Christoph Oelckers fd3681dae2 - use an indexed vertex buffer to render the flats.
Right now this has no advantage but it allows optimizing the data, e.g. rendering an entire sector in one go instead of per subsector.
2018-05-19 13:33:28 +02:00

1534 lines
36 KiB

// Copyright 1993-1996 id Software
// Copyright 1994-1996 Raven Software
// Copyright 1998-1998 Chi Hoang, Lee Killough, Jim Flynn, Rand Phares, Ty Halderman
// Copyright 1999-2016 Randy Heit
// Copyright 2002-2016 Christoph Oelckers
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Refresh/rendering module, shared data struct definitions.
#ifndef __R_DEFS_H__
#define __R_DEFS_H__
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "templates.h"
#include "m_bbox.h"
#include "dobjgc.h"
// Some more or less basic data types
// we depend on.
#include "m_fixed.h"
// We rely on the thinker data struct
// to handle sound origins in sectors.
// SECTORS do store MObjs anyway.
struct FLightNode;
struct FGLSection;
class FSerializer;
struct FSectorPortalGroup;
struct FSectorPortal;
struct FLinePortal;
struct seg_t;
struct sector_t;
class AActor;
#define MAXWIDTH 12000
#define MAXHEIGHT 5000
const uint16_t NO_INDEX = 0xffffu;
const uint32_t NO_SIDE = 0xffffffffu;
// Silhouette, needed for clipping Segs (mainly)
// and sprites representing things.
struct FDisplacement;
// used by play and refresh
// Your plain vanilla vertex.
// Note: transformed values not buffered locally,
// like some DOOM-alikes ("wt", "WebView") did.
VERTEXFLAG_ZCeilingEnabled = 0x01,
VERTEXFLAG_ZFloorEnabled = 0x02
struct vertexdata_t
double zCeiling, zFloor;
uint32_t flags;
struct vertex_t
DVector2 p;
void set(fixed_t x, fixed_t y)
p.X = x / 65536.;
p.Y = y / 65536.;
void set(double x, double y)
p.X = x;
p.Y = y;
void set(const DVector2 &pos)
p = pos;
double fX() const
return p.X;
double fY() const
return p.Y;
fixed_t fixX() const
return FLOAT2FIXED(p.X);
fixed_t fixY() const
return FLOAT2FIXED(p.Y);
DVector2 fPos() const
return p;
int Index() const;
void RecalcVertexHeights();
angle_t viewangle; // precalculated angle for clipping
int angletime; // recalculation time for view angle
bool dirty; // something has changed and needs to be recalculated
int numheights;
int numsectors;
sector_t ** sectors;
float * heightlist;
p = { 0,0 };
angletime = 0;
viewangle = 0;
dirty = true;
numheights = numsectors = 0;
sectors = NULL;
heightlist = NULL;
if (sectors != nullptr) delete[] sectors;
if (heightlist != nullptr) delete[] heightlist;
bool operator== (const vertex_t &other)
return p == other.p;
bool operator!= (const vertex_t &other)
return p != other.p;
void clear()
angle_t GetClipAngle();
// Forward of LineDefs, for Sectors.
struct line_t;
class player_t;
class FScanner;
class FBitmap;
struct FCopyInfo;
class DInterpolation;
struct FUDMFKey
FName Key;
int Type;
int IntVal;
double FloatVal;
FString StringVal;
FUDMFKey& operator =(int val)
Type = UDMF_Int;
IntVal = val;
FloatVal = val;
StringVal = "";
return *this;
FUDMFKey& operator =(double val)
Type = UDMF_Float;
IntVal = int(val);
FloatVal = val;
StringVal = "";
return *this;
FUDMFKey& operator =(const FString &val)
Type = UDMF_String;
IntVal = (int)strtoll(val.GetChars(), NULL, 0);
FloatVal = strtod(val.GetChars(), NULL);
StringVal = val;
return *this;
class FUDMFKeys : public TArray<FUDMFKey>
bool mSorted = false;
void Sort();
FUDMFKey *Find(FName key);
// The SECTORS record, at runtime.
