mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 03:41:22 +00:00
In some situations it can happen that the sector here is not the frontsector of the anchor linedef, because some colinear node line with opposite direction causes this to be positioned on the wrong side. The only remedy here is to explicitly set the correct sector after spawning these things.
1579 lines
41 KiB
1579 lines
41 KiB
// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*-
// $Id:$
// Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
// This source is available for distribution and/or modification
// only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as
// published by id Software. All rights reserved.
// The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// for more details.
// $Log:$
// Implements special effects:
// Texture animation, height or lighting changes
// according to adjacent sectors, respective
// utility functions, etc.
// Line Tag handling. Line and Sector triggers.
// Implements donut linedef triggers
// Initializes and implements BOOM linedef triggers for
// Scrollers/Conveyors
// Friction
// Wind/Current
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "templates.h"
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "doomstat.h"
#include "d_event.h"
#include "gstrings.h"
#include "i_system.h"
#include "m_argv.h"
#include "m_random.h"
#include "m_bbox.h"
#include "w_wad.h"
#include "p_local.h"
#include "p_spec.h"
#include "p_blockmap.h"
#include "p_lnspec.h"
#include "p_terrain.h"
#include "p_acs.h"
#include "p_3dmidtex.h"
#include "g_game.h"
#include "s_sound.h"
#include "sc_man.h"
#include "gi.h"
#include "statnums.h"
#include "g_level.h"
#include "v_font.h"
#include "a_sharedglobal.h"
#include "farchive.h"
#include "a_keys.h"
#include "c_dispatch.h"
#include "r_sky.h"
#include "d_player.h"
#include "p_maputl.h"
#include "p_blockmap.h"
#ifndef NO_EDATA
#include "edata.h"
// State.
#include "r_state.h"
#include "c_console.h"
#include "r_data/r_interpolate.h"
static FRandom pr_playerinspecialsector ("PlayerInSpecialSector");
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, cl_predict_specials)
// killough 3/7/98: Initialize generalized scrolling
void P_SpawnScrollers();
static void P_SpawnFriction (); // phares 3/16/98
void P_SpawnPushers (); // phares 3/20/98
// [RH] Check dmflags for noexit and respond accordingly
bool CheckIfExitIsGood (AActor *self, level_info_t *info)
cluster_info_t *cluster;
// The world can always exit itself.
if (self == NULL)
return true;
// We must kill all monsters to exit the level.
if ((dmflags2 & DF2_KILL_MONSTERS) && level.killed_monsters != level.total_monsters)
return false;
// Is this a deathmatch game and we're not allowed to exit?
if ((deathmatch || alwaysapplydmflags) && (dmflags & DF_NO_EXIT))
P_DamageMobj (self, self, self, TELEFRAG_DAMAGE, NAME_Exit);
return false;
// Is this a singleplayer game and the next map is part of the same hub and we're dead?
if (self->health <= 0 &&
!multiplayer &&
info != NULL &&
info->cluster == level.cluster &&
(cluster = FindClusterInfo(level.cluster)) != NULL &&
cluster->flags & CLUSTER_HUB)
return false;
if (deathmatch && gameaction != ga_completed)
Printf ("%s exited the level.\n", self->player->userinfo.GetName());
return true;
// P_ActivateLine
bool P_ActivateLine (line_t *line, AActor *mo, int side, int activationType, DVector3 *optpos)
int lineActivation;
INTBOOL repeat;
INTBOOL buttonSuccess;
BYTE special;
if (!P_TestActivateLine (line, mo, side, activationType, optpos))
return false;
bool remote = (line->special != 7 && line->special != 8 && (line->special < 11 || line->special > 14));
if (line->locknumber > 0 && !P_CheckKeys (mo, line->locknumber, remote)) return false;
lineActivation = line->activation;
repeat = line->flags & ML_REPEAT_SPECIAL;
buttonSuccess = false;
buttonSuccess = P_ExecuteSpecial(line->special,
line, mo, side == 1, line->args[0],
line->args[1], line->args[2],
line->args[3], line->args[4]);
special = line->special;
if (!repeat && buttonSuccess)
{ // clear the special on non-retriggerable lines
line->special = 0;
if (buttonSuccess)
if (activationType == SPAC_Use || activationType == SPAC_Impact || activationType == SPAC_Push)
P_ChangeSwitchTexture (line->sidedef[0], repeat, special);
// some old WADs use this method to create walls that change the texture when shot.
else if (activationType == SPAC_Impact && // only for shootable triggers
(level.flags2 & LEVEL2_DUMMYSWITCHES) && // this is only a compatibility setting for an old hack!
