class Object native
	native bool bDestroyed;

	// These really should be global functions...
	native static int G_SkillPropertyInt(int p);
	native static double G_SkillPropertyFloat(int p);
	native static vector3, int G_PickDeathmatchStart();
	native static vector3, int G_PickPlayerStart(int pnum, int flags = 0);
	native static int GameType();
	native static void S_Sound (Sound sound_id, int channel, float volume = 1, float attenuation = ATTN_NORM);
	native static void S_PauseSound (bool notmusic, bool notsfx);
	native static void S_ResumeSound (bool notsfx);
	native static bool S_ChangeMusic(String music_name, int order = 0, bool looping = true, bool force = false);
	native static void C_MidPrint(string fontname, string textlabel, bool bold = false);	// always uses the stringtable.
	native static uint BAM(double angle);
	native static void SetMusicVolume(float vol);

	native Name GetClassName();

	/*virtual*/ native void Destroy();

class Thinker : Object native
	enum EStatnums
 		// Thinkers that don't actually think
		STAT_INFO,								// An info queue
		STAT_DECAL,								// A decal
		STAT_AUTODECAL,							// A decal that can be automatically deleted
		STAT_CORPSEPOINTER,						// An entry in Hexen's corpse queue
		STAT_TRAVELLING,						// An actor temporarily travelling to a new map

		// Thinkers that do think
		STAT_PLAYER,							// A player actor
		STAT_BOSSTARGET,						// A boss brain target
		STAT_LIGHTNING,							// The lightning thinker
		STAT_DECALTHINKER,						// An object that thinks for a decal
		STAT_INVENTORY,							// An inventory item
		STAT_LIGHT,								// A sector light effect
		STAT_LIGHTTRANSFER,						// A sector light transfer. These must be ticked after the light effects.
		STAT_EARTHQUAKE,						// Earthquake actors
		STAT_MAPMARKER,							// Map marker actors

		STAT_DEFAULT = 100,						// Thinkers go here unless specified otherwise.
		STAT_SECTOREFFECT,						// All sector effects that cause floor and ceiling movement
		STAT_ACTORMOVER,						// actor movers
		STAT_SCRIPTS,							// The ACS thinker. This is to ensure that it can't tick before all actors called PostBeginPlay
		STAT_BOT,								// Bot thinker

	const TICRATE = 35;
	virtual native void Tick();
	virtual native void PostBeginPlay();
	virtual native void ChangeStatNum(int stat);

class ThinkerIterator : Object native

	native static ThinkerIterator Create(class<Object> type = "Actor", int statnum=Thinker.MAX_STATNUM+1);
	native Thinker Next(bool exact = false);
	native void Reinit();

class ActorIterator : Object native
	native static ActorIterator Create(int tid, class<Actor> type = "Actor");
	native Actor Next();
	native void Reinit();

class BlockThingsIterator : Object native
	native Actor thing;
	native Vector3 position;
	native int portalflags;
	native static BlockThingsIterator Create(Actor origin, double checkradius = -1, bool ignorerestricted = false);
	native static BlockThingsIterator CreateFromPos(double checkx, double checky, double checkz, double checkh, double checkradius, bool ignorerestricted);
	native bool Next();

class DropItem : Object native
	native readonly DropItem Next;
	native readonly name Name;
	native readonly int Probability;
	native int Amount;

class SpotState : Object native
	native static SpotState GetSpotState();
	native SpecialSpot GetNextInList(class<Actor> type, int skipcounter);
	native SpecialSpot GetSpotWithMinMaxDistance(Class<Actor> type, double x, double y, double mindist, double maxdist);

struct LevelLocals native
	native readonly int time;
	native readonly int maptime;
	native readonly int totaltime;
	native readonly int starttime;
	native readonly int partime;
	native readonly int sucktime;
	native readonly int cluster;
	native readonly int clusterflags;
	native readonly int levelnum;
	native readonly String LevelName;
	native readonly String MapName;
	native String NextMap;
	native String NextSecretMap;
	native readonly int maptype;
	native readonly String Music;
	native readonly int musicorder;
	native int total_secrets;
	native int found_secrets;
	native int total_items;
	native int found_items;
	native int total_monsters;
	native int killed_monsters;
	native double gravity;
	native double aircontrol;
	native double airfriction;
	native int airsupply;
	native double teamdamage;
	native bool monsterstelefrag;
	native bool actownspecial;
	native bool sndseqtotalctrl;
	native bool allmap;
	native bool missilesactivateimpact;
	native bool monsterfallingdamage;
	native bool checkswitchrange;
	native bool polygrind;
	native bool nomonsters;
	native bool frozen;
// level_info_t *info cannot be done yet.

struct StringTable native
	native static String Localize(String val);

