/* ** g_levellocals.h ** The static data for a level ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 1998-2016 Randy Heit ** Copyright 2005-2017 Christoph Oelckers ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ #pragma once #include "doomdata.h" #include "g_level.h" #include "r_defs.h" #include "r_sky.h" #include "portal.h" #include "p_blockmap.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "po_man.h" #include "p_acs.h" #include "p_tags.h" #include "p_spec.h" #include "actor.h" #include "b_bot.h" #include "p_effect.h" #include "d_player.h" #include "p_destructible.h" #include "r_data/r_sections.h" #include "r_data/r_canvastexture.h" #include "r_data/r_interpolate.h" #include "doom_aabbtree.h" #include "doom_levelmesh.h" //============================================================================ // // This is used to mark processed portals for some collection functions. // //============================================================================ struct FPortalBits { TArray data; void setSize(int num) { data.Resize((num + 31) / 32); clear(); } void clear() { memset(&data[0], 0, data.Size() * sizeof(uint32_t)); } void setBit(int group) { data[group >> 5] |= (1 << (group & 31)); } int getBit(int group) { return data[group >> 5] & (1 << (group & 31)); } }; class DACSThinker; class DFraggleThinker; class DSpotState; class DSeqNode; struct FStrifeDialogueNode; class DAutomapBase; struct wbstartstruct_t; class DSectorMarker; struct FTranslator; struct EventManager; typedef TMap FDialogueIDMap; // maps dialogue IDs to dialogue array index (for ACS) typedef TMap FDialogueMap; // maps actor class names to dialogue array index typedef TMap FUDMFKeyMap; class DIntermissionController; struct FLevelLocals { void *level; void *Level; // bug catchers. FLevelLocals(); ~FLevelLocals(); void *operator new(size_t blocksize) { // Null the allocated memory before running the constructor. // If we later allocate secondary levels they need to behave exactly like a global variable, i.e. start nulled. auto block = ::operator new(blocksize); memset(block, 0, blocksize); return block; } friend class MapLoader; DIntermissionController* CreateIntermission(); void Tick(); void Mark(); void AddScroller(int secnum); void SetInterMusic(const char *nextmap); void SetMusicVolume(float v); void ClearLevelData(); void ClearPortals(); bool CheckIfExitIsGood(AActor *self, level_info_t *newmap); void FormatMapName(FString &mapname, const char *mapnamecolor); void ClearAllSubsectorLinks(); void TranslateLineDef (line_t *ld, maplinedef_t *mld, int lineindexforid = -1); int TranslateSectorSpecial(int special); bool IsTIDUsed(int tid); int FindUniqueTID(int start_tid, int limit); int GetConversation(int conv_id); int GetConversation(FName classname); void SetConversation(int convid, PClassActor *Class, int dlgindex); int FindNode (const FStrifeDialogueNode *node); int GetInfighting(); void SetCompatLineOnSide(bool state); int GetCompatibility(int mask); int GetCompatibility2(int mask); void ApplyCompatibility(); void ApplyCompatibility2(); void Init(); private: bool ShouldDoIntermission(cluster_info_t* nextcluster, cluster_info_t* thiscluster); line_t *FindPortalDestination(line_t *src, int tag, int matchtype = -1); void BuildPortalBlockmap(); void UpdatePortal(FLinePortal *port); void CollectLinkedPortals(); void CreateLinkedPortals(); bool ChangePortalLine(line_t *line, int destid); void AddDisplacementForPortal(FSectorPortal *portal); void AddDisplacementForPortal(FLinePortal *portal); bool ConnectPortalGroups(); void SerializePlayers(FSerializer &arc, bool skipload); void CopyPlayer(player_t *dst, player_t *src, const char *name); void ReadOnePlayer(FSerializer &arc, bool skipload); void ReadMultiplePlayers(FSerializer &arc, int numPlayers, int numPlayersNow, bool skipload); void SerializeSounds(FSerializer &arc); void PlayerSpawnPickClass (int playernum); public: void SnapshotLevel(); void UnSnapshotLevel(bool hubLoad); void FinalizePortals(); bool ChangePortal(line_t *ln, int thisid, int destid); unsigned GetSkyboxPortal(AActor *actor); unsigned GetPortal(int type, int plane, sector_t *orgsec, sector_t *destsec, const DVector2 &displacement); unsigned GetStackPortal(AActor *point, int plane); DVector2 GetPortalOffsetPosition(double x, double y, double dx, double dy); bool CollectConnectedGroups(int startgroup, const DVector3 &position, double upperz, double checkradius, FPortalGroupArray &out); void ActivateInStasisPlat(int tag); bool CreateCeiling(sector_t *sec, DCeiling::ECeiling type, line_t *line, int tag, double speed, double speed2, double height, int crush, int silent, int change, DCeiling::ECrushMode hexencrush); void ActivateInStasisCeiling(int tag); bool CreateFloor(sector_t *sec, DFloor::EFloor floortype, line_t *line, double speed, double height, int crush, int change, bool hexencrush, bool hereticlower); void DoDeferedScripts(); void AdjustPusher(int tag, int magnitude, int angle, bool wind); int Massacre(bool baddies = false, FName cls = NAME_None); AActor *SpawnMapThing(FMapThing *mthing, int position); AActor *SpawnMapThing(int index, FMapThing *mt, int position); AActor *SpawnPlayer(FPlayerStart *mthing, int playernum, int flags = 0); void StartLightning(); void ForceLightning(int mode); void ClearDynamic3DFloorData(); void WorldDone(void); void AirControlChanged(); AActor *SelectTeleDest(int tid, int tag, bool norandom); bool AlignFlat(int linenum, int side, int fc); void ReplaceTextures(const char *fromname, const char *toname, int flags); bool EV_Thing_Spawn(int tid, AActor *source, int type, DAngle angle, bool fog, int newtid); bool EV_Thing_Move(int tid, AActor *source, int mapspot, bool fog); bool EV_Thing_Projectile(int tid, AActor *source, int type, const char *type_name, DAngle angle, double speed, double vspeed, int dest, AActor *forcedest, int gravity, int newtid, bool leadTarget); int EV_Thing_Damage(int tid, AActor *whofor0, int amount, FName type); bool EV_DoPlat(int tag, line_t *line, DPlat::EPlatType type, double height, double speed, int delay, int lip, int change); void EV_StopPlat(int tag, bool remove); bool EV_DoPillar(DPillar::EPillar type, line_t *line, int tag, double speed, double height, double height2, int crush, bool hexencrush); bool EV_DoDoor(DDoor::EVlDoor type, line_t *line, AActor *thing, int tag, double speed, int delay, int lock, int lightTag, bool boomgen = false, int topcountdown = 0); bool EV_SlidingDoor(line_t *line, AActor *thing, int tag, int speed, int delay, DAnimatedDoor::EADType type); bool EV_DoCeiling(DCeiling::ECeiling type, line_t *line, int tag, double speed, double speed2, double height, int crush, int silent, int change, DCeiling::ECrushMode hexencrush = DCeiling::ECrushMode::crushDoom); bool EV_CeilingCrushStop(int tag, bool remove); bool EV_StopCeiling(int tag, line_t *line); bool EV_BuildStairs(int tag, DFloor::EStair type, line_t *line, double stairsize, double speed, int delay, int reset, int igntxt, int usespecials); bool EV_DoFloor(DFloor::EFloor floortype, line_t *line, int tag, double speed, double height, int crush, int change, bool hexencrush, bool hereticlower = false); bool EV_FloorCrushStop(int tag, line_t *line); bool EV_StopFloor(int tag, line_t *line); bool EV_DoDonut(int tag, line_t *line, double pillarspeed, double slimespeed); bool EV_DoElevator(line_t *line, DElevator::EElevator type, double speed, double height, int tag); bool EV_StartWaggle(int tag, line_t *line, int height, int speed, int offset, int timer, bool ceiling); bool EV_DoChange(line_t *line, EChange changetype, int tag); void EV_StartLightFlickering(int tag, int upper, int lower); void EV_StartLightStrobing(int tag, int upper, int lower, int utics, int ltics); void EV_StartLightStrobing(int tag, int utics, int ltics); void EV_TurnTagLightsOff(int tag); void EV_LightTurnOn(int tag, int bright); void EV_LightTurnOnPartway(int tag, double frac); void EV_LightChange(int tag, int value); void EV_StartLightGlowing(int tag, int upper, int lower, int tics); void EV_StartLightFading(int tag, int value, int tics); void EV_StopLightEffect(int tag); bool EV_Teleport(int tid, int tag, line_t *line, int side, AActor *thing, int flags); bool EV_SilentLineTeleport(line_t *line, int side, AActor *thing, int id, INTBOOL reverse); bool EV_TeleportOther(int other_tid, int dest_tid, bool fog); bool