlagIsJcc); }
//! Whether the `CBInst` node is a return.
ASMJIT_INLINE bool isRet() const noexcept { return hasFlag(kFlagIsRet); }
//! Get whether the node is `CBInst` and the instruction is special.
ASMJIT_INLINE bool isSpecial() const noexcept { return hasFlag(kFlagIsSpecial); }
//! Get whether the node is `CBInst` and the instruction uses x87-FPU.
ASMJIT_INLINE bool isFp() const noexcept { return hasFlag(kFlagIsFp); }
ASMJIT_INLINE bool hasPosition() const noexcept { return _position != 0; }
//! Get flow index.
ASMJIT_INLINE uint32_t getPosition() const noexcept { return _position; }
//! Set flow index.
ASMJIT_INLINE void setPosition(uint32_t position) noexcept { _position = position; }
//! Get if the node has an inline comment.
ASMJIT_INLINE bool hasInlineComment() const noexcept { return _inlineComment != nullptr; }
//! Get an inline comment string.
ASMJIT_INLINE const char* getInlineComment() const noexcept { return _inlineComment; }
//! Set an inline comment string to `s`.
ASMJIT_INLINE void setInlineComment(const char* s) noexcept { _inlineComment = s; }
//! Set an inline comment string to null.
ASMJIT_INLINE void resetInlineComment() noexcept { _inlineComment = nullptr; }
//! Get if the node has associated work-data.
ASMJIT_INLINE bool hasPassData() const noexcept { return _passData != nullptr; }
//! Get work-data - data used during processing & transformations.
template<typename T>
ASMJIT_INLINE T* getPassData() const noexcept { return (T*)_passData; }
//! Set work-data to `data`.
template<typename T>
ASMJIT_INLINE void setPassData(T* data) noexcept { _passData = (void*)data; }
//! Reset work-data to null.
ASMJIT_INLINE void resetPassData() noexcept { _passData = nullptr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Members]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CBNode* _prev; //!< Previous node.
CBNode* _next; //!< Next node.
uint8_t _type; //!< Node type, see \ref NodeType.
uint8_t _opCount; //!< Count of operands or zero.
uint16_t _flags; //!< Flags, different meaning for every type of the node.
uint32_t _position; //!< Flow index.
const char* _inlineComment; //!< Inline comment or null if not used.
void* _passData; //!< Data used exclusively by the current `CBPass`.
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::CBInst]
// ============================================================================
//! Instruction (CodeBuilder).
//! Wraps an instruction with its options and operands.
class CBInst : public CBNode {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Construction / Destruction]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Create a new `CBInst` instance.
ASMJIT_INLINE CBInst(CodeBuilder* cb, uint32_t instId, uint32_t options, Operand* opArray, uint32_t opCount) noexcept
: CBNode(cb, kNodeInst) {
_instDetail.instId = static_cast<uint16_t>(instId);
_instDetail.options = options;
_opCount = static_cast<uint8_t>(opCount);
_opArray = opArray;
//! Destroy the `CBInst` instance (NEVER CALLED).
ASMJIT_INLINE ~CBInst() noexcept {}
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Accessors]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASMJIT_INLINE Inst::Detail& getInstDetail() noexcept { return _instDetail; }
ASMJIT_INLINE const Inst::Detail& getInstDetail() const noexcept { return _instDetail; }
//! Get the instruction id, see \ref Inst::Id.
ASMJIT_INLINE uint32_t getInstId() const noexcept { return _instDetail.instId; }
//! Set the instruction id to `instId`, see \ref Inst::Id.
ASMJIT_INLINE void setInstId(uint32_t instId) noexcept { _instDetail.instId = instId; }
//! Whether the instruction is either a jump or a conditional jump likely to be taken.
ASMJIT_INLINE bool isTaken() const noexcept { return hasFlag(kFlagIsTaken); }
//! Get emit options.
