// Winged Statue (no skull) ------------------------------------------------- class ZWingedStatueNoSkull : SwitchingDecoration { Default { Radius 10; Height 62; +SOLID } States { Spawn: STWN A -1; Stop; Active: STWN B -1; Stop; } } // Gem pedestal ------------------------------------------------------------- class ZGemPedestal : SwitchingDecoration { Default { Radius 10; Height 40; +SOLID } States { Spawn: GMPD A -1; Stop; Active: GMPD B -1; Stop; } } // Tree (destructible) ------------------------------------------------------ class TreeDestructible : Actor { Default { Health 70; Radius 15; Height 180; DeathHeight 24; Mass 0x7fffffff; PainSound "TreeExplode"; DeathSound "TreeBreak"; +SOLID +SHOOTABLE +NOBLOOD +NOICEDEATH } States { Spawn: TRDT A -1; Stop; Death: TRDT B 5; TRDT C 5 A_Scream; TRDT DEF 5; TRDT G -1; Stop; Burn: TRDT H 5 Bright A_Pain; TRDT IJKL 5 Bright; TRDT M 5 Bright A_Explode(10, 128); TRDT N 5 Bright; TRDT OP 5; TRDT Q -1; Stop; } } // Pottery1 ------------------------------------------------------------------ class Pottery1 : Actor { Default { Health 15; Speed 10; Height 32; +SOLID +SHOOTABLE +NOBLOOD +DROPOFF +SMASHABLE +SLIDESONWALLS +PUSHABLE +TELESTOMP +CANPASS +NOICEDEATH } States { Spawn: POT1 A -1; Loop; Death: POT1 A 0 A_PotteryExplode; Stop; } //============================================================================ // // A_PotteryExplode // //============================================================================ void A_PotteryExplode() { Actor mo = null; int i; for(i = (random[Pottery]()&3)+3; i; i--) { mo = Spawn ("PotteryBit", Pos, ALLOW_REPLACE); if (mo) { mo.SetState (mo.SpawnState + (random[Pottery]()%5)); mo.Vel.X = random2[Pottery]() / 64.; mo.Vel.Y = random2[Pottery]() / 64.; mo.Vel.Z = ((random[Pottery]() & 7) + 5) * 0.75; } } mo.A_PlaySound ("PotteryExplode", CHAN_BODY); // Spawn an item? Class<Actor> type = GetSpawnableType(args[0]); if (type != null) { if (!(level.nomonsters || sv_nomonsters) || !(GetDefaultByType (type).bIsMonster)) { // Only spawn monsters if not -nomonsters Spawn (type, Pos, ALLOW_REPLACE); } } } } // Pottery2 ----------------------------------------------------------------- class Pottery2 : Pottery1 { Default { Height 25; } States { Spawn: POT2 A -1; Stop; } } // Pottery3 ----------------------------------------------------------------- class Pottery3 : Pottery1 { Default { Height 25; } States { Spawn: POT3 A -1; Stop; } } // Pottery Bit -------------------------------------------------------------- class PotteryBit : Actor { State LoopState; Default { Radius 5; Height 5; +MISSILE +NOTELEPORT +NOICEDEATH } States { Spawn: PBIT ABCDE -1; Stop; Death: PBIT F 0 A_PotteryChooseBit; Stop; Pottery1: PBIT F 140; PBIT F 1 A_PotteryCheck; Stop; Pottery2: PBIT G 140; PBIT G 1 A_PotteryCheck; Stop; Pottery3: PBIT H 140; PBIT H 1 A_PotteryCheck; Stop; Pottery4: PBIT I 140; PBIT I 1 A_PotteryCheck; Stop; Pottery5: PBIT J 140; PBIT J 1 A_PotteryCheck; Stop; } //============================================================================ // // A_PotteryChooseBit // //============================================================================ void A_PotteryChooseBit() { static const statelabel bits[] = { "Pottery1", "Pottery2", "Pottery3", "Pottery4", "Pottery5" }; LoopState = FindState(bits[random[PotteryBit]() % 5]); // Save the state for jumping back to. SetState (LoopState); tics = 256 + (random[PotteryBit]() << 1); } //============================================================================ // // A_PotteryCheck // //============================================================================ void