// Dirt clump (spawned by spike) -------------------------------------------- class DirtClump : Actor { Default { +NOBLOCKMAP +NOTELEPORT } States { Spawn: TSPK C 20; Loop; } } // Spike (thrust floor) ----------------------------------------------------- class ThrustFloor : Actor { Default { Radius 20; Height 128; } States { ThrustRaising: TSPK A 2 A_ThrustRaise; Loop; BloodThrustRaising: TSPK B 2 A_ThrustRaise; Loop; ThrustLower: TSPK A 2 A_ThrustLower; Loop; BloodThrustLower: TSPK B 2 A_ThrustLower; Loop; ThrustInit1: TSPK A 3; TSPK A 4 A_ThrustInitDn; TSPK A -1; Loop; BloodThrustInit1: TSPK B 3; TSPK B 4 A_ThrustInitDn; TSPK B -1; Loop; ThrustInit2: TSPK A 3; TSPK A 4 A_ThrustInitUp; TSPK A 10; Loop; BloodThrustInit2: TSPK B 3; TSPK B 4 A_ThrustInitUp; TSPK B 10; Loop; ThrustRaise: TSPK A 8 A_ThrustRaise; TSPK A 6 A_ThrustRaise; TSPK A 4 A_ThrustRaise; TSPK A 3 A_SetSolid; TSPK A 2 A_ThrustImpale; Loop; BloodThrustRaise: TSPK B 8 A_ThrustRaise; TSPK B 6 A_ThrustRaise; TSPK B 4 A_ThrustRaise; TSPK B 3 A_SetSolid; TSPK B 2 A_ThrustImpale; Loop; } override void Activate (Actor activator) { if (args[0] == 0) { A_PlaySound ("ThrustSpikeLower", CHAN_BODY); bInvisible = false; if (args[1]) SetStateLabel("BloodThrustRaise"); else SetStateLabel("ThrustRaise"); } } override void Deactivate (Actor activator) { if (args[0] == 1) { A_PlaySound ("ThrustSpikeRaise", CHAN_BODY); if (args[1]) SetStateLabel("BloodThrustLower"); else SetStateLabel("ThrustLower"); } } //=========================================================================== // // Thrust floor stuff // // Thrust Spike Variables // master pointer to dirt clump actor // special2 speed of raise // args[0] 0 = lowered, 1 = raised // args[1] 0 = normal, 1 = bloody //=========================================================================== void A_ThrustInitUp() { special2 = 5; // Raise speed args[0] = 1; // Mark as up Floorclip = 0; bSolid = true; bNoTeleport = true; bFloorClip = true; special1 = 0; } void A_ThrustInitDn() { special2 = 5; // Raise speed args[0] = 0; // Mark as down Floorclip = Default.Height; bSolid = false; bNoTeleport = true; bFloorClip = true; bInvisible = true; master = Spawn("DirtClump", Pos, ALLOW_REPLACE); } void A_ThrustRaise() { if (RaiseMobj (special2)) { // Reached it's target height args[0] = 1; if (args[1]) SetStateLabel ("BloodThrustInit2", true); else SetStateLabel ("ThrustInit2", true); } // Lose the dirt clump if ((Floorclip < Height) && master) { master.Destroy (); master = null; } // Spawn some dirt if (random[Thrustraise]()<40) SpawnDirt (radius); special2++; // Increase raise speed } void A_ThrustLower() { if (SinkMobj (6)) { args[0] = 0; if (args[1]) SetStateLabel ("BloodThrustInit1", true); else SetStateLabel ("ThrustInit1", true); } } void A_ThrustImpale() { BlockThingsIterator it = BlockThingsIterator.Create(self); while (it.Next()) { double blockdist = radius + it.thing.radius; if (abs(it.thing.pos.x - it.Position.X) >= blockdist || abs(it.thing.pos.y - it.Position.Y) >= blockdist) continue; // Q: Make this z-aware for everything? It never was before. if (it.thing.pos.z + it.thing.height < pos.z || it.thing.pos.z > pos.z + height) { if (CurSector.PortalGroup != it.thing.CurSector.PortalGroup) continue; } if (!it.thing.bShootable) continue; if (it.thing == self) continue; // don't clip against self int newdam = it.thing.DamageMobj (self, self, 10001, 'Crush'); it.thing.TraceBleed (newdam > 0 ? newdam : 10001, null); args[1] = 1; // Mark thrust thing as bloody } } } // Spike up ----------------------------------------------------------------- class ThrustFloorUp : ThrustFloor { Default { +SOLID +NOTELEPORT +FLOORCLIP } States { Spawn: Goto ThrustInit2; } } // Spike down --------------------------------------------------------------- class ThrustFloorDown : ThrustFloor { Default { +NOTELEPORT +FLOORCLIP +INVISIBLE } States { Spawn: Goto ThrustInit1; } }