// Stores things/mobjs.
class DSectorEffect;
struct sector_t;
struct FRemapTable;
SECSPAC_Enter = 1, // Trigger when player enters
SECSPAC_Exit = 2, // Trigger when player exits
SECSPAC_HitFloor = 4, // Trigger when player hits floor
SECSPAC_HitCeiling = 8, // Trigger when player hits ceiling
SECSPAC_Use = 16, // Trigger when player uses
SECSPAC_UseWall = 32, // Trigger when player uses a wall
SECSPAC_EyesDive = 64, // Trigger when player eyes go below fake floor
SECSPAC_EyesSurface = 128, // Trigger when player eyes go above fake floor
SECSPAC_EyesBelowC = 256, // Trigger when player eyes go below fake ceiling
SECSPAC_EyesAboveC = 512, // Trigger when player eyes go above fake ceiling
SECSPAC_HitFakeFloor= 1024, // Trigger when player hits fake floor
struct secplane_t
// the plane is defined as a*x + b*y + c*z + d = 0
// ic is 1/c, for faster Z calculations
DVector3 normal;
double D, negiC; // negative iC because that also saves a negation in all methods using this.
friend FSerializer &Serialize(FSerializer &arc, const char *key, secplane_t &p, secplane_t *def);
void set(double aa, double bb, double cc, double dd)
normal.X = aa;
normal.Y = bb;
normal.Z = cc;
D = dd;
negiC = -1 / cc;
void setD(double dd)
D = dd;
double fC() const
return normal.Z;
double fD() const
return D;
bool isSlope() const
return !normal.XY().isZero();
DVector3 Normal() const
return normal;
// Returns < 0 : behind; == 0 : on; > 0 : in front
int PointOnSide(const DVector3 &pos) const
double v = (normal | pos) + D;
return v < -EQUAL_EPSILON ? -1 : v > EQUAL_EPSILON ? 1 : 0;
// Returns the value of z at (0,0) This is used by the 3D floor code which does not handle slopes
double Zat0() const
return negiC*D;
// Returns the value of z at (x,y)
fixed_t ZatPoint(fixed_t x, fixed_t y) const = delete; // it is not allowed to call this.
// Returns the value of z at (x,y) as a double
double ZatPoint (double x, double y) const
return (D + normal.X*x + normal.Y*y) * negiC;
double ZatPoint(const DVector2 &pos) const
return (D + normal.X*pos.X + normal.Y*pos.Y) * negiC;
double ZatPoint(const FVector2 &pos) const
return (D + normal.X*pos.X + normal.Y*pos.Y) * negiC;
double ZatPoint(const vertex_t *v) const
return (D + normal.X*v->fX() + normal.Y*v->fY()) * negiC;
// Returns the value of z at vertex v if d is equal to dist
double ZatPointDist(const vertex_t *v, double dist)
return (dist + normal.X*v->fX() + normal.Y*v->fY()) * negiC;
// Flips the plane's vertical orientiation, so that if it pointed up,
// it will point down, and vice versa.
void FlipVert ()
normal = -normal;
D = -D;
negiC = -negiC;
// Returns true if 2 planes are the same
bool operator== (const secplane_t &other) const
return normal == other.normal && D == other.D;
// Returns true if 2 planes are different
bool operator!= (const secplane_t &other) const
return normal != other.normal || D != other.D;
// Moves a plane up/down by hdiff units
void ChangeHeight(double hdiff)
D = D - hdiff * normal.Z;
// Moves a plane up/down by hdiff units
double GetChangedHeight(double hdiff) const
return D - hdiff * normal.Z;
// Returns how much this plane's height would change if d were set to oldd
double HeightDiff(double oldd) const
return (D - oldd) * negiC;
// Returns how much this plane's height would change if d were set to oldd
double HeightDiff(double oldd, double newd) const
return (newd - oldd) * negiC;
double PointToDist(const DVector2 &xy, double z) const
return -(normal.X * xy.X + normal.Y * xy.Y + normal.Z * z);
double PointToDist(const vertex_t *v, double z) const
return -(normal.X * v->fX() + normal.Y * v->fY() + normal.Z * z);
void SetAtHeight(double height, int ceiling)
normal.X = normal.Y = 0;
if (ceiling)
normal.Z = -1;
negiC = 1;
D = height;
normal.Z = 1;
negiC = -1;
D = -height;
bool CopyPlaneIfValid (secplane_t *dest, const secplane_t *opp) const;
inline double ZatPoint(const AActor *ac) const;
#include "p_3dfloors.h"
struct subsector_t;
struct sector_t;
struct side_t;
extern bool gl_plane_reflection_i;
// Ceiling/floor flags
PLANEF_ABSLIGHTING = 1, // floor/ceiling light is absolute, not relative
PLANEF_BLOCKED = 2, // can not be moved anymore.
PLANEF_ADDITIVE = 4, // rendered additive
// linked portal stuff
PLANEF_OBSTRUCTED = 128, // if the portal plane is beyond the sector's floor or ceiling.
