/* ** ** statistics.cpp ** Save game statistics to a file ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 2010 Christoph Oelckers ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ #include #include #include "strnatcmp.h" #include "gi.h" #include "g_level.h" #include "gstrings.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "c_dispatch.h" #include "d_net.h" #include "g_game.h" #include "m_png.h" #include "engineerrors.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "p_setup.h" #include "s_sound.h" #include "cmdlib.h" #include "p_terrain.h" #include "decallib.h" #include "stats.h" #include "a_sharedglobal.h" #include "p_lnspec.h" #include "serializer.h" #include "g_levellocals.h" CVAR(Int, savestatistics, 0, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) CVAR(String, statfile, "zdoomstat.txt", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) //========================================================================== // // Global statistics data // //========================================================================== // This struct is used to track statistics data in game struct OneLevel { int totalkills, killcount; int totalitems, itemcount; int totalsecrets, secretcount; int leveltime; FString Levelname; }; // Current game's statistics static TArray LevelData; static FEpisode *StartEpisode; // The statistics for one level struct FLevelStatistics { char info[60]; short skill; short playerclass; char name[24]; int timeneeded; }; // Statistics for one episode playthrough struct FSessionStatistics : public FLevelStatistics { TArray levelstats; }; // Collected statistics for one episode struct FStatistics { TArray stats; FString epi_name; FString epi_header; }; // All statistics ever collected static TArray EpisodeStatistics; extern TArray wadlevelinfos; //========================================================================== // // Initializes statistics data from external file // //========================================================================== static void ParseStatistics(const char *fn, TArray &statlist) { statlist.Clear(); try { FScanner sc; if (!sc.OpenFile(fn)) return; while (sc.GetString()) { FStatistics &ep_entry = statlist[statlist.Reserve(1)]; ep_entry.epi_header = sc.String; sc.MustGetString(); ep_entry.epi_name = sc.String; sc.MustGetStringName("{"); while (!sc.CheckString("}")) { FSessionStatistics &session = ep_entry.stats[ep_entry.stats.Reserve(1)]; sc.MustGetString(); sc.MustGetString(); strncpy(session.name, sc.String, 24); sc.MustGetString(); strncpy(session.info, sc.String, 60); int h,m,s; sc.MustGetString(); sscanf(sc.String, "%d:%d:%d", &h, &m, &s); session.timeneeded= ((((h*60)+m)*60)+s)*TICRATE; sc.MustGetNumber(); session.skill=sc.Number; if (sc.CheckString("{")) { while (!sc.CheckString("}")) { FLevelStatistics &lstats = session.levelstats[session.levelstats.Reserve(1)]; sc.MustGetString(); strncpy(lstats.name, sc.String, 24); sc.MustGetString(); strncpy(lstats.info, sc.String, 60); int h,m,s; sc.MustGetString(); sscanf(sc.String, "%d:%d:%d", &h, &m, &s); lstats.timeneeded= ((((h*60)+m)*60)+s)*TICRATE; lstats.skill = 0; } } } } } catch(CRecoverableError &) { } } // ==================================================================== // // Reads the statistics file // // ==================================================================== void ReadStatistics() { ParseStatistics(statfile, EpisodeStatistics); } // ==================================================================== // // Saves the statistics file // Sorting helpers. // // ==================================================================== int compare_episode_names(const void *a, const void *b) { FStatistics *A = (FStatistics*)a; FStatistics *B = (FStatistics*)b; return strnatcasecmp(A->epi_header, B->epi_header); } int compare_level_names(const void *a, const void *b) { FLevelStatistics *A = (FLevelStatistics*)a; FLevelStatistics *B = (FLevelStatistics*)b; return strnatcasecmp(A->name, B->name); } int compare_dates(const void *a, const void *b) { FLevelStatistics *A = (FLevelStatistics*)a; FLevelStatistics *B = (FLevelStatistics*)b; char *p; int aday = strtol(A->name, &p, 10); int amonth = strtol(p+1, &p, 10); int ayear = strtol(p+1, &p, 10); int av = aday + 100 * amonth + 2000*ayear; int bday = strtol(B->name, &p, 10); int bmonth = strtol(p+1, &p, 10); int byear = strtol(p+1, &p, 10); int bv = bday + 100 * bmonth + 2000*byear; return