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synced 2025-03-27 05:01:24 +00:00
- disallow bool as a return value for direct native calls because it only sets the lowest 8 bits of the return register. - changed return type for several functions from bool to int where the return type was the only thing blocking use as direct native call.
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// Copyright 1993-1996 id Software
// Copyright 1999-2016 Randy Heit
// Copyright 2002-2016 Christoph Oelckers
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// The not so system specific sound interface.
#ifndef __S_SOUND__
#define __S_SOUND__
#include "doomtype.h"
#include "i_soundinternal.h"
class AActor;
class FScanner;
class FSerializer;
// SoundFX struct.
struct sfxinfo_t
// Next field is for use by the system sound interface.
// A non-null data means the sound has been loaded.
SoundHandle data;
// Also for the sound interface. Used for 3D positional
// sounds, may be the same as data.
SoundHandle data3d;
FString name; // [RH] Sound name defined in SNDINFO
int lumpnum; // lump number of sfx
unsigned int next, index; // [RH] For hashing
float Volume;
uint8_t PitchMask;
int16_t NearLimit; // 0 means unlimited
float LimitRange; // Range for sound limiting (squared for faster computations)
unsigned bRandomHeader:1;
unsigned bPlayerReserve:1;
unsigned bLoadRAW:1;
unsigned bPlayerCompat:1;
unsigned b16bit:1;
unsigned bUsed:1;
unsigned bSingular:1;
unsigned bTentative:1;
unsigned bPlayerSilent:1; // This player sound is intentionally silent.
int RawRate; // Sample rate to use when bLoadRAW is true
int LoopStart; // -1 means no specific loop defined
unsigned int link;
enum { NO_LINK = 0xffffffff };
FRolloffInfo Rolloff;
float Attenuation; // Multiplies the attenuation passed to S_Sound.
void MarkUsed(); // Marks this sound as used.
// Rolloff types
ROLLOFF_Doom, // Linear rolloff with a logarithmic volume scale
ROLLOFF_Linear, // Linear rolloff with a linear volume scale
ROLLOFF_Log, // Logarithmic rolloff (standard hardware type)
ROLLOFF_Custom // Lookup volume from SNDCURVE
int S_FindSound (const char *logicalname);
// the complete set of sound effects
extern TArray<sfxinfo_t> S_sfx;
// An index into the S_sfx[] array.
class FSoundID
ID = 0;
FSoundID(int id)
ID = id;
FSoundID(const char *name)
ID = S_FindSound(name);
FSoundID(const FString &name)
ID = S_FindSound(name.GetChars());
FSoundID(const FSoundID &other) = default;
FSoundID &operator=(const FSoundID &other) = default;
FSoundID &operator=(const char *name)
ID = S_FindSound(name);
return *this;
FSoundID &operator=(const FString &name)
ID = S_FindSound(name.GetChars());
return *this;
bool operator !=(FSoundID other) const
return ID != other.ID;
bool operator !=(int other) const
return ID != other;
operator int() const
return ID;
operator FString() const
return ID ? S_sfx[ID].name : "";
operator const char *() const
return ID ? S_sfx[ID].name.GetChars() : NULL;
void MarkUsed() const
int ID;
enum EDummy { NoInit };
FSoundID(EDummy) {}
class FSoundIDNoInit : public FSoundID
FSoundIDNoInit() : FSoundID(NoInit) {}
using FSoundID::operator=;
extern FRolloffInfo S_Rolloff;
extern TArray<uint8_t> S_SoundCurve;
// Information about one playing sound.
struct sector_t;
struct FPolyObj;
struct FSoundChan : public FISoundChannel
FSoundChan *NextChan; // Next channel in this list.
FSoundChan **PrevChan; // Previous channel in this list.
FSoundID SoundID; // Sound ID of playing sound.