PLANEF_LINKED = 256 // plane is flagged as a linked portal
// Internal sector flags
SECMF_FAKEFLOORONLY = 2, // when used as heightsec in R_FakeFlat, only copies floor
SECMF_CLIPFAKEPLANES = 4, // as a heightsec, clip planes to target sector's planes
SECMF_NOFAKELIGHT = 8, // heightsec does not change lighting
SECMF_IGNOREHEIGHTSEC = 16, // heightsec is only for triggering sector actions
SECMF_UNDERWATER = 32, // sector is underwater
SECMF_FORCEDUNDERWATER = 64, // sector is forced to be underwater
SECMF_DRAWN = 128, // sector has been drawn at least once
SECMF_HIDDEN = 256, // Do not draw on textured automap
SECMF_OVERLAPPING = 512, // floor and ceiling overlap and require special renderer action.
SECF_SILENT = 1, // actors in sector make no noise
SECF_NOFALLINGDAMAGE= 2, // No falling damage in this sector
SECF_FLOORDROP = 4, // all actors standing on this floor will remain on it when it lowers very fast.
SECF_NORESPAWN = 8, // players can not respawn in this sector
SECF_FRICTION = 16, // sector has friction enabled
SECF_PUSH = 32, // pushers enabled
SECF_SILENTMOVE = 64, // Sector movement makes mo sound (Eternity got this so this may be useful for an extended cross-port standard.)
SECF_DMGTERRAINFX = 128, // spawns terrain splash when inflicting damage
SECF_ENDGODMODE = 256, // getting damaged by this sector ends god mode
SECF_ENDLEVEL = 512, // ends level when health goes below 10
SECF_HAZARD = 1024, // Change to Strife's delayed damage handling.
SECF_NOATTACK = 2048, // monsters cannot start attacks in this sector.
SECF_WASSECRET = 1 << 30, // a secret that was discovered
SECF_SECRET = 1 << 31, // a secret sector
SECF_NOMODIFY = SECF_SECRET|SECF_WASSECRET, // not modifiable by Sector_ChangeFlags
SECF_SPECIALFLAGS = SECF_DAMAGEFLAGS|SECF_FRICTION|SECF_PUSH, // these flags originate from 'special and must be transferrable by floor thinkers
PL_SKYFLAT = 0x40000000
struct FDynamicColormap;
struct FLinkedSector
sector_t *Sector;
int Type;
// this substructure contains a few sector properties that are stored in dynamic arrays
// These must not be copied by R_FakeFlat etc. or bad things will happen.
struct extsector_t
// Boom sector transfer information
struct fakefloor
TArray<sector_t *> Sectors;
} FakeFloor;
// 3DMIDTEX information
struct midtex
struct plane
TArray<sector_t *> AttachedSectors; // all sectors containing 3dMidtex lines attached to this sector
TArray<line_t *> AttachedLines; // all 3dMidtex lines attached to this sector
} Floor, Ceiling;
} Midtex;
// Linked sector information
struct linked
struct plane
TArray<FLinkedSector> Sectors;
} Floor, Ceiling;
} Linked;
// 3D floors
struct xfloor
TDeletingArray<F3DFloor *> ffloors; // 3D floors in this sector
TArray<lightlist_t> lightlist; // 3D light list
TArray<sector_t*> attached; // 3D floors attached to this sector
} XFloor;
TArray<vertex_t *> vertices;
struct FTransform
// killough 3/7/98: floor and ceiling texture offsets
double xOffs, yOffs, baseyOffs;
// [RH] floor and ceiling texture scales
double xScale, yScale;
// [RH] floor and ceiling texture rotation
DAngle Angle, baseAngle;
finline bool operator == (const FTransform &other) const
return xOffs == other.xOffs && yOffs + baseyOffs == other.yOffs + other.baseyOffs &&
xScale == other.xScale && yScale == other.yScale && Angle + baseAngle == other.Angle + other.baseAngle;
finline bool operator != (const FTransform &other) const
return !(*this == other);
struct secspecial_t
FNameNoInit damagetype; // [RH] Means-of-death for applied damage
int damageamount; // [RH] Damage to do while standing on floor
short special;
short damageinterval; // Interval for damage application
short leakydamage; // chance of leaking through radiation suit
int Flags;
void Clear()
memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
FSerializer &Serialize(FSerializer &arc, const char *key, secspecial_t &spec, secspecial_t *def);
enum class EMoveResult { ok, crushed, pastdest };
struct sector_t
// Member functions
