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// Copyright 1998-1998 Chi Hoang, Lee Killough, Jim Flynn, Rand Phares, Ty Halderman
// Copyright 1999-2016 Randy Heit
// Copyright 2002-2016 Christoph Oelckers
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Boom secnodes
#include "g_levellocals.h"
#include "p_maputl.h"
#include "actor.h"
#include "actorinlines.h"
// phares 3/21/98
// Maintain a freelist of msecnode_t's to reduce memory allocs and frees.
msecnode_t *headsecnode = nullptr;
FMemArena secnodearena;
// P_GetSecnode
// Retrieve a node from the freelist. The calling routine
// should make sure it sets all fields properly.
msecnode_t *P_GetSecnode()
msecnode_t *node;
if (headsecnode)
node = headsecnode;
headsecnode = headsecnode->m_snext;
node = (msecnode_t *)secnodearena.Alloc(sizeof(*node));
return node;
// P_PutSecnode
// Returns a node to the freelist.
void P_PutSecnode(msecnode_t *node)
node->m_snext = headsecnode;
headsecnode = node;
// phares 3/16/98
// P_AddSecnode
// Searches the current list to see if this sector is
// already there. If not, it adds a sector node at the head of the list of
// sectors this object appears in. This is called when creating a list of
// nodes that will get linked in later. Returns a pointer to the new node.
template<class nodetype, class linktype>
nodetype *P_AddSecnode(linktype *s, AActor *thing, nodetype *nextnode, nodetype *&sec_thinglist)
nodetype *node;
if (s == 0)
I_FatalError("AddSecnode of 0 for %s\n", thing->GetClass()->TypeName.GetChars());
node = nextnode;
while (node)
if (node->m_sector == s) // Already have a node for this sector?
node->m_thing = thing; // Yes. Setting m_thing says 'keep it'.
return nextnode;
node = node->m_tnext;
// Couldn't find an existing node for this sector. Add one at the head
// of the list.
node = (nodetype*)P_GetSecnode();
// killough 4/4/98, 4/7/98: mark new nodes unvisited.
node->visited = 0;
node->m_sector = s; // sector
node->m_thing = thing; // mobj
node->m_tprev = nullptr; // prev node on Thing thread
node->m_tnext = nextnode; // next node on Thing thread
if (nextnode)
nextnode->m_tprev = node; // set back link on Thing
// Add new node at head of sector thread starting at s->touching_thinglist
node->m_sprev = nullptr; // prev node on sector thread
node->m_snext = sec_thinglist; // next node on sector thread
if (sec_thinglist)
node->m_snext->m_sprev = node;
sec_thinglist = node;
return node;
template msecnode_t *P_AddSecnode<msecnode_t, sector_t>(sector_t *s, AActor *thing, msecnode_t *nextnode, msecnode_t *&sec_thinglist);
template portnode_t *P_AddSecnode<portnode_t, FLinePortal>(FLinePortal *s, AActor *thing, portnode_t *nextnode, portnode_t *&sec_thinglist);
// P_DelSecnode
// Deletes a sector node from the list of
// sectors this object appears in. Returns a pointer to the next node
// on the linked list, or nullptr.
template<class nodetype, class linktype>
nodetype *P_DelSecnode(nodetype *node, nodetype *linktype::*listhead)
nodetype* tp; // prev node on thing thread
nodetype* tn; // next node on thing thread
nodetype* sp; // prev node on sector thread
nodetype* sn; // next node on sector thread
if (node)
// Unlink from the Thing thread. The Thing thread begins at
// sector_list and not from AActor->touching_sectorlist.
tp = node->m_tprev;
tn = node->m_tnext;
if (tp)
tp->m_tnext = tn;
if (tn)
tn->m_tprev = tp;
// Unlink from the sector thread. This thread begins at
// sector_t->touching_thinglist.
