mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 23:31:06 +00:00
Most of those which still rely on ZDoom's own definition should be gone, unfortunately the code in files that include Windows headers is a gigantic mess with DWORDs being longs there intead of ints, so this needs to be done with care. DWORD should only remain where the Windows type is actually wanted.
630 lines
18 KiB
630 lines
18 KiB
#ifndef __TEXTURES_H
#define __TEXTURES_H
#include "doomtype.h"
#include "vectors.h"
#include <vector>
struct FloatRect
float left,top;
float width,height;
void Offset(float xofs,float yofs)
void Scale(float xfac,float yfac)
class FBitmap;
struct FRemapTable;
struct FCopyInfo;
class FScanner;
class PClassInventory;
// Texture IDs
class FTextureManager;
class FTerrainTypeArray;
class FGLTexture;
class FMaterial;
class FNullTextureID : public FTextureID
FNullTextureID() : FTextureID(0) {}
// Animating textures and planes
// [RH] Expanded to work with a Hexen ANIMDEFS lump
struct FAnimDef
FTextureID BasePic;
uint16_t NumFrames;
uint16_t CurFrame;
uint8_t AnimType;
bool bDiscrete; // taken out of AnimType to have better control
uint32_t SwitchTime; // Time to advance to next frame
struct FAnimFrame
uint32_t SpeedMin; // Speeds are in ms, not tics
uint32_t SpeedRange;
FTextureID FramePic;
} Frames[1];
void SetSwitchTime (uint32_t mstime);
struct FSwitchDef
FTextureID PreTexture; // texture to switch from
FSwitchDef *PairDef; // switch def to use to return to PreTexture
uint16_t NumFrames; // # of animation frames
bool QuestPanel; // Special texture for Strife mission
int Sound; // sound to play at start of animation. Changed to int to avoiud having to include s_sound here.
struct frame // Array of times followed by array of textures
{ // actual length of each array is <NumFrames>
uint16_t TimeMin;
uint16_t TimeRnd;
FTextureID Texture;
} frames[1];
struct FDoorAnimation
FTextureID BaseTexture;
FTextureID *TextureFrames;
int NumTextureFrames;
FName OpenSound;
FName CloseSound;
// Patches.
// A patch holds one or more columns.
// Patches are used for sprites and all masked pictures, and we compose
// textures from the TEXTURE1/2 lists of patches.
struct patch_t
int16_t width; // bounding box size
int16_t height;
int16_t leftoffset; // pixels to the left of origin
int16_t topoffset; // pixels below the origin
uint32_t columnofs[]; // only [width] used
// the [0] is &columnofs[width]
class FileReader;
// All FTextures present their data to the world in 8-bit format, but if
// the source data is something else, this is it.
enum FTextureFormat
TEX_RGB, // Actually ARGB
class FNativeTexture;
// Base texture class
class FTexture
static FTexture *CreateTexture(const char *name, int lumpnum, int usetype);
static FTexture *CreateTexture(int lumpnum, int usetype);
virtual ~FTexture ();
int16_t LeftOffset, TopOffset;
uint8_t WidthBits, HeightBits;
DVector2 Scale;
int SourceLump;
FTextureID id;
FString Name;
uint8_t UseType; // This texture's primary purpose
uint8_t bNoDecals:1; // Decals should not stick to texture
uint8_t bNoRemap0:1; // Do not remap color 0 (used by front layer of parallax skies)
uint8_t bWorldPanning:1; // Texture is panned in world units rather than texels
uint8_t bMasked:1; // Texture (might) have holes
uint8_t bAlphaTexture:1; // Texture is an alpha channel without color information
uint8_t bHasCanvas:1; // Texture is based off FCanvasTexture
uint8_t bWarped:2; // This is a warped texture. Used to avoid multiple warps on one texture
uint8_t bComplex:1; // Will be used to mark extended MultipatchTextures that have to be
// fully composited before subjected to any kind of postprocessing instead of
// doing it per patch.
uint8_t bMultiPatch:1; // This is a multipatch texture (we really could use real type info for textures...)
