N/A weapon_recoil Firing a weapon pushes the player back ---N/A (todo, lastenemy?) monsters_remember 1 Friendly monsters return to old target when losing current one !LEVEL2_NOINFIGHTING monster_infighting 1 Monsters infight LEVEL3_AVOIDMELEE monster_backing Ranged monsters will back away from close melee targets COMPATF2_AVOID_HAZARDS monster_avoid_hazards 1 Monsters avoid hazards such as crushing ceilings N/A monkeys Monsters can climb steep stairs COMPATF_MBFMONSTERMOVE monster_friction 1 Monsters are affected by friction modifiers help_friends Friendly monsters prefer targets of friends player_helpers Number of dogs to spawn friend_distance 128 Friendly monsters try to keep at least this distance apart !LEVEL3_NOJUMPDOWN dog_jumping 1 Dogs can jump down from high ledges N/A comp_telefrag Spawners only telefrag on Map 30 COMPATF_DROPOFF comp_dropoff 01 Discourage / prevent enemies from walking off ledges (?) COMPATF_CORPSEGIBS,BCOMPATF_VILEGHOSTS comp_vile Archviles can create ghosts COMPATF_LIMITPAIN comp_pain Pain elementals don't spawn lost souls if there are over 20 --- N/A (todo) comp_skull Lost souls can spawn past impassable lines N/A comp_blazing Blazing doors have double sounds COMPATF_NODOORLIGHT comp_doorlight Door lighting changes are abrupt COMPATF_LIGHT,COMPATF_SHORTTEX (partial) comp_model Assorted physics quirks and bugs N/A comp_god God mode is removed in sector 11 & ignored at 1000+ damage N/A comp_falloff Don't pull monsters off ledges they are hanging off of COMPATF2_FLOORMOVE comp_floors Assorted floor bugs N/A comp_skymap Don't apply invulnerability palette to skies ---todo comp_pursuit 1 Monsters can infight immediately when alerted N/A comp_doorstuck Monsters get stuck in door tracks COMPATF2_STAYONLIFT comp_staylift Monsters don't prefer staying on lifts their target is on N/A comp_zombie Dead players can activate things COMPATF_STAIRINDEX comp_stairs Assorted stair bugs N/A comp_infcheat ? N/A comp_zerotags Allow tag zero actions N/A comp_respawn Monsters not spawned at level start respawn at the origin N/A comp_soul Buggy lost soul bouncing COMPATF_CROSSDROPOFF comp_ledgeblock 10 Monsters are blocked by ledges (except when scrolling) ---todo comp_friendlyspawn 1 Spawned things inherit the friend attribute from the source