struct _ native // These are the global variables, the struct is only here to avoid extending the parser for this. { native readonly Array > AllActorClasses; native readonly Array<@PlayerClass> PlayerClasses; native readonly Array<@PlayerSkin> PlayerSkins; native readonly Array<@Team> Teams; native int validcount; native readonly bool multiplayer; native play @LevelLocals level; native @KeyBindings Bindings; native @KeyBindings AutomapBindings; native play @DehInfo deh; native readonly @GameInfoStruct gameinfo; native play @PlayerInfo players[MAXPLAYERS]; native readonly bool playeringame[MAXPLAYERS]; native readonly bool automapactive; native play uint gameaction; native readonly int gamestate; native readonly TextureID skyflatnum; native readonly uint8 globalfreeze; native readonly int consoleplayer; native readonly Font smallfont; native readonly Font smallfont2; native readonly Font bigfont; native readonly Font confont; native readonly Font intermissionfont; native readonly int CleanXFac; native readonly int CleanYFac; native readonly int CleanWidth; native readonly int CleanHeight; native readonly int CleanXFac_1; native readonly int CleanYFac_1; native readonly int CleanWidth_1; native readonly int CleanHeight_1; native ui int menuactive; native readonly @FOptionMenuSettings OptionMenuSettings; native readonly int gametic; native readonly bool demoplayback; native ui int BackbuttonTime; native ui float BackbuttonAlpha; native readonly int Net_Arbitrator; native ui BaseStatusBar StatusBar; native readonly Weapon WP_NOCHANGE; native int LocalViewPitch; } struct TexMan { enum EUseTypes { Type_Any, Type_Wall, Type_Flat, Type_Sprite, Type_WallPatch, Type_Build, Type_SkinSprite, Type_Decal, Type_MiscPatch, Type_FontChar, Type_Override, // For patches between TX_START/TX_END Type_Autopage, // Automap background - used to enable the use of FAutomapTexture Type_SkinGraphic, Type_Null, Type_FirstDefined, }; enum EFlags { TryAny = 1, Overridable = 2, ReturnFirst = 4, AllowSkins = 8, ShortNameOnly = 16, DontCreate = 32 }; enum ETexReplaceFlags { NOT_BOTTOM = 1, NOT_MIDDLE = 2, NOT_TOP = 4, NOT_FLOOR = 8, NOT_CEILING = 16, NOT_WALL = 7, NOT_FLAT = 24 }; native static TextureID CheckForTexture(String name, int usetype, int flags = TryAny); native static void ReplaceTextures(String from, String to, int flags); native static String GetName(TextureID tex); native static int, int GetSize(TextureID tex); native static Vector2 GetScaledSize(TextureID tex); native static Vector2 GetScaledOffset(TextureID tex); native static int CheckRealHeight(TextureID tex); native static void SetCameraToTexture(Actor viewpoint, String texture, double fov); } enum DrawTextureTags { TAG_USER = (1<<30), DTA_Base = TAG_USER + 5000, DTA_DestWidth, // width of area to draw to DTA_DestHeight, // height of area to draw to DTA_Alpha, // alpha value for translucency DTA_FillColor, // color to stencil onto the destination (RGB is the color for truecolor drawers, A is the palette index for paletted drawers) DTA_TranslationIndex, // translation table to recolor the source DTA_AlphaChannel, // bool: the source is an alpha channel; used with DTA_FillColor DTA_Clean, // bool: scale texture size and position by CleanXfac and CleanYfac DTA_320x200, // bool: scale texture size and position to fit on a virtual 320x200 screen DTA_Bottom320x200, // bool: same as DTA_320x200 but centers virtual screen on bottom for 1280x1024 targets DTA_CleanNoMove, // bool: like DTA_Clean but does not reposition output position DTA_CleanNoMove_1, // bool: like DTA_CleanNoMove, but uses Clean[XY]fac_1 instead DTA_FlipX, // bool: flip image horizontally //FIXME: Does not work with DTA_Window(Left|Right) DTA_ShadowColor, // color of shadow