A_PotteryCheck() { for(int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (playeringame[i]) { Actor pmo = players[i].mo; if (CheckSight (pmo) && (absangle(pmo.AngleTo(self), pmo.Angle) <= 45)) { // jump back to previpusly set state. SetState (LoopState); return; } } } } } // Blood pool --------------------------------------------------------------- class BloodPool : Actor { States { Spawn: BDPL A -1; Stop; } } // Lynched corpse (no heart) ------------------------------------------------ class ZCorpseLynchedNoHeart : Actor { Default { Radius 10; Height 100; +SOLID +SPAWNCEILING +NOGRAVITY } States { Spawn: CPS5 A 140 A_CorpseBloodDrip; Loop; } override void PostBeginPlay () { Super.PostBeginPlay (); Spawn ("BloodPool", (pos.xy, floorz), ALLOW_REPLACE); } //============================================================================ // // A_CorpseBloodDrip // //============================================================================ void A_CorpseBloodDrip() { if (random[CorpseDrip]() <= 128) { Spawn ("CorpseBloodDrip", pos + (0, 0, Height / 2), ALLOW_REPLACE); } } } // CorpseBloodDrip ---------------------------------------------------------- class CorpseBloodDrip : Actor { Default { Radius 1; Height 4; Gravity 0.125; +MISSILE +NOICEDEATH DeathSound "Drip"; } States { Spawn: BDRP A -1; Stop; Death: BDSH AB 3; BDSH CD 2; Stop; } } // Corpse bit --------------------------------------------------------------- class CorpseBit : Actor { Default { Radius 5; Height 5; +NOBLOCKMAP +TELESTOMP } States { Spawn: CPB1 A -1; Stop; CPB2 A -1; Stop; CPB3 A -1; Stop; CPB4 A -1; Stop; } } // Corpse (sitting, splatterable) ------------------------------------------- class ZCorpseSitting : Actor { Default { Health 30; Radius 15; Height 35; +SOLID +SHOOTABLE +NOBLOOD +NOICEDEATH DeathSound "FireDemonDeath"; } States { Spawn: CPS6 A -1; Stop; Death: CPS6 A 1 A_CorpseExplode; Stop; } //============================================================================ // // A_CorpseExplode // //============================================================================ void A_CorpseExplode() { Actor mo; for (int i = (random[CorpseExplode]() & 3) + 3; i; i--) { mo = Spawn ("CorpseBit", Pos, ALLOW_REPLACE); if (mo) { mo.SetState (mo.SpawnState + (random[CorpseExplode]() % 3)); mo.Vel.X = random2[CorpseExplode]() / 64.; mo.Vel.Y = random2[CorpseExplode]() / 64.; mo.Vel.Z = ((random[CorpseExplode]() & 7) + 5) * 0.75; } } // Spawn a skull mo = Spawn ("CorpseBit", Pos, ALLOW_REPLACE); if (mo) { mo.SetState (mo.SpawnState + 3); mo.Vel.X = random2[CorpseExplode]() / 64.; mo.Vel.Y = random2[CorpseExplode]() / 64.; mo.Vel.Z = ((random[CorpseExplode]() & 7) + 5) * 0.75; } A_PlaySound (DeathSound, CHAN_BODY); Destroy (); } } // Leaf Spawner ------------------------------------------------------------- class LeafSpawner : Actor { Default { +NOBLOCKMAP +NOSECTOR +INVISIBLE } States { Spawn: TNT1 A 20 A_LeafSpawn; Loop; } //============================================================================ // // A_LeafSpawn // //============================================================================ void A_LeafSpawn() { static const class<Actor> leaves[] = { "Leaf1", "Leaf2" }; for (int i = (random[LeafSpawn]() & 3) + 1; i; i--) { double xo = random2[LeafSpawn]() / 4.; double yo = random2[LeafSpawn]() / 4.; double zo = random[LeafSpawn]() / 4.; Actor mo = Spawn (leaves[random[LeafSpawn]()&1], Vec3Offset(xo, yo, zo), ALLOW_REPLACE); if (mo) { mo.Thrust(random[LeafSpawn]() / 128. + 3, angle); mo.target = self; mo.special1 = 0; } } } } // Leaf 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- class Leaf1 : Actor { Default { Radius 2; Height 