ASMJIT_INLINE uint32_t getOptions() const noexcept { return _instDetail.options; }
//! Set emit options.
ASMJIT_INLINE void setOptions(uint32_t options) noexcept { _instDetail.options = options; }
//! Add emit options.
ASMJIT_INLINE void addOptions(uint32_t options) noexcept { _instDetail.options |= options; }
//! Mask emit options.
ASMJIT_INLINE void andOptions(uint32_t options) noexcept { _instDetail.options &= options; }
//! Clear emit options.
ASMJIT_INLINE void delOptions(uint32_t options) noexcept { _instDetail.options &= ~options; }
//! Get if the node has an extra register operand.
ASMJIT_INLINE bool hasExtraReg() const noexcept { return _instDetail.hasExtraReg(); }
//! Get extra register operand.
ASMJIT_INLINE RegOnly& getExtraReg() noexcept { return _instDetail.extraReg; }
//! \overload
ASMJIT_INLINE const RegOnly& getExtraReg() const noexcept { return _instDetail.extraReg; }
//! Set extra register operand to `reg`.
ASMJIT_INLINE void setExtraReg(const Reg& reg) noexcept { _instDetail.extraReg.init(reg); }
//! Set extra register operand to `reg`.
ASMJIT_INLINE void setExtraReg(const RegOnly& reg) noexcept { _instDetail.extraReg.init(reg); }
//! Reset extra register operand.
ASMJIT_INLINE void resetExtraReg() noexcept { _instDetail.extraReg.reset(); }
//! Get operands count.
ASMJIT_INLINE uint32_t getOpCount() const noexcept { return _opCount; }
//! Get operands list.
ASMJIT_INLINE Operand* getOpArray() noexcept { return _opArray; }
//! \overload
ASMJIT_INLINE const Operand* getOpArray() const noexcept { return _opArray; }
//! Get whether the instruction contains a memory operand.
ASMJIT_INLINE bool hasMemOp() const noexcept { return _memOpIndex != 0xFF; }
//! Get memory operand.
//! NOTE: Can only be called if the instruction has such operand,
//! see `hasMemOp()`.
ASMJIT_INLINE Mem* getMemOp() const noexcept {
return static_cast<Mem*>(&_opArray[_memOpIndex]);
//! \overload
template<typename T>
ASMJIT_INLINE T* getMemOp() const noexcept {
return static_cast<T*>(&_opArray[_memOpIndex]);
//! Set memory operand index, `0xFF` means no memory operand.
ASMJIT_INLINE void setMemOpIndex(uint32_t index) noexcept { _memOpIndex = static_cast<uint8_t>(index); }
//! Reset memory operand index to `0xFF` (no operand).
ASMJIT_INLINE void resetMemOpIndex() noexcept { _memOpIndex = 0xFF; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Utils]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASMJIT_INLINE void _updateMemOp() noexcept {
Operand* opArray = getOpArray();
uint32_t opCount = getOpCount();
uint32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < opCount; i++)
if (opArray[i].isMem())
goto Update;
i = 0xFF;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Members]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Inst::Detail _instDetail; //!< Instruction id, options, and extra register.
uint8_t _memOpIndex; //!< \internal
uint8_t _reserved[7]; //!< \internal
Operand* _opArray; //!< Instruction operands.
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::CBInstEx]
// ============================================================================
struct CBInstEx : public CBInst {
Operand _op4;
Operand _op5;
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::CBJump]
// ============================================================================
//! Asm jump (conditional or direct).
//! Extension of `CBInst` node, which stores more information about the jump.
class CBJump : public CBInst {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Construction / Destruction]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASMJIT_INLINE CBJump(CodeBuilder* cb, uint32_t instId, uint32_t options, Operand* opArray, uint32_t opCount) noexcept
: CBInst(cb, instId, options, opArray, opCount),
_jumpNext(nullptr) {}
ASMJIT_INLINE ~CBJump() noexcept {}
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Accessors]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASMJIT_INLINE CBLabel* getTarget() const noexcept { return _target; }
ASMJIT_INLINE CBJump* getJumpNext() const noexcept { return _jumpNext; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Members]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CBLabel* _target; //!< Target node.
