// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // $Id:$ // // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. // // This source is available for distribution and/or modification // only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as // published by id Software. All rights reserved. // // The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the DOOM Source Code License // for more details. // // DESCRIPTION: // System specific interface stuff. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef __R_DRAW__ #define __R_DRAW__ #include "r_defs.h" // Spectre/Invisibility. #define FUZZTABLE 50 extern "C" int fuzzoffset[FUZZTABLE + 1]; // [RH] +1 for the assembly routine extern "C" int fuzzpos; extern "C" int fuzzviewheight; struct FColormap; struct ShadeConstants { uint16_t light_alpha; uint16_t light_red; uint16_t light_green; uint16_t light_blue; uint16_t fade_alpha; uint16_t fade_red; uint16_t fade_green; uint16_t fade_blue; uint16_t desaturate; bool simple_shade; }; extern "C" int ylookup[MAXHEIGHT]; extern "C" int dc_pitch; // [RH] Distance between rows extern "C" lighttable_t*dc_colormap; extern "C" FColormap *dc_fcolormap; extern "C" ShadeConstants dc_shade_constants; extern "C" fixed_t dc_light; extern "C" int dc_x; extern "C" int dc_yl; extern "C" int dc_yh; extern "C" fixed_t dc_iscale; extern double dc_texturemid; extern "C" fixed_t dc_texturefrac; extern "C" int dc_color; // [RH] For flat colors (no texturing) extern "C" DWORD dc_srccolor; extern "C" DWORD *dc_srcblend; extern "C" DWORD *dc_destblend; extern "C" fixed_t dc_srcalpha; extern "C" fixed_t dc_destalpha; // first pixel in a column extern "C" const BYTE* dc_source; extern "C" BYTE *dc_dest, *dc_destorg; extern "C" int dc_count; extern "C" DWORD vplce[4]; extern "C" DWORD vince[4]; extern "C" BYTE* palookupoffse[4]; extern "C" fixed_t palookuplight[4]; extern "C" const BYTE* bufplce[4]; // [RH] Temporary buffer for column drawing extern "C" BYTE *dc_temp; extern "C" unsigned int dc_tspans[4][MAXHEIGHT]; extern "C" unsigned int *dc_ctspan[4]; extern "C" unsigned int horizspans[4]; // [RH] Pointers to the different column and span drawers... // The span blitting interface. // Hook in assembler or system specific BLT here. extern void (*R_DrawColumn)(void); extern DWORD (*dovline1) (); extern DWORD (*doprevline1) (); extern void (*dovline4) (); extern void setupvline (int); extern DWORD (*domvline1) (); extern void (*domvline4) (); extern void setupmvline (int); extern void setuptmvline (int); // The Spectre/Invisibility effect. extern void (*R_DrawFuzzColumn)(void); // [RH] Draw shaded column extern void (*R_DrawShadedColumn)(void); // Draw with color translation tables, for player sprite rendering, // Green/Red/Blue/Indigo shirts. extern void (*R_DrawTranslatedColumn)(void); // Span drawing for rows, floor/ceiling. No Spectre effect needed. extern void (*R_DrawSpan)(void); void R_SetupSpanBits(FTexture *tex); void R_SetSpanColormap(FDynamicColormap *colormap, int shade); void R_SetSpanSource(const BYTE *pixels); // Span drawing for masked textures. extern void (*R_DrawSpanMasked)(void); // Span drawing for translucent textures. extern void (*R_DrawSpanTranslucent)(void); // Span drawing for masked, translucent textures. extern void (*R_DrawSpanMaskedTranslucent)(void); // Span drawing for translucent, additive textures. extern void (*R_DrawSpanAddClamp)(void); // Span drawing for masked, translucent, additive textures. extern void (*R_DrawSpanMaskedAddClamp)(void); // [RH] Span blit into an interleaved intermediate buffer extern void (*R_DrawColumnHoriz)(void); void R_DrawMaskedColumnHoriz (const BYTE *column, const FTexture::Span *spans); // [RH] Initialize the above pointers void R_InitColumnDrawers (); // [RH] Moves data from the temporary buffer to the screen. extern "C" { void rt_copy1col_c (int hx, int sx, int yl, int yh); void rt_copy4cols_c (int sx, int yl, int yh); void rt_shaded1col_c (int hx, int sx, int yl, int yh); void rt_shaded4cols_c (int sx, int yl, int yh); void rt_shaded4cols_asm (int sx, int yl, int yh); void