!repeat && // only non-repeatable triggers
(special<Generic_Floor || special>Generic_Crusher) && // not for Boom's generalized linedefs
special && // not for lines without a special
tagManager.LineHasID(line, line->args[0]) && // Safety check: exclude edited UDMF linedefs or ones that don't map the tag to args[0]
line->args[0] && // only if there's a tag (which is stored in the first arg)
P_FindFirstSectorFromTag (line->args[0]) == -1) // only if no sector is tagged to this linedef
P_ChangeSwitchTexture (line->sidedef[0], repeat, special);
line->special = 0;
// end of changed code
if (developer && buttonSuccess)
Printf ("Line special %d activated on line %i\n", special, int(line - lines));
return true;
// P_TestActivateLine
bool P_TestActivateLine (line_t *line, AActor *mo, int side, int activationType, DVector3 *optpos)
int lineActivation = line->activation;
if (line->flags & ML_FIRSTSIDEONLY && side == 1)
return false;
if (lineActivation & SPAC_UseThrough)
lineActivation |= SPAC_Use;
else if (line->special == Teleport &&
(lineActivation & SPAC_Cross) &&
activationType == SPAC_PCross &&
mo != NULL &&
mo->flags & MF_MISSILE)
{ // Let missiles use regular player teleports
lineActivation |= SPAC_PCross;
// BOOM's generalized line types that allow monster use can actually be
// activated by anything except projectiles.
if (lineActivation & SPAC_AnyCross)
lineActivation |= SPAC_Cross|SPAC_MCross;
if (activationType == SPAC_Use || activationType == SPAC_UseBack)
if (!P_CheckSwitchRange(mo, line, side, optpos))
return false;
if (activationType == SPAC_Use && (lineActivation & SPAC_MUse) && !mo->player && mo->flags4 & MF4_CANUSEWALLS)
return true;
if (activationType == SPAC_Push && (lineActivation & SPAC_MPush) && !mo->player && mo->flags2 & MF2_PUSHWALL)
return true;
if ((lineActivation & activationType) == 0)
if (activationType != SPAC_MCross || lineActivation != SPAC_Cross)
return false;
if (activationType == SPAC_AnyCross && (lineActivation & activationType))
return true;
if (mo && !mo->player &&
!(mo->flags & MF_MISSILE) &&
!(line->flags & ML_MONSTERSCANACTIVATE) &&
(activationType != SPAC_MCross || (!(lineActivation & SPAC_MCross))))
// [RH] monsters' ability to activate this line depends on its type
// In Hexen, only MCROSS lines could be activated by monsters. With
// lax activation checks, monsters can also activate certain lines
// even without them being marked as monster activate-able. This is
// the default for non-Hexen maps in Hexen format.
if (!(level.flags2 & LEVEL2_LAXMONSTERACTIVATION))
return false;
if ((activationType == SPAC_Use || activationType == SPAC_Push)
&& (line->flags & ML_SECRET))
return false; // never open secret doors
bool noway = true;
switch (activationType)
case SPAC_Use:
case SPAC_Push:
switch (line->special)
case Door_Raise:
if (line->args[0] == 0 && line->args[1] < 64)
noway = false;
case Teleport:
case Teleport_NoFog:
noway = false;
case SPAC_MCross:
if (!(lineActivation & SPAC_MCross))
switch (line->special)
case Door_Raise:
if (line->args[1] >= 64)
case Teleport:
case Teleport_NoFog:
case Teleport_Line:
case Plat_DownWaitUpStayLip:
case Plat_DownWaitUpStay:
noway = false;
else noway = false;
noway = false;
return !noway;
if (activationType == SPAC_MCross && !(lineActivation & SPAC_MCross) &&
return false;
return true;
// P_PredictLine
bool P_PredictLine(line_t *line, AActor *mo, int side, int activationType)
int lineActivation;
INTBOOL buttonSuccess;
BYTE special;
// Only predict a very specifc section of specials
if (line->special != Teleport_Line &&
line->special != Teleport)
return false;
if (!P_TestActivateLine(line, mo, side, activationType) || !cl_predict_specials)
return false;
if (line->locknumber > 0) return false;
lineActivation = line->activation;
buttonSuccess = false;
buttonSuccess = P_ExecuteSpecial(line->special,
line, mo, side == 1, line->args[0],
line->args[1], line->args[2],
line->args[3], line->args[4]);
special = line->special;
// end of changed code
if (developer && buttonSuccess)
Printf("Line special %d predicted on line %i\n", special, int(line - lines));
return true;
// P_PlayerInSpecialSector
// Called every tic frame
// that the player origin is in a special sector
void P_PlayerInSpecialSector (player_t *player, sector_t * sector)
if (sector == NULL)
// Falling, not all the way down yet?
sector = player->mo->Sector;
if (!player->mo->isAtZ(sector->LowestFloorAt(player->mo))
&& !player->mo->waterlevel)
// Has hit ground.
AInventory *ironfeet;
// [RH] Apply any customizable damage
if (sector->damageamount > 0)
// Allow subclasses. Better would be to implement it as armor and let that reduce
// the damage as part of the normal damage procedure. Unfortunately, I don't have
// different damage types yet, so that's not happening for now.
