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synced 2025-03-02 07:33:29 +00:00
Needless to say, this is simply too volatile and would require constant active maintenance, not to mention a huge amount of work up front to get going. It also hid a nasty problem with the Destroy method. Due to the way the garbage collector works, Destroy cannot be exposed to scripts as-is. It may be called from scripts but it may not be overridden from scripts because the garbage collector can call this function after all data needed for calling a scripted override has already been destroyed because if that data is also being collected there is no guarantee that proper order of destruction is observed. So for now Destroy is just a normal native method to scripted classes
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458 lines
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// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*-
// $Id:$
// Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
// This source is available for distribution and/or modification
// only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as
// published by id Software. All rights reserved.
// The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// for more details.
// $Log:$
// Initializes and implements BOOM linedef triggers for
// Wind/Current
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "actor.h"
#include "p_spec.h"
#include "serializer.h"
#include "p_lnspec.h"
#include "c_cvars.h"
#include "p_maputl.h"
#include "p_local.h"
#include "d_player.h"
CVAR(Bool, var_pushers, true, CVAR_SERVERINFO);
// phares 3/20/98: added new model of Pushers for push/pull effects
class DPusher : public DThinker
DECLARE_CLASS (DPusher, DThinker)
enum EPusher
DPusher ();
DPusher (EPusher type, line_t *l, int magnitude, int angle, AActor *source, int affectee);
void Serialize(FSerializer &arc);
int CheckForSectorMatch (EPusher type, int tag);
void ChangeValues (int magnitude, int angle)
DAngle ang = angle * (360. / 256.);
m_PushVec = ang.ToVector(magnitude);
m_Magnitude = magnitude;
void Tick ();
EPusher m_Type;
TObjPtr<AActor> m_Source;// Point source if point pusher
DVector2 m_PushVec;
double m_Magnitude; // Vector strength for point pusher
double m_Radius; // Effective radius for point pusher
int m_Affectee; // Number of affected sector
friend bool PIT_PushThing (AActor *thing);
IMPLEMENT_CLASS(DPusher, false, true)
DPusher::DPusher ()
void DPusher::Serialize(FSerializer &arc)
Super::Serialize (arc);
arc.Enum("type", m_Type)
("source", m_Source)
("pushvec", m_PushVec)
("magnitude", m_Magnitude)
("radius", m_Radius)
("affectee", m_Affectee);
// phares 3/20/98: Start of push/pull effects
// This is where push/pull effects are applied to objects in the sectors.
// There are four kinds of push effects
// 1) Pushing Away
// Pushes you away from a point source defined by the location of an
// MT_PUSH Thing. The force decreases linearly with distance from the
// source. This force crosses sector boundaries and is felt w/in a circle
// whose center is at the MT_PUSH. The force is felt only if the point
// MT_PUSH can see the target object.
// 2) Pulling toward
// Same as Pushing Away except you're pulled toward an MT_PULL point
// source. This force crosses sector boundaries and is felt w/in a circle
// whose center is at the MT_PULL. The force is felt only if the point
// MT_PULL can see the target object.
// 3) Wind
// Pushes you in a constant direction. Full force above ground, half
// force on the ground, nothing if you're below it (water).
// 4) Current
// Pushes you in a constant direction. No force above ground, full
// force if on the ground or below it (water).
// The magnitude of the force is controlled by the length of a controlling
// linedef. The force vector for types 3 & 4 is determined by the angle
// of the linedef, and is constant.
// For each sector where these effects occur, the sector special type has
// to have the PUSH_MASK bit set. If this bit is turned off by a switch
// at run-time, the effect will not occur. The controlling sector for
// types 1 & 2 is the sector containing the MT_PUSH/MT_PULL Thing.
#define PUSH_FACTOR 128
// Add a push thinker to the thinker list
DPusher::DPusher (DPusher::EPusher type, line_t *l, int magnitude, int angle,
AActor *source, int affectee)
m_Source = source;
m_Type = type;
if (l)
m_PushVec = l->Delta();
m_Magnitude = m_PushVec.Length();
{ // [RH] Allow setting magnitude and angle with parameters
ChangeValues (magnitude, angle);
if (source) // point source exist?
m_Radius = m_Magnitude * 2; // where force goes to zero
m_Affectee = affectee;
int DPusher::CheckForSectorMatch (EPusher type, int tag)
if (m_Type == type && tagManager.SectorHasTag(m_Affectee, tag))
return m_Affectee;
return -1;
// T_Pusher looks for all objects that are inside the radius of
// the effect.
void DPusher::Tick ()
sector_t *sec;
AActor *thing;
msecnode_t *node;
double ht;
if (!var_pushers)
sec = sectors + m_Affectee;
// Be sure the special sector type is still turned on. If so, proceed.
// Else, bail out; the sector type has been changed on us.
if (!(sec->Flags & SECF_PUSH))
// For constant pushers (wind/current) there are 3 situations:
// 1) Affected Thing is above the floor.
// Apply the full force if wind, no force if current.
// 2) Affected Thing is on the ground.
// Apply half force if wind, full force if current.
// 3) Affected Thing is below the ground (underwater effect).
// Apply no force if wind, full force if current.
// Apply the effect to clipped players only for now.
// In Phase II, you can apply these effects to Things other than players.
// [RH] No Phase II, but it works with anything having MF2_WINDTHRUST now.
if (m_Type == p_push)
// Seek out all pushable things within the force radius of this
// point pusher. Crosses sectors, so use blockmap.
FPortalGroupArray check(FPortalGroupArray::PGA_NoSectorPortals); // no sector portals because this thing is utterly z-unaware.