rt_map1col_c (int hx, int sx, int yl, int yh); void rt_add1col_c (int hx, int sx, int yl, int yh); void rt_addclamp1col_c (int hx, int sx, int yl, int yh); void rt_subclamp1col_c (int hx, int sx, int yl, int yh); void rt_revsubclamp1col_c (int hx, int sx, int yl, int yh); void rt_tlate1col_c (int hx, int sx, int yl, int yh); void rt_tlateadd1col_c (int hx, int sx, int yl, int yh); void rt_tlateaddclamp1col_c (int hx, int sx, int yl, int yh); void rt_tlatesubclamp1col_c (int hx, int sx, int yl, int yh); void rt_tlaterevsubclamp1col_c (int hx, int sx, int yl, int yh); void rt_map4cols_c (int sx, int yl, int yh); void rt_add4cols_c (int sx, int yl, int yh); void rt_addclamp4cols_c (int sx, int yl, int yh); void rt_subclamp4cols_c (int sx, int yl, int yh); void rt_revsubclamp4cols_c (int sx, int yl, int yh); void rt_tlate4cols_c (int sx, int yl, int yh); void rt_tlateadd4cols_c (int sx, int yl, int yh); void rt_tlateaddclamp4cols_c (int sx, int yl, int yh); void rt_tlatesubclamp4cols_c (int sx, int yl, int yh); void rt_tlaterevsubclamp4cols_c (int sx, int yl, int yh); void rt_copy1col_asm (int hx, int sx, int yl, int yh); void rt_map1col_asm (int hx, int sx, int yl, int yh); void rt_copy4cols_asm (int sx, int yl, int yh); void rt_map4cols_asm1 (int sx, int yl, int yh); void rt_map4cols_asm2 (int sx, int yl, int yh); void rt_add4cols_asm (int sx, int yl, int yh); void rt_addclamp4cols_asm (int sx, int yl, int yh); } extern void (*rt_copy1col)(int hx, int sx, int yl, int yh); extern void (*rt_copy4cols)(int sx, int yl, int yh); extern void (*rt_shaded1col)(int hx, int sx, int yl, int yh); extern void (*rt_shaded4cols)(int sx, int yl, int yh); extern void (*rt_map1col)(int hx, int sx, int yl, int yh); extern void (*rt_add1col)(int hx, int sx, int yl, int yh); extern void (*rt_addclamp1col)(int hx, int sx, int yl, int yh); extern void (*rt_subclamp1col)(int hx, int sx, int yl, int yh); extern void (*rt_revsubclamp1col)(int hx, int sx, int yl, int yh); extern void (*rt_tlate1col)(int hx, int sx, int yl, int yh); extern void (*rt_tlateadd1col)(int hx, int sx, int yl, int yh); extern void (*rt_tlateaddclamp1col)(int hx, int sx, int yl, int yh); extern void (*rt_tlatesubclamp1col)(int hx, int sx, int yl, int yh); extern void (*rt_tlaterevsubclamp1col)(int hx, int sx, int yl, int yh); extern void (*rt_map4cols)(int sx, int yl, int yh); extern void (*rt_add4cols)(int sx, int yl, int yh); extern void (*rt_addclamp4cols)(int sx, int yl, int yh); extern void (*rt_subclamp4cols)(int sx, int yl, int yh); extern void (*rt_revsubclamp4cols)(int sx, int yl, int yh); extern void (*rt_tlate4cols)(int sx, int yl, int yh); extern void (*rt_tlateadd4cols)(int sx, int yl, int yh); extern void (*rt_tlateaddclamp4cols)(int sx, int yl, int yh); extern void (*rt_tlatesubclamp4cols)(int sx, int yl, int yh); extern void (*rt_tlaterevsubclamp4cols)(int sx, int yl, int yh); extern void (*rt_initcols)(BYTE *buffer); extern void (*rt_span_coverage)(int x, int start, int stop); void rt_draw4cols (int sx); // [RH] Preps the temporary horizontal buffer. void rt_initcols_pal (BYTE *buffer); void rt_span_coverage_pal(int x, int start, int stop); extern void (*R_DrawFogBoundary)(int x1, int x2, short *uclip, short *dclip); void R_DrawFogBoundary_C (int x1, int x2, short *uclip, short *dclip); #ifdef X86_ASM extern "C" void R_DrawColumnP_Unrolled (void); extern "C" void R_DrawColumnHorizP_ASM (void); extern "C" void R_DrawColumnP_ASM (void); extern "C" void R_DrawFuzzColumnP_ASM (void); void R_DrawTranslatedColumnP_C (void); void R_DrawShadedColumnP_C (void); extern "C" void R_DrawSpanP_ASM (void); extern "C" void R_DrawSpanMaskedP_ASM (void); #else void R_DrawColumnHorizP_C (void); void R_DrawColumnP_C (void); void R_DrawFuzzColumnP_C (void); void R_DrawTranslatedColumnP_C (void); void R_DrawShadedColumnP_C (void); void R_DrawSpanP_C (void); void R_DrawSpanMaskedP_C (void); #endif void R_DrawSpanTranslucentP_C (void); void R_DrawSpanMaskedTranslucentP_C (void); void R_DrawTlatedLucentColumnP_C (void); #define R_DrawTlatedLucentColumn R_DrawTlatedLucentColumnP_C extern