bool MoveAttached(int crush, double move, int floorOrCeiling, bool resetfailed, bool instant = false);
EMoveResult MoveFloor(double speed, double dest, int crush, int direction, bool hexencrush, bool instant = false);
EMoveResult MoveCeiling(double speed, double dest, int crush, int direction, bool hexencrush);
inline EMoveResult MoveFloor(double speed, double dest, int direction)
return MoveFloor(speed, dest, -1, direction, false);
inline EMoveResult MoveCeiling(double speed, double dest, int direction)
return MoveCeiling(speed, dest, -1, direction, false);
bool IsLinked(sector_t *other, bool ceiling) const;
double FindLowestFloorSurrounding(vertex_t **v) const;
double FindHighestFloorSurrounding(vertex_t **v) const;
double FindNextHighestFloor(vertex_t **v) const;
double FindNextLowestFloor(vertex_t **v) const;
double FindLowestCeilingSurrounding(vertex_t **v) const; // jff 2/04/98
double FindHighestCeilingSurrounding(vertex_t **v) const; // jff 2/04/98
double FindNextLowestCeiling(vertex_t **v) const; // jff 2/04/98
double FindNextHighestCeiling(vertex_t **v) const; // jff 2/04/98
double FindShortestTextureAround() const; // jff 2/04/98
double FindShortestUpperAround() const; // jff 2/04/98
sector_t *FindModelFloorSector(double floordestheight) const; // jff 2/04/98
sector_t *FindModelCeilingSector(double floordestheight) const; // jff 2/04/98
int FindMinSurroundingLight (int max) const;
sector_t *NextSpecialSector (int type, sector_t *prev) const; // [RH]
double FindLowestCeilingPoint(vertex_t **v) const;
double FindHighestFloorPoint(vertex_t **v) const;
void RemoveForceField();
int Index() const;
void AdjustFloorClip () const;
void SetColor(int r, int g, int b, int desat);
void SetFade(int r, int g, int b);
void SetFogDensity(int dens);
void SetSpecialColor(int num, int r, int g, int b);
void SetSpecialColor(int num, PalEntry rgb);
void ClosestPoint(const DVector2 &pos, DVector2 &out) const;
int GetFloorLight () const;
int GetCeilingLight () const;
sector_t *GetHeightSec() const
return (MoreFlags & SECMF_IGNOREHEIGHTSEC)? nullptr : heightsec;
double GetFriction(int plane = sector_t::floor, double *movefac = NULL) const;
bool TriggerSectorActions(AActor *thing, int activation);
DInterpolation *SetInterpolation(int position, bool attach);
FSectorPortal *ValidatePortal(int which);
void CheckPortalPlane(int plane);
int CheckSpriteGlow(int lightlevel, const DVector3 &pos);
bool GetWallGlow(float *topglowcolor, float *bottomglowcolor);
// only used for specialcolors array
struct splane
FTransform xform;
int Flags;
int Light;
double alpha;
double TexZ;
PalEntry GlowColor;
float GlowHeight;
FTextureID Texture;
splane planes[2];
void SetXOffset(int pos, double o)
planes[pos].xform.xOffs = o;
void AddXOffset(int pos, double o)
planes[pos].xform.xOffs += o;
double GetXOffset(int pos) const
return planes[pos].xform.xOffs;
void SetYOffset(int pos, double o)
planes[pos].xform.yOffs = o;
void AddYOffset(int pos, double o)
planes[pos].xform.yOffs += o;
double GetYOffset(int pos, bool addbase = true) const
if (!addbase)
return planes[pos].xform.yOffs;
return planes[pos].xform.yOffs + planes[pos].xform.baseyOffs;
void SetXScale(int pos, double o)
planes[pos].xform.xScale = o;
double GetXScale(int pos) const
return planes[pos].xform.xScale;
void SetYScale(int pos, double o)
planes[pos].xform.yScale = o;
double GetYScale(int pos) const
return planes[pos].xform.yScale;
void SetAngle(int pos, DAngle o)
planes[pos].xform.Angle = o;
DAngle GetAngle(int pos, bool addbase = true) const
if (!addbase)
return planes[pos].xform.Angle;
return planes[pos].xform.Angle + planes[pos].xform.baseAngle;
void SetBase(int pos, double y, DAngle o)
planes[pos].xform.baseyOffs = y;
planes[pos].xform.baseAngle = o;
void SetAlpha(int pos, double o)
planes[pos].alpha = o;
double GetAlpha(int pos) const
return planes[pos].alpha;
int GetFlags(int pos) const
return planes[pos].Flags;
// like the previous one but masks out all flags which are not relevant for rendering.