// a few values of this need to be readable by the play code.
// Most are handled at load time and are omitted here.
struct DehInfo native
	native int MaxSoulsphere;
	native uint8 ExplosionStyle;
	native double ExplosionAlpha;
	native int NoAutofreeze;
	native int BFGCells;

struct State native
	native State NextState;
	native int sprite;
	native int16 Tics;
	native uint16 TicRange;
	native uint8 Frame;		
	native uint8 UseFlags;	
	native int Misc1;
	native int Misc2;
	native uint16 bSlow;
	native uint16 bFast;
	native bool bFullbright;
	native bool bNoDelay;
	native bool bSameFrame;
	native bool bCanRaise;
	native bool bDehacked;
	native int DistanceTo(state other);

struct F3DFloor native

struct Vertex native
	native readonly Vector2 p;

struct Line native
	enum ELineFlags
		ML_BLOCKING					=0x00000001,	// solid, is an obstacle
		ML_BLOCKMONSTERS			=0x00000002,	// blocks monsters only
		ML_TWOSIDED					=0x00000004,	// backside will not be present at all if not two sided
		ML_DONTPEGTOP				= 0x00000008,	// upper texture unpegged
		ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM			= 0x00000010,	// lower texture unpegged
		ML_SECRET					= 0x00000020,	// don't map as two sided: IT'S A SECRET!
		ML_SOUNDBLOCK				= 0x00000040,	// don't let sound cross two of these
		ML_DONTDRAW 				= 0x00000080,	// don't draw on the automap
		ML_MAPPED					= 0x00000100,	// set if already drawn in automap
		ML_REPEAT_SPECIAL			= 0x00000200,	// special is repeatable
		ML_ADDTRANS					= 0x00000400,	// additive translucency (can only be set internally)

		// Extended flags
		ML_MONSTERSCANACTIVATE		= 0x00002000,	// [RH] Monsters (as well as players) can activate the line
		ML_BLOCK_PLAYERS			= 0x00004000,
		ML_BLOCKEVERYTHING			= 0x00008000,	// [RH] Line blocks everything
		ML_ZONEBOUNDARY				= 0x00010000,
		ML_RAILING					= 0x00020000,
		ML_BLOCK_FLOATERS			= 0x00040000,
		ML_CLIP_MIDTEX				= 0x00080000,	// Automatic for every Strife line
		ML_WRAP_MIDTEX				= 0x00100000,
		ML_3DMIDTEX					= 0x00200000,
		ML_CHECKSWITCHRANGE			= 0x00400000,
		ML_FIRSTSIDEONLY			= 0x00800000,	// activated only when crossed from front side
		ML_BLOCKPROJECTILE			= 0x01000000,
		ML_BLOCKUSE					= 0x02000000,	// blocks all use actions through this line
		ML_BLOCKSIGHT				= 0x04000000,	// blocks monster line of sight
		ML_BLOCKHITSCAN				= 0x08000000,	// blocks hitscan attacks
		ML_3DMIDTEX_IMPASS			= 0x10000000,	// [TP] if 3D midtex, behaves like a height-restricted ML_BLOCKING

	//native readonly vertex		v1, v2;		// vertices, from v1 to v2
	native readonly Vector2			delta;		// precalculated v2 - v1 for side checking
	native uint						flags;
	native uint						activation;	// activation type
	native int						special;
	native int						args[5];	// <--- hexen-style arguments (expanded to ZDoom's full width)
	native double					alpha;		// <--- translucency (0=invisibile, FRACUNIT=opaque)
	//native Side					sidedef[2];
	native readonly double			bbox[4];	// bounding box, for the extent of the LineDef.
	native readonly Sector			frontsector, backsector;
	native int 						validcount;	// if == validcount, already checked
	native int						locknumber;	// [Dusk] lock number for special
	native readonly uint			portalindex;

struct SecPlane native
	native Vector3 Normal;
	native double D;
	native double negiC;
	native bool isSlope();
	native int PointOnSide(Vector3 pos);
	native double ZatPoint (Vector2 v);
	native double ZatPointDist(Vector2 v, double dist);
	native bool isEqual(Secplane other);
	native void ChangeHeight(double hdiff);
	native double GetChangedHeight(double hdiff);
	native double HeightDiff(double oldd, double newd = 0.0);
	native double PointToDist(Vector2 xy, double z);

// This encapsulates all info Doom's original 'special' field contained - for saving and transferring.
struct SecSpecial
	Name damagetype;
	int damageamount;
	short special;
	short damageinterval;
	short leakydamage;
	int Flags;

struct Sector native
	//secplane_t	floorplane, ceilingplane;	// defined internally
	//FDynamicColormap *ColorMap;

	native Actor 		SoundTarget;

	native int16 		special;
	native int16 		lightlevel;
	native int16		seqType;	

	native int			sky;
	native Name			SeqName;	

	native readonly Vector2		centerspot;	
	native int 			validcount;	
	native Actor		thinglist;	

	native double		friction, movefactor;
	native int			terrainnum[2];