DTA_ShadowAlpha, // alpha of shadow DTA_Shadow, // set shadow color and alphas to defaults DTA_VirtualWidth, // pretend the canvas is this wide DTA_VirtualHeight, // pretend the canvas is this tall DTA_TopOffset, // override texture's top offset DTA_LeftOffset, // override texture's left offset DTA_CenterOffset, // bool: override texture's left and top offsets and set them for the texture's middle DTA_CenterBottomOffset,// bool: override texture's left and top offsets and set them for the texture's bottom middle DTA_WindowLeft, // don't draw anything left of this column (on source, not dest) DTA_WindowRight, // don't draw anything at or to the right of this column (on source, not dest) DTA_ClipTop, // don't draw anything above this row (on dest, not source) DTA_ClipBottom, // don't draw anything at or below this row (on dest, not source) DTA_ClipLeft, // don't draw anything to the left of this column (on dest, not source) DTA_ClipRight, // don't draw anything at or to the right of this column (on dest, not source) DTA_Masked, // true(default)=use masks from texture, false=ignore masks DTA_HUDRules, // use fullscreen HUD rules to position and size textures DTA_HUDRulesC, // only used internally for marking HUD_HorizCenter DTA_KeepRatio, // doesn't adjust screen size for DTA_Virtual* if the aspect ratio is not 4:3 DTA_RenderStyle, // same as render style for actors DTA_ColorOverlay, // DWORD: ARGB to overlay on top of image; limited to black for software DTA_Internal1, DTA_Internal2, DTA_Desaturate, // explicit desaturation factor (does not do anything in Legacy OpenGL) DTA_Fullscreen, // Draw image fullscreen (same as DTA_VirtualWidth/Height with graphics size.) // floating point duplicates of some of the above: DTA_DestWidthF, DTA_DestHeightF, DTA_TopOffsetF, DTA_LeftOffsetF, DTA_VirtualWidthF, DTA_VirtualHeightF, DTA_WindowLeftF, DTA_WindowRightF, // For DrawText calls only: DTA_TextLen, // stop after this many characters, even if \0 not hit DTA_CellX, // horizontal size of character cell DTA_CellY, // vertical size of character cell DTA_Color, DTA_FlipY, // bool: flip image vertically DTA_SrcX, // specify a source rectangle (this supersedes the poorly implemented DTA_WindowLeft/Right DTA_SrcY, DTA_SrcWidth, DTA_SrcHeight }; struct Screen native { native static Color PaletteColor(int index); native static int GetWidth(); native static int GetHeight(); native static void Clear(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, Color color, int palcolor = -1); native static void Dim(Color col, double amount, int x, int y, int w, int h); native static vararg void DrawTexture(TextureID tex, bool animate, double x, double y, ...); native static vararg void DrawChar(Font font, int normalcolor, double x, double y, int character, ...); native static vararg void DrawText(Font font, int normalcolor, double x, double y, String text, ...); native static void DrawLine(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, Color color); native static void DrawFrame(int x, int y, int w, int h); native static Vector2, Vector2 VirtualToRealCoords(Vector2 pos, Vector2 size, Vector2 vsize, bool vbottom=false, bool handleaspect=true); native static double GetAspectRatio(); native static void SetClipRect(int x, int y, int w, int h); native static void ClearClipRect(); native static int, int, int, int GetClipRect(); native static int, int, int, int GetViewWindow(); // This is a leftover of the abandoned Inventory.DrawPowerup method. deprecated("2.5") static ui void DrawHUDTexture(TextureID tex, double x, double y) { statusBar.DrawTexture(tex, (x, y), BaseStatusBar.DI_SCREEN_RIGHT_TOP, 1., (32, 32)); } } struct Font native { enum EColorRange { CR_UNDEFINED = -1, CR_BRICK, CR_TAN, CR_GRAY, CR_GREY = CR_GRAY, CR_GREEN, CR_BROWN, CR_GOLD, CR_RED, CR_BLUE, CR_ORANGE, CR_WHITE, CR_YELLOW, CR_UNTRANSLATED, CR_BLACK, CR_LIGHTBLUE, CR_CREAM, CR_OLIVE, CR_DARKGREEN, CR_DARKRED, CR_DARKBROWN, CR_PURPLE, CR_DARKGRAY, CR_CYAN, CR_ICE, CR_FIRE, CR_SAPPHIRE, CR_TEAL, NUM_TEXT_COLORS }; const TEXTCOLOR_BRICK = "\034A"; const TEXTCOLOR_TAN = "\034B"; const TEXTCOLOR_GRAY = "\034C"; const TEXTCOLOR_GREY = "\034C"; const TEXTCOLOR_GREEN = "\034D"; const TEXTCOLOR_BROWN = "\034E"; const TEXTCOLOR_GOLD = "\034F"; const TEXTCOLOR_RED = "\034G"; const TEXTCOLOR_BLUE = "\034H"; const TEXTCOLOR_ORANGE = "\034I"; const TEXTCOLOR_WHITE = "\034J"; const TEXTCOLOR_YELLOW = "\034K"; const TEXTCOLOR_UNTRANSLATED = "\034L"; const TEXTCOLOR_BLACK = "\034M"; const TEXTCOLOR_LIGHTBLUE = "\034N"; const TEXTCOLOR_CREAM = "\034O"; const TEXTCOLOR_OLIVE = "\034P"; const TEXTCOLOR_DARKGREEN = "\034Q"; const TEXTCOLOR_DARKRED = "\034R"; const TEXTCOLOR_DARKBROWN = "\034S"; const TEXTCOLOR_PURPLE = "\034T"; const TEXTCOLOR_DARKGRAY = "\034U"; const TEXTCOLOR_CYAN = "\034V"; const TEXTCOLOR_ICE = "\034W"; const TEXTCOLOR_FIRE = "\034X"; const TEXTCOLOR_SAPPHIRE = "\034Y"; const TEXTCOLOR_TEAL = "\034Z"; const TEXTCOLOR_NORMAL = "\034-"; const TEXTCOLOR_BOLD = "\034+"; const TEXTCOLOR_CHAT = "\034*"; const TEXTCOLOR_TEAMCHAT = "\034!"; native int GetCharWidth(int code); native int StringWidth(String code); native int GetHeight(); native String GetCursor(); native static int FindFontColor(Name color); native static Font FindFont(Name fontname); native static Font GetFont(Name fontname); native BrokenLines BreakLines(String text, int maxlen); } struct Translation version("2.4") { Color colors[256]; native int AddTranslation(); native static bool SetPlayerTranslation(int group, int num, int plrnum, PlayerClass pclass); native static int GetID(Name transname); static int MakeID(int group, int num) { return (group << 16) + num; } } struct Console native { native static void HideConsole(); native static void MidPrint(Font fontname, string textlabel, bool bold = false); native static vararg void Printf(string fmt, ...); } struct DamageTypeDefinition native { native static bool IgnoreArmor(Name type); } struct CVar native { enum ECVarType { CVAR_Bool, CVAR_Int, CVAR_Float, CVAR_String, CVAR_Color, }; native static CVar FindCVar(Name name); native static CVar GetCVar(Name name, PlayerInfo player = null); bool GetBool() { return GetInt(); } native int GetInt(); native double GetFloat(); native String GetString(); void SetBool(bool b) { SetInt(b); } native void SetInt(int v); native void SetFloat(double v); native void SetString(String s); native int GetRealType(); native int ResetToDefault(); } struct GIFont version("2.4") { Name fontname; Name color; }; struct GameInfoStruct native { // will be extended as needed. native Name backpacktype; native double Armor2Percent; native String ArmorIcon1; native String ArmorIcon2; native int gametype; native bool norandomplayerclass; native Array infoPages; native String mBackButton; native GIFont mStatscreenMapNameFont; native GIFont mStatscreenEnteringFont; native GIFont mStatscreenFinishedFont; native double gibfactor; native bool intermissioncounter; native Name mSliderColor; } class Object native { native bool bDestroyed; // These really should be global functions... native static String G_SkillName(); native static int G_SkillPropertyInt(int p); native static double G_SkillPropertyFloat(int p); native static vector3, int G_PickDeathmatchStart(); native static vector3, int G_PickPlayerStart(int pnum, int flags = 0); native static void S_Sound (Sound sound_id, int channel, float volume = 1, float attenuation = ATTN_NORM); native static void S_PauseSound (bool notmusic, bool