Christoph Oelckers bd7476fb8d - untangled r_defs.h from actor.h
Both files can now be included independently without causing problems.
This also required moving some inline functions into separate files and splitting off the GC definitions from dobject.h to ensure that r_defs does not need to pull in any part of the object hierarchy.
2017-03-10 02:22:42 +01:00

446 lines
13 KiB

// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*-
// $Id:$
// Copyright (C) 1998-1996 by id Software, Inc.
// This source is available for distribution and/or modification
// only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as
// published by id Software. All rights reserved.
// The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// for more details.
// $Log:$
// Boom secnodes
#include "g_levellocals.h"
#include "r_state.h"
#include "p_maputl.h"
#include "p_blockmap.h"
#include "memarena.h"
#include "actor.h"
// phares 3/21/98
// Maintain a freelist of msecnode_t's to reduce memory allocs and frees.
msecnode_t *headsecnode = nullptr;
FMemArena secnodearena;
// P_GetSecnode
// Retrieve a node from the freelist. The calling routine
// should make sure it sets all fields properly.
msecnode_t *P_GetSecnode()
msecnode_t *node;
if (headsecnode)
node = headsecnode;
headsecnode = headsecnode->m_snext;
node = (msecnode_t *)secnodearena.Alloc(sizeof(*node));
return node;
// P_PutSecnode
// Returns a node to the freelist.
void P_PutSecnode(msecnode_t *node)
node->m_snext = headsecnode;
headsecnode = node;
// phares 3/16/98
// P_AddSecnode
// Searches the current list to see if this sector is
// already there. If not, it adds a sector node at the head of the list of
// sectors this object appears in. This is called when creating a list of
// nodes that will get linked in later. Returns a pointer to the new node.
template<class nodetype, class linktype>
nodetype *P_AddSecnode(linktype *s, AActor *thing, nodetype *nextnode, nodetype *&sec_thinglist)
nodetype *node;
if (s == 0)
I_FatalError("AddSecnode of 0 for %s\n", thing->GetClass()->TypeName.GetChars());
node = nextnode;
while (node)
if (node->m_sector == s) // Already have a node for this sector?
node->m_thing = thing; // Yes. Setting m_thing says 'keep it'.
return nextnode;
node = node->m_tnext;
// Couldn't find an existing node for this sector. Add one at the head
// of the list.
node = (nodetype*)P_GetSecnode();
// killough 4/4/98, 4/7/98: mark new nodes unvisited.
node->visited = 0;
node->m_sector = s; // sector
node->m_thing = thing; // mobj
node->m_tprev = nullptr; // prev node on Thing thread
node->m_tnext = nextnode; // next node on Thing thread
if (nextnode)
nextnode->m_tprev = node; // set back link on Thing
// Add new node at head of sector thread starting at s->touching_thinglist
node->m_sprev = nullptr; // prev node on sector thread
node->m_snext = sec_thinglist; // next node on sector thread
if (sec_thinglist)
node->m_snext->m_sprev = node;
sec_thinglist = node;
return node;
template msecnode_t *P_AddSecnode<msecnode_t, sector_t>(sector_t *s, AActor *thing, msecnode_t *nextnode, msecnode_t *&sec_thinglist);
template portnode_t *P_AddSecnode<portnode_t, FLinePortal>(FLinePortal *s, AActor *thing, portnode_t *nextnode, portnode_t *&sec_thinglist);
// P_DelSecnode
// Deletes a sector node from the list of
// sectors this object appears in. Returns a pointer to the next node
// on the linked list, or nullptr.
template<class nodetype, class linktype>
nodetype *P_DelSecnode(nodetype *node, nodetype *linktype::*listhead)
nodetype* tp; // prev node on thing thread
nodetype* tn; // next node on thing thread
nodetype* sp; // prev node on sector thread
nodetype* sn; // next node on sector thread
if (node)
// Unlink from the Thing thread. The Thing thread begins at
// sector_list and not from AActor->touching_sectorlist.