int GetVisFlags(int pos) const
void ChangeFlags(int pos, int And, int Or)
planes[pos].Flags &= ~And;
planes[pos].Flags |= Or;
int GetPlaneLight(int pos) const
return planes[pos].Light;
void SetPlaneLight(int pos, int level)
planes[pos].Light = level;
double GetGlowHeight(int pos)
return planes[pos].GlowHeight;
PalEntry GetGlowColor(int pos)
return planes[pos].GlowColor;
void SetGlowHeight(int pos, float height)
planes[pos].GlowHeight = height;
void SetGlowColor(int pos, PalEntry color)
planes[pos].GlowColor = color;
FTextureID GetTexture(int pos) const
return planes[pos].Texture;
void SetTexture(int pos, FTextureID tex, bool floorclip = true)
FTextureID old = planes[pos].Texture;
planes[pos].Texture = tex;
if (floorclip && pos == floor && tex != old) AdjustFloorClip();
double GetPlaneTexZ(int pos) const
return planes[pos].TexZ;
void SetPlaneTexZQuick(int pos, double val) // For the *FakeFlat functions which do not need to have the overlap checked.
planes[pos].TexZ = val;
void SetPlaneTexZ(int pos, double val, bool dirtify = false) // This mainly gets used by init code. The only place where it must set the vertex to dirty is the interpolation code.
planes[pos].TexZ = val;
if (dirtify) SetAllVerticesDirty();
void ChangePlaneTexZ(int pos, double val)
planes[pos].TexZ += val;
static inline short ClampLight(int level)
return (short)clamp(level, SHRT_MIN, SHRT_MAX);
void ChangeLightLevel(int newval)
lightlevel = ClampLight(lightlevel + newval);
void SetLightLevel(int newval)
lightlevel = ClampLight(newval);
int GetLightLevel() const
return lightlevel;
secplane_t &GetSecPlane(int pos)
return pos == floor? floorplane:ceilingplane;
bool isSecret() const
return !!(Flags & SECF_SECRET);
bool wasSecret() const
return !!(Flags & SECF_WASSECRET);
void ClearSecret()
Flags &= ~SECF_SECRET;
void ClearSpecial()
// clears all variables that originate from 'special'. Used for sector type transferring thinkers
special = 0;
damageamount = 0;
damageinterval = 0;
damagetype = NAME_None;
leakydamage = 0;
inline bool PortalBlocksView(int plane);
inline bool PortalBlocksSight(int plane);
inline bool PortalBlocksMovement(int plane);
inline bool PortalBlocksSound(int plane);
inline bool PortalIsLinked(int plane);
void ClearPortal(int plane)
Portals[plane] = 0;
portals[plane] = nullptr;
FSectorPortal *GetPortal(int plane);
double GetPortalPlaneZ(int plane);
DVector2 GetPortalDisplacement(int plane);
int GetPortalType(int plane);
int GetOppositePortalGroup(int plane);
void CheckOverlap();
void SetVerticesDirty()
for (unsigned i = 0; i < e->vertices.Size(); i++) e->vertices[i]->dirty = true;
void SetAllVerticesDirty()
for (unsigned i = 0; i < e->FakeFloor.Sectors.Size(); i++) e->FakeFloor.Sectors[i]->SetVerticesDirty();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < e->XFloor.attached.Size(); i++) e->XFloor.attached[i]->SetVerticesDirty();
int GetTerrain(int pos) const;
void TransferSpecial(sector_t *model);
void GetSpecial(secspecial_t *spec);
void SetSpecial(const secspecial_t *spec);
bool PlaneMoving(int pos);
// Portal-aware height calculation
double HighestCeilingAt(const DVector2 &a, sector_t **resultsec = NULL);
double LowestFloorAt(const DVector2 &a, sector_t **resultsec = NULL);
inline double HighestCeilingAt(AActor *a, sector_t **resultsec = NULL);
inline double LowestFloorAt(AActor *a, sector_t **resultsec = NULL);
bool isClosed() const
return floorplane.Normal() == -ceilingplane.Normal() && floorplane.D == -ceilingplane.D;
double NextHighestCeilingAt(double x, double y, double bottomz, double topz, int flags = 0, sector_t **resultsec = NULL, F3DFloor **resultffloor = NULL);
double NextLowestFloorAt(double x, double y, double z, int flags = 0, double steph = 0, sector_t **resultsec = NULL, F3DFloor **resultffloor = NULL);
// Member variables
double CenterFloor() const { return floorplane.ZatPoint(centerspot); }
double CenterCeiling() const { return ceilingplane.ZatPoint(centerspot); }
void CopyColors(sector_t *other)
memcpy(SpecialColors, other->SpecialColors, sizeof(SpecialColors));
Colormap = other->Colormap;
// [RH] store floor and ceiling planes instead of heights
secplane_t floorplane, ceilingplane;
// [RH] give floor and ceiling even more properties
PalEntry SpecialColors[5];
FColormap Colormap;
TObjPtr<AActor*> SoundTarget;
short special;
short lightlevel;
short seqType; // this sector's sound sequence
int sky;
FNameNoInit SeqName; // Sound sequence name. Setting seqType non-negative will override this.