notsfx); native static void S_ResumeSound (bool notsfx); native static bool S_ChangeMusic(String music_name, int order = 0, bool looping = true, bool force = false); native static float S_GetLength(Sound sound_id); native static uint BAM(double angle); native static void SetMusicVolume(float vol); native static uint MSTime(); native vararg static void ThrowAbortException(String fmt, ...); native virtualscope void Destroy(); // This does not call into the native method of the same name to avoid problems with objects that get garbage collected late on shutdown. virtual virtualscope void OnDestroy() {} } class BrokenLines : Object native version("2.4") { native int Count(); native int StringWidth(int line); native String StringAt(int line); } class Thinker : Object native play { enum EStatnums { // Thinkers that don't actually think STAT_INFO, // An info queue STAT_DECAL, // A decal STAT_AUTODECAL, // A decal that can be automatically deleted STAT_CORPSEPOINTER, // An entry in Hexen's corpse queue STAT_TRAVELLING, // An actor temporarily travelling to a new map STAT_STATIC, // Thinkers that do think STAT_FIRST_THINKING=32, STAT_SCROLLER=STAT_FIRST_THINKING, // A DScroller thinker STAT_PLAYER, // A player actor STAT_BOSSTARGET, // A boss brain target STAT_LIGHTNING, // The lightning thinker STAT_DECALTHINKER, // An object that thinks for a decal STAT_INVENTORY, // An inventory item STAT_LIGHT, // A sector light effect STAT_LIGHTTRANSFER, // A sector light transfer. These must be ticked after the light effects. STAT_EARTHQUAKE, // Earthquake actors STAT_MAPMARKER, // Map marker actors STAT_DLIGHT, // Dynamic lights STAT_USER = 70, STAT_USER_MAX = 90, STAT_DEFAULT = 100, // Thinkers go here unless specified otherwise. STAT_SECTOREFFECT, // All sector effects that cause floor and ceiling movement STAT_ACTORMOVER, // actor movers STAT_SCRIPTS, // The ACS thinker. This is to ensure that it can't tick before all actors called PostBeginPlay STAT_BOT, // Bot thinker MAX_STATNUM = 127 } const TICRATE = 35; virtual native void Tick(); virtual native void PostBeginPlay(); virtual native void ChangeStatNum(int stat); static clearscope int Tics2Seconds(int tics) { return int(tics / TICRATE); } } class ThinkerIterator : Object native { native static ThinkerIterator Create(class type = "Actor", int statnum=Thinker.MAX_STATNUM+1); native Thinker Next(bool exact = false); native void Reinit(); } class ActorIterator : Object native { native static ActorIterator Create(int tid, class type = "Actor"); native Actor Next(); native void Reinit(); } class BlockThingsIterator : Object native { native Actor thing; native Vector3 position; native int portalflags; native static BlockThingsIterator Create(Actor origin, double checkradius = -1, bool ignorerestricted = false); native static BlockThingsIterator CreateFromPos(double checkx, double checky, double checkz, double checkh, double checkradius, bool ignorerestricted); native bool Next(); } class BlockLinesIterator : Object native { native Line CurLine; native Vector3 position; native int portalflags; native static BlockLinesIterator Create(Actor origin, double checkradius = -1); native static BlockLinesIterator CreateFromPos(Vector3 pos, double checkh, double checkradius, Sector sec = null); native bool Next(); } enum ETraceStatus { TRACE_Stop, // stop the trace, returning this hit TRACE_Continue, // continue the trace, returning this hit if there are none further along TRACE_Skip, // continue the trace; do not return this hit TRACE_Abort // stop the trace, returning no hits } enum ETraceFlags { TRACE_NoSky = 1, // Hitting the sky returns TRACE_HitNone //TRACE_PCross = 2, // Trigger SPAC_PCROSS lines //TRACE_Impact = 4, // Trigger SPAC_IMPACT lines