// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // $Id:$ // // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. // // This source is available for distribution and/or modification // only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as // published by id Software. All rights reserved. // // The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the DOOM Source Code License // for more details. // // $Log:$ // // DESCRIPTION: // Initializes and implements BOOM linedef triggers for // Scrollers/Conveyors // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include "actor.h" #include "p_spec.h" #include "farchive.h" #include "p_lnspec.h" #include "r_data/r_interpolate.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // killough 3/7/98: Add generalized scroll effects // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DScroller : public DThinker { DECLARE_CLASS (DScroller, DThinker) HAS_OBJECT_POINTERS public: DScroller (EScroll type, fixed_t dx, fixed_t dy, int control, int affectee, int accel, EScrollPos scrollpos = EScrollPos::scw_all); DScroller (fixed_t dx, fixed_t dy, const line_t *l, int control, int accel, EScrollPos scrollpos = EScrollPos::scw_all); void Destroy(); void Serialize (FArchive &arc); void Tick (); bool AffectsWall (int wallnum) const { return m_Type == EScroll::sc_side && m_Affectee == wallnum; } int GetWallNum () const { return m_Type == EScroll::sc_side ? m_Affectee : -1; } void SetRate (fixed_t dx, fixed_t dy) { m_dx = dx; m_dy = dy; } bool IsType (EScroll type) const { return type == m_Type; } int GetAffectee () const { return m_Affectee; } EScrollPos GetScrollParts() const { return m_Parts; } protected: EScroll m_Type; // Type of scroll effect fixed_t m_dx, m_dy; // (dx,dy) scroll speeds int m_Affectee; // Number of affected sidedef, sector, tag, or whatever int m_Control; // Control sector (-1 if none) used to control scrolling fixed_t m_LastHeight; // Last known height of control sector fixed_t m_vdx, m_vdy; // Accumulated velocity if accelerative int m_Accel; // Whether it's accelerative EScrollPos m_Parts; // Which parts of a sidedef are being scrolled? TObjPtr m_Interpolations[3]; private: DScroller () { } }; IMPLEMENT_POINTY_CLASS (DScroller) DECLARE_POINTER (m_Interpolations[0]) DECLARE_POINTER (m_Interpolations[1]) DECLARE_POINTER (m_Interpolations[2]) END_POINTERS //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline FArchive &operator<< (FArchive &arc, EScroll &type) { BYTE val = (BYTE)type; arc << val; type = (EScroll)val; return arc; } inline FArchive &operator<< (FArchive &arc, EScrollPos &type) { int val = (int)type; arc << val; type = (EScrollPos)val; return arc; } EScrollPos operator &(EScrollPos one, EScrollPos two) { return EScrollPos(int(one) & int(two)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DScroller::Serialize (FArchive &arc) { Super::Serialize (arc); arc << m_Type << m_dx << m_dy << m_Affectee << m_Control << m_LastHeight << m_vdx << m_vdy << m_Accel << m_Parts << m_Interpolations[0] << m_Interpolations[1] << m_Interpolations[2]; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // [RH] Compensate for rotated sector textures by rotating the scrolling // in the opposite direction. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void RotationComp(const sector_t *sec, int which, fixed_t dx, fixed_t dy, fixed_t &tdx, fixed_t &tdy) { angle_t an = sec->GetAngle(which); if (an == 0) { tdx = dx; tdy = dy; } else { an = an >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT; fixed_t ca = -finecosine[an]; fixed_t sa = -finesine[an]; tdx = DMulScale16(dx, ca, -dy, sa); tdy = DMulScale16(dy, ca, dx, sa); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // killough 2/28/98: // // This function, with the help of r_plane.c and r_bsp.c, supports generalized // scrolling floors and walls, with optional mobj-carrying properties, e.g. // conveyor belts, rivers, etc. A linedef with a special type affects all // tagged sectors the same way, by creating scrolling and/or object-carrying // properties. Multiple linedefs may be used on the same sector and are // cumulative, although the special case of scrolling a floor and carrying // things on it, requires only one linedef. The linedef's direction determines // the scrolling direction, and the linedef's length determines the scrolling // speed. This was designed so that an edge around the sector could be used to // control the direction of the sector's scrolling, which is usually what is // desired. // // Process the active scrollers. // // This is the main scrolling code // killough 3/7/98 // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DScroller::Tick () { fixed_t dx = m_dx, dy = m_dy, tdx, tdy; if (m_Control != -1) { // compute scroll amounts based on a sector's height changes fixed_t height = sectors[m_Control].CenterFloor () + sectors[m_Control].CenterCeiling (); fixed_t delta = height - m_LastHeight; m_LastHeight = height; dx = FixedMul(dx, delta); dy = FixedMul(dy, delta); } // killough 3/14/98: Add acceleration if (m_Accel) { m_vdx = dx += m_vdx; m_vdy = dy += m_vdy; } if (!(dx | dy)) // no-op if both (x,y) offsets are 0 return; switch (m_Type) { case EScroll::sc_side: // killough 3/7/98: Scroll wall texture if (m_Parts & EScrollPos::scw_top) { sides[m_Affectee].AddTextureXOffset(side_t::top, dx); sides[m_Affectee].AddTextureYOffset(side_t::top, dy); } if (m_Parts & EScrollPos::scw_mid && (sides[m_Affectee].linedef->backsector == NULL || !(sides[m_Affectee].linedef->flags&ML_3DMIDTEX))) { sides[m_Affectee].AddTextureXOffset(side_t::mid, dx); sides[m_Affectee].AddTextureYOffset(side_t::mid, dy); } if (m_Parts & EScrollPos::scw_bottom) { sides[m_Affectee].AddTextureXOffset(side_t::bottom, dx); sides[m_Affectee].AddTextureYOffset(side_t::bottom, dy); } break; case EScroll::sc_floor: // killough 3/7/98: Scroll floor texture RotationComp(§ors[m_Affectee], sector_t::floor, dx, dy, tdx, tdy); sectors[m_Affectee].AddXOffset(sector_t::floor, tdx); sectors[m_Affectee].AddYOffset(sector_t::floor, tdy); break; case EScroll::sc_ceiling: // killough 3/7/98: Scroll ceiling texture RotationComp(§ors[m_Affectee], sector_t::ceiling, dx, dy, tdx, tdy); sectors[m_Affectee].AddXOffset(sector_t::ceiling, tdx); sectors[m_Affectee].AddYOffset(sector_t::ceiling, tdy); break; // [RH] Don't actually carry anything here. That happens later. case EScroll::sc_carry: level.Scrolls[m_Affectee].ScrollX += dx; level.Scrolls[m_Affectee].ScrollY += dy; break; case EScroll::sc_carry_ceiling: // to be added later break; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Add_Scroller() // // Add a generalized scroller to the thinker list. // // type: the enumerated type of scrolling: floor, ceiling, floor carrier, // wall, floor carrier & scroller // // (dx,dy): the direction and speed of the scrolling or its acceleration // // control: the sector whose heights control this scroller's effect // remotely, or -1 if no control sector // // affectee: the index of the affected object (sector or sidedef) // // accel: non-zero if this is an accelerative effect // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DScroller::DScroller (EScroll type, fixed_t dx, fixed_t dy, int control, int affectee, int accel, EScrollPos scrollpos) : DThinker (STAT_SCROLLER) { m_Type = type; m_dx = dx; m_dy = dy; m_Accel = accel; m_Parts = scrollpos; m_vdx = m_vdy = 0; if ((m_Control = control) != -1) m_LastHeight = sectors[control].CenterFloor () + sectors[control].CenterCeiling (); m_Affectee = affectee; m_Interpolations[0] = m_Interpolations[1] = m_Interpolations[2] = NULL; switch (type) { case EScroll::sc_carry: level.AddScroller (affectee); break; case EScroll::sc_side: sides[affectee].Flags |= WALLF_NOAUTODECALS; if (m_Parts & EScrollPos::scw_top) { m_Interpolations[0] = sides[m_Affectee].SetInterpolation(side_t::top); } if (m_Parts & EScrollPos::scw_mid && (sides[m_Affectee].linedef->backsector == NULL || !