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synced 2025-03-03 16:11:33 +00:00
- replaced Inventory.DrawPowerup with a GetPowerupIcon method so that the calling code can handle the drawing and apply its own rules. This was a major design flaw of allowing the inventory items to handle the drawing themselves, because they were unable to adjust to different HUD frontends. Note that any mod that overrides DrawPowerup will not draw any icon that expects to be handled that way! - the alternative HUD now has its own, separate drawer that obeys the AltHUD's rules, and not the ones of the normal fullscreen HUD. - the standard drawer has been scriptified as a virtual function. - Both drawers now handle positioning of the icon inside its assigned box themselves instead of trusting the powerup item to do it correctly. - DTA_HUDRules and Screen.DrawHUDTexture are to be considered deprecated because both do not integrate into the redesigned HUD code.
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1026 lines
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struct VisStyle
bool Invert;
float Alpha;
int RenderStyle;
class Inventory : Actor native
const BLINKTHRESHOLD = (4*32);
const BONUSADD = 6;
native Actor Owner; // Who owns self item? NULL if it's still a pickup.
native int Amount; // Amount of item self instance has
native int MaxAmount; // Max amount of item self instance can have
native int InterHubAmount; // Amount of item that can be kept between hubs or levels
native int RespawnTics; // Tics from pickup time to respawn time
native TextureID Icon; // Icon to show on status bar or HUD
native int DropTime; // Countdown after dropping
native Class<Actor> SpawnPointClass; // For respawning like Heretic's mace
native Class<Actor> PickupFlash; // actor to spawn as pickup flash
native Sound PickupSound;
native bool bPickupGood;
native bool bCreateCopyMoved;
native bool bInitEffectFailed;
meta String PickupMsg;
meta int GiveQuest;
property PickupMessage: PickupMsg;
property GiveQuest: GiveQuest;
property Amount: Amount;
property InterHubAmount: InterHubAmount;
property MaxAmount: MaxAmount;
property PickupFlash: PickupFlash;
property PickupSound: PickupSound;
property UseSound: UseSound;
property RespawnTics: RespawnTics;
Inventory.Amount 1;
Inventory.MaxAmount 1;
Inventory.InterHubAmount 1;
Inventory.UseSound "misc/invuse";
Inventory.PickupSound "misc/i_pkup";
Inventory.PickupMessage "$TXT_DEFAULTPICKUPMSG";
native bool CanPickup(Actor toucher);
native bool DoRespawn();
native void BecomeItem();
native void BecomePickup();
native void ModifyDropAmount(int dropamount);
native static void PrintPickupMessage (bool localview, String str);
States(Actor, Overlay, Weapon, Item)
TNT1 A 1050;
TNT1 A 0 A_RestoreSpecialPosition;
TNT1 A 1 A_RestoreSpecialDoomThing;
ACLO E 1400;
ACLO A 0 A_RestoreSpecialPosition;
ACLO A 4 A_RestoreSpecialThing1;
ACLO D 4 A_RestoreSpecialThing2;
TNT1 A -1;
TNT1 A 1;
// AInventory :: BeginPlay
override void BeginPlay ()
Super.BeginPlay ();
bDropped = true; // [RH] Items are dropped by default
// PROC A_RestoreSpecialThing1
// Make a special thing visible again.
void A_RestoreSpecialThing1()
bInvisible = false;
if (DoRespawn ())
A_PlaySound ("misc/spawn", CHAN_VOICE);
// PROC A_RestoreSpecialThing2
void A_RestoreSpecialThing2()
bSpecial = true;
if (!Default.bNoGravity)
bNoGravity = false;
SetState (SpawnState);
// PROC A_RestoreSpecialDoomThing
void A_RestoreSpecialDoomThing()
bInvisible = false;
bSpecial = true;
if (!Default.bNoGravity)
bNoGravity = false;
if (DoRespawn ())
SetState (SpawnState);
A_PlaySound ("misc/spawn", CHAN_VOICE);
Spawn ("ItemFog", Pos, ALLOW_REPLACE);
// AInventory :: CreateCopy
// Returns an actor suitable for placing in an inventory, either itself or
// a copy based on whether it needs to respawn or not. Returning NULL
// indicates the item should not be picked up.
virtual Inventory CreateCopy (Actor other)
Inventory copy;
Amount = MIN(Amount, MaxAmount);
if (GoAway ())
copy = Inventory(Spawn (GetClass()));
copy.Amount = Amount;
copy.MaxAmount = MaxAmount;
copy = self;
return copy;
// AInventory :: HandlePickup
// Returns true if the pickup was handled (or should not happen at all),
// false if not.