TRACE_PortalRestrict = 8, // Cannot go through portals without a static link offset. TRACE_ReportPortals = 16 // Report any portal crossing to the TraceCallback } enum ETraceResult { TRACE_HitNone, TRACE_HitFloor, TRACE_HitCeiling, TRACE_HitWall, TRACE_HitActor, TRACE_CrossingPortal } enum ELineTier { TIER_Middle, TIER_Upper, TIER_Lower, TIER_FFloor } struct TraceResults native { native Sector HitSector; // originally called "Sector". cannot be named like this in ZScript. native TextureID HitTexture; native vector3 HitPos; native vector3 HitVector; native vector3 SrcFromTarget; native double SrcAngleFromTarget; native double Distance; native double Fraction; native Actor HitActor; // valid if hit an actor. // originally called "Actor". native Line HitLine; // valid if hit a line // originally called "Line". native uint8 Side; native uint8 Tier; // see Tracer.ELineTier native bool unlinked; // passed through a portal without static offset. native ETraceResult HitType; // F3DFloor *ffloor; native Sector CrossedWater; // For Boom-style, Transfer_Heights-based deep water native vector3 CrossedWaterPos; // remember the position so that we can use it for spawning the splash native Sector Crossed3DWater; // For 3D floor-based deep water native vector3 Crossed3DWaterPos; } class LineTracer : Object native { native @TraceResults Results; native bool Trace(vector3 start, Sector sec, vector3 direction, double maxDist, ETraceFlags traceFlags); virtual ETraceStatus TraceCallback() { // Normally you would examine Results.HitType (for ETraceResult), and determine either: // - stop tracing and return the entity that was found (return TRACE_Stop) // - ignore some object, like noclip, e.g. only count solid walls and floors, and ignore actors (return TRACE_Skip) // - find last object of some type (return TRACE_Continue) // - stop tracing entirely and assume we found nothing (return TRACE_Abort) // TRACE_Abort and TRACE_Continue are of limited use in scripting. return TRACE_Stop; // default callback returns first hit, whatever it is. } } struct DropItem native { native readonly DropItem Next; native readonly name Name; native readonly int Probability; native readonly int Amount; } class SpotState : Object native { native static SpotState GetSpotState(); native SpecialSpot GetNextInList(class type, int skipcounter); native SpecialSpot GetSpotWithMinMaxDistance(Class type, double x, double y, double mindist, double maxdist); } struct LevelLocals native { enum EUDMF { UDMF_Line, UDMF_Side, UDMF_Sector, //UDMF_Thing // not implemented }; native Array<@Sector> Sectors; native Array<@Line> Lines; native Array<@Side> Sides; native readonly Array<@Vertex> Vertexes; native Array<@SectorPortal> SectorPortals; native readonly int time; native readonly int maptime; native readonly int totaltime; native readonly int starttime; native readonly int partime; native readonly int sucktime; native readonly int cluster; native readonly int clusterflags; native readonly int levelnum; native readonly String LevelName; native readonly String MapName; native String NextMap; native String NextSecretMap; native String F1Pic; native readonly int maptype; native readonly String Music; native readonly int musicorder; native readonly TextureID skytexture1; native readonly TextureID skytexture2; native float skyspeed1; native float skyspeed2; native int total_secrets; native int found_secrets; native int total_items; native int found_items; native int total_monsters; native int killed_monsters; native play double gravity; native play double aircontrol; native play double airfriction; native play int airsupply; native readonly double teamdamage; native readonly bool noinventorybar; native readonly bool monsterstelefrag; native