#include "actor.h" #include "info.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "m_random.h" #include "s_sound.h" #include "p_enemy.h" #include "a_hexenglobal.h" #include "gstrings.h" #define BLAST_FULLSTRENGTH 255 static FRandom pr_holyatk2 ("CHolyAtk2"); static FRandom pr_holyseeker ("CHolySeeker"); static FRandom pr_holyweave ("CHolyWeave"); static FRandom pr_holyseek ("CHolySeek"); static FRandom pr_checkscream ("CCheckScream"); static FRandom pr_spiritslam ("CHolySlam"); static FRandom pr_wraithvergedrop ("WraithvergeDrop"); void A_CHolySpawnPuff (AActor *); void A_CHolyAttack2 (AActor *); void A_CHolyTail (AActor *); void A_CHolySeek (AActor *); void A_CHolyCheckScream (AActor *); void A_DropWraithvergePieces (AActor *); void A_CHolyAttack (AActor *); void A_CHolyPalette (AActor *); void SpawnSpiritTail (AActor *spirit); //========================================================================== class AClericWeaponPiece : public AFourthWeaponPiece { DECLARE_STATELESS_ACTOR (AClericWeaponPiece, AFourthWeaponPiece) public: void BeginPlay (); protected: bool MatchPlayerClass (AActor *toucher); }; IMPLEMENT_STATELESS_ACTOR (AClericWeaponPiece, Hexen, -1, 0) PROP_Inventory_PickupMessage("$TXT_WRAITHVERGE_PIECE") END_DEFAULTS bool AClericWeaponPiece::MatchPlayerClass (AActor *toucher) { return !toucher->IsKindOf (PClass::FindClass(NAME_FighterPlayer)) && !toucher->IsKindOf (PClass::FindClass(NAME_MagePlayer)); } //========================================================================== class ACWeaponPiece1 : public AClericWeaponPiece { DECLARE_ACTOR (ACWeaponPiece1, AClericWeaponPiece) public: void BeginPlay (); }; FState ACWeaponPiece1::States[] = { S_BRIGHT (WCH1, 'A', -1, NULL , NULL), }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (ACWeaponPiece1, Hexen, 18, 33) PROP_Flags (MF_SPECIAL) PROP_Flags2 (MF2_FLOATBOB) PROP_SpawnState (0) END_DEFAULTS void ACWeaponPiece1::BeginPlay () { Super::BeginPlay (); PieceValue = WPIECE1<<3; } //========================================================================== class ACWeaponPiece2 : public AClericWeaponPiece { DECLARE_ACTOR (ACWeaponPiece2, AClericWeaponPiece) public: void BeginPlay (); }; FState ACWeaponPiece2::States[] = { S_BRIGHT (WCH2, 'A', -1, NULL , NULL), }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (ACWeaponPiece2, Hexen, 19, 34) PROP_Flags (MF_SPECIAL) PROP_Flags2 (MF2_FLOATBOB) PROP_SpawnState (0) END_DEFAULTS void ACWeaponPiece2::BeginPlay () { Super::BeginPlay (); PieceValue = WPIECE2<<3; } //========================================================================== class ACWeaponPiece3 : public AClericWeaponPiece { DECLARE_ACTOR (ACWeaponPiece3, AClericWeaponPiece) public: void BeginPlay (); }; FState ACWeaponPiece3::States[] = { S_BRIGHT (WCH3, 'A', -1, NULL , NULL), }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (ACWeaponPiece3, Hexen, 20, 35) PROP_Flags (MF_SPECIAL) PROP_Flags2 (MF2_FLOATBOB) PROP_SpawnState (0) END_DEFAULTS void ACWeaponPiece3::BeginPlay () { Super::BeginPlay (); PieceValue = WPIECE3<<3; } // An actor that spawns the three pieces of the cleric's fourth weapon ------ // This gets spawned if weapon drop is on so that other players can pick up // this player's weapon. class AWraithvergeDrop : public AActor { DECLARE_ACTOR (AWraithvergeDrop, AActor) }; FState AWraithvergeDrop::States[] = { S_NORMAL (TNT1, 'A', 1, NULL, &States[1]), S_NORMAL (TNT1, 'A', 1, A_DropWraithvergePieces, NULL) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (AWraithvergeDrop, Hexen, -1, 0) PROP_SpawnState (0) END_DEFAULTS // Cleric's Wraithverge (Holy Symbol?) -------------------------------------- class