for (ironfeet = player->mo->Inventory; ironfeet != NULL; ironfeet = ironfeet->Inventory)
if (ironfeet->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerIronFeet)))
if (sector->Flags & SECF_ENDGODMODE) player->cheats &= ~CF_GODMODE;
if ((ironfeet == NULL || pr_playerinspecialsector() < sector->leakydamage))
if (sector->Flags & SECF_HAZARD)
player->hazardcount += sector->damageamount;
player->hazardtype = sector->damagetype;
player->hazardinterval = sector->damageinterval;
else if (level.time % sector->damageinterval == 0)
if (!(player->cheats & (CF_GODMODE|CF_GODMODE2))) P_DamageMobj(player->mo, NULL, NULL, sector->damageamount, sector->damagetype);
if ((sector->Flags & SECF_ENDLEVEL) && player->health <= 10 && (!deathmatch || !(dmflags & DF_NO_EXIT)))
G_ExitLevel(0, false);
if (sector->Flags & SECF_DMGTERRAINFX)
P_HitWater(player->mo, player->mo->Sector, player->mo->Pos(), false, true, true);
else if (sector->damageamount < 0)
if (level.time % sector->damageinterval == 0)
P_GiveBody(player->mo, -sector->damageamount, 100);
if (sector->isSecret())
P_GiveSecret(player->mo, true, true, int(sector - sectors));
// P_SectorDamage
static void DoSectorDamage(AActor *actor, sector_t *sec, int amount, FName type, PClassActor *protectClass, int flags)
if (!(actor->flags & MF_SHOOTABLE))
if (!(flags & DAMAGE_NONPLAYERS) && actor->player == NULL)
if (!(flags & DAMAGE_PLAYERS) && actor->player != NULL)
if (!(flags & DAMAGE_IN_AIR) && !actor->isAtZ(sec->floorplane.ZatPoint(actor)) && !actor->waterlevel)
if (protectClass != NULL)
if (actor->FindInventory(protectClass, !!(flags & DAMAGE_SUBCLASSES_PROTECT)))
P_DamageMobj (actor, NULL, NULL, amount, type);
void P_SectorDamage(int tag, int amount, FName type, PClassActor *protectClass, int flags)
FSectorTagIterator itr(tag);
int secnum;
while ((secnum = itr.Next()) >= 0)
AActor *actor, *next;
sector_t *sec = §ors[secnum];
// Do for actors in this sector.
for (actor = sec->thinglist; actor != NULL; actor = next)
next = actor->snext;
DoSectorDamage(actor, sec, amount, type, protectClass, flags);
// If this is a 3D floor control sector, also do for anything in/on
// those 3D floors.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < sec->e->XFloor.attached.Size(); ++i)
sector_t *sec2 = sec->e->XFloor.attached[i];
for (actor = sec2->thinglist; actor != NULL; actor = next)
next = actor->snext;
// Only affect actors touching the 3D floor
double z1 = sec->floorplane.ZatPoint(actor);
double z2 = sec->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(actor);
if (z2 < z1)
// Account for Vavoom-style 3D floors
double zz = z1;
z1 = z2;
z2 = zz;
if (actor->Top() > z1)
// If DAMAGE_IN_AIR is used, anything not beneath the 3D floor will be
// damaged (so, anything touching it or above it). Other 3D floors between
// the actor and this one will not stop this effect.
if ((flags & DAMAGE_IN_AIR) || !actor->isAbove(z2))
// Here we pass the DAMAGE_IN_AIR flag to disable the floor check, since it
// only works with the real sector's floor. We did the appropriate height checks
// for 3D floors already.
DoSectorDamage(actor, NULL, amount, type, protectClass, flags | DAMAGE_IN_AIR);
// P_GiveSecret
CVAR(Bool, showsecretsector, false, 0)
CVAR(Bool, cl_showsecretmessage, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE)
void P_GiveSecret(AActor *actor, bool printmessage, bool playsound, int sectornum)
if (actor != NULL)
if (actor->player != NULL)
if (cl_showsecretmessage && actor->CheckLocalView(consoleplayer))
if (printmessage)
if (!showsecretsector || sectornum < 0) C_MidPrint(SmallFont, GStrings["SECRETMESSAGE"]);
FString s = GStrings["SECRETMESSAGE"];
s.AppendFormat(" (Sector %d)", sectornum);
C_MidPrint(SmallFont, s);
if (playsound) S_Sound (CHAN_AUTO | CHAN_UI, "misc/secret", 1, ATTN_NORM);
// P_PlayerOnSpecialFlat
void P_PlayerOnSpecialFlat (player_t *player, int floorType)
if (Terrains[floorType].DamageAmount &&
!(level.time & Terrains[floorType].DamageTimeMask))
AInventory *ironfeet = NULL;
if (Terrains[floorType].AllowProtection)
for (ironfeet = player->mo->Inventory; ironfeet != NULL; ironfeet = ironfeet->Inventory)
if (ironfeet->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerIronFeet)))
int damage = 0;
if (ironfeet == NULL)
damage = P_DamageMobj (player->mo, NULL, NULL, Terrains[floorType].DamageAmount,
if (damage > 0 && Terrains[floorType].Splash != -1)
S_Sound (player->mo, CHAN_AUTO,
Splashes[Terrains[floorType].Splash].NormalSplashSound, 1,
// P_UpdateSpecials
// Animate planes, scroll walls, etc.
