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Christoph Oelckers cf8447d19c -protected critical portal data from getting written to by user code.
This data is game critical and may only be altered by code that knows what is allowed and what not. It must never be altered by any user code ever.
However, since the SkyViewpoint actors need to set up some relations between themselves and the default sky portals the previously purely internal 'internal' flag has been exported as a new keyword.
2018-04-15 12:13:02 +02:00

487 lines
16 KiB

struct SectorPortal native play
enum EType
TYPE_SKYVIEWPOINT = 0, // a regular skybox
TYPE_STACKEDSECTORTHING, // stacked sectors with the thing method
TYPE_PORTAL, // stacked sectors with Sector_SetPortal
TYPE_LINKEDPORTAL, // linked portal (interactive)
TYPE_PLANE, // EE-style plane portal (not implemented in SW renderer)
TYPE_HORIZON, // EE-style horizon portal (not implemented in SW renderer)
enum EFlags
FLAG_SKYFLATONLY = 1, // portal is only active on skyflatnum
FLAG_INSKYBOX = 2, // to avoid recursion
native int mType;
native int mFlags;
native uint mPartner;
native int mPlane;
native Sector mOrigin;
native Sector mDestination;
native Vector2 mDisplacement;
native double mPlaneZ;
native Actor mSkybox;
native static uint GetSkyboxPortal(Actor actor);
struct Vertex native play
native readonly Vector2 p;
struct Side native play
enum ETexpart
enum EWallFlags
WALLF_ABSLIGHTING = 1, // Light is absolute instead of relative
WALLF_NOAUTODECALS = 2, // Do not attach impact decals to this wall
WALLF_NOFAKECONTRAST = 4, // Don't do fake contrast for this wall in side_t::GetLightLevel
WALLF_SMOOTHLIGHTING = 8, // Similar to autocontrast but applies to all angles.
WALLF_CLIP_MIDTEX = 16, // Like the line counterpart, but only for this side.
WALLF_WRAP_MIDTEX = 32, // Like the line counterpart, but only for this side.
WALLF_POLYOBJ = 64, // This wall belongs to a polyobject.
WALLF_LIGHT_FOG = 128, // This wall's Light is used even in fog.
native readonly Sector sector; // Sector the SideDef is facing.
//DBaseDecal* AttachedDecals; // [RH] Decals bound to the wall
native readonly Line linedef;
native int16 Light;
native uint8 Flags;
native TextureID GetTexture(int which);
native void SetTexture(int which, TextureID tex);
native void SetTextureXOffset(int which, double offset);
native double GetTextureXOffset(int which);
native void AddTextureXOffset(int which, double delta);
native void SetTextureYOffset(int which, double offset);
native double GetTextureYOffset(int which);
native void AddTextureYOffset(int which, double delta);
native void SetTextureXScale(int which, double scale);
native double GetTextureXScale(int which);
native void MultiplyTextureXScale(int which, double delta);
native void SetTextureYScale(int which, double scale);
native double GetTextureYScale(int which);
native void MultiplyTextureYScale(int which, double delta);
//native DInterpolation *SetInterpolation(int position);
//native void StopInterpolation(int position);
native clearscope Vertex V1();
native clearscope Vertex V2();
native int Index();
int GetUDMFInt(Name nm)
return Level.GetUDMFInt(LevelLocals.UDMF_Side, Index(), nm);
double GetUDMFFloat(Name nm)
return Level.GetUDMFFloat(LevelLocals.UDMF_Side, Index(), nm);
String GetUDMFString(Name nm)
return Level.GetUDMFString(LevelLocals.UDMF_Side, Index(), nm);
struct Line native play
enum ESide
enum ELineFlags
ML_BLOCKING =0x00000001, // solid, is an obstacle
ML_BLOCKMONSTERS =0x00000002, // blocks monsters only
ML_TWOSIDED =0x00000004, // backside will not be present at all if not two sided
ML_DONTPEGTOP = 0x00000008, // upper texture unpegged
ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM = 0x00000010, // lower texture unpegged
ML_SECRET = 0x00000020, // don't map as two sided: IT'S A SECRET!