ACWeapWraithverge : public AClericWeapon { DECLARE_ACTOR (ACWeapWraithverge, AClericWeapon) public: void Serialize (FArchive &arc) { Super::Serialize (arc); arc << CHolyCount; } PalEntry GetBlend () { return PalEntry (CHolyCount * 128 / 3, 131, 131, 131); } BYTE CHolyCount; }; FState ACWeapWraithverge::States[] = { // Dummy state, because the fourth weapon does not appear in a level directly. S_NORMAL (TNT1, 'A', -1, NULL , NULL), #define S_CHOLYREADY 1 S_NORMAL (CHLY, 'A', 1, A_WeaponReady , &States[S_CHOLYREADY]), #define S_CHOLYDOWN (S_CHOLYREADY+1) S_NORMAL (CHLY, 'A', 1, A_Lower , &States[S_CHOLYDOWN]), #define S_CHOLYUP (S_CHOLYDOWN+1) S_NORMAL (CHLY, 'A', 1, A_Raise , &States[S_CHOLYUP]), #define S_CHOLYATK (S_CHOLYUP+1) S_BRIGHT2 (CHLY, 'A', 1, NULL , &States[S_CHOLYATK+1], 0, 40), S_BRIGHT2 (CHLY, 'B', 1, NULL , &States[S_CHOLYATK+2], 0, 40), S_BRIGHT2 (CHLY, 'C', 2, NULL , &States[S_CHOLYATK+3], 0, 43), S_BRIGHT2 (CHLY, 'D', 2, NULL , &States[S_CHOLYATK+4], 0, 43), S_BRIGHT2 (CHLY, 'E', 2, NULL , &States[S_CHOLYATK+5], 0, 45), S_BRIGHT2 (CHLY, 'F', 6, A_CHolyAttack , &States[S_CHOLYATK+6], 0, 48), S_BRIGHT2 (CHLY, 'G', 2, A_CHolyPalette , &States[S_CHOLYATK+7], 0, 40), S_BRIGHT2 (CHLY, 'G', 2, A_CHolyPalette , &States[S_CHOLYATK+8], 0, 40), S_BRIGHT2 (CHLY, 'G', 2, A_CHolyPalette , &States[S_CHOLYREADY], 0, 36) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (ACWeapWraithverge, Hexen, -1, 0) PROP_Flags (MF_SPECIAL) PROP_SpawnState (0) PROP_Weapon_SelectionOrder (3000) PROP_Weapon_Flags (WIF_PRIMARY_USES_BOTH | WIF_EXTREME_DEATH) PROP_Weapon_AmmoUse1 (18) PROP_Weapon_AmmoUse2 (18) PROP_Weapon_AmmoGive1 (0) PROP_Weapon_AmmoGive2 (0) PROP_Weapon_UpState (S_CHOLYUP) PROP_Weapon_DownState (S_CHOLYDOWN) PROP_Weapon_ReadyState (S_CHOLYREADY) PROP_Weapon_AtkState (S_CHOLYATK) PROP_Weapon_Kickback (150) PROP_Weapon_MoveCombatDist (22000000) PROP_Weapon_AmmoType1 ("Mana1") PROP_Weapon_AmmoType2 ("Mana2") PROP_Weapon_ProjectileType ("HolyMissile") PROP_Inventory_PickupMessage("$TXT_WEAPON_C4") END_DEFAULTS // Holy Missile ------------------------------------------------------------- class AHolyMissile : public AActor { DECLARE_ACTOR (AHolyMissile, AActor) }; FState AHolyMissile::States[] = { S_BRIGHT (SPIR, 'P', 3, A_CHolySpawnPuff , &States[1]), S_BRIGHT (SPIR, 'P', 3, A_CHolySpawnPuff , &States[2]), S_BRIGHT (SPIR, 'P', 3, A_CHolySpawnPuff , &States[3]), S_BRIGHT (SPIR, 'P', 3, A_CHolySpawnPuff , &States[4]), S_BRIGHT (SPIR, 'P', 1, A_CHolyAttack2 , NULL), }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (AHolyMissile, Hexen, -1, 0) PROP_SpeedFixed (30) PROP_RadiusFixed (15) PROP_HeightFixed (8) PROP_Damage (4) PROP_Flags (MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_NOGRAVITY|MF_DROPOFF|MF_MISSILE) PROP_Flags2 (MF2_NOTELEPORT) PROP_SpawnState (0) PROP_DeathState (4) END_DEFAULTS // Holy Missile Puff -------------------------------------------------------- class AHolyMissilePuff : public AActor { DECLARE_ACTOR (AHolyMissilePuff, AActor) }; FState AHolyMissilePuff::States[] = { S_NORMAL (SPIR, 'Q', 3, NULL , &States[1]), S_NORMAL (SPIR, 'R', 3, NULL , &States[2]), S_NORMAL (SPIR, 'S', 3, NULL , &States[3]), S_NORMAL (SPIR, 'T', 3, NULL , &States[4]), S_NORMAL (SPIR, 'U', 3, NULL , NULL), }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (AHolyMissilePuff, Hexen, -1, 0) PROP_RadiusFixed (4) PROP_HeightFixed (8) PROP_Flags (MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_NOGRAVITY|MF_DROPOFF) PROP_Flags2 (MF2_NOTELEPORT) PROP_RenderStyle (STYLE_Translucent) PROP_Alpha (HX_ALTSHADOW) PROP_SpawnState (0) END_DEFAULTS // Holy Puff ---------------------------------------------------------------- class