/* ** zstring.h ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 2005-2007 Randy Heit ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ #ifndef ZSTRING_H #define ZSTRING_H #include #include #include #include #include "tarray.h" #include "name.h" #ifdef __GNUC__ #define PRINTFISH(x) __attribute__((format(printf, 2, x))) #else #define PRINTFISH(x) #endif #ifdef __clang__ #define IGNORE_FORMAT_PRE \ _Pragma("GCC diagnostic push") \ _Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wformat-invalid-specifier\"") \ _Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wformat-extra-args\"") #define IGNORE_FORMAT_POST _Pragma("GCC diagnostic pop") #elif defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6))) #define IGNORE_FORMAT_PRE \ _Pragma("GCC diagnostic push") \ _Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wformat=\"") \ _Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wformat-extra-args\"") #define IGNORE_FORMAT_POST _Pragma("GCC diagnostic pop") #else #define IGNORE_FORMAT_PRE #define IGNORE_FORMAT_POST #endif struct FStringData { unsigned int Len; // Length of string, excluding terminating null unsigned int AllocLen; // Amount of memory allocated for string int RefCount; // < 0 means it's locked // char StrData[xxx]; char *Chars() { return (char *)(this + 1); } const char *Chars() const { return (const char *)(this + 1); } char *AddRef() { if (RefCount < 0) { return (char *)(MakeCopy() + 1); } else { RefCount++; return (char *)(this + 1); } } void Release() { assert (RefCount != 0); if (--RefCount <= 0) { Dealloc(); } } FStringData *MakeCopy(); static FStringData *Alloc (size_t strlen); FStringData *Realloc (size_t newstrlen); void Dealloc (); }; struct FNullStringData { unsigned int Len; unsigned int AllocLen; int RefCount; char Nothing[2]; }; enum ELumpNum { }; class FString { public: FString () : Chars(&NullString.Nothing[0]) { NullString.RefCount++; } // Copy constructors FString (const FString &other) { AttachToOther (other); } FString (const char *copyStr); FString (const char *copyStr, size_t copyLen); FString (char oneChar); // Concatenation constructors FString (const FString &head, const FString &tail); FString (const FString &head, const char *tail); FString (const FString &head, char tail); FString (const char *head, const FString &tail); FString (const char *head, const char *tail); FString (char head, const FString &tail); // Other constructors FString (ELumpNum); // Create from a lump ~FString (); // Discard string's contents, create a new buffer, and lock it. char *LockNewBuffer(size_t len); char *LockBuffer(); // Obtain write access to the character buffer void UnlockBuffer(); // Allow shared access to the character buffer operator const char *() const { return Chars; } const char *GetChars() const { return Chars; } const char &operator[] (int index) const { return Chars[index]; } #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64) && defined(_MSC_VER) // Compiling 32-bit Windows source with MSVC: size_t is typedefed to an // unsigned int with the 64-bit portability warning attribute, so the // prototype cannot substitute unsigned int for size_t, or you get // spurious warnings. const char &operator[] (size_t index) const { return Chars[index]; } #else const char &operator[] (unsigned int index) const { return Chars[index]; } #endif const char &operator[] (unsigned long index) const { return Chars[index]; } const char &operator[] (unsigned long long index) const { return Chars[index]; } FString &operator = (const FString &other); FString &operator = (const char *copyStr); FString operator + (const FString &tail) const; FString operator + (const char *tail) const; FString operator + (char tail) const; friend FString operator + (const char *head, const FString &tail); friend FString operator + (char head, const FString &tail); FString &operator += (const FString &tail); FString &operator += (const char *tail); FString &operator += (char tail); FString &operator += (const FName &name) { return *this += name.GetChars(); } FString &AppendCStrPart (const char *tail, size_t