uint8_t bKeepAround:1; // This texture was used as part of a multi-patch texture. Do not free it.
uint16_t Rotations;
int16_t SkyOffset;
enum // UseTypes
TEX_Override, // For patches between TX_START/TX_END
TEX_Autopage, // Automap background - used to enable the use of FAutomapTexture
struct Span
uint16_t TopOffset;
uint16_t Length; // A length of 0 terminates this column
// Returns a single column of the texture
virtual const uint8_t *GetColumn (unsigned int column, const Span **spans_out) = 0;
// Returns a single column of the texture, in BGRA8 format
virtual const uint32_t *GetColumnBgra(unsigned int column, const Span **spans_out);
// Returns the whole texture, stored in column-major order
virtual const uint8_t *GetPixels () = 0;
// Returns the whole texture, stored in column-major order, in BGRA8 format
virtual const uint32_t *GetPixelsBgra();
// Returns true if GetPixelsBgra includes mipmaps
virtual bool Mipmapped() { return true; }
virtual int CopyTrueColorPixels(FBitmap *bmp, int x, int y, int rotate=0, FCopyInfo *inf = NULL);
int CopyTrueColorTranslated(FBitmap *bmp, int x, int y, int rotate, FRemapTable *remap, FCopyInfo *inf = NULL);
virtual bool UseBasePalette();
virtual int GetSourceLump() { return SourceLump; }
virtual FTexture *GetRedirect(bool wantwarped);
virtual FTexture *GetRawTexture(); // for FMultiPatchTexture to override
virtual void Unload ();
// Returns the native pixel format for this image
virtual FTextureFormat GetFormat();
// Returns a native 3D representation of the texture
FNativeTexture *GetNative(bool wrapping);
// Frees the native 3D representation of the texture
void KillNative();
// Fill the native texture buffer with pixel data for this image
virtual void FillBuffer(uint8_t *buff, int pitch, int height, FTextureFormat fmt);
int GetWidth () { return Width; }
int GetHeight () { return Height; }
int GetScaledWidth () { int foo = int((Width * 2) / Scale.X); return (foo >> 1) + (foo & 1); }
int GetScaledHeight () { int foo = int((Height * 2) / Scale.Y); return (foo >> 1) + (foo & 1); }
double GetScaledWidthDouble () { return Width / Scale.X; }
double GetScaledHeightDouble () { return Height / Scale.Y; }
double GetScaleY() const { return Scale.Y; }
int GetScaledLeftOffset () { int foo = int((LeftOffset * 2) / Scale.X); return (foo >> 1) + (foo & 1); }
int GetScaledTopOffset () { int foo = int((TopOffset * 2) / Scale.Y); return (foo >> 1) + (foo & 1); }
double GetScaledLeftOffsetDouble() { return LeftOffset / Scale.X; }
double GetScaledTopOffsetDouble() { return TopOffset / Scale.Y; }
virtual void ResolvePatches() {}
virtual void SetFrontSkyLayer();
void CopyToBlock (uint8_t *dest, int dwidth, int dheight, int x, int y, const uint8_t *translation=NULL)
CopyToBlock(dest, dwidth, dheight, x, y, 0, translation);
void CopyToBlock (uint8_t *dest, int dwidth, int dheight, int x, int y, int rotate, const uint8_t *translation=NULL);
// Returns true if the next call to GetPixels() will return an image different from the
// last call to GetPixels(). This should be considered valid only if a call to CheckModified()
// is immediately followed by a call to GetPixels().
virtual bool CheckModified ();
static void InitGrayMap();
void CopySize(FTexture *BaseTexture)
Width = BaseTexture->GetWidth();
Height = BaseTexture->GetHeight();
TopOffset = BaseTexture->TopOffset;
LeftOffset = BaseTexture->LeftOffset;
WidthBits = BaseTexture->WidthBits;
HeightBits = BaseTexture->HeightBits;
Scale = BaseTexture->Scale;
WidthMask = (1 << WidthBits) - 1;
void SetScaledSize(int fitwidth, int fitheight);
PalEntry GetSkyCapColor(bool bottom);
virtual void HackHack (int newheight); // called by FMultipatchTexture to discover corrupt patches.