CBJump* _jumpNext; //!< Next jump to the same target in a single linked-list.
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::CBData]
// ============================================================================
//! Asm data (CodeBuilder).
//! Wraps `.data` directive. The node contains data that will be placed at the
//! node's position in the assembler stream. The data is considered to be RAW;
//! no analysis nor byte-order conversion is performed on RAW data.
class CBData : public CBNode {
enum { kInlineBufferSize = static_cast<int>(64 - sizeof(CBNode) - 4) };
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Construction / Destruction]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Create a new `CBData` instance.
ASMJIT_INLINE CBData(CodeBuilder* cb, void* data, uint32_t size) noexcept : CBNode(cb, kNodeData) {
if (size <= kInlineBufferSize) {
if (data) ::memcpy(_buf, data, size);
else {
_externalPtr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(data);
_size = size;
//! Destroy the `CBData` instance (NEVER CALLED).
ASMJIT_INLINE ~CBData() noexcept {}
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Accessors]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Get size of the data.
uint32_t getSize() const noexcept { return _size; }
//! Get pointer to the data.
uint8_t* getData() const noexcept { return _size <= kInlineBufferSize ? const_cast<uint8_t*>(_buf) : _externalPtr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Members]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
union {
struct {
uint8_t _buf[kInlineBufferSize]; //!< Embedded data buffer.
uint32_t _size; //!< Size of the data.
struct {
uint8_t* _externalPtr; //!< Pointer to external data.
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::CBAlign]
// ============================================================================
//! Align directive (CodeBuilder).
//! Wraps `.align` directive.
class CBAlign : public CBNode {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Construction / Destruction]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Create a new `CBAlign` instance.
ASMJIT_INLINE CBAlign(CodeBuilder* cb, uint32_t mode, uint32_t alignment) noexcept
: CBNode(cb, kNodeAlign),
_alignment(alignment) {}
//! Destroy the `CBAlign` instance (NEVER CALLED).
ASMJIT_INLINE ~CBAlign() noexcept {}
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Accessors]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Get align mode.
ASMJIT_INLINE uint32_t getMode() const noexcept { return _mode; }
//! Set align mode.
ASMJIT_INLINE void setMode(uint32_t mode) noexcept { _mode = mode; }
//! Get align offset in bytes.
ASMJIT_INLINE uint32_t getAlignment() const noexcept { return _alignment; }
//! Set align offset in bytes to `offset`.
ASMJIT_INLINE void setAlignment(uint32_t alignment) noexcept { _alignment = alignment; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Members]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
uint32_t _mode; //!< Align mode, see \ref AlignMode.
uint32_t _alignment; //!< Alignment (in bytes).
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::CBLabel]
// ============================================================================
//! Label (CodeBuilder).
class CBLabel : public CBNode {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Construction / Destruction]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Create a new `CBLabel` instance.
ASMJIT_INLINE CBLabel(CodeBuilder* cb, uint32_t id = kInvalidValue) noexcept
: CBNode(cb, kNodeLabel),
_from(nullptr) {}
//! Destroy the `CBLabel` instance (NEVER CALLED).
ASMJIT_INLINE ~CBLabel() noexcept {}
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Accessors]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Get the label id.
ASMJIT_INLINE uint32_t getId() const noexcept { return _id; }
//! Get the label as `Label` operand.
ASMJIT_INLINE Label getLabel() const noexcept { return Label(_id); }
//! Get first jmp instruction.
ASMJIT_INLINE CBJump* getFrom() const noexcept { return _from; }
//! Get number of jumps to this target.
ASMJIT_INLINE uint32_t getNumRefs() const noexcept { return _numRefs; }
//! Set number of jumps to this target.