readonly bool actownspecial; native readonly bool sndseqtotalctrl; native bool allmap; native readonly bool missilesactivateimpact; native readonly bool monsterfallingdamage; native readonly bool checkswitchrange; native readonly bool polygrind; native readonly bool nomonsters; native readonly bool allowrespawn; native bool frozen; native readonly bool infinite_flight; native readonly bool no_dlg_freeze; native readonly int fogdensity; native readonly int outsidefogdensity; native readonly int skyfog; native readonly float pixelstretch; // level_info_t *info cannot be done yet. native String GetUDMFString(int type, int index, Name key); native int GetUDMFInt(int type, int index, Name key); native double GetUDMFFloat(int type, int index, Name key); native bool ExecuteSpecial(int special, Actor activator, line linedef, bool lineside, int arg1 = 0, int arg2 = 0, int arg3 = 0, int arg4 = 0, int arg5 = 0); native static void GiveSecret(Actor activator, bool printmsg = true, bool playsound = true); native static void StartSlideshow(Name whichone = 'none'); native static void WorldDone(); native static void RemoveAllBots(bool fromlist); native void SetInterMusic(String nextmap); native String FormatMapName(int mapnamecolor); native bool IsJumpingAllowed() const; native bool IsCrouchingAllowed() const; native bool IsFreelookAllowed() const; native static clearscope vector2 Vec2Diff(vector2 v1, vector2 v2); native static clearscope vector3 Vec3Diff(vector3 v1, vector3 v2); native String GetChecksum() const; native void ChangeSky( TextureID sky1, TextureID sky2 ); String TimeFormatted(bool totals = false) { int sec = Thinker.Tics2Seconds(totals? totaltime : time); return String.Format("%02d:%02d:%02d", sec / 3600, (sec % 3600) / 60, sec % 60); } } struct StringTable native { native static String Localize(String val, bool prefixed = true); } // a few values of this need to be readable by the play code. // Most are handled at load time and are omitted here. struct DehInfo native { native int MaxSoulsphere; native uint8 ExplosionStyle; native double ExplosionAlpha; native int NoAutofreeze; native int BFGCells; native int BlueAC; } struct State native { native State NextState; native int sprite; native int16 Tics; native uint16 TicRange; native uint8 Frame; native uint8 UseFlags; native int Misc1; native int Misc2; native uint16 bSlow; native uint16 bFast; native bool bFullbright; native bool bNoDelay; native bool bSameFrame; native bool bCanRaise; native bool bDehacked; native int DistanceTo(state other); native bool ValidateSpriteFrame(); native TextureID, bool, Vector2 GetSpriteTexture(int rotation, int skin = 0, Vector2 scale = (0,0)); } struct F3DFloor native { } struct Wads { enum WadNamespace { ns_hidden = -1, ns_global = 0, ns_sprites, ns_flats, ns_colormaps, ns_acslibrary, ns_newtextures, ns_bloodraw, ns_bloodsfx, ns_bloodmisc, ns_strifevoices, ns_hires, ns_voxels, ns_specialzipdirectory, ns_sounds, ns_patches, ns_graphics, ns_music, ns_firstskin, } enum FindLumpNamespace { GlobalNamespace = 0, AnyNamespace = 1, } native static int CheckNumForName(string name, int ns, int wadnum = -1, bool exact = false); native static int CheckNumForFullName(string name); native static int FindLump(string name, int startlump = 0, FindLumpNamespace ns = GlobalNamespace); native static string ReadLump(int lump); } struct TerrainDef native { native Name TerrainName; native int Splash; native int DamageAmount; native Name DamageMOD; native int DamageTimeMask; native double FootClip; native float StepVolume; native int WalkStepTics; native int RunStepTics; native Sound LeftStepSound; native Sound RightStepSound; native bool IsLiquid; native bool AllowProtection; native double Friction; native