tp = node->m_tprev;
tn = node->m_tnext;
if (tp)
tp->m_tnext = tn;
if (tn)
tn->m_tprev = tp;
// Unlink from the sector thread. This thread begins at
// sector_t->touching_thinglist.
sp = node->m_sprev;
sn = node->m_snext;
if (sp)
sp->m_snext = sn;
node->m_sector->*listhead = sn;
if (sn)
sn->m_sprev = sp;
// Return this node to the freelist
return tn;
return nullptr;
} // phares 3/13/98
template msecnode_t *P_DelSecnode(msecnode_t *node, msecnode_t *sector_t::*listhead);
template portnode_t *P_DelSecnode(portnode_t *node, portnode_t *FLinePortal::*listhead);
// P_DelSeclist
// Delete an entire sector list
void P_DelSeclist(msecnode_t *node, msecnode_t *sector_t::*sechead)
while (node)
node = P_DelSecnode(node, sechead);
void P_DelSeclist(portnode_t *node, portnode_t *FLinePortal::*sechead)
while (node)
node = P_DelSecnode(node, sechead);
// phares 3/14/98
// P_CreateSecNodeList
// Alters/creates the sector_list that shows what sectors the object resides in
msecnode_t *P_CreateSecNodeList(AActor *thing, double radius, msecnode_t *sector_list, msecnode_t *sector_t::*seclisthead)
msecnode_t *node;
// First, clear out the existing m_thing fields. As each node is
// added or verified as needed, m_thing will be set properly. When
// finished, delete all nodes where m_thing is still nullptr. These
// represent the sectors the Thing has vacated.
node = sector_list;
while (node)
node->m_thing = nullptr;
node = node->m_tnext;
FBoundingBox box(thing->X(), thing->Y(), radius);
FBlockLinesIterator it(box);
line_t *ld;
while ((ld = it.Next()))
if (!box.inRange(ld) || box.BoxOnLineSide(ld) != -1)
// This line crosses through the object.
// Collect the sector(s) from the line and add to the
// sector_list you're examining. If the Thing ends up being
// allowed to move to this position, then the sector_list
// will be attached to the Thing's AActor at touching_sectorlist.
sector_list = P_AddSecnode(ld->frontsector, thing, sector_list, ld->frontsector->*seclisthead);
// Don't assume all lines are 2-sided, since some Things
// like MT_TFOG are allowed regardless of whether their radius takes
// them beyond an impassable linedef.
// killough 3/27/98, 4/4/98:
// Use sidedefs instead of 2s flag to determine two-sidedness.
if (ld->backsector)
sector_list = P_AddSecnode(ld->backsector, thing, sector_list, ld->backsector->*seclisthead);
// Add the sector of the (x,y) point to sector_list.
sector_list = P_AddSecnode(thing->Sector, thing, sector_list, thing->Sector->*seclisthead);
// Now delete any nodes that won't be used. These are the ones where
// m_thing is still nullptr.
node = sector_list;
while (node)
if (node->m_thing == nullptr)
if (node == sector_list)
sector_list = node->m_tnext;
node = P_DelSecnode(node, seclisthead);
node = node->m_tnext;
return sector_list;
// P_DelPortalnode
// Same for line portal nodes
portnode_t *P_DelPortalnode(portnode_t *node)
portnode_t* tp; // prev node on thing thread
portnode_t* tn; // next node on thing thread
portnode_t* sp; // prev node on sector thread
portnode_t* sn; // next node on sector thread
if (node)
// Unlink from the Thing thread. The Thing thread begins at
// sector_list and not from AActor->touching_sectorlist.
tp = node->m_tprev;
tn = node->m_tnext;
if (tp)
tp->m_tnext = tn;
if (tn)
tn->m_tprev = tp;
// Unlink from the sector thread. This thread begins at
// sector_t->touching_thinglist.
sp = node->m_sprev;
sn = node->m_snext;
if (sp)
sp->m_snext = sn;
node->m_sector->lineportal_thinglist = sn;
if (sn)
sn->m_sprev = sp;
// Return this node to the freelist (use the same one as for msecnodes, since both types are the same size.)