ML_SOUNDBLOCK = 0x00000040, // don't let sound cross two of these
ML_DONTDRAW = 0x00000080, // don't draw on the automap
ML_MAPPED = 0x00000100, // set if already drawn in automap
ML_REPEAT_SPECIAL = 0x00000200, // special is repeatable
ML_ADDTRANS = 0x00000400, // additive translucency (can only be set internally)
// Extended flags
ML_MONSTERSCANACTIVATE = 0x00002000, // [RH] Monsters (as well as players) can activate the line
ML_BLOCK_PLAYERS = 0x00004000,
ML_BLOCKEVERYTHING = 0x00008000, // [RH] Line blocks everything
ML_ZONEBOUNDARY = 0x00010000,
ML_RAILING = 0x00020000,
ML_BLOCK_FLOATERS = 0x00040000,
ML_CLIP_MIDTEX = 0x00080000, // Automatic for every Strife line
ML_WRAP_MIDTEX = 0x00100000,
ML_3DMIDTEX = 0x00200000,
ML_FIRSTSIDEONLY = 0x00800000, // activated only when crossed from front side
ML_BLOCKUSE = 0x02000000, // blocks all use actions through this line
ML_BLOCKSIGHT = 0x04000000, // blocks monster line of sight
ML_BLOCKHITSCAN = 0x08000000, // blocks hitscan attacks
ML_3DMIDTEX_IMPASS = 0x10000000, // [TP] if 3D midtex, behaves like a height-restricted ML_BLOCKING
native readonly vertex v1, v2; // vertices, from v1 to v2
native readonly Vector2 delta; // precalculated v2 - v1 for side checking
native uint flags;
native uint activation; // activation type
native int special;
native int args[5]; // <--- hexen-style arguments (expanded to ZDoom's full width)
native double alpha; // <--- translucency (0=invisibile, FRACUNIT=opaque)
native readonly Side sidedef[2];
native readonly double bbox[4]; // bounding box, for the extent of the LineDef.
native readonly Sector frontsector, backsector;
native int validcount; // if == validcount, already checked
native int locknumber; // [Dusk] lock number for special
native readonly uint portalindex;
native readonly uint portaltransferred;
native bool isLinePortal();
native bool isVisualPortal();
native Line getPortalDestination();
native int getPortalAlignment();
native int Index();
native bool Activate(Actor activator, int side, int type);
native bool RemoteActivate(Actor activator, int side, int type, Vector3 pos);
int GetUDMFInt(Name nm)
return Level.GetUDMFInt(LevelLocals.UDMF_Line, Index(), nm);
double GetUDMFFloat(Name nm)
return Level.GetUDMFFloat(LevelLocals.UDMF_Line, Index(), nm);
String GetUDMFString(Name nm)
return Level.GetUDMFString(LevelLocals.UDMF_Line, Index(), nm);
struct SecPlane native play
native Vector3 Normal;
native double D;
native double negiC;
native bool isSlope() const;
native int PointOnSide(Vector3 pos) const;
native clearscope double ZatPoint (Vector2 v) const;
native double ZatPointDist(Vector2 v, double dist) const;
native bool isEqual(Secplane other) const;
native void ChangeHeight(double hdiff);
native double GetChangedHeight(double hdiff) const;
native double HeightDiff(double oldd, double newd = 0.0) const;
native double PointToDist(Vector2 xy, double z) const;
// This encapsulates all info Doom's original 'special' field contained - for saving and transferring.