DVector2 centerspot; // origin for any sounds played by the sector
int validcount; // if == validcount, already checked
AActor* thinglist; // list of mobjs in sector
// killough 8/28/98: friction is a sector property, not an mobj property.
// these fields used to be in AActor, but presented performance problems
// when processed as mobj properties. Fix is to make them sector properties.
double friction, movefactor;
int terrainnum[2];
// thinker_t for reversable actions
TObjPtr<DSectorEffect*> floordata; // jff 2/22/98 make thinkers on
TObjPtr<DSectorEffect*> ceilingdata; // floors, ceilings, lighting,
TObjPtr<DSectorEffect*> lightingdata; // independent of one another
TObjPtr<DInterpolation*> interpolations[4];
int prevsec; // -1 or number of sector for previous step
int nextsec; // -1 or number of next step sector
uint8_t soundtraversed; // 0 = untraversed, 1,2 = sndlines -1
// jff 2/26/98 lockout machinery for stairbuilding
int8_t stairlock; // -2 on first locked -1 after thinker done 0 normally
TStaticPointedArray<line_t *> Lines;
// killough 3/7/98: support flat heights drawn at another sector's heights
sector_t *heightsec; // other sector, or NULL if no other sector
FLightNode * lighthead;
uint32_t bottommap, midmap, topmap; // killough 4/4/98: dynamic colormaps
// [RH] these can also be blend values if
// the alpha mask is non-zero
// list of mobjs that are at least partially in the sector
// thinglist is a subset of touching_thinglist
struct msecnode_t *touching_thinglist; // phares 3/14/98
struct msecnode_t *sectorportal_thinglist; // for cross-portal rendering.
struct msecnode_t *touching_renderthings; // this is used to allow wide things to be rendered not only from their main sector.
double gravity; // [RH] Sector gravity (1.0 is normal)
FNameNoInit damagetype; // [RH] Means-of-death for applied damage
int damageamount; // [RH] Damage to do while standing on floor
short damageinterval; // Interval for damage application
short leakydamage; // chance of leaking through radiation suit
uint16_t ZoneNumber; // [RH] Zone this sector belongs to
uint16_t MoreFlags; // [RH] Internal sector flags
uint32_t Flags; // Sector flags
// [RH] Action specials for sectors. Like Skull Tag, but more
// flexible in a Bloody way. SecActTarget forms a list of actors
// joined by their tracer fields. When a potential sector action
// occurs, SecActTarget's TriggerAction method is called.
TObjPtr<AActor*> SecActTarget;
// [RH] The portal or skybox to render for this sector.
unsigned Portals[2];
int PortalGroup;
int sectornum; // for comparing sector copies
extsector_t * e; // This stores data that requires construction/destruction. Such data must not be copied by R_FakeFlat.
// GL only stuff starts here
float reflect[2];
bool transdoor; // For transparent door hacks
int subsectorcount; // list of subsectors
double transdoorheight; // for transparent door hacks
subsector_t ** subsectors;
FSectorPortalGroup * portals[2]; // floor and ceiling portals
vbo_fakefloor = floor+2,
vbo_fakeceiling = ceiling+2,
int vboindex[4]; // VBO/IBO indices of the 4 planes this sector uses during rendering
double vboheight[2]; // Last calculated height for the 2 planes of this actual sector
int vbocount[2]; // Total count of vertices belonging to this sector's planes. This is used when a sector height changes and also contains all attached planes.
int ibocount; // number of indices per plane (identical for all planes.) If this is -1 the index buffer is not in use.
float GetReflect(int pos) { return gl_plane_reflection_i? reflect[pos] : 0; }
bool VBOHeightcheck(int pos) const { return vboheight[pos] == GetPlaneTexZ(pos); }
FSectorPortalGroup *GetPortalGroup(int plane) { return portals[plane]; }
struct ReverbContainer;
struct zone_t
ReverbContainer *Environment;
// The SideDef.
class DBaseDecal;
WALLF_ABSLIGHTING = 1, // Light is absolute instead of relative
WALLF_NOAUTODECALS = 2, // Do not attach impact decals to this wall
WALLF_NOFAKECONTRAST = 4, // Don't do fake contrast for this wall in side_t::GetLightLevel
WALLF_SMOOTHLIGHTING = 8, // Similar to autocontrast but applies to all angles.
WALLF_CLIP_MIDTEX = 16, // Like the line counterpart, but only for this side.
WALLF_WRAP_MIDTEX = 32, // Like the line counterpart, but only for this side.
