// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Rocket launcher // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- class RocketLauncher : DoomWeapon { Default { Weapon.SelectionOrder 2500; Weapon.AmmoUse 1; Weapon.AmmoGive 2; Weapon.AmmoType "RocketAmmo"; +WEAPON.NOAUTOFIRE Inventory.PickupMessage "$GOTLAUNCHER"; Tag "$TAG_ROCKETLAUNCHER"; } States { Ready: MISG A 1 A_WeaponReady; Loop; Deselect: MISG A 1 A_Lower; Loop; Select: MISG A 1 A_Raise; Loop; Fire: MISG B 8 A_GunFlash; MISG B 12 A_FireMissile; MISG B 0 A_ReFire; Goto Ready; Flash: MISF A 3 Bright A_Light1; MISF B 4 Bright; MISF CD 4 Bright A_Light2; Goto LightDone; Spawn: LAUN A -1; Stop; } } class Rocket : Actor { Default { Radius 11; Height 8; Speed 20; Damage 20; Projectile; +RANDOMIZE +DEHEXPLOSION +ROCKETTRAIL SeeSound "weapons/rocklf"; DeathSound "weapons/rocklx"; Obituary "$OB_MPROCKET"; } States { Spawn: MISL A 1 Bright; Loop; Death: MISL B 8 Bright A_Explode; MISL C 6 Bright; MISL D 4 Bright; Stop; BrainExplode: MISL BC 10 Bright; MISL D 10 A_BrainExplode; Stop; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Grenade -- Taken and adapted from Skulltag, with MBF stuff added to it // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Grenade : Actor { Default { Radius 8; Height 8; Speed 25; Damage 20; Projectile; -NOGRAVITY +RANDOMIZE +DEHEXPLOSION +GRENADETRAIL BounceType "Doom"; Gravity 0.25; SeeSound "weapons/grenlf"; DeathSound "weapons/grenlx"; BounceSound "weapons/grbnce"; Obituary "$OB_GRENADE"; DamageType "Grenade"; } States { Spawn: SGRN A 1 Bright; Loop; Death: MISL B 8 Bright A_Explode; MISL C 6 Bright; MISL D 4 Bright; Stop; Grenade: MISL A 1000 A_Die; Wait; Detonate: MISL B 4 A_Scream; MISL C 6 A_Detonate; MISL D 10; Stop; Mushroom: MISL B 8 A_Mushroom; Goto Death+1; } } //=========================================================================== // // Code (must be attached to StateProvider) // //=========================================================================== extend class StateProvider { //=========================================================================== // // A_FireMissile // //=========================================================================== action void A_FireMissile() { if (player == null) { return; } Weapon weap = player.ReadyWeapon; if (weap != null && invoker == weap && stateinfo != null && stateinfo.mStateType == STATE_Psprite) { if (!weap.DepleteAmmo (weap.bAltFire, true, 1)) return; } SpawnPlayerMissile ("Rocket"); } //=========================================================================== // // A_FireSTGrenade: not exactly backported from ST, but should work the same // //=========================================================================== action void A_FireSTGrenade(class<Actor> grenadetype = "Grenade") { if (grenadetype == null) return; if (player == null) { return; } Weapon weap = player.ReadyWeapon; if (weap != null && invoker == weap && stateinfo != null && stateinfo.mStateType == STATE_Psprite) { if (!weap.DepleteAmmo (weap.bAltFire, true, 1)) return; } // Temporarily raise the pitch to send the grenadetype slightly upwards double savedpitch = pitch; pitch -= 6.328125; SpawnPlayerMissile(grenadetype); pitch = SavedPitch; } }