virtual bool HandlePickup (Inventory item)
if (item.GetClass() == GetClass())
if (Amount < MaxAmount || (sv_unlimited_pickup && !item.ShouldStay()))
if (Amount > 0 && Amount + item.Amount < 0)
Amount = 0x7fffffff;
Amount += item.Amount;
if (Amount > MaxAmount && !sv_unlimited_pickup)
Amount = MaxAmount;
item.bPickupGood = true;
return true;
return false;
// AInventory :: CallHandlePickup
// Runs all HandlePickup methods in the chain
private bool CallHandlePickup(Inventory item)
let me = self;
while (me != null)
if (me.HandlePickup(item)) return true;
me = me.Inv;
return false;
// AInventory :: TryPickup
virtual protected bool TryPickup (in out Actor toucher)
Actor newtoucher = toucher; // in case changed by the powerup
// If HandlePickup() returns true, it will set the IF_PICKUPGOOD flag
// to indicate that self item has been picked up. If the item cannot be
// picked up, then it leaves the flag cleared.
bPickupGood = false;
if (toucher.Inv != NULL && toucher.Inv.CallHandlePickup (self))
// Let something else the player is holding intercept the pickup.
if (!bPickupGood)
return false;
bPickupGood = false;
GoAwayAndDie ();
else if (MaxAmount > 0)
// Add the item to the inventory. It is not already there, or HandlePickup
// would have already taken care of it.
let copy = CreateCopy (toucher);
if (copy == NULL)
return false;
// Some powerups cannot activate absolutely, for
// example, PowerMorph; fail the pickup if so.
if (copy.bInitEffectFailed)
if (copy != self) copy.Destroy();
else bInitEffectFailed;
return false;
// Handle owner-changing powerups
if (copy.bCreateCopyMoved)
newtoucher = copy.Owner;
copy.Owner = NULL;
bCreateCopyMoved = false;
// Continue onwards with the rest
copy.AttachToOwner (newtoucher);
if (bAutoActivate)
if (copy.Use (true))
if (--copy.Amount <= 0)
copy.bSpecial = false;
copy.SetStateLabel ("HoldAndDestroy");
else if (bAutoActivate)
// Special case: If an item's MaxAmount is 0, you can still pick it
// up if it is autoactivate-able.
// The item is placed in the inventory just long enough to be used.
bool usegood = Use(true);
if (usegood)
return false;
return true;
// AInventory :: GiveQuest
void GiveQuestItem (Actor toucher)
if (GiveQuest > 0)
String qname = "QuestItem" .. GiveQuest;
class<Inventory> type = qname;
if (type != null)
toucher.GiveInventoryType (type);
// AInventory :: CallTryPickup
// In this case the caller function is more than a simple wrapper around the virtual method and
// is what must be actually called to pick up an item.
bool, Actor CallTryPickup(Actor toucher)
let saved_toucher = toucher;
let Invstack = Inv; // A pointer of the inventories item stack.
// unmorphed versions of a currently morphed actor cannot pick up anything.
if (bUnmorphed) return false, null;
bool res;
if (CanPickup(toucher))
res = TryPickup(toucher);
else if (!bRestrictAbsolutely)
// let an item decide for itself how it will handle this
res = TryPickupRestricted(toucher);
return false, null;
if (!res && (bAlwaysPickup) && !ShouldStay())
res = true;
if (res)
// Transfer all inventory across that the old object had, if requested.
if (bTransfer)
while (Invstack)
let titem = Invstack;
Invstack = titem.Inv;
if (titem.Owner == self)
if (!titem.CallTryPickup(toucher)) // The object no longer can exist
return res, toucher;
// AInventory :: ShouldStay
// Returns true if the item should not disappear, even temporarily.
virtual bool ShouldStay ()
return false;
// AInventory :: TryPickupRestricted
virtual bool TryPickupRestricted (in out Actor toucher)
return false;
// AInventory :: AttachToOwner
virtual void AttachToOwner (Actor other)
BecomeItem ();
other.AddInventory (self);
// AInventory :: DetachFromOwner
// Performs any special work needed when the item leaves an inventory,
// either through destruction or becoming a pickup.
virtual void DetachFromOwner ()
// AInventory::CreateTossable
// Creates a copy of the item suitable for dropping. If this actor embodies
// only one item, then it is tossed out itself. Otherwise, the count drops
// by one and a new item with an amount of 1 is spawned.
virtual Inventory CreateTossable (int amt = -1)
// If self actor lacks a SpawnState, don't drop it. (e.g. A base weapon
// like the fist can't be dropped because you'll never see it.)