ASMJIT_INLINE void setNumRefs(uint32_t i) noexcept { _numRefs = i; }
//! Add number of jumps to this target.
ASMJIT_INLINE void addNumRefs(uint32_t i = 1) noexcept { _numRefs += i; }
//! Subtract number of jumps to this target.
ASMJIT_INLINE void subNumRefs(uint32_t i = 1) noexcept { _numRefs -= i; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Members]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
uint32_t _id; //!< Label id.
uint32_t _numRefs; //!< Count of jumps here.
CBJump* _from; //!< Linked-list of nodes that can jump here.
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::CBLabelData]
// ============================================================================
class CBLabelData : public CBNode {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Construction / Destruction]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Create a new `CBLabelData` instance.
ASMJIT_INLINE CBLabelData(CodeBuilder* cb, uint32_t id = kInvalidValue) noexcept
: CBNode(cb, kNodeLabelData),
_id(id) {}
//! Destroy the `CBLabelData` instance (NEVER CALLED).
ASMJIT_INLINE ~CBLabelData() noexcept {}
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Interface]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Get the label id.
ASMJIT_INLINE uint32_t getId() const noexcept { return _id; }
//! Get the label as `Label` operand.
ASMJIT_INLINE Label getLabel() const noexcept { return Label(_id); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Members]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
uint32_t _id;
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::CBConstPool]
// ============================================================================
class CBConstPool : public CBLabel {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Construction / Destruction]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Create a new `CBConstPool` instance.
ASMJIT_INLINE CBConstPool(CodeBuilder* cb, uint32_t id = kInvalidValue) noexcept
: CBLabel(cb, id),
_constPool(&cb->_cbBaseZone) { _type = kNodeConstPool; }
//! Destroy the `CBConstPool` instance (NEVER CALLED).
ASMJIT_INLINE ~CBConstPool() noexcept {}
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Interface]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASMJIT_INLINE ConstPool& getConstPool() noexcept { return _constPool; }
ASMJIT_INLINE const ConstPool& getConstPool() const noexcept { return _constPool; }
//! Get whether the constant-pool is empty.
ASMJIT_INLINE bool isEmpty() const noexcept { return _constPool.isEmpty(); }
//! Get the size of the constant-pool in bytes.
ASMJIT_INLINE size_t getSize() const noexcept { return _constPool.getSize(); }
//! Get minimum alignment.
ASMJIT_INLINE size_t getAlignment() const noexcept { return _constPool.getAlignment(); }
//! See \ref ConstPool::add().
ASMJIT_INLINE Error add(const void* data, size_t size, size_t& dstOffset) noexcept {
return _constPool.add(data, size, dstOffset);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Members]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ConstPool _constPool;
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::CBComment]
// ============================================================================
//! Comment (CodeBuilder).
class CBComment : public CBNode {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Construction / Destruction]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Create a new `CBComment` instance.
ASMJIT_INLINE CBComment(CodeBuilder* cb, const char* comment) noexcept : CBNode(cb, kNodeComment) {
orFlags(kFlagIsRemovable | kFlagIsInformative);
_inlineComment = comment;
//! Destroy the `CBComment` instance (NEVER CALLED).
ASMJIT_INLINE ~CBComment() noexcept {}
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::CBSentinel]
// ============================================================================
//! Sentinel (CodeBuilder).
//! Sentinel is a marker that is completely ignored by the code builder. It's
//! used to remember a position in a code as it never gets removed by any pass.
class CBSentinel : public CBNode {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Construction / Destruction]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Create a new `CBSentinel` instance.
ASMJIT_INLINE CBSentinel(CodeBuilder* cb) noexcept : CBNode(cb, kNodeSentinel) {}
//! Destroy the `CBSentinel` instance (NEVER CALLED).
ASMJIT_INLINE ~CBSentinel() noexcept {}
//! \}
} // asmjit namespace
// [Api-End]
#include "../asmjit_apiend.h"
// [Guard]