uint16_t Width, Height, WidthMask;
static uint8_t GrayMap[256];
FNativeTexture *Native;
FTexture (const char *name = NULL, int lumpnum = -1);
Span **CreateSpans (const uint8_t *pixels) const;
void FreeSpans (Span **spans) const;
void CalcBitSize ();
void CopyInfo(FTexture *other)
bNoDecals = other->bNoDecals;
Rotations = other->Rotations;
gl_info = other->gl_info;
gl_info.Brightmap = NULL;
gl_info.areas = NULL;
std::vector<uint32_t> PixelsBgra;
void GenerateBgraFromBitmap(const FBitmap &bitmap);
void CreatePixelsBgraWithMipmaps();
void GenerateBgraMipmaps();
void GenerateBgraMipmapsFast();
int MipmapLevels() const;
bool bSWSkyColorDone = false;
PalEntry FloorSkyColor;
PalEntry CeilingSkyColor;
static void FlipSquareBlock (uint8_t *block, int x, int y);
static void FlipSquareBlockBgra (uint32_t *block, int x, int y);
static void FlipSquareBlockRemap (uint8_t *block, int x, int y, const uint8_t *remap);
static void FlipNonSquareBlock (uint8_t *blockto, const uint8_t *blockfrom, int x, int y, int srcpitch);
static void FlipNonSquareBlockBgra (uint32_t *blockto, const uint32_t *blockfrom, int x, int y, int srcpitch);
static void FlipNonSquareBlockRemap (uint8_t *blockto, const uint8_t *blockfrom, int x, int y, int srcpitch, const uint8_t *remap);
friend class D3DTex;
friend class OpenGLSWFrameBuffer;
struct MiscGLInfo
FMaterial *Material[2];
FGLTexture *SystemTexture[2];
FTexture *Brightmap;
PalEntry GlowColor;
int GlowHeight;
FloatRect *areas;
int areacount;
int shaderindex;
float shaderspeed;
int mIsTransparent:2;
bool bGlowing:1; // Texture glows
bool bAutoGlowing : 1; // Glow info is determined from texture image.
bool bFullbright:1; // always draw fullbright
bool bSkybox:1; // This is a skybox
char bBrightmapChecked:1; // Set to 1 if brightmap has been checked
bool bDisableFullbright:1; // This texture will not be displayed as fullbright sprite
bool bNoFilter:1;
bool bNoCompress:1;
bool bNoExpand:1;
MiscGLInfo() throw ();
MiscGLInfo gl_info;
void GetGlowColor(float *data);
bool isGlowing() { return gl_info.bGlowing; }
bool isFullbright() { return gl_info.bFullbright; }
void CreateDefaultBrightmap();
bool FindHoles(const unsigned char * buffer, int w, int h);
static bool SmoothEdges(unsigned char * buffer,int w, int h);
void CheckTrans(unsigned char * buffer, int size, int trans);
bool ProcessData(unsigned char * buffer, int w, int h, bool ispatch);
class FxAddSub;
// Texture manager
class FTextureManager
friend class FxAddSub; // needs access to do a bounds check on the texture ID.