WALLF_POLYOBJ = 64, // This wall belongs to a polyobject.
WALLF_LIGHT_FOG = 128, // This wall's Light is used even in fog.
struct side_t
enum ETexpart
struct part
double xOffset;
double yOffset;
double xScale;
double yScale;
TObjPtr<DInterpolation*> interpolation;
FTextureID texture;
void InitFrom(const part &other)
if (texture.isNull()) texture = other.texture;
if (0.0 == xOffset) xOffset = other.xOffset;
if (0.0 == yOffset) yOffset = other.yOffset;
if (1.0 == xScale && 0.0 != other.xScale) xScale = other.xScale;
if (1.0 == yScale && 0.0 != other.yScale) yScale = other.yScale;
sector_t* sector; // Sector the SideDef is facing.
DBaseDecal* AttachedDecals; // [RH] Decals bound to the wall
part textures[3];
line_t *linedef;
uint32_t LeftSide, RightSide; // [RH] Group walls into loops
uint16_t TexelLength;
int16_t Light;
uint8_t Flags;
int UDMFIndex; // needed to access custom UDMF fields which are stored in loading order.
FLightNode * lighthead; // all dynamic lights that may affect this wall
int GetLightLevel (bool foggy, int baselight, bool is3dlight=false, int *pfakecontrast_usedbygzdoom=NULL) const;
void SetLight(int16_t l)
Light = l;
FTextureID GetTexture(int which) const
return textures[which].texture;
void SetTexture(int which, FTextureID tex)
textures[which].texture = tex;
void SetTextureXOffset(int which, double offset)
textures[which].xOffset = offset;;
void SetTextureXOffset(double offset)
textures[top].xOffset =
textures[mid].xOffset =
textures[bottom].xOffset = offset;
double GetTextureXOffset(int which) const
return textures[which].xOffset;
void AddTextureXOffset(int which, double delta)
textures[which].xOffset += delta;
void SetTextureYOffset(int which, double offset)
textures[which].yOffset = offset;
void SetTextureYOffset(double offset)
textures[top].yOffset =
textures[mid].yOffset =
textures[bottom].yOffset = offset;
double GetTextureYOffset(int which) const
return textures[which].yOffset;
void AddTextureYOffset(int which, double delta)
textures[which].yOffset += delta;
void SetTextureXScale(int which, double scale)
textures[which].xScale = scale == 0 ? 1. : scale;
void SetTextureXScale(double scale)
textures[top].xScale = textures[mid].xScale = textures[bottom].xScale = scale == 0 ? 1. : scale;
double GetTextureXScale(int which) const
return textures[which].xScale;
void MultiplyTextureXScale(int which, double delta)
textures[which].xScale *= delta;
void SetTextureYScale(int which, double scale)
textures[which].yScale = scale == 0 ? 1. : scale;
void SetTextureYScale(double scale)
textures[top].yScale = textures[mid].yScale = textures[bottom].yScale = scale == 0 ? 1. : scale;
double GetTextureYScale(int which) const
return textures[which].yScale;
void MultiplyTextureYScale(int which, double delta)
textures[which].yScale *= delta;
DInterpolation *SetInterpolation(int position);
void StopInterpolation(int position);
vertex_t *V1() const;
vertex_t *V2() const;
int Index() const;
//For GL
seg_t **segs; // all segs belonging to this sidedef in ascending order. Used for precise rendering
int numsegs;
struct line_t
vertex_t *v1, *v2; // vertices, from v1 to v2
DVector2 delta; // precalculated v2 - v1 for side checking
uint32_t flags;
uint32_t activation; // activation type
int special;
int args[5]; // <--- hexen-style arguments (expanded to ZDoom's full width)
double alpha; // <--- translucency (0=invisibile, FRACUNIT=opaque)
side_t *sidedef[2];
double bbox[4]; // bounding box, for the extent of the LineDef.
sector_t *frontsector, *backsector;
int validcount; // if == validcount, already checked
int locknumber; // [Dusk] lock number for special
unsigned portalindex;
unsigned portaltransferred;
DVector2 Delta() const
return delta;
void setDelta(double x, double y)
delta = { x, y };
void setAlpha(double a)
alpha = a;
FSectorPortal *GetTransferredPortal();
inline FLinePortal *getPortal() const;
inline bool isLinePortal() const;
inline bool isVisualPortal() const;
inline line_t *getPortalDestination() const;
inline int getPortalAlignment() const;
int Index() const;
inline vertex_t *side_t::V1() const
return this == linedef->sidedef[0] ? linedef->v1 : linedef->v2;
inline vertex_t *side_t::V2() const
return this == linedef->sidedef[0] ? linedef->v2 : linedef->v1;
// phares 3/14/98
// Sector list node showing all sectors an object appears in.