(sides[m_Affectee].linedef->flags&ML_3DMIDTEX))) { m_Interpolations[1] = sides[m_Affectee].SetInterpolation(side_t::mid); } if (m_Parts & EScrollPos::scw_bottom) { m_Interpolations[2] = sides[m_Affectee].SetInterpolation(side_t::bottom); } break; case EScroll::sc_floor: m_Interpolations[0] = sectors[affectee].SetInterpolation(sector_t::FloorScroll, false); break; case EScroll::sc_ceiling: m_Interpolations[0] = sectors[affectee].SetInterpolation(sector_t::CeilingScroll, false); break; default: break; } } void DScroller::Destroy () { for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { if (m_Interpolations[i] != NULL) { m_Interpolations[i]->DelRef(); m_Interpolations[i] = NULL; } } Super::Destroy(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Adds wall scroller. Scroll amount is rotated with respect to wall's // linedef first, so that scrolling towards the wall in a perpendicular // direction is translated into vertical motion, while scrolling along // the wall in a parallel direction is translated into horizontal motion. // // killough 5/25/98: cleaned up arithmetic to avoid drift due to roundoff // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DScroller::DScroller (fixed_t dx, fixed_t dy, const line_t *l, int control, int accel, EScrollPos scrollpos) : DThinker (STAT_SCROLLER) { fixed_t x = abs(l->dx), y = abs(l->dy), d; if (y > x) d = x, x = y, y = d; d = FixedDiv (x, finesine[(tantoangle[FixedDiv(y,x) >> DBITS] + ANG90) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT]); x = -FixedDiv (FixedMul(dy, l->dy) + FixedMul(dx, l->dx), d); y = -FixedDiv (FixedMul(dx, l->dy) - FixedMul(dy, l->dx), d); m_Type = EScroll::sc_side; m_dx = x; m_dy = y; m_vdx = m_vdy = 0; m_Accel = accel; m_Parts = scrollpos; if ((m_Control = control) != -1) m_LastHeight = sectors[control].CenterFloor() + sectors[control].CenterCeiling(); m_Affectee = int(l->sidedef[0] - sides); sides[m_Affectee].Flags |= WALLF_NOAUTODECALS; m_Interpolations[0] = m_Interpolations[1] = m_Interpolations[2] = NULL; if (m_Parts & EScrollPos::scw_top) { m_Interpolations[0] = sides[m_Affectee].SetInterpolation(side_t::top); } if (m_Parts & EScrollPos::scw_mid && (sides[m_Affectee].linedef->backsector == NULL || !(sides[m_Affectee].linedef->flags&ML_3DMIDTEX))) { m_Interpolations[1] = sides[m_Affectee].SetInterpolation(side_t::mid); } if (m_Parts & EScrollPos::scw_bottom) { m_Interpolations[2] = sides[m_Affectee].SetInterpolation(side_t::bottom); } } // Amount (dx,dy) vector linedef is shifted right to get scroll amount #define SCROLL_SHIFT 5 #define SCROLLTYPE(i) EScrollPos(((i) <= 0) || ((i) & ~7) ? 7 : (i)) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Initialize the scrollers // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void P_SpawnScrollers(void) { int i; line_t *l = lines; TArray copyscrollers; for (i = 0; i < numlines; i++) { if (lines[i].special == Sector_CopyScroller) { // don't allow copying the scroller if the sector has the same tag as it would just duplicate it. if (!tagManager.SectorHasTag(lines[i].frontsector, lines[i].args[0])) { copyscrollers.Push(i); } lines[i].special = 0; } } for (i = 0; i < numlines; i++, l++) { fixed_t dx; // direction and speed of scrolling fixed_t dy; int control = -1, accel = 0; // no control