extend class Actor { void A_Bang4Cloud() { double xo = (random[Bang4Cloud]() & 3) * (10. / 64); double yo = (random[Bang4Cloud]() & 3) * (10. / 64); Spawn("Bang4Cloud", Vec3Offset(xo, yo, 0.), ALLOW_REPLACE); } void A_GiveQuestItem(int questitem) { // Give one of these quest items to every player in the game if (questitem >= 0) { String itemname = "QuestItem" .. questitem; class item = itemname; if (item != null) { for (int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { if (playeringame[i]) { players[i].mo.GiveInventoryType(item); } } } } String msgid = "$TXT_QUEST_" .. questitem; String msg = StringTable.Localize(msgid); if (msg != msgid) // if both are identical there was no message of this name in the stringtable. { Console.MidPrint ("SmallFont", msg); } } } // A Cloud used for varius explosions --------------------------------------- // This actor has no direct equivalent in strife. To create this, Strife // spawned a spark and then changed its state to that of this explosion // cloud. Weird. class Bang4Cloud : Actor { Default { +NOBLOCKMAP +NOGRAVITY +ZDOOMADD RenderStyle "Add"; VSpeed 1; } States { Spawn: BNG4 BCDEFGHIJKLMN 3 Bright; Stop; } } // Piston ------------------------------------------------------------------- class Piston : Actor { Default { Health 100; Speed 16; Radius 20; Height 76; Mass 10000000; +SOLID +SHOOTABLE +NOBLOOD +FLOORCLIP +INCOMBAT DeathSound "misc/explosion"; } States { Spawn: PSTN AB 8; Loop; Death: PSTN A 4 Bright A_Scream; PSTN B 4 Bright A_NoBlocking; PSTN C 4 Bright A_GiveQuestItem(16); PSTN D 4 Bright A_Bang4Cloud; PSTN E 4 Bright A_TossGib; PSTN F 4 Bright; PSTN G 4 Bright A_Bang4Cloud; PSTN H 4; PSTN I -1; Stop; } } // Computer ----------------------------------------------------------------- class Computer : Actor { Default { Health 80; Speed 27; Radius 26; Height 128; Mass 10000000; +SOLID +SHOOTABLE +NOBLOOD +FLOORCLIP +INCOMBAT DeathSound "misc/explosion"; } States { Spawn: SECR ABCD 4 Bright; Loop; Death: SECR E 5 Bright A_Bang4Cloud; SECR F 5 Bright A_NoBlocking; SECR G 5 Bright A_GiveQuestItem(27); SECR H 5 Bright A_TossGib; SECR I 5 Bright A_Bang4Cloud; SECR J 5; SECR K 5 A_Bang4Cloud; SECR L 5; SECR M 5 A_Bang4Cloud; SECR N 5; SECR O 5 A_Bang4Cloud; SECR P -1; Stop; } } // Power Crystal ------------------------------------------------------------ class PowerCrystal : Actor { Default { Health 50; Speed 14; Radius 20; Height 16; Mass 99999999; +SOLID +SHOOTABLE +NOGRAVITY +NOBLOOD +FLOORCLIP DeathSound "misc/explosion"; ActiveSound "misc/reactor"; } States { Spawn: CRYS A 16 A_LoopActiveSound; CRYS B 5 A_LoopActiveSound; CRYS CDEF 4 A_LoopActiveSound; Loop; Death: BOOM A 0 Bright A_Scream; BOOM A 1 Bright A_Explode512; BOOM B 3 Bright A_GiveQuestItem(14); BOOM C 2 Bright A_LightGoesOut; BOOM D 3 Bright A_Bang4Cloud; BOOM EF 3 Bright; BOOM G 3 Bright A_Bang4Cloud; BOOM H 1 Bright A_Explode512; BOOM I 3 Bright; BOOM JKL 3 Bright A_Bang4Cloud; BOOM MN 3 Bright; BOOM O 3 Bright A_Bang4Cloud; BOOM PQRST 3 Bright; BOOM U 3 Bright A_ExtraLightOff; BOOM VWXY 3 Bright; Stop; } // PowerCrystal ------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_ExtraLightOff() { if (target != NULL && target.player != NULL) { target.player.extralight = 0; } } void A_Explode512() { A_Explode(512, 512); if (target != NULL && target.player != NULL) { target.player.extralight = 5; } A_SetRenderStyle(1, STYLE_Add); } void A_LightGoesOut() { sector sec = CurSector; sec.Flags |= Sector.SECF_SILENTMOVE; sec.lightlevel = 0; // Do this right with proper checks instead of just hacking the floor height. Floor.CreateFloor(sec, Floor.floorLowerToLowest, null, 65536.); for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { Actor foo = Spawn("Rubble1", Pos, ALLOW_REPLACE); if (foo != NULL) { int t = random[LightOut]() & 15; foo.Vel.X = t - (random[LightOut]() & 7); foo.Vel.Y = random2[LightOut]() & 7; foo.Vel.Z = 7 + (random[LightOut]() & 3); } } } }