EV_TeleportGroup(int group_tid, AActor *victim, int source_tid, int dest_tid, bool moveSource, bool fog); bool EV_TeleportSector(int tag, int source_tid, int dest_tid, bool fog, int group_tid); void RecalculateDrawnSubsectors(); FSerializer &SerializeSubsectors(FSerializer &arc, const char *key); void SpawnExtraPlayers(); void Serialize(FSerializer &arc, bool hubload); DThinker *FirstThinker (int statnum); // g_Game void PlayerReborn (int player); bool CheckSpot (int playernum, FPlayerStart *mthing); void DoReborn (int playernum, bool freshbot); void QueueBody (AActor *body); double PlayersRangeFromSpot (FPlayerStart *spot); FPlayerStart *SelectFarthestDeathmatchSpot (size_t selections); FPlayerStart *SelectRandomDeathmatchSpot (int playernum, unsigned int selections); void DeathMatchSpawnPlayer (int playernum); FPlayerStart *PickPlayerStart(int playernum, int flags = 0); bool DoCompleted(FString nextlevel, wbstartstruct_t &wminfo); void StartTravel(); int FinishTravel(); void ChangeLevel(const char *levelname, int position, int flags, int nextSkill = -1); const char *GetSecretExitMap(); void ExitLevel(int position, bool keepFacing); void SecretExitLevel(int position); void DoLoadLevel(const FString &nextmapname, int position, bool autosave, bool newGame); void DeleteAllAttachedLights(); void RecreateAllAttachedLights(); private: // Work data for CollectConnectedGroups. FPortalBits processMask; TArray foundPortals; TArray groupsToCheck; public: FSectorTagIterator GetSectorTagIterator(int tag) { return FSectorTagIterator(tagManager, tag); } FSectorTagIterator GetSectorTagIterator(int tag, line_t *line) { return FSectorTagIterator(tagManager, tag, line); } FLineIdIterator GetLineIdIterator(int tag) { return FLineIdIterator(tagManager, tag); } template TThinkerIterator GetThinkerIterator(FName subtype = NAME_None, int statnum = MAX_STATNUM+1) { if (subtype == NAME_None) return TThinkerIterator(this, statnum); else return TThinkerIterator(this, subtype, statnum); } template TThinkerIterator GetThinkerIterator(FName subtype, int statnum, AActor *prev) { return TThinkerIterator(this, subtype, statnum, prev); } FActorIterator GetActorIterator(int tid) { return FActorIterator(TIDHash, tid); } FActorIterator GetActorIterator(int tid, AActor *start) { return FActorIterator(TIDHash, tid, start); } NActorIterator GetActorIterator(FName type, int tid) { return NActorIterator(TIDHash, type, tid); } AActor *SingleActorFromTID(int tid, AActor *defactor) { return tid == 0 ? defactor : GetActorIterator(tid).Next(); } bool SectorHasTags(sector_t *sector) { return tagManager.SectorHasTags(sector); } bool SectorHasTag(sector_t *sector, int tag) { return tagManager.SectorHasTag(sector, tag); } bool SectorHasTag(int sector, int tag) { return tagManager.SectorHasTag(sector, tag); } int GetFirstSectorTag(const sector_t *sect) const { return tagManager.GetFirstSectorTag(sect); } int GetFirstSectorTag(int i) const { return tagManager.GetFirstSectorTag(i); } int GetFirstLineId(const line_t *sect) const { return tagManager.GetFirstLineID(sect); } bool LineHasId(int line, int tag) { return tagManager.LineHasID(line, tag); } bool LineHasId(line_t *line, int tag) { return tagManager.LineHasID(line, tag); } int FindFirstSectorFromTag(int tag) { auto it = GetSectorTagIterator(tag); return it.Next(); } int FindFirstLineFromID(int tag) { auto it = GetLineIdIterator(tag); return it.Next(); } int isFrozen() { return frozenstate; } private: // The engine should never ever access subsectors of the game nodes. This is only needed for actually implementing PointInSector. subsector_t *PointInSubsector(double x, double y); public: sector_t *PointInSectorBuggy(double x, double y); subsector_t *PointInRenderSubsector (fixed_t x, fixed_t y); sector_t *PointInSector(const DVector2 &pos) { return PointInSubsector(pos.X, pos.Y)->sector; } sector_t *PointInSector(double x, double y) { return PointInSubsector(x, y)->sector; } subsector_t *PointInRenderSubsector (const DVector2 &pos) { return PointInRenderSubsector(FloatToFixed(pos.X), FloatToFixed(pos.Y)); } FPolyObj *GetPolyobj (int polyNum) { auto index = Polyobjects.FindEx([=](const auto &poly) { return poly.tag == polyNum; }); return index == Polyobjects.Size()? nullptr : &Polyobjects[index]; } void ClearTIDHashes () { memset(TIDHash, 0, sizeof(TIDHash)); } bool CheckReject(sector_t *s1, sector_t *s2) { if (rejectmatrix.Size() > 0) { int pnum = int(s1->Index()) * sectors.Size() + int(s2->Index()); return !