//=========================================================================== // // Imp // //=========================================================================== class DoomImp : Actor { Default { Health 60; Radius 20; Height 56; Mass 100; Speed 8; PainChance 200; Monster; +FLOORCLIP SeeSound "imp/sight"; PainSound "imp/pain"; DeathSound "imp/death"; ActiveSound "imp/active"; HitObituary "$OB_IMPHIT"; Obituary "$OB_IMP"; } States { Spawn: TROO AB 10 A_Look; Loop; See: TROO AABBCCDD 3 A_Chase; Loop; Melee: Missile: TROO EF 8 A_FaceTarget; TROO G 6 A_TroopAttack ; Goto See; Pain: TROO H 2; TROO H 2 A_Pain; Goto See; Death: TROO I 8; TROO J 8 A_Scream; TROO K 6; TROO L 6 A_NoBlocking; TROO M -1; Stop; XDeath: TROO N 5; TROO O 5 A_XScream; TROO P 5; TROO Q 5 A_NoBlocking; TROO RST 5; TROO U -1; Stop; Raise: TROO ML 8; TROO KJI 6; Goto See; } } //=========================================================================== // // Imp fireball // //=========================================================================== class DoomImpBall : Actor { Default { Radius 6; Height 8; Speed 10; FastSpeed 20; Damage 3; Projectile; +RANDOMIZE +ZDOOMTRANS RenderStyle "Add"; Alpha 1; SeeSound "imp/attack"; DeathSound "imp/shotx"; } States { Spawn: BAL1 AB 4 BRIGHT; Loop; Death: BAL1 CDE 6 BRIGHT; Stop; } } //=========================================================================== // // Code (must be attached to Actor) // //=========================================================================== extend class Actor { void A_TroopAttack() { if (target) { if (CheckMeleeRange()) { int damage = random[pr_troopattack](1, 8) * 3; A_PlaySound ("imp/melee", CHAN_WEAPON); int newdam = target.DamageMobj (self, self, damage, "Melee"); target.TraceBleed (newdam > 0 ? newdam : damage, self); } else { // launch a missile SpawnMissile (target, "DoomImpBall"); } } } }