// There are two threads that flow through these nodes. The first thread
// starts at touching_thinglist in a sector_t and flows through the m_snext
// links to find all mobjs that are entirely or partially in the sector.
// The second thread starts at touching_sectorlist in a AActor and flows
// through the m_tnext links to find all sectors a thing touches. This is
// useful when applying friction or push effects to sectors. These effects
// can be done as thinkers that act upon all objects touching their sectors.
// As an mobj moves through the world, these nodes are created and
// destroyed, with the links changed appropriately.
// For the links, NULL means top or end of list.
struct msecnode_t
sector_t *m_sector; // a sector containing this object
AActor *m_thing; // this object
struct msecnode_t *m_tprev; // prev msecnode_t for this thing
struct msecnode_t *m_tnext; // next msecnode_t for this thing
struct msecnode_t *m_sprev; // prev msecnode_t for this sector
struct msecnode_t *m_snext; // next msecnode_t for this sector
bool visited; // killough 4/4/98, 4/7/98: used in search algorithms
// use the same memory layout as msecnode_t so both can be used from the same freelist.
struct portnode_t
FLinePortal *m_sector; // a portal containing this object (no, this isn't a sector, but if we want to use templates it needs the same variable names as msecnode_t.)
AActor *m_thing; // this object
struct portnode_t *m_tprev; // prev msecnode_t for this thing
struct portnode_t *m_tnext; // next msecnode_t for this thing
struct portnode_t *m_sprev; // prev msecnode_t for this portal
struct portnode_t *m_snext; // next msecnode_t for this portal
bool visited;
struct FPolyNode;
struct FMiniBSP;
// The LineSeg.
struct seg_t
vertex_t* v1;
vertex_t* v2;
side_t* sidedef;
line_t* linedef;
// Sector references. Could be retrieved from linedef, too.
sector_t* frontsector;
sector_t* backsector; // NULL for one-sided lines
seg_t* PartnerSeg;
subsector_t* Subsector;
float sidefrac; // relative position of seg's ending vertex on owning sidedef
int Index() const;
//extern seg_t *segs;
// A SubSector.
// References a Sector.
// Basically, this is a list of LineSegs indicating the visible walls that
// define (all or some) sides of a convex BSP leaf.
struct FPortalCoverage
uint32_t * subsectors;
int sscount;
void BuildPortalCoverage(FPortalCoverage *coverage, subsector_t *subsector, const DVector2 &displacement);
struct subsector_t
sector_t *sector;
FPolyNode *polys;
seg_t *firstline;
sector_t *render_sector;
uint32_t numlines;
uint16_t flags;
uint16_t sectorindex;
// subsector related GL data
FLightNode * lighthead; // Light nodes (blended and additive)
int validcount;
short mapsection;
char hacked; // 1: is part of a render hack
void BuildPolyBSP();
int Index() const;
// 2: has one-sided walls
FPortalCoverage portalcoverage[2];
// BSP node.
struct node_t
// Partition line.
fixed_t x;
fixed_t y;
fixed_t dx;
fixed_t dy;
float bbox[2][4]; // Bounding box for each child.
fixed_t nb_bbox[2][4]; // Used by nodebuilder.
float len;
void *children[2]; // If bit 0 is set, it's a subsector.
int intchildren[2]; // Used by nodebuilder.
int Index() const;
// An entire BSP tree.
struct FMiniBSP
bool bDirty;
TArray<node_t> Nodes;
TArray<seg_t> Segs;
TArray<subsector_t> Subsectors;
TArray<vertex_t> Verts;
typedef uint8_t lighttable_t; // This could be wider for >8 bit display.
// The playsim can use different nodes than the renderer so this is
// not the same as R_PointInSubsector
subsector_t *P_PointInSubsector(double x, double y);
inline sector_t *P_PointInSector(const DVector2 &pos)
return P_PointInSubsector(pos.X, pos.Y)->sector;
inline sector_t *P_PointInSector(double X, double Y)
return P_PointInSubsector(X, Y)->sector;
inline bool FBoundingBox::inRange(const line_t *ld) const
return Left() < ld->bbox[BOXRIGHT] &&
Right() > ld->bbox[BOXLEFT] &&
Top() > ld->bbox[BOXBOTTOM] &&
Bottom() < ld->bbox[BOXTOP];
inline void FColormap::CopyFrom3DLight(lightlist_t *light)
if (light->caster && (light->caster->flags&FF_FADEWALLS) && light->extra_colormap.FadeColor != 0)