EXTERN_CVAR (Float, timelimit)
void P_UpdateSpecials ()
if (deathmatch && timelimit)
if (level.maptime >= (int)(timelimit * TICRATE * 60))
Printf ("%s\n", GStrings("TXT_TIMELIMIT"));
G_ExitLevel(0, false);
if (gamestate == GS_LEVEL)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < numsectors; i++)
sector_t *hsec = sectors[i].GetHeightSec();
if (hsec &&
!(sectors[i].heightsec->MoreFlags & SECF_UNDERWATER))
if (self)
class DLightTransfer : public DThinker
DECLARE_CLASS (DLightTransfer, DThinker)
DLightTransfer() {}
DLightTransfer (sector_t *srcSec, int target, bool copyFloor);
void Serialize (FArchive &arc);
void Tick ();
static void DoTransfer (int level, int target, bool floor);
sector_t *Source;
int TargetTag;
bool CopyFloor;
short LastLight;
void DLightTransfer::Serialize (FArchive &arc)
Super::Serialize (arc);
arc << LastLight;
arc << Source << TargetTag << CopyFloor;
DLightTransfer::DLightTransfer (sector_t *srcSec, int target, bool copyFloor)
int secnum;
Source = srcSec;
TargetTag = target;
CopyFloor = copyFloor;
DoTransfer (LastLight = srcSec->lightlevel, target, copyFloor);
if (copyFloor)
FSectorTagIterator itr(target);
while ((secnum = itr.Next()) >= 0)
sectors[secnum].ChangeFlags(sector_t::floor, 0, PLANEF_ABSLIGHTING);
FSectorTagIterator itr(target);
while ((secnum = itr.Next()) >= 0)
sectors[secnum].ChangeFlags(sector_t::ceiling, 0, PLANEF_ABSLIGHTING);
void DLightTransfer::Tick ()
int light = Source->lightlevel;
if (light != LastLight)
LastLight = light;
DoTransfer (light, TargetTag, CopyFloor);
void DLightTransfer::DoTransfer (int level, int target, bool floor)
int secnum;
if (floor)
FSectorTagIterator itr(target);
while ((secnum = itr.Next()) >= 0)
sectors[secnum].SetPlaneLight(sector_t::floor, level);
FSectorTagIterator itr(target);
while ((secnum = itr.Next()) >= 0)
sectors[secnum].SetPlaneLight(sector_t::ceiling, level);
class DWallLightTransfer : public DThinker
DECLARE_CLASS (DWallLightTransfer, DThinker)
DWallLightTransfer() {}
DWallLightTransfer (sector_t *srcSec, int target, BYTE flags);
void Serialize (FArchive &arc);
void Tick ();
static void DoTransfer (short level, int target, BYTE flags);
sector_t *Source;
int TargetID;
short LastLight;
BYTE Flags;
IMPLEMENT_CLASS (DWallLightTransfer)
void DWallLightTransfer::Serialize (FArchive &arc)
Super::Serialize (arc);
arc << LastLight;
arc << Source << TargetID << Flags;
DWallLightTransfer::DWallLightTransfer (sector_t *srcSec, int target, BYTE flags)
int linenum;
int wallflags;
Source = srcSec;
TargetID = target;
Flags = flags;
DoTransfer (LastLight = srcSec->GetLightLevel(), target, Flags);
if (!(flags & WLF_NOFAKECONTRAST))
FLineIdIterator itr(target);
while ((linenum = itr.Next()) >= 0)
if (flags & WLF_SIDE1 && lines[linenum].sidedef[0] != NULL)
lines[linenum].sidedef[0]->Flags |= wallflags;
if (flags & WLF_SIDE2 && lines[linenum].sidedef[1] != NULL)
lines[linenum].sidedef[1]->Flags |= wallflags;
void DWallLightTransfer::Tick ()
short light = sector_t::ClampLight(Source->lightlevel);
if (light != LastLight)
LastLight = light;
DoTransfer (light, TargetID, Flags);
void DWallLightTransfer::DoTransfer (short lightlevel, int target, BYTE flags)
int linenum;
FLineIdIterator itr(target);
while ((linenum = itr.Next()) >= 0)
line_t *line = &lines[linenum];
if (flags & WLF_SIDE1 && line->sidedef[0] != NULL)
if (flags & WLF_SIDE2 && line->sidedef[1] != NULL)
// Portals
// Upper stacks go in the top sector. Lower stacks go in the bottom sector.
static void SetupFloorPortal (AStackPoint *point)
NActorIterator it (NAME_LowerStackLookOnly, point->tid);
sector_t *Sector = point->Sector;
ASkyViewpoint *skyv = static_cast<ASkyViewpoint*>(it.Next());
Sector->SkyBoxes[sector_t::floor] = skyv;
if (skyv != NULL && skyv->bAlways)
skyv->Mate = point;
if (Sector->GetAlphaF(sector_t::floor) == 1.)
Sector->SetAlpha(sector_t::floor, clamp(point->args[0], 0, 255) / 255.);
static void SetupCeilingPortal (AStackPoint *point)
NActorIterator it (NAME_UpperStackLookOnly, point->tid);
sector_t *Sector = point->Sector;
ASkyViewpoint *skyv = static_cast<ASkyViewpoint*>(it.Next());
Sector->SkyBoxes[sector_t::ceiling] = skyv;
if (skyv != NULL && skyv->bAlways)
skyv->Mate = point;
if (Sector->GetAlphaF(sector_t::ceiling) == 1.)