FSoundID OrgID; // Sound ID of sound used to start this channel.
float Volume;
int ChanFlags;
int16_t Pitch; // Pitch variation.
uint8_t EntChannel; // Actor's sound channel.
int8_t Priority;
int16_t NearLimit;
uint8_t SourceType;
float LimitRange;
AActor *Actor; // Used for position and velocity.
const sector_t *Sector; // Sector for area sounds.
const FPolyObj *Poly; // Polyobject sound source.
float Point[3]; // Sound is not attached to any source.
extern FSoundChan *Channels;
void S_ReturnChannel(FSoundChan *chan);
void S_EvictAllChannels();
void S_StopChannel(FSoundChan *chan);
void S_LinkChannel(FSoundChan *chan, FSoundChan **head);
void S_UnlinkChannel(FSoundChan *chan);
// Initializes sound stuff, including volume
// Sets channels, SFX and music volume,
// allocates channel buffer, sets S_sfx lookup.
void S_Init ();
void S_InitData ();
void S_Shutdown ();
// Per level startup code.
// Kills playing sounds at start of level and starts new music.
void S_Start ();
// Called after a level is loaded. Ensures that most sounds are loaded.
void S_PrecacheLevel ();
// Loads a sound, including any random sounds it might reference.
void S_CacheSound (sfxinfo_t *sfx);
// Start sound for thing at <ent>
void S_Sound (int channel, FSoundID sfxid, float volume, float attenuation);
void S_Sound (AActor *ent, int channel, FSoundID sfxid, float volume, float attenuation);
void S_SoundMinMaxDist (AActor *ent, int channel, FSoundID sfxid, float volume, float mindist, float maxdist);
void S_Sound (const FPolyObj *poly, int channel, FSoundID sfxid, float volume, float attenuation);
void S_Sound (const sector_t *sec, int channel, FSoundID sfxid, float volume, float attenuation);
void S_Sound(const DVector3 &pos, int channel, FSoundID sfxid, float volume, float attenuation);
// [Nash] Used by ACS and DECORATE
void S_PlaySound(AActor *a, int chan, FSoundID sid, float vol, float atten, bool local);
// sound channels
// channel 0 never willingly overrides
// other channels (1-7) always override a playing sound on that channel
// CHAN_AUTO searches down from channel 7 until it finds a channel not in use
// CHAN_WEAPON is for weapons
// CHAN_VOICE is for oof, sight, or other voice sounds
// CHAN_ITEM is for small things and item pickup
// CHAN_BODY is for generic body sounds
// CHAN_PICKUP can optionally be set as a local sound only for "compatibility"
#define CHAN_AUTO 0
#define CHAN_WEAPON 1
#define CHAN_VOICE 2
#define CHAN_ITEM 3
#define CHAN_BODY 4
// Channel alias for sector sounds. These define how listener height is
// used when calculating 3D sound volume.
#define CHAN_FLOOR 1 // Sound comes from the floor.
#define CHAN_CEILING 2 // Sound comes from the ceiling.
#define CHAN_FULLHEIGHT 3 // Sound comes entire height of the sector.
#define CHAN_INTERIOR 4 // Sound comes height between floor and ceiling.
// modifier flags
#define CHAN_UI 32 // Do not record sound in savegames.
#define CHAN_NOPAUSE 64 // Do not pause this sound in menus.
#define CHAN_AREA 128 // Sound plays from all around. Only valid with sector sounds.
#define CHAN_LOOP 256
#define CHAN_IS3D 1 // internal: Sound is 3D.
#define CHAN_EVICTED 2 // internal: Sound was evicted.
#define CHAN_FORGETTABLE 4 // internal: Forget channel data when sound stops.
#define CHAN_JUSTSTARTED 512 // internal: Sound has not been updated yet.
#define CHAN_ABSTIME 1024// internal: Start time is absolute and does not depend on current time.
#define CHAN_VIRTUAL 2048// internal: Channel is currently virtual
#define CHAN_NOSTOP 4096// only for A_PlaySound. Does not start if channel is playing something.
// sound attenuation values
#define ATTN_NONE 0.f // full volume the entire level
#define ATTN_NORM 1.f
#define ATTN_IDLE 1.001f
#define ATTN_STATIC 3.f // diminish very rapidly with distance
struct FSoundLoadBuffer;
int S_PickReplacement (int refid);
void S_CacheRandomSound (sfxinfo_t *sfx);
// Checks if a copy of this sound is already playing.
bool S_CheckSingular (int sound_id);
// Stops a sound emanating from one of an emitter's channels.
void S_StopSound (AActor *ent, int channel);
void S_StopSound (const sector_t *sec, int channel);
void S_StopSound (const FPolyObj *poly, int channel);
// Stops an origin-less sound from playing from this channel.