av-bv; } // ==================================================================== // // Main save routine // // ==================================================================== inline int hours(int v) { return v / (60*60*TICRATE); } inline int minutes(int v) { return (v % (60*60*TICRATE)) / (60*TICRATE); } inline int seconds(int v) { return (v % (60*TICRATE))/TICRATE; } static void SaveStatistics(const char *fn, TArray &statlist) { unsigned int j; FileWriter *fw = FileWriter::Open(fn); if (fw == nullptr) return; qsort(&statlist[0], statlist.Size(), sizeof(statlist[0]), compare_episode_names); for(unsigned i=0;iPrintf("%s \"%s\"\n{\n", ep_stats.epi_header.GetChars(), ep_stats.epi_name.GetChars()); for(j=0;jinfo[0]>0) { fw->Printf("\t%2i. %10s \"%-33s\" %02d:%02d:%02d %i\n", j+1, sst->name, sst->info, hours(sst->timeneeded), minutes(sst->timeneeded), seconds(sst->timeneeded), sst->skill); TArray &ls = sst->levelstats; if (ls.Size() > 0) { fw->Printf("\t{\n"); qsort(&ls[0], ls.Size(), sizeof(ls[0]), compare_level_names); for(unsigned k=0;kPrintf("\t\t%-8s \"%-33s\" %02d:%02d:%02d\n", ls[k].name, ls[k].info, hours(ls[k].timeneeded), minutes(ls[k].timeneeded), seconds(ls[k].timeneeded)); } fw->Printf("\t}\n"); } } } fw->Printf("}\n\n"); } delete fw; } // ==================================================================== // // Gets list for current episode // // ==================================================================== static FStatistics *GetStatisticsList(TArray &statlist, const char *section, const char *fullname) { for(unsigned int i=0;iepi_header = section; stats->epi_name = fullname; return stats; } // ==================================================================== // // Adds a statistics entry // // ==================================================================== static FSessionStatistics *StatisticsEntry(FStatistics *stats, const char *text, int playtime) { FSessionStatistics s; time_t clock; struct tm *lt; time (&clock); lt = localtime (&clock); if (lt != NULL) mysnprintf(s.name, countof(s.name), "%02d.%02d.%04d",lt->tm_mday, lt->tm_mon+1, lt->tm_year+1900); else strcpy(s.name,"00.00.0000"); s.skill=G_SkillProperty(SKILLP_ACSReturn); strcpy(s.info, text); s.timeneeded=playtime; stats->stats.Push(s); return &stats->stats[stats->stats.Size()-1]; } // ==================================================================== // // Adds a statistics entry // // ==================================================================== static void LevelStatEntry(FSessionStatistics *es, const char *level, const char *text, int playtime) { FLevelStatistics s; time_t clock; struct tm *lt; time (&clock); lt = localtime (&clock); strcpy(s.name, level); strcpy(s.info, text); s.timeneeded=playtime; es->levelstats.Push(s); } //========================================================================== // // STAT_StartNewGame: called when a new game starts. Sets the current episode // //========================================================================== void STAT_StartNewGame(const char *mapname) { LevelData.Clear(); if (!deathmatch && !multiplayer) { for(unsigned int j=0;jflags2&LEVEL2_NOSTATISTICS)) // don't consider maps that were excluded from statistics { for(i=0;iMapName)) break; } if (i==LevelData.Size()) { LevelData.Reserve(1); LevelData[i].Levelname = Level->MapName; } LevelData[i].totalkills = Level->total_monsters; LevelData[i].killcount = Level->killed_monsters; LevelData[i].totalitems = Level->total_items; LevelData[i].itemcount = Level->found_items; LevelData[i].totalsecrets = Level->total_secrets; LevelData[i].secretcount = Level->found_secrets; LevelData[i].leveltime = Level->maptime; // Check for living monsters. On some maps it can happen // that the counter misses some. auto it = Level->GetThinkerIterator(); AActor *ac; int mc = 0; while ((ac = it.Next())) { if ((ac->flags & MF_COUNTKILL) && ac->health > 0) mc++; } if (mc == 0) LevelData[i].killcount = LevelData[i].totalkills; } } //========================================================================== // // STAT_ChangeLevel: called when the level changes or the current statistics are // requested // //========================================================================== void STAT_ChangeLevel(const char *newl, FLevelLocals *Level) { // record the current level's stats. StoreLevelStats(Level); level_info_t *thisinfo = Level->info; level_info_t *nextinfo = NULL; if (strncmp(newl, "enDSeQ", 6)) { level_info_t *l = FindLevelInfo (newl); nextinfo = l->CheckLevelRedirect (); if (nextinfo == NULL) nextinfo = l; } if (savestatistics == 1) { if ((nextinfo == NULL || (nextinfo->flags2 & LEVEL2_ENDGAME)) && StartEpisode != NULL) { // we reached the end of this episode int wad = 0; MapData * map = P_OpenMapData(StartEpisode->mEpisodeMap, false); if (map != NULL) { wad = fileSystem.GetFileContainer(map->lumpnum); delete map; } const char * name = fileSystem.GetResourceFileName(wad); FString section = ExtractFileBase(name) + "." + StartEpisode->mEpisodeMap; section.ToUpper(); const char *ep_name = StartEpisode->mEpisodeName; if (*ep_name == '$') ep_name = GStrings(ep_name+1); FStatistics *sl = GetStatisticsList(EpisodeStatistics, section, ep_name); int statvals[6] = {0,0,0,0,0,0}; FString infostring; int validlevels = LevelData.Size(); for(unsigned i = 0; i < LevelData.Size(); i++) { statvals[0] += LevelData[i].killcount; statvals[1] += LevelData[i].totalkills; statvals[2] += LevelData[i].itemcount; statvals[3] += LevelData[i].totalitems; statvals[4] += LevelData[i].secretcount; statvals[5] += LevelData[i].totalsecrets; } infostring.Format("%4d/%4d, %4d/%4d, %3d/%3d, %2d", statvals[0], statvals[1], statvals[2], statvals[3], statvals[4], statvals[5], validlevels); FSessionStatistics *es = StatisticsEntry(sl, infostring, Level->totaltime); for(unsigned i = 0; i < LevelData.Size(); i++) { FString lsection = LevelData[i].Levelname; lsection.ToUpper(); infostring.Format("%4d/%4d, %4d/%4d, %3d/%3d", LevelData[i].killcount, LevelData[i].totalkills, LevelData[i].itemcount, LevelData[i].totalitems, LevelData[i].secretcount, LevelData[i].totalsecrets); LevelStatEntry(es, lsection, infostring, LevelData[i].leveltime); } SaveStatistics(statfile, EpisodeStatistics); } } else if (savestatistics == 2) // todo: handle single level statistics. { } } //========================================================================== // // saves statistics info to savegames // //========================================================================== FSerializer &Serialize(FSerializer &arc, const char *key, OneLevel &l, OneLevel *def) { if (arc.BeginObject(key)) { arc("totalkills", l.totalkills) ("killcount", l.killcount) ("totalitems", l.totalitems) ("itemcount", l.itemcount) ("totalsecrets", l.totalsecrets) ("secretcount", l.secretcount) ("leveltime", l.leveltime) ("levelname", l.Levelname) .EndObject(); } return arc; } void STAT_Serialize(FSerializer &arc) { FString startlevel; int i = LevelData.Size(); if (arc.BeginObject("statistics")) { if (arc.isReading()) { arc("startlevel", startlevel); StartEpisode = NULL; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < AllEpisodes.Size(); j++) { if (!AllEpisodes[j].mEpisodeMap.CompareNoCase(startlevel)) { StartEpisode = &AllEpisodes[j]; break; } } LevelData.Resize(i); } else { if (StartEpisode != NULL) startlevel = StartEpisode->mEpisodeMap; arc("startlevel", startlevel); } arc("levels", LevelData); arc.EndObject(); } } //========================================================================== // // show statistics // //========================================================================== FString GetStatString() { FString compose; for(unsigned i = 0; i < LevelData.Size(); i++) { OneLevel *l = &LevelData[i]; compose.AppendFormat("Level %s - Kills: %d/%d - Items: %d/%d - Secrets: %d/%d - Time: %d:%02d\n", l->Levelname.GetChars(), l->killcount, l->totalkills, l->itemcount, l->totalitems, l->secretcount, l->totalsecrets, l->leveltime/(60*TICRATE), (l->leveltime/TICRATE)%60); } return compose; } CCMD(printstats) { StoreLevelStats(primaryLevel); // Refresh the current level's results. Printf("%s", GetStatString().GetChars()); } CCMD(finishgame) { bool gamestatecheck = gamestate == GS_LEVEL || gamestate == GS_INTERMISSION || gamestate == GS_FINALE; if (!gamestatecheck) { Printf("Cannot use 'finishgame' while not in a game!\n"); return; } // This CCMD simulates an end-of-game action and exists to end mods that never exit their last Level-> Net_WriteByte(DEM_FINISHGAME); } ADD_STAT(statistics) { StoreLevelStats(primaryLevel); // Refresh the current level's results. return GetStatString(); } ADD_STAT(velocity) { FString compose; if (players[consoleplayer].mo != NULL && gamestate == GS_LEVEL) { compose.AppendFormat("Current velocity: %.2f\n", players[consoleplayer].mo->Vel.Length()); compose.AppendFormat("Level %s - Velocity Max: %.2f, Velocity Average: %.2f\n", primaryLevel->MapName.GetChars(), primaryLevel->max_velocity, primaryLevel->avg_velocity); } return compose; }