/* ** p_terrain.cpp ** Terrain maintenance ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 1998-2006 Randy Heit ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ // HEADER FILES ------------------------------------------------------------ #include #include "doomtype.h" #include "cmdlib.h" #include "p_terrain.h" #include "gi.h" #include "r_state.h" #include "w_wad.h" #include "sc_man.h" #include "s_sound.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "templates.h" // MACROS ------------------------------------------------------------------ #define SET_FIELD(type,val) *((type*)((byte *)fields + \ parser[keyword].u.Offset)) = val; // TYPES ------------------------------------------------------------------- enum EOuterKeywords { OUT_SPLASH, OUT_TERRAIN, OUT_FLOOR, OUT_IFDOOM, OUT_IFHERETIC, OUT_IFHEXEN, OUT_IFSTRIFE, OUT_ENDIF }; enum ETerrainKeywords { TR_CLOSE, TR_SPLASH, TR_DAMAGEAMOUNT, TR_DAMAGETYPE, TR_DAMAGETIMEMASK, TR_FOOTCLIP, TR_STEPVOLUME, TR_WALKINGSTEPTIME, TR_RUNNINGSTEPTIME, TR_LEFTSTEPSOUNDS, TR_RIGHTSTEPSOUNDS, TR_LIQUID, TR_FRICTION }; enum EDamageKeywords { DAM_Lava, DAM_Ice, DAM_Slime }; enum EGenericType { GEN_End, GEN_Fixed, GEN_Sound, GEN_Byte, GEN_Class, GEN_Splash, GEN_Float, GEN_Time, GEN_Bool, GEN_Int, GEN_Custom, }; struct FGenericParse { EGenericType Type; union { size_t Offset; void (*Handler) (int type, void *fields); } u; }; // EXTERNAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES -------------------------------------------- // PUBLIC FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ---------------------------------------------- // PRIVATE FUNCTION PROTOTYPES --------------------------------------------- static void MakeDefaultTerrain (); static void ParseOuter (); static void ParseSplash (); static void ParseTerrain (); static void ParseFloor (); static int FindSplash (FName name); static int FindTerrain (FName name); static void GenericParse (FGenericParse *parser, const char **keywords, void *fields, const char *type, FName name); static void ParseDamage (int keyword, void *fields); static void ParseFriction (int keyword, void *fields); // EXTERNAL DATA DECLARATIONS ---------------------------------------------- // PUBLIC DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------- TArrayTerrainTypes; TArray Splashes; TArray Terrains; // PRIVATE DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------ static const char *OuterKeywords[] = { "splash", "terrain", "floor", "ifdoom", "ifheretic", "ifhexen", "ifstrife", "endif", NULL }; static const char *SplashKeywords[] = { "}", "smallsound", "smallclip", "sound", "smallclass", "baseclass", "chunkclass", "chunkxvelshift", "chunkyvelshift", "chunkzvelshift", "chunkbasezvel", "noalert", NULL }; static const char *TerrainKeywords[] = { "}", "splash", "damageamount", "damagetype", "damagetimemask", "footclip", "stepvolume", "walkingsteptime", "runningsteptime", "leftstepsounds", "rightstepsounds", "liquid", "friction", NULL }; static const char *DamageKeywords[] = { "lava", "ice", "slime", NULL }; // Alternate offsetof macro to shut GCC up #define theoffsetof(type,field) ((size_t)&((type*)1)->field - 1) static FGenericParse SplashParser[] = { { GEN_End, {0} }, { GEN_Sound, {theoffsetof(FSplashDef, SmallSplashSound)} }, { GEN_Fixed, {theoffsetof(FSplashDef, SmallSplashClip)} }, { GEN_Sound, {theoffsetof(FSplashDef, NormalSplashSound)} }, { GEN_Class, {theoffsetof(FSplashDef, SmallSplash)} }, { GEN_Class, {theoffsetof(FSplashDef, SplashBase)} }, { GEN_Class, {theoffsetof(FSplashDef, SplashChunk)} }, { GEN_Byte, {theoffsetof(FSplashDef, ChunkXVelShift)} }, { GEN_Byte, {theoffsetof(FSplashDef, ChunkYVelShift)} }, { GEN_Byte, {theoffsetof(FSplashDef, ChunkZVelShift)} }, { GEN_Fixed, {theoffsetof(FSplashDef, ChunkBaseZVel)} }, { GEN_Bool, {theoffsetof(FSplashDef, NoAlert)} } }; static FGenericParse TerrainParser[] = { { GEN_End, {0} }, { GEN_Splash, {theoffsetof(FTerrainDef, Splash)} }, { GEN_Int, {theoffsetof(FTerrainDef, DamageAmount)} }, { GEN_Custom, {(size_t)ParseDamage} }, { GEN_Int, {theoffsetof(FTerrainDef, DamageTimeMask)} }, { GEN_Fixed, {theoffsetof(FTerrainDef, FootClip)} }, { GEN_Float, {theoffsetof(FTerrainDef, StepVolume)} }, { GEN_Time, {theoffsetof(FTerrainDef, WalkStepTics)} }, { GEN_Time, {theoffsetof(FTerrainDef, RunStepTics)} }, { GEN_Sound, {theoffsetof(FTerrainDef, LeftStepSound)} }, { GEN_Sound, {theoffsetof(FTerrainDef, RightStepSound)} }, { GEN_Bool, {theoffsetof(FTerrainDef, IsLiquid)} }, { GEN_Custom, {(size_t)ParseFriction} } }; /* struct { char *name; int type; bool Heretic; } TerrainTypeDefs[] = { { "FLTWAWA1", FLOOR_WATER, true }, { "FLTFLWW1", FLOOR_WATER, true }, { "FLTLAVA1", FLOOR_LAVA, true }, { "FLATHUH1", FLOOR_LAVA, true }, { "FLTSLUD1", FLOOR_SLUDGE, true }, { "X_005", FLOOR_WATER, false }, { "X_001", FLOOR_LAVA, false }, { "X_009", FLOOR_SLUDGE, false }, { "F_033", FLOOR_ICE, false }, { "END", -1 } }; */ // CODE -------------------------------------------------------------------- //========================================================================== // // P_InitTerrainTypes // //========================================================================== void P_InitTerrainTypes () { int lastlump; int lump; int size; size = (TexMan.NumTextures()+1)*sizeof(byte); TerrainTypes.Resize(size); memset (&TerrainTypes[0], 0, size); MakeDefaultTerrain (); lastlump = 0; while (-1 != (lump = Wads.FindLump ("TERRAIN", &lastlump)) ) { SC_OpenLumpNum (lump, "TERRAIN"); ParseOuter (); SC_Close (); } Splashes.ShrinkToFit (); Terrains.ShrinkToFit (); } //========================================================================== // // MakeDefaultTerrain // //========================================================================== static void MakeDefaultTerrain () { FTerrainDef def; memset (&def, 0, sizeof(def)); def.Name = "Solid"; def.Splash = -1; Terrains.Push (def); } //========================================================================== // // ParseOuter // //========================================================================== static void ParseOuter () { int bracedepth = 0; bool ifskip = false; while (SC_GetString ()) { if (ifskip) { if (bracedepth > 0) { if (SC_Compare ("}")) { bracedepth--; continue; } } else if (SC_Compare ("endif")) { ifskip = false; continue; } if (SC_Compare ("{")) { bracedepth++; } else if (SC_Compare ("}")) { SC_ScriptError ("Too many left braces ('}')"); } } else { switch (SC_MustMatchString (OuterKeywords)) { case OUT_SPLASH: ParseSplash (); break; case OUT_TERRAIN: ParseTerrain (); break; case OUT_FLOOR: ParseFloor (); break; case OUT_IFDOOM: if (gameinfo.gametype != GAME_Doom) { ifskip = true; } break; case OUT_IFHERETIC: if (gameinfo.gametype != GAME_Heretic) { ifskip = true; } break; case OUT_IFHEXEN: if (gameinfo.gametype != GAME_Hexen) { ifskip = true; } break; case OUT_IFSTRIFE: if (gameinfo.gametype != GAME_Strife) { ifskip = true; } break; case OUT_ENDIF: break; } } } } //========================================================================== // // ParseSplash // //========================================================================== void ParseSplash () { int splashnum; FSplashDef *splashdef; bool isnew = false; FName name; SC_MustGetString (); name = sc_String; splashnum = (int)FindSplash (name); if (splashnum < 0) { FSplashDef def; def.Name = name; splashnum = (int)Splashes.Push (def); isnew = true; } splashdef = &Splashes[splashnum]; SC_MustGetString (); if (!SC_Compare ("modify") || (SC_MustGetString(), isnew)) { // Set defaults splashdef->SmallSplashSound = splashdef->NormalSplashSound = 0; splashdef->SmallSplash = splashdef->SplashBase = splashdef->SplashChunk = NULL; splashdef->ChunkXVelShift = splashdef->ChunkYVelShift = splashdef->ChunkZVelShift = 8; splashdef->ChunkBaseZVel = FRACUNIT; splashdef->SmallSplashClip = 12*FRACUNIT; splashdef->NoAlert = false; } if (!SC_Compare ("{")) { SC_ScriptError ("Expected {"); } else { GenericParse (SplashParser, SplashKeywords, splashdef, "splash", splashdef->Name); } } //========================================================================== // // ParseTerrain // //========================================================================== void ParseTerrain () { int terrainnum; FName name; SC_MustGetString (); name = sc_String; terrainnum = (int)FindTerrain (name); if (terrainnum < 0) { FTerrainDef def; memset (&def, 0, sizeof(def)); def.Splash = -1; def.Name = name; terrainnum = (int)Terrains.Push (def); } // Set defaults SC_MustGetString (); if (!SC_Compare ("modify")) { name = Terrains[terrainnum].Name; memset (&Terrains[terrainnum], 0, sizeof(FTerrainDef)); Terrains[terrainnum].Splash = -1; Terrains[terrainnum].Name = name; } else { SC_MustGetString (); } if (SC_Compare ("{")) { GenericParse (TerrainParser, TerrainKeywords, &Terrains[terrainnum], "terrain", Terrains[terrainnum].Name); } else { SC_ScriptError ("Expected {"); } } //========================================================================== // // ParseDamage // //========================================================================== static void ParseDamage (int keyword, void *fields) { FTerrainDef *def = (FTerrainDef *)fields; SC_MustGetString (); switch (SC_MustMatchString (DamageKeywords)) { case DAM_Lava: def->DamageMOD = MOD_FIRE; break; case DAM_Ice: def->DamageMOD = MOD_ICE; break; case DAM_Slime: def->DamageMOD = MOD_SLIME; break; } } //========================================================================== // // ParseFriction // //========================================================================== static void ParseFriction (int keyword, void *fields) { FTerrainDef *def = (FTerrainDef *)fields; fixed_t friction, movefactor; SC_MustGetFloat (); // These calculations should match those in P_SetSectorFriction(). // A friction of 1.0 is equivalent to ORIG_FRICTION. friction = (fixed_t)(0x1EB8*(sc_Float*100))/0x80 + 0xD001; friction = clamp (friction, 0, FRACUNIT); if (friction > ORIG_FRICTION) // ice movefactor = ((0x10092 - friction) * 1024) / 4352 + 568; else movefactor = ((friction - 0xDB34)*(0xA))/0x80; if (movefactor < 32) movefactor = 32; def->Friction = friction; def->MoveFactor = movefactor; } //========================================================================== // // GenericParse // //========================================================================== static void GenericParse (FGenericParse *parser, const char **keywords, void *fields, const char *type, FName name) { bool notdone = true; int keyword; int val; const PClass *info; do { SC_MustGetString (); keyword = SC_MustMatchString (keywords); switch (parser[keyword].Type) { case GEN_End: notdone = false; break; case GEN_Fixed: SC_MustGetFloat (); SET_FIELD (fixed_t, (fixed_t)(FRACUNIT * sc_Float)); break; case GEN_Sound: SC_MustGetString (); val = S_FindSound (sc_String); SET_FIELD (int, val); if (val == 0) { Printf ("Unknown sound %s in %s %s\n", sc_String, type, name.GetChars()); } break; case GEN_Byte: SC_MustGetNumber (); SET_FIELD (byte, sc_Number); break; case GEN_Class: SC_MustGetString (); if (SC_Compare ("None")) { info = NULL; } else { info = PClass::FindClass (sc_String); if (!info->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor))) { Printf ("%s is not an Actor (in %s %s)\n", sc_String, type, name.GetChars()); info = NULL; } else if (info == NULL) { Printf ("Unknown actor %s in %s %s\n", sc_String, type, name.GetChars()); } } SET_FIELD (const PClass *, info); break; case GEN_Splash: SC_MustGetString (); val = FindSplash (sc_String); SET_FIELD (int, val); if (val == -1) { Printf ("Splash %s is not defined yet (in %s %s)\n", sc_String, type, name.GetChars()); } break; case GEN_Float: SC_MustGetFloat (); SET_FIELD (float, sc_Float); break; case GEN_Time: SC_MustGetFloat (); SET_FIELD (int, (int)(sc_Float * TICRATE)); break; case GEN_Bool: SET_FIELD (bool, true); break; case GEN_Int: SC_MustGetNumber (); SET_FIELD (int, sc_Number); break; case GEN_Custom: parser[keyword].u.Handler (keyword, fields); break; } } while (notdone); } //========================================================================== // // ParseFloor // //========================================================================== static void ParseFloor () { int picnum; int terrain; SC_MustGetString (); picnum = TexMan.CheckForTexture (sc_String, FTexture::TEX_Flat); if (picnum == -1) { Printf ("Unknown flat %s\n", sc_String); SC_MustGetString (); return; } SC_MustGetString (); terrain = FindTerrain (sc_String); if (terrain == -1) { Printf ("Unknown terrain %s\n", sc_String); terrain = 0; } TerrainTypes[picnum] = terrain; } //========================================================================== // // FindSplash // //========================================================================== int FindSplash (FName name) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < Splashes.Size (); i++) { if (Splashes[i].Name == name) { return (int)i; } } return -1; } //========================================================================== // // FindTerrain // //========================================================================== int FindTerrain (FName name) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < Terrains.Size (); i++) { if (Terrains[i].Name == name) { return (int)i; } } return -1; }