sp = node->m_sprev;
sn = node->m_snext;
if (sp)
sp->m_snext = sn;
node->m_sector->*listhead = sn;
if (sn)
sn->m_sprev = sp;
// Return this node to the freelist
return tn;
return nullptr;
} // phares 3/13/98
template msecnode_t *P_DelSecnode(msecnode_t *node, msecnode_t *sector_t::*listhead);
template portnode_t *P_DelSecnode(portnode_t *node, portnode_t *FLinePortal::*listhead);
// P_DelSeclist
// Delete an entire sector list
void P_DelSeclist(msecnode_t *node, msecnode_t *sector_t::*sechead)
while (node)
node = P_DelSecnode(node, sechead);
void P_DelSeclist(portnode_t *node, portnode_t *FLinePortal::*sechead)
while (node)
node = P_DelSecnode(node, sechead);
// phares 3/14/98
// P_CreateSecNodeList
// Alters/creates the sector_list that shows what sectors the object resides in
msecnode_t *P_CreateSecNodeList(AActor *thing, double radius, msecnode_t *sector_list, msecnode_t *sector_t::*seclisthead)
msecnode_t *node;
// First, clear out the existing m_thing fields. As each node is
// added or verified as needed, m_thing will be set properly. When
// finished, delete all nodes where m_thing is still nullptr. These
// represent the sectors the Thing has vacated.
node = sector_list;
while (node)
node->m_thing = nullptr;
node = node->m_tnext;
FBoundingBox box(thing->X(), thing->Y(), radius);
FBlockLinesIterator it(box);
line_t *ld;
while ((ld = it.Next()))
if (!box.inRange(ld) || box.BoxOnLineSide(ld) != -1)
// This line crosses through the object.
// Collect the sector(s) from the line and add to the
// sector_list you're examining. If the Thing ends up being
// allowed to move to this position, then the sector_list
// will be attached to the Thing's AActor at touching_sectorlist.
sector_list = P_AddSecnode(ld->frontsector, thing, sector_list, ld->frontsector->*seclisthead);
// Don't assume all lines are 2-sided, since some Things
// like MT_TFOG are allowed regardless of whether their radius takes
// them beyond an impassable linedef.
// killough 3/27/98, 4/4/98:
// Use sidedefs instead of 2s flag to determine two-sidedness.
if (ld->backsector)
sector_list = P_AddSecnode(ld->backsector, thing, sector_list, ld->backsector->*seclisthead);
// Add the sector of the (x,y) point to sector_list.
sector_list = P_AddSecnode(thing->Sector, thing, sector_list, thing->Sector->*seclisthead);
// Now delete any nodes that won't be used. These are the ones where
// m_thing is still nullptr.
node = sector_list;
while (node)
if (node->m_thing == nullptr)
if (node == sector_list)
sector_list = node->m_tnext;
node = P_DelSecnode(node, seclisthead);
node = node->m_tnext;
return sector_list;
// P_DelPortalnode
// Same for line portal nodes
portnode_t *P_DelPortalnode(portnode_t *node)
portnode_t* tp; // prev node on thing thread
portnode_t* tn; // next node on thing thread
portnode_t* sp; // prev node on sector thread
portnode_t* sn; // next node on sector thread
if (node)
// Unlink from the Thing thread. The Thing thread begins at
// sector_list and not from AActor->touching_sectorlist.
tp = node->m_tprev;
tn = node->m_tnext;
if (tp)
tp->m_tnext = tn;
if (tn)
tn->m_tprev = tp;
// Unlink from the sector thread. This thread begins at
// sector_t->touching_thinglist.
sp = node->m_sprev;
sn = node->m_snext;
if (sp)
sp->m_snext = sn;
node->m_sector->lineportal_thinglist = sn;
if (sn)
sn->m_sprev = sp;
// Return this node to the freelist (use the same one as for msecnodes, since both types are the same size.)