void(*R_FillColumn)(void); extern void(*R_FillAddColumn)(void); extern void(*R_FillAddClampColumn)(void); extern void(*R_FillSubClampColumn)(void); extern void(*R_FillRevSubClampColumn)(void); extern void(*R_DrawAddColumn)(void); extern void(*R_DrawTlatedAddColumn)(void); extern void(*R_DrawAddClampColumn)(void); extern void(*R_DrawAddClampTranslatedColumn)(void); extern void(*R_DrawSubClampColumn)(void); extern void(*R_DrawSubClampTranslatedColumn)(void); extern void(*R_DrawRevSubClampColumn)(void); extern void(*R_DrawRevSubClampTranslatedColumn)(void); extern void(*R_FillSpan)(void); extern void(*R_FillColumnHoriz)(void); void R_FillColumnP_C (void); void R_FillColumnHorizP_C (void); void R_FillSpan_C (void); #ifdef X86_ASM #define R_SetupDrawSlab R_SetupDrawSlabA #define R_DrawSlab R_DrawSlabA #else #define R_SetupDrawSlab R_SetupDrawSlabC #define R_DrawSlab R_DrawSlabC #endif extern "C" void R_SetupDrawSlab(const BYTE *colormap); extern "C" void R_DrawSlab(int dx, fixed_t v, int dy, fixed_t vi, const BYTE *vptr, BYTE *p); extern "C" int ds_y; extern "C" int ds_x1; extern "C" int ds_x2; extern "C" FColormap* ds_fcolormap; extern "C" lighttable_t* ds_colormap; extern "C" ShadeConstants ds_shade_constants; extern "C" dsfixed_t ds_light; extern "C" dsfixed_t ds_xfrac; extern "C" dsfixed_t ds_yfrac; extern "C" dsfixed_t ds_xstep; extern "C" dsfixed_t ds_ystep; extern "C" int ds_xbits; extern "C" int ds_ybits; extern "C" fixed_t ds_alpha; // start of a 64*64 tile image extern "C" const BYTE* ds_source; extern "C" int ds_color; // [RH] For flat color (no texturing) extern BYTE shadetables[/*NUMCOLORMAPS*16*256*/]; extern FDynamicColormap ShadeFakeColormap[16]; extern BYTE identitymap[256]; extern FDynamicColormap identitycolormap; extern BYTE *dc_translation; // [RH] Added for muliresolution support void R_InitShadeMaps(); void R_InitFuzzTable (int fuzzoff); // [RH] Consolidate column drawer selection enum ESPSResult { DontDraw, // not useful to draw this DoDraw0, // draw this as if r_columnmethod is 0 DoDraw1, // draw this as if r_columnmethod is 1 }; ESPSResult R_SetPatchStyle (FRenderStyle style, fixed_t alpha, int translation, DWORD color); inline ESPSResult R_SetPatchStyle(FRenderStyle style, float alpha, int translation, DWORD color) { return R_SetPatchStyle(style, FLOAT2FIXED(alpha), translation, color); } // Call this after finished drawing the current thing, in case its // style was STYLE_Shade void R_FinishSetPatchStyle (); extern fixed_t(*tmvline1_add)(); extern void(*tmvline4_add)(); extern fixed_t(*tmvline1_addclamp)(); extern void(*tmvline4_addclamp)(); extern fixed_t(*tmvline1_subclamp)(); extern void(*tmvline4_subclamp)(); extern fixed_t(*tmvline1_revsubclamp)(); extern void(*tmvline4_revsubclamp)(); // transmaskwallscan calls this to find out what column drawers to use bool R_GetTransMaskDrawers (fixed_t (**tmvline1)(), void (**tmvline4)()); // Retrieve column data for wallscan. Should probably be removed // to just use the texture's GetColumn() method. It just exists // for double-layer skies. const BYTE *R_GetColumn (FTexture *tex, int col); void wallscan (int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat, const BYTE *(*getcol)(FTexture *tex, int col)=R_GetColumn); // maskwallscan is exactly like wallscan but does not draw anything where the texture is color 0. void maskwallscan (int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat, const BYTE *(*getcol)(FTexture *tex, int col)=R_GetColumn); // transmaskwallscan is like maskwallscan, but it can also blend to the background void transmaskwallscan (int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat, const BYTE *(*getcol)(FTexture *tex, int col)=R_GetColumn); // Sets dc_colormap and dc_light to their appropriate values depending on the output format (pal vs true color) void R_SetColorMapLight(FColormap *base_colormap, float light, int shade); // Same as R_SetColorMapLight, but for ds_colormap and ds_light void R_SetDSColorMapLight(FColormap *base_colormap, float light, int shade); void R_SetTranslationMap(lighttable_t *translation); #endif