Sector->SetAlpha(sector_t::ceiling, clamp(point->args[0], 0, 255) / 255.);
void P_SetupPortals()
TThinkerIterator<AStackPoint> it;
AStackPoint *pt;
TArray<AStackPoint *> points;
while ((pt = it.Next()))
FName nm = pt->GetClass()->TypeName;
if (nm == NAME_UpperStackLookOnly)
else if (nm == NAME_LowerStackLookOnly)
pt->special1 = 0;
static void SetPortal(sector_t *sector, int plane, ASkyViewpoint *portal, double alpha)
// plane: 0=floor, 1=ceiling, 2=both
if (plane > 0)
if (sector->SkyBoxes[sector_t::ceiling] == NULL || !barrier_cast<ASkyViewpoint*>(sector->SkyBoxes[sector_t::ceiling])->bAlways)
sector->SkyBoxes[sector_t::ceiling] = portal;
if (sector->GetAlphaF(sector_t::ceiling) == 1.)
sector->SetAlpha(sector_t::ceiling, alpha);
if (!portal->bAlways) sector->SetTexture(sector_t::ceiling, skyflatnum);
if (plane == 2 || plane == 0)
if (sector->SkyBoxes[sector_t::floor] == NULL || !barrier_cast<ASkyViewpoint*>(sector->SkyBoxes[sector_t::floor])->bAlways)
sector->SkyBoxes[sector_t::floor] = portal;
if (sector->GetAlphaF(sector_t::floor) == 1.)
sector->SetAlpha(sector_t::floor, alpha);
if (!portal->bAlways) sector->SetTexture(sector_t::floor, skyflatnum);
static void CopyPortal(int sectortag, int plane, ASkyViewpoint *origin, double alpha, bool tolines)
int s;
FSectorTagIterator itr(sectortag);
while ((s = itr.Next()) >= 0)
SetPortal(§ors[s], plane, origin, alpha);
for (int j=0;j<numlines;j++)
// Check if this portal needs to be copied to other sectors
// This must be done here to ensure that it gets done only after the portal is set up
if (lines[j].special == Sector_SetPortal &&
lines[j].args[1] == 1 &&
(lines[j].args[2] == plane || lines[j].args[2] == 3) &&
lines[j].args[3] == sectortag)
if (lines[j].args[0] == 0)
SetPortal(lines[j].frontsector, plane, origin, alpha);
FSectorTagIterator itr(lines[j].args[0]);
while ((s = itr.Next()) >= 0)
SetPortal(§ors[s], plane, origin, alpha);
void P_SpawnPortal(line_t *line, int sectortag, int plane, int bytealpha, int linked)
if (plane < 0 || plane > 2 || (linked && plane == 2)) return;
for (int i=0;i<numlines;i++)
// We must look for the reference line with a linear search unless we want to waste the line ID for it
// which is not a good idea.
if (lines[i].special == Sector_SetPortal &&
lines[i].args[0] == sectortag &&
lines[i].args[1] == linked &&
lines[i].args[2] == plane &&
lines[i].args[3] == 1)
// beware of overflows.
DVector3 pos1((line->v1->fX() + line->v2->fX()) / 2, (line->v1->fY() + line->v2->fY()) / 2, 0);
DVector3 pos2((lines[i].v1->fX() + lines[i].v2->fX()) / 2, (lines[i].v1->fY() + lines[i].v2->fY()) / 2, 0);
double z = linked ? line->frontsector->GetPlaneTexZF(plane) : 0; // the map's sector height defines the portal plane for linked portals
double alpha = bytealpha / 255.;
AStackPoint *anchor = Spawn<AStackPoint>(pos1, NO_REPLACE);
AStackPoint *reference = Spawn<AStackPoint>(pos2, NO_REPLACE);
// In some situations it can happen that the sector here is not the frontsector of the anchor linedef,
// because some colinear node line with opposite direction causes this to be positioned on the wrong side.
// Fortunately these things will never move so it should be sufficient to set the intended sector directly.
anchor->Sector = line->frontsector;
reference->Sector = lines[i].frontsector;
reference->special1 = linked ? SKYBOX_LINKEDPORTAL : SKYBOX_PORTAL;
anchor->special1 = SKYBOX_ANCHOR;
// store the portal displacement in the unused scaleX/Y members of the portal reference actor.
anchor->Scale = -(reference->Scale = pos2 - pos1);
anchor->specialf1 = reference->specialf1 = z;
reference->Mate = anchor;
anchor->Mate = reference;
// This is so that the renderer can distinguish these portals from
// the ones spawned with the '*StackLookOnly' things.
reference->flags |= MF_JUSTATTACKED;
anchor->flags |= MF_JUSTATTACKED;
CopyPortal(sectortag, plane, reference, alpha, false);
// This searches the viewpoint's sector
// for a skybox line special, gets its tag and transfers the skybox to all tagged sectors.
void P_SpawnSkybox(ASkyViewpoint *origin)
sector_t *Sector = origin->Sector;
if (Sector == NULL)
Printf("Sector not initialized for SkyCamCompat\n");
origin->Sector = Sector = P_PointInSector(origin->Pos());
if (Sector)
line_t * refline = NULL;
for (short i = 0; i < Sector->linecount; i++)
refline = Sector->lines[i];
if (refline->special == Sector_SetPortal && refline->args[1] == 2)
// We found the setup linedef for this skybox, so let's use it for our init.