AHolyPuff : public AActor { DECLARE_ACTOR (AHolyPuff, AActor) }; FState AHolyPuff::States[] = { S_NORMAL (SPIR, 'K', 3, NULL , &States[1]), S_NORMAL (SPIR, 'L', 3, NULL , &States[2]), S_NORMAL (SPIR, 'M', 3, NULL , &States[3]), S_NORMAL (SPIR, 'N', 3, NULL , &States[4]), S_NORMAL (SPIR, 'O', 3, NULL , NULL), }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (AHolyPuff, Hexen, -1, 0) PROP_Flags (MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_NOGRAVITY) PROP_RenderStyle (STYLE_Translucent) PROP_Alpha (HX_SHADOW) PROP_SpawnState (0) END_DEFAULTS // Holy Spirit -------------------------------------------------------------- FState AHolySpirit::States[] = { #define S_HOLY_FX1 0 S_NORMAL (SPIR, 'A', 2, A_CHolySeek , &States[S_HOLY_FX1+1]), S_NORMAL (SPIR, 'A', 2, A_CHolySeek , &States[S_HOLY_FX1+2]), S_NORMAL (SPIR, 'B', 2, A_CHolySeek , &States[S_HOLY_FX1+3]), S_NORMAL (SPIR, 'B', 2, A_CHolyCheckScream , &States[S_HOLY_FX1]), #define S_HOLY_FX_X1 (S_HOLY_FX1+4) S_NORMAL (SPIR, 'D', 4, NULL , &States[S_HOLY_FX_X1+1]), S_NORMAL (SPIR, 'E', 4, A_Scream , &States[S_HOLY_FX_X1+2]), S_NORMAL (SPIR, 'F', 4, NULL , &States[S_HOLY_FX_X1+3]), S_NORMAL (SPIR, 'G', 4, NULL , &States[S_HOLY_FX_X1+4]), S_NORMAL (SPIR, 'H', 4, NULL , &States[S_HOLY_FX_X1+5]), S_NORMAL (SPIR, 'I', 4, NULL , NULL), }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (AHolySpirit, Hexen, -1, 0) PROP_SpawnHealth (105) PROP_SpeedFixed (12) PROP_RadiusFixed (10) PROP_HeightFixed (6) PROP_Damage (3) PROP_Flags (MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_NOGRAVITY|MF_DROPOFF|MF_MISSILE) PROP_Flags2 (MF2_NOTELEPORT|MF2_RIP|MF2_IMPACT|MF2_PCROSS|MF2_SEEKERMISSILE) PROP_Flags3 (MF3_FOILINVUL|MF3_SKYEXPLODE|MF3_NOEXPLODEFLOOR|MF3_CANBLAST) PROP_RenderStyle (STYLE_Translucent) PROP_Alpha (HX_ALTSHADOW) PROP_SpawnState (S_HOLY_FX1) PROP_DeathState (S_HOLY_FX_X1) PROP_DeathSound ("SpiritDie") END_DEFAULTS bool AHolySpirit::Slam (AActor *thing) { if (thing->flags&MF_SHOOTABLE && thing != target) { if (multiplayer && !deathmatch && thing->player && target->player) { // don't attack other co-op players return true; } if (thing->flags2&MF2_REFLECTIVE && (thing->player || thing->flags2&MF2_BOSS)) { tracer = target; target = thing; return true; } if (thing->flags3&MF3_ISMONSTER || thing->player) { tracer = thing; } if (pr_spiritslam() < 96) { int dam = 12; if (thing->player || thing->flags2&MF2_BOSS) { dam = 3; // ghost burns out faster when attacking players/bosses health -= 6; } P_DamageMobj (thing, this, target, dam, NAME_Melee); if (pr_spiritslam() < 128) { Spawn (x, y, z, ALLOW_REPLACE); S_Sound (this, CHAN_WEAPON, "SpiritAttack", 1, ATTN_NORM); if (thing->flags3&MF3_ISMONSTER && pr_spiritslam() < 128) { thing->Howl (); } } } if (thing->health <= 0) { tracer = NULL; } } return true; } bool AHolySpirit::SpecialBlastHandling (AActor *source, fixed_t strength) { if (strength == BLAST_FULLSTRENGTH && tracer == source) { tracer = target; target = source; } return true; } bool AHolySpirit::IsOkayToAttack (AActor *link) { if ((link->flags3&MF3_ISMONSTER || (link->player && link != target)) && !(link->flags2&MF2_DORMANT)) { if (!