(rejectmatrix[pnum >> 3] & (1 << (pnum & 7))); } return true; } DThinker *CreateThinker(PClass *cls, int statnum = STAT_DEFAULT) { DThinker *thinker = static_cast(cls->CreateNew()); assert(thinker->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(DThinker))); thinker->ObjectFlags |= OF_JustSpawned; Thinkers.Link(thinker, statnum); thinker->Level = this; return thinker; } template T* CreateThinker(Args&&... args) { auto thinker = static_cast(CreateThinker(RUNTIME_CLASS(T), T::DEFAULT_STAT)); thinker->Construct(std::forward(args)...); return thinker; } void SetMusic(); TArray vertexes; TArray sectors; TArray extsectors; // container for non-trivial sector information. sector_t must be trivially copyable for *_fakeflat to work as intended. TArray linebuffer; // contains the line lists for the sectors. TArray subsectorbuffer; // contains the subsector lists for the sectors. TArray lines; TArray sides; TArray segbuffer; // contains the seg links for the sidedefs. TArray segs; TArray subsectors; TArray nodes; TArray gamesubsectors; TArray gamenodes; node_t *headgamenode; TArray rejectmatrix; TArray Zones; TArray Polyobjects; TArray sectorPortals; TArray linePortals; // Lightmaps TArray LMSurfaces; TArray LMTexCoords; int LMTextureCount = 0; int LMTextureSize = 0; TArray LMTextureData; TArray LightProbes; int LPMinX = 0; int LPMinY = 0; int LPWidth = 0; int LPHeight = 0; static const int LPCellSize = 32; TArray LPCells; // Portal information. FDisplacementTable Displacements; FPortalBlockmap PortalBlockmap; TArray linkedPortals; // only the linked portals, this is used to speed up looking for them in P_CollectConnectedGroups. TArray portalGroups; TArray linePortalSpans; FSectionContainer sections; FCanvasTextureInfo canvasTextureInfo; EventManager *localEventManager = nullptr; DoomLevelAABBTree* aabbTree = nullptr; DoomLevelMesh* levelMesh = nullptr; // [ZZ] Destructible geometry information TMap healthGroups; FBlockmap blockmap; TArray PolyBlockMap; FUDMFKeyMap UDMFKeys[4]; // These are copies of the loaded map data that get used by the savegame code to skip unaltered fields // Without such a mechanism the savegame format would become too slow and large because more than 80-90% are normally still unaltered. TArray loadsectors; TArray loadlines; TArray loadsides; // Maintain single and multi player starting spots. TArray deathmatchstarts; FPlayerStart playerstarts[MAXPLAYERS]; TArray AllPlayerStarts; FBehaviorContainer Behaviors; AActor *TIDHash[128]; TArray StrifeDialogues; FDialogueIDMap DialogueRoots; FDialogueMap ClassRoots; FCajunMaster BotInfo; int ii_compatflags = 0; int ii_compatflags2 = 0; int ib_compatflags = 0; int i_compatflags = 0; int i_compatflags2 = 0; DSectorMarker *SectorMarker; uint8_t md5[16]; // for savegame validation. If the MD5 does not match the savegame won't be loaded. int time; // time in the hub int maptime; // time in the map int totaltime; // time in the game int starttime; int partime; int sucktime; uint32_t spawnindex; level_info_t *info; int cluster; int clusterflags; int levelnum; int lumpnum; FString LevelName; FString MapName; // the lump name (E1M1, MAP01, etc) FString NextMap; // go here when using the regular exit FString NextSecretMap; // map to go to when used secret exit FString AuthorName; FString F1Pic; FTranslator *Translator; EMapType maptype; FTagManager tagManager; FInterpolator interpolator; uint64_t ShaderStartTime = 0; // tell the shader system when we started the level (forces a timer restart) static const int BODYQUESIZE = 32; TObjPtr bodyque[BODYQUESIZE]; TObjPtr automap = MakeObjPtr(nullptr); int bodyqueslot; // For now this merely points to the global player array, but with this in place, access to this array can be moved over to the level. // As things progress each level needs to be able to point to different players, even if they are just null if the second