P_PutSecnode(reinterpret_cast<msecnode_t *>(node));
return tn;
return nullptr;
// P_AddPortalnode
portnode_t *P_AddPortalnode(FLinePortal *s, AActor *thing, portnode_t *nextnode)
portnode_t *node;
if (s == 0)
I_FatalError("AddSecnode of 0 for %s\n", thing->GetClass()->TypeName.GetChars());
node = reinterpret_cast<portnode_t*>(P_GetSecnode());
// killough 4/4/98, 4/7/98: mark new nodes unvisited.
node->visited = 0;
node->m_sector = s; // portal
node->m_thing = thing; // mobj
node->m_tprev = nullptr; // prev node on Thing thread
node->m_tnext = nextnode; // next node on Thing thread
if (nextnode)
nextnode->m_tprev = node; // set back link on Thing
// Add new node at head of portal thread starting at s->touching_thinglist
node->m_sprev = nullptr; // prev node on portal thread
node->m_snext = s->lineportal_thinglist; // next node on portal thread
if (s->lineportal_thinglist)
node->m_snext->m_sprev = node;
s->lineportal_thinglist = node;
return node;
// Handle the lists used to render actors from other portal areas
void AActor::UpdateRenderSectorList()
static const double SPRITE_SPACE = 64.;
if (Pos() != OldRenderPos && !(flags & MF_NOSECTOR))
// Only check if the map contains line portals
if (PortalBlockmap.containsLines && Pos().XY() != OldRenderPos.XY())
int bx = GetBlockX(X());
int by = GetBlockY(Y());
FBoundingBox bb(X(), Y(), MIN(radius*1.5, 128.)); // Don't go further than 128 map units, even for large actors
// Are there any portals near the actor's position?
if (bx >= 0 && by >= 0 && bx < bmapwidth && by < bmapheight && PortalBlockmap(bx, by).neighborContainsLines)
// Go through the entire list. In most cases this is faster than setting up a blockmap iterator
for (auto &p : linePortals)
if (p.mType == PORTT_VISUAL) continue;
if (bb.inRange(p.mOrigin) && bb.BoxOnLineSide(p.mOrigin))
touching_lineportallist = P_AddPortalnode(&p, this, touching_lineportallist);
sector_t *sec = Sector;
double lasth = -FLT_MAX;
while (!sec->PortalBlocksMovement(sector_t::ceiling))
double planeh = sec->GetPortalPlaneZ(sector_t::ceiling);
if (planeh <= lasth) break; // broken setup.
if (Top() + SPRITE_SPACE < planeh) break;
lasth = planeh;
DVector2 newpos = Pos() + sec->GetPortalDisplacement(sector_t::ceiling);
sec = P_PointInSector(newpos);
touching_sectorportallist = P_AddSecnode(sec, this, touching_sectorportallist, sec->sectorportal_thinglist);
sec = Sector;
lasth = FLT_MAX;
while (!sec->PortalBlocksMovement(sector_t::floor))
double planeh = sec->GetPortalPlaneZ(sector_t::floor);
if (planeh >= lasth) break; // broken setup.
if (Z() - SPRITE_SPACE > planeh) break;
lasth = planeh;
DVector2 newpos = Pos() + sec->GetPortalDisplacement(sector_t::floor);
sec = P_PointInSector(newpos);
touching_sectorportallist = P_AddSecnode(sec, this, touching_sectorportallist, sec->sectorportal_thinglist);
void AActor::ClearRenderSectorList()
P_DelSeclist(touching_sectorportallist, &sector_t::sectorportal_thinglist);
touching_sectorportallist = nullptr;
void AActor::ClearRenderLineList()
P_DelSeclist(touching_lineportallist, &FLinePortal::lineportal_thinglist);
touching_lineportallist = nullptr;