(link->flags&MF_SHOOTABLE)) { return false; } if (multiplayer && !deathmatch && link->player && target->player) { return false; } if (link == target) { return false; } else if (P_CheckSight (this, link)) { return true; } } return false; } // Holy Tail ---------------------------------------------------------------- class AHolyTail : public AActor { DECLARE_ACTOR (AHolyTail, AActor) }; FState AHolyTail::States[] = { S_NORMAL (SPIR, 'C', 1, A_CHolyTail , &States[0]), S_NORMAL (SPIR, 'D', -1, NULL , NULL), }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (AHolyTail, Hexen, -1, 0) PROP_RadiusFixed (1) PROP_HeightFixed (1) PROP_Flags (MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_NOGRAVITY|MF_DROPOFF|MF_NOCLIP) PROP_Flags2 (MF2_NOTELEPORT) PROP_RenderStyle (STYLE_Translucent) PROP_Alpha (HX_ALTSHADOW) PROP_SpawnState (0) END_DEFAULTS // Holy Tail Trail --------------------------------------------------------- class AHolyTailTrail : public AHolyTail { DECLARE_STATELESS_ACTOR (AHolyTailTrail, AHolyTail) }; IMPLEMENT_STATELESS_ACTOR (AHolyTailTrail, Hexen, -1, 0) PROP_SpawnState (1) END_DEFAULTS //============================================================================ // // A_CHolyAttack3 // // Spawns the spirits //============================================================================ void A_CHolyAttack3 (AActor *actor) { AActor * missile = P_SpawnMissileZ (actor, actor->z + 40*FRACUNIT, actor->target, RUNTIME_CLASS(AHolyMissile)); if (missile != NULL) missile->tracer = NULL; // No initial target S_Sound (actor, CHAN_WEAPON, "HolySymbolFire", 1, ATTN_NORM); } //============================================================================ // // A_CHolyAttack2 // // Spawns the spirits //============================================================================ void A_CHolyAttack2 (AActor *actor) { int j; int i; AActor *mo; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { mo = Spawn (actor->x, actor->y, actor->z, ALLOW_REPLACE); if (!mo) { continue; } switch (j) { // float bob index case 0: mo->special2 = pr_holyatk2()&7; // upper-left break; case 1: mo->special2 = 32+(pr_holyatk2()&7); // upper-right break; case 2: mo->special2 = (32+(pr_holyatk2()&7))<<16; // lower-left break; case 3: i = pr_holyatk2(); mo->special2 = ((32+(i&7))<<16)+32+(pr_holyatk2()&7); break; } mo->z = actor->z; mo->angle = actor->angle+(ANGLE_45+ANGLE_45/2)-ANGLE_45*j; P_ThrustMobj(mo, mo->angle, mo->Speed); mo->target = actor->target; mo->args[0] = 10; // initial turn value mo->args[1] = 0; // initial look angle if (deathmatch) { // Ghosts last slightly less longer in DeathMatch mo->health = 85; } if (actor->tracer) { mo->tracer = actor->tracer; mo->flags |= MF_NOCLIP|MF_SKULLFLY; mo->flags &= ~MF_MISSILE; } SpawnSpiritTail (mo); } } //============================================================================ // // SpawnSpiritTail // //============================================================================ void SpawnSpiritTail (AActor *spirit) { AActor *tail, *next; int i; tail = Spawn (spirit->x, spirit->y, spirit->z, ALLOW_REPLACE); tail->target = spirit; // parent for (i = 1; i < 3; i++) { next = Spawn (spirit->x, spirit->y, spirit->z, ALLOW_REPLACE); tail->tracer = next; tail = next; } tail->tracer = NULL; // last tail bit } //============================================================================ // // A_CHolyAttack // //============================================================================ void A_CHolyAttack (AActor *actor) { player_t *player; if (NULL == (player = actor->player)) { return; } ACWeapWraithverge *weapon = static_cast (actor->player->ReadyWeapon); if (weapon != NULL) { if (!weapon->DepleteAmmo (weapon->bAltFire)) return; } AActor * missile = P_SpawnPlayerMissile (actor, RUNTIME_CLASS(AHolyMissile)); if (missile != NULL) missile->tracer = linetarget; weapon->CHolyCount = 3; S_Sound (actor, CHAN_WEAPON, "HolySymbolFire", 1, ATTN_NORM); } //============================================================================ // // A_CHolyPalette // //============================================================================ void A_CHolyPalette (AActor *actor) { if (actor->player != NULL) { ACWeapWraithverge *weapon = static_cast (actor->player->ReadyWeapon); if (weapon != NULL && weapon->CHolyCount != 0) { weapon->CHolyCount--; } } } //============================================================================ // // CHolyTailFollow // //============================================================================ static void CHolyTailFollow (AActor *actor, fixed_t dist) { AActor *child; int an; fixed_t oldDistance, newDistance; while (actor) { child = actor->tracer; if (child) { an = R_PointToAngle2(actor->x, actor->y, child->x, child->y)>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT; oldDistance = P_AproxDistance (child->x-actor->x, child->y-actor->y); if (P_TryMove (child, actor->x+FixedMul(dist, finecosine[an]), actor->y+FixedMul(dist, finesine[an]), true)) { newDistance = P_AproxDistance (child->x-actor->x, child->y-actor->y)-FRACUNIT; if (oldDistance < FRACUNIT) { if (child->z < actor->z) { child->z = actor->z-dist; } else { child->z = actor->z+dist; } } else { child->z = actor->z + Scale (newDistance, child->z-actor->z, oldDistance); } } } actor = child; dist -= FRACUNIT; } } //============================================================================ // // CHolyTailRemove // //============================================================================ static void CHolyTailRemove (AActor *actor) { AActor *next; while (actor) { next = actor->tracer; actor->Destroy (); actor = next; } } //============================================================================ // // A_CHolyTail // //============================================================================ void A_CHolyTail (AActor *actor) { AActor *parent; parent = actor->target; if (parent == NULL || parent->health <= 0) // better check for health than current state - it's safer! { // Ghost removed, so remove all tail parts CHolyTailRemove (actor); return; } else { if (P_TryMove (actor, parent->x - 14*finecosine[parent->angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT], parent->y - 14*finesine[parent->angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT], true)) { actor->z = parent->z-5*FRACUNIT; } CHolyTailFollow (actor, 10*FRACUNIT); } } //============================================================================ // // CHolyFindTarget // //============================================================================ static void CHolyFindTarget (AActor *actor) { AActor *target; if ( (target = P_RoughMonsterSearch (actor, 6)) ) { actor->tracer = target; actor->flags |= MF_NOCLIP|MF_SKULLFLY; actor->flags &= ~MF_MISSILE; } } //============================================================================ // // CHolySeekerMissile // // Similar to P_SeekerMissile, but seeks to a random Z on the target //============================================================================ static void CHolySeekerMissile (AActor *actor, angle_t thresh, angle_t turnMax) { int dir; int dist; angle_t delta; angle_t angle; AActor *target; fixed_t newZ; fixed_t deltaZ; target = actor->tracer; if (target == NULL) { return; } if(!(target->flags&MF_SHOOTABLE) || (!(target->flags3&MF3_ISMONSTER) && !target->player)) { // Target died/target isn't a player or creature actor->tracer = NULL; actor->flags &= ~(MF_NOCLIP|MF_SKULLFLY); actor->flags |= MF_MISSILE; CHolyFindTarget (actor); return; } dir = P_FaceMobj (actor, target, &delta); if (delta > thresh) { delta >>= 1; if (delta > turnMax) { delta = turnMax; } } if (dir) { // Turn clockwise actor->angle += delta; } else { // Turn counter clockwise actor->angle -= delta; } angle = actor->angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT; actor->momx = FixedMul (actor->Speed, finecosine[angle]); actor->momy = FixedMul (actor->Speed, finesine[angle]); if (!