double MoveFactor; }; enum EPickStart { PPS_FORCERANDOM = 1, PPS_NOBLOCKINGCHECK = 2, } enum EmptyTokenType { TOK_SKIPEMPTY = 0, TOK_KEEPEMPTY = 1, } // Although String is a builtin type, this is a convenient way to attach methods to it. struct StringStruct native { native static vararg String Format(String fmt, ...); native vararg void AppendFormat(String fmt, ...); native void Replace(String pattern, String replacement); native String Left(int len) const; native String Mid(int pos = 0, int len = 2147483647) const; native void Truncate(int newlen); native void Remove(int index, int remlen); native String CharAt(int pos) const; native int CharCodeAt(int pos) const; native String Filter(); native int IndexOf(String substr, int startIndex = 0) const; native int LastIndexOf(String substr, int endIndex = 2147483647) const; native void ToUpper(); native void ToLower(); native int ToInt(int base = 0) const; native double ToDouble() const; native void Split(out Array tokens, String delimiter, EmptyTokenType keepEmpty = TOK_KEEPEMPTY) const; } class SectorEffect : Thinker native { native protected Sector m_Sector; native Sector GetSector(); } class Mover : SectorEffect native {} class MovingFloor : Mover native {} class MovingCeiling : Mover native {} class Floor : MovingFloor native { // only here so that some constants and functions can be added. Not directly usable yet. enum EFloor { floorLowerToLowest, floorLowerToNearest, floorLowerToHighest, floorLowerByValue, floorRaiseByValue, floorRaiseToHighest, floorRaiseToNearest, floorRaiseAndCrush, floorRaiseAndCrushDoom, floorCrushStop, floorLowerInstant, floorRaiseInstant, floorMoveToValue, floorRaiseToLowestCeiling, floorRaiseByTexture, floorLowerAndChange, floorRaiseAndChange, floorRaiseToLowest, floorRaiseToCeiling, floorLowerToLowestCeiling, floorLowerByTexture, floorLowerToCeiling, donutRaise, buildStair, waitStair, resetStair, // Not to be used as parameters to DoFloor() genFloorChg0, genFloorChgT, genFloorChg }; native static bool CreateFloor(sector sec, EFloor floortype, line ln, double speed, double height = 0, int crush = -1, int change = 0, bool crushmode = false, bool hereticlower = false); } class Ceiling : MovingCeiling native { enum ECeiling { ceilLowerByValue, ceilRaiseByValue, ceilMoveToValue, ceilLowerToHighestFloor, ceilLowerInstant, ceilRaiseInstant, ceilCrushAndRaise, ceilLowerAndCrush, ceil_placeholder, ceilCrushRaiseAndStay, ceilRaiseToNearest, ceilLowerToLowest, ceilLowerToFloor, // The following are only used by Generic_Ceiling ceilRaiseToHighest, ceilLowerToHighest, ceilRaiseToLowest, ceilLowerToNearest, ceilRaiseToHighestFloor, ceilRaiseToFloor, ceilRaiseByTexture, ceilLowerByTexture, genCeilingChg0, genCeilingChgT, genCeilingChg } enum ECrushMode { crushDoom = 0, crushHexen = 1, crushSlowdown = 2 } native static bool CreateCeiling(sector sec, int type, line ln, double speed, double speed2, double height = 0, int crush = -1, int silent = 0, int change = 0, int crushmode = crushDoom); } struct LookExParams { double Fov; double minDist; double maxDist; double maxHeardist; int flags; State seestate; }; class Lighting : SectorEffect native { } struct Shader native { native clearscope static void SetEnabled(PlayerInfo player, string shaderName, bool enable); native clearscope static void SetUniform1f(PlayerInfo player, string shaderName, string uniformName, float value); native clearscope static void SetUniform2f(PlayerInfo player, string shaderName, string uniformName, vector2 value); native clearscope static void SetUniform3f(PlayerInfo player, string shaderName, string uniformName, vector3 value); native clearscope static void SetUniform1i(PlayerInfo player, string shaderName, string uniformName, int value); }