if (SpawnState == GetDefaultByType("Actor").SpawnState || SpawnState == NULL)
return NULL;
if (bUndroppable || bUntossable || Owner == NULL || Amount <= 0 || amt == 0)
return NULL;
if (Amount == 1 && !bKeepDepleted)
BecomePickup ();
DropTime = 30;
bSpecial = bSolid = false;
return self;
let copy = Inventory(Spawn (GetClass(), Owner.Pos, NO_REPLACE));
if (copy != NULL)
amt = clamp(amt, 1, Amount);
copy.MaxAmount = MaxAmount;
copy.Amount = amt;
copy.DropTime = 30;
copy.bSpecial = copy.bSolid = false;
Amount -= amt;
return copy;
// AInventory :: PickupMessage
// Returns the message to print when this actor is picked up.
virtual String PickupMessage ()
return PickupMsg;
// AInventory :: Touch
// Handles collisions from another actor, possible adding itself to the
// collider's inventory.
override void Touch (Actor toucher)
let player = toucher.player;
// If a voodoo doll touches something, pretend the real player touched it instead.
if (player != NULL)
toucher = player.mo;
bool localview = toucher.CheckLocalView(consoleplayer);
bool res;
[res, toucher] = CallTryPickup(toucher);
if (!res) return;
// This is the only situation when a pickup flash should ever play.
if (PickupFlash != NULL && !ShouldStay())
Spawn(PickupFlash, Pos, ALLOW_REPLACE);
if (!bQuiet)
PrintPickupMessage(localview, PickupMessage ());
// Special check so voodoo dolls picking up items cause the
// real player to make noise.
if (player != NULL)
PlayPickupSound (player.mo);
if (!bNoScreenFlash)
player.bonuscount = BONUSADD;
PlayPickupSound (toucher);
// [RH] Execute an attached special (if any)
DoPickupSpecial (toucher);
if (bCountItem)
if (player != NULL)
if (bCountSecret)
Actor ac = player != NULL? Actor(player.mo) : toucher;
ac.GiveSecret(true, true);
//Added by MC: Check if item taken was the roam destination of any bot
for (int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
if (players[i].Bot != NULL && self == players[i].Bot.dest)
players[i].Bot.dest = NULL;
// AInventory :: DepleteOrDestroy
// If the item is depleted, just change its amount to 0, otherwise it's destroyed.
virtual void DepleteOrDestroy ()
// If it's not ammo or an internal armor, destroy it.
// Ammo needs to stick around, even when it's zero for the benefit
// of the weapons that use it and to maintain the maximum ammo
// amounts a backpack might have given.
// Armor shouldn't be removed because they only work properly when
// they are the last items in the inventory.
if (bKeepDepleted)
Amount = 0;
// AInventory :: Travelled
// Called when an item in somebody's inventory is carried over to another
// map, in case it needs to do special reinitialization.
virtual void Travelled() {}
// AInventory :: DoEffect
// Handles any effect an item might apply to its owner
// Normally only used by subclasses of Powerup
virtual void DoEffect() {}
// AInventory :: Hide
// Hides this actor until it's time to respawn again.
virtual void Hide ()
State HideSpecialState = NULL, HideDoomishState = NULL;
bSpecial = false;
bNoGravity = true;
bInvisible = true;
if (gameinfo.gametype & GAME_Raven)
HideSpecialState = FindState("HideSpecial");
if (HideSpecialState == NULL)
HideDoomishState = FindState("HideDoomish");
HideDoomishState = FindState("HideDoomish");
if (HideDoomishState == NULL)
HideSpecialState = FindState("HideSpecial");
if (HideSpecialState != NULL)
SetState (HideSpecialState);
tics = 1400;
if (PickupFlash != NULL) tics += 30;
else if (HideDoomishState != NULL)
SetState (HideDoomishState);
tics = 1050;
if (RespawnTics != 0)
tics = RespawnTics;
// AInventory :: ShouldRespawn
// Returns true if the item should hide itself and reappear later when picked
// up.
virtual bool ShouldRespawn ()
if (bBigPowerup && !sv_respawnsuper) return false;
if (bNeverRespawn) return false;
return sv_itemrespawn || bAlwaysRespawn;
// AInventory :: GoAway
// Returns true if you must create a copy of this item to give to the player
// or false if you can use this one instead.
protected bool GoAway ()
// Dropped items never stick around
if (bDropped)
return false;
if (!ShouldStay ())
Hide ();
if (ShouldRespawn ())
return true;
return false;
return true;
// AInventory :: GoAwayAndDie
// Like GoAway but used by items that don't insert themselves into the
// inventory. If they won't be respawning, then they can destroy themselves.
protected void GoAwayAndDie ()
if (!GoAway ())
bSpecial = false;
// AInventory :: ModifyDamage
// Allows inventory items to manipulate the amount of damage
// inflicted. Damage is the amount of damage that would be done without manipulation,
// and newdamage is the amount that should be done after the item has changed
// it.