FTextureManager ();
~FTextureManager ();
// Get texture without translation
FTexture *operator[] (FTextureID texnum)
if ((unsigned)texnum.GetIndex() >= Textures.Size()) return NULL;
return Textures[texnum.GetIndex()].Texture;
FTexture *operator[] (const char *texname)
FTextureID texnum = GetTexture (texname, FTexture::TEX_MiscPatch);
if (!texnum.Exists()) return NULL;
return Textures[texnum.GetIndex()].Texture;
FTexture *ByIndex(int i)
if (unsigned(i) >= Textures.Size()) return NULL;
return Textures[i].Texture;
FTexture *FindTexture(const char *texname, int usetype = FTexture::TEX_MiscPatch, BITFIELD flags = TEXMAN_TryAny);
// Get texture with translation
FTexture *operator() (FTextureID texnum, bool withpalcheck=false)
if ((size_t)texnum.texnum >= Textures.Size()) return NULL;
int picnum = Translation[texnum.texnum];
if (withpalcheck)
picnum = PalCheck(picnum).GetIndex();
return Textures[picnum].Texture;
FTexture *operator() (const char *texname)
FTextureID texnum = GetTexture (texname, FTexture::TEX_MiscPatch);
if (texnum.texnum == -1) return NULL;
return Textures[Translation[texnum.texnum]].Texture;
FTexture *ByIndexTranslated(int i)
if (unsigned(i) >= Textures.Size()) return NULL;
return Textures[Translation[i]].Texture;
FTextureID PalCheck(FTextureID tex);
TEXMAN_TryAny = 1,
TEXMAN_Overridable = 2,
TEXMAN_ReturnFirst = 4,
TEXMAN_AllowSkins = 8,
TEXMAN_ShortNameOnly = 16,
TEXMAN_DontCreate = 32
HIT_Wall = 1,
HIT_Flat = 2,
HIT_Sky = 4,
HIT_Sprite = 8,
HIT_Columnmode = HIT_Wall|HIT_Sky|HIT_Sprite
FTextureID CheckForTexture (const char *name, int usetype, BITFIELD flags=TEXMAN_TryAny);
FTextureID GetTexture (const char *name, int usetype, BITFIELD flags=0);
int ListTextures (const char *name, TArray<FTextureID> &list, bool listall = false);
void AddTexturesLump (const void *lumpdata, int lumpsize, int deflumpnum, int patcheslump, int firstdup=0, bool texture1=false);
void AddTexturesLumps (int lump1, int lump2, int patcheslump);
void AddGroup(int wadnum, int ns, int usetype);
void AddPatches (int lumpnum);
void AddHiresTextures (int wadnum);
void LoadTextureDefs(int wadnum, const char *lumpname);
void ParseXTexture(FScanner &sc, int usetype);
void SortTexturesByType(int start, int end);
bool AreTexturesCompatible (FTextureID picnum1, FTextureID picnum2);
FTextureID CreateTexture (int lumpnum, int usetype=FTexture::TEX_Any); // Also calls AddTexture
FTextureID AddTexture (FTexture *texture);
FTextureID GetDefaultTexture() const { return DefaultTexture; }
void LoadTextureX(int wadnum);
void AddTexturesForWad(int wadnum);
void Init();
void DeleteAll();
// Replaces one texture with another. The new texture will be assigned
// the same name, slot, and use type as the texture it is replacing.
// The old texture will no longer be managed. Set free true if you want
// the old texture to be deleted or set it false if you want it to
// be left alone in memory. You will still need to delete it at some
// point, because the texture manager no longer knows about it.
// This function can be used for such things as warping textures.
void ReplaceTexture (FTextureID picnum, FTexture *newtexture, bool free);
void UnloadAll ();
int NumTextures () const { return (int)Textures.Size(); }
void UpdateAnimations (uint32_t mstime);
int GuesstimateNumTextures ();
FSwitchDef *FindSwitch (FTextureID texture);
FDoorAnimation *FindAnimatedDoor (FTextureID picnum);
// texture counting
int CountTexturesX ();
int CountLumpTextures (int lumpnum);
// Build tiles
void AddTiles (void *tiles);
int CountTiles (void *tiles);
int CountBuildTiles ();
void InitBuildTiles ();
// Animation stuff
FAnimDef *AddAnim (FAnimDef *anim);
void FixAnimations ();
void InitAnimated ();
void InitAnimDefs ();