CopyPortal(refline->args[0], refline->args[2], origin, 0, true);
// P_SetSectorDamage
// Sets damage properties for one sector. Allows combination of original specials with explicit use of the damage properties
static void P_SetupSectorDamage(sector_t *sector, int damage, int interval, int leakchance, FName type, int flags)
// Only set if damage is not yet initialized. This ensures that UDMF takes precedence over sector specials.
if (sector->damageamount == 0)
sector->damageamount = damage;
sector->damageinterval = MAX(1, interval);
sector->leakydamage = leakchance;
sector->damagetype = type;
sector->Flags = (sector->Flags & ~SECF_DAMAGEFLAGS) | (flags & SECF_DAMAGEFLAGS);
// P_InitSectorSpecial
// Sets up everything derived from 'sector->special' for one sector
// ('fromload' is necessary to allow conversion upon savegame load.)
void P_SpawnLights(sector_t *sector);
void P_InitSectorSpecial(sector_t *sector, int special)
// [RH] All secret sectors are marked with a BOOM-ish bitfield
if (sector->special & SECRET_MASK)
if (sector->special & FRICTION_MASK)
sector->Flags |= SECF_FRICTION;
if (sector->special & PUSH_MASK)
sector->Flags |= SECF_PUSH;
if ((sector->special & DAMAGE_MASK) == 0x100)
P_SetupSectorDamage(sector, 5, 32, 0, NAME_Fire, 0);
else if ((sector->special & DAMAGE_MASK) == 0x200)
P_SetupSectorDamage(sector, 10, 32, 0, NAME_Slime, 0);
else if ((sector->special & DAMAGE_MASK) == 0x300)
P_SetupSectorDamage(sector, 20, 32, 5, NAME_Slime, 0);
sector->special &= 0xff;
// [RH] Normal DOOM special or BOOM specialized?
bool keepspecial = false;
switch (sector->special)
case dLight_Strobe_Hurt:
P_SetupSectorDamage(sector, 20, 32, 5, NAME_Slime, 0);
case dDamage_Hellslime:
P_SetupSectorDamage(sector, 10, 32, 0, NAME_Slime, 0);
case dDamage_Nukage:
P_SetupSectorDamage(sector, 5, 32, 0, NAME_Slime, 0);
case dSector_DoorCloseIn30:
new DDoor(sector, DDoor::doorWaitClose, 2, 0, 0, 30 * TICRATE);
case dDamage_End:
P_SetupSectorDamage(sector, 20, 32, 256, NAME_None, SECF_ENDGODMODE|SECF_ENDLEVEL);
case dSector_DoorRaiseIn5Mins:
new DDoor (sector, DDoor::doorWaitRaise, 2, TICRATE*30/7, 0, 5*60*TICRATE);
case dFriction_Low:
sector->friction = FRICTION_LOW;
sector->movefactor = 0x269/65536.;
sector->Flags |= SECF_FRICTION;
case dDamage_SuperHellslime:
P_SetupSectorDamage(sector, 20, 32, 5, NAME_Slime, 0);
case dDamage_LavaWimpy:
P_SetupSectorDamage(sector, 5, 32, 256, NAME_Fire, SECF_DMGTERRAINFX);
case dDamage_LavaHefty:
P_SetupSectorDamage(sector, 8, 32, 256, NAME_Fire, SECF_DMGTERRAINFX);
case dScroll_EastLavaDamage:
P_SetupSectorDamage(sector, 5, 32, 256, NAME_Fire, SECF_DMGTERRAINFX);
P_CreateScroller(EScroll::sc_floor, -4., 0, -1, int(sector - sectors), 0);
keepspecial = true;
case hDamage_Sludge:
P_SetupSectorDamage(sector, 4, 32, 0, NAME_Slime, 0);
case sLight_Strobe_Hurt:
P_SetupSectorDamage(sector, 5, 32, 0, NAME_Slime, 0);
case sDamage_Hellslime:
P_SetupSectorDamage(sector, 2, 32, 0, NAME_Slime, SECF_HAZARD);
case Damage_InstantDeath:
// Strife's instant death sector
P_SetupSectorDamage(sector, TELEFRAG_DAMAGE, 1, 256, NAME_InstantDeath, 0);
case sDamage_SuperHellslime:
P_SetupSectorDamage(sector, 4, 32, 0, NAME_Slime, SECF_HAZARD);
case Sector_Hidden:
sector->MoreFlags |= SECF_HIDDEN;
case Sector_Heal:
// CoD's healing sector
P_SetupSectorDamage(sector, -1, 32, 0, NAME_None, 0);
case Sky2:
sector->sky = PL_SKYFLAT;
if (sector->special >= Scroll_North_Slow &&
sector->special <= Scroll_SouthWest_Fast)
{ // Hexen scroll special
static const SBYTE hexenScrollies[24][2] =
{ 0, 1 }, { 0, 2 }, { 0, 4 },
{ -1, 0 }, { -2, 0 }, { -4, 0 },
{ 0, -1 }, { 0, -2 }, { 0, -4 },
{ 1, 0 }, { 2, 0 }, { 4, 0 },
{ 1, 1 }, { 2, 2 }, { 4, 4 },
{ -1, 1 }, { -2, 2 }, { -4, 4 },
{ -1, -1 }, { -2, -2 }, { -4, -4 },
{ 1, -1 }, { 2, -2 }, { 4, -4 }
int i = sector->special - Scroll_North_Slow;
double dx = hexenScrollies[i][0] / 2.;
double dy = hexenScrollies[i][1] / 2.;
P_CreateScroller(EScroll::sc_floor, dx, dy, -1, int(sector-sectors), 0);
else if (sector->special >= Carry_East5 &&
sector->special <= Carry_East35)
{ // Heretic scroll special
// Only east scrollers also scroll the texture
-0.5 * (1 << ((sector->special & 0xff) - Carry_East5)), 0, -1, int(sector-sectors), 0);
keepspecial = true;
if (!keepspecial) sector->special = 0;
// P_SpawnSpecials
// After the map has been loaded, scan for specials that spawn thinkers
void P_SpawnSpecials (void)
sector_t *sector;
int i;
// Init special SECTORs.