level is merely a skybox or camera target. // But even if it got a real player, the level will not own it - the player merely links to the level. // This should also be made a real object eventually. player_t *Players[MAXPLAYERS]; // This is to allow refactoring without refactoring the data right away. bool PlayerInGame(int pnum) { return playeringame[pnum]; } // This needs to be done better, but for now it should be good enough. bool PlayerInGame(player_t *player) { for (int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (player == Players[i]) return PlayerInGame(i); } return false; } int PlayerNum(player_t *player) { for (int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (player == Players[i]) return i; } return -1; } bool isPrimaryLevel() const { return true; } // Gets the console player without having the calling code be aware of the level's state. player_t *GetConsolePlayer() const { return isPrimaryLevel()? Players[consoleplayer] : nullptr; } bool isConsolePlayer(AActor *mo) const { auto p = GetConsolePlayer(); if (!p) return false; return p->mo == mo; } bool isCamera(AActor *mo) const { auto p = GetConsolePlayer(); if (!p) return false; return p->camera == mo; } bool MBF21Enabled() const { // The affected features only are a problem with Doom format maps - the flag should have no effect in Hexen and UDMF format. return !(i_compatflags2 & COMPATF2_NOMBF21) || maptype != MAPTYPE_DOOM; } int NumMapSections; uint32_t flags; uint32_t flags2; uint32_t flags3; uint32_t fadeto; // The color the palette fades to (usually black) uint32_t outsidefog; // The fog for sectors with sky ceilings uint32_t hazardcolor; // what color strife hazard blends the screen color as uint32_t hazardflash; // what color strife hazard flashes the screen color as FString Music; int musicorder; int cdtrack; unsigned int cdid; FTextureID skytexture1; FTextureID skytexture2; float skyspeed1; // Scrolling speed of sky textures, in pixels per ms float skyspeed2; double sky1pos, sky2pos; float hw_sky1pos, hw_sky2pos; bool skystretch; int total_secrets; int found_secrets; int total_items; int found_items; int total_monsters; int killed_monsters; double max_velocity; double avg_velocity; double gravity; double aircontrol; double airfriction; int airsupply; int DefaultEnvironment; // Default sound environment. DSeqNode *SequenceListHead; // [RH] particle globals uint32_t ActiveParticles; uint32_t InactiveParticles; TArray Particles; TArray ParticlesInSubsec; FThinkerCollection Thinkers; TArray Scrolls; // NULL if no DScrollers in this level int8_t WallVertLight; // Light diffs for vert/horiz walls int8_t WallHorizLight; bool FromSnapshot; // The current map was restored from a snapshot bool HasHeightSecs; // true if some Transfer_Heights effects are present in the map. If this is false, some checks in the renderer can be shortcut. bool HasDynamicLights; // Another render optimization for maps with no lights at all. int frozenstate; double teamdamage; // former OpenGL-exclusive properties that should also be usable by the true color software renderer. int fogdensity; int outsidefogdensity; int skyfog; FName deathsequence; float pixelstretch; float MusicVolume; // Hardware render stuff that can either be set via CVAR or MAPINFO ELightMode lightMode; bool brightfog; bool lightadditivesurfaces; bool notexturefill; int ImpactDecalCount; FDynamicLight *lights; // links to global game objects TArray> CorpseQueue; TObjPtr FraggleScriptThinker = MakeObjPtr(nullptr); TObjPtr ACSThinker = MakeObjPtr(nullptr); TObjPtr SpotState = MakeObjPtr(nullptr); //========================================================================== // // //========================================================================== bool IsJumpingAllowed() const { if (dmflags & DF_NO_JUMP) return false; if (dmflags & DF_YES_JUMP) return true; return !(flags & LEVEL_JUMP_NO); } //========================================================================== // // //========================================================================== bool IsCrouchingAllowed() const { if (dmflags & DF_NO_CROUCH) return false; if (dmflags & DF_YES_CROUCH) return true; return !