struct SecSpecial play
Name damagetype;
int damageamount;
short special;
short damageinterval;
short leakydamage;
int Flags;
struct FColormap
Color LightColor;
Color FadeColor;
uint8 Desaturation;
uint8 BlendFactor;
uint16 FogDensity;
struct Sector native play
native readonly FColormap ColorMap;
native readonly Color SpecialColors[5];
native Actor SoundTarget;
native int16 special;
native int16 lightlevel;
native int16 seqType;
native int sky;
native Name SeqName;
native readonly Vector2 centerspot;
native int validcount;
native Actor thinglist;
native double friction, movefactor;
native int terrainnum[2];
// thinker_t for reversable actions
native SectorEffect floordata;
native SectorEffect ceilingdata;
native SectorEffect lightingdata;
enum EPlane
// only used for specialcolors array
enum EInterpolationType
//Interpolation interpolations[4];
native uint8 soundtraversed;
native int8 stairlock;
native int prevsec;
native int nextsec;
native readonly Array<Line> lines;
native readonly @secplane floorplane;
native readonly @secplane ceilingplane;
native readonly Sector heightsec;
native uint bottommap, midmap, topmap;
//struct msecnode_t *touching_thinglist;
//struct msecnode_t *sectorportal_thinglist;
native double gravity;
native Name damagetype;
native int damageamount;
native int16 damageinterval;
native int16 leakydamage;
native readonly uint16 ZoneNumber;
enum ESectorMoreFlags
SECMF_FAKEFLOORONLY = 2, // when used as heightsec in R_FakeFlat, only copies floor
SECMF_CLIPFAKEPLANES = 4, // as a heightsec, clip planes to target sector's planes
SECMF_NOFAKELIGHT = 8, // heightsec does not change lighting
SECMF_IGNOREHEIGHTSEC= 16, // heightsec is only for triggering sector actions
SECMF_UNDERWATER = 32, // sector is underwater
SECMF_FORCEDUNDERWATER= 64, // sector is forced to be underwater
SECMF_DRAWN = 128, // sector has been drawn at least once
SECMF_HIDDEN = 256, // Do not draw on textured automap
native uint16 MoreFlags;
enum ESectorFlags
SECF_SILENT = 1, // actors in sector make no noise
SECF_NOFALLINGDAMAGE= 2, // No falling damage in this sector
SECF_FLOORDROP = 4, // all actors standing on this floor will remain on it when it lowers very fast.
SECF_NORESPAWN = 8, // players can not respawn in this sector
SECF_FRICTION = 16, // sector has friction enabled
SECF_PUSH = 32, // pushers enabled
SECF_SILENTMOVE = 64, // Sector movement makes mo sound (Eternity got this so this may be useful for an extended cross-port standard.)
SECF_DMGTERRAINFX = 128, // spawns terrain splash when inflicting damage
SECF_ENDGODMODE = 256, // getting damaged by this sector ends god mode
SECF_ENDLEVEL = 512, // ends level when health goes below 10
SECF_HAZARD = 1024, // Change to Strife's delayed damage handling.
SECF_WASSECRET = 1 << 30, // a secret that was discovered
SECF_SECRET = 1 << 31, // a secret sector
SECF_NOMODIFY = SECF_SECRET|SECF_WASSECRET, // not modifiable by Sector_ChangeFlags
SECF_SPECIALFLAGS = SECF_DAMAGEFLAGS|SECF_FRICTION|SECF_PUSH, // these flags originate from 'special and must be transferrable by floor thinkers
enum EMoveResult
native uint Flags;
native SectorAction SecActTarget;
native internal uint Portals[2];
native readonly int PortalGroup;
native readonly int sectornum;
native int Index();
native double, Sector, F3DFloor NextHighestCeilingAt(double x, double y, double bottomz, double topz, int flags = 0);
native double, Sector, F3DFloor NextLowestFloorAt(double x, double y, double z, int flags = 0, double steph = 0);
native void RemoveForceField();
native static Sector PointInSector(Vector2 pt);
native bool PlaneMoving(int pos);
native int GetFloorLight();
native int GetCeilingLight();
native Sector GetHeightSec();
native void TransferSpecial(Sector model);
native void GetSpecial(out SecSpecial spec);
native void SetSpecial( SecSpecial spec);
native int GetTerrain(int pos);
native void CheckPortalPlane(int plane);
native double, Sector HighestCeilingAt(Vector2 a);
native double, Sector LowestFloorAt(Vector2 a);
native double, double GetFriction(int plane);
native void SetXOffset(int pos, double o);
native void AddXOffset(int pos, double o);
native double GetXOffset(int pos);
native void SetYOffset(int pos, double o);
native void AddYOffset(int pos, double o);
native double GetYOffset(int pos, bool addbase = true);
native void SetXScale(int pos, double o);
native double GetXScale(int pos);
native void SetYScale(int pos, double o);
native double GetYScale(int pos);
native void SetAngle(int pos, double o);
native double GetAngle(int pos, bool addbase = true);
native void SetBase(int pos, double y, double o);
native void SetAlpha(int pos, double o);
native double GetAlpha(int pos);
native int GetFlags(int pos);
native int GetVisFlags(int pos);
native void ChangeFlags(int pos, int And, int Or);
native int GetPlaneLight(int pos);
native void SetPlaneLight(int pos, int level);
native void SetColor(color c, int desat = 0);
native void SetFade(color c);
native void SetFogDensity(int dens);
native double GetGlowHeight(int pos);
native color GetGlowColor(int pos);
native void SetGlowHeight(int pos, double height);
native void SetGlowColor(int pos, color color);
native void SetSpecialColor(int pos, color color);
native TextureID GetTexture(int pos);
native void SetTexture(int pos, TextureID tex, bool floorclip = true);
native double GetPlaneTexZ(int pos);
native void SetPlaneTexZ(int pos, double val, bool dirtify = false); // This mainly gets used by init code. The only place where it must set the vertex to dirty is the interpolation code.