sector = sectors;
for (i = 0; i < numsectors; i++, sector++)
if (sector->special == 0)
P_InitSectorSpecial(sector, sector->special);
#ifndef NO_EDATA
// Init other misc stuff
P_SpawnScrollers(); // killough 3/7/98: Add generalized scrollers
P_SpawnFriction(); // phares 3/12/98: New friction model using linedefs
P_SpawnPushers(); // phares 3/20/98: New pusher model using linedefs
TThinkerIterator<ASkyCamCompat> it2;
ASkyCamCompat *pt2;
while ((pt2 = it2.Next()))
for (i = 0; i < numlines; i++)
switch (lines[i].special)
int s;
sector_t *sec;
// killough 3/7/98:
// support for drawn heights coming from different sector
case Transfer_Heights:
sec = lines[i].frontsector;
if (lines[i].args[1] & 2)
if (lines[i].args[1] & 4)
if (lines[i].args[1] & 8)
sec->MoreFlags |= SECF_UNDERWATER;
else if (forcewater)
if (lines[i].args[1] & 16)
if (lines[i].args[1] & 32)
sec->MoreFlags |= SECF_NOFAKELIGHT;
FSectorTagIterator itr(lines[i].args[0]);
while ((s = itr.Next()) >= 0)
sectors[s].heightsec = sec;
// killough 3/16/98: Add support for setting
// floor lighting independently (e.g. lava)
case Transfer_FloorLight:
new DLightTransfer (lines[i].frontsector, lines[i].args[0], true);
// killough 4/11/98: Add support for setting
// ceiling lighting independently
case Transfer_CeilingLight:
new DLightTransfer (lines[i].frontsector, lines[i].args[0], false);
// [Graf Zahl] Add support for setting lighting
// per wall independently
case Transfer_WallLight:
new DWallLightTransfer (lines[i].frontsector, lines[i].args[0], lines[i].args[1]);
case Sector_Attach3dMidtex:
P_Attach3dMidtexLinesToSector(lines[i].frontsector, lines[i].args[0], lines[i].args[1], !!lines[i].args[2]);
case Sector_SetLink:
if (lines[i].args[0] == 0)
P_AddSectorLinks(lines[i].frontsector, lines[i].args[1], lines[i].args[2], lines[i].args[3]);
case Sector_SetPortal:
// arg 0 = sector tag
// arg 1 = type
// - 0: normal (handled here)
// - 1: copy (handled by the portal they copy)
// - 2: EE-style skybox (handled by the camera object)
// - 3: EE-style flat portal (GZDoom HW renderer only for now)
// - 4: EE-style horizon portal (GZDoom HW renderer only for now)
// - 5: copy portal to line (GZDoom HW renderer only for now)
// - 6: linked portal
// other values reserved for later use
// arg 2 = 0:floor, 1:ceiling, 2:both
// arg 3 = 0: anchor, 1: reference line
// arg 4 = for the anchor only: alpha
if ((lines[i].args[1] == 0 || lines[i].args[1] == 6) && lines[i].args[3] == 0)
P_SpawnPortal(&lines[i], lines[i].args[0], lines[i].args[2], lines[i].args[4], lines[i].args[1]);
case Line_SetPortal:
// [RH] ZDoom Static_Init settings
case Static_Init:
switch (lines[i].args[1])
case Init_Gravity:
double grav = lines[i].Delta().Length() / 100.;
FSectorTagIterator itr(lines[i].args[0]);
while ((s = itr.Next()) >= 0)
sectors[s].gravity = grav;
//case Init_Color:
// handled in P_LoadSideDefs2()
case Init_Damage:
int damage = int(lines[i].Delta().Length());
FSectorTagIterator itr(lines[i].args[0]);
while ((s = itr.Next()) >= 0)
sector_t *sec = §ors[s];
sec->damageamount = damage;
sec->damagetype = NAME_None;
if (sec->damageamount < 20)
sec->leakydamage = 0;
sec->damageinterval = 32;
else if (sec->damageamount < 50)
sec->leakydamage = 5;
sec->damageinterval = 32;
sec->leakydamage = 256;
sec->damageinterval = 1;
case Init_SectorLink:
if (lines[i].args[3] == 0)
P_AddSectorLinksByID(lines[i].frontsector, lines[i].args[0], lines[i].args[2]);
// killough 10/98:
// Support for sky textures being transferred from sidedefs.