sector or acceleration int special = l->special; // Check for undefined parameters that are non-zero and output messages for them. // We don't report for specials we don't understand. FLineSpecial *spec = P_GetLineSpecialInfo(special); if (spec != NULL) { int max = spec->map_args; for (unsigned arg = max; arg < countof(l->args); ++arg) { if (l->args[arg] != 0) { Printf("Line %d (type %d:%s), arg %u is %d (should be 0)\n", i, special, spec->name, arg+1, l->args[arg]); } } } // killough 3/7/98: Types 245-249 are same as 250-254 except that the // first side's sector's heights cause scrolling when they change, and // this linedef controls the direction and speed of the scrolling. The // most complicated linedef since donuts, but powerful :) // // killough 3/15/98: Add acceleration. Types 214-218 are the same but // are accelerative. // [RH] Assume that it's a scroller and zero the line's special. l->special = 0; dx = dy = 0; // Shut up, GCC if (special == Scroll_Ceiling || special == Scroll_Floor || special == Scroll_Texture_Model) { if (l->args[1] & 3) { // if 1, then displacement // if 2, then accelerative (also if 3) control = int(l->sidedef[0]->sector - sectors); if (l->args[1] & 2) accel = 1; } if (special == Scroll_Texture_Model || l->args[1] & 4) { // The line housing the special controls the // direction and speed of scrolling. dx = l->dx >> SCROLL_SHIFT; dy = l->dy >> SCROLL_SHIFT; } else { // The speed and direction are parameters to the special. dx = (l->args[3] - 128) * (FRACUNIT / 32); dy = (l->args[4] - 128) * (FRACUNIT / 32); } } switch (special) { int s; case Scroll_Ceiling: { FSectorTagIterator itr(l->args[0]); while ((s = itr.Next()) >= 0) { new DScroller(EScroll::sc_ceiling, -dx, dy, control, s, accel); } for (unsigned j = 0; j < copyscrollers.Size(); j++) { line_t *line = &lines[copyscrollers[j]]; if (line->args[0] == l->args[0] && (line->args[1] & 1)) { new DScroller(EScroll::sc_ceiling, -dx, dy, control, int(line->frontsector - sectors), accel); } } break; } case Scroll_Floor: if (l->args[2] != 1) { // scroll the floor texture FSectorTagIterator itr(l->args[0]); while ((s = itr.Next()) >= 0) { new DScroller (EScroll::sc_floor, -dx, dy, control, s, accel); } for(unsigned j = 0;j < copyscrollers.Size(); j++) { line_t *line = &lines[copyscrollers[j]]; if (line->args[0] == l->args[0] && (line->args[1] & 2)) { new DScroller (EScroll::sc_floor, -dx, dy, control, int(line->frontsector-sectors), accel); } } } if (l->args[2] > 0) { // carry objects on the floor FSectorTagIterator itr(l->args[0]); while ((s = itr.Next()) >= 0) { new DScroller (EScroll::sc_carry, dx, dy, control, s, accel); } for(unsigned j = 0;j < copyscrollers.Size(); j++) { line_t *line = &lines[copyscrollers[j]]; if (line->args[0] == l->args[0] && (line->args[1] & 4)) { new DScroller (EScroll::sc_carry, dx, dy, control, int(line->frontsector-sectors), accel); } } } break; // killough 3/1/98: scroll wall according to linedef // (same direction and speed as scrolling floors) case Scroll_Texture_Model: { FLineIdIterator itr(l->args[0]); while ((s = itr.Next()) >= 0) { if (s != i) new DScroller(dx, dy, lines + s, control, accel); } break; } case Scroll_Texture_Offsets: // killough 3/2/98: scroll according to sidedef offsets s = int(lines[i].sidedef[0] - sides); new DScroller (EScroll::sc_side, -sides[s].GetTextureXOffset(side_t::mid), sides[s].GetTextureYOffset(side_t::mid), -1, s, accel, SCROLLTYPE(l->args[0])); break; case Scroll_Texture_Left: l->special = special; // Restore the special, for compat_useblocking's benefit. s = int(lines[i].sidedef[0] - sides); new DScroller (EScroll::sc_side, l->args[0] * (FRACUNIT/64), 0, -1, s, accel, SCROLLTYPE(l->args[1])); break; case Scroll_Texture_Right: l->special = special; s = int(lines[i].sidedef[0] - sides); new DScroller (EScroll::sc_side, l->args[0] * (-FRACUNIT/64), 0, -1, s, accel, SCROLLTYPE(l->args[1])); break; case Scroll_Texture_Up: l->special = special; s = int(lines[i].sidedef[0] - sides); new DScroller (EScroll::sc_side, 0, l->args[0] * (FRACUNIT/64), -1, s, accel, SCROLLTYPE(l->args[1])); break; case Scroll_Texture_Down: l->special = special; s = int(lines[i].sidedef[0] - sides); new DScroller (EScroll::sc_side, 0, l->args[0] * (-FRACUNIT/64), -1, s, accel, SCROLLTYPE(l->args[1])); break; case Scroll_Texture_Both: s = int(lines[i].sidedef[0] - sides); if (l->args[0] == 0) { dx = (l->args[1] - l->args[2]) * (FRACUNIT/64); dy = (l->args[4] - l->args[3]) * (FRACUNIT/64); new DScroller (EScroll::sc_side, dx, dy, -1, s, accel); } break; default: // [RH] It wasn't a scroller after all, so restore the special. l->special = special; break; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Modify a wall scroller // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetWallScroller (int id, int sidechoice, fixed_t dx, fixed_t dy, EScrollPos Where) { Where = Where & scw_all; if (Where == 0) return; if ((dx | dy) == 0) { // Special case: Remove the scroller, because the deltas are both 0. TThinkerIterator iterator (STAT_SCROLLER); DScroller *scroller; while ( (scroller = iterator.Next ()) ) { int wallnum = scroller->GetWallNum (); if (wallnum >= 0 && tagManager.LineHasID(sides[wallnum].linedef, id) && int(sides[wallnum].linedef->sidedef[sidechoice] - sides) == wallnum && Where == scroller->GetScrollParts()) { scroller->Destroy (); } } } else { // Find scrollers already attached to the matching walls, and change // their rates. TArray Collection; { TThinkerIterator iterator (STAT_SCROLLER); FThinkerCollection collect; while ( (collect.Obj = iterator.Next ()) ) { if ((collect.RefNum = ((DScroller *)collect.Obj)->GetWallNum ()) != -1 && tagManager.LineHasID(sides[collect.RefNum].linedef, id) && int(sides[collect.RefNum].linedef->sidedef[sidechoice] - sides) == collect.RefNum && Where == ((DScroller *)collect.Obj)->GetScrollParts()) { ((DScroller *)collect.Obj)->SetRate (dx, dy); Collection.Push (collect); } } } size_t numcollected = Collection.Size (); int linenum; // Now create scrollers for any walls that don't already have them. FLineIdIterator itr(id); while ((linenum = itr.Next()) >= 0) { if (lines[linenum].sidedef[sidechoice] != NULL) { int sidenum = int(lines[linenum].sidedef[sidechoice] - sides); unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < numcollected; i++) { if (Collection[i].RefNum == sidenum) break; } if (i == numcollected) { new DScroller (EScroll::sc_side, dx, dy, -1, sidenum, 0, Where); } } } } } void SetScroller (int tag, EScroll type, fixed_t dx, fixed_t dy) { TThinkerIterator iterator (STAT_SCROLLER); DScroller *scroller; int i; // Check if there is already a scroller for this tag // If at least one sector with this tag is scrolling, then they all are. // If the deltas are both 0, we don't remove the scroller, because a // displacement/accelerative scroller might have been set up, and there's // no way to create one after the level is fully loaded. i = 0; while ( (scroller = iterator.Next ()) ) { if (scroller->IsType (type)) { if (tagManager.SectorHasTag(scroller->GetAffectee (), tag)) { i++; scroller->SetRate (dx, dy); } } } if (i > 0 || (dx|dy) == 0) { return; } // Need to create scrollers for the sector(s) FSectorTagIterator itr(tag); while ((i = itr.Next()) >= 0) { new DScroller (type, dx, dy, -1, i, 0); } } void P_CreateScroller(EScroll type, fixed_t dx, fixed_t dy, int control, int affectee, int accel, EScrollPos scrollpos) { new DScroller(type, dx, dy, control, affectee, accel, scrollpos); }