4; Gravity 0.125; +NOBLOCKMAP +MISSILE +NOTELEPORT +DONTSPLASH +NOICEDEATH } States { Spawn: LEF1 ABC 4; LEF1 D 4 A_LeafThrust; LEF1 EFG 4; Looping: LEF1 H 4 A_LeafThrust; LEF1 I 4; LEF1 AB 4; LEF1 C 4 A_LeafThrust; LEF1 DEF 4; LEF1 G 4 A_LeafThrust; LEF1 HI 4; Stop; Death: LEF3 D 10 A_LeafCheck; Wait; } //============================================================================ // // A_LeafThrust // //============================================================================ void A_LeafThrust() { if (random[LeafThrust]() <= 96) { Vel.Z += random[LeafThrust]() / 128. + 1; } } //============================================================================ // // A_LeafCheck // //============================================================================ void A_LeafCheck() { special1++; if (special1 >= 20) { Destroy(); return; } double ang = target ? target.angle : angle; if (random[LeafCheck]() > 64) { if (Vel.X == 0 && Vel.Y == 0) { Thrust(random[LeafCheck]() / 128. + 1, ang); } return; } SetStateLabel ("Looping"); Vel.Z = random[LeafCheck]() / 128. + 1; Thrust(random[LeafCheck]() / 128. + 2, ang); bMissile = true; } } // Leaf 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- class Leaf2 : Leaf1 { States { Spawn: LEF2 ABC 4; LEF2 D 4 A_LeafThrust; LEF2 EFG 4; LEF2 H 4 A_LeafThrust; LEF2 I 4; LEF2 AB 4; LEF2 C 4 A_LeafThrust; LEF2 DEF 4; LEF2 G 4 A_LeafThrust; LEF2 HI 4; Stop; } } // Twined torch ------------------------------------------------------------- class ZTwinedTorch : SwitchableDecoration { Default { Radius 10; Height 64; +SOLID } States { Active: TWTR A 0 Bright A_PlaySound("Ignite"); Spawn: TWTR ABCDEFGH 4 Bright; Loop; Inactive: TWTR I -1; Stop; } } class ZTwinedTorchUnlit : ZTwinedTorch { States { Spawn: Goto Super::Inactive; } } // Wall torch --------------------------------------------------------------- class ZWallTorch : SwitchableDecoration { Default { +NOBLOCKMAP +NOGRAVITY +FIXMAPTHINGPOS Radius 6.5; } States { Active: WLTR A 0 Bright A_PlaySound("Ignite"); Spawn: WLTR ABCDEFGH 5 Bright; Loop; Inactive: WLTR I -1; Stop; } } class ZWallTorchUnlit : ZWallTorch { States { Spawn: Goto Super::Inactive; } } // Shrub1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- class ZShrub1 : Actor { Default { Radius 8; Height 24; Health 20; Mass 0x7fffffff; +SOLID +SHOOTABLE +NOBLOOD +NOICEDEATH DeathSound "TreeExplode"; } States { Spawn: SHB1 A -1; Stop; Burn: SHB1 B 7 Bright; SHB1 C 6 Bright A_Scream; SHB1 D 5 Bright; Stop; } } // Shrub2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- class ZShrub2 : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 40; Health 20; Mass 0x7fffffff; +SOLID +SHOOTABLE +NOBLOOD +NOICEDEATH DeathSound "TreeExplode"; } States { Spawn: SHB2 A -1; Stop; Burn: SHB2 B 7 Bright; SHB2 C 6 Bright A_Scream; SHB2 D 5 Bright A_Explode(30, 64); SHB2 E 5 Bright; Stop; } } // Fire Bull ---------------------------------------------------------------- class ZFireBull : SwitchableDecoration { Default { Radius 20; Height 80; +SOLID } States { Active: FBUL I 4 Bright A_PlaySound("Ignite"); FBUL J 4 Bright; Spawn: FBUL ABCDEFG 4 Bright; Loop; Inactive: FBUL JI 4 Bright; FBUL H -1; Stop; } } class ZFireBullUnlit : ZFireBull { States { Spawn: Goto Super::Inactive+2; } } // Suit of armor ------------------------------------------------------------ class ZSuitOfArmor : Actor { Default { Health 60; Radius 16; Height 72; Mass 0x7fffffff; +SOLID +SHOOTABLE +NOBLOOD +NOICEDEATH DeathSound "SuitofArmorBreak"; } States { Spawn: ZSUI A -1; Stop; Death: ZSUI A 1 A_SoAExplode; Stop; } //=========================================================================== // // A_SoAExplode - Suit of Armor Explode // //=========================================================================== void A_SoAExplode() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { double xo = (random[SoAExplode]() - 128) / 16.; double yo = (random[SoAExplode]() - 128) / 16.; double zo = random[SoAExplode]() * Height / 256.; Actor mo = Spawn ("ZArmorChunk", Vec3Offset(xo, yo, zo), ALLOW_REPLACE); if (mo) { mo.SetState (mo.SpawnState + i); mo.Vel.X = random2[SoAExplode]() / 64.; mo.Vel.Y = random2[SoAExplode]() / 64.; mo.Vel.Z = (random[SoAExplode]() & 7) + 5; } } // Spawn an item? Class<Actor> type = GetSpawnableType(args[0]); if (type != null) { if (!(level.nomonsters || sv_nomonsters) || !(GetDefaultByType (type).bIsMonster)) { // Only spawn monsters if not -nomonsters Spawn (type, Pos, ALLOW_REPLACE); } } A_PlaySound (DeathSound, CHAN_BODY); Destroy (); } } // Armor chunk -------------------------------------------------------------- class ZArmorChunk : Actor { Default { Radius 4; Height 8; } States { Spawn: ZSUI B -1; Stop; ZSUI C -1; Stop; ZSUI D -1; Stop; ZSUI E -1; Stop; ZSUI F -1; Stop; ZSUI G -1; Stop; ZSUI H -1; Stop; ZSUI I -1; Stop; ZSUI J -1; Stop; ZSUI K -1; Stop; } } // Bell --------------------------------------------------------------------- class ZBell : Actor { Default { Health 5; Radius 56; Height 120; Mass 0x7fffffff; +SOLID +SHOOTABLE +NOBLOOD +NOGRAVITY +SPAWNCEILING +NOICEDEATH DeathSound "BellRing"; } States { Spawn: BBLL F -1; Stop; Death: BBLL A 4 A_BellReset1; BBLL BC 4; BBLL D 5 A_Scream; BBLL CB 4; BBLL A 3; BBLL E 4; BBLL F 5; BBLL G 6 A_Scream; BBLL F 5; BBLL EA 4; BBLL BC 5; BBLL D 6 A_Scream; BBLL CB 5; BBLL A 4; BBLL EF 5; BBLL G 7 A_Scream; BBLL FEA 5; BBLL B 6; BBLL C 6; BBLL D 7 A_Scream; BBLL CB 6; BBLL A 5; BBLL EF 6; BBLL G 7 A_Scream; BBLL FEABC 6; BBLL B 7; BBLL A 8; BBLL E 12; BBLL A 10; BBLL B 12; BBLL A 12; BBLL E 14; BBLL A 1 A_BellReset2; Goto Spawn; } override void Activate (Actor activator) { if (health > 0) { DamageMobj (activator, activator, 10, 'Melee', DMG_THRUSTLESS); // 'ring' the bell } } //=========================================================================== // // A_BellReset1 // //=========================================================================== void A_BellReset1() { bNoGravity = true; Height = Default.Height; } //=========================================================================== // // A_BellReset2 // //=========================================================================== void A_BellReset2() { bShootable = true; bCorpse = false; bKilled = false; health = 5; } } // "Christmas" Tree --------------------------------------------------------- class ZXmasTree : Actor { Default { Radius 11; Height 130; Health 20; Mass 0x7fffffff; +SOLID +SHOOTABLE +NOBLOOD +NOICEDEATH DeathSound "TreeExplode"; } States { Spawn: XMAS A -1; Stop; Burn: XMAS B 6 Bright; XMAS C 6 Bright A_Scream; XMAS D 5 Bright; XMAS E 5 Bright A_Explode(30, 64); XMAS F 5 Bright; XMAS G 4 Bright; XMAS H 5; XMAS I 4 A_NoBlocking; XMAS J 4; XMAS K -1; Stop; } } // Cauldron ----------------------------------------------------------------- class ZCauldron : SwitchableDecoration { Default { Radius 12; Height 26; +SOLID } States { Active: CDRN B 0 Bright A_PlaySound("Ignite"); Spawn: CDRN BCDEFGH 4 Bright; Loop; Inactive: CDRN A -1; Stop; } } class ZCauldronUnlit : ZCauldron { States { Spawn: Goto Super::Inactive; } } // Water Drip --------------------------------------------------------------- class HWaterDrip : Actor { Default { +MISSILE +NOTELEPORT Gravity 0.125; Mass 1; DeathSound "Drip"; } States { Spawn: HWAT A -1; Stop; } }