	// thinker_t for reversable actions
	//SectorEffect floordata;	
	//SectorEffect ceilingdata;	
	//SectorEffect lightingdata;

	enum EInterpolationType
	//Interpolation interpolations[4];

	native uint8 		soundtraversed;
	native int8 		stairlock;
	native int 			prevsec;
	native int	 		nextsec;

	//TStaticPointedArray<line_t *> Lines; // this is defined internally to avoid exposing some overly complicated type to the parser

	native readonly Sector		heightsec;

	native uint			bottommap, midmap, topmap;

	//struct msecnode_t *touching_thinglist;
	//struct msecnode_t *sectorportal_thinglist;

	native double 		gravity;	
	native Name 		damagetype;
	native int 			damageamount;
	native int16 		damageinterval;
	native int16 		leakydamage;

	native uint16		ZoneNumber;
	enum ESectorMoreFlags
		SECMF_FAKEFLOORONLY	= 2,	// when used as heightsec in R_FakeFlat, only copies floor
		SECMF_CLIPFAKEPLANES = 4,	// as a heightsec, clip planes to target sector's planes
		SECMF_NOFAKELIGHT	= 8,	// heightsec does not change lighting
		SECMF_IGNOREHEIGHTSEC= 16,	// heightsec is only for triggering sector actions
		SECMF_UNDERWATER		= 32,	// sector is underwater
		SECMF_FORCEDUNDERWATER= 64,	// sector is forced to be underwater
		SECMF_DRAWN			= 128,	// sector has been drawn at least once
		SECMF_HIDDEN			= 256,	// Do not draw on textured automap
	native uint16		MoreFlags;
	enum ESectorFlags
		SECF_SILENT			= 1,	// actors in sector make no noise
		SECF_NOFALLINGDAMAGE= 2,	// No falling damage in this sector
		SECF_FLOORDROP		= 4,	// all actors standing on this floor will remain on it when it lowers very fast.
		SECF_NORESPAWN		= 8,	// players can not respawn in this sector
		SECF_FRICTION		= 16,	// sector has friction enabled
		SECF_PUSH			= 32,	// pushers enabled
		SECF_SILENTMOVE		= 64,	// Sector movement makes mo sound (Eternity got this so this may be useful for an extended cross-port standard.) 
		SECF_DMGTERRAINFX	= 128,	// spawns terrain splash when inflicting damage
		SECF_ENDGODMODE		= 256,	// getting damaged by this sector ends god mode
		SECF_ENDLEVEL		= 512,	// ends level when health goes below 10
		SECF_HAZARD			= 1024,	// Change to Strife's delayed damage handling.

		SECF_WASSECRET		= 1 << 30,	// a secret that was discovered
		SECF_SECRET			= 1 << 31,	// a secret sector

		SECF_NOMODIFY = SECF_SECRET|SECF_WASSECRET,	// not modifiable by Sector_ChangeFlags
		SECF_SPECIALFLAGS = SECF_DAMAGEFLAGS|SECF_FRICTION|SECF_PUSH,	// these flags originate from 'special and must be transferrable by floor thinkers
	enum EMoveResult 
	native uint			Flags;

	native SectorAction		SecActTarget;

	native readonly uint		Portals[2];
	native readonly int			PortalGroup;

	native readonly int			sectornum;

	native double, Sector, F3DFloor NextHighestCeilingAt(double x, double y, double bottomz, double topz, int flags = 0);
	native double, Sector, F3DFloor NextLowestFloorAt(double x, double y, double z, int flags = 0, double steph = 0);

	native void RemoveForceField();
	native static Sector PointInSector(Vector2 pt);
	native void SetColor(color c, int desat = 0);
	native void SetFade(color c);

	native bool PlaneMoving(int pos);
	native int GetFloorLight();
	native int GetCeilingLight();
	native Sector GetHeightSec();
	native void TransferSpecial(Sector model);
	native void GetSpecial(out SecSpecial spec);
	native void SetSpecial( SecSpecial spec);
	native int GetTerrain(int pos);
	native void CheckPortalPlane(int plane);
	native double, Sector HighestCeilingAt(Vector2 a);
	native double, Sector LowestFloorAt(Vector2 a);
	native double, double GetFriction(int plane);