FAnimDef *AddSimpleAnim (FTextureID picnum, int animcount, uint32_t speedmin, uint32_t speedrange=0);
FAnimDef *AddComplexAnim (FTextureID picnum, const TArray<FAnimDef::FAnimFrame> &frames);
void ParseAnim (FScanner &sc, int usetype);
FAnimDef *ParseRangeAnim (FScanner &sc, FTextureID picnum, int usetype, bool missing);
void ParsePicAnim (FScanner &sc, FTextureID picnum, int usetype, bool missing, TArray<FAnimDef::FAnimFrame> &frames);
void ParseWarp(FScanner &sc);
void ParseCameraTexture(FScanner &sc);
FTextureID ParseFramenum (FScanner &sc, FTextureID basepicnum, int usetype, bool allowMissing);
void ParseTime (FScanner &sc, uint32_t &min, uint32_t &max);
FTexture *Texture(FTextureID id) { return Textures[id.GetIndex()].Texture; }
void SetTranslation (FTextureID fromtexnum, FTextureID totexnum);
void ParseAnimatedDoor(FScanner &sc);
void InitPalettedVersions();
// Switches
void InitSwitchList ();
void ProcessSwitchDef (FScanner &sc);
FSwitchDef *ParseSwitchDef (FScanner &sc, bool ignoreBad);
void AddSwitchPair (FSwitchDef *def1, FSwitchDef *def2);
struct TextureHash
FTexture *Texture;
int HashNext;
enum { HASH_END = -1, HASH_SIZE = 1027 };
TArray<TextureHash> Textures;
TArray<int> Translation;
int HashFirst[HASH_SIZE];
FTextureID DefaultTexture;
TArray<int> FirstTextureForFile;
TMap<int,int> PalettedVersions; // maps from normal -> paletted version
TArray<FAnimDef *> mAnimations;
TArray<FSwitchDef *> mSwitchDefs;
TArray<FDoorAnimation> mAnimatedDoors;
TArray<uint8_t *> BuildTileFiles;
short sintable[2048]; // for texture warping
SINMASK = 2047
// A texture that doesn't really exist
class FDummyTexture : public FTexture
FDummyTexture ();
const uint8_t *GetColumn (unsigned int column, const Span **spans_out);
const uint8_t *GetPixels ();
void SetSize (int width, int height);
// A texture that returns a wiggly version of another texture.
class FWarpTexture : public FTexture
FWarpTexture (FTexture *source, int warptype);
~FWarpTexture ();
virtual int CopyTrueColorPixels(FBitmap *bmp, int x, int y, int rotate=0, FCopyInfo *inf = NULL);
const uint8_t *GetColumn (unsigned int column, const Span **spans_out);
const uint8_t *GetPixels ();
const uint32_t *GetPixelsBgra() override;
void Unload ();
bool CheckModified ();
float GetSpeed() const { return Speed; }
int GetSourceLump() { return SourcePic->GetSourceLump(); }
void SetSpeed(float fac) { Speed = fac; }
FTexture *GetRedirect(bool wantwarped);
uint32_t GenTime;
float Speed;
int WidthOffsetMultiplier, HeightOffsetMultiplier; // [mxd]
FTexture *SourcePic;
uint8_t *Pixels;
Span **Spans;
virtual void MakeTexture (uint32_t time);
int NextPo2 (int v); // [mxd]
void SetupMultipliers (int width, int height); // [mxd]
// A texture that can be drawn to.
class DSimpleCanvas;
class AActor;
class FCanvasTexture : public FTexture
FCanvasTexture (const char *name, int width, int height);
~FCanvasTexture ();
const uint8_t *GetColumn (unsigned int column, const Span **spans_out);
const uint8_t *GetPixels ();
const uint32_t *GetPixelsBgra() override;
void Unload ();
bool CheckModified ();
void NeedUpdate() { bNeedsUpdate=true; }
void SetUpdated() { bNeedsUpdate = false; bDidUpdate = true; bFirstUpdate = false; }
DSimpleCanvas *GetCanvas() { return Canvas; }
DSimpleCanvas *GetCanvasBgra() { return CanvasBgra; }
bool Mipmapped() override { return false; }
void MakeTexture ();
void MakeTextureBgra ();
DSimpleCanvas *Canvas = nullptr;
DSimpleCanvas *CanvasBgra = nullptr;
uint8_t *Pixels = nullptr;
uint32_t *PixelsBgra = nullptr;
Span DummySpans[2];
bool bNeedsUpdate = true;
bool bDidUpdate = false;
bool bPixelsAllocated = false;
bool bPixelsAllocatedBgra = false;
bool bFirstUpdate;
friend struct FCanvasTextureInfo;
extern FTextureManager TexMan;