// Allows scrolling and other effects (but if scrolling is
// used, then the same sector tag needs to be used for the
// sky sector, the sky-transfer linedef, and the scroll-effect
// linedef). Still requires user to use F_SKY1 for the floor
// or ceiling texture, to distinguish floor and ceiling sky.
case Init_TransferSky:
FSectorTagIterator itr(lines[i].args[0]);
while ((s = itr.Next()) >= 0)
sectors[s].sky = (i + 1) | PL_SKYFLAT;
// [RH] Start running any open scripts on this map
FBehavior::StaticStartTypedScripts (SCRIPT_Open, NULL, false);
// phares 3/12/98: Start of friction effects
// As the player moves, friction is applied by decreasing the x and y
// velocity values on each tic. By varying the percentage of decrease,
// we can simulate muddy or icy conditions. In mud, the player slows
// down faster. In ice, the player slows down more slowly.
// The amount of friction change is controlled by the length of a linedef
// with type 223. A length < 100 gives you mud. A length > 100 gives you ice.
// Also, each sector where these effects are to take place is given a
// new special type _______. Changing the type value at runtime allows
// these effects to be turned on or off.
// Sector boundaries present problems. The player should experience these
// friction changes only when his feet are touching the sector floor. At
// sector boundaries where floor height changes, the player can find
// himself still 'in' one sector, but with his feet at the floor level
// of the next sector (steps up or down). To handle this, Thinkers are used
// in icy/muddy sectors. These thinkers examine each object that is touching
// their sectors, looking for players whose feet are at the same level as
// their floors. Players satisfying this condition are given new friction
// values that are applied by the player movement code later.
// killough 8/28/98:
// Completely redid code, which did not need thinkers, and which put a heavy
// drag on CPU. Friction is now a property of sectors, NOT objects inside
// them. All objects, not just players, are affected by it, if they touch
// the sector's floor. Code simpler and faster, only calling on friction
// calculations when an object needs friction considered, instead of doing
// friction calculations on every sector during every tic.
// Although this -might- ruin Boom demo sync involving friction, it's the only
// way, short of code explosion, to fix the original design bug. Fixing the
// design bug in Boom's original friction code, while maintaining demo sync
// under every conceivable circumstance, would double or triple code size, and
// would require maintenance of buggy legacy code which is only useful for old
// demos. Doom demos, which are more important IMO, are not affected by this
// change.
// [RH] On the other hand, since I've given up on trying to maintain demo
// sync between versions, these considerations aren't a big deal to me.
// Initialize the sectors where friction is increased or decreased
static void P_SpawnFriction(void)
int i;
line_t *l = lines;
for (i = 0 ; i < numlines ; i++,l++)
if (l->special == Sector_SetFriction)
int length;
if (l->args[1])
{ // [RH] Allow setting friction amount from parameter
length = l->args[1] <= 200 ? l->args[1] : 200;
length = int(l->Delta().Length());
P_SetSectorFriction (l->args[0], length, false);
l->special = 0;
void P_SetSectorFriction (int tag, int amount, bool alterFlag)
int s;
double friction, movefactor;
// An amount of 100 should result in a friction of
friction = ((0x1EB8 * amount) / 0x80 + 0xD001) / 65536.;
// killough 8/28/98: prevent odd situations
friction = clamp(friction, 0., 1.);
// The following check might seem odd. At the time of movement,
// the move distance is multiplied by 'friction/0x10000', so a
// higher friction value actually means 'less friction'.
movefactor = FrictionToMoveFactor(friction);
FSectorTagIterator itr(tag);
while ((s = itr.Next()) >= 0)
// killough 8/28/98:
// Instead of spawning thinkers, which are slow and expensive,
// modify the sector's own friction values. Friction should be
// a property of sectors, not objects which reside inside them.
// Original code scanned every object in every friction sector
// on every tic, adjusting its friction, putting unnecessary
// drag on CPU. New code adjusts friction of sector only once
// at level startup, and then uses this friction value.
sectors[s].friction = friction;
sectors[s].movefactor = movefactor;
if (alterFlag)
// When used inside a script, the sectors' friction flags
// can be enabled and disabled at will.
if (friction == ORIG_FRICTION)
sectors[s].Flags &= ~SECF_FRICTION;
sectors[s].Flags |= SECF_FRICTION;
double FrictionToMoveFactor(double friction)
double movefactor;
// [RH] Twiddled these values so that velocity on ice (with
// friction 0xf900) is the same as in Heretic/Hexen.
if (friction >= ORIG_FRICTION) // ice
//movefactor = ((0x10092 - friction)*(0x70))/0x158;
movefactor = (((0x10092 - friction * 65536) * 1024) / 4352 + 568) / 65536.;
movefactor = (((friction*65536. - 0xDB34)*(0xA)) / 0x80) / 65536.;
// killough 8/28/98: prevent odd situations
if (movefactor < 1 / 2048.)
movefactor = 1 / 2048.;
return movefactor;
// phares 3/12/98: End of friction effects
void sector_t::AdjustFloorClip () const
msecnode_t *node;
for (node = touching_thinglist; node; node = node->m_snext)
if (node->m_thing->flags2 & MF2_FLOORCLIP)