	native void SetXOffset(int pos, double o);
	native void AddXOffset(int pos, double o);
	native double GetXOffset(int pos);
	native void SetYOffset(int pos, double o);
	native void AddYOffset(int pos, double o);
	native double GetYOffset(int pos, bool addbase = true);
	native void SetXScale(int pos, double o);
	native double GetXScale(int pos);
	native void SetYScale(int pos, double o);
	native double GetYScale(int pos);
	native void SetAngle(int pos, double o);
	native double GetAngle(int pos, bool addbase = true);
	native void SetBase(int pos, double y, double o);
	native void SetAlpha(int pos, double o);
	native double GetAlpha(int pos);
	native int GetFlags(int pos);
	native int GetVisFlags(int pos);
	native void ChangeFlags(int pos, int And, int Or);
	native int GetPlaneLight(int pos);
	native void SetPlaneLight(int pos, int level);
	native TextureID GetTexture(int pos);
	native void SetTexture(int pos, TextureID tex, bool floorclip = true);
	native double GetPlaneTexZ(int pos);
	native void SetPlaneTexZ(int pos, double val, bool dirtify = false);	// This mainly gets used by init code. The only place where it must set the vertex to dirty is the interpolation code.
	native void ChangeLightLevel(int newval);
	native void SetLightLevel(int newval);
	native int GetLightLevel();
	native void AdjustFloorClip();
	native bool IsLinked(Sector other, bool ceiling);

	native bool PortalBlocksView(int plane);
	native bool PortalBlocksSight(int plane);
	native bool PortalBlocksMovement(int plane);
	native bool PortalBlocksSound(int plane);
	native bool PortalIsLinked(int plane);
	native void ClearPortal(int plane);
	native double GetPortalPlaneZ(int plane);
	native Vector2 GetPortalDisplacement(int plane);
	native int GetPortalType(int plane);
	native int GetOppositePortalGroup(int plane);
	native double CenterFloor();
	native double CenterCeiling();

	native int MoveFloor(double speed, double dest, int crush, int direction, bool hexencrush, bool instant = false);
	native int MoveCeiling(double speed, double dest, int crush, int direction, bool hexencrush);

	native Sector NextSpecialSector(int type, Sector prev);
	native double, Vertex FindLowestFloorSurrounding();
	native double, Vertex FindHighestFloorSurrounding();
	native double, Vertex FindNextHighestFloor();
	native double, Vertex FindNextLowestFloor();
	native double, Vertex FindLowestCeilingSurrounding();
	native double, Vertex FindHighestCeilingSurrounding();
	native double, Vertex FindNextLowestCeiling();	
	native double, Vertex FindNextHighestCeiling();

	native double FindShortestTextureAround();
	native double FindShortestUpperAround();
	native Sector FindModelFloorSector(double floordestheight);
	native Sector FindModelCeilingSector(double floordestheight);
	native int FindMinSurroundingLight(int max);
	native double, Vertex FindLowestCeilingPoint();
	native double, Vertex FindHighestFloorPoint();

	 bool isSecret()
		 return !!(Flags & SECF_SECRET);

	 bool wasSecret()
		 return !!(Flags & SECF_WASSECRET);

	 void ClearSecret()
		 Flags &= ~SECF_SECRET;


struct Wads
	enum WadNamespace
		ns_hidden = -1,

		ns_global = 0,



	native static int CheckNumForName(string name, int ns, int wadnum = -1, bool exact = false);

struct TerrainDef native
	native Name TerrainName;
	native int Splash;
	native int DamageAmount;
	native Name DamageMOD;
	native int DamageTimeMask;
	native double FootClip;
	native float StepVolume;
	native int WalkStepTics;
	native int RunStepTics;
	native Sound LeftStepSound;
	native Sound RightStepSound;
	native bool IsLiquid;
	native bool AllowProtection;
	native double Friction;
	native double MoveFactor;

enum EPickStart

// Although String is a builtin type, this is a convenient way to attach methods to it.
struct String native
	native void Replace(String pattern, String replacement);

class Floor : Thinker native
	// only here so that some constants and functions can be added. Not directly usable yet.
	enum EFloor





		// Not to be used as parameters to EV_DoFloor()

	native static bool CreateFloor(sector sec, EFloor floortype, line ln, double speed, double height = 0, int crush = -1, int change = 0, bool crushmode = false, bool hereticlower = false);

class Ceiling : Thinker native
	enum ECeiling

		// The following are only used by Generic_Ceiling


	enum ECrushMode
		crushDoom = 0,
		crushHexen = 1,
		crushSlowdown = 2
	native bool CreateCeiling(sector sec, int type, line ln, double speed, double speed2, double height = 0, int crush = -1, int silent = 0, int change = 0, int crushmode = crushDoom);

struct LookExParams
	double Fov;
	double minDist;
	double maxDist;
	double maxHeardist;
	int flags;
	State seestate;