tailLen); FString &CopyCStrPart(const char *tail, size_t tailLen); FString &operator << (const FString &tail) { return *this += tail; } FString &operator << (const char *tail) { return *this += tail; } FString &operator << (char tail) { return *this += tail; } FString &operator << (const FName &name) { return *this += name.GetChars(); } FString Left (size_t numChars) const; FString Right (size_t numChars) const; FString Mid (size_t pos, size_t numChars = ~(size_t)0) const; long IndexOf (const FString &substr, long startIndex=0) const; long IndexOf (const char *substr, long startIndex=0) const; long IndexOf (char subchar, long startIndex=0) const; long IndexOfAny (const FString &charset, long startIndex=0) const; long IndexOfAny (const char *charset, long startIndex=0) const; long LastIndexOf (const FString &substr) const; long LastIndexOf (const char *substr) const; long LastIndexOf (char subchar) const; long LastIndexOf (const FString &substr, long endIndex) const; long LastIndexOf (const char *substr, long endIndex) const; long LastIndexOf (char subchar, long endIndex) const; long LastIndexOf (const char *substr, long endIndex, size_t substrlen) const; long LastIndexOfAny (const FString &charset) const; long LastIndexOfAny (const char *charset) const; long LastIndexOfAny (const FString &charset, long endIndex) const; long LastIndexOfAny (const char *charset, long endIndex) const; void ToUpper (); void ToLower (); void SwapCase (); void StripLeft (); void StripLeft (const FString &charset); void StripLeft (const char *charset); void StripRight (); void StripRight (const FString &charset); void StripRight (const char *charset); void StripLeftRight (); void StripLeftRight (const FString &charset); void StripLeftRight (const char *charset); void Insert (size_t index, const FString &instr); void Insert (size_t index, const char *instr); void Insert (size_t index, const char *instr, size_t instrlen); template void ReplaceChars (Func IsOldChar, char newchar) { size_t i, j; LockBuffer(); for (i = 0, j = Len(); i < j; ++i) { if (IsOldChar(Chars[i])) { Chars[i] = newchar; } } UnlockBuffer(); } void ReplaceChars (char oldchar, char newchar); void ReplaceChars (const char *oldcharset, char newchar); template void StripChars (Func IsKillChar) { size_t read, write, mylen; LockBuffer(); for (read = write = 0, mylen = Len(); read < mylen; ++read) { if (!IsKillChar(Chars[read])) { Chars[write++] = Chars[read]; } } Chars[write] = '\0'; ReallocBuffer (write); UnlockBuffer(); } void StripChars (char killchar); void StripChars (const char *killcharset); void MergeChars (char merger); void MergeChars (char merger, char newchar); void MergeChars (const char *charset, char newchar); void Substitute (const FString &oldstr, const FString &newstr); void Substitute (const char *oldstr, const FString &newstr); void Substitute (const FString &oldstr, const char *newstr); void Substitute (const char *oldstr, const char *newstr); void Substitute (const char *oldstr, const char *newstr, size_t oldstrlen, size_t newstrlen); void Format (const char *fmt, ...) PRINTFISH(3); void AppendFormat (const char *fmt, ...) PRINTFISH(3); void VFormat (const char *fmt, va_list arglist) PRINTFISH(0); void VAppendFormat (const char *fmt, va_list arglist) PRINTFISH(0); bool IsInt () const; bool IsFloat () const; long ToLong (int base=0) const; unsigned long ToULong (int base=0) const; double ToDouble () const; size_t Len() const { return Data()->Len; } bool IsEmpty() const { return Len() == 0; } bool IsNotEmpty() const { return Len() != 0; } void Truncate (long newlen); void Remove(size_t index, size_t remlen); int Compare (const FString &other) const { return strcmp (Chars, other.Chars); } int Compare (const char *other) const { return strcmp (Chars, other); } int Compare(const FString &other, int len) const { return strncmp(Chars, other.Chars, len); } int Compare(const char *other, int len) const { return strncmp(Chars, other, len); } int CompareNoCase (const FString &other) const { return stricmp (Chars, other.Chars); } int CompareNoCase (const char *other) const { return stricmp (Chars, other); } int CompareNoCase(const FString &other, int len) const { return strnicmp(Chars, other.Chars, len); } int CompareNoCase(const char *other, int len) const { return strnicmp(Chars, other, len); } protected: const FStringData *Data() const { return (FStringData *)Chars - 1; } FStringData *Data() { return (FStringData *)Chars - 1; } void AttachToOther (const FString &other); void AllocBuffer (size_t len); void ReallocBuffer (size_t newlen); static int FormatHelper (void *data, const char *str, int len); static void StrCopy (char *to, const char *from, size_t len); static void StrCopy (char *to, const FString &from); char *Chars; static FNullStringData NullString; friend struct FStringData; public: bool operator == (const FString &other) const { return Compare(other) == 0; } bool operator != (const FString &other) const { return Compare(other) != 0; } bool operator < (const FString &other) const { return Compare(other) < 0; } bool operator > (const FString &other) const { return Compare(other) > 0; } bool operator <= (const FString &other) const { return Compare(other) <= 0; } bool operator >= (const FString &other) const { return Compare(other) >= 0; } bool operator == (const char *) const = delete; bool operator != (const char *) const = delete; bool operator < (const char *) const = delete; bool operator > (const char *) const = delete; bool operator <= (const char *) const = delete; bool operator >= (const char *) const = delete; bool operator == (FName) const = delete; bool operator != (FName) const = delete; bool operator < (FName) const = delete; bool operator > (FName) const = delete; bool operator <= (FName) const = delete; bool operator >= (FName) const = delete; private: }; bool operator == (const char *, const FString &) = delete; bool operator != (const char *, const FString &) = delete; bool operator < (const char *, const FString &) = delete; bool operator > (const char *, const FString &) = delete; bool operator <= (const char *, const FString &) = delete; bool operator >= (const char *, const FString &) = delete; bool operator == (FName, const FString &) = delete; bool operator != (FName, const FString &) = delete; bool operator < (FName, const FString &) = delete; bool operator > (FName, const FString &) = delete; bool operator <= (FName, const FString &) = delete; bool operator >= (FName, const FString &) = delete; class FStringf : public FString { public: FStringf(const char *fmt, ...); }; namespace StringFormat { enum { // Format specification flags F_MINUS = 1, F_PLUS = 2, F_ZERO = 4, F_BLANK = 8, F_HASH = 16, F_SIGNED = 32, F_NEGATIVE = 64, F_ZEROVALUE = 128, F_FPT = 256, // Format specification size prefixes F_HALFHALF = 0x1000, // hh F_HALF = 0x2000, // h F_LONG = 0x3000, // l F_LONGLONG = 0x4000, // ll or I64 F_BIGI = 0x5000, // I F_PTRDIFF = 0x6000, // t F_SIZE = 0x7000, // z }; typedef int (*OutputFunc)(void *data, const char *str, int len); int VWorker (OutputFunc output, void *outputData, const char *fmt, va_list arglist); int Worker (OutputFunc output, void *outputData, const char *fmt, ...); }; #undef PRINTFISH // FName inline implementations that take FString parameters inline FName::FName(const FString &text) { Index = NameData.FindName (text.GetChars(), text.Len(), false); } inline FName::FName(const FString &text, bool noCreate) { Index = NameData.FindName (text.GetChars(), text.Len(), noCreate); } inline FName &FName::operator = (const FString &text) { Index = NameData.FindName (text.GetChars(), text.Len(), false); return *this; } inline FName &FNameNoInit::operator = (const FString &text) { Index = NameData.FindName (text.GetChars(), text.Len(), false); return *this; } // Hash FStrings on their contents. (used by TMap) extern unsigned int SuperFastHash (const char *data, size_t len); template<> struct THashTraits { hash_t Hash(const FString &key) { return (hash_t)SuperFastHash(key.GetChars(), key.Len()); } // Compares two keys, returning zero if they are the same. int Compare(const FString &left, const FString &right) { return left.Compare(right); } }; #endif