P_PutSecnode(reinterpret_cast<msecnode_t *>(node));
return tn;
return nullptr;
// P_AddPortalnode
portnode_t *P_AddPortalnode(FLinePortal *s, AActor *thing, portnode_t *nextnode)
portnode_t *node;
if (s == 0)
I_FatalError("AddSecnode of 0 for %s\n", thing->GetClass()->TypeName.GetChars());
node = reinterpret_cast<portnode_t*>(P_GetSecnode());
// killough 4/4/98, 4/7/98: mark new nodes unvisited.
node->visited = 0;
node->m_sector = s; // portal
node->m_thing = thing; // mobj
node->m_tprev = nullptr; // prev node on Thing thread
node->m_tnext = nextnode; // next node on Thing thread
if (nextnode)
nextnode->m_tprev = node; // set back link on Thing
// Add new node at head of portal thread starting at s->touching_thinglist
node->m_sprev = nullptr; // prev node on portal thread
node->m_snext = s->lineportal_thinglist; // next node on portal thread
if (s->lineportal_thinglist)
node->m_snext->m_sprev = node;
s->lineportal_thinglist = node;
return node;
// Handle the lists used to render actors from other portal areas
void AActor::UpdateRenderSectorList()
static const double SPRITE_SPACE = 64.;
auto Level = __GetLevel();
if (Pos() != OldRenderPos && !(flags & MF_NOSECTOR))
// Only check if the map contains line portals
if (Level->PortalBlockmap.containsLines && Pos().XY() != OldRenderPos.XY())
int bx = Level->blockmap.GetBlockX(X());
int by = Level->blockmap.GetBlockY(Y());
FBoundingBox bb(X(), Y(), MIN(radius*1.5, 128.)); // Don't go further than 128 map units, even for large actors
// Are there any portals near the actor's position?
if (Level->blockmap.isValidBlock(bx, by) && Level->PortalBlockmap(bx, by).neighborContainsLines)
// Go through the entire list. In most cases this is faster than setting up a blockmap iterator
for (auto &p : Level->linePortals)
if (p.mType == PORTT_VISUAL) continue;
if (bb.inRange(p.mOrigin) && bb.BoxOnLineSide(p.mOrigin))
touching_lineportallist = P_AddPortalnode(&p, this, touching_lineportallist);
sector_t *sec = Sector;
double lasth = -FLT_MAX;
while (!sec->PortalBlocksMovement(sector_t::ceiling))
double planeh = sec->GetPortalPlaneZ(sector_t::ceiling);
if (planeh <= lasth) break; // broken setup.
if (Top() + SPRITE_SPACE < planeh) break;
lasth = planeh;
DVector2 newpos = Pos() + sec->GetPortalDisplacement(sector_t::ceiling);
sec = P_PointInSector(newpos);
touching_sectorportallist = P_AddSecnode(sec, this, touching_sectorportallist, sec->sectorportal_thinglist);
sec = Sector;
lasth = FLT_MAX;
while (!sec->PortalBlocksMovement(sector_t::floor))
double planeh = sec->GetPortalPlaneZ(sector_t::floor);
if (planeh >= lasth) break; // broken setup.
if (Z() - SPRITE_SPACE > planeh) break;
lasth = planeh;
DVector2 newpos = Pos() + sec->GetPortalDisplacement(sector_t::floor);
sec = P_PointInSector(newpos);
touching_sectorportallist = P_AddSecnode(sec, this, touching_sectorportallist, sec->sectorportal_thinglist);
void AActor::ClearRenderSectorList()
P_DelSeclist(touching_sectorportallist, §or_t::sectorportal_thinglist);
touching_sectorportallist = nullptr;
void AActor::ClearRenderLineList()
P_DelSeclist(touching_lineportallist, &FLinePortal::lineportal_thinglist);
touching_lineportallist = nullptr;
// FBlockNode - allows to link actors into multiple blocks in the blockmap
FBlockNode *FBlockNode::FreeBlocks = nullptr;
FBlockNode *FBlockNode::Create(AActor *who, int x, int y, int group)
FBlockNode *block;
if (FreeBlocks != nullptr)
block = FreeBlocks;
FreeBlocks = block->NextBlock;
block = (FBlockNode *)secnodearena.Alloc(sizeof(FBlockNode));
block->BlockIndex = x + y * level.blockmap.bmapwidth;
block->Me = who;
block->NextActor = nullptr;
block->PrevActor = nullptr;
block->PrevBlock = nullptr;
block->NextBlock = nullptr;
return block;
void FBlockNode::Release()
NextBlock = FreeBlocks;
FreeBlocks = this;