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synced 2025-02-26 22:01:43 +00:00
- fixed: The shader code for handling special fixed colormaps did not use the color vertex attribute which was most evident with the 'shadow' render style on the spectre.
344 lines
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344 lines
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in vec4 pixelpos;
in vec2 glowdist;
in vec4 vTexCoord;
in vec4 vColor;
out vec4 FragColor;
layout(std430, binding = 1) buffer LightBufferSSO
vec4 lights[];
/*layout(std140)*/ uniform LightBufferUBO
vec4 lights[NUM_UBO_LIGHTS];
uniform sampler2D tex;
vec4 Process(vec4 color);
vec4 ProcessTexel();
vec4 ProcessLight(vec4 color);
// Desaturate a color
vec4 desaturate(vec4 texel)
if (uDesaturationFactor > 0.0)
float gray = (texel.r * 0.3 + texel.g * 0.56 + texel.b * 0.14);
return mix (texel, vec4(gray,gray,gray,texel.a), uDesaturationFactor);
return texel;
// This function is common for all (non-special-effect) fragment shaders
vec4 getTexel(vec2 st)
vec4 texel = texture2D(tex, st);
// Apply texture modes
switch (uTextureMode)
case 1: // TM_MASK
texel.rgb = vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0);
case 2: // TM_OPAQUE
texel.a = 1.0;
case 3: // TM_INVERSE
texel = vec4(1.0-texel.r, 1.0-texel.b, 1.0-texel.g, texel.a);
case 4: // TM_REDTOALPHA
texel = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, texel.r);
case 5: // TM_CLAMPY
if (st.t < 0.0 || st.t > 1.0)
texel.a = 0.0;
texel *= uObjectColor;
return desaturate(texel);
// Doom lighting equation ripped from EDGE.
// Big thanks to EDGE developers for making the only port
// that actually replicates software renderer's lighting in OpenGL.
// Float version.
// Basically replace int with float and divide all constants by 31.
float R_DoomLightingEquation(float light, float dist)
// Changing this constant gives results very similar to changing r_visibility.
// Default is 232, it seems to give exactly the same light bands as software renderer.
/* L in the range 0 to 63 */
float L = light * 63.0/31.0;
float min_L = clamp(36.0/31.0 - L, 0.0, 1.0);
// Fix objects getting totally black when close.
if (dist < 0.0001)
dist = 0.0001;
float scale = 1.0 / dist;
float index = (59.0/31.0 - L) - (scale * DOOMLIGHTFACTOR/31.0 - DOOMLIGHTFACTOR/31.0);
/* result is colormap index (0 bright .. 31 dark) */
return clamp(index, min_L, 1.0);
// Calculate light
// It is important to note that the light color is not desaturated
// due to ZDoom's implementation weirdness. Everything that's added
// on top of it, e.g. dynamic lights and glows are, though, because
// the objects emitting these lights are also.
// This is making this a bit more complicated than it needs to
// because we can't just desaturate the final fragment color.
vec4 getLightColor(float fogdist, float fogfactor)
vec4 color = vColor;
if (uLightLevel >= 0.0)
float newlightlevel = 1.0 - R_DoomLightingEquation(uLightLevel, gl_FragCoord.z);
color.rgb *= newlightlevel;
else if (uFogEnabled > 0.0)
// brightening around the player for light mode 2
if (fogdist < uLightDist)
color.rgb *= uLightFactor - (fogdist / uLightDist) * (uLightFactor - 1.0);
// apply light diminishing through fog equation
color.rgb = mix(vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), color.rgb, fogfactor);
// handle glowing walls
if (uGlowTopColor.a > 0.0 && glowdist.x < uGlowTopColor.a)
color.rgb += desaturate(uGlowTopColor * (1.0 - glowdist.x / uGlowTopColor.a)).rgb;
if (uGlowBottomColor.a > 0.0 && glowdist.y < uGlowBottomColor.a)
color.rgb += desaturate(uGlowBottomColor * (1.0 - glowdist.y / uGlowBottomColor.a)).rgb;
color = min(color, 1.0);
// apply brightmaps (or other light manipulation by custom shaders.
color = ProcessLight(color);
// apply dynamic lights (except additive)
vec4 dynlight = uDynLightColor;
if (uLightIndex >= 0)
ivec4 lightRange = ivec4(lights[uLightIndex]) + ivec4(uLightIndex + 1);
if (lightRange.z > lightRange.x)
// modulated lights
for(int i=lightRange.x; i<lightRange.y; i+=2)
vec4 lightpos = lights[i];
vec4 lightcolor = lights[i+1];
lightcolor.rgb *= max(lightpos.w - distance(pixelpos.xyz, lightpos.xyz),0.0) / lightpos.w;
dynlight.rgb += lightcolor.rgb;
// subtractive lights
for(int i=lightRange.y; i<lightRange.z; i+=2)
vec4 lightpos = lights[i];
vec4 lightcolor = lights[i+1];
lightcolor.rgb *= max(lightpos.w - distance(pixelpos.xyz, lightpos.xyz),0.0) / lightpos.w;
dynlight.rgb -= lightcolor.rgb;
color.rgb = clamp(color.rgb + desaturate(dynlight).rgb, 0.0, 1.4);
// prevent any unintentional messing around with the alpha.
return vec4(color.rgb, vColor.a);
// Applies colored fog
vec4 applyFog(vec4 frag, float fogfactor)
return vec4(mix(uFogColor.rgb, frag.rgb, fogfactor), frag.a);
// Main shader routine
void main()
vec4 frag = ProcessTexel();
if (frag.a <= uAlphaThreshold) discard;
switch (uFixedColormap)
case 0:
float fogdist = 0.0;
float fogfactor = 0.0;
// calculate fog factor
if (uFogEnabled != 0)
if (uFogEnabled == 1 || uFogEnabled == -1)
fogdist = pixelpos.w;
fogdist = max(16.0, distance(pixelpos.xyz, uCameraPos.xyz));
fogfactor = exp2 (uFogDensity * fogdist);
frag *= getLightColor(fogdist, fogfactor);
if (uLightIndex >= 0)
ivec4 lightRange = ivec4(lights[uLightIndex]) + ivec4(uLightIndex + 1);
if (lightRange.w > lightRange.z)
vec4 addlight = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
// additive lights - these can be done after the alpha test.
for(int i=lightRange.z; i<lightRange.w; i+=2)
vec4 lightpos = lights[i];
vec4 lightcolor = lights[i+1];
lightcolor.rgb *= max(lightpos.w - distance(pixelpos.xyz, lightpos.xyz),0.0) / lightpos.w;
addlight.rgb += lightcolor.rgb;
frag.rgb = clamp(frag.rgb + desaturate(addlight).rgb, 0.0, 1.0);
// colored fog
if (uFogEnabled < 0)
frag = applyFog(frag, fogfactor);
case 1:
float gray = (frag.r * 0.3 + frag.g * 0.56 + frag.b * 0.14);
vec4 cm = uFixedColormapStart + gray * uFixedColormapRange;
frag = vec4(clamp(cm.rgb, 0.0, 1.0), frag.a*vColor.a);
case 2:
frag = vColor * frag * uFixedColormapStart;
case 3:
float fogdist;
float fogfactor;
// calculate fog factor
if (uFogEnabled == -1)
fogdist = pixelpos.w;
fogdist = max(16.0, distance(pixelpos.xyz, uCameraPos.xyz));
fogfactor = exp2 (uFogDensity * fogdist);
frag = vec4(uFogColor.rgb, (1.0 - fogfactor) * frag.a * 0.75 * vColor.a);
FragColor = frag;