native void ChangeLightLevel(int newval);
native void SetLightLevel(int newval);
native int GetLightLevel();
native void AdjustFloorClip();
native bool IsLinked(Sector other, bool ceiling);
native bool PortalBlocksView(int plane);
native bool PortalBlocksSight(int plane);
native bool PortalBlocksMovement(int plane);
native bool PortalBlocksSound(int plane);
native bool PortalIsLinked(int plane);
native void ClearPortal(int plane);
native double GetPortalPlaneZ(int plane);
native Vector2 GetPortalDisplacement(int plane);
native int GetPortalType(int plane);
native int GetOppositePortalGroup(int plane);
native double CenterFloor();
native double CenterCeiling();
native bool TriggerSectorActions(Actor thing, int activation);
native int MoveFloor(double speed, double dest, int crush, int direction, bool hexencrush, bool instant = false);
native int MoveCeiling(double speed, double dest, int crush, int direction, bool hexencrush);
native Sector NextSpecialSector(int type, Sector prev);
native double, Vertex FindLowestFloorSurrounding();
native double, Vertex FindHighestFloorSurrounding();
native double, Vertex FindNextHighestFloor();
native double, Vertex FindNextLowestFloor();
native double, Vertex FindLowestCeilingSurrounding();
native double, Vertex FindHighestCeilingSurrounding();
native double, Vertex FindNextLowestCeiling();
native double, Vertex FindNextHighestCeiling();
native double FindShortestTextureAround();
native double FindShortestUpperAround();
native Sector FindModelFloorSector(double floordestheight);
native Sector FindModelCeilingSector(double floordestheight);
native int FindMinSurroundingLight(int max);
native double, Vertex FindLowestCeilingPoint();
native double, Vertex FindHighestFloorPoint();
native void SetEnvironment(String env);
native void SetEnvironmentID(int envnum);
native SeqNode StartSoundSequenceID (int chan, int sequence, int type, int modenum, bool nostop = false);
native SeqNode StartSoundSequence (int chan, Name seqname, int modenum);
native SeqNode CheckSoundSequence (int chan);
native void StopSoundSequence(int chan);
native bool IsMakingLoopingSound ();
bool isSecret()
return !!(Flags & SECF_SECRET);
bool wasSecret()
return !!(Flags & SECF_WASSECRET);
void ClearSecret()
Flags &= ~SECF_SECRET;
int GetUDMFInt(Name nm)
return Level.GetUDMFInt(LevelLocals.UDMF_Sector, Index(), nm);
double GetUDMFFloat(Name nm)
return Level.GetUDMFFloat(LevelLocals.UDMF_Sector, Index(), nm);
String GetUDMFString(Name nm)
return Level.GetUDMFString(LevelLocals.UDMF_Sector, Index(), nm);
class SectorTagIterator : Object native
native static SectorTagIterator Create(int tag, line defline = null);
native int Next();
native int NextCompat(bool compat, int secnum);
class LineIdIterator : Object native
native static LineIdIterator Create(int tag);
native int Next();