//=========================================================================== // // Zombie man // //=========================================================================== class ZombieMan : Actor { Default { Health 20; Radius 20; Height 56; Speed 8; PainChance 200; Monster; +FLOORCLIP SeeSound "grunt/sight"; AttackSound "grunt/attack"; PainSound "grunt/pain"; DeathSound "grunt/death"; ActiveSound "grunt/active"; Obituary "$OB_ZOMBIE"; Tag "$FN_ZOMBIE"; DropItem "Clip"; } States { Spawn: POSS AB 10 A_Look; Loop; See: POSS AABBCCDD 4 A_Chase; Loop; Missile: POSS E 10 A_FaceTarget; POSS F 8 A_PosAttack; POSS E 8; Goto See; Pain: POSS G 3; POSS G 3 A_Pain; Goto See; Death: POSS H 5; POSS I 5 A_Scream; POSS J 5 A_NoBlocking; POSS K 5; POSS L -1; Stop; XDeath: POSS M 5; POSS N 5 A_XScream; POSS O 5 A_NoBlocking; POSS PQRST 5; POSS U -1; Stop; Raise: POSS K 5; POSS JIH 5; Goto See; } } //=========================================================================== // // Sergeant / Shotgun guy // //=========================================================================== class ShotgunGuy : Actor { Default { Health 30; Radius 20; Height 56; Mass 100; Speed 8; PainChance 170; Monster; +FLOORCLIP SeeSound "shotguy/sight"; AttackSound "shotguy/attack"; PainSound "shotguy/pain"; DeathSound "shotguy/death"; ActiveSound "shotguy/active"; Obituary "$OB_SHOTGUY"; Tag "$FN_SHOTGUN"; DropItem "Shotgun"; } States { Spawn: SPOS AB 10 A_Look; Loop; See: SPOS AABBCCDD 3 A_Chase; Loop; Missile: SPOS E 10 A_FaceTarget; SPOS F 10 BRIGHT A_SposAttackUseAtkSound; SPOS E 10; Goto See; Pain: SPOS G 3; SPOS G 3 A_Pain; Goto See; Death: SPOS H 5; SPOS I 5 A_Scream; SPOS J 5 A_NoBlocking; SPOS K 5; SPOS L -1; Stop; XDeath: SPOS M 5; SPOS N 5 A_XScream; SPOS O 5 A_NoBlocking; SPOS PQRST 5; SPOS U -1; Stop; Raise: SPOS L 5; SPOS KJIH 5; Goto See; } } //=========================================================================== // // Chaingunner // //=========================================================================== class ChaingunGuy : Actor { Default { Health 70; Radius 20; Height 56; Mass 100; Speed 8; PainChance 170; Monster; +FLOORCLIP SeeSound "chainguy/sight"; PainSound "chainguy/pain"; DeathSound "chainguy/death"; ActiveSound "chainguy/active"; AttackSound "chainguy/attack"; Obituary "$OB_CHAINGUY"; Tag "$FN_HEAVY"; Dropitem "Chaingun"; } States { Spawn: CPOS AB 10 A_Look; Loop; See: CPOS AABBCCDD 3 A_Chase; Loop; Missile: CPOS E 10 A_FaceTarget; CPOS FE 4 BRIGHT A_CPosAttack; CPOS F 1 A_CPosRefire; Goto Missile+1; Pain: CPOS G 3; CPOS G 3 A_Pain; Goto See; Death: CPOS H 5; CPOS I 5 A_Scream; CPOS J 5 A_NoBlocking; CPOS KLM 5; CPOS N -1; Stop; XDeath: CPOS O 5; CPOS P 5 A_XScream; CPOS Q 5 A_NoBlocking; CPOS RS 5; CPOS T -1; Stop; Raise: CPOS N 5; CPOS MLKJIH 5; Goto See; } } //=========================================================================== // // SS Nazi // //=========================================================================== class WolfensteinSS : Actor { Default { Health 50; Radius 20; Height 56; Speed 8; PainChance 170; Monster; +FLOORCLIP SeeSound "wolfss/sight"; PainSound "wolfss/pain"; DeathSound "wolfss/death"; ActiveSound "wolfss/active"; AttackSound "wolfss/attack"; Obituary "$OB_WOLFSS"; Tag "$FN_WOLFSS"; Dropitem "Clip"; } States { Spawn: SSWV AB 10 A_Look; Loop; See: SSWV AABBCCDD 3 A_Chase; Loop; Missile: SSWV E 10 A_FaceTarget; SSWV F 10 A_FaceTarget; SSWV G 4 BRIGHT A_CPosAttack; SSWV F 6 A_FaceTarget; SSWV G 4 BRIGHT A_CPosAttack; SSWV F 1 A_CPosRefire; Goto Missile+1; Pain: SSWV H 3; SSWV H 3 A_Pain; Goto See; Death: SSWV I 5; SSWV J 5 A_Scream; SSWV K 5 A_NoBlocking; SSWV L 5; SSWV M -1; Stop; XDeath: SSWV N 5 ; SSWV O 5 A_XScream; SSWV P 5 A_NoBlocking; SSWV QRSTU 5; SSWV V -1; Stop; Raise: SSWV M 5; SSWV LKJI 5; Goto See ; } } //=========================================================================== // // Code (must be attached to Actor) // //=========================================================================== extend class Actor { void A_PosAttack() { if (target) { A_FaceTarget(); double ang = angle; double slope = AimLineAttack(ang, MISSILERANGE); A_StartSound("grunt/attack", CHAN_WEAPON); ang += Random2[PosAttack]() * (22.5/256); int damage = Random[PosAttack](1, 5) * 3; LineAttack(ang, MISSILERANGE, slope, damage, "Hitscan", "Bulletpuff"); } } private void A_SPosAttackInternal() { if (target) { A_FaceTarget(); double bangle = angle; double slope = AimLineAttack(bangle, MISSILERANGE); for (int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { double ang = bangle + Random2[SPosAttack]() * (22.5/256); int damage = Random[SPosAttack](1, 5) * 3; LineAttack(ang, MISSILERANGE, slope, damage, "Hitscan", "Bulletpuff"); } } } void A_SPosAttackUseAtkSound() { if (target) { A_StartSound(AttackSound, CHAN_WEAPON); A_SPosAttackInternal(); } } // This version of the function, which uses a hard-coded sound, is meant for Dehacked only. void A_SPosAttack() { if (target) { A_StartSound("shotguy/attack", CHAN_WEAPON); A_SPosAttackInternal(); } } private void A_CPosAttackInternal(Sound snd) { if (target) { if (bStealth) visdir = 1; A_StartSound(snd, CHAN_WEAPON); A_FaceTarget(); double slope = AimLineAttack(angle, MISSILERANGE); double ang = angle + Random2[CPosAttack]() * (22.5/256); int damage = Random[CPosAttack](1, 5) * 3; LineAttack(ang, MISSILERANGE, slope, damage, "Hitscan", "Bulletpuff"); } } void A_CPosAttack() { A_CPosAttackInternal(AttackSound); } void A_CPosAttackDehacked() { A_CPosAttackInternal("chainguy/attack"); } void A_CPosRefire() { if (HitFriend()) { SetState(SeeState); return; } // keep firing unless target got out of sight A_FaceTarget(); if (Random[CPosRefire](0, 255) >= 40) { if (!target || target.health <= 0 || !CheckSight(target, SF_SEEPASTBLOCKEVERYTHING|SF_SEEPASTSHOOTABLELINES)) { SetState(SeeState); } } } }