void S_StopSound (int channel);
// Stop sound for all channels
void S_StopAllChannels (void);
// Is the sound playing on one of the emitter's channels?
bool S_GetSoundPlayingInfo (const AActor *actor, int sound_id);
bool S_GetSoundPlayingInfo (const sector_t *sector, int sound_id);
bool S_GetSoundPlayingInfo (const FPolyObj *poly, int sound_id);
bool S_IsActorPlayingSomething (AActor *actor, int channel, int sound_id);
// Change a playing sound's volume
void S_ChangeSoundVolume(AActor *actor, int channel, double volume);
// Moves all sounds from one mobj to another
void S_RelinkSound (AActor *from, AActor *to);
// Stores/retrieves playing channel information in an archive.
void S_SerializeSounds(FSerializer &arc);
// Start music using <music_name>
bool S_StartMusic (const char *music_name);
// Start music using <music_name>, and set whether looping
bool S_ChangeMusic (const char *music_name, int order=0, bool looping=true, bool force=false);
// Start playing a cd track as music
bool S_ChangeCDMusic (int track, unsigned int id=0, bool looping=true);
void S_RestartMusic ();
void S_MIDIDeviceChanged();
int S_GetMusic (const char **name);
// Stops the music for sure.
void S_StopMusic (bool force);
// Stop and resume music, during game PAUSE.
void S_PauseSound (bool notmusic, bool notsfx);
void S_ResumeSound (bool notsfx);
void S_SetSoundPaused (int state);
// Updates music & sounds
void S_UpdateSounds (AActor *listener);
void S_RestoreEvictedChannels();
// [RH] S_sfx "maintenance" routines
void S_ParseSndInfo (bool redefine);
void S_ParseReverbDef ();
void S_UnloadReverbDef ();
void S_HashSounds ();
int S_FindSoundNoHash (const char *logicalname);
bool S_AreSoundsEquivalent (AActor *actor, int id1, int id2);
bool S_AreSoundsEquivalent (AActor *actor, const char *name1, const char *name2);
int S_LookupPlayerSound (const char *playerclass, int gender, const char *logicalname);
int S_LookupPlayerSound (const char *playerclass, int gender, FSoundID refid);
int S_FindSkinnedSound (AActor *actor, FSoundID refid);
int S_FindSkinnedSoundEx (AActor *actor, const char *logicalname, const char *extendedname);
int S_FindSoundByLump (int lump);
int S_AddSound (const char *logicalname, const char *lumpname, FScanner *sc=NULL); // Add sound by lumpname
int S_AddSoundLump (const char *logicalname, int lump); // Add sound by lump index
int S_AddPlayerSound (const char *playerclass, const int gender, int refid, const char *lumpname);
int S_AddPlayerSound (const char *playerclass, const int gender, int refid, int lumpnum, bool fromskin=false);
int S_AddPlayerSoundExisting (const char *playerclass, const int gender, int refid, int aliasto, bool fromskin=false);
void S_MarkPlayerSounds (const char *playerclass);
void S_ShrinkPlayerSoundLists ();
void S_UnloadSound (sfxinfo_t *sfx);
sfxinfo_t *S_LoadSound(sfxinfo_t *sfx, FSoundLoadBuffer *pBuffer = nullptr);
unsigned int S_GetMSLength(FSoundID sound);
void S_ParseMusInfo();
bool S_ParseTimeTag(const char *tag, bool *as_samples, unsigned int *time);
void A_PlaySound(AActor *self, int soundid, int channel, double volume, int looping, double attenuation, int local);
// [RH] Prints sound debug info to the screen.
// Modelled after Hexen's noise cheat.
void S_NoiseDebug ();
extern ReverbContainer *Environments;
extern ReverbContainer *DefaultEnvironments[26];
void S_SetEnvironment (const ReverbContainer *settings);
ReverbContainer *S_FindEnvironment (const char *name);
ReverbContainer *S_FindEnvironment (int id);
void S_AddEnvironment (ReverbContainer *settings);
struct MidiDeviceSetting
int device;
FString args;
device = MDEV_DEFAULT;
typedef TMap<FName, FName> MusicAliasMap;
typedef TMap<FName, MidiDeviceSetting> MidiDeviceMap;
extern MusicAliasMap MusicAliases;
extern MidiDeviceMap MidiDevices;