FMultiBlockThingsIterator it(check, m_Source, m_Radius);
FMultiBlockThingsIterator::CheckResult cres;
while (it.Next(&cres))
AActor *thing = cres.thing;
// Normal ZDoom is based only on the WINDTHRUST flag, with the noclip cheat as an exemption.
bool pusharound = ((thing->flags2 & MF2_WINDTHRUST) && !(thing->flags & MF_NOCLIP));
// MBF allows any sentient or shootable thing to be affected, but players with a fly cheat aren't.
pusharound = ((pusharound || (thing->IsSentient()) || (thing->flags & MF_SHOOTABLE)) // Add categories here
&& (!(thing->player && (thing->flags & (MF_NOGRAVITY))))); // Exclude flying players here
if ((pusharound) )
DVector2 pos = m_Source->Vec2To(thing);
double dist = pos.Length();
double speed = (m_Magnitude - (dist/2)) / (PUSH_FACTOR * 2);
// If speed <= 0, you're outside the effective radius. You also have
// to be able to see the push/pull source point.
if ((speed > 0) && (P_CheckSight (thing, m_Source, SF_IGNOREVISIBILITY)))
DAngle pushangle = pos.Angle();
if (m_Source->GetClass()->TypeName == NAME_PointPuller) pushangle += 180;
thing->Thrust(pushangle, speed);
// constant pushers p_wind and p_current
node = sec->touching_thinglist; // things touching this sector
for ( ; node ; node = node->m_snext)
thing = node->m_thing;
if (!(thing->flags2 & MF2_WINDTHRUST) || (thing->flags & MF_NOCLIP))
sector_t *hsec = sec->GetHeightSec();
DVector3 pos = thing->PosRelative(sec);
DVector2 pushvel;
if (m_Type == p_wind)
if (hsec == NULL)
{ // NOT special water sector
if (thing->Z() > thing->floorz) // above ground
pushvel = m_PushVec; // full force
else // on ground
pushvel = m_PushVec / 2; // half force
else // special water sector
ht = hsec->floorplane.ZatPoint(pos);
if (thing->Z() > ht) // above ground
pushvel = m_PushVec; // full force
else if (thing->player->viewz < ht) // underwater
pushvel.Zero(); // no force
else // wading in water
pushvel = m_PushVec / 2; // full force
else // p_current
const secplane_t *floor;
if (hsec == NULL)
{ // NOT special water sector
floor = &sec->floorplane;
{ // special water sector
floor = &hsec->floorplane;
if (thing->Z() > floor->ZatPoint(pos))
{ // above ground
pushvel.Zero(); // no force
{ // on ground/underwater
pushvel = m_PushVec; // full force
thing->Vel += pushvel / PUSH_FACTOR;
// P_GetPushThing() returns a pointer to an MT_PUSH or MT_PULL thing,
// NULL otherwise.
AActor *P_GetPushThing (int s)
AActor* thing;
sector_t* sec;
sec = sectors + s;
thing = sec->thinglist;
while (thing &&
thing->GetClass()->TypeName != NAME_PointPusher &&
thing->GetClass()->TypeName != NAME_PointPuller)
thing = thing->snext;
return thing;
// Initialize the sectors where pushers are present
void P_SpawnPushers ()
int i;
line_t *l = lines;
int s;
for (i = 0; i < numlines; i++, l++)
switch (l->special)
case Sector_SetWind: // wind
FSectorTagIterator itr(l->args[0]);
while ((s = itr.Next()) >= 0)
new DPusher(DPusher::p_wind, l->args[3] ? l : NULL, l->args[1], l->args[2], NULL, s);
l->special = 0;
case Sector_SetCurrent: // current
FSectorTagIterator itr(l->args[0]);
while ((s = itr.Next()) >= 0)
new DPusher(DPusher::p_current, l->args[3] ? l : NULL, l->args[1], l->args[2], NULL, s);
l->special = 0;
case PointPush_SetForce: // push/pull
if (l->args[0]) { // [RH] Find thing by sector
FSectorTagIterator itr(l->args[0]);
while ((s = itr.Next()) >= 0)
AActor *thing = P_GetPushThing (s);
if (thing) { // No MT_P* means no effect
// [RH] Allow narrowing it down by tid
if (!l->args[1] || l->args[1] == thing->tid)
new DPusher (DPusher::p_push, l->args[3] ? l : NULL, l->args[2],
0, thing, s);
} else { // [RH] Find thing by tid
AActor *thing;
FActorIterator iterator (l->args[1]);
while ( (thing = iterator.Next ()) )
if (thing->GetClass()->TypeName == NAME_PointPusher ||
thing->GetClass()->TypeName == NAME_PointPuller)
new DPusher (DPusher::p_push, l->args[3] ? l : NULL, l->args[2],
0, thing, int(thing->Sector - sectors));
l->special = 0;
void AdjustPusher (int tag, int magnitude, int angle, bool wind)
DPusher::EPusher type = wind? DPusher::p_wind : DPusher::p_current;
// Find pushers already attached to the sector, and change their parameters.
TArray<FThinkerCollection> Collection;
TThinkerIterator<DPusher> iterator;
FThinkerCollection collect;
while ( (collect.Obj = iterator.Next ()) )
if ((collect.RefNum = ((DPusher *)collect.Obj)->CheckForSectorMatch (type, tag)) >= 0)
((DPusher *)collect.Obj)->ChangeValues (magnitude, angle);
Collection.Push (collect);
size_t numcollected = Collection.Size ();
int secnum;
// Now create pushers for any sectors that don't already have them.
FSectorTagIterator itr(tag);
while ((secnum = itr.Next()) >= 0)
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < numcollected; i++)
if (Collection[i].RefNum == sectors[secnum].sectornum)
if (i == numcollected)
new DPusher (type, NULL, magnitude, angle, NULL, secnum);