(level.time&15) || actor->z > target->z+(target->height) || actor->z+actor->height < target->z) { newZ = target->z+((pr_holyseeker()*target->height)>>8); deltaZ = newZ-actor->z; if (abs(deltaZ) > 15*FRACUNIT) { if (deltaZ > 0) { deltaZ = 15*FRACUNIT; } else { deltaZ = -15*FRACUNIT; } } dist = P_AproxDistance (target->x-actor->x, target->y-actor->y); dist = dist / actor->Speed; if (dist < 1) { dist = 1; } actor->momz = deltaZ/dist; } return; } //============================================================================ // // A_CHolyWeave // //============================================================================ static void CHolyWeave (AActor *actor) { fixed_t newX, newY; int weaveXY, weaveZ; int angle; weaveXY = actor->special2>>16; weaveZ = actor->special2&0xFFFF; angle = (actor->angle+ANG90)>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT; newX = actor->x-FixedMul(finecosine[angle], FloatBobOffsets[weaveXY]<<2); newY = actor->y-FixedMul(finesine[angle], FloatBobOffsets[weaveXY]<<2); weaveXY = (weaveXY+(pr_holyweave()%5))&63; newX += FixedMul(finecosine[angle], FloatBobOffsets[weaveXY]<<2); newY += FixedMul(finesine[angle], FloatBobOffsets[weaveXY]<<2); P_TryMove(actor, newX, newY, true); actor->z -= FloatBobOffsets[weaveZ]<<1; weaveZ = (weaveZ+(pr_holyweave()%5))&63; actor->z += FloatBobOffsets[weaveZ]<<1; actor->special2 = weaveZ+(weaveXY<<16); } //============================================================================ // // A_CHolySeek // //============================================================================ void A_CHolySeek (AActor *actor) { actor->health--; if (actor->health <= 0) { actor->momx >>= 2; actor->momy >>= 2; actor->momz = 0; actor->SetState (actor->FindState(NAME_Death)); actor->tics -= pr_holyseek()&3; return; } if (actor->tracer) { CHolySeekerMissile (actor, actor->args[0]*ANGLE_1, actor->args[0]*ANGLE_1*2); if (!((level.time+7)&15)) { actor->args[0] = 5+(pr_holyseek()/20); } } CHolyWeave (actor); } //============================================================================ // // A_CHolyCheckScream // //============================================================================ void A_CHolyCheckScream (AActor *actor) { A_CHolySeek (actor); if (pr_checkscream() < 20) { S_Sound (actor, CHAN_VOICE, "SpiritActive", 1, ATTN_NORM); } if (!actor->tracer) { CHolyFindTarget(actor); } } //============================================================================ // // A_CHolySpawnPuff // //============================================================================ void A_CHolySpawnPuff (AActor *actor) { Spawn (actor->x, actor->y, actor->z, ALLOW_REPLACE); } void AClericWeaponPiece::BeginPlay () { Super::BeginPlay (); FourthWeaponClass = RUNTIME_CLASS(ACWeapWraithverge); } //============================================================================ // // A_DropWraithvergePieces // //============================================================================ void A_DropWraithvergePieces (AActor *actor) { static const PClass *pieces[3] = { RUNTIME_CLASS(ACWeaponPiece1), RUNTIME_CLASS(ACWeaponPiece2), RUNTIME_CLASS(ACWeaponPiece3) }; for (int i = 0, j = 0, fineang = 0; i < 3; ++i) { AActor *piece = Spawn (pieces[j], actor->x, actor->y, actor->z, ALLOW_REPLACE); if (piece != NULL) { piece->momx = actor->momx + finecosine[fineang]; piece->momy = actor->momy + finesine[fineang]; piece->momz = actor->momz; piece->flags |= MF_DROPPED; fineang += FINEANGLES/3; j = (j == 0) ? (pr_wraithvergedrop() & 1) + 1 : 3-j; } } }