// 'active' means it is called by the inflictor, 'passive' by the target.
// It may seem that this is redundant and AbsorbDamage is the same. However,
// AbsorbDamage is called only for players and also depends on other settings
// which are undesirable for a protection artifact.
virtual void ModifyDamage(int damage, Name damageType, out int newdamage, bool passive) {}
virtual bool Use (bool pickup) { return false; }
virtual double GetSpeedFactor() { return 1; }
virtual bool GetNoTeleportFreeze() { return false; }
virtual version("2.4") ui void AlterWeaponSprite(VisStyle vis, in out int changed) {}
virtual void OwnerDied() {}
virtual Color GetBlend () { return 0; }
// AInventory :: DoPickupSpecial
// Executes this actor's special when it is picked up.
virtual void DoPickupSpecial (Actor toucher)
if (special)
toucher.A_CallSpecial(special, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]);
special = 0;
// AInventory :: PlayPickupSound
virtual void PlayPickupSound (Actor toucher)
double atten;
int chan;
if (bNoAttenPickupSound)
atten = ATTN_NONE;
else if ((ItemFlags & IF_FANCYPICKUPSOUND) &&
(toucher == NULL || toucher->CheckLocalView(consoeplayer)))
atten = ATTN_NONE;
atten = ATTN_NORM;
if (toucher != NULL && toucher.CheckLocalView(consoleplayer))
toucher.A_PlaySound(PickupSound, chan, 1, false, atten);
// AInventory :: DrawPowerup
// This has been deprecated because it is not how this should be done
// Use GetPowerupIcon instead!
virtual ui version("2.4") bool DrawPowerup(int x, int y) { return false; }
// AInventory :: GetPowerupIcon
// Returns the icon that should be drawn for an active powerup.
virtual clearscope version("2.5") TextureID GetPowerupIcon() const
TextureID id;
return id;
// AInventory :: AbsorbDamage
// Allows inventory items (primarily armor) to reduce the amount of damage
// taken. Damage is the amount of damage that would be done without armor,
// and newdamage is the amount that should be done after the armor absorbs
// it.
virtual void AbsorbDamage (int damage, Name damageType, out int newdamage) {}
// AInventory :: SpecialDropAction
// Called by P_DropItem. Return true to prevent the standard drop tossing.
// A few Strife items that are meant to trigger actions rather than be
// picked up use this. Normal items shouldn't need it.
virtual bool SpecialDropAction (Actor dropper)
return false;
// AInventory :: NextInv
// Returns the next item with IF_INVBAR set.
clearscope Inventory NextInv () const
Inventory item = Inv;
while (item != NULL && !item.bInvBar)
item = item.Inv;
return item;
class DehackedPickup : Inventory
Inventory RealPickup;
bool droppedbymonster;
private native class<Inventory> DetermineType();
override bool TryPickup (in out Actor toucher)
let type = DetermineType ();
if (type == NULL)
return false;
RealPickup = Inventory(Spawn (type, Pos, NO_REPLACE));
if (RealPickup != NULL)
// The internally spawned item should never count towards statistics.
if (!bDropped)
RealPickup.bDropped = false;
// If this item has been dropped by a monster the
// amount of ammo this gives must be adjusted.
if (droppedbymonster)
if (!RealPickup.CallTryPickup (toucher))
RealPickup.Destroy ();
RealPickup = NULL;
return false;
GoAwayAndDie ();
return true;
return false;
override String PickupMessage ()
if (RealPickup != null)
return RealPickup.PickupMessage ();
else return "";
override bool ShouldStay ()
if (RealPickup != null)
return RealPickup.ShouldStay ();
else return true;
override bool ShouldRespawn ()
if (RealPickup != null)
return RealPickup.ShouldRespawn ();
else return false;
override void PlayPickupSound (Actor toucher)
if (RealPickup != null)
RealPickup.PlayPickupSound (toucher);
override void DoPickupSpecial (Actor toucher)
Super.DoPickupSpecial (toucher);
// If the real pickup hasn't joined the toucher's inventory, make sure it
// doesn't stick around.
if (RealPickup != null && RealPickup.Owner != toucher)
RealPickup.Destroy ();
RealPickup = null;
override void OnDestroy ()
if (RealPickup != null)
RealPickup.Destroy ();
RealPickup = null;
class FakeInventory : Inventory
bool Respawnable;
property respawns: Respawnable;
override bool ShouldRespawn ()
return Respawnable && Super.ShouldRespawn();
override bool TryPickup (in out Actor toucher)
let success = toucher.A_CallSpecial(special, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]);
if (success)
GoAwayAndDie ();
return true;
return false;
override void DoPickupSpecial (Actor toucher)
// The special was already executed by TryPickup, so do nothing here