(flags & LEVEL_CROUCH_NO); } //========================================================================== // // //========================================================================== bool IsFreelookAllowed() const { if (dmflags & DF_NO_FREELOOK) return false; if (dmflags & DF_YES_FREELOOK) return true; return !(flags & LEVEL_FREELOOK_NO); } node_t *HeadNode() const { return nodes.Size() == 0 ? nullptr : &nodes[nodes.Size() - 1]; } node_t *HeadGamenode() const { return headgamenode; } // Returns true if level is loaded from saved game or is being revisited as a part of a hub bool IsReentering() const { return savegamerestore || (info != nullptr && info->Snapshot.mBuffer != nullptr && info->isValid()); } }; extern FLevelLocals level; extern FLevelLocals *primaryLevel; // level for which to display the user interface. This will always be the one the current consoleplayer is in. extern FLevelLocals *currentVMLevel; inline FSectorPortal *line_t::GetTransferredPortal() { auto Level = GetLevel(); return portaltransferred >= Level->sectorPortals.Size() ? (FSectorPortal*)nullptr : &Level->sectorPortals[portaltransferred]; } inline FSectorPortal *sector_t::GetPortal(int plane) { return &Level->sectorPortals[Portals[plane]]; } inline double sector_t::GetPortalPlaneZ(int plane) { return Level->sectorPortals[Portals[plane]].mPlaneZ; } inline DVector2 sector_t::GetPortalDisplacement(int plane) { return Level->sectorPortals[Portals[plane]].mDisplacement; } inline int sector_t::GetPortalType(int plane) { return Level->sectorPortals[Portals[plane]].mType; } inline int sector_t::GetOppositePortalGroup(int plane) { return Level->sectorPortals[Portals[plane]].mDestination->PortalGroup; } inline bool sector_t::PortalBlocksView(int plane) { if (GetPortalType(plane) != PORTS_LINKEDPORTAL) return false; return !!(planes[plane].Flags & (PLANEF_NORENDER | PLANEF_DISABLED | PLANEF_OBSTRUCTED)); } inline bool sector_t::PortalBlocksSight(int plane) { return PLANEF_LINKED != (planes[plane].Flags & (PLANEF_NORENDER | PLANEF_NOPASS | PLANEF_DISABLED | PLANEF_OBSTRUCTED | PLANEF_LINKED)); } inline bool sector_t::PortalBlocksMovement(int plane) { return PLANEF_LINKED != (planes[plane].Flags & (PLANEF_NOPASS | PLANEF_DISABLED | PLANEF_OBSTRUCTED | PLANEF_LINKED)); } inline bool sector_t::PortalBlocksSound(int plane) { return PLANEF_LINKED != (planes[plane].Flags & (PLANEF_BLOCKSOUND | PLANEF_DISABLED | PLANEF_OBSTRUCTED | PLANEF_LINKED)); } inline bool sector_t::PortalIsLinked(int plane) { return (GetPortalType(plane) == PORTS_LINKEDPORTAL); } inline FLevelLocals *line_t::GetLevel() const { return frontsector->Level; } inline FLinePortal *line_t::getPortal() const { return portalindex == UINT_MAX && portalindex >= GetLevel()->linePortals.Size() ? (FLinePortal*)nullptr : &GetLevel()->linePortals[portalindex]; } // returns true if the portal is crossable by actors inline bool line_t::isLinePortal() const { return portalindex == UINT_MAX && portalindex >= GetLevel()->linePortals.Size() ? false : !!(GetLevel()->linePortals[portalindex].mFlags & PORTF_PASSABLE); } // returns true if the portal needs to be handled by the renderer inline bool line_t::isVisualPortal() const { return portalindex == UINT_MAX && portalindex >= GetLevel()->linePortals.Size() ? false : !!(GetLevel()->linePortals[portalindex].mFlags & PORTF_VISIBLE); } inline line_t *line_t::getPortalDestination() const { return portalindex >= GetLevel()->linePortals.Size() ? (line_t*)nullptr : GetLevel()->linePortals[portalindex].mDestination; } inline int line_t::getPortalAlignment() const { return portalindex >= GetLevel()->linePortals.Size() ? 0 : GetLevel()->linePortals[portalindex].mAlign; } inline bool line_t::hitSkyWall(AActor* mo) const { return backsector && backsector->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling) == skyflatnum && mo->Z() >= backsector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(mo->PosRelative(this)); } // This must later be extended to return an array with all levels. // It is meant for code that needs to iterate over all levels to make some global changes, e.g. configuation CCMDs. inline TArrayView AllLevels() { return TArrayView(&primaryLevel, 1); }