// Cajun bot console commands. // // [RH] Moved out of d_netcmd.c (in Cajun source), because they don't really // belong there. #include "c_cvars.h" #include "c_dispatch.h" #include "b_bot.h" #include "m_argv.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "cmdlib.h" CVAR (Int, bot_next_color, 11, 0) CVAR (Bool, bot_observer, false, 0) IMPLEMENT_POINTY_CLASS (DCajunMaster) DECLARE_POINTER (getspawned) DECLARE_POINTER (botinfo) DECLARE_POINTER (firstthing) DECLARE_POINTER (body1) DECLARE_POINTER (body2) END_POINTERS CCMD (addbot) { if (consoleplayer != Net_Arbitrator) { Printf ("Only player %d can add bots\n", Net_Arbitrator + 1); return; } if (argv.argc() > 2) { Printf ("addbot [botname] : add a bot to the game\n"); return; } /* if (argc == 3) //Used force colornum { color = atoi (argv[2]); if (color<0) color=0; if (color>10) color=10; } */ if (argv.argc() > 1) bglobal.SpawnBot (argv[1]); else bglobal.SpawnBot (NULL); } void DCajunMaster::ClearPlayer (int i, bool keepTeam) { if (players[i].mo) { players[i].mo->Destroy (); players[i].mo = NULL; } botinfo_t *bot = botinfo; while (bot && stricmp (players[i].userinfo.netname, bot->name)) bot = bot->next; if (bot) { bot->inuse = false; bot->lastteam = keepTeam ? players[i].userinfo.team : TEAM_None; } players[i].~player_t(); ::new(&players[i]) player_t; playeringame[i] = false; } CCMD (removebots) { Net_WriteByte (DEM_KILLBOTS); } CCMD (freeze) { if (!netgame) { if (bglobal.freeze) { bglobal.freeze = false; Printf ("Freeze mode off\n"); } else { bglobal.freeze = true; Printf ("Freeze mode on\n"); } } } CCMD (listbots) { botinfo_t *thebot = bglobal.botinfo; int count = 0; while (thebot) { Printf ("%s%s\n", thebot->name, thebot->inuse ? " (active)" : ""); thebot = thebot->next; count++; } Printf ("> %d bots\n", count); } FArchive &operator<< (FArchive &arc, botskill_t &skill) { return arc << skill.aiming << skill.perfection << skill.reaction << skill.isp; }